1 Amendments of Fredrick FEDERLEY related to 2016/2047(BUD)

Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Welcomes the COP21 aParis Agreement reached in Paris in 2015; recalls that, underconcluded in December 2015 and underlines that the Union budget must support the fulfilment of the objectives of that aAgreement, and the Union funding needs to be allocated to support climate action; stresses that any funding for measures originating from COP21 should be in addition to the current fu's long- term climate goals; recalls that the Paris Agreement requires that finance flows be made consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development; stresses the commitment by developed countries to mobilise climate finance to developing countries from public and private sources and underlines the need to scale up predictable, new ands allocated to climate actions and calls on the Commission to present its implementation strategy and first evaluation of the possible impact of the COP 21 additional climate finance in line with that Agreement; calls on the Commission to undertake a full evaluation of the consequences of the Paris Agreement onfor the Union budget in due time to allow it to be considered for revision, and to develop a dedicated, automatic Union finance mechanism, providing additional and adequate support towards the Union’s fair share in delivering the USD 100 billion international climate finance goal;
Committee: ENVI