111 Plenary speeches of Jutta HAUG
Policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged Union 2007-2013
Management of waste from the extractive industries
2004 budget procedure
Presentation by the Council of draft general budget - 2004
Cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market
Reform of the budgetary procedure
2003 budgetary procedure
General debate on the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2003
Budgets 2002 and 2003
Determination of Member States' payments to VAT-based own resource
DSABs 3 and 4/2001 – EU own resources in 2001-2002 budget (conciliation procedure)
Determination of Member States’ payments to the VAT-based own resource
Draft SAB 1/2001
Rapid reaction facility
2001 budget
2001 budget procedure
Financial year 2001
Implementation of EMU
2001 budget (conciliation procedure)
Presentation by Commission of preliminary draft budget for 2001
Reviewing aid to third countries
2001 budgetary guidelines
System of own resources
Support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) - Economic Recovery Programme: energy projects - Amendment of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 (debate)
Integrated pollution prevention and control: industrial emissions, titanium dioxide industry, use of organic solvents, incineration of waste, large combustion plants (debate)
Draft general budget 2009 as modified by the Council (all sections) (A6-0486/2008, Jutta Haug/Janusz Lewandowski) (vote)
Draft general budget 2009 as modified by the Council (all sections) (A6-0486/2008, Jutta Haug/Janusz Lewandowski) (vote)
Draft general budget 2009 as modified by the Council (all sections) (debate)
Draft general budget 2009 as modified by the Council (all sections) (debate)
Draft general budget of the European Union - 2009 budget (vote)
Draft general budget 2009 (Section III) - Draft general budget 2009 (Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX) (debate)
Draft general budget 2009 (Section III) - Draft general budget 2009 (Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX) (debate)
Presentation by the Council of the draft general budget – Budget 2009 (debate)
Electronic communications networks and services - European Electronic Communications Market Authority - Common approach to the use of the spectrum released by the digital switchover - Electronic communications networks and services, protection of privacy and consumer protection (debate)
2009 budget: First reflections on the 2009 PDB and mandate for the conciliation (debate)
2009 budget: First reflections on the 2009 PDB and mandate for the conciliation (debate)
2006 discharge (debate)
2006 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (A6-0128/2008, Hans-Peter Martin) (vote)
Commission: budgetary framework and priorities for 2009 (debate)
Commission: budgetary framework and priorities for 2009 (debate)
EUROPOL (debate)
Draft general budget 2008 as modified by the Council (all sections) (debate)
2008 draft general budget: Section III – 2008 draft general budget: Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX (debate)
2008 draft general budget: Section III – 2008 draft general budget: Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX (debate)
Discharge for the financial year 2005 (debate)
The future of the European Union's own resources (debate)
Draft general budget for 2007, amended by the Council (all sections) – Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities – Draft amending budget No 6/2006 (debate)
Draft general budget for 2007 (Section III) – Draft general budget for 2007 (Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII)
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights – Fundamental Rights Agency: activities under Title VI of the EU Treaty (debate)
Funding to deal with pollution caused by ships (debate)
Natural disasters: agricultural aspects – Natural disasters: regional development aspects – Natural disasters: environmental aspects – EU Solidarity fund (debate)
European Institute for Gender Equality (debate)
European Union general budget for 2006
Management of waste from extractive industries
Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE +)
Policy challenges and budgetary means
Budgetary discharge
European Police College (CEPOL)
Financing nature protection policy
2005 budget procedure
2005 budget procedure
Traditional, VAT- and GNI based own resources and measures to meet cash requirements - Implementing measures for the system of own resources - System of own resources - Implementing measures for the system of own resources (debate)
Discharge 2012 (debate)
Domestic passenger transport services by rail - Normalisation of the accounts of railway undertakings - European Union Agency for Railways - Single European railway area - Railway safety - Interoperability of the rail system (continuation of debate)
Domestic passenger transport services by rail - Normalisation of the accounts of railway undertakings - European Union Agency for Railways - Single European railway area - Railway safety - Interoperability of the rail system (continuation of debate)
European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation and Training (Europol) (debate)
Programme for the environment and climate action (LIFE) (debate)
Programme for the environment and climate action (LIFE) (debate)
Multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 - Interinstitutional agreement on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management (debate)
Multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 - Interinstitutional agreement on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management (debate)
2014 budgetary procedure: joint text (debate)
Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2014 - all sections (debate)
2011 discharge
Preparations for the European Council meeting (7-8 February 2013) (debate)
Draft amending budget No 6/2012 - Revenue from own resources and other resources - Increase in payment appropriations in headings 1a, 1b, 2, 3a and 4 of the Multiannual Financial Framework - Reduction in the level of commitment appropriations entered in the budget - New general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013 - all sections (debate)
Preparations for the European Council meeting (22-23 November 2012) with particular reference to the Multiannual Financial Framework (debate)
Multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020 - Own resource based on the value added tax (debate)
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013 - all sections (debate)
Preparation for the European Council meeting (28-29 June 2012) - Multiannual financial framework and own resources (debate)
Discharge 2010 (debate)
Parliament's position on the 2012 draft budget as modified by the Council - Mobilisation of the flexibility instrument (debate)
Multiannual Financial Framework (debate)
A new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe (debate)
2009 discharge (debate)
Explanations of vote
Parliament's position on the 2011 draft budget as modified by the Council - all sections - Draft amending budget No 3/2010: Section III - Commission - BAM (Banana Accompanying Measures) (debate)
Budget review (debate)
Presentation by the Council of its position on the draft general budget - 2011 financial year
Estimates of revenue and expenditure for the year 2011 - Section I - Parliament (A7-0134/2010, Helga Trüpel) (vote)
2008 Discharge (debate)
Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2010 as modified by the Council (all sections) - Draft amending budget No 10/2009 of the European Union for the financial year 2009, Section III – Commission - Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument - Amendment to the multiannual financial framework 2007-2013: financing energy projects under the European Economic Recovery Plan (debate)
Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2010 as modified by the Council (all sections) - Draft amending budget No 10/2009 of the European Union for the financial year 2009, Section III – Commission - Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument - Amendment to the multiannual financial framework 2007-2013: financing energy projects under the European Economic Recovery Plan (debate)
Draft general budget 2010 (Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX) - Draft general budget 2010 (Section III) (debate)