Progress: Procedure lapsed or withdrawn
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
TFEU 352-p1sub2
Legal Basis:
TFEU 352-p1sub2Events
As announced in Official Journal C 109 of 16 April 2013, the Commission decided to withdraw this proposal, which had become obsolete.
The Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force on 1 December 2009, amended the EU's two core treaties, the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty establishing the European Community (EC Treaty). The latter was renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
These changes had various consequences for many ongoing procedures. First of all, the articles of the TEU and of the old EC Treaty that constitute the legal basis of all the proposals founded on those Treaties were renumbered in accordance with the table of equivalences mentioned in Article 5 of the Lisbon Treaty.
In addition, some proposals underwent a change to their legal basis going beyond a mere change to their numbering, and this resulted in changes to the type of procedure .
The Lisbon Treaty also introduced new concepts of decision-making procedure . The old "codecision procedure" was extended to new areas and renamed the "ordinary legislative procedure". A new "consent procedure" replaced the old "assent procedure". New interinstitutional procedures were also set up for the adoption of certain non-legislative acts, for example the conclusion of some international agreements.
The ongoing proposals concerned by these changes were formally modified by the Commission in a Communication published on 2 December 2009 (COM(2009)0665).
In the case of the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) implementing within the European Economic Community Decision no 3/80 of the EEC-Turkey Association Council on the application of the social security schemes of the Member States of the European Communities to Turkish workers and members of their families, the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty had the following impacts :
· the old legal basis - Article 308 of the EC Treaty - became Article 352 of the TFEU. Please note that the numbering of the old legal basis corresponds to the consolidated version of the Treaty that was applicable immediately before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, and may differ from the references in the original Commission proposal ;
· the proposal, which had previously fallen under the old consultation procedure (CNS), was classified as an interinstitutional non-legislative procedure (NLE).
- Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading: OJ C 288 11.11.1985, p. 0143-0148
- Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading: T2-1022/1985
- Decision by Parliament: T2-1022/1985
- Legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal: OJ C 110 25.04.1983, p. 0001
- Legislative proposal: COM(1983)0013
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(1983)0013
- Legislative proposal: EUR-Lex OJ C 110 25.04.1983, p. 0001 COM(1983)0013
- Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading: OJ C 288 11.11.1985, p. 0143-0148 T2-1022/1985
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
docs/1/docs/0/url |
Old |
events/0/date |
1983-02-01T00:00:00 |
docs/0 |
docs/0 |
docs/1/docs/0/url |
Old |
events/0/docs/0/url |
Old!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=1983&nu_doc=13New!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=1983&nu_doc=13 |
events/1/type |
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Committee referral announced in Parliament |
events/2/type |
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single readingNew
Vote in committee |
events/3/type |
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Decision by Parliament |
activities |
commission |
committees |
docs |
events |
links |
other |
procedure/dossier_of_the_committee |
procedure/subject |
activities/5 |
procedure/stage_reached |
Awaiting final decisionNew
Procedure lapsed or withdrawn |
activities/0/body |
EC |
activities/0/commission |
activities/0/date |
1983-02-02T00:00:00 |
activities/0/docs |
activities/0/type |
Annonce en plénière de la saisine de la commission, 1ère lecture/lecture uniqueNew
Legislative proposal |
activities/1/body |
EP |
activities/1/date |
1983-03-07T00:00:00 |
activities/1/docs |
activities/1/type |
Publication de la proposition législativeNew
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading |
activities/2/body |
EP |
activities/2/type |
Vote en commission, 1ère lecture/lecture uniqueNew
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading |
activities/3/body |
EP |
activities/3/docs/0/type |
Décision du Parlement, 1ère lecture/lecture uniqueNew
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading |
activities/3/docs/1 |
activities/3/type |
Décision du Parlement, 1ère lecture/lecture uniqueNew
Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading |
activities/4/body |
all |
activities/4/text/0 |
Le traité de Lisbonne, entré en vigueur le 1er décembre 2009, a modifié les deux traités fondamentaux de l'Union européenne, à savoir le traité sur l'Union européenne (TUE) et le traité instituant la Communauté européenne (TCE) - ce dernier ayant été renommé «traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne» (TFUE). Ces modifications ont eu différents types de conséquences sur de nombreuses procédures pendantes. En premier lieu, les articles du TUE et de l'ancien TCE qui constituaient la ou les bases juridiques de toutes les propositions fondées sur ces traités ont été renumérotés conformément aux tableaux de correspondance visés à l'article 5 du traité de Lisbonne. En outre, pour un nombre limité de propositions, l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne a entraîné un changement de leur base juridique allant au-delà d'une simple renumérotation des articles, impliquant un changement de type de procédure applicable. Le traité de Lisbonne a également introduit de nouveaux concepts de procédure décisionnelle : l'ancienne procédure dite de « codécision » a été étendue à de nouveaux domaines et rebaptisée « procédure législative ordinaire », une nouvelle « procédure d'approbation » est venue remplacer l'ancienne procédure dite de l' « avis conforme » et de nouvelles procédures interinstitutionnelles ont été instituées pour l'adoption d'actes non-législatifs, par exemple la conclusion de certains accords internationaux. Les propositions pendantes concernées par ces changements ont été formellement modifiéespar la Commission dans une communication publiée le 2 décembre 2009 (voir COM(2009)0665). Dans le cas de la proposition de règlement du Conseil (CEE) visant à appliquer, dans la Communauté européenne, la Décision économique n ° 3/80 du Conseil d'association CEE-Turquie, relative à l'application des régimes de sécurité sociale des États membres des Communautés européennes aux travailleurs turcs et les membres de leurs familles, les conséquences de l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne sont les suivantes :
The Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force on 1 December 2009, amended the EU's two core treaties, the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty establishing the European Community (EC Treaty). The latter was renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). These changes had various consequences for many ongoing procedures. First of all, the articles of the TEU and of the old EC Treaty that constitute the legal basis of all the proposals founded on those Treaties were renumbered in accordance with the table of equivalences mentioned in Article 5 of the Lisbon Treaty. In addition, some proposals underwent a change to their legal basis going beyond a mere change to their numbering, and this resulted in changes to the type of procedure. The Lisbon Treaty also introduced new concepts of decision-making procedure. The old "codecision procedure" was extended to new areas and renamed the "ordinary legislative procedure". A new "consent procedure" replaced the old "assent procedure". New interinstitutional procedures were also set up for the adoption of certain non-legislative acts, for example the conclusion of some international agreements. The ongoing proposals concerned by these changes were formally modified by the Commission in a Communication published on 2 December 2009 (COM(2009)0665). In the case of the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) implementing within the European Economic Community Decision no 3/80 of the EEC-Turkey Association Council on the application of the social security schemes of the Member States of the European Communities to Turkish workers and members of their families, the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty had the following impacts: · the old legal basis - Article 308 of the EC Treaty - became Article 352 of the TFEU. Please note that the numbering of the old legal basis corresponds to the consolidated version of the Treaty that was applicable immediately before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, and may differ from the references in the original Commission proposal; · the proposal, which had previously fallen under the old consultation procedure (CNS), was classified as an interinstitutional non-legislative procedure (NLE). |
activities/4/type |
Informations supplémentairesNew
Additional information |
other/0 |
procedure/Base juridique |
Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE TFEU 352-p1sub2
procedure/Dossier de la commission parlementaire |
procedure/Etape de la procédure |
En attente de décision finale
procedure/Instrument législatif |
procedure/Référence de procédure |
procedure/Sous-type de procédure |
Consultation du Parlement
procedure/Type de procédure |
NLE - Procédures non législatives
procedure/dossier_of_the_committee |
procedure/instrument |
procedure/legal_basis |
procedure/stage_reached |
En attente de décision finaleNew
Awaiting final decision |
procedure/subject |
procedure/subtype |
Consultation of Parliament
procedure/sujet |
procedure/title |
Sécurité sociale: travailleurs migrants, application du règlement 1408/71/CEE aux travailleurs turcsNew
Social security: for migrant workers, application of the Regulation 1408/71/EEC to the Turkish workers |
procedure/type |
NLE - Procédures non législativesNew
NLE - Non-legislative enactments |
activities/0/body |
unknown |
activities/0/date |
1983-02-02T00:00:00 |
activities/0/docs |
activities/0/type |
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single readingNew
Publication de la proposition législative |
activities/1/body |
unknown |
activities/1/commission |
activities/1/date |
1983-03-07T00:00:00 |
activities/1/docs |
activities/1/type |
Legislative proposalNew
Annonce en plénière de la saisine de la commission, 1ère lecture/lecture unique |
activities/2/body |
unknown |
activities/2/date |
1985-03-19T00:00:00 |
activities/2/type |
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Vote en commission, 1ère lecture/lecture unique |
activities/3/body |
unknown |
activities/3/docs/0/type |
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Décision du Parlement, 1ère lecture/lecture unique |
activities/3/docs/1 |
activities/3/type |
Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Décision du Parlement, 1ère lecture/lecture unique |
activities/4/body |
unknown |
activities/4/text/0 |
The Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force on 1 December 2009, amended the EU's two core treaties, the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty establishing the European Community (EC Treaty). The latter was renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). These changes had various consequences for many ongoing procedures. First of all, the articles of the TEU and of the old EC Treaty that constitute the legal basis of all the proposals founded on those Treaties were renumbered in accordance with the table of equivalences mentioned in Article 5 of the Lisbon Treaty. In addition, some proposals underwent a change to their legal basis going beyond a mere change to their numbering, and this resulted in changes to the type of procedure. The Lisbon Treaty also introduced new concepts of decision-making procedure. The old "codecision procedure" was extended to new areas and renamed the "ordinary legislative procedure". A new "consent procedure" replaced the old "assent procedure". New interinstitutional procedures were also set up for the adoption of certain non-legislative acts, for example the conclusion of some international agreements. The ongoing proposals concerned by these changes were formally modified by the Commission in a Communication published on 2 December 2009 (COM(2009)0665). In the case of the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) implementing within the European Economic Community Decision no 3/80 of the EEC-Turkey Association Council on the application of the social security schemes of the Member States of the European Communities to Turkish workers and members of their families, the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty had the following impacts: · the old legal basis - Article 308 of the EC Treaty - became Article 352 of the TFEU. Please note that the numbering of the old legal basis corresponds to the consolidated version of the Treaty that was applicable immediately before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, and may differ from the references in the original Commission proposal; · the proposal, which had previously fallen under the old consultation procedure (CNS), was classified as an interinstitutional non-legislative procedure (NLE). New
Le traité de Lisbonne, entré en vigueur le 1er décembre 2009, a modifié les deux traités fondamentaux de l'Union européenne, à savoir le traité sur l'Union européenne (TUE) et le traité instituant la Communauté européenne (TCE) - ce dernier ayant été renommé «traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne» (TFUE). Ces modifications ont eu différents types de conséquences sur de nombreuses procédures pendantes. En premier lieu, les articles du TUE et de l'ancien TCE qui constituaient la ou les bases juridiques de toutes les propositions fondées sur ces traités ont été renumérotés conformément aux tableaux de correspondance visés à l'article 5 du traité de Lisbonne. En outre, pour un nombre limité de propositions, l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne a entraîné un changement de leur base juridique allant au-delà d'une simple renumérotation des articles, impliquant un changement de type de procédure applicable. Le traité de Lisbonne a également introduit de nouveaux concepts de procédure décisionnelle : l'ancienne procédure dite de « codécision » a été étendue à de nouveaux domaines et rebaptisée « procédure législative ordinaire », une nouvelle « procédure d'approbation » est venue remplacer l'ancienne procédure dite de l' « avis conforme » et de nouvelles procédures interinstitutionnelles ont été instituées pour l'adoption d'actes non-législatifs, par exemple la conclusion de certains accords internationaux. Les propositions pendantes concernées par ces changements ont été formellement modifiéespar la Commission dans une communication publiée le 2 décembre 2009 (voir COM(2009)0665). Dans le cas de la proposition de règlement du Conseil (CEE) visant à appliquer, dans la Communauté européenne, la Décision économique n ° 3/80 du Conseil d'association CEE-Turquie, relative à l'application des régimes de sécurité sociale des États membres des Communautés européennes aux travailleurs turcs et les membres de leurs familles, les conséquences de l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne sont les suivantes :
activities/4/type |
Additional informationNew
Informations supplémentaires |
other/0 |
procedure/Base juridique |
Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE TFEU 352-p1sub2
procedure/Dossier de la commission parlementaire |
procedure/Etape de la procédure |
En attente de décision finale
procedure/Instrument législatif |
procedure/Référence de procédure |
procedure/Sous-type de procédure |
Consultation du Parlement
procedure/Type de procédure |
NLE - Procédures non législatives
procedure/dossier_of_the_committee |
procedure/instrument |
procedure/legal_basis |
procedure/stage_reached |
Awaiting final decisionNew
En attente de décision finale |
procedure/subject |
procedure/subtype |
Consultation of Parliament
procedure/sujet |
procedure/title |
Social security: for migrant workers, application of the Regulation 1408/71/EEC to the Turkish workersNew
Sécurité sociale: travailleurs migrants, application du règlement 1408/71/CEE aux travailleurs turcs |
procedure/type |
NLE - Non-legislative enactmentsNew
NLE - Procédures non législatives |
activities/0/docs/0/url |
activities/3/docs/1/text |
activities/3/docs/1/title |
OJ C 288 11.11.1985, p. 0143-0148 |
activities/3/docs/1/url |
activities/0/docs/0/text |
activities/0/docs/0/title |
OJ C 110 25.04.1983, p. 0001 |
activities/0/docs/1/url |!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=1983&nu_doc=13
activities/0/docs/0/url |!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=1983&nu_doc=13
activities/0/docs/1/text |
activities/0/docs/1/title |
OJ C 110 25.04.1983, p. 0001New
COM(1983)0013 |
activities/0/docs/0/url |
activities/0/docs/1/url |
Old!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=1983&nu_doc=0013New!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=1983&nu_doc=13 |
activities/3/docs/1/text |
activities/3/docs/1/title |
OJ C 288 11.11.1985, p. 0143-0148New
T2-1022/1985 |
activities/3/docs/1/url |
activities/3/docs/1/text |
activities/3/docs/1/title |
OJ C 288 11.11.1985, p. 0143-0148 |
activities/3/docs/1/url |
procedure/legal_basis/0 |
TFEU 352-p1sub2New
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 352-p1sub2 |
activities/3 |
activities/3 |
activities/4/body |
all |
activities/0/commission/0 |
activities/0/commission/0 |
activities/4/body |
unknown |
other/0 |
other/0 |
procedure/legal_basis/0 |
TFEU 352-p1sub2
procedure/legal_basis/0 |
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 352-p1sub2
activities |
committees |
links |
other |
procedure |