486 Written explanations of Eva MAYDELL

Eurojust and Serbia Cooperation Agreement (A9-0009/2019 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar)

. – I supported the report as the Cooperation Agreement between Eurojust and Serbia will foster cooperation in the fight against organised crime, which is in the interest of Serbia and EU Member States. As organised crime is a transnational problem, we need to continue to take important steps to modernise the legal and institutional framework regarding the fight against serious crime in order to ensure safety and stability in the EU and the Western Balkans in particular.
Draft amending budget No 4/2019: reduction of commitment and payment appropriations in line with updated needs of expenditure and update of revenue (own resources) (A9-0012/2019 - John Howarth)

. – I voted in favour of the report because the Union budget should respond to the pressing needs and challenges that the Union and its citizens face. The updated budget will help to fund key Union programmes that lack funding currently, which will result in benefits for European citizens.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Active substances, including flumioxazine (B9-0103/2019)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution because it is our highest priority to take measures that will guarantee human and environmental health. Active substances should be used in accordance with safety criteria, so that they are not expected to have any harmful effect on human or animal health or any unacceptable effects on the environment.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Active substances, including chlorotoluron (B9-0104/2019)

. – I supported the resolution in order to ensure measures that will guarantee the use of active substances in compliance with safety criteria. We need to minimise the risks that can have adverse effects on humans, the environment, public health and food safety. We must consider the scientific evidence of the harmful properties of all relevant substances.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified maize MZHG0JG (SYN-ØØØJG-2) (B9-0107/2019)

. – I supported the resolution because it is of great importance for the Member States and the European citizens to have access to the market for food, food ingredients and feed that are safe for people’s health and guarantee that substances are used in accordance with safety criteria and there is no harmful effects on human health, animal health or the environment.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified soybean A2704-12 (ACS-GMØØ5-3) (B9-0105/2019)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution because we need to take measures that will provide sustainable policies for ensuring a high level of protection of human life and health, animal health and welfare, and environmental and consumer interests, in relation to GM food and feed, while ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122 × DAS-40278-9 and genetically modified maize combining two, three or four of the single events MON 89034, 1507, MON 88017, 59122 and DAS-40278-9 (B9-0106/2019)

. – I supported the resolution because there should be no doubt that food, food ingredients and feed are safe and being used in accordance with safety criteria. The environmental and consumer interest should be protected in the best possible way, while ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market.
Foreign electoral interference and disinformation in national and European democratic processes (B9-0108/2019, B9-0111/2019)

. – I supported the motions for resolutions because we need to develop a strong common European policy that will deter both foreign interferences and disinformation campaigns through robust EU communication with online platforms and service providers. The EU needs to strive to create an innovation-friendly environment and to increase its own capabilities, as this will limit the opportunities for malicious electoral interference by foreign actors.
Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and own resources: time to meet citizens' expectations (B9-0110/2019, B9-0112/2019, B9-0113/2019)

. – I supported the resolution because it is our duty to meet EU citizens’ expectations and match the political commitments and ambitions of the EU with the necessary financial means. A strong and credible MFF will enable the EU to respond to important challenges effectively and attain its political objectives over the next seven-year period.
Employment and social policies of the euro area (A9-0016/2019 - Yana Toom)

. – I voted in favor of the report, because it is of great importance to the Union and its citizens to create effective policies covering the various forms of employment and adequately protecting workers from abuse, discrimination and poverty and to meet long-term challenges, such as ageing populations, digitisation and its impact on the working environment, climate change, and unsustainable use of natural resources. Such measures will help the labour market to create quality employment.
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (2014-2020) (A9-0015/2019 - Vilija Blinkevičiūtė)

. – We need to be well-equipped for the ‘no-deal’ Brexit scenario. I supported the report because I see the EGF as another strong tool for our best preparedness. It is important to help the citizens of the remaining 27 Member States who will have lost their jobs as a result of UK’s withdrawal.
Fishing authorisations for Union fishing vessels in United Kingdom waters and fishing operations of United Kingdom fishing vessels in Union waters (A9-0014/2019 - Chris Davies)

. – There is no doubt that in the event that the UK leaves the EU without an agreement, all sectors will be affected. The main purpose of The EU contingency measures is to protect the EU’s interest. So, I voted in favour of this report because I see the extended period of one year as absolutely enough to determine our future arrangements in the fishing vessels sector.
Implementation and financing of the EU general budget in 2020 in relation to the UK's withdrawal from the EU (A9-0018/2019 - Johan Van Overtveldt)

. – A ‘no-deal’ Brexit would leave the budgetary relations between the Union and the UK without agreed legal arrangements resulting in serious insecurity and difficulty for the implementation of the Union’s budgets for the next years. This recommendation provides various measures to prevent such a bad scenario, so I decided to vote in favour of it.
Periods of application of Regulation (EU) 2019/501 and Regulation (EU) 2019/502 (Committee on Transport and Tourism)

. – I supported the report of our colleague Karina Delli, because the proposed extensions are necessary to achieve the intended purpose of both Regulation (EU) 2019/501 on road traffic and Regulation (EU) 2019/502 on air traffic and enable the affected stakeholders to adjust to the new Brexit deadline. I am sure, that all of us are aware that two months is an extremely short period for such an adaption.
General budget of the European Union for 2020 - all sections (A9-0017/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

. – I supported this report for numerous reasons. I am very pleased to see that the budget of Erasmus+ is increased, as improving the quality of education for young people is one of my main priorities. The programme has proved that is an effective tool for combating youth unemployment in Europe. It enables millions of young people to gain international experience and skills greatly valued by employers. I am also glad that almost one fifth of the budget is going to tackling climate challenge and protecting the environment in a way that boosts employment, creates new jobs, strengthens competitiveness, promotes sustainable development, and ensures social prosperity. I hope that the 2020 budget will be approved after the negotiations between the institutions of the EU.
Discharge 2017: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (A9-0011/2019 - Petri Sarvamaa)

. – The European Asylum Support Office is the only decentralised agency for which the European Court of Auditors (ECA) issued an adverse opinion on the legality and regularity of the payments underlying the accounts. The European Anti-Fraud Office also discovered a lot of completely unacceptable infringements as misappropriation of EU funds, abuse of position in human resources issues, breaches of data protection rules, harassment and inappropriate behaviour towards staff members. For this reason I voted to refuse discharge on the EASO.
Discharge 2017: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A9-0010/2019 - Isabel García Muñoz)

. – I voted to refuse the Council and European Council’s discharge for the financial year 2017. I firmly believe that all of the EU institutions must be absolutely transparent and fully accountable to all the citizens of the Union for the funds entrusted to them to perform their duties.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund - EGF/2019/001 BE/Carrefour - Belgium (A9-0021/2019 - José Manuel Fernandes)

. – In mу opinion, assistance from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund must not replace actions which are the responsibility of companies under national law or collective agreements or measures for restructuring companies or sectors. I find funding intended to assist in the re-integrating of 400 targeted beneficiaries, as well as 330 targeted young people, not in employment, education or training (NEETs) as very adequate support. That is why I voted in favour of this report.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified cotton LLCotton25 (ACS-GHØØ1-3) (B9-0170/2019)

. – I voted in favour of this report because it calls on the Commission to not authorise the import for food or feed that uses any GМ plant which has been made tolerant to a herbicide-active substance that is not approved for use in the Union. I strongly believe that the Union is liable to treat its obligations under international agreements and to give them the weight they deserve.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified soybean MON 89788 (MON-89788-1) (B9-0169/2019)

. – I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on the draft Commission implementing decision renewing the authorisation for the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified soybean, mainly because the alarm that the Union’s high dependence on imports of animal feed in the form of soybeans causes deforestation in third countries. I am also convinced that the UN Sustainable Development Goals can only be achieved if supply chains become sustainable and synergies are created between policies.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × NK603 × DAS-40278-9 and sub- combinations MON 89034 × NK603 × DAS-40278-9, 1507 × NK603 × DAS-40278-9 and NK603 × DAS-40278-9 (B9-0171/2019)

. – This motion for a resolution stresses that several studies show that there have been observable side effects that may affect the human immune system. Our job is to ensure a high level of consumer protection, so we must be extra cautious before authorising that this may be placed on the market of genetically engineered foods. That is my reason for voting in favour of it.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified maize Bt11 × MIR162 × MIR604 × 1507 × 5307 × GA21 and genetically modified maize combining two, three, four or five of the single events Bt11, MIR162, MIR604, 1507, 5307 and GA21 (B9-0172/2019)

. – I voted in favour of this motion for a resolution, because I believe that approving varieties for which no safety data has been provided, which have not even been tested, or which have not even been created yet, runs contrary to the principles of general food law, as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 178/2002.
Criminalisation of sexual education in Poland (B9-0166/2019, B9-0167/2019, B9-0168/2019)

. – The sexual education aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will empower them to safeguard their health, wellbeing and dignity. I аgree that access to comprehensive and age-appropriate information about sexuality will help young people to have future sexual experiences free from coercion, discrimination, and violence. That is why I supported this motion for resolution.
Amending VAT and excise duty rules as regards defence effort within the Union framework (A9-0034/2019 - Paul Tang)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax and Directive 2008/118/EC concerning the general arrangements for excise duty as regards defence effort within the Union framework, because it is important to provide equal treatment of defence efforts with a view to reducing administrative burden. Doing so will reduce delays and costs in military mobility, and also provide Member States with an incentive to cooperate.
Children rights in occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child (B9-0178/2019, B9-0179/2019, B9-0180/2019)

. – I supported this motion for a resolution, because I believe that we must take additional measures to ensure respect for the rights of children everywhere, leaving none behind. The 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is the perfect occasion to prove that children’s rights are at the heart of EU policies. We should be convinced that the EU will guarantee the right to education for every child, keep investing in public services for children, and do its utmost to end all forms of violence against children.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Greece (A9-0040/2019 - Eva Kaili)

. – I supported the report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance relating to severe weather events that took place in 2019 in Greece. Solidarity is one of the fundamental values of the EU. The swift approval of the Commission proposal for a decision annexed will clearly affirm that solidarity is always at forefront for the European Union.
Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to finance immediate budgetary measures to address the on-going challenges of migration, refugee inflows and security threats (A9-0039/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier)

. – I strongly support the need for addressing the ongoing challenges of migration, refugee inflows, and security threats. In my opinion, it is indispensable to mobilise significant additional amounts to finance such measures as a matter of urgency and that is the reason why I voted in favour of this report.
Mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund to provide for the payment of advances in the general budget of the Union for 2020 (A9-0036/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier)

. – The EUSF aims to offer assistance in response to a wide range of major natural phenomena in virtually every Member State of the Union and beyond. The EUSF is one of the EU’s strongest symbols of solidarity in times of need. Optimising the readiness and effectiveness of this valuable EU support mechanism is very important, especially when considering the increasing natural disasters, caused by climate change. I am convinced that a more operative system of advance payments will help the Union in demonstrating its solidarity with affected Member States and regions. For this reason, I voted in favour of this report.
2020 budgetary procedure: joint text (A9-0035/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

. – I am very delighted to support the greenest budget of the EU. The funding for green technologies, environmentally-friendly innovations, and programmes that strengthen the Union’s fight against climate change has been increased. At the same time, competitiveness, digitalisation, and the creation of new jobs are still the main priorities in the 2020 budget. I am glad that we continue to take care of young people as boosting successful programmes like Erasmus + and DiscoverEU, which improve their skills and knowledge.
EU/USA Agreement on the allocation of a share in the tariff rate quota for imports of high-quality beef (resolution) (A9-0037/2019 - Bernd Lange)

. – I voted in favour of this report. This agreement with the US on the allocation of a share in the TRQ for high-quality beef is a way to find a fair and balanced solution in order to reduce current trade tensions. We know that the EU has done everything in its power to ease these tensions, but the US should work with the EU in this regard. The fact that this agreement sets a positive example of a negotiated solution between the EU and the US is an encouraging sign for the future economic relationship.
Situation in Bolivia (RC-B9-0187/2019, B9-0187/2019, B9-0188/2019, B9-0189/2019, B9-0190/2019, B9-0191/2019, B9-0192/2019)

. – I supported the joint motion for a resolution because it calls on the new interim authorities to take the necessary steps to change the situation in Bolivia and return trust and confidence to the electoral process. The prompt organisation of new democratic, transparent and fair elections is the only way out of the current crisis. It is crucial. All political actors must have the opportunity to compete under Bolivian law and the constitutional order.
Recent actions by the Russian Federation against Lithuanian judges, prosecutors and investigators involved in investigating the tragic events on 13 January 1991 in Vilnius (RC-B9-0182/2019, B9-0182/2019, B9-0183/2019, B9-0184/2019, B9-0185/2019, B9-0186/2019)

. – I fully agree with the statement that the actions of the authorities of the Russian Federation with respect to Lithuanian judges and prosecutors violate the independence of the judiciary, which is a fundamental legal value. I voted in favour of this motion for a resolution because it calls on the competent Russian authorities to cease irresponsible disinformation and propaganda releases by Russian Federation officials regarding the 13 January case.
Crisis of the WTO Appellate Body (B9-0181/2019)

. – Тhe World Trade Organization aims to strengthen multilateralism, promote an inclusive world economic order and foster an open, rules-based, and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system.There is a huge possibility that the Appellate Body will dissolve after 10 December 2019. Finding a satisfactory and timely solution to this crisis will prevent serious consequences for the multilateral trading system. For that reason, I supported this motion for a resolution.
Protocol to the Agreement between the EU, Iceland and Norway concerning the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for examining a request for asylum lodged in a Member State or in Iceland or Norway regarding the access to Eurodac for law enforcement purposes (A9-0053/2019 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska)

. – The Eurodac central database is an important resource in combating serious crimes and terrorism. The extension of the law enforcement provisions of the Regulation (EU) No. 603/2013 to Iceland and Norway would enable the law enforcement authorities of Iceland and Norway to request a comparison of fingerprint data against the data entered by other participating States and stored in the Eurodac database. Owing to that reason, I voted in favour of this recommendation.
EU-China Agreement on certain aspects of air services (A9-0041/2019 - Tomasz Piotr Poręba)

. – This recommendation suggests that the TRAN Committee should give a favourable recommendation on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on certain aspects of air services. I supported the opinion of the rapporteur, having regard to the fact that during consultations, the industry underlined the importance of a sound legal basis for their commercial operations.
Common system of value added tax as regards the special scheme for small enterprises (A9-0055/2019 - Inese Vaidere)

. – According to me, small and medium enterprises are the backbone of the European economy and the driver of its global competitiveness. SMEs face proportionately higher VAT compliance costs than larger businesses. The proposed reform of the VAT rules will reduce the administrative burden and compliance costs for SMEs. Due to this proposal, the cross-border trading activities by SMEs within the EU are expected to increase by 13.5%. We should work for a more helpful environment for business, so I voted in favour of this report.
Implementing and monitoring the provisions on citizens’ rights in the Withdrawal Agreement (B9-0031/2020)

. – The Withdrawal Agreement declares that the future relationship between United Kingdom and European Union will work in the interests of citizens of both sides, now and in the future. I consider this agreement as a clear political signal that, in the post-Brexit framework, the rights of EU citizens living in the UK are extremely important to us, so I supported this motion for a resolution.
Annual report 2018 on the human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy on the matter (A9-0051/2019 - Isabel Wiseler-Lima)

. – The EU should continue to strive to be the leading global actor in the universal promotion and protection of human rights. The annual report follows the principle that human rights are universal and inalienable, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. Through its thoroughness and objectivity, the report highlights all of the important issues and tasks in the matter of human rights and democracy, and that is why I voted in favour of it.
Annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy (A9-0054/2019 - David McAllister)

. – I supported the report as it underlines that conflict prevention and mediation activities help to assert the presence and credibility of the EU on the international stage. I fully agree that such a holistic approach that combines security, diplomacy, and development would deliver a high degree of EU added value in political, social, economic and security terms.
Annual report on the implementation of the common security and defence policy (A9-0052/2019 - Arnaud Danjean)

. – Unfortunately, the EU faces a lasting deterioration of its security environment and henceforth multiple challenges as armed conflicts, fragile states, population displacements, jihadist terrorism, and cyber-attacks. I voted in favour of this report, as it presents our strengths and weaknesses as a Union in the context of the security environment. The report highlights that Europe’s strategic autonomy is a legitimate and necessary ambition and that it must remain a priority objective of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and European defence policy. The key for this strategic autonomy becomes a reality is to increase the Member States capabilities.
European Parliament's position on the Conference on the Future of Europe (B9-0036/2020, B9-0037/2020, B9-0038/2020)

. – I voted in favour of this report because it stresses that citizen involvement, organised civil society and a range of stakeholders at European, national, regional and local levels should be a key element of this innovative and original process. It also underlines that the Conference should seek ways of involving EU candidate countries in discussions on the future of Europe. As I said during the plenary debate, we should ask our citizens what Europe they envisage, and we should do it sincerely, honestly, and truthfully. If we say that we need to hear from them, then we must be ready to listen and also to implement. It has been the biggest direct democracy exercise of Europe for the last decade, and we cannot initiate it with a prepared vision for the end and final results.
Situation in Venezuela after the illegal election of the new National Assembly Presidency and Bureau (parliamentary coup) (B9-0051/2020, B9-0052/2020, B9-0053/2020, RC-B9-0048/2020, B9-0048/2020, B9-0049/2020, B9-0050/2020)

. – I voted in favour of this joint motion for resolution as it states that respecting democratic institutions and principles and upholding the rule of law are essential conditions for finding a peaceful and sustainable solution to the crisis in Venezuela for the benefit of its people. Furthermore, it requests that a fact-finding mission be dispatched to Venezuela in order to assess the situation.
Activities of the European Ombudsman in 2018 (A9-0032/2019 - Peter Jahr)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the activities of the European Ombudsman, as it highlights the importance of transparency and accountability inquiries of the Ombudsman and fully supports the Ombudsman’s commitment to improve the transparency of EU lobbying. I also consider fostering the relations with the national Ombudsmen as essential.
Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community (A9-0004/2020 - Guy Verhofstadt)

. – The withdrawal of the UK has been a long, sad, and probably historically very wrong process. However, the EU is a voluntary union, meaning that every nation has the sovereign right to leave it peacefully. These have been an emotional two years, but going forward there is no time for emotions. In the next 11 months the EU must negotiate the best possible trade agreement with the UK, guaranteeing fair and balanced political and economic relations, and preserving our citizen`s rights. Britain has to become the EU’s closest partner and friend on the global stage. In light of the above, I voted in favour of this recommendation.
Verification of credentials (A9-0015/2020 - Lucy Nethsingha)

. – I voted in favour of this report, because it takes the view that under no circumstances may disenfranchisement, or requirements that disproportionately hamper the exercise of voting rights, take place in European elections, and because it calls on the Commission to ensure that none of the Member States allow that to be a possibility.
Common charger for mobile radio equipment (RC-B9-0070/2020, B9-0070/2020, B9-0072/2020, B9-0074/2020, B9-0075/2020, B9-0076/2020, B9-0085/2020)

. – Nowadays, mobile devices are an essential tool for full participation in society. People rely on them for daily tasks such as payments, searching for information, navigation, etc. Using an easily chargeable mobile phone provides quick access to these services. I am sure that a common charger for mobile equipment would make life easier for consumers. I supported this joint motion for a resolution because it highlights that wireless chargers are a way to reduce electronic waste and specifies that the rules written by the Commission should ensure that chargers can work with various phone brands.
Gender pay gap (B9-0069/2020, B9-0073/2020, B9-0083/2020, B9-0084/2020)

. – According to Eurostat, women’s average gross hourly pay is lower than men’s and the gender pay gap in the EU is still approximately 16%. Moreover, the overall gender earnings’ gap indicator in some Member States shows a gap of around 40% in the EU. Many more women than men need to work part-time in order to look after children or incapacitated adults. This means that they might earn less and be at a disadvantage when it comes to progressing, compared to their male colleagues. I supported this motion for a resolution as it calls on the Commission and the Member States to implement policies that promote the employment of women and their financial independence, and, in particular, policies that promote the integration of women from marginalised groups into the labour market.
Conclusion of the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (A9-0003/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

. – I voted in favour of this report because the agreement between the EU and Vietnam is a strong signal in favour of free, fair, and reciprocal trade in times of growing protectionist tendencies and serious challenges to multilateral rules-based trade. In addition, the agreement is an instrument to protect the environment and to sustain social progress, particularly labour rights, in Vietnam.
Conclusion of the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (Resolution) (A9-0017/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

. – I supported the report because it underlines the crucial importance of effectively implementing all provisions and chapters of the agreement, from market access, to sustainable development and enforcement of all commitments. I fully agree that European companies, especially SMEs, should be encouraged to make full use of the benefits of the agreement, and that any hurdle regarding implementation should be remediated immediately.
EU-Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (A9-0002/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

. – I voted in favour of this report because I firmly believe that the investment protection agreement provides for modern, high-level investment protection, setting out precisely defined protection standards and rules safeguarding the government’s right to regulate, and the institutionalisation and modernisation of investor-state dispute settlement, based on the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) model. It is of high importance to guarantee investors protection against discrimination, expropriation without compensation, and treatment contrary to the rule of law, such as the denial of justice and arbitrariness.
EU-Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (Resolution) (A9-0014/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

. – I supported the report because it stresses the significance of truly positive trends in terms of human rights for a swift ratification of this agreement and calls on the Vietnamese authorities to outline specific measures to improve the situation as a signal of their commitment.
An EU strategy to put an end to female genital mutilation around the world (B9-0090/2020, B9-0092/2020)

. – Female genital mutilation is considered internationally to constitute a gross and systematic violation of human rights, a form of violence against women and girls and a manifestation of gender inequality, and is now recognised as a global issue affecting at least 200 million women and girls in 30 countries, according to several statistical reports. In order to achieve the goal of ending FGM worldwide by 2030, there is an urgent need to scale up and coordinate existing efforts to end the practice at all levels. I voted in favour of this report because it calls on the Commission to invest more sustainable funds in research into FGM, because producing in-depth qualitative and quantitative research is the only way to promote a better understanding of the phenomenon and ensure it is targeted in a tailored and effective way.
Automated decision-making processes: Ensuring consumer protection, and free movement of goods and services (B9-0094/2020)

. – Automated decision-making has a huge potential to deliver innovative and improved services to consumers, including new digital services such as virtual assistants and chatbots. However, artificial intelligence and automated decision-making processes can pose certain threats to consumers, so we should provide a strong set of rights to protect them in this context.I voted in favour of this resolution, as it addresses several challenges arising from the rapid development of AI and ADM technologies, with a special focus on consumer protection.
Proposed mandate for negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (B9-0098/2020)

. – The future relationship between the EU and the UK should provide a flexible framework allowing for varying degrees of cooperation across a wide variety of policy areas, based on a common governance structure with appropriate dispute settlement provisions. I supported this motion for a resolution as it demands that negotiations start as soon as possible on all the points covered by the draft negotiating directives. It also examines the three main pillars on which the future relationship should be based on: economic partnership, foreign affairs partnership, and specific sectoral issues and thematic cooperation.
European Central Bank - annual report 2018 (A9-0016/2020 - Costas Mavrides)

. – I am glad to see the ECB working to extend its knowledge about the economic impact of climate change and ensure that its effects are better reflected in its economic analyses. That is why I voted in favour of this report. Further, it also focuses on the review of current ECB policies, future monetary policy and a stronger global role for the euro.
The illegal trade in companion animals in the EU (B9-0088/2020)

. – I support this report, as it calls for action against the illegal trade in pets, which is something that causes animals to suffer and spread diseases and which generates high revenues for organised international crime. Moreover, the report proposes concrete measures such as a mandatory EU system to register cats and dogs, improved law enforcement, and tougher sanctions and programmes aimed at encouraging people to adopt, rather than purchase, pets.
False and Authentic Documents Online (FADO) system (A9-0022/2019 - Roberta Metsola)

. – The fraudulent use of documents is significantly increased in the last years. I voted in favour of this report, which provides new rules for the European False and Authentic Documents Online System (FADO). This new law clarifies the role of Frontex in FADO, aiming to become more able to assist the Member States in the detection and identification of falsified documents and to ensure the security of European citizens.
The EU priorities for the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (B9-0093/2020, B9-0095/2020)

. – Unfortunately, many of the challenges identified by the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 25 years ago are still relevant today. I voted in favour of this report, which sets out the EU priorities for the upcoming UNCSW session in March, as it calls for measures boosting women’s economic and political empowerment. I believe that women all over the EU must be assured that their place is not just in professions considered as feminine, but also in science, sports, and any area of which they dream. This can be done by encouraging girls and women to participate in activities and classes that build up their skills and knowledge in these areas.
Allocation of slots at Community airports: common rules

. – As a consequence of the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, most of the airlines operating in the EU have resorted to operate so-called ‘ghost flights’ at very low load factors, simply to protect their ‘grandfather rights’. Apart from posing a degree of additional health risk, this is, in turn, worsening the financial losses and causing unnecessary environmental damage over the European skies. That is the reason why I voted in favour of this new directly applicable Regulation amending the current Regulation (EEC) no 95/93, through which airport slots which are not used by airlines between 1 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 would still be deemed to have been operated by the airline to which these slots would have originally been allocated.
Specific measures to mobilise investments in the health care systems of the Member States and in other sectors of their economies in response to the COVID-19 outbreak (Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative)

. – These are extraordinary times in which we must act swiftly and decisively. Of course, I voted in favour of the Corona investment initiative worth EUR 37 billion, directed towards healthcare systems, SMEs, labour markets of the most affected territories in Member States and their citizens. We are standing in front of an unprecedented challenge to our healthcare systems, but also a huge threat to our economies. I am convinced that solidarity and responsibility across our societies and between Member States will be key to overcome this challenge. I am also glad that our first remote voting was successful.
Financial assistance to Member States and countries negotiating their accession to the Union that are seriously affected by a major public health emergency

. – I voted in favour of the extension of the EU Solidarity Fund to cover public health emergencies, making up to EUR 800 million available for European countries in 2020. Operations eligible under the Fund will be extended to include support in a major public health emergency, including medical assistance, as well as measures to prevent, monitor or control the spread of diseases. The EU Solidarity Fund was always intended to be adapted to emergencies and new challenges. Unfortunately, our Union is facing an unprecedented situation, which requires timely and efficient mobilisation of all of our existing resources.
Draft amending budget No 2/2020: Providing emergency support to Member States and further reinforcement of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism/rescEU to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak

. – The purpose of this Draft Amending Budget (DAB) 2/2020 is to provide the financing of the Emergency Support Initiative package. The bulk of these appropriations will finance actions to address effectively the public health-related humanitarian consequences of the outbreak within the Union through the reactivated Emergency Support Instrument, while the remaining amount will further reinforce the Union Civil Protection Mechanism/rescEU, in order to support Member States in purchasing some of the needed equipment. I voted in favour of this report, as it enables the EU to buy urgent medical supplies and finance the recruitment of additional healthcare professionals to be deployed to hotspots across the European Union, and helps Member States to construct mobile field hospitals.
Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument for 2020: migration, refugee inflows and security threats; immediate measures in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak; reinforcement of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (C9-0092/2020)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as it mobilises the Flexibility Instrument to supplement the financing in the general budget of the Union for the financial year 2020 by the amount of EUR 73 300 000, to fund immediate measures in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak and for the reinforcement of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The Flexibility Instrument is intended to allow the financing of clearly identified expenditure which could not be financed within the limits of the ceilings available for one or more other headings of the multiannual financial framework.
Mobilisation of the Contingency Margin in 2020: providing emergency assistance to Member States and further reinforcing the Union Civil Protection Mechanism/rescEU in response to the COVID-19 outbreak

. – I supported this report because this decision is linked to the financing included in Amending budget No 2 to the general budget of the European Union for 2020. It is necessary to mobilise the Contingency Margin to address the needs stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak by increasing the commitment appropriations in the general budget of the Union for the financial year 2020.
Specific measures to provide exceptional flexibility for the use of the European Structural and Investments Funds in response to the COVID-19 outbreak

. – The COVID-19 outbreak has generated an unprecedented health crisis in the recent times, which has affected significantly the economies and societies across the EU. I supported this report, as it provides for exceptional additional flexibility to Member States, enabling them to respond to this crisis by enhancing the possibility to mobilise all non-utilised support from the Funds.
Introduction of specific measures for addressing the COVID-19 crisis

. – The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) is the instrument that supports EU countries' actions to provide food and basic material assistance to the most deprived.I voted in favour of this Regulation as it aims to adapt FEAD to meet the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. I find the possibility to deliver food aid and basic material assistance through vouchers to be a good way to improve the situation for the final beneficiaries.
Specific measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in the fishery and aquaculture sector

. – The European fishing and aquaculture sector has been significantly hit by COVID-19 pandemic. While delays to cross border flows of agriculture goods were solved by the introduction of so-called green lanes, which allow the circulation of vehicles transporting critical goods, the aquaculture, agriculture and fish sectors still face serious difficulties.I voted in favour of this Regulation because it provides several emergency measures, including increased possibilities for state aid and the introduction of support measures through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which will be made more flexible.
Medical devices (C9-0098/2020)

. – Medical devices, such as medical gloves, surgical masks, equipment for intensive care and other medical equipment, play a crucial role in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak and the associated public health crisis to ensure the health and safety of Union citizens and to enable Member States to give necessary medical treatment to patients who are urgently in need of such treatment. I voted in favour of this Resolution, as it aims to postpone the application of the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices by one year to allow authorities and manufacturers alike to prioritise the fight against the coronavirus pandemic by continuing under current procedures.
EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences

. – I supported the European Parliament resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, as it stresses that our Union must be prepared to start an in-depth reflection on how to become more effective and democratic and that the current crisis only heightens the importance thereof. The resolution also urges the Member States to put aside their differences and act in the general interest and in the spirit of solidarity.
EU-Montenegro status agreement on actions carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Montenegro (A9-0018/2020 - Bettina Vollath)

. – I voted in favour of the recommendation on the draft Council decision on the Conclusion of the Status Agreement between the European Union and Montenegro. It would allow for joint operations, rapid border interventions and/or return operations to take place on the territory of Montenegro with the involvement of the Agency, while the return operations would relate exclusively to third-country nationals being returned from the European Union to Montenegro. Under this Agreement, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency shall be able to deploy European Border and Coast Guard teams with executive powers in Montenegro to carry out joint operations, rapid border interventions or return operations. The status agreements should also guarantee the full respect of fundamental rights and should establish dedicated complaints mechanisms to be used in case of fundamental rights violations during these operations.
EU-Serbia status agreement on actions carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Serbia (A9-0019/2020 - Bettina Vollath)

. – I voted in favour of the recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Status Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Serbia. Its purpose is to provide a legally binding framework that should set out the scope of the operation, the rules on civil and criminal liability, and the tasks and powers of the deployed members of the teams. The Status Agreement should also guarantee the full respect of fundamental rights and should establish dedicated complaints mechanisms to be used in case of fundamental rights violations during these operations. It is one of several similar agreements concluded with the Western Balkan countries.
Renewal of the EU-India Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation (A9-0096/2020 - Cristian-Silviu Buşoi)

. – The Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation with the Republic of India first entered into force in 2002, and has been renewed twice since. These agreements offer a political, legal and administrative framework for coordinating and facilitating science and technology cooperation between the EU and international partners, thereby strengthening the international dimension of the European Research Area. Now more than ever, the world needs international coordination and strengthening of cooperation, especially in the science and innovation area, so I voted in favour of the renewal of this agreement.
Renewal of the EU-Ukraine Agreement on cooperation in science and technology (A9-0095/2020 - Cristian-Silviu Buşoi)

. – I voted in favour of the renewal of the Agreement on cooperation in science and technology between the European Community and Ukraine, as I consider it is very important to continue such collaborations, especially in the current situation, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of such cooperation is to facilitate and encourage cross-border and regional developments in the areas of transport, energy, communication networks, culture, education, tourism, health and other key areas.
EU-Belarus Agreement on readmission of persons residing without authorisation (A9-0097/2020 - Petar Vitanov)

. – The process of deepening relations between the European Union and Belarus will certainly help extend the frontiers of the area of freedom, security and justice. I voted in favour as I support the opinion of the rapporteur that Belarus is, after several rounds of negotiations, now ready to conclude the Agreement on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation.
EU-Belarus Agreement on facilitation of issuance of visas (A9-0090/2020 - Ondřej Kovařík)

. – I supported the recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Belarus on the facilitation of the issuance of visas because it offers the opportunity for the EU and Belarus to move closer to each other and to avoid the creation of dividing lines between the EU and its neighbours. This is also a key step for realisation of the Eastern Partnership, recalling that the long-term objective is full visa liberalisation.
Amending the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) - Protocol (A9-0089/2020 - Rosanna Conte)

. – I voted in favour of this recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, as it aims to ensure that fishing and aquaculture activities are sustainable in the long term and are managed in a way that is consistent with the objectives of achieving economic, social and employment benefits, and of contributing to the availability of food supplies.
EC-Mauritania Fisheries Partnership Agreement: fishing opportunities and financial contribution. Extension of the Protocol (A9-0088/2020 - Clara Aguilera)

. – The main reason I voted in favour of the proposal to prolong the fisheries agreement with Mauritania and its implementing protocol for a maximum of one year, is that this agreement has been proven as the EU’s most significant in economic terms by far in this sector.
A safety net to protect the beneficiaries of EU programmes: setting up an MFF contingency plan (A9-0099/2020 - Jan Olbrycht, Margarida Marques)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as it provides for a safety net to protect all citizens, regions, cities, farmers, universities or businesses who benefit from EU programmes, by ensuring continuity of funding and implementation, even if an agreement on the 2021-2027 MFF is not be reached in time to enter into force on 1 January 2021. In times of crises and instability, beneficiaries of the EU budget should have a clear vision of the next year.
International road passenger transport services by coach and bus in the border regions: cabotage operations between Germany and Switzerland (A9-0006/2020 - Markus Ferber)

. – I supported the report, as it would improve cross-border public transport links between Germany and Switzerland by making travel by bus and coach more accessible and attractive and providing more choice for the people living and working on both sides of the border.
International road passenger transport services by coach and bus in the border regions: cabotage operations between Italy and Switzerland (A9-0007/2020 - Markus Ferber)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council empowering Italy to negotiate and conclude an agreement with Switzerland authorising cabotage operations in the course of international road passenger transport services by coach and bus in the border regions between the two countries. I respect the rapporteur`s note that, under the Commission proposal, the authorisation is subject to the conditions that there is no discrimination between carriers established within the Union and no distortion of competition.
Labelling of tyres: fuel efficiency and other essential parameters (A9-0094/2020 - Henna Virkkunen)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the labelling of tyres. I agree with the rapporteur that updated tyre labels are a simple but efficient tool that will give consumers clear, relevant and comparable information on all essential tyre parameters. It enables consumers to make informed choices, while simultaneously contributing towards safer and cleaner road transport. This is a way to assist the Green Deal objective to involve and benefit consumers in the climate transition.
Minimum requirements for water reuse (A9-0098/2020 - Simona Bonafè)

. – This regulation addresses water re-use for agricultural purposes by addressing the shortage of water in regions where demand still exceeds supply whilst fully respecting EU rules on hygiene of foodstuffs. The rules will help Europe adapt to the consequences of climate change. The regulation, which is fully in line with the Circular Economy, will increase the efficient use of water and ensure that enough water is available in agriculture, particularly during heatwaves and severe droughts. That is why I voted in favour of this report.
Temporary measures concerning the general meetings of European companies (SE) and of European Cooperative Societies (SCE)

. – I voted in favour of the temporary derogation, which will allow SEs and the SCEs to hold their general meetings in 2020 within twelve months of the end of the financial year, but no later than 31 December 2020. In light of the current exceptional circumstances, we need to help and support SEs and SCEs to comply with their obligations.
Parliament's estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2021 (A9-0102/2020 - Olivier Chastel)

. – I voted in favour of the report on Parliament’s estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2021. Given that the 2021 budget will need to address the consequences of the Covid-19 outbreak, its most important priorities are to provide the necessary resources for proactive engagement in two-way communication with citizens and stakeholders at the local and regional level, a new visitors strategy, multiannual building projects, and IT developments especially when it comes to cyber security.
Macro-financial assistance to enlargement and neighbourhood partners in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis

. – I voted in favour of the proposal for a EUR 3 billion macro-financial assistance (MFA) package to 10 enlargement and neighbourhood partners to help them to limit the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. In the context of a world crisis, our solidarity must not be limited only to our Union, but should extend beyond because it is highly important to keep the entire region stable.
Temporary measures concerning the operation of air services

. – I supported the temporary measures concerning the operation of air services, as they intend to modify the provisions of existing aviation-related laws to allow the Commission and national authorities to more easily address many negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and to mitigate the impacts on the aviation sector for the duration of the crisis. The aviation sector is of strategic importance to our Union and makes a vital contribution to the EU’s overall economy and employment, so it is very critical to take action to ease the impact of this pandemic.
Temporary measures concerning the validity of certificates and licences (omnibus)

. – I supported this report. The COVID-19 outbreak caused extraordinary circumstances, which have a significant impact on various areas covered by European Union transport law. In particular, under the current conditions, many difficulties occur when renewing certificates, authorisations certificates, and licences, so extending the validity of these certificates is a way to overcome problems in the transport sector and ensure the continuity of road transport.
Port infrastructure charges

. – The effective functioning of maritime transport depends on the economic performance of ship operators. The negative economic consequences of the current COVID-19 outbreak for ship operators will have an impact on the financial health of those operators and entail serious negative effects for the transport system and the economy as a whole. The amendment of Regulation 2017/352 to allow Member States to provide managing bodies of a port or competent authorities with the flexibility to decide to waive, suspend, reduce or defer the payment of port infrastructure charges can help address this concern. That is the reason why I supported this report.
4th railway package: extension of the transposition periods

. – Due to the extraordinary and unforeseeable situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, some of the Member States are having difficulties completing the legislative work within the given transposition deadlines and therefore risk failing to comply with them. Such a failure could create legal uncertainty for the rail industry, the national authorities, and the Agency as to the legislation that applies to rail safety and interoperability. The inability of certain Member States to transpose Directives (EU) 2016/797 and (EU) 2016/798 as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak has detrimental consequences for the rail sector. The proposed extension of the transposition periods aims to provide legal clarity and certainty to the rail industry, so I supported it.
EU-Swiss Confederation Agreement on the modification of Switzerland’s WTO concessions (Article XXVIII of the GATT 1994) with regard to seasoned meat (A9-0092/2020 - Jörgen Warborn)

. – Some years ago, Switzerland was confronted with strongly increasing imports of meat, including ‘seasoned meat’. The process started at the end of 2015, when the Swiss Parliament adopted a motion for the reclassification of certain ‘seasoned meat’, thereby bringing about a substantial increase in the relevant tariffs. The measure entered into force on 1 July 2016. The EU was most affected by this measure and initially tried to solve this issue bilaterally. Eventually, in 2017, the EU resorted to WTO action, challenging this measure as not WTO compatible. Following WTO rules, the EU presented to Switzerland a claim of interest as the Member having the principal supplying interest for the meat products concerned on 16 May 2018. Through the exchange of letters, both sides agreed on the amendments to be incorporated into the Swiss Schedule: new tariffs and the increased tariff quota from 22 500 tonnes to 23 700 tonnes. I voted in favour of giving consent to this agreement.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission (A9-0109/2020 - Victor Negrescu)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has been created in order to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. This report concerns the mobilisation of EUR 345 000 from the EGF, covering technical assistance for the Commission. The amount is intended to cover activities such as monitoring and data gathering, more detailed and complex information accessible to the citizens, faster processing and easier reporting electronic data exchange system, expert group meetings, and networking seminars. I voted in favour of it.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Portugal, Spain, Italy and Austria (A9-0105/2020 - José Manuel Fernandes)

. – The European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) aims to enable the Union to respond in a rapid, efficient and flexible manner to emergency situations and to show solidarity with the population of regions struck by disasters. The Commission proposes to mobilise the EUSF to grant financial assistance relating to extreme weather events in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Austria. I supported this report, as it aims to lead the rapid mobilisation of the needed amounts, as a sign of European solidarity with the four Member States concerned.
Amendment of the EU-Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement (accession of Bulgaria and Romania) (A9-0005/2020 - Sven Schulze)

. – The Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement was signed on 12 December 2006, and its aim is both to open markets and to move towards an alignment of aviation legislation on both sides. It also contains provisions concerning bilateral investment on both sides of the Mediterranean.The purpose of the Protocol is to allow the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to become a party to the Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Morocco. The Protocol will not introduce any changes to the substance of the Agreement. It provides for the necessary technical and linguistic adaptations of the Agreement that ensue from the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. I voted in favour.
Conclusion of the EU-Jordan Euro-Mediterranean Aviation agreement (A9-0086/2020 - Andris Ameriks)

. – This Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement regulates relations in the field of aviation between the EU and its Member States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is concluded as part of the EU neighbourhood policy, one of the aims of which is to establish a common aviation area between the EU and its Mediterranean neighbours. It builds upon and replaces the framework of bilateral air transport agreements between the EU Member States and Jordan through the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Area between the EU and its Mediterranean Partners.I supported the recommendation on the conclusion of the agreement, as it provides for gradual market opening in terms of access to routes and capacity on a reciprocal basis, ensures a level playing field for economic operators based on EU principles and provides for alignment of Jordanian aviation legislation with EU legislation on issues such as safety, security and air traffic management.
Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (A9-0117/2020 - Kati Piri, Christophe Hansen)

. – This report fully supports the Commission in its negotiations and aims at providing clear political messages before the High-Level Conference and the European Council in June that will take stock of the progress of the negotiations. Additionally to reiterate the general principles of negotiation and the effective full implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement and its three protocols as a precondition, the report emphasises the indivisibility of the economic areas and the need to advance all subjects in parallel under a comprehensive framework as proposed by the EU. It recalls the need for ‘readiness’ of all stakeholders with or without an agreement at the end of the transition period, whilst underlining that the EU will not agree to a deal at all cost. I voted in favour of it because it gives a strong signal, that the EU is will not compromise on the crucial areas and the fundamental rights of its 3.1 million citizens who work and live in the UK.
Conference on the Future of Europe (B9-0170/2020, B9-0179/2020)

. – I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on the European Parliament’s position on the Conference on the Future of Europe. It stresses that despite the pandemic, the direct engagement of citizens, civil society organisations, social partners and elected representatives must remain a priority of the Conference. The ongoing crisis makes it even more urgent for the European Union to begin working on how to become more effective, democratic and closer to citizens – I find the Conference as the best way for the Europeans` voices to be heard. Like the majority of my colleagues, I am looking forward to starting the Conference as soon as possible.
EU disability strategy post 2020 (B9-0123/2020)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution with its priorities for a new ambitious, comprehensive, and well-funded EU Disability Strategy post 2020. Children and young people with disabilities should fully enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with others. It is extremely important to work towards including young people with disabilities in the labour market as a matter of priority. There are an estimated 100 million people with disabilities in the EU, whose rights must be guaranteed in all policies and areas.
Banking Union - annual report 2019 (A9-0026/2020 - Pedro Marques)

. – The banking sector has a crucial role in channelling funding into the real economy, and particularly into sustainable and socially responsible investments, thereby fostering growth and employment and enabling the transition to a climate-neutral economy, while not endangering financial stability. I voted in favour of this report, as it urges the completion of the Banking Union through the creation of a fully implemented European Deposit Insurance Scheme to protect depositors against banking disruptions. This will ensure confidence among depositors and investors across the Banking Union and reinforce the stability of the euro area as a whole.
Guidelines for the 2021 Budget - Section III (A9-0110/2020 - Pierre Larrouturou)

. – I voted in favour of the report on general guidelines for the preparation of the 2021 budget, as it places a clear focus on mitigating the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak and supports the EU economic recovery, built on the Green Deal and digital transformation. It highlights key priorities as protecting people’s wellbeing and health from further risks and environmental impacts, creating high-quality jobs and ensuring social, economic and territorial cohesion and convergence. It does this notably through investment in SMEs and the sectors most affected by the crisis, and in the development of sustainable public infrastructure and services and of the strategic sectors, such as the health sector, that tackle the crisis on the front line.
Eastern Partnership in the run-up to the June 2020 Summit (A9-0112/2020 - Petras Auštrevičius)

. – The EU remains the dominant political and economic power of Europe, and this generates responsibility towards its neighbours. I voted in favour of the report, as it focuses on the vision of future EaP development. It highlights the need for the EaP partners to prioritise intra-regional cooperation and trade, for example, the eliminating of the roaming charges. The report also reiterates the EU's commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the EaP countries within their internationally recognised borders.
Western Balkans, following the 2020 summit (A9-0091/2020 - Tonino Picula)

. – I support the European Parliament recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the Western Balkans, following the 2020 summit. It highlights that the primacy of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms are the very centre of the enlargement process. This focus is achieved by opening the chapters related to the judiciary, corruption and organised crime and human rights (including minority rights, media freedom and freedom of expression) first and closing them last. Furthermore, it defines the need of improving the consistency, efficiency and visibility of Union financing and avoiding cuts in the overall IPA funding. This should be reinforced by a performance-based approach through a suspension mechanism ensuring coherence with the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI).
Exceptional temporary support under EAFRD in response to the COVID-19 outbreak (amendment of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013) (C9-0128/2020 - Norbert Lins)

. – As a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak, the farming and food sector has faced many difficulties. The extensive movement restrictions put in place in the Member States, as well as mandatory closures of shops, outdoor markets, restaurants and other hospitality establishments, has led to liquidity and cash-flow problems for farmers and small rural businesses processing agricultural products. I voted in favour of this report as it aims to provide emergency assistance to farmers and SMEs particularly affected by the COVID-19 crisis, aiming to ensure continuity of their business activity by defining eligibility conditions and possibly selection criteria, which shall be objective and non-discriminatory, based on available evidence.
Situation in the Schengen area following the Covid-19 outbreak (B9-0165/2020)

. – I supported the motion for a resolution on the situation in the Schengen area following the COVID‑19 outbreak, as it calls on Council and Member States to increase their efforts in Schengen integration and take the necessary steps to admit Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia into the Schengen area. The solidarity and responsibility are for all, and the future of the Schengen area can only be one without fragmentation.
European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis (B9-0172/2020)

. – There are 1.5 million cross-border workers in the EU who have been severely impacted by both the COVID-19 crisis and Member States’ measures to contain and prevent the spread of the virus. I voted in favour of the report, which calls on the Commission and the Member States to implement measures to ensure that cross-border and seasonal workers, cross-border entrepreneurs and self-employed persons are afforded adequate protection from COVID-19 and its effects – this includes easy access to testing and being informed about the risks and the safety precautions to be taken in a language they understand.This report also calls for the safeguarding of their health and safety to be guaranteed during their travel and ensuring decent housing conditions and social distancing at the places of their employment other than of their residence. Another important issue is to make repatriation solutions available that are not at the expense of the worker.
Amending Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 as regards the resources for the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative (A9-0111/2020 - Younous Omarjee)

. – I supported the increase in the budget for the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) to €145 million for 2020. The YEI funds apprenticeships, traineeships, job placements and education for young people in regions with high youth unemployment. Especially at this time of crisis, it is more important than ever that we help the next generation of Europeans to get the professional opportunities that they deserve and to fulfil their potential.
International and domestic parental abduction of EU children in Japan (B9-0205/2020)

. – Unlike most countries, Japan does not recognise joint custody after divorce and children often lose contact with the non-custodial parent. This motion for a resolution calls on the Japanese authorities to enforce the courts’ decisions on access and visiting rights granted to "left-behind parents’ to maintain the meaningful contact with their children who reside in Japan. I supported it, as it reminds the Japanese authorities to respect the obligations and the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations in order to enable EU state representatives to fulfil their consular duties, especially with a view to the interests of children and rights of their parents, which are EU citizens.
The rights of persons with intellectual disabilities in the COVID-19 crisis (B9-0204/2020)

. – I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities in the COVID-19 crisis, which emerged after the discussions in PETI Committee meeting of May from a petition about the rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their families during the pandemic. The resolution is inviting the European Commission to put forward a comprehensive post—2020 European Disability Strategy, aiming to ensure common protocols for possible future at—risk situations, based on the lessons learnt during the COVID—19 crisis, and to take new action to mobilise essential investments and resources to guarantee the continuity of care and support services. It also underlines the potential of digital technologies and applications in the promotion of independent living of persons with disabilities.
Draft amending budget no 5 to the general budget 2020 Continuation of the support to refugees and host communities in response to the Syria crisis in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey (A9-0127/2020 - Monika Hohlmeier)

. – I supported the report on draft amending budget No 5/2020 of the European Union for the financial year 2020 - Continuation of the support to refugees and host communities in response to the Syria crisis in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. In the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is in the EU`s interest to increase support to reinforce the resilience of refugees and local communities that host them.
A comprehensive European approach to energy storage (A9-0130/2020 - Claudia Gamon)

. – Energy storage has a key role to play in the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy. Energy storage solutions have the potential of balancing power grids and saving surplus energy, improving energy efficiency and integrating more renewable energy sources into electricity systems, and helping enhance European energy security.I voted in favour of the report, as it calls on Commission to develop a strategy on energy storage based on the technology-neutrality approach, with improved cross-border connections and coordination, reduced regulatory burden for market entries, and improved access to capital, skills and raw materials for storage technologies.
Revision of the guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (B9-0122/2020)

. – The Union needs up-to-date, high-performance energy infrastructures that are future-proof, cost-efficient and can provide security of energy supply. This would help the EU achieve its climate and energy goals and it would boost smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. That is the reason I voted in favour of this motion for a resolution on the revision of the guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructures.
Conclusion of an EU - New Zealand agreement, under negotiation, on the exchange of personal data for fighting serious crime and terrorism (A9-0131/2020 - Annalisa Tardino)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it considers that cooperation with New Zealand in the field of law enforcement will help the European Union to further protect its security interests, especially in the areas of preventing and combating terrorism, disrupting organised crime and fighting cybercrime. It also insists that the level of data protection provided for in the agreement should be essentially equivalent to the level of protection provided for in EU law, both in law and in practice.
Transitional provisions in order to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis (amendment of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628) (C9-0161/2020)

. – The Regulation on Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) sets out new emission limits designed to reduce the current ones on air pollutants from engines for non-road mobile machinery. Given the structural challenges for manufacturers associated with this shift, the regulation provides some time to make this transition. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused complete interruptions to the supply of parts and components, leaving manufacturers with stocks of engines and unfinished products, thereby increasing the risk of not meeting deadlines. I voted in favour of the request for urgent procedure, which aims to extend the finishing dates.
Conduct of clinical trials with and supply of medicinal products for human use containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms intended to treat or prevent coronavirus disease (C9-0185/2020)

. – The purpose of the Union legislation on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is to protect both human health and the environment. However, the specific characteristics of the setting of clinical trials in a situation of a public health emergency, such as the one created by the COVID-19 pandemic, are not foreseen in Directive 2001/18/EC or Directive 2009/41/EC.I voted in favour of the report, as I find the temporary exception to the rules for GMOs a way to speed up clinical trials of potential COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Of course, the change of rules must apply only to medical product-related trials and be limited in time.
A comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing – Commission's Action plan and other recent developments (B9-0207/2020)

. – I supported this motion for a resolution, as it states that NGOs should follow the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations on preventing terrorism-financing activities. It also considers that the Member States must review the adequacy of their laws and regulations concerning entities likely to be abused for terrorism-financing purposes, including NGOs.
The EU’s public health strategy post-COVID-19 (RC-B9-0216/2020)

. – I voted in favour of the joint motion for a resolution on the EU’s public health strategy post-COVID-19. It considers that the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis should be addressed as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, which could come forward with clear proposals on how to bolster EU health policy. Furthermore, it stresses the need to prioritise prevention, which benefits both the health of citizens and national health budgets.
Effective measures to “green” Erasmus+, Creative Europe and the European Solidarity Corps (A9-0141/2020 - Laurence Farreng)

. – I supported the report, which puts forward specific proposals to reduce the environmental impact of the three flagship programmes for education (Erasmus+), culture (Creative Europe) and volunteering (European Solidarity Corps) and to fully integrate the programmes into the Green Deal by fostering their incalculable potential. These programmes are of utmost importance as most of their beneficiaries represent the next generation of European citizens and as they have a strong impact on the societal challenges.
Amending Decision No 1313/2013/EU on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (A9-0148/2020 - Nikos Androulakis)

. – I voted in favour of the report as it welcomes the targeted changes introduced by European Commission’s proposal, which heed Parliament’s call. We need to learn from past mistakes and work quickly so we can be ready when the new Multiannual Financial Framework begins in 2021. I fully agree with the rapporteur, who claims that the recent crises demonstrated that a more ambitious Mechanism is needed if we want the European Union and its Member States to be ready and able to deal effectively with any future natural or manmade disaster.
Global data collection system for ship fuel oil consumption data (A9-0144/2020 - Jutta Paulus)

. – I supported the political agreement in favour of cutting shipping emissions by as much as 40% by 2030 by integrating them into the existing EU emissions trading system (EU ETS). The report on the global data collection system for ship fuel oil consumption data includes key priorities, such as avoiding administrative burden, the polluter pays principle, fairness for first movers and, last but not least, the innovation fund.
Implementation of the EU Association Agreement with Georgia (A9-0136/2020 - Sven Mikser)

. – I voted in favour of the third annual report assessing the pace of the implementation of the AA/DCFTA with Georgia. It sheds light on the general political climate and reform effort. The report commends the Georgian political forces for signing the internationally-mediated Memorandum of Understanding and Joint Statement. It established key features of the electoral system based on 120 proportional and 30 majoritarian seats, a fair composition of electoral districts in line with the Venice Commission Recommendation. The electoral reform will take effect already this fall in the parliamentary elections, following the adoption of amendments to the Constitution.
Type approval of motor vehicles (Real Driving Emissions) (A9-0139/2020 - Esther de Lange)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information.To reduce NOx emissions, the conformity factor currently in place has to be annually lowered, based on assessments by the Joint Research Centre. After being immediately lowered from 1.43 to 1.32, it should be gradually reduced and cease to apply by 30 September 2022, after which only the raw data from tests carried out under real driving conditions would be used to determine compliance with EU emission limits.
Just Transition Fund (A9-0135/2020 - Manolis Kefalogiannis)

. – I supported the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Just Transition Fund as it aims to help regions relying on fossil fuels and carbon-intensive industries regions adapt to the green economy. The activities supported by the fund would also include: microenterprises, sustainable tourism, social infrastructure, universities and public research institutions, energy storage technologies, low-emission district heating, smart and sustainable mobility, digital innovation, including digital and precision farming, projects fighting energy poverty, as well as culture, education and community building. I consider that the Just Transition Fund will become a key component of the EU’s cohesion policy.
Shortage of medicines - how to address an emerging problem

. – I voted in favour of this report as it welcomes the new EU health programme EU4Health and asks the Commission to use the upcoming pharmaceutical strategy to ensure that safe medicines in Europe can be made available, accessible and affordable, and to examine ways to restore pharmaceutical manufacturing in Europe. The resolution also calls on the Commission to propose a directive setting minimum standards for quality healthcare systems in Member States. I believe that we all want medicines and access to treatment to be available for every single patient in Europe.
Sustainable rail market in view of COVID-19 outbreak

. – The railway sector is of strategic importance to the European Union. It makes a vital contribution to the EU’s overall economy and employment by directly employing over one million people: around 600 000 by railway undertakings and 440 000 by infrastructure managers (by the end of 2016).Moreover, rail transport is crucial for achieving the objectives of the Green Deal owing to its value as the most sustainable and environmentally friendly mode of transport. Therefore, I voted in favour of the report, as it intends to complement the existing rail-related framework in order to allow national authorities and rail stakeholders to deal more easily with a number of negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to respond to the urgent needs of the railway sector as long as those consequences persist.
Draft amending budget no 8: Increase of payment appropriations for the Emergency Support Instrument to finance the COVID-19 vaccines strategy and for the impact of the Corona Response Investment Initiative Plus (C9-0290/2020 - Monika Hohlmeier)

. – I voted in favour of the report on amending budget 8/2020: Increase of payment appropriations for the Emergency Support Instrument to finance the COVID-19 vaccines strategy and for the impact of the Corona Response Investment Initiative Plus. Owing to the dynamics of the negotiations with the pharmaceutical sector about the vaccines, there is the likely risk that the Commission runs out of payments for ESI. This adoption is necessary to ensure the availability of payments.
Cultural recovery of Europe

. – Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis has already had and will continue to have a lasting negative effect on cultural and creative content production and consequently income, and will therefore have a negative impact on European cultural diversity. The survival of the cultural industry is essential not only for our economy but also for preserving our European cultural heritage. I supported this motion for a resolution as it calls on the Member States to make sure that emergency money provided by the EU to fight the Coronavirus economic impact will also swiftly and directly reach the thousands of SMEs, artists and people working in the creative industry.
Covid-19: EU coordination of health assessments and risk classification and the consequences on Schengen and the single market (RC-B9-0257/2020)

. – I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on COVID-19: EU coordination of health assessments and risk classification, and the consequences for Schengen and the single market. I share the view that the EU should learn from this experience, deploying a strategic plan with the necessary harmonised and coordinated tools for facing similar situations in order to prevent another standstill or disruption of the whole internal market and Schengen area and – ultimately – the EU as a whole.
The importance of urban and green infrastructure - European Year of Greener Cities 2022 (B9-0243/2020)

. – I voted in favour of this resolution, as it proposes that the year 2022 be designated a European Year of Greener Cities with the aim of raising awareness of the benefits of green spaces in built environment.This initiative will encourage local authorities and citizens to take action and improve their neighbourhoods and environment, bringing them together as a community to increase their resilience and to reshape the future of their cities.
Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion: indirect taxes on 'traditional' rum

. – I voted in favour of this report, as it applies specific measures in the area of rum taxation for the duration of the next Multiannual Financial Framework, allowing France to reduce the excise duty and social security contribution on ‘traditional’ rum produced in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, and Réunion and sold in mainland France, by up to 50% compared to the normal rate.
AIEM tax in the Canary Islands

. – I supported the report as it allows for full or partial exemptions for locally produced goods from the AIEM, which is a tax on goods in the Canary Islands. This derogation has existed since 2002, and serves to partially compensate the local industry for the increased production costs related to the isolation of the Canary Islands. The exemptions cannot affect the price of the goods in question by more than 15%, or exceed an overall annual ceiling of EUR 150 million.
Docks dues extension in the French outermost regions

. – I voted in favour of this report, as it extends the existing specific measures on dock dues by six months. Dock dues represent a tax which applies to imports and to sales in the French outermost regions. In view of the higher costs of production inherent in local production in those regions, Council Decision No 940/2014/EU provides for reduced rates of dock dues for certain locally produced goods in the outermost regions in order to offset the competitive disadvantage and maintain local production. The objective of the measures is to mitigate the additional costs faced by companies in the outermost regions, which impede their full participation in the single market.
Draft amending budget No 7/2020: Update of revenue (own resources)

. – I voted in favour of the Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 7 for the year 2020 as it aims to update the revenue side of the budget. Its purpose is to revise the forecast of traditional own resources, value-added tax and gross national income bases, and to budget for the relevant UK corrections and their financing, which all affect the distribution of own resources contributions from Member States to the EU budget.
Implementation of the common commercial policy – annual report 2018 (A9-0160/2020 - Jörgen Warborn)

. – The common commercial policy (CCP) is an exclusive competence of the EU, which requires the Union to speak with one voice on trade matters, with the Commission as its negotiator.The Warborn report on the CCP highlights that the EU trade strategy must continue to promote EU interests and values when facing new challenges worldwide in order to increase the competitiveness of EU industry in a globalised world. It aims for an ambitious multilateral agenda, the conclusion of win-win FTAs and the elimination of unjustified trade barriers.
Equivalence of field inspections carried out on cereal seed-producing crops and equivalence of cereal seed produced in Ukraine (A9-0164/2020 - Veronika Vrecionová)

. – I voted in favour of this report as it recognises that the Ukrainian certification system meets EU requirements, meaning Ukraine can export seeds to the EU Member States, which is fully in line with the aims of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.
The European Forest Strategy - The Way Forward (A9-0154/2020 - Petri Sarvamaa)

. – The share of roundwood stemming from certified forests processed by the wood-based industries is reaching 50% in the EU and the sector employs at least 500 000 people directly and 2.6 million indirectly in the EU. Forests absorb over 10% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. I voted in favour of the report as it stresses that EU needs an ambitious, independent and self-standing post-2020 Forest Strategy to give full and real political support to the forestry sector.
Organic production: date of application and certain other dates (C9-0286/2020)

. – The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related public health crisis presents an unprecedented challenge to the Member States and puts a heavy burden on national authorities and organic operators. The crisis has also created extraordinary circumstances that demand a substantial adaptation of the organic sector in terms of production, marketing, controls and international trade that could not reasonably have been anticipated at the time of adoption of Regulation (EU) 2018/848. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the internal market, to provide legal certainty to all organic operators, and to avoid potential market disruption, it is necessary to defer the date of application of certain provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 by one year. That is the reason why I supported this report.
Digital Finance: emerging risks in crypto-assets - regulatory and supervisory challenges in the area of financial services, institutions and markets (A9-0161/2020 - Ondřej Kovařík)

. – Embracing digital finance will contribute to the overall digital transformation of our economy and society. This would bring significant benefits to both consumers and businesses. The COVID crisis has shown that digital finance will continue to grow in both size and importance within the EU economy.I supported the report as it aims to put forward a legislative proposal for crypto-assets, which provides legal certainty for the treatment of crypto-assets while ensuring a high standard of consumer and investor protection, market integrity and financial stability.
Further development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU): improving access to capital market finance, in particular by SMEs, and further enabling retail investor participation (A9-0155/2020 - Isabel Benjumea Benjumea)

. – The capital markets union is the EU’s plan to create a truly single market for capital across the EU. A fully functioning and integrated market for capital will allow the EU’s economy to grow in a sustainable way and to be more competitive. I strongly believe that an economically stronger Europe will better serve its citizens and help the EU play a stronger role on the global stage and that is why I supported the report. It calls for the removal of barriers and red tape, where appropriate, including the simplification and more proportional application of legislation, with a particular focus on SMEs. The focus on SMEs is to promote their ability to access equity markets, and to access more diverse, longer-term and more competitive investment opportunities for retail and large investors.
Amending Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 as regards specific measures on L-category end-of-series vehicles in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (A9-0190/2020 - Maria Grapini)

. – Sales of motorcycles are highly seasonal, with the bulk of them concentrated in the spring and summer months. For reasons attributed to the pandemic, an estimated number of over half a million motorbikes corresponding to the environmental step 4 have been produced but not sold this year. I voted in favour of this proposal, as it creates an additional end-of-series provision allowing all the unsold units that manufacturers produced before 15 March 2020 to benefit from end-of-series status and be placed on the market. This is a means of offering support to the motorcycle industry to counter the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Discharge 2018: General budget of the EU - European Economic and Social Committee (A9-0188/2020 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

. – I voted in favour of the report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018, Section VI – European Economic and Social Committee. It highlights and welcomes that the EESC initiated an in-depth assessment on the overall existing framework supporting its zero-tolerance policy towards harassment. However, the report expresses concern about the current situation, its effects on sound financial management and the capacity of the Committee to take all necessary steps in the short term to prevent any further cases of harassment in the future.
Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market (A9-0181/2020 - Alex Agius Saliba)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market, as I believe that it would help consumers and businesses opt for digital solutions. This package of new rules must increase transparency and product safety for consumers, as well as legal certainty for businesses. One such measure is the introduction of the ‘Know Your Business Customer’ principle, which requires platforms to check and stop fraudulent companies from using their services to sell their illegal or unsafe products and content.
Digital Services Act: adapting commercial and civil law rules for commercial entities operating online (A9-0177/2020 - Tiemo Wölken)

. – I supported the report on Digital Services Act: adapting commercial and civil law rules for commercial entities operating online, as it seeks a legal framework building on the responsibility of platforms that is effective against illegal content but does not interfere with freedom of expression. The report suggests that strict conditions should be imposed to limit the use of the data collected by platforms based on consumer interactions, to completing targeted advertising platforms. The users of content hosting platforms should be given the choice to opt in or out of receiving targeted advertisements. I also back the idea of creating an archive of sponsored advertisements that were shown to their users, including the following information such as timespan of the advert, the reach of the advert, and information on the target audience.
Digital Services Act and fundamental rights issues posed (A9-0172/2020 - Kris Peeters)

. – The main topic of the report on Digital Services Act and fundamental rights issues posed is that illegal content online should be addressed the same way as illegal content offline. It insists service providers be obliged to take proportionate measures to address the appearance of illegal content on their services. I voted in favour of it, as I hope that the new rules should provide legal clarity for the platforms and guarantee the fundamental rights of users.
Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies (A9-0186/2020 - Ibán García Del Blanco)

. – Artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually emerging as a strategic technology that carries huge potential benefits, but also entails a number of possible risks. I am convinced that the AI framework should be human-centred, risk-based and balanced with high ethical standards. I voted in favour of the report as it calls on the Commission to submit a proposal for a regulation, reflecting ethical principles to be complied with from the moment of the development and deployment of those technologies to their use.
Intellectual property rights for the development of artificial intelligence technologies (A9-0176/2020 - Stéphane Séjourné)

. – I supported this report because it is important to assess how AI will affect the framework of intellectual property rights and how this framework can both stimulate the development of AI and related technologies and benefit from it. The report looks at the interplay between intellectual property rights and the development of AI technologies, namely by addressing questions on the use of data as input for AI technologies, the application of existing legal tools, such as patent, trade secrets and copyright, to protect AI technologies and their creations and the use of AI technologies as a tool for management of IPR and IPR enforcement.
Recommendation to the Council and the VPC/HR concerning the Implementation and governance of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) (A9-0165/2020 - Radosław Sikorski)

. – Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) is a framework and process to deepen defence cooperation between 25 EU Member States. The report underlines the need to encourage participating Member States through focused proposals to evolve from a strictly national focus on defence to a stronger European one and to undertake structured efforts to increase the use of a European collaborative approach as a priority. I support the statement that PESCO should be focused on projects with a genuine European strategic dimension and the projects ought to be grouped into capability clusters, hence creating additional synergies and effects of scale, so I voted in favour of the report.
Report on the implementation of the EU Association Agreement with the Republic of Moldova (A9-0166/2020 - Dragoş Tudorache)

. – I supported the annual assessment of the progress or lack thereof of the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Moldova. Like in previous years, the report reiterates the need for genuine reforms in Moldova, particularly in the area of fighting corruption, independence of judiciary and rule of law. It emphasises the importance of strengthening democratic mechanisms. Concerning the upcoming presidential elections, the report calls for a fair political rivalry between the candidates, which is not possible without a transparent system of campaign financing.
Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the VPC/HR on relations with Belarus (A9-0167/2020 - Petras Auštrevičius)

. – The content of the report is influenced by the falsified presidential elections of 9 August, the subsequent protests and political consequences that follow in terms of Belarus’s international standing as well as relations with the EU. I voted in favour of this report because it sets out a number of political steps that must be taken such as the organisation of new free and fair elections as soon as possible under international supervision and ending the violence against peaceful protestors and releasing all those who have been detained and arrested.
Recommendation to the VPC/HR and to the Council in preparation of the 10th Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT) review process, nuclear arms control and nuclear disarmament options (A9-0020/2020 - Sven Mikser)

. – I supported the recommendation as it reiterates that effective multilateralism and a rules-based international order are a precondition for countering the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Moreover it calls on all states to recognise control, disarmament and non-proliferation regimes as crucial tools in confidence-building and as contributing to reversing the deterioration of the international security environment.
The future of European education in the context of Covid-19 (B9-0338/2020)

. – Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disruption to the world’s education and training systems. Similar to the rapporteur, I am concerned by the digital skills gaps among teachers and students, which hinders effective digital education. I voted in favour of this report as it recalls the need to invest in upskilling and professional development opportunities for teachers and trainers across Europe to ensure that they not only have, but also can teach, digital skills. It also underlines that high-quality education systems provide the foundation for the EU’s global competitiveness, therefore well-functioning education and training systems require high levels of public investment.
Obligations of the Commission in the field of visa reciprocity in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 (B9-0339/2020)

. – As a representative of Bulgaria, first of all, I am here to protect our national interests. I voted in favour of this report, as it calls on the European Commission to take the measures foreseen in EU legislation to guarantee full visa reciprocity between the EU and the US. Bulgarian, Croatian, Cypriot and Romanian nationals are still required to hold a visa to enter the US, which does not correspond to the fundamental principle of solidarity among EU Member States.
Gender Equality in EU’s foreign and security policy (A9-0145/2020 - Ernest Urtasun)

. – I supported the report on Gender Equality in the EU’s foreign and security policy as it stresses that women play a pivotal role in bringing peace to conflict-ridden countries. Women’s equitable participation in EU foreign policy negotiations and peace and security processes is linked to greater economic prosperity and the advancement of global security, democracy and sustainable peace. Therefore, they call on the EEAS and Member States to ensure women’s full participation in the various stages of the conflict cycle in the context of EU conflict prevention and mediation activities.
Introducing exceptional trade measures for countries and territories participating in or linked to the European Union's Stabilisation and Association process (A9-0175/2020 - Emmanuel Maurel)

. – The proposed autonomous trade measures (ATMs) are one of the instruments to implement the EU’s policy towards the Western Balkans, as it is defined in the Stabilisation and Association process report.I supported the text because we need to ensure the sustained economic development of the Western Balkan partners, while avoiding a very long and complex process of amending each individual bilateral trade agreement as part of the Stabilisation and Association Agreements.
EU/China Agreement: cooperation on and protection of geographical indications (Resolution) (A9-0202/2020 -Iuliu Winkler)

. – I supported the report on the Conclusion of the agreement between the European Union and the government of the People’s Republic of China on cooperation on, and protection of, geographical indications , as it aims to protect the names of 200 European and Chinese food specialties from counterfeiting. This agreement is a positive step forward in the bilateral relationship and a good tool to promote and protect the authenticity of high-quality products on our respective markets.
Common system of value added tax: identification of taxable persons in Northern Ireland (A9-0200/2020 - Irene Tinagli)

. – As from 1 January 2021, EU VAT legislation will no longer apply to the UK. However, on the basis of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, which is part of the Withdrawal Agreement, Northern Ireland will remain under the EU’s VAT legislation regarding goods, with a view to avoiding a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. For services, on the other hand, Northern Ireland is, together with the rest of the UK, considered as outside the EU. I voted in favour of this report as I consider it is essential that taxable persons carrying out supplies of goods or intra-Community acquisitions of goods in Northern Ireland are identified for VAT purposes according to the EU rules. It is very important that the businesses involved in trade of goods to and from Northern Ireland should easily understand which rules apply.
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021 - all sections (A9-0206/2020 - Pierre Larrouturou, Olivier Chastel)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as I believe that the first Union budget in the MFF 2021-2027 should be of a great importance to help the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and provide a solid starting point for the launch of the new generation of EU programmes and policies. We need to ensure more funds for flagship programmes, like Horizon Europe, InvestEU, Erasmus+, EU4health. These programmes are key to Europe’s long-term prosperity and global competitiveness.
EU/Seychelles Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementation. Protocol (2020-2026) (resolution) (A9-0184/2020 - Caroline Roose)

. – The EU-Seychelles fisheries agreement, first concluded in 1984 and updated in 1987 and 2006, has been implemented by successive protocols defining the EU’s fishing opportunities and financial contribution. I voted in favour of this report because this agreement is known as the most important in this area in terms of catch volume, and will allow 40 tuna purse seiners and 8 long-liner vessels from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal to continue fishing in the Seychelles’ fishing zone and in part of the tuna network fisheries agreements in the Indian Ocean.
Sustainable Europe Investment Plan - How to finance the Green Deal (A9-0198/2020 -Siegfried Mureşan, Paul Tang)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it places the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan (SEIP) at the heart of the green transition and underlines the importance of adequate public and private funding to ensure its success. The report puts forward a number of considerations and calls for concrete improvements to the proposed scheme.
The impact of Covid-19 measures on democracy, fundamental rights and rule of law (B9-0343/2020)

. – I supported the report, as I believe that COVID-19 pandemic measures must in no way endanger EU values or the democratic decision-making process. It is of utmost importance for the EU and governments to preserve fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law in all circumstances.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund: assistance to Croatia and Poland in relation to a natural disaster and advances to Croatia, Germany, Greece,Hungary, Ireland, Portugal and Spain in relation to a public health emergency (A9-0221/2020 - Olivier Chastel)

. – According to this report I voted in favour of, the EUR 823 million in aid from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) will be distributed between eight Member States. More than EUR 132.7 million will be paid in advance payments to Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Hungary, and Portugal in response to the major public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Croatia will receive EUR 683.7 million to help the country deal with the devastating effects of the earthquake in Zagreb and the surrounding area in March 2020. The first disbursement of EUR 88.9 million was already released in August 2020. More than EUR 7 million will go to Poland to assist reconstruction efforts following floods in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship province in June this year.
Tackling homelessness rates in the European Union (B9-0363/2020)

. – Unfortunately, there are more than 4 million homeless people in the EU. Disturbingly, the economic fallout caused by the pandemic could increase these numbers. I voted in favour of the report, as it stresses that housing is a fundamental human right and calls for stronger action from the Commission and Member States to end homelessness in the EU by 2030.
The Schengen system and measures taken during the COVID-19 crisis (B9-0362/2020)

. – I supported the motion for a resolution on the Schengen system and measures taken during the COVID-19 crisis, as it states that a swift return to a fully functional Schengen area is of utmost importance and depends on both the political will of the Member States and their commitment to coordinating measures under the Schengen acquis. It stresses that EU residents should have easy access to reliable, comprehensive and real-time information about travel restrictions and health and safety measures related to the pandemic throughout the EU. It also calls on the Commission to update the ‘Re-open EU’ website accordingly in order to create a true one-stop shop which facilitates free movement during the pandemic and significantly helps residents to resume their usual way of life.
Addressing product safety in the single market (A9-0207/2020 - Marion Walsmann)

. – All products sold in the EU must be safe, regardless of whether they are sold online or offline, produced in or outside the EU, or include emerging technologies or not. I voted in favour of the report, as it underlines that transparency and robust enforcement of EU rules on product safety are essential for the protection of consumers and fair competition among businesses. In particular, it calls for greater efforts to remove unsafe products from the EU market and to adapt product safety rules to the digital age.
Strengthening media freedom: the protection of journalists in Europe, hate speech, disinformation and the role of platforms (A9-0205/2020 - Magdalena Adamowicz)

. – Media freedom and pluralism are pillars of modern democracy and represent crucial elements of open and free democratic debate. I voted in favour of this resolution, as it stresses that media capture, hate speech and disinformation are increasingly being used as tools to increase social polarisation, which is in turn exploited for political purposes. The resolution notes that when media ownership is concentrated in the hands of too few people, pluralism is put at risk, making it more difficult to challenge the spread of disinformation. In this respect, it calls on the European Commission to assess in each Member State how transparent the ownership of media outlets is, as well as private and government interference in the sector, in its annual rule of law assessment.
Improving development effectiveness and efficiency of aid (A9-0212/2020 - Tomas Tobé)

. – The EU should take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to secure real impact and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, while leaving no one behind. I supported the report, as it calls for greater policy coherence for development, which seeks to ensure that no EU or Member States’ policies have contradictory objectives or negative effects on developing countries.
The application of Union tariff rate quotas and other import quotas (A9-0216/2020 - Christophe Hansen)

. – Brexit heavily affects the use of tariff rate quotas, especially for food and agricultural products, as well as steel. This proposal clarifies that the EU’s tariff rate quotas and other import quotas should be available only for goods imported and released into free circulation in the EU. This is done by listing all the EU’s territories where goods can be released into free circulation, and this list does not include Northern Ireland. I voted in favour of the report, as it aims to protect the proper functioning of the EU’s Single Market.
Stocktaking of European elections (A9-0211/2020 - Pascal Durand)

. – The report on Stocktaking of European elections welcomes the higher turnout in the 2019 European elections, which demonstrates that the trend of decreasing voter turnout in Europe can be reversed, but at the same time expresses disappointment at the continuing high abstention rate and that across the EU almost half of all eligible voters did not cast a vote. I supported it, because of its willingness to strengthen EU democracy by accentuating the European dimension of elections and to guarantee an equal vote and representation for all citizens. I agree that the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe is a very good opportunity to debate the potential reforms which should be considered ahead of the 2024 elections.
Escalating tensions in Varosha following the illegal actions by Turkey and the urgent need for the resumption of talks (B9-0355/2020)

. – I stand with the EU Member State Cyprus and strongly condemn Turkey’s plans for the ‘re-opening’ of the fenced-off area of Varosha under conditions of occupation. Varosha must be returned to its rightful inhabitants and that is the reason why I voted in favour of the resolution on escalating tensions in Varosha following the illegal actions by Turkey and the urgent need for the resumption of talks.
Elimination of customs duties on certain products (A9-0217/2020 - Bernd Lange)

. – The elimination of a number of customs tariffs on lobster is the first US-EU negotiated reduction in duties in more than two decades and is a first step to improving EU-US relations. In exchange for the elimination of duties on live or frozen lobster imported from the US, the EU will get duty relief of a comparable economic value on its own products, such as prepared meals, certain crystal glassware and cigarette lighters. I voted in favour of this report, as I agree that this ‘mini-deal’, despite being very limited in scope, could support the settlement of ongoing disputes.
Union General Export Authorisation for the export of certain dual-use items from the Union to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (C9-0345/2020 - Bernd Lange)

. – According to the Dual-Use Regulation, the export of dual-use items from the EU to the UK will require, as of 1 January 2021, an export authorisation issued by the competent national authority of the Member State where the exporter is established. This proposal, therefore, aims at adding the UK to the list of countries in the Union General Export Authorisation EU001, which facilitates the export of low-risk goods to a limited number of third countries (currently Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the United States). I supported it because its purpose is to ensure that the export of these goods to the UK does not become subject to licensing requirements and thus create a substantial administrative burden for companies and licensing authorities.
Temporary measures in relation to value added tax for COVID-19 vaccines and in vitro diagnostic medical devices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (C9-0352/2020)

. – I supported this proposal, because it aims at enabling Member States to temporarily exempt the supply of COVID—19 vaccines and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (testing kits) as well as services closely linked to such vaccines and such devices from value added tax (VAT). These temporary measures will ensure that COVID—19 vaccines and in vitro diagnostic medical devices become more affordable for Europeans by reducing their cost of provision by the health system, thus enhancing the potential for COVID—19 prevention and screening in the Union.
Abortion rights in Poland (B9-0373/2020)

. – I supported the resolution on abortion rights in Poland because it underscores that, in line with the European Court of Human Rights’ case law, restrictive abortion laws violate women’s human rights. I strongly believe that it is not about ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to abortions, it is about the fundamental human right to choose. I find it an attack on the democratic progress of European societies, and I consider that it is our ultimate task to oppose the return of grim authoritarian practices from past epochs.
EU Trade Policy Review (B9-0370/2020)

. – European trade policy is operating in an increasingly difficult environment, marked by growing tensions among major global economies, the rise of unilateralism and economic nationalism, the weaponisation of trade policy for other objectives, and, the weakening of the rules—based multilateral order. The COVID—19 crisis is having a devastating impact on our economies and societies, and all EU policies must contribute to the sustainable recovery, including trade. I voted in favour of the motion for resolution on the EU Trade Policy Review as it calls for the reform of the WTO system, the improvement of business and trading conditions for SMEs, new trade barriers removal and, inter alia, the adoption of early actions against unfair trading practices.
Management, conservation and control measures applicable in the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Convention area (A9-0231/2020 - João Ferreira)

. – I supported the proposal as it aims to transpose into EU law the control, conservation and management measures adopted by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), to which the European Union (EU) has been a contracting party since 2006.
Draft amending budget No 10/2020: Increase of payment appropriations and other adjustments to expenditure and revenue (A9-0252/2020 - Monika Hohlmeier)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the Council position on Draft amending budget No 10/2020, as it proposes to increase the level of payment appropriations related to the ‘global transfer’ exercise, adjusting the revenue side, and budgeting expenditure adjustments related to the European Agriculture Guarantee Fund and some decentralised agencies. Therefore, farmers and small and medium sized agri-businesses affected by the COVID-19 crisis will receive finance lump-sum payments amounting to EUR 750 million in additional payment appropriations under EAFRD. SMEs hit by economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis will be supported with payment appropriations of EUR 93.8 million which will help honour the obligations of the Loan Guarantee Facility within COSME.
Council regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027 (A9-0260/2020 - Jan Olbrycht, Margarida Marques)

. – I supported the draft Council regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027. I fully agree that the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis requires the Union to provide a long-term financial framework paving the way to a resilient and inclusive transition to a green and digital future, supporting the Union’s longer-term strategic autonomy and making it resilient to shocks in the future.
Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management, as well as on new own resources, including a roadmap towards the introduction of new own resources (A9-0261/2020 - Esteban González Pons)

. – I supported the report because this agreement contains important new elements – in particular, a roadmap for the introduction of new own resources during the next seven years, provisions on enhanced budgetary scrutiny of the spending of NGEU funding, and arrangements to monitor spending on climate and biodiversity objectives. This roadmap includes three consecutive steps for the gradual introduction of these new own resources, starting from the plastics-based contribution as of 2021, and further including the Emissions Trading System, the carbon border adjustment mechanism, a digital levy, a Financial Transaction Tax as well as a financial contribution linked to the corporate sector or a new common corporate tax base.
A new strategy for European SMEs (A9-0237/2020 - Paolo Borchia)

. – The Commission published its SME strategy on 10 March 2020 with the focus on helping SMEs deal with the twin transitions. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, SMEs face even more challenges, being hit hardest and having less resilience than bigger companies. The report reacts to the Commission’s strategy and addresses the further challenges created by the pandemic. I supported it as in my opinion, it contains a strong focus on the need to create an SME-friendly business environment.
MFF, Rule of Law Conditionality and Own Resources (B9-0428/2020, B9-0429/2020)

. – I voted in favour of the motion for resolution on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, the Interinstitutional Agreement, the EU Recovery Instrument and the Rule of Law Regulation. This resolution stresses the historic importance of the package and its potential in regard to securing a quick recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and its socioeconomic effects; a recovery that meets the Union’s challenges for the next seven years, including the Green Deal, the digital transition and the protection of its values and of the money of EU taxpayers.
Implementation of the Dublin III Regulation (A9-0245/2020 - Fabienne Keller)

. – I voted in favour on the report on the Implementation of the Dublin III Regulation, as it calls for a solidarity-based mechanism to ensure that the fundamental right to asylum in the EU is respected and that responsibility is distributed equally among member states. It asks for fairer rules, stating that the criteria to determine the country responsible are being inappropriately applied – the “first country of entry” criterion, in particular, is being excessively overused. The ineffective transfers increase pressure on certain countries such as Greece, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, and Spain.
Implementation of the Return Directive (A9-0238/2020 - Tineke Strik)

. – The report on the implementation of the Return Directive highlights that an effective return policy is one of the key elements of a well-functioning EU asylum and migration policy. It notes that the effectiveness of the EU’s return policy should not only be measured by return rates. I agree that we should take into account the sustainability of the policy and whether fundamental rights, safeguards and procedural guarantees are being properly implemented when returning third country nationals who do not have the right to stay, so I supported it.
A strong social Europe for Just Transitions (A9-0233/2020 - Dennis Radtke, Agnes Jongerius)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it aims to emphasise the most important challenges the European labour market, regions, sectors and workers are going to face in the next ten years and describes the key initiatives to be taken. According to the report, every person in the EU should be covered by a minimum income scheme and pensions should ensure an income above the poverty line. It also appeals for gender pay gap elimination to 0% by 2030.
Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience (B9-0400/2020)

. – Vocational education and training (VET) plays a vital role in a labour market through its focus on practice and work-based learning. I supported the report, as it calls for VET to be coordinated with formal and traditional education systems. It underlines that the Commission and the Member States should ensure that VET and classical education are complementary and equal in priority.
New general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021 (A9-0267/2020 - Pierre Larrouturou, Olivier Chastel)

. – It is now more crucial than ever before to consider wisely which investments can assist our recovery from the unprecedented pandemic. I am pleased to see a budget that is focused on boosting growth and jobs, reflecting widely agreed European Union priorities, namely Digital Europe (+ EUR 25.7 million) and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for transport infrastructure (+ EUR 60.3 million). On other hand, the 2021 budget involves a supplementary effort to fight climate change by providing additional funds for the LIFE programme (+ EUR 42 million). That is why I voted in favour.
Basic road freight and road passenger connectivity at the end of the transition period with regard to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union (C9-0399/2020 - Johan Danielsson)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it provides measures to ensure basic road connectivity in case no agreement is reached on EU-UK future relations. These temporary rules ensure road freight and road passenger transport for a maximum of six months. This will allow carriage of goods as well as coach and bus services coming to Europe and going to the UK to continue.
Air connectivity following the end of the transition period with regard to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union (C9-0398/2020 - Johan Danielsson)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution on the proposal for regulation on common rules ensuring basic air connectivity, as it is ensuring certain air services between the UK and the EU continue for a maximum of six months. These temporary measures give rights for UK and EU air carriers to continue to fly over and make technical stops on EU territory, as well as serve direct routes to the EU. Also, a limited number of specific pandemic-related cargo flights will be allowed.
Aviation safety at the end of the transition period with regard to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union (C9-0397/2020 - Johan Danielsson)

. – We should be prepared for the disruptions that will occur on 1 January 2021 in case a deal with the UK is not yet in place. Therefore, I supported the resolution on the proposal for regulation on certain aspects of aviation safety, because it ensures various certificates for products, parts, appliances and companies remain valid. This will avoid UK and EU aircrafts that use these products and services from being grounded.
Fishing authorisations for Union fishing vessels in United Kingdom waters and fishing operations of United Kingdom fishing vessels in Union waters (C9-0396/2020)

. – There is a necessity to facilitate the procedures of authorisation of fishing vessels, in order to guarantee the sustainability of fisheries and in light of the importance of fisheries for the economic livelihood of many communities. That is why I supported the resolution on amending the Regulation as regards fishing authorisations for Union fishing vessels in United Kingdom waters and fishing operations of United Kingdom fishing vessels in Union waters.
Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances (Bonn Agreement): extension of its material and geographical scope of application (A9-0268/2020 - Pascal Canfin)

. – The Bonn Agreement aims to combat pollution in the North Sea Area and safeguard coastal areas from maritime disasters and chronic pollution from ships and offshore installations. The Union as well as North Sea States and Norway are contracting parties to the Agreement. I voted in favour of the report, because the adoption of the MARPOL and Spain amendments to the Agreement will be an important step towards a higher level of protection of the marine environment in a greater geographical area of the North Sea.
European Arrest Warrant and surrender procedures between Member States (A9-0248/2020 - Javier Zarzalejos)

. – The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is a simplified cross-border judicial surrender procedure for the purpose of prosecuting or executing a custodial sentence or detention order. A warrant issued by one EU country’s judicial authority is valid in the entire territory of the EU. It is a widely used instrument for judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the EU.I voted in favour of the report as it supports cross-border judicial and police cooperation in order to contribute to the EU objective of developing and maintaining an area of freedom, security and justice for the benefit of citizens.
Strengthening the single market: the future of free movement of services (A9-0250/2020 - Morten Løkkegaard)

. – The report aims at addressing the potential of the single market for services since the service sector creates 90% of new employment and generates 73% of the EU’s GDP; however, cross-border trade in services generates only 6.5% of the EU’s GDP. I voted in favour of it, as it focuses on the necessity of effective and coherent implementation of existing legislation and obligations. The report also calls for the introduction of electronic procedures for obtaining the documents needed for the cross-border provision of services.
Achieving an effective policy legacy for the European Year of Cultural Heritage (A9-0210/2020 - Dace Melbārde)

. – I voted in favour. The goal of the report is to highlight the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), to wrap the best examples, to evaluate the initiative, and to focus on different angles of cultural heritage. I am glad to see that the report touches upon the situation of digitalisation of cultural goods. It acknowledges the increasing relevance of digital cultural heritage; during the pandemic, for example, it could provide solace and was the only means for people to access and engage with cultural heritage and culture more broadly.
Artificial intelligence: questions of interpretation and application of international law (A9-0001/2021 - Gilles Lebreton)

. – This report seeks to address the advantages and disadvantages artificial intelligence (AI) can pose with regard to the interpretation and application of international law. It aims to frame the legal provisions to govern AI in the areas of civil and military uses and of state authority outside the scope of criminal justice. I voted in favour as I agree that the increased use of AI systems in public services, especially healthcare and justice, should not replace human contact or lead to discrimination.
Revision of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) guidelines (A9-0251/2020 - Jens Gieseke)

. – I voted in favour of the report, which sets the EP’s expectations towards the EC proposal for a revision of the TEN-T guidelines. It calls on the Commission to put forward binding measures for infrastructure managers as part of the TEN-T review and to boost innovative digital applications in all modes, including ITS, ERMTS, vessel traffic monitoring and information systems, river information services, air traffic management systems and monitoring systems for the structural health of infrastructures.
Monitoring the application of EU law 2017, 2018 and 2019 (A9-0270/2020 -Sabrina Pignedoli)

. – I supported the report on monitoring the application of Union law 2017, 2018 and 2019. It calls on the EU institutions to guarantee the full implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in all their decisions, actions and policies, as a way of upholding media pluralism and media freedom. It also highlights the need to improve EU taxation legislation to make tax systems more transparent, accountable and effective, as well as to curb unfair competition between Member States and the proliferation of tax havens.
Implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy - annual report 2020 (A9-0265/2020 - Sven Mikser)

. – I supported the annual report on implementation of the common security and defence policy. The report recalls the ambition of the EU to be a global actor for peace and security. It underlines that the EU is faced with a highly multipolar and unpredictable environment with more assertive and competing global and regional powers and shifting alliances. The report highlights the urgent need for the EU to introduce a more robust strategy to detect and proactively counter aggressive and malicious disinformation campaigns against it coming from third states and non-state actors. It stresses the need to review the mandate of the EEAS strategic communications team to address foreign interference.
Connectivity and EU-Asia relations (A9-0269/2020 - Reinhard Bütikofer)

. – The COVID-19 crisis has shown that transport continuity with Asia is essential to guaranteeing the supply chain for all types of goods. I supported this report, as it encourages the Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS) to create a global EU connectivity strategy, as an extension of the current EU-Asia connectivity strategy, in order to make stronger partnerships with democracies around the world which share our fundamental values. It also calls on the Commission to facilitate investments in Europe’s outermost regions, especially those closer to Asia, so as to strengthen their connectivity and boost their economies.
The right to disconnect (A9-0246/2020 - Alex Agius Saliba)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the right to disconnect. Although working from home has been instrumental in helping safeguard employment and business during the COVID-19 crisis, the combination of long working hours and higher demands also leads to more cases of anxiety, depression, burnout and other mental and physical health issues. Тhe right to disconnect should be respected as a fundamental right that allow workers to refrain from engaging in work-related tasks – such as phone calls, emails and other digital communication – outside working hours.
Reforming the EU list of tax havens (B9-0052/2021)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution pushing for the system used to draw up the EU list of tax havens to be changed. It proposes changes that would make the process of listing or delisting a country more transparent, consistent and impartial. It also calls for the process of establishing the list to be formalised through a legally binding instrument by the end of 2021 and question whether an informal body such as the Code of Conduct Group is able or suitable to update the blacklist.
Mitigating the consequences of earthquakes in Croatia (RC-B9-0057/2021, B9-0057/2021, B9-0058/2021, B9-0059/2021, B9-0061/2021, B9-0063/2021)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it calls for financial and other assistance to be distributed swiftly to enable a quick recovery in areas affected by the earthquake in Croatia last December. It emphasises that recovery from severe earthquakes – such as those in Croatia – takes considerable time. This should be taken into account when revising the European Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to ensure that there is sufficient time for funds to be absorbed beyond the current application deadlines.
Closing the digital gender gap: women’s participation in the digital economy (A9-0232/2020 - Maria da Graça Carvalho)

. – The report aims to address the root causes of the existing digital gender gap, including the leaky pipeline phenomenon. It reflects on the data available and proposes concrete measures and actions to promote women’s and girl’s participation in the digital education and economy, also with due regard to the COVID-19 crisis. I supported it as I am convinced that new policies and initiatives must be considered to eliminate the gender gap, which in turn will boost EU prosperity at all levels and ensure social justice through enhanced equality between women and men.
European Central Bank – annual report 2020 (A9-0002/2021 - Sven Simon)

. – I supported the annual report on the ECB’s activities, as it appreciates the role of the ECB in safeguarding the stability of euro, underlines quick and substantial ECB monetary policy in response to the COVID-19 crisis, and welcomes the ECB’s Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme to support the economic recovery of the euro area. Furthermore, the report welcomes the ECB’s efforts in maintaining price stability and notes that the inflation target has not been attained systematically, and that further vigilance is needed.
New Circular Economy Action Plan: see Minutes (A9-0008/2021 - Jan Huitema)

. – The report emphasises the benefits of the circular economy – environment, jobs and growth – and underlines that the Next Generation EU package should be used to boost the circular economy and the potential for digitalisation. It further points to a number of aspects covering the entire product cycle from product policy, key value chains and sectors to waste policy, and it points to the key role of regional and local communities as well as EU’s role globally. I am fully convinced that achieving the Green Deal objectives will only be possible if the EU switches to a circular economy model, so I voted in favour of it.
Implementation of the Anti-Trafficking Directive (A9-0011/2021 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos)

. – Trafficking in human beings is a grave violation of fundamental human rights and an extremely pernicious and highly lucrative form of transnational organised crime. I supported this report, because it comprehensively identifies key patterns and challenges in addressing trafficking in human beings. In its recommendations, the report focuses on the proper implementation and enforcement of the directive while also acknowledging that there are legal gaps which would need to be remedied in order to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings and be more efficient and effective in protecting victims.
Implementation of Article 43 of the Asylum Procedures Directive (A9-0005/2021 - Erik Marquardt)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as its key purpose is to allow Parliament to take evidence-based, informed decisions in the upcoming negotiations on the Migration and Asylum Pact, where border procedures play a crucial role. It also reiterates that if Member States apply border procedures, they should provide for conditions which ensure a fair and adequate procedure, as well as swift clarity on its outcome to applicants for international protection.
Public access to documents for the years 2016-2018 (A9-0004/2021 - Ioan-Rareş Bogdan)

. – The right of access to documents is a fundamental right protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and implemented by Regulation No 1049/2001, with the aim of ensuring that this right can be exercised easily and democratically. This right is fundamentally linked to the democratic nature of the institutions, which, through their actions and policies, need to ensure full compliance with the principle of transparency. I supported the annual report for the years 2016-2018, as it calls for the institutions of the European Union to make every effort to provide access to documents in all the official languages of the European Union.
The impact of Covid-19 on youth and on sport (B9-0115/2021)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it points out that the constraints caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of sufficient possibilities for regular training and practice in sports that require physical contact have been detrimental to the progression and development of athletes. It calls for cooperation among sporting institutions and organisations in supporting projects and concepts whose focus is on regaining lost capabilities.
Slot utilisation rules at Union airports: temporary relief (C9-0420/2020)

. – I supported this report, because it sets out a plan on how to update complex and strategic rules for the air sector, which has been among the hardest hit by the pandemic. According to the latest Eurocontrol forecast, air traffic is expected to be around half the level of last year. Due to the new slot utilisation rules, airlines only have to use 50% of their planned take-off and landing slots for the 2021 summer season, instead of the 80% required before the pandemic, in order to keep them for the following season.
Temporary measures concerning the validity of certificates and licences (Omnibus II) (C9-0004/2021)

. – I voted in favour of this regulation because its objective is to lay down additional specific and temporary measures applicable to the renewal and extension of the period of validity of certain certificates, licenses, and authorizations. It also includes the postponement of certain periodic checks and training, in response to the extraordinary circumstances caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, in the area of road, rail and inland waterways transport and maritime security, to those established in Regulation (EU) 2020/698.
EU Association Agreement with Ukraine (A9-0219/2020 - Michael Gahler)

. – I voted in favour of the report on Implementation of the EU Association Agreement with Ukraine. The agreement is a reflection of the shared ambition of the EU and Ukraine to move towards political association and economic integration. The report acknowledges the importance of cross-border mobility in strengthening people-to-people contacts and welcomes the continued successful implementation of the visa-free regime for the citizens of Ukraine. It also recalls the importance of Ukraine’s integration into EU frameworks, such as Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, and Creative Europe.
European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience (B9-0108/2021)

. – To maintain their jobs or embrace the opportunities of the digital and green transitions, almost half of EU workers will need to update their skills and/or gain new ones. The European Skills Agenda is a call for action on a set of ambitious targets, and involves the upskilling and reskilling of millions of adults by 2025. The motion for a resolution underlines the need for solutions aimed at enabling companies and private employers to encourage and support on-the-job training courses and training leave, including by examining training vouchers or the automatic recognition of skills acquired on the job. I supported this resolution.
Safety of the nuclear power plant in Ostrovets (Belarus) (B9-0109/2021)

. – The Ostrovets nuclear power plant, located 50 km from Vilnius (Lithuania) and in close proximity to other EU countries, such as Poland, Latvia and Estonia, started to generate electricity on 3 November 2020 despite multiple safety concerns remaining and without full implementation of the recommendations by the EU peer review of 2018 and by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). I voted in favour of this motion for a resolution as it urges the Belarusian authorities to ensure full compliance with international nuclear and environmental safety standards, and transparent, inclusive and constructive cooperation with international authorities without further delay.
EU/Honduras Voluntary Partnership Agreement (A9-0053/2021 - Karin Karlsbro)

. – The Agreement includes a clear commitment by Honduras to develop legislation to ensure that timber imported in Honduras has been legally harvested in compliance with the applicable legislation in the country of harvest. I voted in favour of it, as it will reassure the EU market that timber exported from Honduras comes from legally harvested timber.
Implementation report on the road safety aspects of the Roadworthiness Package (A9-0028/2021 - Benoît Lutgen)

. – In view of the next revision of the Roadworthiness Package, the report considers introducing the obligation of additional checks for cars in use as a taxi or ambulance, for light vans in parcel delivery, for motorcycles in parcel or food delivery, for shared mobility and public transport vehicles. It also intends to include new advanced safety and driver assistance systems within the scope of roadworthiness tests. I supported the report as its main objective is to enhance road safety.
Chemical residues in the Baltic Sea based on petitions 1328/2019 and 0406/2020 under Rule 227(2) (B9-0224/2021)

. – The resolution has at its basis petitions concerning the disposal of ammunitions in the Baltic Sea after World War II and the negative impact of decomposing chemicals on the environment. It asks the European Commission to foster cooperation with all relevant European agencies and institutions to use available resources. I supported it as it appeals for the organisation of an expert group, which would propose suitable environmentally friendly and cost-effective solutions for controlling and decreasing the levels of pollution, with the ultimate aim of removing the hazardous materials.
The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (A9-0128/2021 - Andreas Schieder, Christophe Hansen)

. – I welcome the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement that limits the negative consequences of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. The agreement covers not just trade in goods and services, but also a broad range of other areas in the EU's interest. It provides for zero tariffs and zero quotas on all goods that comply with the appropriate rules of origin.
Digital Green Certificate - Union citizens (C9-0104/2021 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar)

. – We should guarantee that all European citizens will move freely this summer. I voted in favour of the report as I strongly believe that we need to have one, easy-to-use, non-discriminatory, safe system, which can be used EU-wide and allow persons to choose between a digital and a paper version. It is crucial to avoid discrimination against those not vaccinated and that is the main reason why the report stresses that EU countries should ensure universal, accessible, timely and free-of-charge testing.
Digital Green Certificate - third country nationals (C9-0100/2021 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar)

. – Under the Schengen acquis, third country nationals lawfully residing in the Union may move freely within the territories of all other Member States during a period of 90 days in any 180-day period.During the pandemic, the Member States have adopted various measures, which have had an impact on travel to and within the territory of the Member States, such as restrictions on entry or requirements for cross-border travellers to undergo quarantine. Such restrictions have detrimental effects on citizens and businesses, especially cross-border workers and commuters or seasonal workers.I supported the Resolution, as it is intended to facilitate the application of the principles of proportionality and non-discrimination with regard to possible restrictions to free movement and other fundamental rights as a result of the COVID—19 crisis.
Digital taxation: OECD negotiations, tax residency of digital companies and a possible European Digital Tax (A9-0103/2021 - Andreas Schwab, Martin Hlaváček)

. – Digital services are an inseparable part of our lives, especially during the pandemic. However, international tax rules are not up-to-date in order to tax the digital economy, which is a problem. Moreover, digital services have been taxed more lightly than traditional ones. I voted in favour of this resolution as it provides clear and simple guidelines for how to break away from taxing digital and traditional businesses differently.
Administrative cooperation in the field of excise duties: content of electronic registers (A9-0121/2021 - Irene Tinagli)

. – The proposal is about amending Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 389/2012, which lays down the legal basis for administrative cooperation between Member States in the field of excise duties.It amends the scope to include the information that Member States must introduce in the registers of the electronic database in relation to the certified consignors and certified consignees who are moving excise goods only occasionally and are granted a temporary certification. I voted in favour of it.
Parliament’s estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2022 (A9-0145/2021 - Damian Boeselager)

. – The most important priority of the budget is to provide the necessary resources to return to normalcy after the COVID-19 crisis, yet benefiting from experiences and lessons learned. I voted in favour of the report, because it shows that we are learning from the experiences of the pandemic; for example, the report stresses the need for more digital, flexible and energy-efficient working methods of the Parliament.
European Child Guarantee (B9-0220/2021)

. – The Child Guarantee aims at providing public support to prevent and combat social exclusion by guaranteeing access for children in need to a set of key services. Such services are early childhood education and care, educational and school—based activities, healthcare and at least one healthy meal per school day, and effective access for all children in need to healthy nutrition and adequate housing. Therefore, the Member States should either organise and provide such services or provide adequate benefits so that parents or guardians of children in need are in a position to cover the cost of these services. In 2019, 22.2% of children in the EU – almost 18 million children – were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. I voted in favour of the report because we must reduce this negative trend as much as possible.
The accessibility and affordability of Covid-testing (B9-0233/2021, B9-0234/2021)

. – I supported this report, as it calls on the Member States to ensure universal, accessible, timely and free—of—charge testing in order to guarantee the right to free movement within the EU without discrimination on grounds of economic or financial means in the context of the EU COVID—19 Certificate. Free movement is in principle a right of all EU citizens, and in times of crisis every measure has to be taken to ensure that all Europeans can enjoy that right equally.
EU-India relations (A9-0124/2021 - Alviina Alametsä)

. – Having regard to the EU being India’s largest trading partner and the fact that EU—India trade increased by more than 70% between 2009 and 2019, undoubtedly it is in the common interest to foster closer economic ties.I supported the report, as it provides a set of recommendations for the European Union on improving its bilateral partnership with India in view of the upcoming EU—India leaders’ meeting in Porto on 8 May. On other hand, the report highlights the importance of India as a partner in the global fight against climate change and biodiversity degradation and in a green transition towards renewable energy and climate neutrality.
Protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement EU/Tunisia (accession of Croatia) (A9-0150/2021 - Michael Gahler)

. – In June 2012, the EU and Central American countries signed an association agreement (AA), which creates a new framework for bilateral relations.This AA has shown clear benefits for all parties involved. Nevertheless, some Central American countries can take greater advantage of it than others due to their economic structure. I supported the report as it recommends that Parliament give its consent to the conclusion of the additional protocol on the participation of Croatia in the association agreement.
Dock dues scheme in the French outermost regions (A9-0138/2021 - Younous Omarjee)

. – Article 349 TFEU provides for the possibility of introducing specific measures for the outermost regions due to the permanent constraints affecting their economic and social situation. Such measures concern various policies, including taxation. I supported the proposal establishing the legal framework for dock dues applicable after 30 June 2021 by providing new derogation arrangements for the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027, including a revision of the current provisions to make the scheme more flexible and transparent. It allows the previous decision to continue applying until the end of 2021 in order to give France the time to transpose the new arrangements applicable between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2027 into its national law.
Securing the objectives of the landing obligation under Article 15 of the Common Fisheries Policy (A9-0147/2021 - Søren Gade)

. – I voted in favour of the report on securing the objectives of the landing obligation under Article 15 of the Common Fisheries Policy because it calls for better use to be made of new technologies and digital solutions developed in cooperation with the fishing sector and Member States’ authorities to improve monitoring, control and surveillance, in full respect of privacy rights and business confidentiality.
Common system of value added tax: exemptions on importations and on certain supplies, in respect of Union measures in the public interest (A9-0155/2021 - Irene Tinagli)

. – The proposal aims to introduce a VAT exemption for the acquisition of goods and services by the Commission, agency or body established under Union law in the fulfilment of a mandate conferred on it by Union law in the public interest. I voted in favour of the report, as the proposal’s adoption will remove VAT as a cost factor for EU programmes dealing with transactions among others diagnostic tests and testing materials, and laboratory equipment. I believe that such a measure can deliver the solutions required to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic without undue burden.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2020/002 EE/Tourism - Estonia (A9-0158/2021 - José Manuel Fernandes)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has been created in order to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. I voted in favour of the report as it fully supports the Commission proposal to mobilise the Fund in order to provide a financial contribution Estonia’s application. It concerns 1 715 self-employed workers made redundant and 8 365 workers made redundant in the tourism sector in Estonia, of which 3 873 were in the context of collective redundancies notified to the authorities.
Draft amending budget No 2/2021: financing the COVID-19 response and including refinements and updates related to the final adoption of the Multiannual Financial Framework (A9-0160/2021 - Pierre Larrouturou)

. – I voted in favour of the report, because the Draft amending budget No 2/2021 aims to provide additional funding for the prevention, preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to provide room under the Emergency Support Instrument for the potential budgetary impact of further European initiatives related to the COVID-19 response.
Challenges of sports events organisers in the digital environment (A9-0139/2021 - Angel Dzhambazki)

. – I supported the report on the Challenges of sport events’ organisers in the digital environment, as it proposes to crack down on the growing phenomenon of illegal broadcasting of live sporting events. To help combat the problem, it calls on the Commission to clarify and improve the current EU framework on intellectual property rights for live sport events, currently not subject to copyright protection, and to introduce specific provisions regarding the rights of sport event organisers, for whom licensing of broadcasting rights is a key source of income.
Research Fund for Coal and Steel (A9-0102/2021 - Cristian-Silviu Buşoi)

. – The Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel supports research and innovation projects in the areas of coal and steel. In this regard, around EUR 40 million every year are destined to help universities, research centres and private companies to fund projects in this area. The purpose of the Commission’s proposal is to update the RFCS Research Programme objectives, in line with the EU climate, energy and environmental targets. I supported the report as the RFCS revision should encourage greater use of technologies aimed at promoting the circular economy.
A European Strategy for Energy System Integration (A9-0062/2021 - Christophe Grudler)

. – I voted in favour of the report on EU strategy for energy system integration. As a part of the European Green Deal, it aims to encourage smart sector integration. I am glad to see that the new EU strategy will involve various existing and emerging technologies, processes and business models, such as ICT and digitalisation, smart grids and meters and flexibility markets.
A European Strategy for Hydrogen (A9-0116/2021 - Jens Geier)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it agrees that hydrogen produced from renewable sources is key to the EU’s energy transition, as only renewable hydrogen can sustainably contribute to achieving climate neutrality in the long term and avoid lock-in effects and stranded assets. The aim of the strategy is to create an enabling environment to scale up renewable hydrogen supply and demand for a climate-neutral economy. To do so, the strategy outlines a number of key actions and presents three strategic phases in the timeline up to 2050.
2019-2020 Reports on Montenegro (A9-0131/2021 - Tonino Picula)

. – I supported the annual report on the progress of Montenegro on its path to the European Union, reflecting on development in membership negotiations and reform efforts. The report touches on the following issues: commitment to enlargement, democracy and the rule of law, respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights, reconciliation, good neighborly relations and international cooperation, the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic, the environment, and energy and transport. It is a positive sign that, according to recent public opinion surveys, an increasing number of citizens (76.6%) support the country’s future membership of the EU.
The effects of climate change on human rights and the role of environmental defenders on this matter (A9-0039/2021 - María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos)

. – I voted in favour of the report because it calls for greater ambition and protection of human rights and environmental rights defenders and underlines the important role of indigenous communities as important entities in the fight against climate change and the preservation of the environment. It also appeals for the EU and its Member States to act as a credible and reliable partner on the global stage through the adoption, strengthening and implementation of legislation aligned with a comprehensive human-rights-based approach to climate action.
Reversing demographic trends in EU regions using cohesion policy instruments (A9-0061/2021 - Daniel Buda)

. – I voted in favour of the report on reversing demographic trends in EU regions using cohesion policy instruments. The report underlines that the EU is facing a major demographic challenge, which, despite different impacts across regions, has to be acknowledged and tackled in a holistic way in order to redress the negative natural demographic balance of recent years. It also notes that active ageing policies are needed in order to reduce the negative dimension of demographic changes, especially in rural and remote areas, and to ensure an adequate level of quality of life for all inhabitants.
Impacts of EU rules on the free movements of workers and services: intra-EU labour mobility as a tool to match labour market needs and skills (A9-0066/2021 - Radan Kanev)

. – The free movement of workers, the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services are fundamental principles of the internal market. I supported the report as it highlights the need to place the protection of workers and social partners’ involvement at the core of Union law in this field so that democratic functioning, economic growth and high social and environmental standards are ensured. It also recalls the need to ensure the free movement of workers in order to preserve employment and the economy of certain regions, and to maintain activities such as farming. The report underlines the need for further use of harmonisation and mutual recognition tools for the recognition of professional diplomas, skills and qualifications throughout the Union.
Environment: The Aarhus Regulation (A9-0152/2021 - Christian Doleschal)

. – The Aarhus Regulation transposes the international Aarhus Convention on public participation and access to information and justice into Union law, providing administrative review possibilities for environmental NGOs with regard to administrative acts and omissions by Union institutions and bodies in the field of environmental law. I supported the report because the changes will facilitate the integration of environmental objectives into a wide range of EU policies, broaden the types of administrative acts that can be reviewed, limit the costs of the review process, and allow members of the public to make a request for an internal review to an EU institution or body.
Liability of companies for environmental damage (A9-0112/2021 - Antonius Manders)

. – I supported the report as it aims to strengthen existing EU rules on companies’ environmental liability to reduce and prevent environment harm. It recommends revising and transforming the Environmental Liability Directive into a fully harmonised regulation that would apply to all companies operating in the EU. It also proposes setting up an EU ELD Task Force at the Commission to help Member States harmonise enforcement across the internal market as a way to ensure a level playing field.
New Avenues for Legal Labour Migration (A9-0143/2021 - Sylvie Guillaume)

. – I supported the report dealing with legal labour migration. It recommends a gradual approach, based on addressing immediate issues by looking to expand the sectors governed by EU law, and then looking at a more overarching reform of EU legal migration policy. In view of our ageing societies and labour market shortages, the rules of attracting talents and highly-skilled legal migrants as well as manual labour and entrepreneurs need to be further explored.
Digital future of Europe: digital single market and use of AI for European consumers (A9-0149/2021 - Deirdre Clune)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution on Europe’s digital future, which is reiterating the need for common EU rules on accessible and human-centric technology. It argues that AI solutions could diminish existing barriers and reduce the fragmentation of the internal market, support European digital economy and its competitiveness, contributing also to safety, security, education, healthcare, transport and the environment. I fully agree with the rapporteur Deirdre Clune that Artificial Intelligence can be positive and transformative. It could help us to face many societal challenges - from treating diseases to minimising the environmental impact on farming. In order to take full advantage of AI’s possibilities, we need to give our businesses and start-ups room for innovation and support investment.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2020/003 DE/GMH Guss - Germany (A9-0189/2021 - Jens Geier)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has been created in order to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. I supported the report, as it fully supports the Commission proposal to mobilise the Fund in order to provide a financial contribution following Germany’s application. It concerns 585 workers made redundant by four subsidiaries of GMH Guss GmbH, which operates in the manufacture of basic metals sector.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2020/005 BE/Swissport – Belgium (A9-0188/2021 - Olivier Chastel)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund was created to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns.To contain the COVID-19 pandemic, Belgium went into lockdown on 18 March 2020; after that the movements of passenger planes at the airport stopped almost completely, except for a limited number of repatriation, medical emergency or diplomatic flights. I voted in favour of the report, as it fully supports the Commission proposal to mobilise the Fund in order to provide a financial contribution in response to Belgium’s application, which concerns 1 468 workers made redundant at the company Swissport Belgium.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2020/004 NL/KLM - Netherlands (A9-0187/2021 - Monika Vana)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund was created to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns.I voted in favour of the report, as it fully supports the Commission proposal to mobilise the Fund in order to provide a financial contribution following the Netherlands’s application. It concerns 1 851 workers made redundant at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. The second largest private employer in the Netherlands has been hit hard by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These redundancies have a serious impact on the national economy.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2020/007 FI/Finnair - Finland (A9-0186/2021 - Eero Heinäluoma)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund was created to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns.Finland reports that Finnair has been hit hard by the effects of the pandemic. Restrictions in Finland and other destination countries have had a significant impact on Finnair’s operations, especially on international and intercontinental flights.I voted in favour of the report, as it fully supports the Commission proposal to mobilise the Fund in order to provide a financial contribution following Finland’s application. It concerns 508 workers made redundant in Finnair Oyj and a subcontractor.
ETIAS consequential amendments: ECRIS-TCN (A9-0083/2021 - Jeroen Lenaers)

. – I supported the consequential amendments of the ETIAS Regulation, as they aim to ensure interoperability between the new ETIAS database, through which all visa-exempt non-EU nationals will have to apply online for travel authorisation prior to their departure, and the EU Entry/Exit System. This system stores entry and exit records of non-EU citizens crossing the EU external borders, the ECRIS-TCN, and also contains information concerning previous criminal convictions of third-country nationals, and the Schengen Information System (SIS) with a view to cross-check prior to the granting of the travel authorisation whether the applicant poses a security risk.
EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives (A9-0179/2021 - César Luena)

. – The report represents the Parliament’s response to the Commission’s EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, presented a year ago on 20 May 2020. I voted in favour of the report, as it calls for comprehensive impact assessments for each legislative initiative under the Strategy. It also requires the protection and restoration to be central elements of the new Forest Strategy – a strong support for farmers and fishers.
Regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman’s duties (A9-0174/2021 - Paulo Rangel)

. – I supported the report on a draft regulation of the European Parliament laying down the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman’s duties. Under the new rules, the Ombudsman will be able to conduct own-initiative inquiries whenever he/she finds grounds, in particular in case of repeated, systemic or particularly serious instances of maladministration. The Ombudsman will be entitled to verify the measures adopted by the competent authority of the Union institution, body, office or agency concerned to ensure the protection of alleged victims of harassment.
The conflict of interest of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (B9-0303/2021)

. – The European Commission’s audit concluded that Prime Minister of Czech Republic Andrej Babiš is the beneficial owner of Agrofert and is therefore breaching the Czech Conflict of Interest Act. No other private company in Europe receives as many agricultural subsidies as the Agrofert holding. I voted in favour of the report, as it calls for the cutting of all EU and national subsidies to Agrofert as long as Andrej Babiš continues to breach the EU’s Financial Regulation. It also urges the Czech authorities immediately to stop covering up the conflict of interest.
The EU's Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade (B9-0305/2021)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the Cybersecurity Strategy, as it aims to safeguard a global and open Internet, while at the same time offering safeguards, not only to ensure security but also to protect European values and the fundamental rights of everyone. Critical infrastructure and services that people and businesses depend on need to be secure, reliable and future-proof. We need better coordination between EU governments and a stronger role for the European Network and Information Security Agency.
Rule of Law situation in the European Union and the application of the conditionality regulation 2020/2092 (B9-0317/2021, B9-0319/2021, B9-0320/2021)

. – The rule of law conditionality regulation, designed to protect EU funds against their possible misuse by EU governments, entered into force on 1 January 2021. However, no measures have been proposed under the new rules. I supported the resolution as it stresses that the risk of the EU budget being misused in EU countries has grown and rule of law is deteriorating, so I agree that it is crucial for the Commission, to ‘fulfil its obligations’ under the new regulation, as soon as possible.
European Parliament’s Scrutiny on the ongoing assessment by the Commission and the Council of the national recovery and resilience plans (RC-B9-0331/2021, B9-0331/2021, B9-0333/2021, B9-0334/2021, B9-0335/2021, B9-0337/2021, B9-0338/2021)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution on the views of Parliament on the ongoing assessment by the Commission and the Council of the national recovery and resilience plans because I fully agree that the RRF is a historic EU instrument that must not only mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but must also have a lasting impact on prosperity and help distribute growth fairly. It also calls on the Commission to only approve plans that fully meet the targets and goals agreed in the RRF regulation and to not bow to any political pressure.
European Citizens' Initiative "End the cage age" (B9-0296/2021, B9-0302/2021)

. – The European Citizens’ Initiative ‘End the Cage Age’ gathered almost 1.4 million signatures and called on the European Commission to propose legislation to end keeping farmed animals in cages.I supported the European Parliament resolution as it asks the Commission to come up with legislative proposals to ban caged farming in the EU, possibly already by 2027, following an appropriate transition period and after a solid scientific impact assessment has been carried out.
Promoting gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and careers (A9-0163/2021 - Susana Solís Pérez)

. – I am convinced that it is necessary to encourage women’s participation in technical and high—level jobs by overcoming educational and professional barriers, as well as guaranteeing digital lifelong learning for women. I supported the report because it underlines the importance of encouraging women and girls to pursue STEM education and careers by removing barriers, fighting gender stereotypes and improving access to education and training. Female entrepreneurship needs to be promoted as an untapped source of economic growth, innovation and job creation through access to finance, awareness raising and information campaigns.
Future EU financing of the radio network Euranet Plus (B9-0316/2021)

. – Euranet Plus is a unique network of radio stations in the EU that reports on events in Europe from a transnational perspective. Euranet Plus represents a gateway with content in 12 official EU languages, reaching more than 15 million listeners every day who may otherwise not engage with EU—related issues. I supported the European Parliament resolution on the future EU financing of the radio network Euranet Plus, as it calls for Euranet Plus’s current core funding to be renewed in the form of a transitional grant agreement.
Regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman’s duties (A9-0174/2021 - Paulo Rangel)

. – I voted in favour of the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman’s duties. Under the new rules, the Ombudsman will be able to conduct own-initiative inquiries whenever he/she finds grounds, in particular in case of repeated, systemic or particularly serious instances of maladministration. The Ombudsman will be entitled to verify the measures adopted by the competent authority of the Union institution, body, office or agency concerned to ensure the protection of alleged victims of harassment.
Challenges and opportunities for the fishing sector in the Black Sea (A9-0170/2021 - Ivo Hristov)

. – The exclusive economic zone of Bulgaria and Romania represent just 15% of the Black Sea. However, the sector plays a key role at regional and local levels. In addition to jobs in the sector itself, indirect jobs are also created in other sectors, such as local tourism, and transport. A large proportion of vessels – around 95% of vessels in Bulgaria and 86% in Romania – are small vessels handed down from generation to generation. I voted in favour of the report because it notes the necessity of preserving good practices in the fishing sector by reducing economic burdens for small-scale fishers and their associations. It stresses the need to further strengthen and deepen cooperation among the littoral Black Sea countries to efficiently manage fish stocks and meeting challenges.
The role of the EU's development cooperation and humanitarian assistance in addressing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (A9-0151/2021 - Hildegard Bentele, Norbert Neuser)

. – 1.6 billion children and young people were affected by school closures. The cultural and creative industries were also severely hit by the pandemic. For that reason, the report calls for education to remain a spending priority, alongside recalling the importance of lifelong learning and re-qualification and of integrating cultural sustainability in the whole set of EU external relations and foreign policy instruments. One of the report’s main points is the need for more sustainable and resilient supply chains and for better integrating small farmers and producers into local and regional markets with a focus particularly on pastoral farming as a way of addressing food security issues related to the pandemic and the subsequent disruption of global value chains. I supported it.
European Climate Law (Jytte Guteland - A9-0162/2020)

. – The proposed regulation sets a legally binding EU-wide common target of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. It would require EU institutions and Member States to take the measures necessary to achieve the collective climate-neutrality objective, taking into account fairness and solidarity among Member States. The agreement on the law had been informally reached in April and I voted in favour of the law to be formally adopted by Parliament.
Commission’s 2020 Rule of law report (A9-0199/2021 - Domènec Ruiz Devesa)

. – The first Commission annual rule of law report from 2020 covers developments in all EU Member States in four areas: judiciary, media freedom, anti-corruption framework, general checks & balances. I voted in favour of this report, as it looks at developments in all Member States in those areas in a more horizontal way and calls for a more detailed analysis. According to the report, the Commission should include recommendations to the Member States and align them with applicable tools to remedy the identified shortcomings, where necessary. Last, but not least, it recalls the need for an EU wide mechanism for rule of law that covers all values in Art. 2 TEU.
Regulatory fitness, subsidiarity and proportionality - report on Better Law Making 2017, 2018 and 2019 (A9-0191/2021 - Mislav Kolakušić)

. – I supported the initiative report analysing the yearly annual reports of the Commission on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality and on relations with national parliaments. The report compares and analyses the Commission’s annual reports of previous years in order to see improvements or degradation. It encourages national parliaments to involve regional parliaments with legislative powers in EU legislative initiatives and supports their systematic consultation on major initiatives, in particular where there is a link with regional competences.
Railway safety and signalling: Assessing the state of play of the ERTMS deployment (A9-0181/2021 - Izaskun Bilbao Barandica)

. – The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is a single European signalling and speed control system launched with the aim of ensuring the interoperability of national railway systems, reducing the purchasing and maintenance costs of signalling systems, as well as increasing the speed of trains, the capacity of infrastructure and the level of safety in rail transport. Despite the various initiatives undertaken and the national and European legislation adopted to foster ERTMS deployment and interoperability, deployment is still slow and patchy – interoperability has not been completely achieved. However, more than ever, full deployment of ERTMS is essential to enable the rail sector to meet the European Green Deal’s ambitious targets and the milestones set by the sustainable and smart mobility strategy for 2030 and 2050.The report recommends a number of effective measures to overcome the main challenges identified in the deployment of ERTMS. I voted in favour of it because it also calls for a legislative proposal for an ERTMS industrial strategy addressing the insufficient industrial capacity, the lack of sufficient workshops for retrofitting and of a stable and predictable budget, and the shortage of qualified staff.
Financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2020 (A9-0200/2021 - Pedro Silva Pereira)

. – The report recognises the valuable contribution of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in providing long-term financing and expertise for projects and in leveraging additional investment to help achieve the EU’s objectives, with a strong emphasis on SME support. It also praises the EIB’s contribution to the COVID-19 response, particularly towards the health sector, emphasising the Bank’s investment in COVAX developing a vaccine against COVID-19. I voted in favour of this report because it states that the EIB must seek to avoid crowding out private investments through its activities and avoid further geographical imbalances in the EIB’s lending activity to ensure a broader geographical and sectoral allocation of investments.
Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2019 (A9-0215/2021 - Bas Eickhout)

. – The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world and a major actor in the implementation of several of the Union’s policies. This draft report focuses on financing the European Green Deal, the new energy lending policy, the EIB’s actions in implementing the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) and on the EIB’s operations outside the EU. It also includes calls for digitalisation, transparency, disclosure of beneficiaries and beneficial owners, and for full alignment with anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing regulations. I supported it.
The impact on the fishing sector of offshore windfarms and other renewable energy systems (A9-0184/2021 - Peter van Dalen)

. – The report emphasises that alternative energy systems are a way to move towards the Green Deal objectives. However, offshore windfarms have an impact on the seabed, marine life and biodiversity. It highlights the need to avoid any potential negative long-term impact caused by offshore wind turbines on fisheries and points out the importance of rigorous studies to assess such impacts. The report stresses how important it is to minimise the risk of a large-scale roll-out and its ecological and socioeconomic effects during all the three phases (construction, operation and decommissioning). I supported it.
Citizens’ dialogues and citizens’ participation in EU decision-making (A9-0213/2021 - Helmut Scholz)

. – I supported the report, which looks at ways to give citizens a more meaningful say in EU decision-making. The underlying idea of the report is that the existing participatory instruments have various shortcomings and should be improved, and that through continued dialogues with citizens a new public forum should be established to increase their influence on EU policy-making. It proposes to set up a European Network for Citizenship Education as well as a European Agency in this field and also calls on the Commission to launch an annual European Union Olympiad competition.
EU-NATO cooperation in the context of transatlantic relations (A9-0192/2021 - Antonio López-Istúriz White)

. – The report analyses the current state of EU-NATO relations. It expresses its firm belief that NATO-EU relations need to upgrade to a real strategic level in order to reach the partnership’s full potential, building on the unprecedented progress already achieved with the overall objective of building a genuine organisation-to-organisation relationship. Furthermore, it calls for regular special summits with the participation of all NATO and EU Heads of State and Government. At a time when North America and Europe face common threats from competing countries, climate change, pandemics and terrorism, I find it a very important task to strengthen EU-NATO cooperation, so I supported the report.
Old continent growing older - possibilities and challenges related to ageing policy post 2020 (A9-0194/2021 - Beata Szydło)

. – The ageing of the population is one of the most significant challenges in the EU today. The coronavirus pandemic has further highlighted the problems that require our special attention and has stressed the need to include a special strategy for older people in EU activities. I voted in favour of the report because it aims to highlight the role of older people in the EU, to provide them with appropriate care, to prevent loneliness in old age and to benefit from their vast knowledge and experience. I support the idea of encouraging Member States to create day care centres close to schools and kindergartens, which will help build intergenerational bonds and prevent loneliness in old age.
The creation of guidelines for the application of the general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget (A9-0226/2021 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Petri Sarvamaa)

. – The budget conditionality regulation is the only piece of EU legislation linking the respect of the rule of law to access to EU funds. The Commission has decided to abide by the non-binding December 2020 European Council conclusions and delay the application of the budget conditionality regulation by developing application guidelines. This report calls on the Commission to set out a ‘clear, precise and user-friendly system’ for submitting complaints under the regulation.The persistent violations of democracy and fundamental rights have an impact on the projects Member States decide to fund with Union funds and may therefore have a sufficiently direct effect on the protection of the financial interests of the Union. Furthermore, the Commission should include in its annual Rule of Law report a section dedicated to cases where breaches of the rule of law in a Member State could seriously risk affecting the sound financial management of the Union budget. I supported this report.
Annual Report on the functioning of the Schengen area (A9-0183/2021 - Tanja Fajon)

. – First of all, I am more than satisfied that this report demands full integration of Bulgaria and Romania into the free-movement zone, noting that both countries have fulfilled the requirements for joining Schengen. I also supported the report, as it calls for the restoration of free movement within the Schengen area, which has been disrupted by border controls, most recently because of the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, but not least, it welcomes the development of IT systems in the areas of border and visa management, and asks these projects to be completed without delays.
European Medicines Agency (A9-0216/2021 - Nicolás González Casares)

. – On 11 November 2020, the Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation to reinforce the role of the European Medicines Agency. I supported the current report, as it aims to give the European Medicines Agency (EMA) more staff and more powers. It is very crucial to ensure that safe, high-quality and efficient medicinal products, with the potential to address public health emergencies, can be developed within the Union. The main role of EMA should be preventing the shortages of medicines in Europe and providing concrete help for Member States during pandemics and health crises. This will be guaranteed by creation of a Medicines Steering Group and an Executive Steering Group on Medical devices.
General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030 (A9-0203/2021 - Grace O'Sullivan)

. – On 14 October 2020, the Commission presented a legislative proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and the Council on the General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030 (the ‘8th EAP’), to follow the 7th EAP which ended in 2020. The report maintains the 6 priority objectives on climate neutrality by 2050 as follows: climate adaptation, decoupling economic growth from resource use and environmental degradation while introducing the concept of a sustainable wellbeing economy, zero-pollution ambition, biodiversity protection, and reducing production and consumption pressures on environment and climate. It also expands the set of enabling conditions to support the achievement of these objectives and the strategies and initiatives taken in the context of the European Green Deal. I voted in favour.
Review of the macroeconomic legislative framework (A9-0212/2021 - Margarida Marques)

. – This report serves as a contribution of the European Parliament to the public consultation by the Commission on the review of the European economic governance framework. I voted in favour of the report as it stresses that the economic governance framework should be reviewed in the context of the current economic environment and, whilst building on experiences of the existing framework and fully respecting the Treaties, the review shall be fact-based and future-oriented.An emphasis of the report is that short—term factors, like low interest rates, should be treated prudently for the purpose of the analysis of the medium-term sovereign debt sustainability. It also considers that the benefit of low debt service cost is an opportunity to sustain and progressively reduce debt levels towards a sustainable level.
Establishment of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the conservation of Southern Ocean biodiversity (B9-0369/2021)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution as it welcomes the Commission communication on a New European Area for Research and Innovation setting out strategic objectives and actions with the aim of reaching the goal of 3% GDP spending on R&I this would improve access to excellence for researchers across the EU. The resolution underlines that the COVID pandemic has demonstrated the importance of R&I cooperation and better connectivity, the need to improve synergies, to create a research enabling environment and to reduce the research gap between the Member States. I fully agree with the importance of the mobility of researchers and the inclusion of young researchers.
Towards future-proof inland waterway transport in Europe (A9-0231/2021 - Caroline Nagtegaal)

. – The current report calls on the Commission to take the initiative on green, efficient and digital leadership and to build on existing programmes such as NAIADES, which should support and incentivise all stakeholders within the waterway transport sector. I voted in favour because inland waterways constitute an excellent transport mode for commodities originating from new circular economy markets. Therefore, coordinating transport, environmental and industrial policies is essential to seizing these opportunities.
Towards a stronger partnership with the EU outermost regions (A9-0241/2021 - Stéphane Bijoux)

. – The report builds on the approach that Article 349 must be consolidated, systematically respected and fully integrated into all European public policies, especially in the post-COVID and post-Brexit years. It proposes a reinforced partnership with the outermost regions (ORs), through a new cross-sectoral development model, which protects human potential and natural resources, respects territorial and cultural specificities, encourages local initiatives, and invests heavily in training for young people, while ensuring the essential support needed to tackle structural challenges. I voted in favour of this report, as it seeks to place the ORs not at the periphery but right at the heart of European public action.
A new approach to the Atlantic maritime strategy (A9-0243/2021 - Younous Omarjee)

. – The Atlantic area remains of importance to the European Union due to many territorial cooperation and environmental aspects. More specifically, oceans remain an untapped source of many important resources.The Atlantic strategy has given rise to a more ambitious, open and effective form of cooperation in the Atlantic area and identified the challenges and opportunities facing the region.However, there is an urgent need to respond to the socio-economic crisis (which has been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic and by Brexit), address threats to ecosystems, promote climate neutrality and respond to new emergencies in outlying parts of the Atlantic area.I supported this own-initiative report, as the rapporteur advocates that the Atlantic strategy be developed into a strategy for an Atlantic macro-region. The purpose of such a strategy would be to improve the coordination between measures addressing issues on land and at sea, to increase the strategy’s political importance while providing multilevel governance, and to streamline the sources of funding.
Draft amending budget No 1/2021: Brexit Adjustment Reserve (A9-0263/2021 - Pierre Larrouturou)

. – I voted in favour of the EUR 5 billion Brexit Adjustment Reserve to help Member States deal with the economic, social, and territorial impact of the UK’s departure from the EU. According to the agreement, three factors will be used to calculate how much money each EU country will receive: the importance of trade with the UK, the importance of fisheries in the UK exclusive economic zone, and the population living in maritime regions bordering the UK. I am pleased to see that the EU is providing real tangible support to the businesses, regions and countries most affected by Brexit.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (A9-0253/2021 - Joanna Kopcińska)

. – The COVID-19 crisis revealed that further work at EU level is needed to support cooperation between Member States, in particular border regions. I voted in favour of the proposal to strengthen the EU’s crisis prevention, preparedness and response when addressing future serious cross-border health threats. The report stresses the importance of transparency and accountability between the Member States and the EU, while preserving the exclusive competences of the Member States. On the new tasks for the ECDC – such as detecting, monitoring and reporting on threats to substances of human origin, such as blood, organs, tissues, and cells – the rapporteur suggests that participation by Member States in the related network should be voluntary in the first phase. If this new element of the ECDC’s epidemiological mandate proves to be successful, it could then be made mandatory following a review.
Serious cross-border threats to health (A9-0247/2021 - Véronique Trillet-Lenoir)

. – The proposal for a regulation aims to strengthen the Council Decision on cross-border threats to health through reinforced national and Union preparedness and response plans. Some of the key points of the report are dialogue and exchange of information with industry, relevant entities of the pharmaceutical supply chain, healthcare professionals’ and patients’ organisations, and establishment of green lanes for circulation of essential goods, medical countermeasures, and cross-border workers in the event of border restrictions. I supported the regulation as I find the suggested public health measures concerning communicable diseases adequate and essential.
Visa Facilitation Agreement between the EU and Cabo Verde (A9-0264/2021 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar)

. – I voted in favour of reducing the Schengen visa fee charges and facilitating the list of documents required for application for Cabo Verde. According to the new agreement, which updates a previous one from 2014, fees for applying for a Schengen visa will be lowered to 75 per cent or less compared to the current fee. In addition, the same fees will be reduced even more for children from 12 to 18 years of age. Relatives of EU citizens or Cabo Verdean citizens who are legal residents of the EU countries now can apply for a Schengen visa, free of charge. Students, researchers, athletes, cultural or educational individuals, under 25 years of age, and members of official delegations, are also discharged from the requirement.
EU-Korea agreement: certain aspects of air services (A9-0251/2021 - Dominique Riquet)

. – This agreement allows any EU airline to fly to the Republic of Korea from any of the twenty-two EU Member States which currently have a bilateral air services agreement with the Republic of Korea. In addition to the new routes’ opportunities for the EU carriers, the agreement is beneficial for both sides by bringing legal certainty to the commercial operations and ensuring a non-discriminative approach to the airlines flying between the two respective territories. Civil aviation is a major strategic sector in the European Union, providing mobility solutions and jobs to European citizens, and it is also a lifeline for the European tourism sector, so I voted in favour of this recommendation.
A new EU-China strategy (A9-0252/2021 - Hilde Vautmans)

. – I supported the report, as it proposes continued EU-China cooperation on a range of global challenges, such as human rights, climate change, nuclear disarmament, fighting global health crises, and the reform of multilateral organisations. On the other hand, the report underlines that the consideration and ratification process for the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) cannot start until the Chinese sanctions against MEPs and EU institutions have been lifted. EU-China relations are a complex issue and we should be very flexible and considerate about when it’s time to cooperate and when to compete and oppose.
Direction of EU-Russia political relations (A9-0259/2021 - Andrius Kubilius)

. – I voted in favour of this recommendation as I consider that cooperation in certain specific fields should not lead to any concessions regarding values, and the Union should never disregard the geostrategic implications and interests of its partners. According to it, the EU should call on the Russian Government and State Duma to revise the legal framework for elections, including on election observation, to facilitate pluralism and free and fair elections according to international standards and create a level playing field for opposition candidates. The EU should support Russian civil society and foster people-to-people contacts between the EU and Russian citizens and also should further support independent media outlets, journalists, and bloggers in Russia.
Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development (A9-0257/2021 - Sylvie Brunet)

. – This report aims to ensure that people working for digital labour platforms, such as food delivery services and ride-hailing should have the same rights as traditional employees.It calls for measures so that the digital platform workers are subject to the same labour market rules and entitlements as traditional business and workers, i.e. access to social protection, healthy and safe working conditions, and occupational health and safety measures, by their status.I supported it because these new kinds of jobs should have the same level of social protection afforded to traditional employees.
Fishers for the future (A9-0230/2021 - Manuel Pizarro)

. – Fishing globally provides food to billions of people. According to the FAO, the sector is an important source of employment and income for the livelihoods of 10-12% of the world’s population.The report addresses important difficulties faced by the EU fishing industry owing to the ageing of the workforce, high rate of accidents at sea, absence of harmonised training standards, the poor image of the sector, lack of recognition of fishers’ qualifications at EU level, low women’s employment rate and lack of attractiveness of the sector for young fishers. I voted in favour of the report, as it points out the next generation of European fishers will not only make the EU’s sector more competitive in the future but also play a part in securing food supplies in Europe over the coming years. It stresses the importance of increased investment in the research, modernisation and innovation that would benefit young fishers and coastal communities.
Plans and actions to accelerate a transition to innovation without the use of animals in research, regulatory testing and education (RC-B9-0425/2021, B9-0425/2021, B9-0426/2021, B9-0427/2021, B9-0428/2021, B9-0429/2021, B9-0432/2021)

. – I voted in favour of the request for an EU-wide action plan to end the use of animals in research and testing. This may happen by reducing, refining, and replacing procedures on live animals for scientific purposes, as soon as it is scientifically possible, and without lowering the level of protection for human health and the environment. What we mainly need is realizing fast development, validation, and introduction of alternative testing methods through adequate funding, for example: by increasing the funding under Horizon Europe. There are cases where animal experiments are still needed to gain scientific insights for certain diseases due to the current unavailability of non-animal methods. However, these testing regimes must only take place when conditions are optimised to minimise pain, distress, and suffering and protect the welfare of the animals concerned.
Protecting workers from asbestos (A9-0275/2021 - Nikolaj Villumsen)

. – Asbestos is a highly dangerous carcinogenic agent used worldwide in building and other materials in many areas of our daily life. I supported the report, as it points out that safe working conditions should be the main priority. It underlines that the safe removal of asbestos is a difficult and urgent task and calls for a comprehensive and integrated approach connecting several policy areas.
Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade (A9-0278/2021 - Dace Melbārde)

. – The COVID-19 pandemic caused a massive loss of revenues for the audiovisual industry (filmmakers, producers, distributors, and cinemas) and lead to a sudden halt in advertising investments for news media. I voted in favour of the report because it calls for substantial support for the media sector from the EU and Member States in order to help the sector to recover from the pandemic and transform itself to keep pace with the changing business models of the digital age. It also insists on developing special tax policies, as well as fiscal and financial incentives, to boost production and investments.
The situation of artists and the cultural recovery in the EU (A9-0283/2021 - Monica Semedo)

. – In 2020, the cultural and creative sector in the EU experienced losses in turnover of over 30%, a cumulative loss of EUR 199 billion – with the music and performing arts sectors experiencing losses of 75% and 90% respectively. This report addressed all the challenges faced by artists in terms of career, work conditions, work-life balance, access to health, and pensions. I supported it as it calls on the Commission to propose a ‘European Status of the Artist’, setting out a common framework for working conditions and minimum standards for all EU countries. I also fully agree that artists should be able to harness the advantages of the Single Market and freedom of movement within the European Union as much as any other workers. The report also reminds the importance of freedom of artistic expression as a key component of European culture.
EU-Taiwan political relations and cooperation (A9-0265/2021 - Charlie Weimers)

. – I voted in favour of this report as it encourages the EU to deepen cooperation with Taiwan in confronting disinformation and deepening cooperation on cybersecurity and cyber-threats. The threat Taiwan faces from China’s disinformation operations is part of a larger problem facing democracies across the globe in an era where communication technologies are central to the geopolitical competition for global leadership. It also highlights the importance of trade and economic relations between the EU and Taiwan, including on matters relating to multilateralism and the World Trade Organisation, technology such as 5G, public health, and essential cooperation on critical supplies like semiconductors.
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2022 - all sections (A9-0281/2021 - Karlo Ressler, Damian Boeselager)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as I strongly believe that the EU main priority must be the investment in recovery of the multiple crises. The report says that 2022 should be a full implementation year and the 2022 budget should play a pivotal role in ensuring a positive and tangible impact on citizens’ lives. I am pleased that support for young people remains a key priority. EU4Health is also boosted, with an additional €80 million to build up a strong European Health Union and to make national health systems more resilient. Another very important feature is supporting SME`s - the driving force of the EU economy.
Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe (A9-0246/2021 - Maria da Graça Carvalho)

. – After the adoption of the Horizon Europe Programme and its EUR 95.5 billion for research and innovation, the Commission proposed in February 2021 10 institutionalised partnerships. The aim is to speed up the green and digital transition and to make EU industry more resilient and competitive. The EU will provide nearly EUR 10 billion which the partners will match with at least an equivalent amount of investment. I voted in favour because I endorse the strong support for technological leadership, innovation and competitiveness in key industrial areas, crucial for the EU’s strategic autonomy and the twin transition.
An EU strategy to reduce methane emissions (A9-0277/2021 - Maria Spyraki)

. – Methane is the second biggest contributor to climate change, after carbon dioxide (CO2), accounting for 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. It is clear that cutting methane emissions is one of the most cost—effective ways to slow down climate change – that is the reason why I supported this report. It points to the need for the EU to take action in the energy, agricultural and waste sectors, both internally and globally, as the largest global importer of fossil fuels and as a significant player in the agriculture sector. The report calls for mandatory monitoring, reporting and verification for all methane—emitting sectors as well as mandatory leak detection and repair programmes for the energy and petrochemical sectors to repair leaks and hence minimise emissions.
2019 Discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (A9-0270/2021 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

. – This is the second report after the Parliament postponed the discharge in April of 2021, mainly due to the failure to fill vacant posts for human rights monitors, alleged illegal pushbacks, meetings with representatives of industries not registered in the EU Transparency Register and an OLAF investigation on harassment and misconduct. I support the current report, which asks for part of the Frontex 2022 budget to be frozen and only made available once the agency has fulfilled a number of specific conditions, as setting up a mechanism for reporting serious incidents on the EU’s external borders and a functioning fundamental rights monitoring system.
EU sports policy: assessment and possible ways forward (A9-0318/2021 - Tomasz Frankowski)

. – Sport has a unique power to promote positive change and transmit values across borders, and to inspire and unite people regardless of age, sex, ethnic origin, religion, background, or socioeconomic status.This report welcomed the increasing budget dedicated to recovery in sports sectors and called for supporting the transition to a greener, sustainable, and innovative future. I supported it because it is focused on enhancing a values-based sport model in Europe for the next generation. Moreover, I share the view that sport is also a vector of integration for people with fewer opportunities and has a health dimension by helping to fight obesity and inactivity, particularly among the young.
Digitalisation of the European reporting, monitoring and audit (A9-0311/2021 - Maria Grapini)

. – I supported this report, as it contains a concrete legislative suggestion on the setting-up of integrated and interoperable electronic information and monitoring system on those ultimately benefitting, directly or indirectly, from the Union funding.The public knowledge and full transparency on the spending of Union funds is crucial in order to ensure accountability, credibility and ensure better control of spending including the avoidance of misuse, corruption, fraud, and conflicts of interests. The report highlights that such a system should be accessible to journalists, civil society representatives, and the general public.
2022 budgetary procedure: joint text (A9-0326/2021 - Karlo Ressler, Damian Boeselager)

. – The nearly EUR 500 million on top of what the Commission proposed in the draft budget updated by the amending letter are a great success. This is a strong message to all Europeans: that the EU has the will and the source to boost all key sectors, which have been hit hardest by the pandemic. I voted in favour, because the increased funding for programmes and policies like EU4Health, Horizon Europe, Erasmus, Single Market Programme, and many others will undoubtedly contribute to the post-pandemic recovery.
A European strategy for critical raw materials (A9-0280/2021 - Hildegard Bentele)

. – The materials, such as lithium, beryllium, cobalt, and many others, are requisite in environmental technologies, consumer electronics, health, steel-making, defence, aviation, and other areas. I voted in favour of the current report because it is doubtless that access to resources and sustainability is of high importance for the EU to deliver the Green Deal. It calls for an EU strategy to boost Europe’s strategic autonomy and resilience regarding the supply of CRMs, by creating a secondary market for recycled resources containing these materials.
A Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe (A9-0317/2021 - Dolors Montserrat)

. – Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the significance of close collaboration at European level combined with making national health systems more sustainable and resilient. The Pharmaceutical Strategy has the potential to respond to long-standing weaknesses, as it puts a special focus on addressing the root causes of medicines shortages, increasing transparency on prices and public R&D funding, and strengthening EU manufacturing and supply resilience. I supported the report, because I strongly believe that we must ensure patients have access to safe, affordable and effective pharmaceutical treatments.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/001 ES/País Vasco metal – Spain (A9-0319/2021 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has been created in order to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns.By adopting this report, over 300 metal workers in the Basque region in Spain who lost their jobs because of the COVID—19 pandemic will receive EUR 1.2 million in EU aid. I am satisfied that the EU actually uses this mechanism to give a helping hand to its businesses and citizens in a complicated situation, so I voted in favour.
Legal migration policy and law (A9-0314/2021 - Abir Al-Sahlani)

. – According to the latest demographic trends, people aged 65 years or over are projected to be around one—third of the EU’s population by 2050, which will produce significant labour shortages of all skill levels. Therefore, the EU needs to enhance the avenues for legal labour migration to the Union, while also taking into account that Member States’ labour markets are different and face different kinds of labour shortages and challenges, and ensure continuing prosperity and competitiveness. The report calls on the Commission to present a holistic package of proposals to reduce bureaucracy and achieve further harmonisation within the legislative framework of legal labour migration, as well as additional measures to further prevent labour exploitation. The aim of the package would be to promote the economic competitiveness of the Member States’ economies, as well as to address their demographic challenges. I voted in favour, as the creation of an EU talent pool to match non—EU applicants with prospective EU—based employers seems to me like a great idea. It will help to ease workforce shortages in Member States, based on the existing EURES portal.
Introduction of a European Social Security pass for improving the digital enforcement of social security rights and fair mobility (B9-0551/2021)

. – The aim of introducing a digital solution for social security coordination is to avoid the time-consuming and paper-based processes currently in place to verify social security coverage across borders and to counter fraud and errors. I voted in favour of this motion for a resolution, as the ESSP will enable real-time verification of the data of mobile workers by the national authorities of the Member State they intend to work in. It will help combat social fraud and undeclared work, but it would also make it easier for workers to track and claim their rights and social security contributions.I am convinced that all involved stakeholders – mobile workers, businesses, employers, trade unions, and national authorities – would reap plenty of benefits from the ESSP.
The safety of truck parking lots in the EU (B9-0552/2021)

. – Poor resting conditions and the high risk of crime and assault are the main factors that make the driver profession unattractive. Meanwhile, the lack of drivers is an ever-increasing problem challenging the effective functioning of the single market, logistics and supply chains, and other sectors such as manufacturing and retail. That is why I supported the motion for a resolution on the safety of truck parking lots in the EU, as it calls on the Commission and the Member States to join forces to improve the quality of the services in truck parking areas, by offering basic affordable features, and to improve their security while ensuring that independent third-party audits based on common EU standards will be conducted for all secure truck parking areas within the system.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Croatia (A9-0343/2021 - Karlo Ressler)

. – The European Union Solidarity Fund aims to enable the Union to respond in a rapid, efficient and flexible manner to emergencies and to show solidarity with the population of regions struck by disasters. I voted in favour of this report, as it will provide EUR 319 192 359 in financial assistance to Croatia. It is estimated that 1.55 million people – more than one third of Croatia’s population – were affected by the Petrinja earthquake.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/003 IT/Porto Canale - Italy (A9-0345/2021 - Janusz Lewandowski)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. Italy submitted this application for a financial contribution from the EGF, following 109 displacements in Porto Canale. I voted in favour of this report, as it aims for the redundant workers to receive personalised services like job-hunting assistance, mentoring to adapt to a new job, business start-up support, and many others.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/002 IT/Air Italy - Italy (A9-0346/2021 - Janusz Lewandowski)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund was created to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. I supported the report because it will provide EUR 5.4 million to 801 workers dismissed from their jobs in air transport and warehousing in Sardinia, Italy. The help will be implemented through concrete action aimed at supporting the redundant workers and helping them to find a proper job or develop a business.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/004 ES/Aragón automotive - Spain (A9-0344/2021- Esteban González Pons)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. By adopting this report, EUR 1.4 million would go towards supporting 320 workers who lost their jobs in the automotive sector in Spain’s Aragon region. Given that 34.1% of the targeted beneficiaries are women, the report encourages the authorities to focus more on programmes and actions designed with the interests of women in mind. I supported this.
EU-US air transport agreement (A9-0335/2021 - Maria Grapini)

. – I voted in favour of the current recommendation, as the US is the biggest EU partner in aviation. This partnership has generated considerable economic benefits to both sides. Data shows that in 2019, for example, more than 47 million passengers travelled between the EU and the US, representing 9% of all passengers travelling in and out of the Union, and being by far the largest intercontinental market. It is аn important fact that since the signing of the ATA, passengers have benefitted from average savings of €230 for each trip to the US. For cargo, the US is the largest extra-EU market, representing more than 20% of all goods transported to or from the EU by air.
International procurement instrument (A9-0337/2021 - Daniel Caspary)

. – The International procurement instrument encourages public procurement markets in countries that protect this sector to be more open. It does so by introducing measures that limit non-EU companies’ access to open EU public procurement tenders if they come from countries that do not offer similar access to EU enterprises. The instrument would empower the Commission to determine whether and to what extent companies from a third country must be subject to an IPI measure. I supported this report, because it proposes an IPI, which is much easier to understand and to apply, where the bureaucratic burden is tangibly cut.
Transitional provisions for certain in vitro diagnostic medical devices and deferred application of requirements for in-house devices (C9-0381/2021)

. – On 14 October 2021, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation (EU) 2017/746 as regards transitional provisions for certain in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) and deferred application of requirements for ‘in-house devices’. The Regulation was due to apply from 26 May 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed the need for a robust regulatory framework for in vitro diagnostic medical devices in the EU but has also brought challenges to the sector. Data on market readiness collected by the Commission during the first half of 2021 shows that the Member States, health institutions, notified bodies and economic operators will not be able to ensure the proper implementation and application of the Regulation from the set date. I voted in favour of the new rules to be postponed by one year as a way to allow authorities and manufacturers alike to prioritise the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
Digital Markets Act (A9-0332/2021 - Andreas Schwab)

. – The Digital Markets Act will be our opportunity to shape the digital economy, not only at EU level, but also to make it a golden standard for the rest of the world. As EPP Group Rapporteur in the ECON Committee on this report, I voted in favour of the final report.Digital technologies often create situation where certain actors can easily gain monopolistic positions on the markets, especially new ones. In the digital world a monopolistic position is even more dangerous. Because the Big Tech entities comprise several groups of services, they are ecosystems of their own, while all other traditional businesses become more and more dependent on digital platforms to operate and sell. These platforms intermediate the majority of transactions between end users and business users. This gives them opportunity to twist the rules of certain markets to their advantage, but also promote self-preferencing and gain unfair advantage from the combination of users’ data from all their services.
The impact of organised crime on own resources of the EU and on the misuse of EU funds (A9-0330/2021 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

. – The report looks into the impact of organised crime on the EU’s own resources and on the misuse of EU funds with a particular focus on shared management from an auditing and control perspective. I voted in favour of it as it calls on the Commission and Member States for a more coherent use of all the available tools to detect and tackle fraud. Fraud prevention and the fight against fraud by organised crime should be a priority focus of managing, certifying, and audit authorities, as well as being the subject of specialised financial investigation.
Avoiding corruption, irregular spending and misuse of EU and national funds in case of emergency funds and crisis related spending areas (A9-0320/2021 - Michèle Rivasi)

. – The fight against corruption is essential for the protection of the financial interests of the EU and for the maintenance of citizens’ confidence in the EU institutions. This report provides concrete measures regarding the design, promotion, and implementation of better anti-corruption policies for emergency funds and crisis-related spending areas. One of the reasons why I supported it is that it stresses how vital is to know who is benefiting from EU funds in order to prevent corruption, irregular spending and the misuse of funds. I agree that the establishment of a single, interoperable database displaying the direct and ultimate beneficiaries of EU subsidies would be an effective and time saving instrument.
Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (A9-0321/2021 - Seán Kelly)

. – In Europe today, 75% of buildings are not energy efficient with approximately 85-95% of them remaining in use until at least 2050. Buildings are responsible for 36% of total greenhouse gas emissions and the building renovation sector is one of the key areas in order to reach the EU’s climate neutrality, energy efficiency and European Green Deal objectives. The report recalls the importance of making adequate financial resources available through NextGenerationEU in the area of the renovation and energy performance and efficiency of buildings. I supported it because I consider that the linking of building renovation to recovery is not only about reducing greenhouse gas emissions but, also, to drive sustainable growth and job creation.
Cooperation on the fight against organised crime in the Western Balkans (A9-0298/2021 - Lukas Mandl)

. – I voted in favour of the resolution on the Cooperation on the fight against organised crime in the Western Balkans. It underlines that depriving countries of the Western Balkans of a European perspective is worsening the situation as regards organised crime, and that it can be improved by fostering the EU integration process and cooperation with the Member States.Furthermore, it supports the role of civil society and media, which play a crucial role in monitoring the work of governments and assessing track records in fighting organised crime. Therefore, it urges the relevant authorities to strengthen the protection of informants and whistle-blowers to increase the capacity to dismantle organised criminal groups.
European framework for employees' participation rights and the revision of the European Works Council Directive (A9-0331/2021 - Gabriele Bischoff)

. – The report calls on a new framework directive establishing EU minimum standards on workers information, consultation and participation, including on workers board—level participation. It highlights the importance of continuously improving the education, training and skills policies of the EU and the Member States in order to support the upskilling and reskilling of workers. I supported it, as I agree that democracy at work must be a key element, so that workers have a voice and an ability to better adjust their skill sets.
European Medicines Agency (A9-0216/2021 - Nicolás González Casares)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as its main goal is for the EU to be better prepared to manage future health crises by tackling shortages of medicines and medical devices more effectively. Furthermore, clinical trials will be made more transparent, so that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will be able to approve medicinal products, including vaccines, faster, without hindering their safety. Two ‘shortages steering groups’, for medicines and medical devices respectively, will be created and the EMA will set up and manage the European shortages monitoring platform to facilitate data collection. The agency will also set up a public webpage with information on shortages. Data related to clinical trials and product information on authorised medicinal products will be made available more timely and transparently.
Digital Services Act (A9-0356/2021 - Christel Schaldemose)

. – The Digital Services Act (DSA) aims to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected and where businesses know clearly their rights and obligations.The DSA aims to illegal content and the spread of disinformation by including provisions on mandatory risk assessments, risk mitigation measures, independent audits, and the transparency of so-called recommender systems. Furthermore, very large online platforms will be subject to specific obligations due to the particular risks they pose regarding the dissemination of both illegal and harmful content.I see the Digital Services Act as our opportunity to shape the digital economy, not only at the EU level but also to make it a golden standard for the rest of the world. As the EPP Group Rapporteur in the ECON Committee, I am pleased that this report was adopted.
Protection of animals during transport (Recommendation) (B9-0057/2022)

. – Each year, millions of live animals are transported by road, sea, rail, and air within and outside the EU for slaughter, fattening, or breeding. The current report stresses that all the conditions necessary to guarantee animal welfare during transport must be ensured at all times for all animals transported. I supported it because the well-being of animals in transport is in the mutual interest of farmers and consumers.
Challenges for urban areas in the post-COVID-19 era (A9-0352/2021 - Katalin Cseh)

. – Today, nearly 75% of the EU population lives in metropolitan regions and this trend is expected to increase in the future. The overconcentration of the population in certain urban areas is leading to side-effects, such as the growing challenge of affordable housing, pollution, and the deterioration of the quality of life. I voted in favour of the report as it offers a set of recommendations in multiple areas, among which: investments and reforms, sustainable urban development, green and digital transition, urban planning and mobility solutions, integration of disadvantaged groups, and affordability of housing.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund – application EGF/2021/005 FR/AIRBUS – France (A9-0013/2022 - Valérie Hayer)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has been created in order to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. I supported the report, which aims to provide EUR 3.7 million in EU aid to almost 300 Airbus employees in France who have lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aid will mainly help finance training on how to create a business and start-up grants.
European Central Bank – annual report 2021 (A9-0351/2021 - Dimitrios Papadimoulis)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the ECB’s activities in the previous calendar year. It welcomes the role of the ECB in safeguarding euro stability and highlights that the statutory independence of the ECB is a prerequisite for it to fulfil its mandate. Furthermore, the report recalls that financial support and monetary policy should not disincentive reforms aimed at reviving the EU economy such as boosting sustainable and inclusive growth, catalysing the green transition, and strengthening Europe’s autonomy and competitiveness.
Implementation report on on-farm animal welfare (A9-0296/2021 - Jérémy Decerle)

. – The report addresses the implementation of EU legislation on the welfare of food-producing animals. It focuses on several Directives, regarding the protection of animals kept for farming purposes; laying hens; chickens kept for meat production, calves, and pigs. I supported it, as it states that the way the current legislation is worded makes it impossible to properly analyse its implementation. I agree that the directives should be updated in order to provide greater clarity and going into detail and thus ensuring that the Member States read and interpret them in a more uniform manner.
A European strategy for offshore renewable energy (A9-0339/2021 - Morten Petersen)

. – The strategy seeks to facilitate the necessary investment of almost EUR 800 billion in offshore renewables between now and 2050, by increasing certainty for investors and smoothing the path for investments, easing bottlenecks, and finding the best combination of public and private finance.The net-zero emissions economy requires renewable energy to be deployed on an unprecedented scale, so it is really urgent for the existing infrastructure to be improved and expanded.I voted in favour of the report, as it highlights the importance of shortening procedures to get a permit and call on the Member States to set up a transparent process and consider introducing time limits for issuing permits where necessary.
Implementation of the Sixth VAT Directive (A9-0355/2021 - Olivier Chastel)

. – The report states that there is a pressing need to limit the VAT gap between Member States in the context of the economic recovery in order to curb the socioeconomic crisis following the COVID-19 pandemic. I voted in favour of it, as it calls for simplifying the VAT implementation system and combating fraud, thanks in particular to digitisation, which enables both governments and businesses to take action in real time. I share the view that the post-COVID-19 economic recovery is a chance for change to fairer, greener and better-targeted taxation systems.
Macro-financial assistance to Ukraine(C9-0028/2022)

. – Ukraine’s external financing has dried up due to Russia’s military threat and the worsening economic situation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. I supported the Commission’s request for the urgent procedure which gave a green light to a €1.2 billion macro-financial loan to help Ukraine cover its external financing needs in 2022. In order for the money to be disbursed, the country must show progress in implementing a macroeconomic programme set up by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Implementation of the Toy Safety Directive (A9-0349/2021 - Brando Benifei)

. – I am concerned, that although the Toy Safety Directive provides children with a high level of safety, many toys sold in the EU still pose a significant threat. That is why I supported the report, as it calls on the Commission and Member States to step up measures to ensure that all toys placed on the EU market comply with the TSD, regardless of where they are manufactured. The report also expresses concern about the risks posed by connected toys. Connected toys, if not adequately protected with robust cybersecurity provisions, can provide easy access to the child, with the possibility to manipulate or locate them, which is extremely dangerous.
Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer (A9-0001/2022 - Véronique Trillet-Lenoir)

. – Unfortunately, cancer kills about 9 million people a year in the world. In the EU alone, 1.3 million people die of cancer every year, and 3.5 million new cases are diagnosed. I voted in favour of the final recommendations for a comprehensive and coordinated EU strategy to fight cancer. It recommends a wide variety of measures including funding programmes that encourage people to stop smoking and promoting actions to reduce and prevent alcohol-related harm as part of a revised EU alcohol strategy.Moreover, it calls for the existing legislative framework to be reformed to allow for mobility and access to highly specialised equipment and care. I strongly support the need to radically reform the cross border healthcare directive. This is needed in order to remove obstacles to access cross-border healthcare and make the system of authorisation and reimbursement simpler and more transparent for patients, including a right to a second opinion.
Implementation of the common foreign and security policy – annual report 2021 (A9-0354/2021 - David McAllister)

. – I supported the report, as it calls for a more effective EU foreign and security policy and a stronger defence capability to respond to threats. It highlights the need for the EU to strengthen its ability to act efficiently and to shape the EU’s response to ongoing and upcoming challenges. I fully agree that the EU also needs to ensure its strategic sovereignty and be less dependent in key technological areas, critical infrastructure and supply chains.
Implementation of the common security and defence policy – annual report 2021 (A9-0358/2021 - Nathalie Loiseau)

. – I believe that there is an urgent need to develop a true European security and defence union, which encompasses all military and civilian security aspects, so I supported this report. It stands by the ambition of creating a ‘rapid entry force’ supported by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, which should include a multinational land brigade of around 5 000 troops and air, maritime and special forces components that can be mobilised in a context of a security emergency. Moreover, it calls for changes to the structures and procedures of the common foreign and security policy so that missions can be deployed in a faster, more flexible and more coherent way.
Tackling non-tariff and non-tax barriers in the single market (A9-0336/2021 - Kosma Złotowski)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as it highlights that non-trade barriers (‘NTBs’) prevent the single market from unleashing its full potential, and especially SMEs, by creating unnecessary and unfair barriers to the free movement of goods, including agri-food products, and services. It calls on the Commission and Member States to adopt handy, concise, and ready-to-use tools for national authorities to address incorrect practices and violations and enforce internal market rules.
A statute for European cross-border associations and non-profit organisations (A9-0007/2022 - Sergey Lagodinsky)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it stresses the important role played by civil society in the EU and aims at supporting freedom of association and functioning of non-profit organisations across borders. The directive on common minimum standards for non-profit organisations in the Union is aimed at providing a common set of measures for non-profit organisations established in the Union in order to secure an enabling environment in which it is possible for these organisations to contribute to the functioning of the internal market.
Empowering European youth: post-pandemic employment and social recovery (B9-0091/2022)

. – The resolution calls for increased inclusion and consultation of social partners and youth organisations in the implementation of the European Youth Guarantee. I voted in favour because I believe that this will lead to the full use of opportunities provided by existing initiatives and funds. Nowadays, it is absolutely essential to increasingly address issues of young people’s mental health, reinforced measures on education, training and skills of the future, ensure equal opportunities and access to inclusive and future-oriented labour markets, and to reinforce the link between economic growth and social progress.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund – application EGF/2021/006 ES/Cataluña Automotive – Spain (A9-0038/2022 - Monika Vana)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has been created in order to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. By approving this request, 450 employees in Spain who lost their jobs in the car industry when the Nissan production plant in Barcelona closed will receive EUR 2.8 million in EU aid. The funding will help the dismissed workers find new jobs through tailored guidance and advice, support the development of new skills and help to start their own business. Certainly, I voted in favour of it.
Shrinking space for civil society in Europe (A9-0032/2022 - Anna Júlia Donáth)

. – Civil society organisations play a crucial role in defending and promoting democracy and fundamental rights. The current report states that CSOs are facing uneasy conditions across Europe, which have been deepened with the COVID-19 pandemic. I voted in favour of as it calls for a comprehensive civil society strategy and a European civic space index, to ensure an enabling environment and easier access to funding.
Cohesion policy: reducing healthcare disparities and enhancing cross-border health cooperation (A9-0026/202 - Tomislav Sokol)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as one of its goals is to maximise the impact of cohesion policy funds with a view to reducing disparities in the quality of healthcare systems in the European Union. Its second main objective is to analyse the existing experience in cross-border health cooperation projects and to identify long-term recommendations for innovative solutions within the framework of territorial cooperation, with a view to improving access for EU citizens.
Cohesion policy: promoting innovative and smart transformation and regional ICT connectivity (A9-0010/2022 - Cristina Maestre Martín De Almagro)

. – The current report outlines strategies to align the European digital transformation agenda with regional cohesion, social inclusion and territorial structuring. I supported it, as it states that digital transformation is a big opportunity. However, the transparent and accurate use of public money must be ensured throughout the investment process. The report also deals with overcoming digital gaps, inclusive and fair digitalisation, the digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises and public services, and the promotion of skills for the digital age.
Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the EU (A9-0022/2022 - Sandra Kalniete)

. – After almost two years of comprehensive work, Parliament’s Special Committee on Foreign interference in Democratic processes in the European Union, including Disinformation has concluded the work on its report. It states that a general lack of awareness of the severity of foreign interference and information manipulation, overwhelmingly carried out by Russia and China, is exacerbated by loopholes in legislation and insufficient coordination between EU countries. It highlights that Russia, China and other authoritarian regimes have funnelled more than USD 300 million into 33 countries to interfere in democratic processes. I supported the report assuredly because it is a strong call to action to act against disinformation.
Citizenship and residence by investment schemes (A9-0028/2022 - Sophia in 't Veld)

. – The report on citizenship and residency of investment schemes builds upon a study published on the topic by EPRS in October 2021. I supported the report, as I consider that these schemes encourage corruption, tax avoidance and money laundering. It is of high importance that while delivering economic benefits to only some Member States, the ‘golden passports’ and ‘golden visas’ pose a security threat to the whole of the EU and can be loopholes to the current EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus.
A new EU strategic framework on health and safety at work post 2020 (A9-0023/2022 - Marianne Vind)

. – The report aims to improve prevention of work-related accidents and illnesses, and increasing preparedness for any potential future health crises. It calls for the revision of 2003 European Schedule of Occupational Diseases to include work-related musculoskeletal disorders and work-related mental-health disorders, and to consider transforming the recommendation into a directive setting out minimum requirements for the recognition and compensation of occupational diseases. I supported it, because all workers in all sectors of activity across the Union deserve healthy and safe workplaces.
European Withholding Tax framework (A9-0011/2022 - Pedro Marques)

. – The report calls for establishing a common and standardised withholding tax framework in line with the Commission’s intention. The report notes that the lack of an effective minimum tax rate on dividend payments to shareholders has created an environment that may favour tax avoidance. I voted in favour of it, as it inquires for more harmonised use of rules on exemptions and deductions.
Batteries and waste batteries (A9-0031/2022 - Simona Bonafè)

. – The electronic waste management is critical to a sustainable, circular economy in the EU. I voted in favour of the report because the successful battery regulation is linked to the realisation of the EU Green Deal, the Circular Economy Action Plan and the New Industrial Strategy. According to the report, industry should ensure that the battery value chain complies fully with human rights and due diligence obligations, thus addressing risks around the sourcing, processing and trading of raw materials, which are often concentrated in one or a few countries.
Fair and simple taxation supporting the recovery strategy (A9-0024/2022 - Luděk Niedermayer)

. – Generally speaking, the report aims to reduce tax obstacles and unnecessary administrative burdens for businesses in the Single Market. I fully agree that tax simplification will improve the business environment, enhance business competitiveness and contribute to economic growth. I voted in favour because fair and efficient taxation will be even more important in the years ahead, while we seek to recover from the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis.
Refugees in Europe: CARE (C9-0057/2022)

. – I voted in favour of cohesion’s action for refugees in Europe (CARE) as it will ensure immediate support for those fleeing from the war in Ukraine by covering their basic needs such as temporary accommodation, food and water supplies, medical care. Member States will be able to use cohesion funding to support refugees in finding jobs, starting or continuing education, and accessing childcare.
Status Agreement between the EU and Moldova on Frontex operational activities (C9-0120/2022)

. – Frontex guards are facing challenges both in view of the high number of arrivals and sharing a border with an active war zone. I supported this agreement as since the start of the war, more than 300 000 people so far have sought safety in Moldova. It constitutes the framework for deploying Frontex staff to support the Moldovan authorities in daily border management activities.
Macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova (A9-0043/2022 - Markéta Gregorová)

. – In recent years, Moldova has faced many difficulties including on the economic and political front. Moldova’s reform-oriented government, in place for almost a year, has started work on good governance and justice and stepped up the fight against corruption. Unfortunately, the war next door continues to deepen the worsening situation. I voted in favour of the proposal to provide a new MFA of EUR 150 million to the benefit of Moldova, of which EUR 120 million would be in the form of loans and EUR 30 million in the form of grants.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/007 FR/Selecta - FranceFrance (A9-0048/2022 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

. – The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund provides support to people losing their jobs as a result of major structural changes in world trade patterns due to globalisation or as a result of the global economic and financial crisis. By adopting the current request, the 473 employees in France who lost their jobs following a drop in sales of vending machine products because of the COVID-19 pandemic will receive EUR 4 million in EU aid.
MFF 2021-2027: fight against oligarch structures, protection of EU funds from fraud and conflict of interest (A9-0039/2022 - Petri Sarvamaa)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it looks into the current state of play as regards the fight against oligarch structures and focuses on the question of how to protect EU funds from fraud and conflict of interest. Among others, the report demands the introduction of a single, integrated and interoperable reporting and monitoring system on those who benefit directly and indirectly from EU funding, to establish transparency and allow public scrutiny.
Future of fisheries in the Channel, North Sea, Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean (A9-0042/2022 - Manuel Pizarro)

. – Unfortunately, the departure of the UK from the EU has an impact on the fisheries sector that extends beyond the geographical area of the United Kingdom. I fully agree that Brexit must not be used as an excuse to delay much-needed action to restore marine ecosystems so I voted in favour of the report. It calls on the Commission to ensure that reciprocal access to waters and fisheries resources is maintained after 30 June 2026 and that there are no further reductions of quotas for EU fishers after the transition period. It also encourages the Member States to use the funds for fisheries earmarked under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve to compensate for the losses suffered by the sector and the coastal communities affected. Furthermore, it insists on good cooperation and exchange in relation to science and data collection, as well as better coordination in relation to the introduction of technical, management, and control measures.
Protection of the rights of the child in civil, administrative and family law proceedings (A9-0033/2022 - Adrián Vázquez Lázara)

. – The number of children and adolescents who are coming into contact with the judicial system in civil, administrative, and family law proceedings, mainly due to the increase in divorce, separation, and adoption, has highly increased. I voted in favour of the report as it appeals for child-friendly justice, an EU framework for the protection of the rights of the child in cross—border civil disputes, and mediation in cases concerning children. It is essential for every child’s rights to be respected and protected.
Measures against water pollution caused by nitrates, including improvements in the different nitrate measuring systems in member states (B9-0176/2022)

. – Regrettably, the magnitude of water pollution problems caused by the incorrect use of nitrates in the agriculture industry and those emanating from municipal sources such as wastewater treatment plants is threatening the survival of some European ecosystems. That is why I supported the report, which stresses the importance of stepping up actions to address eutrophication of both fresh and salt water caused by nitrogen and phosphorus from all sources. According to it, the Commission should fund research programmes under Horizon Europe to find smart and innovative solutions to the problem of nutrient pollution in the EU, and I could not agree more.
Implementation of citizenship education actions (A9-0060/2022 - Domènec Ruiz Devesa)

. – The report addresses the ongoing process of globalisation and European integration, which requires the new generation of Europeans to increasingly engage politically at multiple levels, as well as to be able to live, work and integrate a growing level of diversity in their daily lives.I supported it as it calls for better synergies between EU programmes and funds to contribute to the advancement of citizenship education. Moreover, it asks for indicative primary and secondary school curricula on the EU and global civic education for its voluntary adoption by the Member States.
Right to repair (B9-0175/2022)

. – According to a Eurobarometer survey, 79% of EU citizens think manufacturers should be required to make it easier to repair digital devices or replace their individual parts, and 77% would rather repair their devices than buy new ones. Electronic waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world, with more than 53 million tons discarded in 2019. I supported this motion for a resolution, as it calls on the Commission to consider durability and repair requirements in a future Ecodesign Directive, noting that for some products, modular design will make repairs easier and prolong product-life, while for others, products modular design or an obligation to ensure reparability may compromise durability. We should foster more efficient use of resources, reduce waste and encourage extended use of products, in order to achieve our green goals.
Election of the Members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage (A9-0083/2022 - Domènec Ruiz Devesa)

. – I voted in favour of adopting the legislative initiative report that seeks to overhaul the rules for European elections. It calls for the introduction of measures that ensure equal opportunities for women and men to be elected through the use of zipped lists or quotas. It also states that all citizens of the Union living or working in a third country be granted the right to cast their vote in elections to the European Parliament. In my opinion, it is time to change EU electoral law so that we can have elections that properly reflect today’s political realities.
Amending Annexes IV and V to Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 on persistent organic pollutants (A9-0092/2022 - Martin Hojsík)

. – Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a group of organic compounds that have toxic properties, persist in the environment, accumulate in food chains, and pose a risk to human health and the environment. I supported the report which aims to introduce significantly lower permitted levels of POPs in products. This would align the POPs Regulation better with the EU Green Deal’s goals, especially the ambition for a toxic-free environment and a truly circular economy.
A sustainable blue economy in the EU: the role of fisheries and aquaculture (A9-0089/2022 - Isabel Carvalhais)

. – The EU’s blue economy provides 4.5 million direct jobs and encompasses all industries and sectors related to oceans, seas and coasts. The sector overall plays a crucial role, particularly in the outermost regions, and can contribute to attenuating the impact of climate change, promoting nature-based solutions and improving the use of maritime and aquatic resources.I voted in favour of the report as it stresses the importance of innovation in fishing to improve both its environmental and economic performance, and calls for a new approach to innovation, whereby innovation and modernisation do not mean increasing fishing capacities.
EU action plan for organic agriculture (A9-0126/2022 - Simone Schmiedtbauer)

. – Organic agriculture offers various environmental benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and has the potential to help the agricultural sector play its part in the fight against climate change.Currently, 8.5% of the EU’s agricultural area is under organic farming. The Commission’s target is to achieve 25% by 2030.I voted in favour of the report, as it underlines the need to remove excessive administrative burdens. Furthermore, it stresses that the environmental benefits of organic farming should not only be supported by consumers of organic products willing to pay a higher price, but the common agricultural policy budget should also properly reward organic farmers for the specific public goods that they deliver through the protection of the environment and natural resources, through the reduction of inputs and through supporting higher animal welfare standards.
EU strategy to promote education for children in the world (A9-0058/2022 - David Lega)

. – According to UNICEF more than 168 million children have lost a full year of education because of school closures due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, while UNESCO data shows that education has been significantly disrupted for 800 million students worldwide, who lost two thirds of an academic year on average. This report stresses the key importance of guaranteeing children’s right to education and giving every child the opportunity to go back to school and calls on the Commission, the EEAS and the Member States to support the authorities of third countries in prioritising school reopening in their recovery plans. It also calls for support for teachers to help children catch up with lost learning and support for children’s well‑being, as schools are critical for children’s learning, safety, health, nutrition and overall well-being. I voted in favour of it.
Temporary trade liberalisation supplementing trade concessions applicable to Ukrainian products under EU/Ukraine Association Agreement (A9-0146/2022 - Sandra Kalniete)

. – I voted in favour of the temporary trade liberalisation, which aims to fully remove import duties on industrial products, entry duties on fruit and vegetables, as well as anti-dumping duties and safeguard measures on steel imports for a period of one year. The EU is Ukraine’s most important trading partner, accounting for more than 40% of its total trade in goods in 2021. In return, Ukraine has been the EU’s 15th largest trading partner, representing around 1.2% of overall EU trade. Weapons and sanctions are not the only support for a nation struggling with a war. By opening the EU trading market, we will boost Ukraine’s economy and ensure its resilience and competitiveness.
Preservation, analysis and storage at Eurojust of evidence relating to genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and related criminal offence (C9-0155/2022)

. – Those responsible for the war crimes in Ukraine must be held accountable. All the evidence of possible crimes that have been committed in Ukraine, must be preserved securely. Therefore, I supported the new rules that will authorise Eurojust to safely store and analyse evidence as DNA profiles, fingerprints, photographs, videos and audio recordings, which are related to war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. Furthermore, these rules allow Eurojust to process data related to these types of crimes, and share the data with the International Criminal Court (ICC) and other international organisations, as well as EU Member State authorities.
EU Association Agreement with the Republic of Moldova (A9-0143/2022 - Dragoş Tudorache)

. – The consequences of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine are strongly felt in Moldova, and the country is a very important recipient of Ukrainian war refugees. I voted in favour of the Annual implementing report on the EU association agreement with the Republic of Moldova, which had to be updated accordingly in light of those events. The report welcomes the results of the 2020 elections in the republic of Moldova, which gave a strong impetus for political and economic reform, giving a genuine opportunity to breakaway with the state-capture past of the country. It welcomes the submission of the membership application by the Republic of Moldova to the European Union and calls on the European Institutions to work towards granting the Republic of Moldova a candidate status in line with article 49 TEU and on the basis of merit and in the meantime to work for its integration to the single market. The economy of Moldova is strongly affected by the war next door, so the report calls for a financial support in order to ensure its further development.
Commission’s 2021 Rule of Law Report (A9-0139/2022 - Terry Reintke)

. – I supported the review of the Commission’s 2021 annual Rule of Law Report, as it calls on the Commission to show more resolve in preventing the rule of law backsliding and demands that the report feeds into the system of enforcement of the rule of law in a more direct way. I share the view that the report should differentiate between systemic and individual breaches of EU values, and perform a more in-depth, transparent assessment.
Minimum level of taxation for multinational groups (A9-0140/2022 - Aurore Lalucq)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the Commission proposal implementing the recent international agreement on a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%. It approves the key elements of the Commission’s proposal, notably sticking to the proposed implementation timeline and an implementation deadline of 31 December 2022 with the intention of a swift application of the law. I consider this new rule as a major step towards an effective and fair system of profit taxation.
Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (A9-0162/2022 - Peter Liese)

. – The Emissions Trading System (ETS) is at the core of European climate policy and has triggered significant reductions in emissions. I voted in favour of the report because, in my opinion, the ETS should be reformed and its scope enlarged in order to incentivise industries to further reduce their emissions and invest in low-carbon technologies. Furthermore, I consider that residential buildings and private transport should not be included in the new ETS before 2029 as a way to prevent citizens from having to bear additional energy costs.
Social Climate Fund (A9-0157/2022 - David Casa, Esther de Lange)

. – The Commission’s proposal for a new social climate fund aims to support households and transport users as regards emissions trading for the sectors of buildings and road transport (ETS 2) and is financed from the revenue of this new emissions trading system. I voted in favour of the report on this proposal because the creation of this fund will help those most affected by energy and mobility poverty cope with the increased costs of the energy transition with specific measures such as fiscal incentives, vouchers, subsidies and zero-interest loans.
Exceptional temporary support under EAFRD in response to the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (C9-0185/2022)

. – Unfortunately, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had a destructive impact on the agriculture sector. Farmers and rural businesses are struggling with the consequences of the increasing input prices, which have led many of them to liquidity risk. I voted in favour of the Exceptional temporary support under the EAFRD, as it aims to secure the competitiveness of agri-food businesses and farm viability in the Union. The exceptional situation needs exceptional measures.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2022/001 FR/Air France - France (A9-0183/2022 - Fabienne Keller)

. – The Union has extended the scope of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) to provide financial support in case of any major restructuring event, thus covering the economic effects of the coronavirus crisis. I voted in favour of providing EU aid worth EUR 17.7 million to support 1 580 workers from Air France and 2 of its subsidiaries in 16 French regions, who lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/008 EL/Attica electrical equipment manufacturing - Greece (A9-0185/2022 - Bogdan Rzońca)

. – The Union has extended the scope of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) to provide financial support in case of any major restructuring event, thus covering the economic effects of the coronavirus crisis. I voted in favour of providing EUR 1.5 million aid in EU support for 206 workers made redundant from 6 companies producing household appliances in the Greek region of Attica, a sector deeply affected by the economic crisis, COVID-19, domestic supply shortages of electrical components, and high production costs.
Renewal of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Federative Republic of Brazil (A9-0176/2022 - Cristian-Silviu Buşoi)

. – I gave my green light for a renewal of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Federative Republic of Brazil. The main instruments for cooperation are the EU framework programmes for research and innovation. Among non-associated third countries, Brazil was the sixth most active in Horizon 2020, with a success rate well above the average. That is why I believe that this renewal will provide greater results to the research communities of both sides.
Implementation and delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (A9-0174/2022 - Barry Andrews, Petros Kokkalis)

. – The report focuses on the tools at the EU’s disposal to help implement the SDGs. It identifies the remaining gaps and challenges and addresses various opportunities to assist the EU in its global efforts to meet all 17 SDGs by 2030. It reaffirms the commitment to the 2030 Agenda, the 17 SDGs and the pledge to leave no one and no place behind, putting this in the perspective of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine and proposes a Special Envoy for the SDGs in the Commission. I voted in favour of it, as it also calls for the EU to take the lead in mobilizing adequate financial resources from developed countries to support SDG transformations and urgent needs for climate adaptation in the most vulnerable countries.
Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (A9-0171/2022 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Siegfried Mureşan, Dragoş Pîslaru)

. – The RRF aims to provide a stimulus for reforms and investments in the Member States, through grants and loans, helping Member States to cope with the COVID-19 economic and social consequences and setting up the basis for sustainable and competitive recovery. I voted in favour of the report as it stresses that the money should be used effectively to ensure long-term benefits for the EU’s economy and society. Moreover, the report emphasizes that increasing the EU’s strategic autonomy is crucial in order to reduce the dependence on imported fossil fuels and diversify energy sources.
2021 Report on Montenegro (A9-0151/2022 - Tonino Picula)

. – I supported the 2021 Commission Report on Montenegro. It welcomes Montenegro’s continued commitment to European integration, repeating its position that the country’s progress in the accession process continues to depend on meeting the conditions related to the rule of law. Moreover, it expresses its concern about the growing volume of foreign and domestic disinformation campaigns, and cyber and hybrid threats, including from Russia and China. Noting that foreign interference can also be pursued through the instrumentalisation of religious institutes, they call for religious tolerance in line with the Montenegrin Constitution and European values and principles.
Future of EU-Africa trade relations (A9-0169/2022 - Helmut Scholz)

. – Having regard to the fact that the European Union (EU) and Africa have an important and long-standing political, economic and cultural relationship, it is needed to clarify the strategy that the EU should consider in its relations with Africa in order to reach a higher level of ambition in the trade relationship between the two sides. I supported the Report on the future of EU-Africa trade relations, as it believes that the EU can contribute to significantly reducing Africa’s current dependence on imports of food, seeds, fertilisers and pesticides through financial and technical support, policy dialogue, knowledge exchange and new technologies and by promoting African innovation. Furthermore, it stresses that the EU should deepen its economic and trade relations with Africa through investments that create decent jobs and promote human, labour and environmental rights.
Future of EU international investment policy (A9-0166/2022 - Anna Cavazzini)

. – The EU is the world’s largest destination and source of inbound and outbound investment. Investment is essential for the recovery of the EU economies. In the 12 years since the Lisbon Treaty came into force in 2009, the EU has obtained an exclusive competence in foreign investment policy. I supported the report as it stands by the statement that EU companies need transparent, effective and modern protection abroad.
Temporary trade liberalisation measures for Moldova (A9-0201/2022 - Markéta Gregorová)

. – Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine since February 2022 has had a profound negative impact on Moldova’s ability to trade with the region and the rest of the world. I voted in favour of the temporary and exceptional measures which aim to support and foster the existing trade flows from Moldova to the EU and assist Moldova’s economy. These measures take the form of additional tariff-free quotas on some agricultural products still subject to tariff-rate quotas and will apply for a period of one year.
Negotiations for a cooperation agreement between the EU and Interpol (A9-0200/2022 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska)

. – The aim of this agreement is to establish a modern and coherent framework for the cooperation of relevant EU bodies and agencies with Interpol in the fight against terrorism and serious crime. I voted in favour of this report because it recommends that the Commission negotiate with Interpol on requirements relating to high standards for the quality and verifiability of information in Interpol’s databases and the transparency of information sources.
Mental health in the digital world of work (A9-0184/2022 - Maria Walsh)

. – Although there are plenty of benefits of working from home, it also hides many risks stemming from over-connection, a blurring of the lines between work and private life, and higher work intensity or ‘technostress’ – the stress linked to work-related technology use. I supported the report, as it calls for a directive on minimum standards and conditions to ensure all workers have the effective right to disconnect and to regulate the use of existing and new digital tools for work purposes.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine: Crisis measures in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors (A9-0182/2022 - Nuno Melo)

. – I voted in favour of the additional crisis measures to support the EU fishery and aquaculture sectors in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. These measures would support fishers who had to cease their activities due to the war in Ukraine as well as producers and fishing and aquaculture operators whose activities were disrupted as a consequence of the Russian aggression.
2021 Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina (A9-0188/2022 - Paulo Rangel)

. – I supported the report, which urges Bosnia and Herzegovina and all of its political actors to show commitment and make significant steps towards EU membership by advancing on the 14 key priorities. It reiterates the need to investigate political and administrative links to organised crime, calls for administrative reform to eradicate corruption and for improved corruption monitoring mechanisms, as well as effective prosecution of high-profile corruption cases.
2021 Report on Kosovo (A9-0179/2022 - Viola von Cramon-Taubadel)

. – I supported the report, which welcomes Kosovo’s continued commitment to advance on EU-related reforms and the overwhelming consensus among political parties and public support for European integration and identity. It reiterates its call on the Member States in the Council to proceed urgently with the adoption of a visa-free regime for the citizens of Kosovo, as Kosovo remains the only country in the Western Balkans without a visa liberalisation regime.The report expresses high alert that the EU accession countries in the Western Balkans are being hit particularly hard by foreign interference and disinformation campaigns stemming from Russia and China.
The EU and the defence of multilateralism (A9-0172/2022 - Javi López)

. – The report recalls that the best strategy for defending multilateralism is to rebuild it by making it more relevant, resilient, and effective. It believes that the EU must continue to act as a staunch and key defender of multilateralism in the world and avoid actions that undermine these objectives.I supported it, as it takes the view that the EU should use the efforts to find solutions for global problems, such as climate change, or to promote stability and peace, as an entry point for broader diplomatic relations with third countries with which dialogue and cooperation on other policy items may not always be immediately feasible.
Addressing food security in developing countries (A9-0195/2022 - Beata Kempa)

. – Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic together with the ensuing economic crisis and closure of borders and the current conflict in Ukraine have exposed the vulnerabilities of the global food system. Hunger and food insecurity are again increasing across the world and it is really concerning that around 660 million people might continue to face hunger by 2030. I voted in favour of the report, as it shows deep concern about the high dependence of developing countries on food imports, especially from the European Union, particularly when these imports are made up of subsidised products whose low price represents harmful competition for local small-scale agriculture. It stresses the need to protect the rights of farmers to maintain genetic resources for purposes of food security and climate change adaptation.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Temporary measures concerning driver documents issued by Ukraine (C9-0201/2022)

. – I voted in favour of the proposal to allow Ukrainian refugees to keep their national driving licences, exempting them from the obligation to exchange them for EU ones. Ukrainians who fled Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and got temporary protection status will be able to continue using their Ukrainian driving licence, without needing to exchange it for an EU driving licence or to sit a new driving test, as long as they enjoy the temporary protection status. If their driving licence is lost or stolen, EU countries will be able to issue new EU driving licences, provided they verify with Ukrainian authorities that the person held a valid driver licence in the country and the person in question presents a certificate that they are physically and mentally fit to drive.
EU/Ukraine Agreement on the carriage of freight by road (A9-0263/2022 - Marian-Jean Marinescu)

. – In light of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which has caused disruptions in the transport sector in Ukraine, the country needs to find alternative routes by road to export its stocks of grain, fuel, foodstuffs and other relevant goods. I voted in favour of the agreement between the European Union and Ukraine on the carriage of freight by road, as it is a step forward in unblocking the current situation at the EU-Moldova/Ukraine borders and for the expansion of the transport relations between EU and Ukraine.
EU/Moldova Agreement on the carriage of freight by road (A9-0262/2022 - Marian-Jean Marinescu)

. – Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova needs alternative transit routes through the EU and assistance in transiting Ukrainian goods through its territory. I voted in favour of the agreement between the European Union and Moldova on the carriage of freight by road, as it is a step forward in unblocking the current situation at the EU-Moldova/Ukraine borders and for the expansion of the transport relations between the EU and Moldova.
Conclusion of an agreement under GATS on the modification of schedules of specific commitments (A9-0257/2022 - Bernd Lange)

. – Within World Trade Organisation (WTO), horizontal disciplines for domestic regulation in services were negotiated for many years based on a mandate included in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). In order to give legal effect to the negotiated outcome, the EU as a part of the other 67 participants, needs to update its existing GATS schedules by adding additional commitments for domestic regulation to it and submit its revised schedules of commitments for certification. I voted in favour of the implementation of this agreement, as it aims to align qualification requirements and procedures, technical standards, licensing requirements, and procedures for services providers, as the largest and fastest-growing sector of today’s economy.
REPowerEU chapters in recovery and resilience plans (A9-0260/2022 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Siegfried Mureşan, Dragoş Pîslaru)

. – I support the report on the inclusion of REPowerEU measures in national recovery plans, as I consider that supporting vulnerable EU citizens during the coming winter season is a must. Furthermore, I believe that the REPowerEU plan is the exact measure to overcome the energy crisis, by investing in renewable and clean energy sources in order to gain our full energy independence and security and accelerate the green transition.
Full application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in Croatia (A9-0264/2022 - Paulo Rangel)

. – I voted in favour of this report, considering the fact that Croatia fulfils the necessary conditions. It’s high time for the country to become a member of the free-travel area. Croatia’s membership will strengthen Schengen, ensuring that more Europeans have access to this common area without internal borders, while protecting the EU’s external borders.
Esports and video games (A9-0244/2022 - Laurence Farreng)

. – Video games represent a new major ecosystem in the EU, with a potential 23.3 billion euros and 80 000 people working in this cultural and creative sector. The European Year of Youth is the best time to show our support to this sector. That is why I support this very first report about video games and e—sports in the European Parliament. It calls for harmonised data, assessments and concrete recommendations with a view to developing a fully integrated European video game sector. Moreover, it also asks the Commission to study the possibility of creating a framework for harmonised rules regarding the employment status of professional e-sport players.
Racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the EU (A9-0254/2022 - Evin Incir)

. – The report emphasises the need for the Union to develop a comprehensive approach to combat all forms of racism and discrimination. I voted in favour of the report because I share the view that that Member States should tackle racism and discrimination from an early stage and mainstream inclusive education in all official curriculums. It calls on the Commission and the Member States to introduce or strengthen inclusive policies to prevent social exclusion, as well as to take concrete steps to support children from racial and ethnic minorities.
Transparency and targeting of political advertising (A9-0009/2023 - Sandro Gozi)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as I firmly stand for European citizens’ right to have free and fair elections. We are obliged to combat disinformation, information manipulation and interference in elections.I strongly support that non-EU-based entities should not be allowed to finance political advertisements in the EU. Moreover, it is a significant step forward in transparency that authorities and journalists would have easier access to information on political advertisements.
Preparation of the EU-Ukraine Summit (RC-B9-0092/2023, B9-0092/2023, B9-0093/2023, B9-0094/2023, B9-0095/2023, B9-0096/2023)

. – I supported this resolution because it believes that Ukraine’s application for EU membership is a synonym for leadership, resolve and vision in the current situation of the brutal Russian war of aggression and sends a strong political message that Ukraine has only one future path – the European one. For that reason, it calls on leaders at the EU—Ukraine summit to prioritise a comprehensive recovery package, which should further help Ukraine in the recovery and boost its economic growth once the war is finally over. Last but not least, the resolution reiterates how important it is for EU Member States to declare their unity in the face of Russia’s aggression.
Macro-financial assistance to Moldova (A9-0166/2023 - Markéta Gregorová)

. – As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Moldovan economy is experiencing severe difficulties, and the uncertain economic climate has negatively affected investment and trade in the country. That is why I supported the report, which will top up macro-financial aid for Moldova by up to EUR 145 million to help the government cover part of its funding needs in 2023.
Methane emissions reduction in the energy sector (A9-0162/2023 - Pascal Canfin, Jutta Paulus)

. – Having regard that methane is an air pollutant, responsible for approximately a third of current global warming, I supported that report. The report aims to ban on venting and flaring methane from drainage stations by 2025 and from ventilation shafts by 2027, ensuring safety for workers in coalmines. Moreover, it obliges EU countries to establish mitigation plans for abandoned coalmines and inactive oil and fossil gas wells. In order to achieve our climate targets we should take adequate and timely measures to boost methane emission reductions from the energy sector.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2022/003 ES/Alu Ibérica - Spain (A9-0154/2023 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

. – I voted in favour of this report of providing funding for 303 former employees of aluminium producer Alu Ibérica in Spain’s Galicia region after the company declared bankruptcy, in order to help former employees find new jobs. They will receive over EUR 1.2 million in EU aid in order to help former employees find new jobs through numerous actions such as training, intensive job-search assistance and tutoring after reintegration into the workforce.
New EU Urban Mobility Framework (A9-0108/2023 - Andrey Novakov)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as it offers more variety in sustainable transport solutions, rather than the Urban Mobility Framework proposed by the EC. The urban mobility is crucial to people’s quality of life and the functioning of the economy, so EU needs to take action to develop urban transport systems that are safe, accessible, inclusive, affordable, smart, resilient and sustainable.This report highlights on the important role of artificial intelligence and digitalisation in the urban mobility framework, accessibility to the groups with special needs and many more key issues.
Critical technologies for security and defence (A9-0120/2023 - Riho Terras)

. – I voted in favour of this report, as it stresses the importance of research and innovation capacities of the European industrial defence sector and the need to step up common EU efforts, especially in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It underlines that the most critical pillar for innovation is the availability of adequate funding schemes. The report highlights that the EU must make much better use of the existing framework of institutions and funds, and explore new ways and means in order to boost our resilience.
Implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (A9-0139/2023 - Petra Kammerevert)

. – As we well know, almost all media providers nowadays disseminate their content via online platforms. However, these platforms often feature the relatively strictly regulated and controlled online offers of Union media service providers directly alongside uncontrolled and unregulated offers that are not subject to the Directive.I supported this report, as it insists that this inequality, to the detriment of Union providers, should be eliminated by further developing the Directive so as to render global platform operators accountable to a greater extent.
Schools scheme for fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products (A9-0096/2023 - Carmen Avram)

. – I supported that report, as its main objective is to ensure that children’s nutritional needs are met and healthy eating habits and lifestyles are established. Unfortunately, the level of fruit and vegetable consumption among children and young people is not satisfactory. The report provides key policy recommendations, in order to remodel that bad pattern.
Standardisation strategy for the single market (A9-0136/2023 - Adam Bielan)

. – I voted in favour of the report on the standardisation strategy for the single market. It welcomes the adoption of the standardisation strategy, which sets out five main areas for action for the Commission, but stresses that the list of areas for action could be further expanded and that there is a need to increase the focus of the strategy on the uptake and implementation of standards, especially among SMEs.
Own resources: a new start for EU finances, a new start for Europe (A9-0155/2023 - José Manuel Fernandes, Valérie Hayer)

. – I supported this report as it stresses the crucial and growing importance of the Union budget in delivering on the Union’s key policy objectives. I fully agree that we have an urgent need for an array of new sources of income for the EU budget, such as corporate tax-based own resources, the financial transaction tax, a new fair border mechanism, a tax on crypto-assets, green own resources and national contributions based on statistics.
Empowering consumers for the green transition (A9-0099/2023 - Biljana Borzan)

. – I voted in favour of the report on empowering consumers for the green transition. The directive was proposed as a part of the circular economy package. The report’s main purpose is to help consumers make environmentally friendly choices and encourage companies to offer them more durable and sustainable products. It suggests a simplifying of product information, by allowing only sustainability labels based on official certification schemes or established by public authorities to be used. In order to help people choose more lasting and repairable goods, buyers would have to be informed of any repair restrictions before making their purchase.
Act in Support of Ammunition Production (C9-0161/2023)

. – The Support for Ammunition Production Act (SAPA) seeks to expedite the supply of ammunition and missiles to Ukraine and assist Member States in replenishing their weapon stockpiles. Through the implementation of specific actions, which include allocating EUR 500 million in funding, SAPA aims to enhance the European Union’s manufacturing capabilities to address the current scarcity of defense products, particularly ground-to-ground and artillery ammunition, as well as missiles and their components.I voted in favor of this plan as I believe it represents a significant advancement in bolstering the security and defence of our Union. It also demonstrates our unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of ongoing aggression from Russia.
Geographical Indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products (A9-0173/2023 - Paolo De Castro)

. – A geographic indication (GI) is a unique identifier utilised to designate a product that possesses qualities, reputation, or other characteristics attributable to its geographical origin. Any domain using a GI name without proper authorisation must be promptly shut down or transferred to a producer group that has legal rights to use the GI. I endorsed the report because it advocates for enhanced rights and resources for recognised producer groups, as well as a streamlined registration process for GIs. Moreover, it insists that the EU Intellectual Property Office should establish an alert system to monitor domain name registrations.
EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles (A9-0176/2023 - Delara Burkhardt)

. – The report advocates for the cessation of fast fashion and urges support for consumers in making ethically responsible and sustainable choices. It emphasises the need for textile products sold within the EU to exhibit increased durability and be designed for easier reuse, repair, and recycling. The report further emphasises the importance of upholding human, social, and labour rights, as well as environmental and animal welfare considerations throughout the entire supply chain. I supported this report, as I believe that the well-being of people and the planet should take precedence over the textile industry’s pursuit of profits. Therefore, I agree that the EU should impose legal obligations on manufacturers and major fashion companies to operate in a more sustainable manner.
Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation (A9-0187/2023 - Sandra Kalniete)

. – Regrettably, malicious foreign actors employ tactics such as information manipulation to interfere with democratic processes and seek to undermine the democratic governance of targeted countries. The aggressive actions of Russia in its war against Ukraine have further highlighted the clear connection between foreign information manipulation attempts and the threats posed to the European Union, its neighbouring regions, and global security and stability as a whole. I supported this report because it advocates for a prompt revision of the Members’ Code of Conduct, particularly in relation to sanctions. In my view, it is essential to provide more effective protection for whistleblowers and establish more precise rules regarding conflicts of interest. While Parliament must remain an open institution, it must also defend itself against corruption and malicious foreign interference. To accomplish this, I agree with the proposal that staff involved in sensitive matters should undergo security clearance, all meetings with third parties should be publicly disclosed, and political relations with third countries should solely be conducted through established parliamentary channels.
Coordinated action to address antimicrobial resistance (B9-0258/2023)

. – I voted in favour of a coordinated EU response to address the health threats posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The motion for a resolution emphasizes the critical importance of adopting prudent practices in the use of antibiotics for both humans and animals, implementing effective infection prevention and control measures, and promoting research and development in novel antimicrobials and alternative approaches to combat AMR. It further seeks to enhance data collection, including real-time data, on AMR and antimicrobial consumption, so it calls on the Commission to establish a centralized EU-level database for comprehensive monitoring and analysis. By supporting it, I endorse the necessity of a collaborative effort at the EU level to effectively tackle the challenges posed by AMR and safeguard public health.
Macro-financial assistance to North Macedonia (A9-0203/2023 - Angelika Winzig)

. – I voted in favour of granting North Macedonia access to Multilateral Financial Assistance (MFA) to address a portion of the country’s remaining external financing requirements for 2023, which are projected to amount to EUR 800 million. This assistance aims to alleviate the short-term imbalances in the country’s balance of payments and fiscal vulnerabilities. By providing this aid, the European Union demonstrates its strong support during this difficult period. Furthermore, it sends a significant message of solidarity to North Macedonia as it progresses on its journey towards EU membership.
Assessment of the new Commission communication on outermost regions (A9-0156/2023 - Álvaro Amaro)

. – The renewed strategy of the Commission aims to shift towards investing in assets in the outermost regions, rather than solely compensating for the inherent constraints and difficulties they face. I supported the report, which complements the Commission’s efforts by presenting specific proposals to shape the future Multiannual Financial Framework. These proposals are designed to enhance the well-being of the citizens residing in the outermost regions. The report emphasizes the urgency of implementing the measures outlined in this strategy, which are particularly significant during this time of crisis. By implementing these measures, the aim is to ensure the sustainable recovery of these regions in economic, social, territorial and environmental aspects.
Large transport infrastructure projects in the EU (A9-0181/2023 - Andrey Novakov)

. – I supported the report because it emphasizes the significant role that large infrastructure projects play in delivering economic advantages, generating employment opportunities, and enhancing competitiveness and productivity throughout the European Union. The report highlights the need for better coordination among different sources of EU funding, particularly in light of the potential conflicts between cohesion funds and the Next Generation EU (NGEU) initiative. It acknowledges that some Member States may face challenges in effectively managing multiple sources of financing.Moreover, the report offers several recommendations that should be addressed at both the national and EU levels. These include learning from international partners regarding the financing and implementation of large infrastructure projects, establishing a comprehensive risk-based monitoring system, and promoting enhanced cooperation between national and EU entities in overseeing expenditure.
EU/Thailand Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (Resolution) (A9-0193/2023 - Andrey Kovatchev)

. – I supported the report as it highlights how the agreement significantly expands the possibilities for mutual collaboration in various crucial areas, such as justice and home affairs, as well as dialogue in the economic and trade sectors. This agreement strengthens cooperation across a broad range of policy domains, encompassing human rights, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, counterterrorism, combating corruption and organised crime, trade, migration, the environment, energy, climate change, transportation, science and technology, employment and social affairs, education, agriculture, and culture.
EU/Malaysia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (Resolution) (A9-0194/2023 - Gheorghe-Vlad Nistor)

. – The aim of the agreement is to foster a stronger partnership between the European Union (EU) and Malaysia, with a focus on deepening and enhancing cooperation in areas of shared concern. These areas encompass a wide range of topics, including human rights, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, countering terrorism, combating corruption and organised crime, trade, migration, the environment, energy, climate change, transportation, science and technology, employment and social affairs, education, and agriculture. The agreement seeks to facilitate collaborative efforts and mutual engagement in these key domains and that is the reason why I voted in favour of it.
EU/Mauritius Fisheries Partnership Agreement: implementing the Agreement (2022-2026). Protocol (A9-0196/2023 - François-Xavier Bellamy)

. – Through the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) with Mauritius, the European Union (EU) grants access to its fleet for fishing tuna and tuna-like species in the waters of Mauritius. I supported the recommendation on the agreement as it aims to promote responsible exploitation of fishery resources and contribute to the development of the fisheries sector in Mauritius. Additionally, it includes provisions for a transitional tonnage threshold, which allows fishing activities to continue below a certain limit until the agreement is fully adopted.
Quality traineeships in the EU (A9-0186/2023 - Monica Semedo)

. – I supported the report, as I completely concur that internships should be fairly remunerated, encompassing at least the expenses for essential living requirements like sustenance, accommodation and transportation. Moreover, the report further stresses that internships should be more attainable for individuals with disabilities and those coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, while also promoting internships across different countries.
Implementation and delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (A9-0213/2023 - Udo Bullmann, Petros Kokkalis)

. – I voted in favour of the report as it emphasises the significance of the European Union (EU) taking a leadership role in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accomplishing the 2030 Agenda. This is especially crucial as the EU prepares to present its initial Voluntary Review this year.The report calls upon the European Commission to develop a comprehensive implementation strategy for the SDGs, encompassing key elements such as assigning a responsible commissioner, establishing EU-wide targets, updating the monitoring system, devising a financial plan, and formulating a diplomatic strategy. By doing so, the EU can demonstrate its commitment to effectively addressing the SDGs and fulfilling its responsibilities in promoting sustainable development.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2023/001 BE/LNSA - Belgium (A9-0228/2023 - Eleni Stavrou)

. – I voted in favour of Belgium’s application to the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) considering the challenging circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine have adversely affected economic competitiveness and hindered economic growth in Belgium. By providing support through the EGF, we can help mitigate the impact of these factors and assist affected workers in overcoming the resulting challenges.
EU/Japan Agreement: air services (A9-0221/2023 - Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar)

. – I voted in favour of the Agreement because it ensures that all EU air carriers have equal and non-discriminatory access to routes connecting the European Union with third countries.Article 2 of the Agreement is particularly significant, as it replaces traditional designation clauses with an EU designation clause. This means that any EU carrier can take advantage of the right of establishment and operate flights from any Member State that has a bilateral agreement with Japan. This provision opens up opportunities for EU carriers to expand their operations and enhance connectivity between the EU and Japan.
Sustainable maritime fuels (FuelEU Maritime Initiative) (A9-0233/2022 - Jörgen Warborn)

. – I supported the report, which introduces measures to gradually decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships. It mandates a reduction in the amount of GHG in the energy used by ships (below the 2020 level) by 2% starting from 2025, eventually reaching an 80% reduction by 2050. These requirements would apply to ships with a gross tonnage above 5000, which are responsible for approximately 90% of CO2 emissions.
Protection of journalists around the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter (A9-0206/2023 - Isabel Wiseler-Lima)

. – I supported the report because it emphasises the intrinsic value of journalism as a fundamental cornerstone of democracy, a principle recognised in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.Moreover, the report serves as a reminder of the vital role journalists play in advancing and safeguarding democratic values, human rights and fundamental freedoms. I share the view that journalists are essential in providing crucial oversight over authorities, exposing corruption and reporting on violations occurring in conflict zones.The main objective of this report is to strengthen the EU’s foreign policy concerning the protection of journalists. It also aims to provide recommendations to the Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS), EU Member States and their embassies in order to enhance journalist safety and security.
Implementation of ‘passerelle’ clauses in the EU Treaties (A9-0208/2023 - Giuliano Pisapia)

. – The passerelle clauses, which are provisions within the Treaties, possess untapped potential. Although they do not alter the competences of the EU, which necessitate treaty changes, passerelle clauses can be immediately activated to introduce specific modifications in EU decision-making procedures.I supported the report because it suggests the identification of particular areas where activating these clauses would bring benefit and enable the EU to act more swiftly and effectively. Initially, the focus would be on commonly agreed priority areas that demand urgent action by the Union. Subsequently, the activation of passerelle clauses could be gradually expanded to encompass various significant policy domains, including CFSP, environment, energy and taxation.
Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0 (A9-0232/2023 - Anna Zalewska)

. – I voted in favour of the report because it focuses on promoting and adapting quality vocational education and training (VET). I believe that this is essential for developing a skilled workforce in labour markets that are constantly evolving. By investing in VET, we can ensure the sustainable competitiveness of the European industry.The report identifies various factors that hinder VET at the company level. It calls on Member States to take specific actions, including ensuring accessible and inclusive reskilling and upskilling opportunities for all individuals, with a commitment to leaving no one behind. It also stresses the importance of creating favourable conditions for workers engaged in training and emphasises the need for companies to invest in training for all employees, particularly those from vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, caregivers, and older individuals.
Ecodesign Regulation (A9-0218/2023 - Alessandra Moretti)

. – I supported the report because it aims to ensure longer product lifespans and better-informed consumers by strengthening the measures proposed by the Commission. It is crucial that design features do not limit the lifetime of a product. Moreover, an appropriate period should be allocated for the availability of software updates, consumables, spare parts, and accessories. To promote transparency and enable consumers to make informed purchasing choices, a new ‘product passport’ would be established, containing up-to-date and accurate information.
Financial activities of the European Investment Bank – annual report 2022 (A9-0210/2023 - Stefan Berger)

. – I voted in favour of the report, as it underscores the crucial position of the European Investment Bank (EIB) as the EU’s lending entity and the sole multilateral financial institution wholly owned by Member States. It also emphasises the significance of the EIB’s overall financing operations, including the necessity of preserving its AAA rating.Furthermore, the report highlights the need to further augment the support provided to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps beyond the current levels. Additionally, the report urges the shareholders of the EIB to consider a capital increase. This increase would serve to uphold and enhance the EIB’s ability to take action, while simultaneously safeguarding its credit rating and ensuring that its activities do not displace private lenders.
Union Civil Protection Mechanism (A9-0266/2023 - Sara Cerdas)

I supported the report of Union Civil Protection Mechanism as it addresses the need for the European Union to provide ongoing emergency support to Member States in combating wildfires. The extension of the transitional period until December 2027 is a pragmatic response to unexpected delays in procuring firefighting aircraft. This measure is essential to maintain the safety and resilience of our communities while awaiting the permanent aerial firefighting fleet’s availability in 2026 – a commitment reaffirmed by the aircraft manufacturer during ongoing negotiations.
Establishing the Ukraine Facility (A9-0286/2023 - Michael Gahler, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

I voted in favor of the proposal to establish the EUR 50 billion Ukraine Facility because it represents a crucial step in supporting Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction, and modernisation. This funding is essential, given the challenges Ukraine has faced since 2021.By improving the Facility’s accountability, encouraging democracy, and aligning Ukraine with EU standards, we are not only providing financial assistance, but also strengthening the foundations for Ukraine’s potential EU accession.Furthermore, the inclusion of provisions to use assets from those connected to Russia’s aggression and the commitment to fight corruption demonstrate our dedication to ensuring the responsible use of EU funds.This vote is a positive step towards fostering resilience, prosperity and transparency in Ukraine’s journey towards European integration.
Establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) (A9-0290/2023 - José Manuel Fernandes, Christian Ehler)

I supported the establishment of the ‘Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP)’ as it represents a vital initiative to bolster Europe’s technological leadership, promote digital, net-zero, and biotechnologies, and enhance the EU’s industrial capability to meet the demands of the digital and net-zero transitions.This platform, with its proposed budget of EUR 10 billion, further reinforced by an additional EUR 3 billion, will inject up to EUR 13 billion into critical value chains and innovation, while addressing labour and skill shortages. The STEP is a significant step toward reinforcing European autonomy, and its comprehensive approach, leveraging existing programmes like InvestEU and Horizon Europe, will undoubtedly contribute to the continent’s competitiveness and resilience in strategic sectors.It is crucial that we move swiftly to agree on the STEP’s implementation and budget revision, aligning with our efforts to strengthen Europe’s position on the global stage while fostering cohesion among EU Member States.
Implications of Chinese fishing operations for EU fisheries and the way forward (A9-0282/2023 - Pierre Karleskind)

I voted in favour of the report on the implications of Chinese fishing operations for EU fisheries and the way forward, and strongly support its strategic objectives.The report focuses on four key actions. Firstly, it emphasises the importance of transparency regarding Chinese fishing activities to enable effective regulation and resource management. Secondly, it underscores the need to protect the European fishing industry from unfair trade practices, particularly in light of China’s growing role in the EU market. The report also calls for the global protection of fisheries resources, human rights and food sovereignty. Lastly, it advocates for continued dialogue between the EU and China to ensure more sustainable fisheries.This report is crucial for promoting sustainable fishing practices worldwide, with China playing a pivotal role in this endeavour.
European environmental economic accounts: new modules (A9-0296/2023 - Pascal Canfin)

I voted in favour of the proposal that introduces three crucial environmental account modules: forest accounts, ecosystem accounts, and environmental subsidies and similar transfers accounts. These modules are in complete alignment with the System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA).The aim is to establish a comprehensive framework for collecting, compiling, transmitting, and evaluating European environmental economic accounts, amalgamating economic and environmental data. The introduction of these modules is a step toward measuring the contribution of the environment to the economy and the impact of the economy on the environment in a manner consistent with macroeconomic statistics.
Conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) (A9-0279/2023 - Grace O'Sullivan)

I supported the proposal to amend Regulation (EU) 2019/833, aligning Union law with the conservation and enforcement measures adopted at the annual Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation meeting in September 2022.The amendments include new obligations for flag Member States regarding the submission of research programs, participation requirements for vessels in research activities, and the cross-listing of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) vessels with other regional fisheries management organisations.These changes aim to strengthen the implementation of binding conservation and management measures by the contracting parties in the Northwest Atlantic region.
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (A9-0311/2023 - Anna Zalewska)

I supported the proposed amendments to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. I consider it an important step toward ensuring legal certainty and preventing unjustified retroactive effects. These recommendations, focusing on sound environmental sound management, impact assessments, financing historical WEEE costs, and an 18-month implementation period, signal a responsible approach to waste management. This step underscores the significance of advancing effective and sustainable practices in handling electronic waste.
EU/Madagascar Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementing Protocol (2023-2027) (A9-0299/2023 - Clara Aguilera)

I voted in favor of the agreement superseding the former fisheries partnership agreement between the European Community and Madagascar, effective since 1 January 2007.The primary goals of the agreement and protocol are to authorise Union vessels for fishing activities in Madagascar‘s fishing zone and to foster closer collaboration between the Union and Madagascar. This collaboration aims to advance sustainable fisheries policies, promote responsible exploitation and use of fishery resources in the Indian Ocean, and ensure favourable working conditions in the fisheries sector.
System of own resources of the European Union (A9-0295/2023 - José Manuel Fernandes, Valérie Hayer)

I supported the amendment to the EU’s revenue law, introducing new sources of income from emissions trading, the carbon border adjustment mechanism and a statistical own resource based on corporate profits.This adoption addresses the urgent need for funds to repay debts from the EU’s Recovery Plan, ensuring a reliable and long-term basis for financing the EU budget. Additionally, measures are proposed to prevent disproportionately high rebates for certain Member States, aligning adjustments with a fixed 2 % deflator per year.
Strengthening the right to participate: legitimacy and resilience of electoral processes in illiberal political systems and authoritarian regimes (A9-0323/2023 - Nacho Sánchez Amor)

I supported the recommendation. It reinforces the global right to participate and elevates the role of election observers.The proposal focuses on addressing attempts by third countries to restrict participation rights by streamlining the EU’s external action toolbox for effective implementation by our delegations in third countries.It calls for a comprehensive EU strategy to counter narratives promoted by autocratic regimes on election legitimacy, emphasising a closer link between election observation and the EU’s broader support for human rights and democracy.Additionally, the proposal underscores the importance of monitoring and implementing recommendations from EU and OSCE/ODIHR election observation missions.
Common rules promoting the repair of goods (A9-0316/2023 - René Repasi)

I supported the ‘right to repair’ proposal because it enhances consumer rights, making product repair more accessible. The obligation to repair, extending beyond the legal guarantee, now includes products subject to ecodesign delegated acts and bicycles, excluding cars and batteries. The European repair information form is now voluntary, and the online repair platform allows flexibility for private operators without hindering existing platforms.
Union certification framework for carbon removals (A9-0329/2023 - Lídia Pereira)

I voted in favour of the Union certification framework for high-quality carbon removals, recognising its pivotal role in addressing climate change. This framework establishes a much-needed system to quantify, monitor, and verify carbon removals, crucial for complementing emissions reductions and advancing the goal of achieving EU climate neutrality. The emphasis on international standards, the creation of an ‘EU registry,’ and the recognition of distinctions between carbon removals, carbon farming, and carbon storage in products underscore the commitment to transparency and environmental integrity. The framework not only addresses the challenges of greenwashing and lack of clarity but also signals a positive step towards attracting private investment in carbon removal projects, contributing significantly to Europe’s climate leadership and fostering a sustainable future.
Possibilities to increase the reliability of audits and controls by national authorities in shared management (A9-0297/2023 - Monika Hohlmeier)

I supported the report because it underscores crucial elements that enhance the overall dependability of audits and controls performed by national authorities in shared management. The report emphasises significant measures, such as recognising the intricacy of EU funds regulations. It highlights that the combination of complex rules and frequent regulatory changes between programming periods may result in legal ambiguity, compliance issues, misinterpretations, and deficient implementation, thereby elevating the risk of errors.Furthermore, the report emphasizes the importance of having competent human resources with appropriate training, experience, and institutional memory at various levels for conducting verifications and checks on programmes financed with EU funds. This recognition underscores the necessity of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce to ensure the effective implementation and oversight of EU-funded initiatives.
Implementation of the European Solidarity Corps programme 2021-2027 (A9-0308/2023 - Michaela Šojdrová)

I voted in favour of the report as it aims to comprehensively assess and improve the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme within the current Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, covering the period from 2021 to 2023. The ESC, a flagship EU programme for volunteering, has undergone significant development from its precursor, the European Voluntary Service (EVS). The report, shaped through consultations with various stakeholders, proposes essential enhancements for the remaining MFF period and the upcoming programming period. These improvements include simplifying procedures, boosting programme visibility, exploring innovative volunteering formats, and addressing age limits and participation requirements. The report also emphasizes the need to recognise and strengthen the role of participating organisations, tackle issues with ESC IT tools, promote mutual recognition of learning outcomes, and advocate for a special visa category for ESC participants from non-Schengen countries. Importantly, the report advocates for increased funding for the ESC in the next multiannual financial framework (2028-2034), demonstrating a commitment to fostering solidarity, community impact, and inclusive volunteering experiences.
Implementation of the Regulation establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel (A9-0353/2023 - Bert-Jan Ruissen)

The European eel is of great importance due to its critical endangerment status on the IUCN Red List. Urgent action is necessary to address the threat to this species. A holistic approach, as emphasized in the report, is crucial for effective conservation, encompassing improved governance, tackling migration barriers, combating illegal fishing, and advancing scientific research. Supporting the report aligns with my commitment to sustainable practices and biodiversity protection, essential for the recovery of the European eel population.
2024 budgetary procedure: Joint text (A9-0362/2023 - Siegfried Mureşan, Nils Ušakovs)

I voted on favour of the report on the 2024 budgetary procedure because of its emphasis on critical areas such as research, youth, and addressing external challenges. The budget strives to secure augmented funding for programmes and policies essential for mitigating the repercussions of the conflict in Ukraine and tackling global challenges, with a specific focus on supporting young individuals, including young farmers. The allocation of almost EUR 670 million for key priorities, including humanitarian aid, Erasmus+, and transport infrastructure, underscores the commitment to addressing urgent needs and fostering youth development. This strategic approach aligns with our collective efforts to navigate the complexities of the current geopolitical landscape and invest in a sustainable and resilient future.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund – application EGF/2023/002 BE/Makro - Belgium (A9-0351/2023 - Petri Sarvamaa)

I supported the allocation of EUR 2.8 million in EU aid for 421 workers affected by the bankruptcy of Makro Cash & Carry in Wallonia, Belgium. Acknowledging the economic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) provides essential support. The comprehensive aid package covers advisory services, job search assistance, and skills training, addressing the aftermath of Makro’s bankruptcy and the resulting loss of 1 431 jobs in Belgium. The EGF’s contribution of 85% (EUR 2.8 million) and the remaining 15% (EUR 499 000), financed by the Walloon region, ensure a total estimated cost of EUR 3.2 million. The approved measures, including support for self-employment and start-up grants, aim to empower affected workers and facilitate their reintegration into the job market.
EU/Montenegro Agreement: operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Montenegro (A9-0369/2023 - Lena Düpont)

I strongly support the proposed Council decision to approve the new status agreement between the European Union and Montenegro regarding the actions of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). Acknowledging the crucial importance of formal, legally binding agreements for transparency, public scrutiny, and democratic oversight in cooperation with third countries, this agreement is a vital instrument in supporting Montenegro’s efforts and establishing a clear framework for external border management. Given Montenegro’s strategic location on one of the primary routes for irregular mixed movement, particularly during the migration and refugee crisis in 2015, the agreement addresses a critical need. Importantly, its confirmation not only enhances cooperation with Montenegro but also signals the Parliament’s endorsement of Frontex’s mission, emphasizing the commitment to effective border management.
EU/New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (Resolution) (A9-0314/2023 - Daniel Caspary)

I supported the free trade agreement (FTA) between the EU and New Zealand, appreciating its emphasis on unique, sanctionable commitments regarding climate and labour standards. In my view, the removal of 100% of New Zealand tariffs on EU exports upon entry into force and the gradual lifting of 98.5% of EU tariffs on New Zealand trade over seven years demonstrate a balanced and mutually beneficial approach. The FTA’s protection of EU geographical indications, especially for wines and spirits, and its defence of sensitive agricultural goods align with my commitment to fair trade practices. Moreover, the prospect of increased bilateral trade and investment between the EU and New Zealand reflects the positive impact of this agreement. Overall, I believe this FTA sets a commendable precedent in fostering global collaboration while upholding essential environmental and labour standards.
VAT: rules for the digital age (A9-0327/2023 - Olivier Chastel)

I endorsed the report on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC concerning VAT rules for the digital age due to its commitment to upholding the principle of proportionality between the objective of combating fraud and the practical challenges businesses may face in implementing the proposed rules. While the Commission’s proposal aims to address issues such as reducing the VAT gap, combating fraud, and ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market, it is crucial to guarantee that these measures work effectively for all stakeholders. The proposal should be straightforward, efficient, and balanced, especially for SMEs, VSEs, and non-profit bodies. Moreover, the report emphasises the necessity for accompanying incentives to encourage businesses to optimally implement VAT in the digital age.
Digitalisation and Administrative Law (A9-0309/2023 - Karen Melchior)

I voted in favour of the report, recognising the critical importance of establishing a regulation on administrative law for EU-level bodies. The rights to impartial, fair, and timely treatment when interacting with authorities are fundamental to citizens’ trust and confidence in the administrative processes. The absence of a general administrative law act at the EU level for institutions and agencies underscores the need for a structured framework to ensure accountability and transparency.I appreciate the nuanced approach taken in addressing non-related legislative dossiers, reflecting the complex nature of digital governance and emerging technologies. The considerations regarding the ‘public money – public code’ principle, the involvement of organisations for persons with disabilities in IT-software development, and the removal of the ‘gender’ reference all indicate a thoughtful and inclusive approach to enhancing administrative law. This vote aligns with my belief in strengthening mechanisms that protect citizens’ rights in their interactions with EU-level bodies
Foodstuffs for human consumption: amending certain 'Breakfast' Directives (A9-0385/2023 - Alexander Bernhuber)

I supported the report, emphasising the importance of clear labelling for geographical origin. Such measures, including indicating the country of origin for honey and specifying the origin of fruits used in juices, jams, and other products, enhance transparency for consumers. The proposed traceability system for the honey supply chain and the establishment of an EU reference laboratory demonstrate a robust commitment to combating fraud and ensuring the authenticity of honey products. Additionally, the emphasis on sugar content labelling reflects a commendable effort to meet consumer demand for healthier choices without compromising taste or quality.
EC/Kiribati Fisheries Partnership Agreement (2023-2028). Implementation Protocol (A9-0380/2023 - João Pimenta Lopes)

I voted in favour of this comprehensive report on the common fisheries policy (CFP), emphasising the need for a balanced approach to sustainability in the fisheries sector. Recognising the interconnectedness of environmental, economic, and social dimensions, the report aims to enhance the social, economic, and food security aspects of the EU fishing industry. It underscores the pivotal role of the EU fisheries sector in providing high-quality food and advocates for a level playing field globally. Additionally, the report highlights the importance of supporting the industry’s transition to a decarbonised model, fostering youth engagement, and incorporating regional customs.
Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector (A9-0370/2023 - Henna Virkkunen)

I voted in favour of the report as it acknowledges and addresses the specificities of occasional passenger transport, recognising the need for regulatory adjustments in this sector. The proposed changes, such as flexible breaks and adaptations to daily and weekly rest periods, are sensible measures that cater to the unique challenges faced by drivers in this particular industry.By providing additional flexibility without compromising safety and working conditions, the report aims to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of occasional passenger transport services. The alignment of rules for national and international journeys also contributes to a more harmonised and streamlined regulatory framework, fostering fair competition in the single market.
Mental health (A9-0367/2023 - Sara Cerdas)

I endorsed the report emphasising the intricate link between mental and physical health, urging increased research and collaboration in mental healthcare. The report strives to diminish stigma, enhance awareness, and improve mental health literacy through education, highlighting the role of digital health and telehealth in this context. Addressing the socio-economic impact and environmental factors on mental health, the report underscores the need for comprehensive strategies. The urgent requirement for a mental-health-in-all-policies approach to create a more inclusive and supportive society is acknowledged.
Implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe (A9-0374/2023 - Tomas Tobé, Pedro Marques, Charles Goerens, Michael Gahler)

I supported the report, acknowledging the Commission’s proposal for a revision of the MFF 2021-2027 with additional funding for Heading 6, aiming to better reflect the current geopolitical situation and the EU’s global commitments.The report emphasises the need to review external and development policies, considering funding gaps, increasing inequalities and geopolitical changes, such as Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. It reaffirms support for Ukraine, highlights the consolidation of EU’s external action, and calls for enhanced accountability and transparency. The report underscores the role of the private sector in bridging the funding gap and welcomes the Global Gateway strategy as a comprehensive EU response to global challenges.
Further reform of corporate taxation rules (A9-0359/2023 - Isabel Benjumea Benjumea)

I voted in favour of the report on the further reform of corporate taxation rules.It emphasises the immediate need to ease the regulatory burden on European businesses, particularly SMEs, in the realm of taxation. Implementing ‘competitiveness checks’ is crucial for achieving this goal.The report suggests that moving towards a simplified tax regime is key to reducing the administrative burden, especially for SMEs. It encourages the Commission to guide Member States in simplifying refund procedures, deductions, and litigation processes.Additionally, the report supports the consideration of tax incentives to enhance the competitiveness of European businesses and promote job creation.
Reshaping the future framework of EU structural funds to support regions particularly affected by challenges related to the automotive, green and digital transitions (A9-0326/2023 - Susana Solís Pérez)

I voted in favour of this report, which endeavours to formulate a transition framework for regions previously reliant on the automotive industry. Drawing an analogy to the Just Transition Fund regulation, which addresses challenges in former coal-mining and steel-producing regions, this report underscores the pivotal role of Cohesion policy in navigating simultaneous transitions driven by climate change, digitalisation, and sustainable economic growth.By recognising the profound impact of the green and digital transitions on employment and emphasising the importance of financial support for research, development, and innovation across the automotive value chain, the report provides valuable policy recommendations for the future framework of EU structural funds.Overall, the proposed measures aim to foster a just transition for regions heavily dependent on the automotive sector, promoting resilient, greener, and digitally fit communities.
EU-Japan relations (A9-0373/2023 - Reinhard Bütikofer)

I voted in favour of the report, recognising Japan’s role as a like-minded partner in the Indo-Pacific, in alignment with the EU’s geopolitical objectives. The report underscores collaboration in diverse areas, encompassing regional and global security, economic partnership, climate change, human rights, and digital transformation.It addresses challenges posed by North Korea and China’s assertiveness, while highlighting Japan’s backing for Ukraine. Additionally, the report advocates for strengthened cooperation with Japan to foster balanced relations with countries from the Global South. It emphasises the significance of bilateral collaboration and people-to-people contacts for exchanging best practices.
EU development cooperation to enhance access to education and training in developing countries (A9-0338/2023 - György Hölvényi)

I supported the report because it highlights the crucial need for investments to improve basic education and emphasises the significance of vocational training for fostering economic growth in developing countries. The involvement of the private sector is a positive step forward, acknowledging its complementary role alongside public investments. The report also recognises the valuable contribution of faith-based actors in delivering quality education while taking a strong stance against radicalisation and the misuse of schools by extremists.
Non-communicable diseases (A9-0366/2023 - Erik Poulsen)

I supported the report, emphasising the importance of coordinated EU-level action to address non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the leading cause of deaths in the EU. The focus on prevention strategies, early detection, and optimal management is vital, particularly in mitigating risk factors like alcohol and tobacco use, inactivity, unhealthy diets, and environmental factors. Prioritising access to medicines, public healthcare, and incentivising research and development aligns with the urgent need to combat NCDs, ensuring a healthier future for EU citizens and promoting overall well-being.
EU-China relations (A9-0375/2023 - Hilde Vautmans)

I voted in favour of the report that promotes engaging with China to tackle global challenges, emphasising cooperation. It is crucial to oppose China’s human rights violations, especially in Xinjiang and Tibet. Additionally, the report underscores the importance of de-risking from China to safeguard Europe’s strategic autonomy and advocates for addressing structural shortcomings in the Chinese market. This is essential to ensure fair conditions and improved market access for European companies.
Implementation of the Treaty provisions on special legislative procedures (A9-0384/2023 - Victor Negrescu)

I voted in favor of the report, as it highlights the importance of collaborative efforts among European institutions, adherence to Treaty-based rules, and transparent decision-making. The prolonged 12-year delay in deciding on Bulgaria and Romania’s Schengen area accession, despite meeting all necessary conditions and numerous resolutions from Parliament, underscores the urgency of establishing precise time frames. The report emphasises the need for an open and constructive dialogue to address political and legal concerns promptly, fostering agreement on Parliament’s proposal without unwarranted delays.
Empowering the French Republic to negotiate, sign and conclude an international agreement on the safety and interoperability requirements within the Channel Fixed Link (A9-0018/2024 - Petar Vitanov)

I supported France to negotiate, sign and conclude an international agreement on the safety and interoperability requirements within the Channel Fixed Link, a critical infrastructure connecting the EU and the United Kingdom.Following Brexit, it is imperative to establish coherent rail safety and interoperability rules along the entire length of the link, necessitating close cooperation between British and French authorities for effective enforcement. To ensure the effectiveness of this agreement, it is essential to prolong and extend France’s mandate, ensuring the primacy of EU law and the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice within the French part of the tunnel.Furthermore, coherence in safety and interoperability standards within the UK section of the tunnel must be ensured to uphold the overarching goal of enhancing safety and efficiency in cross-border transportation.
Conclusion of the Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Angola (A9-0005/2024 - Joachim Schuster)

I supported the conclusion of the Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Angola, as it marks a significant step towards fostering sustainable economic cooperation.This agreement is crucial for facilitating investment flows while ensuring adherence to sustainable development principles. It emphasises promoting investments that contribute to environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic development in Angola, reflecting a shared commitment to sustainable development goals.
Norway's recent decision to advance seabed mining in the Arctic (B9-0095/2024)

I supported Norways recent decision to advance seabed mining in the Arctic, urging continued engagement with the EU in line with the Green Alliance signed in April 2023. This partnership should tackle environmental issues and safeguard Arctic ecosystems. It’s crucial for Norway and the EU to maintain a continuous dialogue, exchanging scientific research and knowledge to promote sustainable ocean management. Both parties uphold a unified stance on a balanced raw materials policy, stressing demand reduction, reuse, efficiency, recycling, waste stream utilisation, and substitution.
Standard essential patents (A9-0016/2024 - Marion Walsmann)

I support this report, as it addresses the critical issues surrounding Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) and their impact on innovation within the EU.The proposed measures, including the establishment of an SEP register and essentiality checks, aim to enhance transparency and streamline licensing processes. By ensuring fair and efficient SEP licensing, we can foster a more competitive and innovative environment while promoting the interests of both patent holders and technology implementers.
Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes (A9-0007/2024 - Herbert Dorfmann)

I voted in favour of this report as it represents another step towards the completion of the Capital Markets Union, streamlining withholding tax procedures across the EU for more efficient cross-border investments.While the Commission’s proposal respects principles of simplification and subsidiarity, Member States must accelerate efforts in digitalising and automating key features for its successful implementation. Additionally, enhancing personal data protection and ensuring a harmonised understanding of relevant legislation are crucial for effective implementation.
Implementation of the common security and defence policy – annual report 2023 (A9-0403/2023 - Sven Mikser)

I supported this report as it addresses critical aspects of European security and defence policy.In response to escalating global challenges, such as Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East, the EU has shown unprecedented unity. Key focuses, like enhancing military mobility, harmonizing procedures and securing sustainable funding for security initiatives, are crucial for bolstering defence capabilities.Progress through initiatives like PESCO demonstrates the EU’s commitment to strengthening defence across various domains. Additionally, the increase in defence spending underscores the growing importance of defence as a key EU policy area.
Financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2023 (A9-0031/2024 - David Cormand)

I voted in favour of this report as it highlights the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) pivotal role in fostering EU integration and supporting key policies. The focus on the EIB’s funding activities, especially its development into the EU Climate Bank and crisis response in Ukraine, underscores its commitment to addressing global challenges.The EIB’s progress in becoming the EU Climate Bank, exceeding green financing targets in 2022, demonstrates its dedication to climate action. The report’s recommendations aim to further align EIB investments with climate and environmental goals, including efforts to protect biodiversity.Additionally, calls to enhance sectoral balance and support projects aligned with social rights and sustainable development goals are crucial. I particularly support efforts to prioritise projects benefiting vulnerable groups and citizen-led initiatives for greater social inclusion.
Report on the Commission’s 2023 Rule of Law report (A9-0025/2024 - Sophia in 't Veld)

I supported this report as it aims to address a broad spectrum of concerns regarding the Commission’s 2023 Rule of Law report, without hesitating to highlight specific situations within Member States. Corruption stands out as a significant threat to the rule of law, undermining trust in democracy and equality.Moreover, the report calls for increased efforts by Member States and the Commission to combat corruption effectively. Additionally, it emphasises the crucial role of institutions like the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in safeguarding the rule of law and combating corruption within the Union.Ensuring the independence and integrity of institutions such as constitutional courts, ombudspersons and media outlets is also paramount for upholding the rule of law. Without media pluralism and freedom, democratic life and the rule of law cannot flourish. The report further addresses the economic dimension of the rule of law, civil society space, equality, non-discrimination and pluralism, etc.
Implementation of the EU-Southern African Development Community (SADC) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) (A9-0024/2024 - Joachim Schuster)

I voted in favor of this report as it provides a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the EU-Southern African Development Community (SADC) Economic Partnership Agreement. While acknowledging the positive contributions of the agreement to economic development in the SADC region, the report also highlights the challenges that need to be addressed for its full realisation, such as capacity building, trade disputes, and technical barriers to trade. By recognizing the importance of sustainable investments and ensuring a sustainable supply of raw materials, the report underscores the significance of the agreement for promoting the green and digital transition in the region.
Industrial Emissions Directive (A9-0216/2023 - Radan Kanev)

I supported this report as it represents a significant step forward in reducing industrial emissions and promoting environmental protection. It successfully balances the need to lower emissions without burdening industries and farmers with excessive red tape. Key achievements include clarifying emission limit values based on the specific capabilities of each installation, introducing mandatory limits for water use to combat water scarcity, and ensuring compensation for health damages caused by permit breaches. Additionally, it introduces important provisions such as the transition to electronic permitting processes and measures to protect commercially sensitive information. Overall, it reflects a comprehensive approach to addressing industrial emissions while considering the needs of both industry and the environment.
Weights and dimensions of certain road vehicles (A9-0047/2024 - Isabel García Muñoz)

I supported this report because it addresses the need for additional weight and dimensions for zero-emission technology and containers in intermodal transport. This proposal aims to boost the adoption of zero-emission trucks and facilitate compliance with CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles.Creating a level-playing field is crucial to prevent the penalisation of zero-emission trucks due to heavy technology, making them more attractive for industry uptake while ensuring efficiency and safety in circulation.
Use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway area, amending Directive 2012/34/EU and repealing Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 (A9-0069/2024 - Tilly Metz)

I supported this report because it aligns with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy by promoting the efficient use of railway infrastructure to decarbonise the transport sector. By implementing measures to increase rail capacity and improve punctuality and reliability, the proposal aims to make rail transport more attractive for both freight and passenger services.Additionally, the inclusion of socioeconomic and environmental criteria in capacity allocation decisions and the establishment of a European Rail International Capacity Allocation body demonstrate a commitment to sustainable and inclusive infrastructure development.The report also emphasises the importance of stable financing for infrastructure maintenance and renewal, as well as the need for digitalisation to modernise capacity management. Overall, these initiatives are crucial for achieving the EU’s ambitious goals for rail transport and sustainable mobility.
Substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green Claims Directive) (A9-0056/2024 - Cyrus Engerer, Andrus Ansip)

I supported the report as it aims to tackle the pervasive problem of misleading environmental claims in European markets, aiming to rebuild consumer confidence by ensuring the reliability and verifiability of such claims on products. The proposal introduces robust mechanisms for verifying and substantiating claims, prioritising transparency and accuracy. Furthermore, it advocates for restrictions and prohibitions of the use of environmental claims on products containing harmful substances, fostering progress towards a toxic-free environment and ensuring consumer safety.
Safety of toys and repealing Directive 2009/48/EC (A9-0044/2024 - Marion Walsmann)

I voted in favour of the report, as it emphasises the importance of enhancing toy safety regulations to address evolving challenges in the market.The transition to a Regulation signifies a commitment to ensuring a high level of protection for children and promoting fair competition among toy manufacturers. Key measures such as banning hazardous chemicals and providing support for SMEs to comply with the new rules demonstrate a proactive approach to safeguarding consumer safety while fostering innovation in the industry.Additionally, the focus on transparency and effective market surveillance through the product passport system reflects a commitment to accountability and consumer empowerment. Overall, the report represents a significant step forward in promoting child safety and strengthening the integrity of the EU toy market.
Establishing the Union Customs Code and the European Union Customs Authority, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 (A9-0065/2024 - Deirdre Clune)

In my opinion, establishing the EU Customs Code reform represents a crucial step toward modernising customs operations and enhancing cooperation with traders, particularly in managing online orders. The proposed establishment of the EU Data Hub as the primary tool for customs authorities is essential for streamlining communication and enabling more accurate data analysis, including AI assistance to detect potential risks such as tax fraud. This reform is vital to ensure the safety of goods entering the EU while promoting efficiency for businesses operating within the single market. That is why I voted in favour of it.
Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (Resolution) (A9-0159/2024 - Tomas Tobé)

I supported the report because it signifies a crucial step towards fostering deeper cooperation between the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (ACP). The Samoa Agreement, with its provisionally enforced modernised framework, offers an ambitious platform for collaboration, prioritising crucial areas like human rights, sustainable economic growth, and environmental sustainability. By aligning with global initiatives such as the UN 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, the Agreement showcases a shared commitment to tackling pressing global challenges. Moreover, the emphasis on stakeholder engagement underscores the importance of inclusive decision-making and effective implementation, further strengthening the Agreement’s potential for driving meaningful and sustainable development.
EU/Côte d’Ivoire Voluntary Partnership Agreement: forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and timber products to the EU (Resolution) (A9-0137/2024 - Karin Karlsbro)

I voted in favor of the report on the EU/Côte d’Ivoire Voluntary Partnership Agreement because it acknowledges the importance of sustainable forest management and governance. The report highlights the need for the swift ratification of the agreement to address deforestation rates in Côte d’Ivoire, particularly in relation to cocoa production. It emphasises the significance of stakeholder involvement, including local and indigenous communities, and stresses the importance of integrating gender perspectives throughout forest management practices. Additionally, the report calls for support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and smallholder farmers, as well as measures to address corruption and ensure fair remuneration for workers in the timber and cocoa sectors. Overall, the report provides a comprehensive framework for promoting sustainable forest management and governance in Côte d’Ivoire.
VAT: amendment of the EU–Norway Agreement on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims (A9-0057/2024 - Irene Tinagli)

I supported the report, as the addressed amendment aligns the cooperation between Norway and EU Member States with recent enhancements in VAT fraud prevention and administrative cooperation tools introduced since the Agreement’s initial implementation in 2018. By enhancing the Eurofisc network, introducing joint audits, and facilitating information sharing, the amendment strengthens the fight against VAT fraud and improves cooperation between Norway and the EU. Overall, this amendment ensures a solid legal framework for robust cooperation between Norway and EU Member States in combating VAT fraud.
Agreement between the European Union and Iceland on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of the Integrated Border Management Fund (A9-0146/2024 - Malik Azmani)

I supported the recommendation because it represents an important step towards ensuring effective border management and visa policy. This agreement brings Iceland into line with EU regulations, promoting cooperation and solidarity in maintaining security in the Schengen Area. By adhering to these rules, Iceland is contributing to respect for fundamental rights, while strengthening the overall functioning of the Schengen Area. I therefore approve of this agreement, as it promotes cooperation and strengthens security measures.
Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy, as part of the Integrated Border Management Fund (A9-0145/2024 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska)

I supported this proposal because it provides for mechanisms to ensure the flexibility of the agreement with Switzerland, allowing for prompt adjustments in response to changes in Union legislation. This adaptability is essential to ensure alignment with evolving legal frameworks, such as the Financial Regulation and the Common Provisions Regulation. In addition, by extending budgetary and financial controls to Switzerland through the agreement, we maintain transparency and accountability and ensure consistency of financial management and control across all participating institutions. This fosters confidence in the integrity of the border management and visa policy programmes, increasing their effectiveness and impact.
Establishing a Head Office Tax system for micro, small and medium sized enterprises, and amending Directive 2011/16/EU (A9-0064/2024 - Lídia Pereira)

I supported the report as it highlights the critical need to simplify the regulatory and tax framework for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) operating within the single market. This initiative acknowledges the significant burden that tax compliance places on SMEs and underscores their essential role in driving economic growth and job creation across the European Union. Furthermore, the report provides measures aimed at reducing administrative barriers and ensuring greater accessibility to the opportunities offered by the single market. By proposing amendments to widen access to the Head Office Tax System, guaranteeing indefinite duration for the application of rules, and streamlining application processing, the report demonstrates a commitment to empowering SMEs and fostering a more conducive business environment.
Union code relating to medicinal products for human use (A9-0140/2024 - Pernille Weiss)

I supported the report as it represents a significant update to the EU’s pharmaceutical legislation, addressing key issues such as regulatory data protection, market protection and environmental risk assessment. The compromise amendments adopted in the ENVI Committee reflect a balanced approach, extending the scope of environmental risk assessment while ensuring flexibility for manufacturers. Additionally, the agreement on regulatory and market protection periods strikes a fair balance between incentivising innovation and ensuring timely access to medicines. Overall, the report represents a positive step towards modernising and harmonising the regulation of medicinal products for human use in the EU.
Objection pursuant to Rule 111(3): Specific hygiene requirements for certain meat, fishery products, dairy products and eggs (B9-0211/2024)

I supported the report as it skillfully addressed the potential adverse impacts of the Commission’s delegated regulation on the fishing industry and local communities, highlighting the risk of job losses and economic repercussions, particularly in regions reliant on fisheries. Moreover, the report underscored the importance of transparent information for consumers through proper labeling, advocating for consumer awareness and protection. Overall, it provided a comprehensive analysis of the regulation’s implications, advocating for evidence-based policymaking and stakeholder engagement to uphold public health and industry sustainability.
Payment services and electronic money services in the Internal Market (A9-0046/2024 - Ondřej Kovařík)

I supported the report, as it represents a significant step forward in enhancing consumer protection and competition in electronic payments within the Internal Market.The proposed amendments to the Payment Services Directive and the establishment of a Payment Services Regulation aim to modernise and harmonise the existing legislative framework, ensuring better transparency, security and accessibility for consumers. This includes measures to improve transparency regarding ATM charges, ensure balanced wording on fraud and enable mobile payments for charitable purposes.
Preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution (A9-0148/2024 - João Albuquerque)

I supported the report as it addresses the urgent need to prevent plastic pellet losses, which are a significant source of microplastics pollution. This is urgent because the data show that there are currently more than 2 million tonnes of microplastics floating in the sea. The proposal sets mandatory requirements for handling and transporting plastic pellets, aiming to reduce environmental pollution and protect ecosystems and human health. Additionally, the report introduces measures to improve monitoring, reporting and certification methods, ensuring better oversight of pellet losses.
Production and marketing of plant reproductive material (A9-0149/2024 - Herbert Dorfmann)

I voted in favour of this report. The proposed regulation aims to harmonise the rules for the production and marketing of plant reproductive material (PRM) across the EU. It seeks to increase efficiency, reduce administrative burden, and support innovation in the agricultural sector. Key measures include extending requirements to imports, allowing farmers to exchange PRM, simplified rules for marketing conservation varieties, and differentiated sustainability requirements. Additionally, the regulation introduces labelling to indicate the use of New Genomic Techniques in PRM production.
Production and marketing of forest reproductive material (A9-0142/2024 - Herbert Dorfmann)

I voted in favour of this report. The proposed Regulation aims to ensure a level playing field for operators across the EU in the production and marketing of forest reproductive material (FRM). It also supports innovation and competitiveness in the EU FRM industry, while addressing sustainability, biodiversity and climate-related challenges. Key measures include enhanced traceability, cooperation between Member States and technical support for contingency plans in case of extreme weather events or disasters.
Approval and market surveillance of non-road mobile machinery circulating on public roads (A9-0382/2023 - Tom Vandenkendelaere)

I voted in favour of this report. Its main goal is to harmonise regulatory regimes for non-road mobile machinery circulating on public roads, eliminating fragmentation in the single market. The report limits the scope of non-road machinery types and variant definitions, reducing the burden for manufacturers, while ensuring the use of adequate legal instruments for the development of technical requirements. Additionally, the report introduces additional safeguards and extends the limit of small series, providing more choice and flexibility for manufacturers.
Statistics on population and housing (A9-0284/2023 - Irena Joveva)

I voted in favour of the report on statistics on population and housing, as it aims to improve the coherence and comparability of population and housing data across Member States, thereby enhancing the quality of European demographic statistics. The report successfully strengthened provisions on the protection of personal data and minimised additional administrative burdens and costs for Member States. In addition, in order to reduce administrative burden and to improve competitiveness, strategic changes were made.