Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | LIBE | ALFANO Sonia ( ALDE) | MACOVEI Monica ( PPE), GÖNCZ Kinga ( S&D), ŽDANOKA Tatjana ( Verts/ALE), MORVAI Krisztina ( NA) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 198, Treaty on the European Union (after Amsterdam) M 030-p1, Treaty on the European Union (after Amsterdam) M 031, Treaty on the European Union (after Amsterdam) M 034-p2c
Legal Basis:
RoP 198, Treaty on the European Union (after Amsterdam) M 030-p1, Treaty on the European Union (after Amsterdam) M 031, Treaty on the European Union (after Amsterdam) M 034-p2cSubjects
This report evaluates the work of the European Union Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) over the past two and a half years and provides recommendations as regards the future, including considering the feasibility of establishing a Crime Prevention Observatory. EUCPN was originally set up by the Council Decision 2001/427/JHA, repealed by the Council Decision 2009/902/JHA. The main objective of the EUCPN was to promote crime prevention activities and to provide a means through which valuable good practice in preventing crime could be shared.
According to Article 9 of Council Decision 2009/902/JHA, the Commission was to present, by 30 November 2012, an evaluation report to the Council on the activities of the Network with a special focus on the efficiency of the work of the Network and its Secretariat, taking due account of the interaction between the Network and other relevant stakeholders.
In order to inform the further development of the EUCPN, an independent, external evaluation of the EUCPN was undertaken in the first months of 2012. Overall, this evaluation concluded that the EUCPN is functioning relatively well and has made good progres s in relation to the objectives set out in the 2009 Council Decision and its 2010-2015 Multiannual Strategy. Following the adoption of the 2009 Council Decision and follow-up activities, the EUCPN has a much more clearly defined strategy and target groups. It has been strengthened and professionalized , particularly following the establishment of the new Secretariat which has provided much needed support for the Network’s activities.
Compared to the situation in 2008-2009 when the last evaluation was conducted, many shortcomings have been addressed , the EUCPN’s activities are more targeted and the quality and quantity of outputs have been improved . Moreover, EUCPN Board meetings have increasingly dealt with points of substance as opposed to procedural issues.
However, the external evaluation also identified a number of weaknesses : (i) the evaluation could not find evidence that EUCPN activities are always linked to the crime prevention priorities facing the EU and Member States; (ii) the quality of the EUCPN outputs is generally good and these products are useful but there is scope to tailor them even more to target groups; (iii) EUCPN is in general less successful in reaching target groups at local level, than at national or EU level; (iv) a substantial amount of crime prevention projects supported by the ISEC programme are implemented without associating or even informing EUCPN; (v) there is a considerable difference in effectiveness of the rotating presidencies capacity to provide leadership to EUCPN; (vi) the intention to put key documents in different EU languages on the website to attract a wider readership and provide supporting documentation to stakeholders particularly at local level was not fulfilled; (vii) many of the contact points do not appear to provide any added value to the functioning and visibility of the EUCPN and in a number of Member States there are no contact points; (viii) the activities of the EUCPN are supported by relatively modest funding and its activities and outputs are proportionate to the financial inputs; (ix) more needs to be done to raise the EUCPN’s profile.
Main conclusions: the EUCPN has proven itself to be an increasingly useful instrument to support policymakers at EU and national levels and also with a considerable potential to create added value at local level. Building on its improving track record, the Commission is confident that the EUCPN will continue to adapt to meet new challenges.
The Commission considers that establishing a Crime Prevention Observatory , based on or in addition to the EUCPN, for the time being, neither corresponds to a pressing need, nor is politically or financially desirable in the short term .
Enhancing the EUCPN, notably by a better resourced Secretariat, would allow the EUCPN to concentrate on consolidating progress made so far and on further improving its functioning. A particular effort is required to increase the visibility of its activities and communicate them pro-actively to its stakeholders . The EUCPN has embryonic features of an "observatory" and could, over time, evolve towards reinforcing these features. Preliminary work has already started in this respect under the current grant agreement financed through ISEC.
The costs of an incremental development of the EUCPN are estimated at approximately EUR 1.2 M for a two-year period, starting when the current Action Grant expires (mid 2014). Member States may decide to finance EUCPN themselves, or alternatively, decide to apply for co-funding under the successor to the ISEC Financial Programme (through an Action Grant). Independently of any possible future application for financial support through the ISEC programme, the future development of the EUCPN should be matched with a stronger commitment of all EU Member States to actively support the work of the EUCPN.
PURPOSE: to repeal the existing European Crime Prevention Network Council Decision and to replace it with another that recasts its basic organisational structure.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Decision 2009/902/JHA setting up a European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and repealing Decision 2001/427/JHA
BACKGROUND: the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) was created in 2001 on the basis of a Council Decision 2001/427/JHA . It was established following a conclusion of the Tampere European Council, that there was a need to develop crime prevention measures, to identify and exchange crime prevention measures, and to strengthen the network of competent national authorities for crime prevention.
An external evaluation of the EUCPN which was conducted in 2008-2009 identified opportunities for strengthening the Network which were accepted by the EUCPN Board and which make it necessary to repeal Decision 2001/427/JHA and to replace it by a new Council Decision concerning the Network. In order to increase the capacity of the organisation and to improve its capability to meet its objectives, it was agreed that amendments to the existing legal base would be required. This is the purpose of this decision.
CONTENT: the proposed Decision, based on the initiative of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom, aims to repeal the existing EUCPN Council Decision 2001/427/JHA and to replace it with a new one which will see the creation of a strengthened, more clearly defined Network.
Mandate remains unchanged: overall, the Network’s mandate remains unchanged. The Network will still contribute to developing the various aspects of crime prevention at the Union level, while also supporting crime prevention activity at the national and local level. It shall continue to prevent crime through measures that are intended to reduce or otherwise contribute to reducing crime and citizens' feeling of insecurity, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The actions undertaken by the Network may be direct by deterring criminal activities or through policies and actions designed to reduce he potential for crime and the causes of crime. These include work of government, competent authorities, criminal justice agencies, local authorities, the specialist associations they have set up in Europe, the private and voluntary sectors, researchers and the public, supported by the media
Clearly defined tasks: the Network shall, in particular:
facilitate cooperation, contacts and exchanges of information and experience between actors in the field of crime prevention; collect, assess and communicate evidence-based information including good practice on existing crime prevention activities; organise conferences, in particular an annual Best Practice Conference, and other activities, including the annual European Crime Prevention Award , designed to promote consideration of these specific matters, and to share widely the results thereof; provide its expertise to the Council and the Commission as required.
The Network shall also report to the Council on its activities each year, through the Board and develop and implement a work programme based on a clearly defined strategy taking into account relevant crime threats.
To accomplish its tasks, the Network shall strengthen its information exchange by: i) favouring a multidisciplinary approach; ii) being in close contact, through the national representatives and the contact points, with crime prevention bodies, local authorities, local partnerships and civil society as well as with research institutions and nongovernmental organisations in the Member States; iii) setting up and maintaining its own website, containing its regular reports and any other useful information, in particular a compendium of best practices; iv) endeavouring to use and promote the results of projects, relevant for crime prevention, funded through Union programmes.
Revised structure: the Network’s structure is more clearly defined being made up of a Board , with an Executive Committee and a Secretariat, as well as national representatives and contact points designated by each Member State.
The Board: the Board shall be made up of national representatives, with a Chair and an Executive Committee. The tasks of the Board shall include: i) to ensure the proper functioning of the Network in accordance with this Decision, including deciding on the practical organisation of the Secretariat functions; ii) to develop and adopt a financial regulation; iii) to approve the Network’s strategy, which contributes to developing crime prevention at the Union level; iv) to adopt and ensure delivery of the Network's work programme; v) to adopt an annual report of the Network's activities.
The Secretariat: the Secretariat shall support the Board. It shall function on a permanent basis, for the full benefit of the Network, while respecting confidentiality as required. It shall have the following tasks: i) to provide administrative and general support in the preparation of meetings, seminars and conferences; to draft the annual report and the work programme, to support implementation of the work programme and to provide a focal point for communication with the Network members; ii) to provide an analytical and support function to identify ongoing research activity in the field of crime prevention and related information that would be of use to the Network; iii) to take overall responsibility for hosting, developing and maintaining the Network website.
The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall provide support to the Chair to ensure, inter alia: i) the development of the Network's strategy for approval by the Board; ii) the effective running of the Board, and iii) the development and carrying-out of the work programme.
National representatives: these will have seats on the Network’s Board. Their main role will be to promote the Network's activities at the national and local level and facilitate the provision, maintenance and exchange of crime prevention material between his Member State and the Network.
Contact points: contact points shall support national representatives in exchanging national crime prevention information and expertise within the Network.
Financing of the Network: Member States are responsible for the financing of the Network and its activities. Member States shall, through the Board, cooperate to ensure cost-effective financing of the Network and its activities. In any event, financial support from the general budget of the EU will always be possible.
Cooperation with other entities: the Network may cooperate with other entities competent in the field of crime prevention where it is relevant to meeting its objectives.
Evaluation: by 30 November 2012 at the latest, the Commission shall present an evaluation report to the Council on the activities of the Network. Based on the results of this evaluation, an assessment shall be carried out to identify possible opportunities that could be achieved by, for example, transferring the Secretariat to an existing Agency.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 30.11.2009. Decision 2001/427/JHA is repealed.
The European Parliament rejected (642 votes against, 10 in favour, 9 abstentions), under the consultation procedure, the initiative on a Council decision setting up a European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and repealing Decision 2001/427/JHA.
The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted the report drawn up by Sonia ALFANO (ALDE, IT) on the initiative of several Member States with a view to the adoption of a Council Decision setting up a European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and repealing Decision 2001/427/JHA, calling on the European Parliament to reject the proposed initiative.
The Members consider that the draft decision raises questions in terms of both substance and procedure and that it lacks ambition.
They recall that the Lisbon Treaty, which will enter into force on 1 December 2009, will introduce a new legal base on crime prevention (Article 84 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - TFEU) that will grant co-decision powers to Parliament (in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure).
As a result, the Members call on the Council not to formally adopt the initiative prior to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon so as to allow the final act to be finalised ensuring a full role and control by the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Commission and Parliament. The Members indicate, that being the case, they are committed to considering any further proposal, notably for the creation of an observatory on crime, organised crime and prevention, by urgent procedure.
They, therefore, call on the Kingdom of Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to withdraw their initiative.
The Council reviewed a draft decision on the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) established in 2001. In light of progress made in the preparatory bodies, ministers reached a general agreement on the text.
An external evaluation conducted in 2008-2009 identified, inter alia, the need for more engagement in the activities of the network by the national representatives and strengthening of the secretariat. To that end, Decision 2001/427/JHA would be repealed and its earlier provisions amended in a number of points, namely: provisions dealing with contact points, the tasks of the secretariat, the structure of the board and its tasks, including the appointment of the chair.
EUCPN's main goals are to develop crime prevention measures, to exchange best practices and to strengthen the network of competent national authorities. The network mainly focuses on juvenile, urban and drug-related crime.
PURPOSE: to repeal the existing European Crime Prevention Network Council Decision and to replace it with another that takes into account the recommendations of the EUCPN Board to outsource and strengthen the Network Secretariat and to make more explicit the tasks of the Network and the various roles and responsibilities.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision (initiative of several Member States).
BACKGROUND: the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) was created in 2001 on the basis of a Council Decision 2001/427/JHA . It was established following a conclusion of the Tampere European Council, that there was a need to develop crime prevention measures, to identify and exchange crime prevention measures, and to strengthen the network of competent national authorities for crime prevention.
An external evaluation of the EUCPN which was conducted in 2008-2009 identified opportunities for strengthening the Network which were accepted by the EUCPN Board and which make it necessary to repeal Decision 2001/427/JHA and to replace it by a new Council Decision concerning the Network. In order to increase the capacity of the organisation and to improve its capability to meet its objectives, it was agreed that amendments to the existing legal base would be required.
This is the purpose of this proposal.
IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the proposal was subject to an impact assessment to determine whether the EUCPN brought added value at either the Union or national/local level. While some success had been achieved it was clear from the evaluation that the Network had not delivered at anything like its potential. One question being asked was whether the Network should simply be shut down, that the resource problems at both the Commission and national levels were a manifestation of a general lack of belief in the Network and its ability to add value.
However during the evaluation exercise, the importance of crime prevention was universally recognised as was the role for an organisation like the EU Crime Prevention Network.
On the basis that there was seen to be a future for the EUCPN a number of options were considered before submitting this proposal.
Option 1 : leave the situation as it is, and to rely on the current Council Decision. This was discarded because of the need to completely review the organisation structure and the transparency of the network; Option 2 : introduce just the basic amendments to the existing Council Decision. This was discarded because it was felt that an important opportunity would be lost, to review and to set out in clearer terms the Network’s tasks and the roles and responsibilities of the various actors; Option 3 : introduce a new Council Decision , to establish the Network and to repeal the existing legal base.
Conclusion : Option 3 has been considered the most beneficial option after careful analysis.
CONTENT: the proposed Decision, based on the initiative of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, aims to repeal the existing EUCPN Council Decision 2001/427/JHA and to replace it with a new one which will see the creation of a strengthened, more clearly defined Network.
Modifications to the mandate : the proposal does not extend, or amend significantly, the Network’s mandate. The primary objective remains the same that the Network will contribute to developing the various aspects of crime prevention at the Union level, while also supporting crime prevention activity at the national and local level. It shall continue to prevent crime through measures that are intended to reduce or otherwise contribute to reducing crime and citizens' feeling of insecurity, both quantitatively and qualitatively. It includes work of government, competent authorities, criminal justice agencies, local authorities, the specialist associations they have set up in Europe, the private and voluntary sectors, researchers and the public, supported by the media
Clearly defined tasks : the Network shall, in particular:
facilitate cooperation, contacts and exchanges of information and experience between actors in the field of crime prevention; collect, assess and communicate evidence-based information including good practice on existing crime prevention activities; organise conferences, in particular an annual Best Practice Conference, and other activities designed to promote consideration of these specific matters, and to disseminate the results thereof; provide its expertise to the Council and the Commission as required.
The Network shall also report to the Council on its activities each year, through the Board and develop and implement a work programme based on a clearly defined strategy taking into account relevant crime threats.
To accomplish its tasks, the Network shall strengthen its information exchange by: (i) favouring a multidisciplinary approach; (ii) being in close contact, through the national representatives and the contact points, with crime prevention bodies, local authorities, local partnerships and civil society as well as with research institutions and nongovernmental organisations in the Member States; (iii) setting up and maintaining its own website, containing its regular reports and any other useful information, in particular a compendium of best practices; (iv) endeavouring to use and promote the results of projects, relevant for crime prevention, funded through Union programmes.
Revised structure : the Network’s structure is more clearly defined being made up of a Board , with an Executive Committee and a Secretariat . The European Commission will designate a representative to be a member of the Executive Committee. This Committee will be responsible for developing the Network’s strategic approach – for agreement of the whole Board – and for delivery of the Network’s objectives.
The Board Chair will be appointed from among the body of the National Representatives under rules of procedure to be agreed by the Board.
There is more emphasis on the role of the National Representatives who are the EUCPN Board members, and who may be supported by national contact points. As the members of the Board they are responsible for agreeing the Network’s strategic approach, for delivery of the work programme and for ensuring that the Network’s activities contribute to crime prevention at all levels – Union, national and local.
Strengthened role of the Secretariat : the role of the Secretariat will be extended to incorporate an administrative function, a criminological and analytical function, and a technical function to enable it to host, develop and maintain the EUCPN website. The Secretariat, which will work to and be managed by the Network, through the Board Chair and the Executive Committee, will be outsourced under a public competition administered by the European Commission.
Third countries : lastly, more emphasis is given towards developing relations with entities, competent in the field of crime prevention, in the Member States or in third countries. Furthermore, relations of the Network with third countries will imply only a non-contractual level.
Even though the proposed amendments will formally establish particular bodies within the Network such as the Board and the Secretariat this does not imply legal personality of the Network.
BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: based on the current costs of running separately the three functions which will be incorporated into the strengthened and outsourced Secretariat – administration, analysis of criminological research and hosting and maintaining the website – it is expected that the annual cost of the Secretariat will be no more than EUR 350 000 . That said there is no basic increase in the running cost of the full Secretariat function, and the Secretariat would be funded from an existing budget line in the funding programme – the prevention of and fight against crime.
Taking into account the three distinct functions of the strengthened Secretariat it is expected that the Secretariat will employ a maximum of three full time equivalent staff.
PURPOSE: to repeal the existing European Crime Prevention Network Council Decision and to replace it with another that takes into account the recommendations of the EUCPN Board to outsource and strengthen the Network Secretariat and to make more explicit the tasks of the Network and the various roles and responsibilities.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision (initiative of several Member States).
BACKGROUND: the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) was created in 2001 on the basis of a Council Decision 2001/427/JHA . It was established following a conclusion of the Tampere European Council, that there was a need to develop crime prevention measures, to identify and exchange crime prevention measures, and to strengthen the network of competent national authorities for crime prevention.
An external evaluation of the EUCPN which was conducted in 2008-2009 identified opportunities for strengthening the Network which were accepted by the EUCPN Board and which make it necessary to repeal Decision 2001/427/JHA and to replace it by a new Council Decision concerning the Network. In order to increase the capacity of the organisation and to improve its capability to meet its objectives, it was agreed that amendments to the existing legal base would be required.
This is the purpose of this proposal.
IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the proposal was subject to an impact assessment to determine whether the EUCPN brought added value at either the Union or national/local level. While some success had been achieved it was clear from the evaluation that the Network had not delivered at anything like its potential. One question being asked was whether the Network should simply be shut down, that the resource problems at both the Commission and national levels were a manifestation of a general lack of belief in the Network and its ability to add value.
However during the evaluation exercise, the importance of crime prevention was universally recognised as was the role for an organisation like the EU Crime Prevention Network.
On the basis that there was seen to be a future for the EUCPN a number of options were considered before submitting this proposal.
Option 1 : leave the situation as it is, and to rely on the current Council Decision. This was discarded because of the need to completely review the organisation structure and the transparency of the network; Option 2 : introduce just the basic amendments to the existing Council Decision. This was discarded because it was felt that an important opportunity would be lost, to review and to set out in clearer terms the Network’s tasks and the roles and responsibilities of the various actors; Option 3 : introduce a new Council Decision , to establish the Network and to repeal the existing legal base.
Conclusion : Option 3 has been considered the most beneficial option after careful analysis.
CONTENT: the proposed Decision, based on the initiative of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, aims to repeal the existing EUCPN Council Decision 2001/427/JHA and to replace it with a new one which will see the creation of a strengthened, more clearly defined Network.
Modifications to the mandate : the proposal does not extend, or amend significantly, the Network’s mandate. The primary objective remains the same that the Network will contribute to developing the various aspects of crime prevention at the Union level, while also supporting crime prevention activity at the national and local level. It shall continue to prevent crime through measures that are intended to reduce or otherwise contribute to reducing crime and citizens' feeling of insecurity, both quantitatively and qualitatively. It includes work of government, competent authorities, criminal justice agencies, local authorities, the specialist associations they have set up in Europe, the private and voluntary sectors, researchers and the public, supported by the media
Clearly defined tasks : the Network shall, in particular:
facilitate cooperation, contacts and exchanges of information and experience between actors in the field of crime prevention; collect, assess and communicate evidence-based information including good practice on existing crime prevention activities; organise conferences, in particular an annual Best Practice Conference, and other activities designed to promote consideration of these specific matters, and to disseminate the results thereof; provide its expertise to the Council and the Commission as required.
The Network shall also report to the Council on its activities each year, through the Board and develop and implement a work programme based on a clearly defined strategy taking into account relevant crime threats.
To accomplish its tasks, the Network shall strengthen its information exchange by: (i) favouring a multidisciplinary approach; (ii) being in close contact, through the national representatives and the contact points, with crime prevention bodies, local authorities, local partnerships and civil society as well as with research institutions and nongovernmental organisations in the Member States; (iii) setting up and maintaining its own website, containing its regular reports and any other useful information, in particular a compendium of best practices; (iv) endeavouring to use and promote the results of projects, relevant for crime prevention, funded through Union programmes.
Revised structure : the Network’s structure is more clearly defined being made up of a Board , with an Executive Committee and a Secretariat . The European Commission will designate a representative to be a member of the Executive Committee. This Committee will be responsible for developing the Network’s strategic approach – for agreement of the whole Board – and for delivery of the Network’s objectives.
The Board Chair will be appointed from among the body of the National Representatives under rules of procedure to be agreed by the Board.
There is more emphasis on the role of the National Representatives who are the EUCPN Board members, and who may be supported by national contact points. As the members of the Board they are responsible for agreeing the Network’s strategic approach, for delivery of the work programme and for ensuring that the Network’s activities contribute to crime prevention at all levels – Union, national and local.
Strengthened role of the Secretariat : the role of the Secretariat will be extended to incorporate an administrative function, a criminological and analytical function, and a technical function to enable it to host, develop and maintain the EUCPN website. The Secretariat, which will work to and be managed by the Network, through the Board Chair and the Executive Committee, will be outsourced under a public competition administered by the European Commission.
Third countries : lastly, more emphasis is given towards developing relations with entities, competent in the field of crime prevention, in the Member States or in third countries. Furthermore, relations of the Network with third countries will imply only a non-contractual level.
Even though the proposed amendments will formally establish particular bodies within the Network such as the Board and the Secretariat this does not imply legal personality of the Network.
BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: based on the current costs of running separately the three functions which will be incorporated into the strengthened and outsourced Secretariat – administration, analysis of criminological research and hosting and maintaining the website – it is expected that the annual cost of the Secretariat will be no more than EUR 350 000 . That said there is no basic increase in the running cost of the full Secretariat function, and the Secretariat would be funded from an existing budget line in the funding programme – the prevention of and fight against crime.
Taking into account the three distinct functions of the strengthened Secretariat it is expected that the Secretariat will employ a maximum of three full time equivalent staff.
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: SWD(2023)0201
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: SWD(2023)0202
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex
- Follow-up document: COM(2012)0717
- Final act published in Official Journal: Decision 2009/902
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 321 08.12.2009, p. 0044
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A7-0072/2009
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A7-0072/2009
- Committee draft report: PE430.474
- Debate in Council: 2969
- Legislative proposal: 11421/2009
- Legislative proposal published: 11421/2009
- Legislative proposal: 11421/2009
- Committee draft report: PE430.474
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A7-0072/2009
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex COM(2012)0717
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex SWD(2023)0201
- Follow-up document: EUR-Lex SWD(2023)0202
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