14 Amendments of Marijana PETIR related to 2016/2012(INI)

Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 6
– having regard to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention),deleted
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas combating gender discriminationpreventing and eliminating any discrimination based on sex, both direct and indirect, as well as ensuring equality before the law in the field of goods and services is an integral part of the principle of equality between women and men which constitutes a fundamental value of the European Union recognised in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas Directive 2004/113/EC (hereinafter ‘the Directive’) extends the principle of equal treatment of men and women beyond the realm of employment and the labour market and into the field of access to and supply of goods and services, within the limits of powers conferred upon the Community;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B a (new)
Ba. whereas while prohibiting discrimination, it is important to respect other fundamental rights and freedoms, including the protection of private and family life and transactions carried out in that context and the freedom of religion;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G
G. whereas the realisation of the full potential of the Directive rests on efficient and consistent gender mainstreamingintegration of the dimension of equality between men and women in all policy areas across the relevant sectors to which it applies;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital K
K. whereas, while the recent Commission communication entitled 'European agenda for the collaborative economy' represents a good starting point for promoting and regulating this sector effectively, there is a need to incorporate the gender equality between men and women perspective and reflect the provisions of the Directive in further analysis and recommendations in this field;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital L a (new)
La. whereas in its Report on the application of the Directive, the Commission states that it does not consider it necessary to propose amendments to the Directive at this stage but will prioritise addressing the remaining transposition issues with the Member States concerned, mainly in relation to the scope of the exception provided for in Article 4(5) of the Directive;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Reminds that the Better Regulation Agenda recommends focusing on monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of existing EU law rather than modifying or creating new legislation, with the aim of minimising additional administrative burden for business and Member States created; in this regards, agrees with the Commission that it is not necessary to propose amendments to the Directive at this stage and emphasises the need to focus on the implementation of the Directive before considering any revisions;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 77 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Calls on the Commission and Member States to facilitate the exchange of best practices in this area; calls for focusing on those preventive measures which are consistent with the principle of equality between women and men, as recommended for example in the Istanbul Convention, and are not limiting to women's liberties;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
10a. Reminds, however, that principle of equal treatment in the access to goods and services does not require that facilities should always be provided to men and women on a shared basis, as long as they are not provided more favourably to members of one sex;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Considers that the relative lack of positive action based on Article 4(5) across Member States constitutes a gap in the implementation of the Directive; calls for promoting forms of positive action based on a legitimate aim, in which there is a direct link between preferential treatment and the disadvantages to be prevented or eliminated, such as the protection of victims of sex-related violence in cases of single-sex shelters, reasons of privacy and decency, and the freedom of association;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Calls on the Member States and the Commission to integrate a sector-specific gender-mainstreamapproach to the full integration of the issue of equality of men and women ing approach inll policy areas, in order to enhancinge the implementation of the Directive;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 110 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Points out that equality bodies play a crucial role in monitoring and ensuring that the rights derived from the Directive are fully exercised at national level; calls on the Member States to guarantee sufficient competences and independence, in accordance with national law and practice, for equality bodies to fulfil their principal tasks, which include independent assistance to victims of discrimination in pursuing their complaints, conducting independent surveys concerning discrimination and publishing independent reports and recommendations;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20a. Calls on the Member States to encourage dialogue with relevant stakeholders which have a legitimate interest in contributing to the fight against discrimination on grounds of sex in the area of access to and supply of goods and services;
Committee: FEMM