Progress: Procedure completed
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RoP 136-p5Events
Following the debate which took place during the sitting of 10 March 2010, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
The resolution was tabled on behalf of the EPP, Greens/ALE, S&D, and ALDE groups.
It calls on all parties concerned to seize the opportunity of the forthcoming 2010 UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference to advance the goal of nuclear disarmament based on an international Treaty for the progressive elimination of nuclear weapons worldwide, and to pursue the goal of complete global nuclear disarmament to be realised on a step-by-step concerted, multilateral basis. Members call on the Council and Member States to make a coordinated and positive contribution to the 2010 NPT Review Conference discussions, by proposing an ambitious timetable for a nuclear-free world and concrete initiatives for revitalising the UN Conference on Disarmament and by promoting disarmament initiatives based on the "Statement of Principles and Objectives" agreed at the end of the 1995 NPT Review Conference and on the "13 Practical Steps" unanimously agreed at the 2000 Review Conference. However, they note that there has been a distinct lack of progress in achieving concrete objectives (such as the 13 Practical Steps) in pursuit of the goals of the NPT Treaty, especially now that threats are arising from a variety of sources, including increasing proliferation.
Parliament stresses the need to develop strategies at the 2010 NPT Review Conference aimed at achieving agreement on a treaty to halt the production of fissile material for weapons purposes in a way that is not discriminatory , which means that the treaty thus negotiated should require non-nuclear-weapons States or States currently outside the NPT to forswear the production of fissile material for weapons and to dismantle all their established fissile material production facilities for such weapons. The five UN Security Council members, all of which possess nuclear weapons, should aim at progressively forswearing the production of fissile material for weapons and dismantling all their established fissile material production facilities for such weapons. Parliament calls on all parties to review their military doctrine with a view to renouncing the first-strike option . It expresses concern about the fact that Israel, India and Pakistan did not become States Parties to the NPT and that North-Korea withdrew from it in 2003.
It urges the Vice-President of the Commission/ High Representative (VP/HR) of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Council and the Commission to make every effort to raise European awareness on non-proliferation issues , with regard, in particular, to the network of Mayors for Peace.
On the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Parliament reiterates the importance of the Council's active support for concrete proposals to bring the production, use and reprocessing of all nuclear fuel under the control of the IAEA, including the creation of an international fuel bank. It welcomes the readiness of the Council and the Commission to contribute up to EUR 25 million towards the creation of a nuclear fuel bank under the control of the IAEA and wishes to see speedy approval of joint action on this subject. Members also support further efforts to strengthen the mandate of the IAEA, and want to ensure that sufficient resources are made available to that organisation. The Council and the Commission are asked to pursue their efforts to strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency capacities, including the modernisation the IAEA's Safeguards Analytical Laboratory at Seibersdorf, Austria.
Parliament looks forward to the new Nuclear Posture Review , that should commit the USA not to develop new nuclear weapons including nuclear bunker-busters, and foresees a dramatic reduction of the nuclear stockpile. Parliament wants to steer the USA towards increased emphasis on non-nuclear defence. Members greatly welcome President Obama's speech in Prague in April 2009 expressing his commitment to taking nuclear disarmament forward and they call for a deepening of the dialogue with the new US administration and all nuclear-weapons powers to reduce nuclear warheads stockpile; in particular. They welcome the decision of the Russian Federation and the US to conduct negotiations with a view to concluding a new legally binding agreement to replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which expired in December 2009. Parliament takes note of the fact that the USA has abandoned its original plans for a missile defence shield in Europe, and it supports a new approach involving all of Europe and Russia.
Parliament goes on to call for the establishment of nuclear-free zones and takes the view that a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East is of fundamental importance for the achievement of lasting peace in the region. It points out that the withdrawal of all tactical warheads in Europe could, in the meantime, set a precedent for further nuclear disarmament. It urges Iran to comply fully with its obligations under the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the IAEA, and calls on the Council to be ready to take the necessary 'smart', targeted and non-proliferation-focused measures including sanctions to accompany this UNSC process. Members deplore the latest nuclear testing conducted by North Korea and the rejection by that country of UN Security Council Resolution 1887 (2009). However, it supports, the US bilateral dialogue approach in the framework of the Six-Party Talks, in pursuit of denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.
Lastly, Parliament urges the VP/HR and the Council and the Commission to keep Parliament regularly informed about all preparatory meetings in the run-up to the 2010 NPT Review Conference and to take due account of its views on non-proliferation and disarmament matters.
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0137/2010
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0141/2010
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0142/2010
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0143/2010
- Joint motion for resolution: RC-B7-0137/2010
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T7-0062/2010
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B7-0009/2010
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B7-0010/2010
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B7-0009/2010
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B7-0010/2010
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0137/2010
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0141/2010
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0142/2010
- Motion for a resolution: B7-0143/2010
- Joint motion for resolution: RC-B7-0137/2010
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 128-p5
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