Progress: Procedure completed
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RoP 223Events
Parliament decided by 689 votes to 6, with 5 abstentions, to set as follows the numerical strength of the following interparliamentary delegations:
(1) Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey
Delegations to the:
- EU-North Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee: 13 Members,
- EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee: 25 Members,
- EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly: 35 Members,
- Delegation for Northern cooperation and for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee: 18 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee: 15 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee: 14 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee: 14 Members,
- Delegation for relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo: 13 Members.
(2) Russia and the Eastern Partnership states
- Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee: 31 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee: 16 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee: 14 Members,
- Delegation for relations with Belarus: 12 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Armenia Parliamentary Partnership Committee, the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and the EU-Georgia Parliamentary Association Committee: 18 Members.
(3) Maghreb, Mashreq, Israel and Palestine
Delegations for relations with:
- Israel: 18 Members,
- Palestine: 18 Members,
- the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union, including the EU-Morocco, EU-Tunisia and EU-Algeria Joint Parliamentary Committees: 18 Members,
- the Mashreq countries: 19 Members.
(4) The Arab Peninsula, Iraq and Iran
Delegations for relations with:
- the Arab Peninsula: 16 Members,
- Iraq: 8 Members,
- Iran: 11 Members.
(5) The Americas
Delegations for relations with:
- the United States: 64 Members,
- Canada: 18 Members,
- the Federative Republic of Brazil: 14 Members,
- the countries of Central America: 15 Members,
- the countries of the Andean Community: 13 Members,
- Mercosur: 19 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee: 14 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee: 15 Members,
- Delegation to the Cariforum-EU Parliamentary Committee: 15 Members.
(6) Asia/Pacific
Delegations for relations with:
- Japan: 24 Members,
- the People’s Republic of China: 38 Members,
- India: 24 Members,
- Afghanistan: 8 Members,
- the countries of South Asia: 15 Members,
- the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): 27 Members,
- the Korean Peninsula: 13 Members,
- Australia and New Zealand: 12 Members,
- Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, EU-Uzbekistan and EU-Tajikistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for relations with Turkmenistan and Mongolia: 19 Members.
(7) Africa
Delegations for relations with:
- South Africa: 16 Members,
- the Pan-African Parliament: 12 Members.
(8) Multilateral assemblies
- Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly: 78 Members,
- Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean: 49 Members,
- Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly: 75 Members,
- Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly: 60 Members,
- Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly: 10 Members.
Parliament decided, with reference to the decision of the Conference of Presidents of 11 July 2019 relating to the composition of delegation bureaux, that the delegation bureaux may consist of up to two vice-chairs.
- Text adopted by Parliament, single reading: T9-0021/2022
- Decision by Parliament: T9-0021/2022
- Text adopted by Parliament, single reading: T9-0021/2022
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
events/0/summary |
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procedure/stage_reached |
Awaiting Parliament's voteNew
Procedure completed |
commission |
forecasts |
procedure/title |
Numerical strength of interparliamentary delegationsNew
Decision on the numerical strength of interparliamentary delegations |