Subject " Relations with the countries of the Great Maghreb and Maghreb"

Dossiers (52)

Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements: impact of trade chapters. Evaluation. Executive summary
Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements: impact of trade chapters. Evaluation
EC/Tunisia Euro-Mediterranean Agreement: amendment of Protocol 4 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation. EU position
EC/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: amending Protocol 4 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation. EU position
EC/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: extension of the EU-Egypt Partnership priorities until new updated joint documents are adopted by the EU and Egypt. EU position
EC/Algeria Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: extension of the EU-Algeria Partnership Priorities until new updated joint documents are adopted by the EU and Algeria. EU position
EC/Algeria Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement. EU position
EC/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Agreement: amendment of Protocol 4 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation. EU position
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Agreement: exchange of information for the purpose of evaluating the impact of the agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters on the amendment of the Agreement. EU position
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Agreement: extension of the EU-Morocco Action Plan implementing the advanced status (2013-2018). EU position
EU-Egypt strategic and comprehensive partnership and agreements with key third countries
Resolution on the adoption of the special measure in favour of Tunisia for 2023
EU-Tunisia Agreement - aspects related to external migration policy
Response to the situation in Tunisia
EU/Egypt Framework Agreement: participation of Egypt in Union programmes. Protocol to the EC/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement
Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the situation in Libya
Post-Arab Spring: way forward for the MENA region
Recommendation to the Council, the Commission, and the EEAS on Libya
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: amending Protocols 1 and 4
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: products originating in Western Sahara (amend. Protocols 1 and 4)
EU-Egypt partnership priorities for 2017-2020
EC/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: accession of Croatia to the EU. Protocol
EU relations with Tunisia in the current regional context
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: accession of Croatia to the EU. Protocol
Resolution on asset recovery by Arab Spring countries in transition
Saudi Arabia, its relations with the EU and its role in the Middle East and North Africa
Resolution on the Southern Neighbourhood, and Libya in particular
Negotiations on EU-Libya Framework Agreement
EC/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: Dispute Settlement Mechanism applicable to disputes under the trade provisions. Protocol
EU/Morocco Agreement: dispute settlement mechanism
EU/Morocco framework agreement: participation of Morocco in Union programmes. Protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association EC/Morocco
EU/Tunisia relations
EC/Tunisia Euro-Mediterranean Agreement: accession of Bulgaria and Romania. Protocol
Strengthening the European neighbourhood policy
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement, protocol following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement, protocol following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania
EC/Egypt agreement: Euro-Mediterranean association agreement, protocol following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU. Protocol
EC/Egypt agreement: scientific and technological cooperation
EC/Algeria agreement: protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean association Agreement following the 2004 enlargement
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: 2004 enlargement of the EU. Protocol
EC/Tunisia agreement: protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean agreement following the 2004 enlargement
EC/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement: protocol to take in account the accession of the new countries in 2004
Resolution on the conclusion of an association agreement with Algeria
EC/Algeria agreement: Euro-Mediterranean association agreement
Resolution on the conclusion of an Association Agreement with Egypt
Relations between European Union and the Union of Arabic Maghreb: coming into force of a privileged partnership
EC/Egypt agreement: Euro-Mediterranean association agreement
EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean association agreement
Fisheries agreement EC/Morocco: cooperation agreement 1995-1999
EC/Tunisia Euro-Mediterranean association agreement
Employment creation and support for small and micro-enterprises in the Maghreb countries