Subject "3.10.05 Livestock products, in general"

Dossiers (31)

European citizens’ initiative: ‘Stop Cruelty Stop Slaughter’. Commission implementing decision
Rules for entry into the Union, and the movement and handling after entry of consignments of certain animals, germinal products and products of animal origin
Rules for entry into the Union, and the movement and handling after entry of consignments of certain animals, germinal products and products of animal origin
Statistics on agricultural input and output
Rules for entry into the Union, and the movement and handling after entry of consignments of certain animals, germinal products and products of animal origin
Temporary exceptional aid to farmers in the livestock sectors
EU protein deficit: what solution for a long standing problem?
Veterinary and zootechnical fields: simplifying procedures of listing and publishing information
EC/Switzerland agreement: trade in agricultural products
Common agricultural policy (CAP): single common market organisation
Veterinary and zootechnical fields: simplifying procedures of listing and publishing information
Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe
Livestock and meat statistics
Silkworm rearing. Codification
Exceptional market support measures in case of outbreaks of diseases
Apiculture programme: measures to improve the production and marketing of honey
Honey: application of measures to improve the production and marketing
Honey: improving production and marketing (implem. Regulation (EC) No 1211/97). Report
Agricultural prices 1999/2000: aid in respect of silkworks
Honey: measures to improve the production and marketing
Agenda 2000: beef and veal, reform of the common organisation of the market COM
Agricultural prices 1998/1999: aid in the respect of silkworms
Agricultural prices 1997/1998: aid in respect of silkworms
Honey: application of measures to improve the production and marketing
Livestock production: organic production of agricultural products, indication on foodstuffs (Regul. 2092/91/EEC)
Agricultural prices 1996/1997: fixing the aid in respect of silkworms
Recognition of wool as an agricultural product
Agricultural prices 1995/96: aid in respect of silkworms
Imports of certain products of animal origin, fishery products and live bivalve molluscs
Agricultural prices 1994/1995: aid in respect of silkworms
Production and marketing of products of animal origin