Subject "3.40.09 Defence and arms industry"

Dossiers (39)

For a resilient, sustainable and digital aerospace and defence industrial ecosystem: Scenarios for a transition pathway
A new European Defence Industrial Strategy: Achieving EU readiness through a responsive and resilient European Defence Industry
EEA Agreement: amending Protocol 31 on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms (ASAP). EU position
EEA Agreement: amending Protocol 31 on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms (EDIRPA). EU position
List of proposals selected for funding and proposals placed on the reserve list under the European Defence Industrial Development Programme following the calls for proposals EDIDP-MUGS-2019, EDIDP-ISR-2019, EDIDP-CSAMN-2019, EDIDP-PNTSCC-2019, EDIDP-NGPSC-2019, EDIDP-ACC-2019, EDIDP-FNPRT-2019 and EDIDP-SME-2019 launched under the work programme for the years 2019 and 2020 adopted by the Decision C(2019)2205. Commission Implementing Decision
List of proposals selected for funding under the European Defence Industrial Development Programme following the call for proposals EDIDP-ESC2S – European Command and Control (C2) system from strategic to tactical level launched under the work programme for the years 2019 and 2020 adopted by the Decision C(2019)2205. Commission Implementing Decision
Updating of the list of defence-related products in line with the updated Common Military List of the European Union of 19 February 2024
European Defence Industry Programme and framework of measures to ensure the timely availability and supply of defence products (‘EDIP’)
European Defence investment programme (EDIP)
Thresholds for supply, service and works contracts
Updating of the list of defence-related products in line with the updated Common Military List of the European Union of 20 February 2023
Adoption of the Act in support of ammunition production
Strengthening the EU Defence in the context of the war in Ukraine: speeding up production and deliveries to Ukraine of weapons and ammunitions
Act in Support of Ammunition Production
Updating of the list of defence-related products in line with the updated Common Military List of the European Union of 21 February 2022
Critical technologies for security and defence: state-of-play and future challenges
European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act (EDIRPA)
Thresholds for supply, service and works contracts
List of defence-related products in line with the updated Common Military List of the European Union of 17 February 2020
Implementation of Directive 2009/81/EC, concerning procurement in the fields of defence and security, and of Directive 2009/43/EC, concerning the transfer of defence-related products
Amending Directive 2009/43/EC as regards the list of defence-related products
European Defence Fund 2021–2027
European defence industrial development programme
Impact of developments in European defence markets on the security and defence capabilities in Europe
European defence technogical and industrial base
EU space industrial policy, releasing the potential for growth in the space sector
UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC): protocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition
Impact of the financial crisis on the defence sector in the EU Member States
Derogations to Internal Market rules for defence procurement
Public procurement in the fields of defence and security
Defence-related products: simplifying terms and conditions of transfers within the Community
Defence procurement. Green Paper
Defence equipment: European policy, industry and market
Resolution on cluster bombs
Resolution on the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention following the recent anthrax attacks
Resolution on the compliance Protocol for the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention BTWC
Arms: code of conduct on exports, point 8. 3rd annual report
Defence-related industries: implementation of Union's strategy
Challenges facing the European defence-related industries: a contribution for action at European level