Activities of Dirk GOTINK

Plenary speeches (13)

The deteriorating situation of women in Afghanistan due to the recent adoption of the law on the “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice”
The historic CJEU ruling on the Apple state aid case and its consequences (debate)
Ensuring sustainable, decent and affordable housing in Europe - encouraging investment, private property and public housing programmes (debate)
Protecting the EU budget and ensuring that EU funds do not benefit entities or individuals linked to terrorist or Islamist movement (debate)
The rise of religious intolerance in Europe (debate)
A stronger Europe for safer products to better protect consumers and tackle unfair competition: boosting EU oversight in e-commerce and imports (debate)
Presentation of the Court of Auditors' annual report 2023 (debate)
Rise of energy prices and fighting energy poverty (debate)
Misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms, such as TikTok, and related risks to the integrity of elections in Europe (debate)
Misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms, such as TikTok, and related risks to the integrity of elections in Europe (debate)
EU financing through the LIFE programme of entities lobbying EU institutions and the need for transparency (debate)
EU financing through the LIFE programme of entities lobbying EU institutions and the need for transparency (debate)
EU financing through the LIFE programme of entities lobbying EU institutions and the need for transparency (debate)

Written questions (7)

Lobbying and transparency rules regarding the new position of Diederik Samsom
Documents: PDF(52 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Infringement procedure in connection with the Birds Directive
Documents: PDF(51 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Recent increase in electricity prices in central and eastern Europe
Documents: PDF(61 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Erasmus+ funding from the Commission for the controversial Gazientep University
Documents: PDF(50 KB) DOC(10 KB)
The role of TikTok in the Romanian presidential election
Documents: PDF(67 KB) DOC(11 KB)
The spread of disinformation by recommender systems and other automated mechanisms as a systemic risk under the Digital Services Act
Documents: PDF(67 KB) DOC(12 KB)
The online promotion of crypto-assets by Elon Musk in relation to the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA)
Documents: PDF(52 KB) DOC(11 KB)

Amendments (20)

Amendment 92 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Believes that overcoming competitive and geopolitical challenges will require the transfer of expenditure to the EU level in certain policy areas related to European public goods to increase the efficiency of overall public expenditure; wWelcomes the Union’s commitment to increasing its spending efficiency and investments in overall defence capabilities to match its needs in the context of rising threats and security challenges;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 111 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Highlights the fact that a consistent and comprehensiveordinated and targeted industrial policy is vital to increase investments in the EU’s innovation capacity, while preserving competitiveness and the integrity of the single market; emphasizes the need to restrict public support to only highly necessary corrections in the economy; stresses that investments in the EU's innovation capacity should in the first place come from the mobilisation of private capital;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 142 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Stresses that high debt levels undermine economic stability, also in the wider Euro area, and the capacity to respond to crises; is concerned that the public debt ratio is projected to increase (to 83.0 % in the EU and 89.6 % in the euro area) in 2025, up from the levels in 2024 (82.4 % for the EU and 89.1 % for the euro area); notes that recent events have illustrated how high debt levels can contribute to significantly increasing Member States’ costs of borrowing on financial markets; stresses that persistent high debt levels increase the chance of a new debt crisis and form a substantial risk for financial stability;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 153 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Regrets the fact that eight Member States have excessive deficits and welcomes remedial action; is concerned that the ability for remedial action is obstructed by policy and political uncertainty in Member States;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 198 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Deplores the low level of enforcement of the fiscal rules framework in the past and uneven compliance to the rules among Member States; stresses that it is essential for the new framework to ensure the equal treatment of the Member States; affirms that a successful and credible framework relies heavily on its rigorous implementation;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 204 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Affirms that a renewed focus on medium-term net expenditure will require comprehensive reforms of national budgetary planning procedures across the Member States; recalls that the review of the economic governance framework had as an overall objective to reduce debt ratios and deficits in a gradual, realistic, sustained and growth-friendly manner; emphasizes that fiscal consolidation is crucial for the cohesion of the EU;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 244 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14 a. Is concerned about the credibility of the revised economic governance framework; observes that Member States with excessive deficits have submitted plans to bring down this deficit; notes that the Commission had endorsed the medium-term fiscal-structural plan and budget plan of one Member State, while this plan was later rejected at a national level; notes that the Commission did not endorse the medium-term plan of another Member State, while this Member State has been complying with the fiscal and budgetary rules for several years, including the deficit and debt limits; stresses that this outcome risks affecting the credibility of the revised framework;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 255 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Agrees with the Eurogroup that, given the macroeconomic outlook for 2025, gradual and sustained fiscal consolidation in the euro area continues to be necessary; highlights the need to reduce the high levels of deficit and debt in a way that minimises the impact on growth and Member States’ ability to address emerging national challenges; laments the fact that deficits, debt levels and fiscal policies still vary widely throughout the EU;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 298 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Laments the fact that the rate of ‘fully implemented’ country-specific recommendations (CSRs) has dropped from 18.1 % (in the period 2011-2018) to 13.9 % (in the period 2019-2023); recalls that implementing CSRs represents a key part of ensuring fiscal sustainability and addressing macroeconomic imbalances; notes that the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) has so far not led to substantially higher CSR implementation rates;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 4 #


Motion for a resolution
Citation 19 a (new)
– having regard to the Financial Stability Board's Principles on Loss- absorbing and Recapitalisation Capacity of G-SIBs in Resolution of 9 November 2015,
Committee: ECON
Amendment 5 #


Motion for a resolution
Citation 19 b (new)
– having regard to the Financial Stability Board's report of 10 October 2023 entitled '2023 Bank Failures: Preliminary lessons learnt for resolution',
Committee: ECON
Amendment 181 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Welcomes the objective of the proposal on crisis management and deposit insurance of ensuring a more consistent approach across all Member States to the application of resolution tools and deposit protection to enhance financial stability, taxpayer protection and depositor confidence; notstresses that small banks do not pose any risks to financial stabilityMember States should have appropriate and sufficient tools to effectively respond to failures of banks of any size or business model and protect financial stability in different scenarios; stresses that resolution tools and deposit protection should not be used to protect investors and shareholders against losses;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 197 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Recalls that a sufficient minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities is crucial for a credible resolution framework and for ensuring that resolution authorities have sufficient flexibility to effectively apply the resolution strategies needed in a specific crisis situation; warns that reductions in this minimum requirement, resulting from specific resolution strategies in the resolution planning phase, could hamper the resolvability of banks; underlines that this minimum requirement should be sufficient to effectively implement any of the resolution strategies included in a bank's resolution plan;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 200 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 a (new)
15 a. Stresses that, if a bank's eligible liabilities are issued to non-EU investors, the writing down or conversion of these liabilities should be enforceable with full certainty, in order to safeguard the effective application of resolution tools;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 216 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Welcomes the ‘SRM Vision 2028’ strategic review initiated by the SRB to set its long-term goals, address new challenges and further strengthen collaboration with the national resolution authorities and other stakeholders; highlights the need to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the implementation of the new strategy;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 41 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Welcomes the role of the ECB in safeguarding monetary stability; underlines that the ECB is the institution responsible for maintaining price stability in the euro area in support of stable and predictable economic growth;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 86 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Warns the ECB against the temptation toto not lower interest rates too quickly, given the risk that inflation levels could start increasing again; stresses that the ECB itself expects a temporary increase in inflation levels in the last quarter of 2024 as previous sharp falls in energy prices drop out of the annual rates;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 171 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Stresses that the ECB’s purchase programmes are unconventional policies that amount, in economic terms, to monetary financing, which is prohibited under Article 123(1) TFEU and lead to excessive interference of the ECB in the functioning of financial markets, if the ECB does not shrink back its balance sheet; calls on the ECB to therefore gradually reduce the size of its balance sheet and to eventually permanently end purchase programmes; invites the ECB to share insights on the impact of the purchase programmes on the functioning of financial markets, including the impact on pension funds and pension insurance cooperations;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 213 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20 a. Highlights the digital euro as a potential alternative payments system that could foster competition and help lower transaction costs for citizens and firms;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 236 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 a (new)
23 a. Calls on the ECB to take due account of financial stability concerns and potential changes in the structure of the financial sector resulting from the introduction of the digital euro;
Committee: ECON