3 Amendments of Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ related to 2024/0258(COD)

Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e
(e) reinforce the effectiveness of public administration, build capacities and invest in administrative staff in Moldova; ensure access to information, public scrutiny and the involvement of civil society in decision-making processes; support transparency, accountability, structural reforms and good governance at all levels, including as regards their powers of oversight and inquiry over the distribution of and access to public funds as well as in the areas of public financial management and, fraud prevention, public procurement and State aid control; support initiatives and bodies involved in supporting and enforcing international justice in Moldova, with emphasis on anti corruption measures;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 10
10. The Commission, in close cooperation with the Member States and Moldova, shall ensure the implementation of Union commitments to increased transparency and accountability in the delivery of support, including by promoting the implementation and reinforcement of internal control systems, independent auditing mechanisms, and anti-fraud policies. The Commission shall make information on the volume and allocation of support publicly available through the Scoreboard referred to in Article 24. Moldova shall publish up-to- date data on final recipients receiving Union funds for the implementation of reforms and investments under this Facility, as described in Article 20.
Committee: CONT
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 19 – paragraph 7
7. The Commission may reduce the amount of the non-repayable financial support and recover from Moldova, including by offsetting, any amount spent to achieve the objectives of the Facility, or to reduce the amount of the loan to be disbursed to Moldova or request early repayment of the loan in accordance with the loan agreement, in the event of funds unduly paid, identified cases of, or serious concerns in relation to, irregularities, fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest affecting the financial interests of the Union that have not been corrected by Moldova, or of a reversal of qualitative or quantitative steps or in cases it is found, after the payment has taken place, that steps were not satisfactorily fulfilled, or of a serious breach of an obligation resulting from the Facility Agreements or from the loan agreements-, including failure to meet preconditions related to transparency and financial integrity on the basis of information provided by OLAF or of the Court of Auditors’ reports. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament and the Council prior to taking any decision of such reductions.
Committee: CONT