4 Amendments of Karoline GRASWANDER-HAINZ related to 2017/2053(INI)

Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Calls for own resources reforms that establish a predictable and stable basis for the EU budget which is independent, transparent and balanced and will address the growing pressure on the EU budget, simplify the complex and opaqueabolish all rebate arrangements, and aim to lower the contribution of the Member States (and not increase the tax burden on EU citizens) and decrease the EU’s dependency on the national contributions based on VAT and GNI;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Underlines the need to analyse the impact on the traditional own resources of the conclusion of (free) trade agreements and to allocate alternative sources of income in order to compensate for a possible decrease in those resources and their probable instability;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Calls for an exploration of the possibilities feasibility check ofn creating sustainability- and emission- based customs duties and levies on trade in goods and services, and for the incorporation of such measures into the EU’s international trade policies and agreements as constituting a source for own resources;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Calls for own resources that can only be generated by collective European action and have a clear added value for the Union by improving the functioning of the internal market and therefore expects the introduction of a financial transaction tax and the European harmonisation of corporate income taxes and the partial use thereof as new own resources;
Committee: INTA