7 Amendments of Antigoni PAPADOPOULOU related to 2012/2150(INI)

Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph A
A. whereas greater efforts must be made to achieve the target, set in the EU 2020 Strategy, of increasing the labour market participation of womenemployability of both men and women (aged 20-64) to 75 % as this would: a) free an important amount of untapped talent, especially in the field of science and technology b) prevent female social exclusion, and wouldc) contribute to economic efficiency and, increased productivity; and to a greater tax base in case that the gender wage gap is reduced,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1 a. Calls on Member States to set specific quantitative targets in their respective NRPs in line with women's employment statistics, but also to take specific measures targeting vulnerable groups of women (such as young, migrant, disabled and single mothers);
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 2
2. Calls on the Commission to add gender- sensitive indicators,; to allow the monitoring of progress made towards the EU 2020 objectives, and; to break down the EU 2020 targets and indicators by gender as much as possible; and to assess the effects of austerity measures on gender equality, women poverty and employability;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 3
3. Recalls that the gender pay gap is still an issue in the EU and that it also affects the level of pensions that women later receive; calls, therefore, on the Member States to set qualitative targets in NRPs related to closing the gender pay gap, thus reducing both unfair treatment of women pensioners and poverty vulnerability of aged women;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 4
4. Recalls that most part-time jobs are held by women, which limits their economic independence when it is not chosen and which strongly affects women in vulnerable situations such as single mothers; calls, therefore, on the Commission and the Member States to monitor women's employment both in terms of quantity and in terms of quality, that is, on the basis of the number of hours worked per week, contract type and hence their ability to ensure their financial independence; calls on the Member States to insert a strong gender dimension to any measure and action aiming at promoting business and, self-employment and women's entrepreneuship;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 5
5. Stresses that women should be encouraged and better trained to enter sectors with the highest employment potential, which are mainly male- dominated, such as sectors within the low- carbon, resource-efficient economy («green jobs») or the digital economy; stresses that in the health and social sectors («white jobs»), which employ many women, jobs should receive better recognition in terms of types of contracts and salaries;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Section 1 – paragraph 6
6. Notes that the access of women to higher-qualified employment should also be facilitated without stereotypes, prejudice or discrimination based on sex, in order to narrow the productivity gap of the EU and hence increase the EU competitiveness on global markets.
Committee: FEMM