Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Former Responsible Committee | CULT | HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES Erna ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | DEVE | ||
Former Committee Opinion | LIBE | GÁL Kinga ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | AFET | GAUBERT Patrick ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | EMPL | ||
Former Committee Opinion | BUDG | GERINGER DE OEDENBERG Lidia Joanna ( PSE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | FEMM | KRATSA-TSAGAROPOULOU Rodi ( PPE-DE) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 151-p5
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 151-p5Events
The Commission presents its report on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue ("EYID" or "the Year") 2008 established in Decision N° 1983/2006/EC. The report presents the conclusions and recommendations drawn from the external evaluation of the Year and the Commission's response to those findings.
Evaluation: the evaluation of the Year was very positive in a number of aspects. The Year was relevant to stakeholder needs and to the challenges identified around cultural diversity in Europe. Resources were efficiently managed, a result in part of a "dual approach", which combined a strong European-level communication campaign and a small number of flagship projects with decentralised initiatives and one national project per Member State . The Year achieved increased general awareness of intercultural dialogue issues through a critical mass of events, successfully mobilised stakeholders and sparked a high volume of relevant activities organised without direct funding.
More doubts were raised concerning the degree to which the Year was able to impact on general public attitudes in this complex field. Stakeholder engagement with the Year was very strong in the culture sector and to some degree in education, but fell short of the ambitious cross-sectoral mobilisation which was the goal. The absence of more widespread structural changes (to administrations, for example) raises doubts about the solidity of the basis for sustainable follow-up activity on intercultural dialogue.
The evaluators addressed 11 recommendations to the Commission and six to Member States. These include the following:
provide continuing support for structured dialogue with civil society, through platforms for example; take steps to ensure continuing and systematic dissemination and exploitation of the outputs and results of the Year, for example by supporting the continuation of relevant features of the EYID website and building on the success of the photographic competition “Cultures on My Street” through identifying opportunities to use the images in connection with a range of EU and national activities as appropriate; consider commissioning further research in particular on the impact of ICD in schools, given the strong focus on this during the Year and the likelihood of longer-term impacts in a number of countries; in particular consider measures to maintain the momentum achieved in the education field during the Year, for example by promoting and facilitating transfer of knowledge on the pedagogy of ICD, curriculum development and teacher training; consider ways to promote and stimulate the transfer of learning from the Year between Member States, through working groups at EU level including representatives of governments, civil society and other stakeholders for example; establish a monitoring and reporting framework to allow benchmarking of progress on ICD in Member States, for example through existing monitoring and reporting processes in the fields of education and integration of migrants; consider strengthening the ICD strand within Community programmes through the process of annual calls for proposals in order better to support co-funding of thematic projects, notably those with an emphasis on cross-sectoral cooperation between education, culture and youth on one hand and public services and/or active citizenship on the other; work with other relevant parts of the European Commission including in the field of youth, lifelong learning, employment and education to ensure ICD is operationalised more explicitly and systematically in EU programmes; including making available to other parts of the Commission learning from the design and implementation of the Year; continue to work with key international organisations, in particular the Council of Europe and UEFA, building on the current effective strategic partnerships consider ways to improve progress in some of the areas which lacked visibility during the Year – sport, disadvantaged communities and public services – including identifying appropriate partners in government and civil society with which to work; in terms of future European Years, consider the following: how a systematic three-year cycle for European Years could be embedded in the process (preparation-implementation-follow-up), to ensure maximum preparedness and momentum; and how the objectives of future years could be made more measurable.
Recommendations : the evaluators also addressed 6 recommendations to Member States , given that lead responsibility for many of the policies concerned lies at national, or in some cases regional and local, level. These recommendations propose that each Member State should:
develop a national action plan for ICD, underpinned by an evidence base of research and statistics; develop guidelines to help formulate ICD strategies in fields such as sport, public services and active citizenship; take better account of ICD across different fields, including public service design and delivery, in order to promote community cohesion and social inclusion; help increase capacity of civil society organisations able to address ICD, especially where the NGO base is weak, in particular by mapping the sector, developing networks and providing training; contribute to EU-level fora and working groups which share knowledge, steer policy development and increase the profile of ICD in national and EU policy-making; consider establishing a national system for monitoring and reviewing progress on ICD, together with appropriate indicators.
Conclusions: the Commission agrees with the overall assessment of the Year made by the evaluators. The Year was most successful in raising awareness of ICD issues, notably among policy makers, and in mobilising stakeholders, above all in the arts and culture sector. Its impact on attitudes towards ICD proved harder to measure, given the much longer timeframe needed for profound societal changes to occur and the complex set of factors which influence these attitudes.
Follow-up to the Year requires the combined efforts of the Commission, other EU institutions, Member States and civil society. The Commission will give priority to the evaluators' recommendations and will concentrate its follow-up on:
encouraging cooperation and transferring learning between Member States and between experts in different policy sectors relevant to ICD. The Open Method of Coordination will be a main vehicle for this type of cooperation and for using the results and the outputs of the Year. Learning will also be shared with sectors which were under-represented in the Year. Projects such as Intercultural Cities, a joint initiative with the Council of Europe, or the proposed network of Romani Studies experts are opportunities to foster precisely this learning transfer and cooperation; providing funding support for projects and initiatives on intercultural dialogue. Preparation of the next generation of EU programmes will be the opportunity to consult widely on options for supporting ICD, including through support for cooperation between policy sectors. The Commission will also aim to ensure that the priority given to ICD in certain Programmes is made clearly operational; furthering work in the education field, where initiatives on key competences for lifelong learning and on teacher training, for example, are closely related to ICD.
The recommendations which have been put forward should help ensure that ICD remains high on the EU policy agenda. The increased awareness of the need for a coherent cross-sectoral approach generated by the Year is a sound basis on which to build further cooperation towards reaching this objective.
PURPOSE: to establish a “European Year of Intercultural Dialogue” in 2008.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision No 1983/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008).
CONTENT: the purpose of the Decision is to designate 2008 as the "European Year of Intercultural Dialogue" to contribute to giving expression and a higher profile to intercultural dialogue. At the request of the European Parliament, the objectives of 2008 should continue beyond that year.
Objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue : with an overall budget of EUR 10 million , the specific objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue are as follows:
promote intercultural dialogue, in a cultural environment where different cultural identities and beliefs coexist; encourage intercultural dialogue in order to contribute to a diverse and dynamic society, not only in Europe but also in the world; raise the awareness of all those living in the EU, in particular young people, of the importance of developing an active European citizenship which is open to the world and respects cultural diversity and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; highlight the contribution of different cultures to the heritage and ways of life of the Member States.
The purpose of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue should also be to: (i) raise the awareness of young people of the importance of engaging in intercultural dialogue in their daily life; (ii) share best practices in promoting intercultural dialogue, especially among young people and children; (iii) foster the role of education as an important medium for teaching about diversity; (iv) raise the profile and increase the coherence of all Community programmes and actions contributing to intercultural dialogue; (v) explore new approaches to intercultural dialogue.
Types of aid and implementing measures : the Decision lists the type of activities that are financed to reach all of these objectives. The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue provides for the financing or co-financing of four main types of action:
1) events and initiatives on a European scale;
2) events and initiatives at national level and regional level with a strong European dimension;
3) information and promotion campaigns, particularly in cooperation with the media and civil society organisations at Community and national level;
4) surveys and studies on a Community or national scale and consultation with transnational networks and civil society stakeholders.
The annex to the Decision gives indications as to the nature of the co-financing provided for under the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and the implementing measures for the main types of action.
Overall, actions will be financed or co-financed as follows:
co-financing of actions on a Community scale : a limited number of emblematic actions on a European scale aimed at raising awareness, particularly among young people, of the objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue may receive a Community grant of up to 80% of the total cost (for example, a Community event to open and close the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue). As an indication, approximately 30% of the total budget allocated will be devoted to these actions; co-financing of actions on a national scale : actions at national level with a strong European dimension may fulfil the conditions for receiving Community aid of up to 50% of the total cost. As an indication, approximately 30% of the total budget allocated will be devoted to these actions; actions on a Community scale : several types of action are provided for in this section. They will be financed either through calls for proposals or a Community grant. They are information and promotion actions (information campaign coordinated at Community level and articulated in the Member States; cooperation with the private sector, the media, educational institutions and other partners from the civil society; the design of a logo and slogans for use in connection with any activity linked to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue; measures for raising the profile of Community programmes; the establishment of a web portal to make actions in the field of intercultural dialogue accessible to the general public) or actions such as surveys, studies , etc. The financial resources dedicated to this section shall not exceed 40% of the total budget allocated; actions receiving non-financial Community support : the Community will grant non-financial support, including written authorisation to use the logo of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue , in initiatives from public or private organisations. Initiatives organised in third countries in association or cooperation with the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, without being supported financially by it, may also receive non-financial support from the Community.
With a view to implementing all of these measures, each Member State shall appoint a national coordination body responsible for organising that Member State's participation in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, involving all the various parties to intercultural dialogue at national, regional and local level. Decisions on the awarding of grants shall be taken by the Commission, assisted by a specific committee. The Commission shall ensure a balanced and fair distribution between the Member States. Preparatory action shall be limited to 30% of the overall budget.
Involvement of third countries and international organisations : at the request of the European Parliament, projects may involve international organisations such as the Council of Europe and UNESCO. Initiatives organised in third countries in association or cooperation with the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue may receive non-financial support from the Community and use the logo and other materials associated with the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (accession and candidate countries, EFTA countries, countries of the western Balkans, partner countries of the European neighbourhood policy or other developing countries).
Coherence of measures and complementarity : the Commission shall ensure the complementarity of measures financed during the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue with other Community measures with an intercultural dimension.
Supervision and evaluation : standard provisions for the monitoring and supervision of financed measures are provided for. The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue should also be subject to an overall evaluation by 31 December 2009 in a report to be submitted to the European Parliament. That evaluation may serve as a basis for future EU policies, measures and actions in this field.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 31 December 2006.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Erna HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES (EPP-ED, LU) approving the Council's common position on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008.
The committee adopted the report by Erna HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES (EPP-ED, LU) approving unamended, under the 2nd reading of the codecision procedure, the Council's common position on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008.
The Council has sought in its common position to take account of the European Parliament's concerns and priorities and was able to accept most of Parliament's amendments. Out of the 46 amendments voted by Parliament, the Council accepted in full, in part or in principle, 31 amendments, as did the Commission in its amended proposal.
The Council took up a number of drafting amendments as well as amendments that incorporated references to relevant policies or processes. In particular, it made the following amendments, which introduced substantial changes regarding the implementation of the Year:
- the text underlines the cultural and educational dimensions of the renewed Lisbon Strategy and stressed the need to contribute to ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination within the EU;
- two amendments now refer to gender equality;
- the text underlines links between the Year of intercultural dialogue and the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All (2007);
- it mentions explicitly cooperation with the Council of Europe and UNESCO with in the context of the Year;
- three amendments aim to ensure continuity and long-term follow-up to the Year;
- there are now references to religious diversity;
- the importance of education in promoting intercultural dialogue is emphasised;
- there are references to the recognition of good practices
- the regional and local levels are emphasised;
- there is a need to consult trans-national networks and civil society;
- cooperation with other institutions, notably the European Parliament, is included in the text.
Regarding the allocation of financial resources , the Council has sought a balanced
Compromise, and allocated:
a) EUR 4 million (40%) to information and promotions campaigns and
b) EUR 3 million (30%) both for actions at Community and at national level;
c) preparatory actions are limited to 30% of the budget.
A number of informal contacts took place between the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission during tripartite meetings with a view to reaching an early agreement with Parliament.
In conclusion, the Council considers that, as a whole, its common position is fully in line with the objectives of the Commission's amended proposal. The Council also considers that it has taken due account of the objectives pursued by the European Parliament in its amendments to the Commission's proposal and looks forward to an agreement with the Parliament in the near future with a view to the early adoption of the Decision.
The common position adopted unanimously by the Council is the result of negotiations between the three institutions and represents a compromise acceptable for all of them. In comparison with the amended proposal of the Commission, which itself accepted a large number of amendments voted by the European Parliament in first reading, the changes are minor and are of technical and linguistic character.
Accordingly, t he Commission can support it the Council’s text.
The Council has sought in its common position to take account of the European Parliament's concerns and priorities and was able to accept most of Parliament's amendments. Out of the 46 amendments voted by Parliament, the Council accepted in full, in part or in principle, 31 amendments, as did the Commission in its amended proposal.
The Council took up a number of drafting amendments as well as amendments that incorporated references to relevant policies or processes. In particular, it made the following amendments, which introduced substantial changes regarding the implementation of the Year:
- the text underlines the cultural and educational dimensions of the renewed Lisbon Strategy and stressed the need to contribute to ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination within the EU;
- two amendments now refer to gender equality;
- the text underlines links between the Year of intercultural dialogue and the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All (2007);
- it mentions explicitly cooperation with the Council of Europe and UNESCO with in the context of the Year;
- three amendments aim to ensure continuity and long-term follow-up to the Year;
- there are now references to religious diversity;
- the importance of education in promoting intercultural dialogue is emphasised;
- there are references to the recognition of good practices
- the regional and local levels are emphasised;
- there is a need to consult trans-national networks and civil society;
- cooperation with other institutions, notably the European Parliament, is included in the text.
Regarding the allocation of financial resources , the Council has sought a balanced
Compromise, and allocated:
a) EUR 4 million (40%) to information and promotions campaigns and
b) EUR 3 million (30%) both for actions at Community and at national level;
c) preparatory actions are limited to 30% of the budget.
A number of informal contacts took place between the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission during tripartite meetings with a view to reaching an early agreement with Parliament.
In conclusion, the Council considers that, as a whole, its common position is fully in line with the objectives of the Commission's amended proposal. The Council also considers that it has taken due account of the objectives pursued by the European Parliament in its amendments to the Commission's proposal and looks forward to an agreement with the Parliament in the near future with a view to the early adoption of the Decision.
Of the 46 amendments adopted by Parliament at first reading, the European Commission can accept 31 of them. The Commission considers that the vast majority of the amendments accepted improve the drafting of the Decision. The following amendments, which the Commission accepts either in their entirety or in substance, make substantial changes to the draft Decision. They refer to those:
- underlining the cultural and educational dimensions of the renewed Lisbon Strategy. The need to provide information on equal opportunities and the need for an active non-discrimination policy in the Community;
- emphasising the need for structured co-operation with civil society;
- referring to gender equality;
- explicitly mentioning the Council of Europe and UNESCO;
- clarifying the concept of intercultural dialogue in the context of the Year;
- introducing a reference to religious diversity;
- stressing the importance of education in promoting intercultural dialogue;
- stressing the meaning of intercultural dialogue in everyday life;
- emphasising the regional and local level administrations;
- underlining the need to consult transnational networks and civil society in the context of the evaluation of the Year;
- underlining the link between the Year of intercultural dialogue with the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All (2007); and lastly
- introducing a provision on “participation in the action” which stresses the role of civil society, the media and local authorities.
The budgetary make-up of the proposal has also been modified. The original budget of EUR 10 million remains unchanged. Changes have been made, however, to the budgetary allocation of the financial resources. To recall, the initial proposal proposed that EUR 4.5 million be spent on the information and communication campaigns; EUR 2.4 million be spent on actions at a Community level; EUR 2,5 million be spent on actions at a national level and EUR 0 6 million on studies.
The European Parliament proposed a drastic cut in expenditure on communication and information campaigns to 20% of the overall budget – in other words a reduction from EUR 4.5 million to EUR 2 million.
The Council took another view and proposed EUR 4 million for communication and studies and EUR 3 million for actions at a Community and EUR 3 million for national levels.
A consultation of the modifications took place during a tripartite meeting in July 2006. As far as the budget is concerned the Commission supports the breakdown suggested by the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Council. It does so on the grounds that it constitutes a good compromise between the initial proposal and the wishes of Parliament.
For a more detailed breakdown of the revised figures, please refer to the Financial file below.
Of the 46 amendments adopted by Parliament at first reading, the European Commission can accept 31 of them. The Commission considers that the vast majority of the amendments accepted improve the drafting of the Decision. The following amendments, which the Commission accepts either in their entirety or in substance, make substantial changes to the draft Decision. They refer to those:
- underlining the cultural and educational dimensions of the renewed Lisbon Strategy. The need to provide information on equal opportunities and the need for an active non-discrimination policy in the Community;
- emphasising the need for structured co-operation with civil society;
- referring to gender equality;
- explicitly mentioning the Council of Europe and UNESCO;
- clarifying the concept of intercultural dialogue in the context of the Year;
- introducing a reference to religious diversity;
- stressing the importance of education in promoting intercultural dialogue;
- stressing the meaning of intercultural dialogue in everyday life;
- emphasising the regional and local level administrations;
- underlining the need to consult transnational networks and civil society in the context of the evaluation of the Year;
- underlining the link between the Year of intercultural dialogue with the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All (2007); and lastly
- introducing a provision on “participation in the action” which stresses the role of civil society, the media and local authorities.
The budgetary make-up of the proposal has also been modified. The original budget of EUR 10 million remains unchanged. Changes have been made, however, to the budgetary allocation of the financial resources. To recall, the initial proposal proposed that EUR 4.5 million be spent on the information and communication campaigns; EUR 2.4 million be spent on actions at a Community level; EUR 2,5 million be spent on actions at a national level and EUR 0 6 million on studies.
The European Parliament proposed a drastic cut in expenditure on communication and information campaigns to 20% of the overall budget – in other words a reduction from EUR 4.5 million to EUR 2 million.
The Council took another view and proposed EUR 4 million for communication and studies and EUR 3 million for actions at a Community and EUR 3 million for national levels.
A consultation of the modifications took place during a tripartite meeting in July 2006. As far as the budget is concerned the Commission supports the breakdown suggested by the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Council. It does so on the grounds that it constitutes a good compromise between the initial proposal and the wishes of Parliament.
For a more detailed breakdown of the revised figures, please refer to the Financial file below.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Erna HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES (EPP-ED, LU) and made some amendments to the Commission’s proposal. The report was adopted with 548 votes in favour, 62 against and with 22 abstentions. A small majority of MEPs (299/298/17) is pressing for dialogue between religions to be the main topic of the year's events.
The principal amendments are as follows:
- a new article states that for the purposes of the Decision, the expression ‘intercultural dialogue’ describes a sustained process which will be given expression and a high profile in 2008 and encompass actions continuing beyond that year;
- the broad aims of the Intercultural Dialogue Year include promoting intercultural dialogue through specific intercultural dialogue projects in a number of sectors as an instrument to assist all those living in the Union to learn to live together in harmony and to overcome the differences inherent in their cultural, religious and linguistic diversity, not only between the cultures of the different Member States but also between different cultures and religious groups within Member States;
- the campaign should also highlight "the contribution of different cultures and expressions of cultural diversity to the heritage and ways of life of the Member States of the European Union";
- further highlights should also include exporting the common values of the EU in its relations with the rest of the world, thus reinforcing its role as a leader in promoting, and upholding human rights and democracy; and making education a key medium for teaching about diversity and increasing understanding of other cultures;
- intercultural dialogue should be integrated as a"horizontal and trans-sectoral priority" into Community policies, actions and programmes;
- a new clause on participation states that, in order to achieve the objectives set out, the action established by the Decision shall be implemented primarily by means of structured cooperation with cities and with local government in the first instance, since they shoulder the bulk of the challenge of immigration and integration, and also with civil society players, such as non-governmental organisations active in the field of intercultural dialogue, socio-cultural associations and the media.
The activities shall be implemented in cooperation with the European institutions, with national, regional and local authorities, and with international bodies such as the Council of Europe and UNESCO;
- since one aspect of intercultural dialogue relates to action to combat discrimination and promote integration, the activities undertaken in 2008 shall follow on from, and complement, the actions carried out in connection with the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All (2007). The actions planned, at both Community and national level, shall take on board the experience gained from actions under the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All.
- the Commission will be assisted by a committee composed of one representative from each Member State and chaired by the Commission. Parliament inserted a clause stating that the national representatives shall be appointed preferably by the national coordination body. Two representatives of the European Parliament shall attend meetings of the committee as observers.
- actions at regional and local level as well as national level should be eligible for Community funding, of up to 80% of the total cost;
- the financial framework remains unchanged. A new recital states, however, that given the number of actions foreseen on a national and Community scale for all Member States, the financial envelope can be considered as the threshold value below which achievement of the objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue becomes impossible;
- Parliament inserted a clause stating that preparatory action shall be limited to 30% of the overall budget;
- the financial resources dedicated to information and promotion campaigns shall not exceed 20% of the overall budget;
- a prize for intercultural dialogue should be awarded to a youth project carried out as part of Community programmes such as Socrates, Youth and Culture;
- the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue should be concluded with an Intercultural Forum in the European Parliament bringing together civil society and political and religious representatives.
Finally, MEPs called for cooperation with the private sector, broadcasters and other media as partners for disseminating information of the European year of Intercultural Dialogue, particularly in the context of major sporting events taking place in 2008, namely the European Football Championships and the Beijing Olympic Games, at the same time combating human trafficking and forced prostitution of women during these events.
Pending the first reading of the European Parliament, Council reached a general approach on a draft Decision designating 2008 as the European year of intercultural dialogue .
The committee adopted the report by Erna HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES (EPP-ED, LU) broadly approving the proposal for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008), subject to a number of amendments under the 1st reading of the codecision procedure:
- the broad aims of the Intercultural Dialogue Year should include helping all those living in the EU "to overcome the differences inherent in their cultural, religious and linguistic diversity, not only between the cultures of the different Member States but also between different cultures and religious groups within Member States";
- the campaign should also highlight "the contribution of different cultures and expressions of cultural diversity to the heritage and ways of life of the Member States of the European Union";
- intercultural dialogue should be integrated as a "horizontal and trans-sectoral priority" into Community policies, actions and programmes;
- the actors involved in achieving the objectives laid down should include NGOs working in the field of intercultural dialogue, organisations involved in inter-religious and secular dialogue, sociocultural associations and the media;
- actions at regional and local level as well as national level should be eligible for Community funding, of up to 80% of the total cost;
- a prize for intercultural dialogue should be awarded to a youth project carried out as part of Community programmes such as Socrates, Youth and Culture;
- lastly, the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue should be concluded with an Intercultural Forum at the European Parliament bringing together representatives of civil society and the political and religious world, and an inter-religious meeting of churches and religious communities recognised by the Member States should also be organised.
PURPOSE: to declare 2008 the “European Year of Inter-cultural Dialogue”.
PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTENT: the Treaty of the European Union places great emphasis on creating an ever-closer union between the peoples of Europe, on encouraging a flowering of the cultures of the Member States, whilst at the same time respecting their national and regional diversity and highlighting Europe’s common cultural heritage. To fulfil many of these priorities the European Commission is proposing that 2008 be designated the “European Year of Inter-cultural Dialogue”. The overall objective of the proposal will be to:
- Promote inter-cultural dialogue and encourage those living in the EU (be they citizens or temporarily residing in the EU) to make the most of living in a diverse, though dynamic, culture.
- To encourage a sense of European citizenship, which is associated with respect for cultural diversity, shared common values, a respect for human dignity, liberty, equality, non-discrimination, solidarity, democracy and the rule of law.
The Commission proposes funding for three Actions, which are to define the Year.
The first are for Community scale actions. Specifically, this will involve an information campaign promoting the objectives of the European Year. It will also include European surveys and studies the purpose of which is to assess the long-term impact of the European Year of Inter-cultural Dialogue.
The second action will offer Community wide grants for a limited number of emblematic activities aimed at raising awareness – particularly among young people. The Community could support up to 80% of the costs. The third action would be for national projects that have a strong European dimension. Financing of up to 50% of the total cost is foreseen.
For more details concerning the financial implications of this proposal, please refer to the financial statement.
PURPOSE: to declare 2008 the “European Year of Inter-cultural Dialogue”.
PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTENT: the Treaty of the European Union places great emphasis on creating an ever-closer union between the peoples of Europe, on encouraging a flowering of the cultures of the Member States, whilst at the same time respecting their national and regional diversity and highlighting Europe’s common cultural heritage. To fulfil many of these priorities the European Commission is proposing that 2008 be designated the “European Year of Inter-cultural Dialogue”. The overall objective of the proposal will be to:
- Promote inter-cultural dialogue and encourage those living in the EU (be they citizens or temporarily residing in the EU) to make the most of living in a diverse, though dynamic, culture.
- To encourage a sense of European citizenship, which is associated with respect for cultural diversity, shared common values, a respect for human dignity, liberty, equality, non-discrimination, solidarity, democracy and the rule of law.
The Commission proposes funding for three Actions, which are to define the Year.
The first are for Community scale actions. Specifically, this will involve an information campaign promoting the objectives of the European Year. It will also include European surveys and studies the purpose of which is to assess the long-term impact of the European Year of Inter-cultural Dialogue.
The second action will offer Community wide grants for a limited number of emblematic activities aimed at raising awareness – particularly among young people. The Community could support up to 80% of the costs. The third action would be for national projects that have a strong European dimension. Financing of up to 50% of the total cost is foreseen.
For more details concerning the financial implications of this proposal, please refer to the financial statement.
- Follow-up document: COM(2010)0361
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Final act published in Official Journal: Decision 2006/1983
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 412 30.12.2006, p. 0044
- Draft final act: 03682/2006
- Decision by Parliament, 2nd reading: T6-0556/2006
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0435/2006
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0435/2006
- Committee draft report: PE380.791
- Council position: 14153/2/2006
- Council position: OJ C 301 12.12.2006, p. 0094-0102 E
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2006)0705
- Commission communication on Council's position: EUR-Lex
- Council position published: 14153/2/2006
- Modified legislative proposal: COM(2006)0492
- Modified legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Modified legislative proposal published: COM(2006)0492
- Modified legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2006)2902
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament, 1st reading: T6-0234/2006
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Debate in Council: 2729
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0168/2006
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A6-0168/2006
- Committee opinion: PE370.274
- Committee opinion: PE370.194
- Committee opinion: PE371.728
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES0590/2006
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE371.934
- Committee opinion: PE368.080
- Committee draft report: PE370.209
- Legislative proposal: COM(2005)0467
- Legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2005)1202
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2005)0467
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal: COM(2005)0467 EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2005)1202 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE370.209
- Committee opinion: PE368.080
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE371.934
- Committee opinion: PE371.728
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES0590/2006
- Committee opinion: PE370.194
- Committee opinion: PE370.274
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0168/2006
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2006)2902
- Modified legislative proposal: COM(2006)0492 EUR-Lex
- Council position: 14153/2/2006 OJ C 301 12.12.2006, p. 0094-0102 E
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2006)0705 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE380.791
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0435/2006
- Draft final act: 03682/2006
- Follow-up document: COM(2010)0361 EUR-Lex
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Manuel dos SANTOS
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Jolanta DIČKUTĖ
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Patrick GAUBERT
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Bernat JOAN i MARÍ
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Doris PACK
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Zdzisław Zbigniew PODKAŃSKI
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Rapport Hennicot-Schoepges A6-0168/2006 - am. 15/1 #
Rapport Hennicot-Schoepges A6-0168/2006 - am. 15/2 #
Rapport Hennicot-Schoepges A6-0168/2006 - am. 33 #
Rapport Hennicot-Schoepges A6-0168/2006 - proposition Commission #
Rapport Hennicot-Schoepges A6-0168/2006 - résolution #
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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2006-11-13T00:00:00 |
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Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading |
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Vote in committee, 1st reading |
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Old |
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committees/2 |
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committees/3 |
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Old!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=EN&numdoc=32006D1983New!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=EN&numdoc=32006D1983 |
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Old |
activities/16/docs/1/url |
Old |
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EUR-Lex |
activities |
committees |
links |
other |
procedure |