headshot of Hedwig KEPPELHOFF-WIECHERT


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 1994/07/19 - 1999/07/19
  • Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands icon: DE Germany 1989/07/25 - 1994/07/18


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1989/07/25 - 1994/07/18
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1994/07/19 - 1999/07/19
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development 1989/07/26 1992/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment 1989/07/26 1992/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights 1989/07/26 1992/01/14
Member of Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development 1992/01/15 1994/07/18
Substitute of Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment 1992/01/15 1994/07/18
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights 1992/01/15 1994/07/18
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 1994/07/21 1997/01/15
Substitute of Committee on Social Affairs and Employment 1994/07/21 1997/01/15
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights 1994/07/21 1997/01/15
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Temporary committee on foot and mouth disease 2002/01/17 2002/12/17
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy 2002/01/17 2004/07/19


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with Norway 1989/07/26 1992/01/14
Member of Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania 1992/01/15 1993/02/10
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea 1992/01/15 1993/02/10
Member of Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania 1993/02/11 1994/01/31
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea 1993/02/11 1994/01/31
Member of Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania 1994/02/01 1994/07/18
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea 1994/02/01 1994/07/18
Member of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN, South-east Asia and the Republic of Korea 1994/11/17 1995/07/11
Member of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN, South-east Asia and the Republic of Korea 1995/07/12 1997/01/15
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand 1997/01/16 1997/10/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand 1997/10/14 1999/02/23
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand 1999/02/24 1999/07/19
Member of Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU) 1999/09/14 2002/01/14
Member of Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU) 2002/02/06 2004/07/19


Responsible Committee 2003/0071(COD) ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Animal feed: hygiene requirements and traceability of feed
Responsible Committee 2002/0073(COD) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Food safety: additive in feedingstuffs and in drinking water for animal nutrition
Former Responsible Committee 2002/0073(COD) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Food safety: additive in feedingstuffs and in drinking water for animal nutrition
Responsible Committee 1999/0219(CNS) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Veterinary medicines: bovine somatotropine BST, placing on the market and administration (repeal. Decision 90/218/EEC)
Responsible Committee 1996/2232(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development The impact of biotechnology in agriculture



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Plenary speeches (52)
Reports (5)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
22002/0073(COD)Food safety: additive in feedingstuffs and in drinking water for animal nutrition
11996/2232(INI)The impact of biotechnology in agriculture
12003/0071(COD)Animal feed: hygiene requirements and traceability of feed
11999/0219(CNS)Veterinary medicines: bovine somatotropine BST, placing on the market and administration (repeal. Decision 90/218/EEC)

See historical changes of the Bio


1939/05/31 - Südlohn


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Vocational college (1955-1957). Master's diploma in rural home economics (1962).
    Member of CDU district executive (since 1981). Member of the Land executive of the CDU (1989-1996). Member of the COPA rural women's committee, Brussels (1976-1991). Vice-chairman of the COPA rural women's committee (1986-1989).
    Chairman of the rural women's association, Velen (1970-1976). District chairman of the rural women's association, Borken (1973-1986). President of the rural women's association of Westphalia-Lippe (1983-1994). Chairman of the rural education association and of AG Weiterbildung Westfalen Lippe (1984-1994). President of the German Rural Women's Association (1987-1998). Chairman of the federal association for farm holidays (1991-1997). Awarded the 'Golden Bee' of the German Rural Women's Association. Gold plaque of the Chamber of Agriculture.
    Federal Cross of Merit.
    • Vocational college (1955-1957). Master's diploma in rural home economics (1962).
    • Member of CDU district executive (since 1981). Member of the Land executive of the CDU (1989-1996). Member of the COPA rural women's committee, Brussels (1976-1991). Vice-chairman of the COPA rural women's committee (1986-1989).
    • Chairman of the rural women's association, Velen (1970-1976). District chairman of the rural women's association, Borken (1973-1986). President of the rural women's association of Westphalia-Lippe (1983-1994). Chairman of the rural education association and of AG Weiterbildung Westfalen Lippe (1984-1994). President of the German Rural Women's Association (1987-1998). Chairman of the federal association for farm holidays (1991-1997). Awarded the 'Golden Bee' of the German Rural Women's Association. Gold plaque of the Chamber of Agriculture.
    • Federal Cross of Merit.