Activities of Frédéric DAERDEN related to 2013/2145(BUD)

Plenary speeches (1)

Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2014 - all sections (debate)
Dossiers: 2013/2145(BUD)

Shadow opinions (1)

OPINION on the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2014 - all sections
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2013/2145(BUD)
Documents: PDF(111 KB) DOC(207 KB)

Amendments (7)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that the draft Budget 2014, with 142.01 billion Euros in commitments and 135.9 billion Euros in payments, is 6% lower than Budget 2013; welcomes, however,underlines that despite the cuts, the commitments in the area of competitiveness, growth and employment have risen by 3.3%; regrets, however, the decrease by 13.1 % of the Category 1b;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Stresses the need of an adequate MFF which allows reaching social and employment goals in line with the Europe2020 strategy;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Calls on the Commission to clarify how the allocations dedicated to the fight against youth unemployment will be used, which amounts will be directly dedicated to the youth guarantee and which method will be used to the annual margins for this purpose as agreed in MFF;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Welcomes the fact that EGF budget line includes payment appropriations even if those should be higher; is, however, disappointed with the annual ceiling allocated to this Fund in MFF agreement and reiterates its demand to increase the annual ceiling to 500 million Euros, given that part of this sum will be allocated to combating youth unemployment;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7a. Stresses the need for increased funding for the Progress axis of EaSI, especially in order to combat social exclusion, to fight poverty and to tackle youth unemployment;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Demands enhanced support for the EURES axis of PSCEaSI, in order to provide easier access to available job vacancies in other countries for unemployed youth and counselling for mobile workers and employers through cross-border- partnerships;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9
9. Stresses the need for increased financial support for the Microfinance programme within PSCI and European enterprisesand Social Entrepreneurship axis within EaSI, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, to give them the possibility to create growth and thereby increase new job-openingsvulnerable people the opportunity to enter the labour market and thereby contribute to economic growth;
Committee: EMPL