Schema of the Parltrack ep_meps dataset
Percentages show probability of this field appearing under it's parent. In case of lists, percentage also shows average length of list.
- ep_meps 100.00%
- UserID 100.00%
- Example: 2307
- Name 100.00%
- full 100.00%
- Example: Hubert PIRKER
- sur 99.90%
- Example: Hubert
- sur 0.10%
- Example: None
- family 99.88%
- Example: PIRKER
- family 0.12%
- Example: None
- aliases 100.00%
- <listitem> 308.62%
- Example: Hubert PIRKER
- title 0.85%
- Example: Sir
- Photo 100.00%
- Example:
- meta 100.00%
- url 100.00%
- Example:
- updated 99.98%
- Example: 2019-07-12T18:57:20
- created 0.02%
- Example: 2019-07-06T23:13:00
- active 100.00%
- Example: True
- Birth 98.76%
- date 100.00%
- Example: 1948-10-03T00:00:00
- place 97.93%
- Example: Gries
- Groups 100.00%
- <listitem> 241.24%
- role 100.00%
- Example: Member
- Organization 100.00%
- Example: Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group)
- groupid 100.00%
- Example: PPE
- start 100.00%
- Example: 1996-11-11T00:00:00
- end 100.00%
- Example: 1999-07-19T00:00:00
- Constituencies 100.00%
- <listitem> 191.50%
- party 100.00%
- Example: Österreichische Volkspartei
- country 100.00%
- Example: Austria
- start 100.00%
- Example: 1996-11-11T00:00:00
- end 100.00%
- Example: 1999-07-19T00:00:00
- term 100.00%
- Example: 4
- Committees 99.05%
- <listitem> 840.63%
- role 100.00%
- Example: Member
- Organization 100.00%
- Example: Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs
- start 100.00%
- Example: 1996-11-14T00:00:00
- end 100.00%
- Example: 1997-01-15T00:00:00
- term 99.99%
- Example: 4
- abbr 76.81%
- Example: REGL
- abbr 21.78%
- Example: None
- Delegations 89.68%
- <listitem> 562.19%
- role 100.00%
- Example: Member
- Organization 100.00%
- Example: Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN, South-east Asia and the Republic of Korea
- start 100.00%
- Example: 1996-11-14T00:00:00
- end 100.00%
- Example: 1997-01-15T00:00:00
- term 99.99%
- Example: 4
- abbr 66.04%
- Example: DKOR
- abbr 22.51%
- Example: None
- Staff 12.46%
- <listitem> 280.70%
- role 100.00%
- Example: Member
- Organization 100.00%
- Example: Conference of Delegation Chairs
- start 100.00%
- Example: 2006-03-21T00:00:00
- end 100.00%
- Example: 2009-07-13T00:00:00
- term 95.69%
- Example: 6
- abbr 4.31%
- Example: None
- Gender 99.39%
- Example: M
- CV 25.48%
- <listitem> 377.22%
- Example: Mag.phil, PhD, Professor of Education at the Carinthia College of Education.
- <listitem> 8.29%
- Example: None
- CV 10.86%
- updated 100.00%
- Example: 2015-03-02T00:00:00
- Education (qualifications and diplomas) 96.64%
- <listitem> 253.24%
- Example: 1971-1971 : University, Law: Complutense University of Madrid
- Professional career 93.74%
- <listitem> 398.81%
- Example: 1974-1974 : State attorney (Public service /Government (other areas))
- Political career 90.38%
- <listitem> 730.94%
- Example: 2004-2008 : Executive Secretary on Economic and Employment affairs of the Partido Popular (People's Party)
- Honours 32.21%
- <listitem> 320.83%
- Example: Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III
- Other activities 38.26%
- <listitem> 397.66%
- Example: 2015-2016 : Vice-chair, Finnish Volleyball Association
- New version under preparation ( Original version : EN ) 0.22%
- Financial Declarations 31.62%
- <listitem> 163.06%
- mep_id 98.82%
- Example: 111033
- url 98.82%
- Example:
- date 98.82%
- Example: 06/12/2018
- occupation 98.82%
- <listitem> 257.15%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- Example: 3
- mandate 98.82%
- <listitem> 5.62%
- <listitem> 200.00%
- Example: Umeå Kommunfullmäktige (Enbart utd närvaro, max 180 euro / gång / månad)
- activity 98.82%
- <listitem> 23.78%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- Example: 2
- membership 98.82%
- <listitem> 168.97%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- Example: -1
- occasional 98.82%
- <listitem> 8.15%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- Example: Royalties från bok och eventuella skribentuppdrag.
- <listitem> 100.00%
- Example: 1
- holding 98.82%
- <listitem> 9.72%
- <listitem> 100.49%
- Example: 1.G.E.R.S. IM X SRL
- <listitem> 100.00%
- Example: -1
- support 98.82%
- Example: 1. finansiāls atbalsts: (*) piešķīrējs 2. personāla nodrošinājums: (*) piešķīrējs 3. materiālo līdzekļu nodrošinājums: (*) piešķīrējs (*) Trešā(-ās) persona(-as), norādot to/tās.
- other 98.82%
- Example: Finansiālās intereses: 1. 2. 3.
- additional 84.97%
- Example: None
- additional 13.85%
- Example: My relationship with FleishmanHillard ceased with my election as MEP Hon. President of Lancashire Wildlife Trust (unremunerated)
- Twitter 19.04%
- <listitem> 100.64%
- Example:
- Addresses 29.49%
- Brussels 99.84%
- Phone 100.00%
- Example: 0032 2 28 45810
- Fax 100.00%
- Example: 0032 2 28 49810
- Address 100.00%
- Organization 100.00%
- Example: Parlement européen
- Building 100.00%
- Example: Bât. Wiertz
- Office 100.00%
- Example: 04U021
- Street 100.00%
- Example: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
- Zip 100.00%
- Example: B-1047
- City 100.00%
- Example: Bruxelles/Brussel
- building_code 68.65%
- Example: ASP
- building_code 31.35%
- Example: None
- Strasbourg 99.84%
- Phone 100.00%
- Example: 0033 3 88 1 75810
- Fax 100.00%
- Example: 0033 3 88 1 79810
- Address 100.00%
- Organization 100.00%
- Example: Parlement européen
- Building 100.00%
- Example: Bât. Louise Weiss
- Office 100.00%
- Example: T10033
- Street 100.00%
- Example: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman
- Zip1 100.00%
- Example: CS 91024
- Zip2 100.00%
- Example: F-67070
- City 100.00%
- Example: Strasbourg
- building_code 98.18%
- Example: LOW
- building_code 1.82%
- Example: None
- Postal address 88.14%
- Postal 88.14%
- <listitem> 335.61%
- Example: European Parliament
- Postal addresses 0.91%
- assistants 28.98%
- accredited 91.62%
- <listitem> 214.27%
- Example: Ginta VANAGA
- local 57.67%
- <listitem> 266.72%
- Example: Armands APSITIS
- paying agents 71.92%
- <listitem> 100.93%
- Example: Anita ZELTITE
- accredited assistants (grouping) 49.71%
- <listitem> 361.55%
- Example: David DRUI
- trainees 6.04%
- <listitem> 129.17%
- Example: Giuliana D'AMICO
- service providers 16.26%
- <listitem> 162.89%
- Example: Pawel BYSTROWSKI
- local assistants (grouping) 4.11%
- <listitem> 412.24%
- Example: Livia-Alexandra GASIOR
- paying agents (grouping) 7.12%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- Example: Dieter KLOPPENBURG
- assistants to the vice-presidency/to the quaestorate 0.42%
- <listitem> 120.00%
- Example: Anja KRONTAL
- Mail 29.73%
- <listitem> 104.25%
- Example:
- <listitem> 0.08%
- Example: None
- Death 10.35%
- Example: 2014-05-12T00:00:00
- Declaration of good conduct 18.14%
- <listitem> 100.00%
- title 100.00%
- Example: Declaration of good conduct (PDF - 86 KB)
- url 100.00%
- Example:
- Homepage 14.26%
- <listitem> 102.90%
- Example:
- Facebook 20.09%
- <listitem> 111.12%
- Example:
- Instagram 5.42%
- <listitem> 100.45%
- Example:
- Declarations of Participation 4.54%
- <listitem> 507.49%
- title 100.00%
- Example: Event - 25-04-2018 (PDF - 89 KB)
- url 100.00%
- Example: