Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | AGRI | GRAEFE ZU BARINGDORF Friedrich-Wilhelm ( Verts/ALE) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 037-p2Subjects
This Commission report concerns the implementation of the remote sensing applications and on the use of the financial resources made available to it under Council Regulation (EC) No 78/2008. This Regulation provides the legal framework for these remote-sensing activities for the period 2008-2013.
The report’s main conclusion is that the MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System (MCYFS) has provided effective and timely information and objective data in support to the decision making process for the deployment of the CAP. Beyond the primary objective of producing harvest yield and production forecasts, the system also provides useful insights into other fields relevant to EU agriculture, such as climate change issues.
The Commission has proposed to continue the MCYFS via Article 22 of the proposed Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy on which a political agreement among the Institutions was reached on 26 June 2013.
The continuation of the MCYFS could include new activities to follow the needs of the CAP, which evolves and adapts to a changing global economic environment. These new activities might include:
a MCYFS enlarged to other main production areas of the world and to additional relevant crops; a modelling tool extended to EU crops other than those currently covered (e.g. to rye, oats, triticale, sugar cane, soy bean); a more complete modelling of pasture systems able to provide quantitative estimates of biomass production.
The Commission presents a second interim report on the implementation of the remote sensing applications and on the use of the financial resources made available to it under Council Regulation (EC) No 78/2008, which provides the legal framework for these remote-sensing activities for the period 2008-2013. The provides that the Commission shall submit a final report no later than 31 July 2013 on the implementation of the remote-sensing measures and on the use of the financial resources made available to it under the Regulation. This second interim report is drawn up in view of a continuation of these measures within the framework of the CAP beyond 31 December 2013.
The report elaborates on a possible scenario for continuation of the existing MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System for the EU and of an extension to a wider global coverage with the objectives of further improving yield forecasts for the EU and of contributing to the international initiatives launched by G20 agricultural ministers.
The Mars Crop Yield Forecasting System (MCYFS) started in 1988 as a 10-year pilot project to produce crop yield and harvest forecasts. The activity, which was then called Monitoring Agriculture with Remote Sensing (abbreviated MARS), concentrated on the assessment of crop yields and production volumes of various crops within the EU, on the basis of meteorological analysis, agro-meteorological simulated crop growth indicators, low-resolution satellite data and statistical analysis.
Assessment : the activity delivers independent, timely, scientific and traceable crop yield forecasts for all Member States and EU neighbouring countries for selected arable crops. This information is utilised by the Commission services for the following main purposes:
update of crop supply balance sheets; assessment of climatic conditions and potential impacts of particular weather events in the Member States or regions (e.g. impact of a late frost event); monitoring of crop conditions in third countries.
AGRI4CAST yield forecasts are also provided to the Early Estimate System of Eurostat. Independence and reliability of the outputs prepared by AGRI4CAST are viewed as important assets by the Commission services. The statistical analysis performed with the crop growth indicators is transparent, traceable and stored for all crop simulations and years. A set of statistical indicators is provided for each of the models. At the end of the forecasting campaign, an error analysis compares the crop yield forecasts with the actual observed yields to quantify the forecast error and to evaluate the forecasting performance.
For information, the overall error, measured as the mean absolute percentage error of the end-of-campaign forecast for the EU-27 across all months and for all cereals together, has been 1.6% for 2007, -3.3% for 2008, -1.2% for 2009, and 1.2% for 2010, respectively, with negative values indicating an underestimation, positive values an overestimation of reported yields (reported yields of 2009 and 2010 are still preliminary).
The report states that the MARS System has provided effective and timely information and objective data in support to the decision making process for the deployment of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Beyond the primary objective of producing harvest yield and production forecasts, the system also provides useful insights into other fields relevant to EU agriculture such as climate change issues. Moreover, the MARS agro-meteorological system and remote-sensing applications have provided useful information not only to the European Commission but also to interested Member States, research institutes and other users, through the dissemination of products.
Future of the activity: the possible continuation of the MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System could include new activities to follow the needs of the CAP, which evolves and adapts to a changing global economic environment. In this context, independent and reliable information at world level is a basic requirement to ensure the correct and effective decision-making process within the EU. The new activities would include certain factors:
a MCYFS enlarged to other main production areas of the world and to additional relevant crops; a modelling tool extended to EU crops other than those currently covered (e.g. to rye, oats, triticale); a more complete modelling of pasture systems able to provide quantitative estimates of biomass production.
The report notes that in 2011 DG AGRI launched a project called GLOBCAST (GLOBal Crop Monitoring and ForeCASTing) through an Administrative Arrangement with the JRC that will end in 2013. The aim of the GLOBCAST project is to study the enlargement of the MCYFS to other areas of the world (Russia and CIS countries, Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Australia, Canada and the USA) and to other crops of interest, like soybean and sugar cane. In the first year the JRC will re-visit the existing data and will adapt the software and modelling tools to organise and implement the future pre-operational system in the years 2012 and 2013. According to the assessment of the GLOBCAST project, the resulting activities could be thereafter included in the MARS programme for yield forecasts.
The GLOBCAST project aims to provide a major contribution of the EU to the recent G-20 initiative on food security and price volatility, in particular to the Agriculture Market Information System (AMIS), included in the "Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture" adopted by the G-20 Agriculture Ministers. An extended MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System will contribute to AMIS via the Group on Earth Observation (GEO), which has as an objective to reinforce the capacity to produce and disseminate timely and accurate crop production forecasts on a national, regional and global scale. The EU is committed to participate in those initiatives with data and information on markets, stocks and productions. Deliverables of the existing MCYFS implemented under Council Regulation (EC) No 78/2008 and results of the GLOBCAST project are already and could continue to be contributions to the AMIS system.
The Commission presents its interim report on the implementation of the remote sensing applications and on the use of the financial resources made available to it under Council Regulation (EC) No 78/2008.
The MARS crop yielding forecasting system : the system of production of crop harvest yield forecasts started in 1988 as a 10-year pilot project. The activity, which was then called Monitoring Agriculture with Remote Sensing (then abbreviated as MARS-STAT, now the acronym is AGRI4CAST), concentrated on the assessment of crop yields and production volumes of various crops within the EU, on the basis of meteorological analysis, agro-meteorological simulated crop growth indicators, low-resolution satellite data and statistical analysis using the Mars Crop Yield Forecasting System (MCYFS).
From 2008 and until 2013, this activity is implemented under Council Regulation (EC) No 78/2008. The system is operated in the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) at Ispra.
The MCYFS is a complex, integrated analysis tool addressing the objectives which are spelled out in the Regulation, specifically the monitoring of crop conditions, yields and agricultural production.
The system consists of several independent modules, which are integrated to monitor crop behaviour and produce crop yield forecasts. From a technical point of view, the MCYFS includes: 1) the maintenance of a meteorological database; 2) the application of agro-meteorological models; 3) the processing of low resolution satellite data; 4) statistical analyses and yield forecasts of the main crops at national level across the EUas well as visualisation tools.
The MCYFS is run operationally on an area covering the whole European Continent, the Maghreb countries and Turkey. The crops covered by the simulation models are soft wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, grain maize, rapeseeds, sunflower, potato, sugar beet, field beans, pastures and rice.
Overall implementation : for the continuation of the operational services from 2008 until 2013a new project, called MARSOP3, was launched. In August 2007 a call for tender was published. After evaluation of the offer for Lot I (meteorological data) and Lot II (acquisition and processing of satellite data), a contract was signed with a consortium led by Alterra BV.
On the basis of the operational products delivered within this contract, the JRC carries out the analysis of crop conditions and prepares the yield and production estimates. These are made available to the European Commission, Member States and EU citizens.
The report describes the implementation of the specific measures undertaken in order to fulfil the objectives with regard to remote-sensing measures. These are (a) management of agricultural markets; (b) monitoring of crop conditions and estimates; (c) promotion of access to the estimates; (d) ensuring the technological follow-up of the agro-meteorological system. The Commission stresses that independence and reliability of the outputs prepared by AGRI4CAST are viewed as important assets by Commission services. The statistical analysis performed with the crop growth indicators is transparent, traceable and stored for all the crop simulation and years.
The report also describes the measures to be implemented: (a) collection and purchase of meteorological and satellite data; (b) spatial data infrastructure and website; (c) specific studies on climatic conditions; d) updating of agro-meteorological and economic models.
Lastly, the document deals with deliverables and costs: the Commission Member States and other interested stakeholders are provided with different deliverables which can be grouped into reports and bulletins on the one hand and information services and data on the other hand. All products are made available electronically and partially on paper format.
3) Budget resource use : the total financial resources under Council Regulation (EC) No 78/2008 in 2008 and 2009 (payment credits) amounts to EUR 97.298 (2008) and EUR 2.370.340 2009) :
Lot 1 covers the procurement of meteorological and weather forecast data (including the densifying of network of meteorological stations). It covers the operational run and maintenance of the crop growth models operated within the MCYFS. Results in the form of database updates and maps are delivered to the database at the JRC daily or every ten days. Appropriate tools for exploitation of the results are maintained and developed. Maintenance and improvement of MARSOP website is also part of this lot together with overall coordination and management; Lot 2 covers the processing of remote-sensing data. The work performed covers all data enhancement steps between the acquisition of the raw imagery and the delivery of 10-daily composites (data ingestion, calibration, etc.).
Mars database and IT support: the MCYFS calls for the provision of IT services to ensure a timely production of bulletins. Work performed covers the management and maintenance of the database with all the remote sensing data, the meteorological data and the agro-meteorological indicators. Development and maintenance of analysis tools and websites are part of this component.
PURPOSE: to proceed with the application of operational measures for monitoring agricultural markets.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation (EC) No 78/2008 on the measures to be undertaken by the Commission in 2008-2013 making use of the remote sensing applications developed within the framework of the common agricultural policy.
CONTENT: Remote sensing has thus demonstrated that it provides a response tailored to the management needs of the CAP, and that the needs identified cannot be met by the traditional agricultural statistics and forecasting systems. It has also enhanced the accuracy, objectivity, speed and frequency with which observations are made, and has helped perfect agricultural forecasting models, in particular by establishing regionally based models. Finally, remote sensing has facilitated the development of specific and ancillary applications for the establishment and collection of agricultural statistics, and has enabled savings to be made in the costs of monitoring and control of agricultural expenditure.
This Regulation therefore provides for the continuation of these remote sensing applications, using financing from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) in the period 2008-2013.
The measures undertaken by the Commission making use of remote-sensing applications within the framework of the common agricultural policy (CAP) may be financed by the EAGF, where their aim is to give the Commission the means to:
manage agricultural markets; ensure agro-economic monitoring of agricultural land and of the condition of crops, to enable estimates to be made, in particular as regards yields and agricultural production; promote access to the estimates referred to in the previous point; ensure technological follow-up of the agro-meteorological system.
The measures referred to shall be in particular:
· collection or purchase of data needed to implement and monitor the CAP, in particular satellite data and meteorological data;
· creation of a spatial data infrastructure and a website;
· carrying out specific studies on climatic conditions;
· updating agro-meteorological and econometric models.
Not later than 31 July 2010 and 31 July 2013 respectively, the Commission shall submit an interim and a final report to the European Parliament and to the Council on the implementation of the remote-sensing measures and on the use of the financial resources made available to it under this Regulation. Where appropriate, the final report shall be accompanied by a proposal to continue these measures within the framework of the CAP.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 30/01/2008
APPLICATION: from 01/01/2008 to 31/12/2013
The European Parliament adopted a resolution based on the report drawn up by Friedrich-Wilhelm GRAEFE zu BARINGDORF (Greens/ALE, DE), and amended the proposal for a Council regulation on the measures to be undertaken by the Commission in 2008-13 making use of the remote-sensing applications developed within the framework of the common agricultural policy. The resolution was adopted by 594 votes for, 23 against, and 54 abstentions.
Members felt that the remote-sensing activities should be financed by a proper budget instead of the agriculture guarantee fund. An amended clause states that the financial framework for the implementation of the programme for the period 2008 to 2013 is set at EUR 9.2 million. The annual appropriations will be authorised by the budgetary authority within the ceilings of the budget headings in the financial framework,
Parliament proposed, furthermore, the creation of an inventory of all spatial data, remote-sensing and agro-meteorological projects and consolidation of existing spatial data infrastructure and websites. It also proposed, as an objective, the improvement of the JRC Agriculture Unit website making all relevant research data freely available to the public.
A new recital underlines that only the MARS pilot project, which falls within the scope of Decision No 2066/2003/EC on the continued application of aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques to the agricultural statistics for 2004 to 2007fell within the scope of this Regulation. More specifically, only the operational measures undertaken by the Commission which make use of remote-sensing applications within the framework of the common agricultural policy fell within the scope of the Regulation.
The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development adopted a report drawn up by Friedrich-Wilhelm GRAEFE zu BARINGDORF (Greens/ALE, DE), and amended the proposal for a Council regulation on the measures to be undertaken by the Commission in 2008-13 making use of the remote-sensing applications developed within the framework of the common agricultural policy.
Members felt that the remote-sensing activities should be financed by a proper budget instead of the agriculture guarantee fund. An amended clause states that the financial framework for the implementation of the programme for the period 2008 to 2013 is set at EUR 9.2 million. The annual appropriations will be authorised by the budgetary authority within the ceilings of the budget headings in the financial framework,
The Committee proposed, furthermore, the creation of an inventory of all spatial data, remote-sensing and agro-meteorological projects and consolidation of existing spatial data infrastructure and websites. It pointed out that there exists at present a skeleton of spatial data infrastructure through the INSPIRE initiative, ESDI (European Spatial Data Infrastructure), GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) and GEOSS (Global Earth Observing System of System). Consolidations should eliminate costly repetitions of information purchase or collection.
The Committee also proposed, as an objective, the improvement of the JRC Agriculture Unit website making all relevant research data freely available to the public.
It stressed that only the MARS pilot project, which falls within the scope of Decision No 2066/2003/EC on the continued application of aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques to the agricultural statistics for 2004 to 2007 fell within the scope of this Regulation. More specifically, only the operational measures undertaken by the Commission which make use of remote-sensing applications within the framework of the common agricultural policy fell within the scope of the Regulation.
PURPOSE: the continued application of measures that make use of remote-sensing techniques to monitor agricultural markets.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Regulation
BACKGROUND: the EU’s agricultural policy takes account of the social structure of agricultural and the natural disparities between the various agricultural regions of the EU. Hence there is a need for information on land condition and crop use. Remote sensing applications help provide some of this information. Between 2003 and 2007 a pilot project on remote-sensing techniques, under the auspices of Council Decision No 2066/2003/EC, was initiated. This project has enabled the agro-meteorological system for forecasting yields and monitoring land and crop conditions to achieve an advanced stage. Remote sensing provides a tailored response to the management needs of the common agricultural policy – needs that can not be met by traditional agricultural statistics and forecasting systems alone. It has also enhanced the accuracy, objectivity, speed and frequency with which observations are made and helped perfect agricultural statistics and forecasting models. The system has also enabled savings to be made in terms of monitoring agricultural expenditures.
CONTENT: the purpose of this proposal, therefore, is to continue making use of remote-sensing techniques in order to monitor agricultural markets. The project will apply from 1 January 2008 for a six-year period. The remote-sensing application will be a tool for the Commission to: manage agricultural markets; allow for agro-economic monitoring such as crop condition in order to estimate yields; promote information access; and ensure technological follow-up of the agro-meteorological system.
The system will also collect, or purchase, data needed to implement and monitor the CAP (in particular satellite data and meteorological data); create a spatial data infrastructure and website; carry out specific studies on climatic conditions; and update agro-meteorological and econometric models.
All information will be made available to the Member States electronically and the Commission is expected to work closely with national bodies and laboratories.
PURPOSE: the continued application of measures that make use of remote-sensing techniques to monitor agricultural markets.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Regulation
BACKGROUND: the EU’s agricultural policy takes account of the social structure of agricultural and the natural disparities between the various agricultural regions of the EU. Hence there is a need for information on land condition and crop use. Remote sensing applications help provide some of this information. Between 2003 and 2007 a pilot project on remote-sensing techniques, under the auspices of Council Decision No 2066/2003/EC, was initiated. This project has enabled the agro-meteorological system for forecasting yields and monitoring land and crop conditions to achieve an advanced stage. Remote sensing provides a tailored response to the management needs of the common agricultural policy – needs that can not be met by traditional agricultural statistics and forecasting systems alone. It has also enhanced the accuracy, objectivity, speed and frequency with which observations are made and helped perfect agricultural statistics and forecasting models. The system has also enabled savings to be made in terms of monitoring agricultural expenditures.
CONTENT: the purpose of this proposal, therefore, is to continue making use of remote-sensing techniques in order to monitor agricultural markets. The project will apply from 1 January 2008 for a six-year period. The remote-sensing application will be a tool for the Commission to: manage agricultural markets; allow for agro-economic monitoring such as crop condition in order to estimate yields; promote information access; and ensure technological follow-up of the agro-meteorological system.
The system will also collect, or purchase, data needed to implement and monitor the CAP (in particular satellite data and meteorological data); create a spatial data infrastructure and website; carry out specific studies on climatic conditions; and update agro-meteorological and econometric models.
All information will be made available to the Member States electronically and the Commission is expected to work closely with national bodies and laboratories.
- Follow-up document: COM(2013)0553
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: COM(2011)0639
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: SEC(2011)1170
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: COM(2010)0436
- Follow-up document: SEC(2010)0984
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2008)1176
- Final act published in Official Journal: Regulation 2008/78
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 025 30.01.2008, p. 0001
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T6-0010/2008
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0508/2007
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0508/2007
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE398.320
- Committee draft report: PE394.188
- Legislative proposal: COM(2007)0383
- Legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2007)0383
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal: COM(2007)0383 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE394.188
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE398.320
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0508/2007
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2008)1176
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex COM(2010)0436
- Follow-up document: SEC(2010)0984 EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: COM(2011)0639 EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: SEC(2011)1170 EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: COM(2013)0553 EUR-Lex
- Friedrich-Wilhelm GRAEFE zu BARINGDORF
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Bogdan GOLIK
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Jean-Claude MARTINEZ
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Samuli POHJAMO
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Paul RÜBIG
Plenary Speeches (1)
Rapport Graefe Zu Baringdorf A6-0508/2007 - résolution #
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