Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | CULT | GRAÇA MOURA Vasco ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Responsible Committee | CULT | GRAÇA MOURA Vasco ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | CONT | ||
Former Committee Opinion | FEMM | GIBAULT Claire ( ALDE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | AFET | DOBOLYI Alexandra ( PSE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | LIBE | SONIK Bogusław ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | BUDG | GERINGER DE OEDENBERG Lidia Joanna ( PSE) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 151-p5
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 151-p5Events
The Commission presents a report in accordance with Decision n° 1855/2006/EC on the Culture programme The Decision requires an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the programme to be submitted by 31 December 2010.
The Commission details the findings of the external evaluation. This evaluation concludes that the Culture Programme plays a unique role in stimulating cross-border cooperation , promoting peer learning and increasing the access of European citizens to non-national European works. Indirectly it contributes to the development of content which is essential for sustainable growth and jobs, and stimulates new, creative and innovative developments. The report underlines that the programme plays a crucial role in respecting Europe's cultural and linguistic diversity and ensuring the enhancing of the EU's cultural heritage.
The evaluation recommends that it would be important to revise the programme's objectives in the future in order to take into account recent developments both in terms of EU policies (for example the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Agenda for Culture ), as well as the conditions affecting the cultural sector and its needs over the coming period (such as the impact of globalisation and the digital shift).
Effectiveness: the programme was generally successful in achieving its results, with a significant leverage effect. More than 700 grants were awarded to cultural operators from the programme from 2007 to 2009, reaching some 3 000 organisations in total if the co-organisers are included, and with total grant payments in excess of EUR 120 million . The activities supported reach the wider public and are increasing access to European culture. The support for literary translation has helped the translation of over 1 600 books during the 3 year period, giving some 1.4 million readers access to European literature.
The European Capitals of Culture regularly attract millions of people and involve thousands of volunteers, with 10 million visitors to Liverpool during 2008. The European Heritage Days 2009 attracted 25 million visitors across Europe and the European Boarder Breakers Awards reached hundreds of thousands of Europeans through broadcasts on 12 television stations, 24 radio stations in 24 different countries and the internet.
The main imbalance in the programmes concerns literary translation . Although the support made a significant contribution to promoting the circulation of literary works, thereby increasing access to non-national European literature, English and French are the predominant source languages (more than four in ten translations) and five languages account for over half of translations in terms of the target language (Italian, Hungarian, Slovene, Bulgarian and Greek) There is therefore an untapped potential in terms of promoting cultural diversity by increasing translations into some of the large European world languages, which can serve as pivot languages for further translations into other languages.
The evaluation concludes that the programme has been effective in promoting cross-border cultural cooperation, supporting artistic and literary creation and improving the circulation of cultural expressions. Efficiency: there has been high demand relative to the funding available: only around one in four applications to the cooperation project strands has been funded and only around one in three applications from organisations active at European level. The efficiency of the application process and the management of the programme have been considerably improved in comparison to its predecessor, the Culture 2000 programme. Procedural modifications, including the modifications made to the comitology requirements of the Decision, have made the application process clearer and shorter than in the past (between 52 and 140 days shorter, depending on the strand). Various simplification measures by the Commission and EACEA have simplified the administrative requirements for applicants.
The evaluator's general conclusion on efficiency is that the programme has mostly met expectations in terms of participation by type of organisation and geographical balance. More than half of participants in the programme are from the performing arts, but there is also a relatively high proportion of “interdisciplinary” actors, reflecting the cross-disciplinary nature of many contemporary cultural activities.
Sustainability ; the report states that many cooperation projects have generated follow-on activities, building solid foundations for future activity, fostering long-term benefits and forming partnerships that are strong enough to endure. However, their ongoing co-operation activities greatly depend on an organisations' capacity to continue their work on international scale after the project funding ends. In many cases, the costs entailed by transnational cooperation meant that projects were unable to continue beyond the duration of the project, or only on a reduced scale. According to the report, the cultural and linguistic fragmentation in Europe and current economic developments - and their effect on public spending on culture and the arts – present challenges for continued mobility and circulation, the building of capacity and thus for sustainable developments in this sector.
Based on the findings, the evaluator issued 17 recommendations. The Commission shares the evaluator's overall assessment that the programme plays a unique role in stimulating cross-border cultural cooperation , and fostering the benefits indicated. The evaluator's conclusions show that small improvements could be made in a limited number of specific areas and that, in general, participants are satisfied with the programme and recognise its unique European added value. The evaluation also underpins that demand from the cultural sector for this type of EU support may remain considerably high, if not further increase, over the coming few years and that the programme contributes to content and knowledge development which are essential for future sustainable growth and jobs and new, creative and innovative developments.
PURPOSE: to establish the Culture Programme 2007-2013.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision 1855/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Culture Programme (2007-2013).
BACKGROUND: with the adoption of the new financial framework for the period 2007-2013, a series of new programmes in the field of youth, culture and European citizenship were adopted, consolidating, reforming and improving the access procedures and the implementation of these policies. This programme, which takes over from the Culture 2000 programme (see COD/1998/0169 ), itself extended until 2006 ( COD/2003/0076 as well as the Community action programme to promote organisations active at European level in the field of culture ( COD/2003/0115 ), is part of this new architecture and consolidates the existing actions in a single programme. Culture 2007 will also be complementary from a budgetary point of view to the new programmes in the field of citizenship and culture which are:
Europe for citizens MEDIA 2007 and Youth in action.
CONTENT: with a budget of EUR 400 million for the 2007-2013 period, the Culture programme will be open to all cultural sectors and all categories of cultural operators. As requested by the European Parliament, the programme will also enhance the cultural area shared by Europeans, based on a common cultural heritage by the development of cultural cooperation between creators, cultural actors and cultural institutions in the countries participating in the programme, with a view to promoting European citizenship. The specific objectives of the programme are: i) to promote cross-border cultural activities; ii) to encourage the cross-border circulation of works of art; and iii) to encourage inter-cultural dialogue.
Contribution to other Community objectives: the programme will also contribute to strengthening transversal objectives of the Community which are the defence of the basic right to freedom of expression, the promotion of awareness of sustainable development in Europe, mutual understanding and tolerance within the Union and the fight against all forms of discrimination. On the operational level, the objectives will be implemented via the following concrete actions:
support for cultural actions, in the form of a) multi-annual cooperation projects, b)cooperation measures, or c) special actions; support for bodies active at European level in the field of culture; support for analyses and the collection and dissemination of information and for activities maximising the impact of projects in the field of European cultural cooperation and European cultural policy development.
Fields of action:
- Strand 1 : support for cultural actions. This strand covers three types of projects:
1.a) support for multi-annual cooperation projects: these are sustainable and structured cultural cooperation projects in order to bring together the specific quality and expertise of cultural operators throughout the whole of Europe. This support is intended to assist the cooperation projects in their start-up and structuring phase or in their geographical extension phase. Each cooperation project shall involve at least six operators from six different countries participating in the Programme. The cooperation projects shall be selected following calls for proposals. Community support may not exceed 50 % of the project budget and shall be degressive in nature. It may not exceed EUR 500 000 per year for all activities of the cooperation projects. This support shall be granted for a period of three to five years. By way of illustration, approximately 32 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this type of support. 1.b) cooperation measures: these are sectoral or cross-sectoral cultural cooperation actions between European operators. Priority shall be given to creativity and innovation. Each action shall be designed and carried out in partnership by at least three cultural operators in three different participating countries, whether or not these operators come from one or more sectors. Actions shall be selected following calls for proposals. Community support may not exceed 50 % of the project budget. It may not be less than EUR 50 000 nor more than EUR 200 000. This support shall be granted for a maximum of 2 years. Special conditions apply to take account of the specific conditions of literary translation. By way of illustration, approximately 29 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this type of support. 1.c) special actions: these actions shall be special in that they should be substantial in scale and scope, strike a significant chord with the peoples of Europe and help to increase their sense of belonging to the same community, make them aware of the cultural diversity of Member States, and also contribute to intercultural and international dialogue. These special actions shall also help to raise the visibility of Community cultural action both within and beyond the European Union. They shall also contribute to raising global awareness of the wealth and diversity of European culture. Significant support will be given to the ‘European Capitals of Culture’ in order to help implement activities stressing European visibility and trans-European cultural cooperation. Special actions may also include the awarding of prizes, in so far as they highlight artists, works or cultural or artistic achievements, make them known beyond national borders and thus encourage mobility and exchanges. The selection procedures for special actions will depend on the action in question. Community support may not exceed 60 % of the project budget. By way of illustration, approximately 16 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this type of support.
- Strand 2 : support for cultural bodies active at a European level. Support will take over from existing support under specific budget lines (in particular, as a follow-up to the support programme provided for under Decision 792/2004/EC). Support shall take the form of an operating grant to co-finance expenditure associated with the permanent work programme of a body which pursues an aim of general European interest in the field of culture or an objective forming part of the Union's policy in this area. These bodies must present a real European dimension. In this regard, they must carry out their activities at European level, alone or in the form of various coordinated associations, and their structure (registered members) and activities must have a potential influence at European Union level or cover at least seven European countries. Provision shall be made for these grants to be awarded on the basis of annual calls for proposals. By way of illustration, approximately 10 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this strand. The total operating grant awarded under this strand may not exceed 80 % of the body's admissible expenditure for the year in which the grant is awarded.
- Strand 3: support for analyses and for the collection and dissemination of information and for maximising the impact of projects in the field of cultural cooperation: Cultural contact points would promote the programme, facilitate access to it, as well as encourage participation in its activities by as many professionals and operators in the cultural field as possible, by means of an effective dissemination of information and by developing appropriate networking initiatives between themselves. They would also provide an efficient link with the various institutions providing aid to the cultural sector in Member States, thus contributing to complementarity between the measures taken under the Programme and national support measures. There would also be support for analyses in the field of cultural cooperation and European cultural policy development to increase the volume and quality of information and data to develop comparative data and analysis on cultural cooperation at European level, particularly with regard to the mobility of creators and cultural players, the circulation of works of art and artistic and cultural products and intercultural dialogue. Lastly, there would be support for the collection and dissemination of information and for maximising the impact of projects in the field of cultural cooperation. By way of illustration, approximately 5 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this strand.
Eligible bodies: The Programme shall be open to the participation of non-audiovisual cultural industries, in particular small cultural enterprises, where such industries are acting in a non-profitmaking cultural capacity. All types of participants are eligible: administrations, networks, cultural associations, companies in the culture sector, etc.
Implementation: the implementing measures have been simplified and rationalised. Application forms and submission procedures have been simplified making the funding process more transparent. Depending on the nature of the action, flat-rate financing and/or the application of unit cost rates may be authorised. 8% of the programme budget will be devoted to its management.
Cultural contact points: on Parliament’s insistence, the decision provides for the setting up of cultural contact points which shall act as implementing bodies for the dissemination of information on the Programme at national level. These contact points will be required to have an adequate number of staff, with professional and linguistic capacities appropriate for work in an environment of international cooperation, to have an appropriate infrastructure, in particular as regards information and communications technology and to operate in an administrative context which enables them to carry out their tasks satisfactorily.
Third countries: the programme will be open to the EFTA countries; candidate countries and countries of the Western Balkans. In addition, the programme will permit joint actions with international organisation, such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe.
Complementarity with other Community instruments: the Commission shall ensure a link between the Programme and other Community instruments (particularly those relating to the Structural Funds and those in the fields of education, vocational training, research, information society, citizenship, youth, sport, languages, social inclusion, EU external relations and combating all forms of discrimination).
Follow-up and evaluation: specific provisions deal with the follow-up and evaluation of the foreseen actions. Anti-fraud measures are also provided for, as well as regular evaluations of the programme:
an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the Programme not later than 31 December 2010, a communication on the continuation of the Programme not later than 31 December 2011, and an ex post evaluation report not later than 31 December 2015.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 28 December 2006.
The Commission accepts the three amendments proposed by the European Parliament. These amendments are the result of a global compromise between the European Parliament and the Council in view of the second reading. They are in line with the objectives of the initial proposal of the Commission:
§ the 1 st amendment underlines the need already expressed in the initial proposal to go beyond a mere project-approach and to support the permanent activities of cultural organisations active at the European level;
§ the 2 nd amendment limits the comitology procedure to one sub-strand of the programme (i.e. multi-annual cooperation projects) and is much closer to the initial proposal of the Commission than the Council common position. The comitology procedure will apply neither to short duration projects (strand 1.2, cooperation measures) not to cultural organisations (strand 2) so as to avoid a longer internal decision-making procedure for the implementation of the programme with no real added value;
§ the 3 rd amendment will reduce the number of days between the publication of the Decision in the Official Journal and its entry into force, from 20 to just one, which will speed up the implementation of the programme.
The Commission would like to draw the attention of the legislative Authority to the need to have the financial envelope mentioned in the legal act establishing the Culture programme (2007-2013) written in current prices, at the latest when it is published in the Official Journal. This corresponds to the usual budgetary practice and enables to ensure in a transparent way that the Decision of the legislative Authority is adhered to. For the new Culture programme, the financial envelope is EUR 400 million in current prices.
The European Parliament adopted the resolution drafted by Vasco GRAÇA MOURA (EPP-ED, PT) and made two amendments to the common position. (Please see the summary of 10/10/2006.)
The committee adopted the report by Vasco GRAÇA MOURA (EPP-ED, PT) broadly approving the Council's common position under the 2nd reading of the codecision procedure, subject to a few amendments:
- when it comes to deciding on the amounts, duration, distribution and beneficiaries of financial support provided by the Community, the commitology procedure should be used only for multi-annual cooperation projects (Article 4(1)(a), first indent) and not, as stipulated by the Council, for any measure proposed under Article 4(1) with a total Community contribution over EUR 200 000;
- the second strand of the Culture Programme should be open to the bodies supported under Part 2 of Annex I to Decision No. 792/2004/EC (other bodies pursuing an aim of general European interest in the field of culture or an objective forming part of the European Union's policy in this area) as well as any other body active at European level in the field of culture, provided that they meet the programme's objectives.
The Commission notes that the Council has accepted most Parliamentary amendments tabled at first reading, albeit subject to some rewording. There are two fundamental aspects of the Common Position, however, which the Commission can not accept. The first concerns budgetary matters; the second concerns a proposed broadening the comitology procedures.
On budgetary changes
The Council has decided to modify the Commission’s indicative budgetary breakdown in the following manner:
- devoting 32%, rather than the originally proposed 36%, of the programme to multiannual projects (strand 1.1);
- devoting 29%, rather than the originally proposed 24% of the programme to co-operation measures (strand 1.2); and
- devoting 16%, rather than the originally proposed 17% of the programme to special actions (strand 1.3).
The Commission stands by its original commitment to multi-annual programming pointing out that multi-annual projects should not be viewed as a big operator versus small operator phenomenon. The aim of the project is to encourage all operators, regardless of size, to engage in ambitious co-operation projects. Further, the Commission wishes to stick to its original 17% allocation of the “special action” strand of the programme given that it seeks to strike a chord with European citizens and to increase their sense of belonging to a community.
On comitology
The Council has decided to extend the comitology procedure to projects selected for grants greater than EUR 200 000. This the Commission can not accept. Its reasons for rejecting the Council’s views on this are set out in a Commission Statement, attached in Annex to this document.
In the statement the Commission explains that the Council’s desire to see the comitology procedure extended to not only the selection process, (which formed part of the initial Commission proposal), but also to “individual” selection, is regrettable. Applicants would have to wait three, rather than two, months prior to a decision being made, which the Commission points out, runs counter to the principle of simplification espoused by the Commission, Council and European Parliament. The Commission also notes that the Parliament was not in favour of subjecting individual selection decisions to the comitology procedure.
Lastly, the Commission points out that the financial envelope of EUR 345 million, referred to in the Common Position, is EUR 400 million in current prices.
The Council notes that its Common Position on the Culture 2007 programme is largely in line with that of the Commission’s. Whilst stressing the importance of Europe’s cultural heritage the Council has tried carefully to maintain the open and non-sectoral character of the programme. The Council also notes that the budget of EUR 354 million at 2004 prices (equivalent to EUR 400 million at current prices) was agreed to by the three institutions in the context of the inter-institutional agreement on the Financial Framework for 2007-2013.
New elements
A number of new elements have been introduced by the Council. In summary, they are:
Firstly, the Council, with the agreement of the Commission and European Parliament, has transferred support for the preservation of memorials to the “Citizens for Europe” programme.
Secondly, in a bid to facilitate small-operator access to the Programme, the Council has lowered the minimum community support from EUR 60 000 to EUR 50 000 and has reduced the minimum number of operators from 4 to 3 for co-operation measures.
Thirdly, the Council has decided to change the indicative breakdown of the budget by devoting more resources to “Co-operation Measures”, which typically involve smaller scale projects, and less to “Multi-annual co-operation projects”, which are typically defined by large-scale projects. In line with this assessment the Council proposes a new re-balancing of the funds so that 32% of the budget is devoted to “multi-annual co-operation projects” and 29% for “co-operation measures”. This, the Council considers, is a fair balance between the Commission’s original proposal and Parliament’s opinion expressed at first reading. To recap the proposed new breakdown of the annual budget for the programme is as follows:
- Strand 1: support for cultural actions: 77% (approx.)
- - multi-annual co-operation projects: 32% (approx.)
- - co-operation measures: 29% (approx.)
- - special actions: 16 % (approx.)
- Strand 2: Support for bodies active at a European level in the field of culture: 10% (approx.)
- Strand 3: Support for analysis, collection and dissemination of information: 5% (approx.)
- Total operational expenditure: 92 % (approx.)
- Programme management: 5% (approx.)
Fourthly, greater flexibility has been introduced regarding both multi-annual cooperation projects (3 to 5 years) and co-operation measures (1 to 2 years).
Lastly, the Council has introduced a management committee procedure for projects with a total Community contribution exceeding EUR 200 000.
Amendments not accepted
As seen above, the Council was unable to accept the indicative budget breakdown proposed by Parliament. The Council considers that devoting 14% of the budget to Strand 2 (support of cultural bodies) would be excessive given that one action from Strand 2 (memorials) has already been transferred to another programme. The amendments have also, partly, been rejected in view of the inter-institutional agreement on the Financial Framework.
On the proposed lowering of the minimum budget for co-operation measures to EUR 30 000, the Council also considered this to be an excessive measure since the threshold has already been set at EUR 50 000 in the current programme. In order to meet the Parliament part of the way Council has decided to reduce the threshold from EUR 60 000 to EUR 50 000.
In order to maintain the multilateral character of the projects, the Council has also decided to reject Parliamentary proposals to reduce the minimum number of operators from different countries involved in the multi-annual co-operation projects from 6 to 4.
All amendments introducing sectoral priorities or which emphasise support for specific sectors/bodies have been rejected in order not to detract from the open character of the programme. Increasing the share of Community support from 50% to 70% was considered excessive and, as a result, rejected by the Council. Further, the Council decided that the Unesco Convention on cultural diversity fell outside the Decision’s scope and was, therefore, also not included by the Council in its Common Position.
To conclude, the Council considers that its Common Position offers a balanced text, providing a good basis for the Culture 2007 programme.
The Council notes that its Common Position on the Culture 2007 programme is largely in line with that of the Commission’s. Whilst stressing the importance of Europe’s cultural heritage the Council has tried carefully to maintain the open and non-sectoral character of the programme. The Council also notes that the budget of EUR 354 million at 2004 prices (equivalent to EUR 400 million at current prices) was agreed to by the three institutions in the context of the inter-institutional agreement on the Financial Framework for 2007-2013.
New elements
A number of new elements have been introduced by the Council. In summary, they are:
Firstly, the Council, with the agreement of the Commission and European Parliament, has transferred support for the preservation of memorials to the “Citizens for Europe” programme.
Secondly, in a bid to facilitate small-operator access to the Programme, the Council has lowered the minimum community support from EUR 60 000 to EUR 50 000 and has reduced the minimum number of operators from 4 to 3 for co-operation measures.
Thirdly, the Council has decided to change the indicative breakdown of the budget by devoting more resources to “Co-operation Measures”, which typically involve smaller scale projects, and less to “Multi-annual co-operation projects”, which are typically defined by large-scale projects. In line with this assessment the Council proposes a new re-balancing of the funds so that 32% of the budget is devoted to “multi-annual co-operation projects” and 29% for “co-operation measures”. This, the Council considers, is a fair balance between the Commission’s original proposal and Parliament’s opinion expressed at first reading. To recap the proposed new breakdown of the annual budget for the programme is as follows:
- Strand 1: support for cultural actions: 77% (approx.)
- - multi-annual co-operation projects: 32% (approx.)
- - co-operation measures: 29% (approx.)
- - special actions: 16 % (approx.)
- Strand 2: Support for bodies active at a European level in the field of culture: 10% (approx.)
- Strand 3: Support for analysis, collection and dissemination of information: 5% (approx.)
- Total operational expenditure: 92 % (approx.)
- Programme management: 5% (approx.)
Fourthly, greater flexibility has been introduced regarding both multi-annual cooperation projects (3 to 5 years) and co-operation measures (1 to 2 years).
Lastly, the Council has introduced a management committee procedure for projects with a total Community contribution exceeding EUR 200 000.
Amendments not accepted
As seen above, the Council was unable to accept the indicative budget breakdown proposed by Parliament. The Council considers that devoting 14% of the budget to Strand 2 (support of cultural bodies) would be excessive given that one action from Strand 2 (memorials) has already been transferred to another programme. The amendments have also, partly, been rejected in view of the inter-institutional agreement on the Financial Framework.
On the proposed lowering of the minimum budget for co-operation measures to EUR 30 000, the Council also considered this to be an excessive measure since the threshold has already been set at EUR 50 000 in the current programme. In order to meet the Parliament part of the way Council has decided to reduce the threshold from EUR 60 000 to EUR 50 000.
In order to maintain the multilateral character of the projects, the Council has also decided to reject Parliamentary proposals to reduce the minimum number of operators from different countries involved in the multi-annual co-operation projects from 6 to 4.
All amendments introducing sectoral priorities or which emphasise support for specific sectors/bodies have been rejected in order not to detract from the open character of the programme. Increasing the share of Community support from 50% to 70% was considered excessive and, as a result, rejected by the Council. Further, the Council decided that the Unesco Convention on cultural diversity fell outside the Decision’s scope and was, therefore, also not included by the Council in its Common Position.
To conclude, the Council considers that its Common Position offers a balanced text, providing a good basis for the Culture 2007 programme.
The Council reached a partial political agreement on a decision establishing the Culture 2007 programme, which is aimed at providing financial support for the European cultural sector for 2007-2013.
Regarding the only question that was still to be solved (making projects selection subject to the committee procedure), it was decided to accept a Presidency compromise whereby projects for which the total Community support proposed exceeded EUR 200,000 would be subject to the management committee procedure.
The "partial" nature of this agreement is due to the fact that the budgetary aspects have been excluded pending the outcome of the discussions on the future Community financial framework (Financial Perspective 2007/2013). It is therefore expected that this item will return to the (Education, Youth and Culture) Council's agenda at some future date in order to finalise the budget and its final breakdown aspects.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Vasco GRAÇA MOURA (EPP-ED, PT) by 553 votes in favour, 61 against with 29 abstentions and made some amendments to the proposal. P arliament voted for an increase in EU funding for cultural exchanges and preserving heritage of European significance. Whereas the Commission had suggested EUR 408 million for the period 2007-13, Parliament asked for EUR 600 million. It also made the following amendments:
-there must be measures promote the preservation and knowledge of cultural heritage of European significance;
-there must be s upport for actions relating to musical and artistic education which promote exchanges of best practice and closer cooperation at European level;
-the Commission shall ensure a link between the programme and other Community measures, particularly in the fields of education, vocational training, youth, sport, languages, social inclusion, EU external policy, combating discrimination, and research;
-there is a new article on transparency measures;
-the programme must promote cultural and linguistic diversity in all its forms in Europe;
-the evaluation report must be independent and external;
-each network shall consist of at least six operators from four (rather than six) different countries participating in the programme. Each network shall have a lead operator, who is to represent the other operators taking part, and who is to be responsible to the Commission.
-Community support may not exceed 70% of any project budget - the Commission proposed a maximum share of 50%. Strand 1 (support for projects) - Within this strand, expenditure on cooperation measures was increased from 24% to 30%, while expenditure on cooperation focal points was reduced from 36% to 29% and expenditure on special actions from 17% to 16%; Strand 2 (support for organisations) - the total percentage of the programme budget was increased from 10% to 14%; Strand 3 (analysis and information) - the 5% share of the programme budget was left unchanged.
-Parliament deleted s upport for action for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations ;
-each action should be designed and carried out in partnership by at least three cultural operators (rather than four);
-the countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy must be included in accordance with the action plans to be drawn up;
-the name of the programme should be changed from Culture 2007 to Culture.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Vasco GRAÇA MOURA (EPP-ED, PT) by 553 votes in favour, 61 against with 29 abstentions and made some amendments to the proposal. P arliament voted for an increase in EU funding for cultural exchanges and preserving heritage of European significance. Whereas the Commission had suggested EUR 408 million for the period 2007-13, Parliament asked for EUR 600 million. It also made the following amendments:
-there must be measures promote the preservation and knowledge of cultural heritage of European significance;
-there must be s upport for actions relating to musical and artistic education which promote exchanges of best practice and closer cooperation at European level;
-the Commission shall ensure a link between the programme and other Community measures, particularly in the fields of education, vocational training, youth, sport, languages, social inclusion, EU external policy, combating discrimination, and research;
-there is a new article on transparency measures;
-the programme must promote cultural and linguistic diversity in all its forms in Europe;
-the evaluation report must be independent and external;
-each network shall consist of at least six operators from four (rather than six) different countries participating in the programme. Each network shall have a lead operator, who is to represent the other operators taking part, and who is to be responsible to the Commission.
-Community support may not exceed 70% of any project budget - the Commission proposed a maximum share of 50%. Strand 1 (support for projects) - Within this strand, expenditure on cooperation measures was increased from 24% to 30%, while expenditure on cooperation focal points was reduced from 36% to 29% and expenditure on special actions from 17% to 16%; Strand 2 (support for organisations) - the total percentage of the programme budget was increased from 10% to 14%; Strand 3 (analysis and information) - the 5% share of the programme budget was left unchanged.
-Parliament deleted s upport for action for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites and archives associated with the deportations ;
-each action should be designed and carried out in partnership by at least three cultural operators (rather than four);
-the countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy must be included in accordance with the action plans to be drawn up;
-the name of the programme should be changed from Culture 2007 to Culture.
The committee approved the report drafted by Vasco GRAÇA MOURA (EPP-ED, PT) amending the Commission’s proposal at first reading (codecision). The key amendments related to the financial reference amount which MEPs considered to be insufficient. They therefore increased the multiannual budget of the programme from EUR 408 million for 2007-2013 to EUR 600 million and proposed a new budget breakdown between the individual actions making up the programme:
Strand 1 (support for projects) - the total percentage of the programme budget was reduced from 77%, as originally proposed, to 75%. Within this strand, expenditure on cooperation measures was increased from 24% to 30%, while expenditure on cooperation focal points (which the committee wanted to rename 'multi-annual cooperation networks') was reduced from 36% to 29% and expenditure on special actions from 17% to 16%; Strand 2 (support for organisations) - the total percentage of the programme budget was increased from 10% to 14%; Strand 3 (analysis and information) - the 5% share of the programme budget was left unchanged.
MEPs also proposed cutting expenditure on the programme’s management from 8% to 6%.
In other amendments, the committee advocated :
measures aimed at ensuring a strengthened sense of European citizenship and "heightened awareness of a shared cultural heritage of European significance"; greater synergy between education and culture; support for the training and employment of artists; the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity in all its forms in Europe .
The committee felt that support for 'sites of memory' (memorials to the victims of Nazism and Stalinism) should take place not within the Culture Programme, but rather within the framework of the new ‘Citizens for Europe ’ programme.
Lastly, MEPs adopted a series of technical amendments favouring smaller projects, introducing greater flexibility as regards length of projects, relaxing the criteria for participation, raising the percentage ceiling on the level of Community grant, and reducing the minimum level of grant which may be awarded. They also stressed that the programme’s objectives must be reviewed in a transparent evaluation process involving the European Parliament.
PURPOSE : to establish the Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013).
PROPOSED ACT : Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTENT : following its communication on the new generation of Community programmes on youth, culture and civil participation for the post 2006 period, the Commission is proposing to establish a new programme for cultural cooperation 2007-2013 which aims to achieve a common cultural area through the development of cultural cooperation in Europe. This action will thus contribute actively to the development of a European identity from the grass roots.
The specific objectives of the programme are:
- to promote the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector;
- to encourage the transnational circulation of works and cultural and artistic products;
- to encourage intercultural dialogue.
The financial framework for the implementation of this programme for the period outlined above is set at EUR 408 million. The programme provides for three levels of intervention, each addressing three different and complementary strata of cultural cooperation and thus responding to distinct but interdependent needs. This is the programme’s main innovation: a global vision taking in the cultural sector as a whole and encouraging synergies.
Specific objectives : t he specific objectives identified below offer a real European added value. This means that the pursuit of these objectives by Community actions is fully justified in so far as they could
not be achieved by action at national level. The projects and actions chosen to benefit from Community support will all have to meet at least two of them.
- Supporting the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector : t he information provided to professionals on the social, regulatory and tax provisions applicable to a short or long-term stay in another country is still frequently too fragmentary. In order to encourage mobility for these professionals, it therefore appears essential to promote the establishment of networks, move towards greater coordination and promote the dissemination of knowledge and information. Two sorts of mobility will be encouraged by Community action in the field of culture: mobility for the provision or establishment of cultural services (e.g. tours); mobility with the aim of training, experiencing other cultures or artistic practices, exchanging experiences.
- Encouraging the transnational circulation of works of art and artistic and cultural Products : c irculating works of art, material or otherwise, and artistic and cultural products beyond national borders involves extra costs for the organiser: transport costs, insurance, prospecting new markets, greater effort to publicise works or artists who may be less well-known abroad, investment of time in getting to know the market (host structures, regulations and administrative formalities, etc.).
- Promoting intercultural dialogue : a s an exchange based on openness and equality between cultures, intercultural dialogue leads to mutual enrichment and a common search for shared values and interpretations. It can also play a fundamental role, particularly in integrating new Europeans from a range of cultures.
The new programme is more complete in that it integrates in a single financial instrument the various facets of cultural cooperation. It has three main strands.
- Strand 1: support for cultural actions : it provides direct support for European cooperation projects of varying length and scale which have at least two of the specific objectives defined above. The “cooperation focal points” highlight the sustainable nature of cooperation. Each focal point brings together operators in one or more sectors on various multi-annual activities or projects, sectoral or cross-sectoral in nature but pursuing common objectives. “Cooperation measures” are oriented towards
creativity and innovation and open the way to new cooperation projects, which may in some cases be pursued within cooperation focal points. Lasting not more than one year, they bring together European operators on sectoral or cross-sectoral measures. Finally, “special actions” are characterised by their “symbolic” and federative nature. These events, substantial in scale and scope, should strike a significant chord with the peoples of Europe and help to increase their sense of belonging to the same community as well as making them aware of the cultural diversity of the Member States and of intercultural and international dialogue. The “special actions” include in particular the “European Capitals of Culture” the European dimension of which must be strengthened.
This Strand shall represent 77% of the programme’s annual budget (36% for cooperation focal points; 24% for cooperation measures and 17% for special actions Approx. 17%).
- Strand 2 : support for European organisations active in the field of culture : apart from direct support for cooperation projects, operating aid should be given to organisations working for cultural cooperation or acting as ”ambassadors” for European culture. The new programme is intended to integrate support for these organisations in order to increase the coherence of Community action.
This also covers actions supported for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites
and archives associated with the deportations, symbolised by the memorials which have been
raised on the sites of the former camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination
sites, and for keeping alive the memory of the victims at these sites.
This Strand shall represent 10% of the budget.
- Strand 3 : support for analyses and for the collection and dissemination of information in the field of cultural cooperation : it is fundamental to have information and figures on developments in cultural cooperation at European level, particularly with regard to the mobility of players, the circulation of works and intercultural dialogue. This will deepen knowledge of the phenomenon of cooperation and
create favourable conditions for it to flourish. Moreover, the new programme intends to encourage the development of an efficient communication and information tool on the Internet, targeted at the needs of professionals in the field of cooperation. Finally, in order to ensure targeted, effective grass-roots dissemination of practical information on new cultural programme, it provides for support from “culture contact points”. These organs, acting at national level, are established in collaboration with the Member States and on a voluntary basis.
This Strand shall represent 5% of the budget.
Simplified procedures : the new programme is more open in so far as it distances itself from the sectoral approach (by artistic and cultural disciplines). Operators will be free to propose projects corresponding to their interests and aspirations, whether sectoral or cross-sectoral, in so far as they aim for at least two of the objectives set out above. No facet of cultural and artistic activity will therefore be excluded a priori.
- Eligible bodies : all kinds of participants shall be potentially accepted: administrations, networks, cultural associations, cultural cooperation organisations, etc;
- Programme management : management shall be ensured by an executive agency and shall cover 8% of the total budget;
- Participation of third countries: the programme shall be open to a series of countries notably those covered by the neighbourhood policy (COD/2004/0219) and by the pre-accession policy or the Western Balkans. Cooperation with international organisation is equally envisaged.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS : for more information concerning the annual amounts of each action, please refer to COM(2004)0496.
- Policy domain: education and culture.
- Budget lines concerned: 15 04 02 01 (Culture framework programme); 15 01 04 07 (Culture programme-administrative expenditure); 15 01 04 30 (Education and Culture Executive Agency).
- Period of application: 2007-2013.
- Financial reference amount: EUR 408 million in commitment appropriations.
- Multiannual estimations (operational appropriations) : EUR 374.918 million in commitment and payments from 2007-2013:
- Strand 1 : EUR 314.16 million;
- Strand 2 : EUR 40.358 million;
- Strand 3: EUR: 20.4 million.
An amount of EUR 33.082 is added to cover support expenditure and technical and administrative assistance.
- Financial impact on human resources and other expenditure: EUR 15.678 million representing a total of 16 posts.
PURPOSE : to establish the Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013).
PROPOSED ACT : Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTENT : following its communication on the new generation of Community programmes on youth, culture and civil participation for the post 2006 period, the Commission is proposing to establish a new programme for cultural cooperation 2007-2013 which aims to achieve a common cultural area through the development of cultural cooperation in Europe. This action will thus contribute actively to the development of a European identity from the grass roots.
The specific objectives of the programme are:
- to promote the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector;
- to encourage the transnational circulation of works and cultural and artistic products;
- to encourage intercultural dialogue.
The financial framework for the implementation of this programme for the period outlined above is set at EUR 408 million. The programme provides for three levels of intervention, each addressing three different and complementary strata of cultural cooperation and thus responding to distinct but interdependent needs. This is the programme’s main innovation: a global vision taking in the cultural sector as a whole and encouraging synergies.
Specific objectives : t he specific objectives identified below offer a real European added value. This means that the pursuit of these objectives by Community actions is fully justified in so far as they could
not be achieved by action at national level. The projects and actions chosen to benefit from Community support will all have to meet at least two of them.
- Supporting the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector : t he information provided to professionals on the social, regulatory and tax provisions applicable to a short or long-term stay in another country is still frequently too fragmentary. In order to encourage mobility for these professionals, it therefore appears essential to promote the establishment of networks, move towards greater coordination and promote the dissemination of knowledge and information. Two sorts of mobility will be encouraged by Community action in the field of culture: mobility for the provision or establishment of cultural services (e.g. tours); mobility with the aim of training, experiencing other cultures or artistic practices, exchanging experiences.
- Encouraging the transnational circulation of works of art and artistic and cultural Products : c irculating works of art, material or otherwise, and artistic and cultural products beyond national borders involves extra costs for the organiser: transport costs, insurance, prospecting new markets, greater effort to publicise works or artists who may be less well-known abroad, investment of time in getting to know the market (host structures, regulations and administrative formalities, etc.).
- Promoting intercultural dialogue : a s an exchange based on openness and equality between cultures, intercultural dialogue leads to mutual enrichment and a common search for shared values and interpretations. It can also play a fundamental role, particularly in integrating new Europeans from a range of cultures.
The new programme is more complete in that it integrates in a single financial instrument the various facets of cultural cooperation. It has three main strands.
- Strand 1: support for cultural actions : it provides direct support for European cooperation projects of varying length and scale which have at least two of the specific objectives defined above. The “cooperation focal points” highlight the sustainable nature of cooperation. Each focal point brings together operators in one or more sectors on various multi-annual activities or projects, sectoral or cross-sectoral in nature but pursuing common objectives. “Cooperation measures” are oriented towards
creativity and innovation and open the way to new cooperation projects, which may in some cases be pursued within cooperation focal points. Lasting not more than one year, they bring together European operators on sectoral or cross-sectoral measures. Finally, “special actions” are characterised by their “symbolic” and federative nature. These events, substantial in scale and scope, should strike a significant chord with the peoples of Europe and help to increase their sense of belonging to the same community as well as making them aware of the cultural diversity of the Member States and of intercultural and international dialogue. The “special actions” include in particular the “European Capitals of Culture” the European dimension of which must be strengthened.
This Strand shall represent 77% of the programme’s annual budget (36% for cooperation focal points; 24% for cooperation measures and 17% for special actions Approx. 17%).
- Strand 2 : support for European organisations active in the field of culture : apart from direct support for cooperation projects, operating aid should be given to organisations working for cultural cooperation or acting as ”ambassadors” for European culture. The new programme is intended to integrate support for these organisations in order to increase the coherence of Community action.
This also covers actions supported for the preservation and commemoration of the main sites
and archives associated with the deportations, symbolised by the memorials which have been
raised on the sites of the former camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination
sites, and for keeping alive the memory of the victims at these sites.
This Strand shall represent 10% of the budget.
- Strand 3 : support for analyses and for the collection and dissemination of information in the field of cultural cooperation : it is fundamental to have information and figures on developments in cultural cooperation at European level, particularly with regard to the mobility of players, the circulation of works and intercultural dialogue. This will deepen knowledge of the phenomenon of cooperation and
create favourable conditions for it to flourish. Moreover, the new programme intends to encourage the development of an efficient communication and information tool on the Internet, targeted at the needs of professionals in the field of cooperation. Finally, in order to ensure targeted, effective grass-roots dissemination of practical information on new cultural programme, it provides for support from “culture contact points”. These organs, acting at national level, are established in collaboration with the Member States and on a voluntary basis.
This Strand shall represent 5% of the budget.
Simplified procedures : the new programme is more open in so far as it distances itself from the sectoral approach (by artistic and cultural disciplines). Operators will be free to propose projects corresponding to their interests and aspirations, whether sectoral or cross-sectoral, in so far as they aim for at least two of the objectives set out above. No facet of cultural and artistic activity will therefore be excluded a priori.
- Eligible bodies : all kinds of participants shall be potentially accepted: administrations, networks, cultural associations, cultural cooperation organisations, etc;
- Programme management : management shall be ensured by an executive agency and shall cover 8% of the total budget;
- Participation of third countries: the programme shall be open to a series of countries notably those covered by the neighbourhood policy (COD/2004/0219) and by the pre-accession policy or the Western Balkans. Cooperation with international organisation is equally envisaged.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS : for more information concerning the annual amounts of each action, please refer to COM(2004)0496.
- Policy domain: education and culture.
- Budget lines concerned: 15 04 02 01 (Culture framework programme); 15 01 04 07 (Culture programme-administrative expenditure); 15 01 04 30 (Education and Culture Executive Agency).
- Period of application: 2007-2013.
- Financial reference amount: EUR 408 million in commitment appropriations.
- Multiannual estimations (operational appropriations) : EUR 374.918 million in commitment and payments from 2007-2013:
- Strand 1 : EUR 314.16 million;
- Strand 2 : EUR 40.358 million;
- Strand 3: EUR: 20.4 million.
An amount of EUR 33.082 is added to cover support expenditure and technical and administrative assistance.
- Financial impact on human resources and other expenditure: EUR 15.678 million representing a total of 16 posts.
- Follow-up document: COM(2010)0810
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Final act published in Official Journal: Decision 2006/1855
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 372 27.12.2006, p. 0001-0011
- Draft final act: 03656/1/2006
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2006)5316/2
- Commission opinion on Parliament's position at 2nd reading: COM(2006)0682
- Commission opinion on Parliament's position at 2nd reading: EUR-Lex
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament, 2nd reading: T6-0433/2006
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0343/2006
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0343/2006
- Committee draft report: PE378.459
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2006)0476
- Commission communication on Council's position: EUR-Lex
- Council position: 06235/3/2006
- Council position: OJ C 238 03.10.2006, p. 0018-0030 E
- Council position published: 06235/3/2006
- Council statement on its position: 11116/2006
- Debate in Council: 2689
- Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading: T6-0397/2005
- Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading: OJ C 272 09.11.2006, p. 0017-0233 E
- Decision by Parliament, 1st reading: T6-0397/2005
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0269/2005
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A6-0269/2005
- Committee opinion: PE357.695
- Committee opinion: PE357.641
- Committee opinion: PE357.852
- Committee of the Regions: opinion: CDR0259/2004
- Committee of the Regions: opinion: OJ C 164 05.07.2005, p. 0065-0075
- Legislative proposal: COM(2004)0469
- Legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2004)0954
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2004)0469
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal: COM(2004)0469 EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2004)0954 EUR-Lex
- Committee of the Regions: opinion: CDR0259/2004 OJ C 164 05.07.2005, p. 0065-0075
- Committee opinion: PE357.852
- Committee opinion: PE357.641
- Committee opinion: PE357.695
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0269/2005
- Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading: T6-0397/2005 OJ C 272 09.11.2006, p. 0017-0233 E
- Council statement on its position: 11116/2006
- Council position: 06235/3/2006 OJ C 238 03.10.2006, p. 0018-0030 E
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2006)0476 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE378.459
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0343/2006
- Commission opinion on Parliament's position at 2nd reading: COM(2006)0682 EUR-Lex
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2006)5316/2
- Draft final act: 03656/1/2006
- Follow-up document: COM(2010)0810 EUR-Lex
Plenary Speeches (2)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
- Guy BONO
Plenary Speeches (1)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
- Claire GIBAULT
Plenary Speeches (1)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
- Zdzisław Zbigniew PODKAŃSKI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
- Bogusław SONIK
Plenary Speeches (1)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
- Helga TRÜPEL
Plenary Speeches (1)
- 2016/11/22 Culture programme (2007-2013) (debate)
Rapport Graca Moura A6-0269/2005 AM 65 #
Rapport Graca Moura A6-0269/2005 AM 64 #
Rapport Graca Moura A6-0269/2005 E 0269 #
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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