2 Amendments of Michal WIEZIK related to 2022/2127(DEC)

Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 a (new)
12 a. Notes with concern that during the period from 2018 to 2021 the average annual rate of interim staff for all Joint Undertakings remained high at around 11 % of statutory staff; recalls that the high level of contractual staff tends to increase significantly the Joint Undertaking’s staff turnover rate and further destabilises the staffing situation; emphasises, moreover, that the use of interim staff should remain a temporary solution or it could negatively affect the Joint Undertaking’s overall performance, such as the retention of key competences, unclear accountability channels, possible judicial disputes and lower staff efficiency;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 a (new)
16 a. Emphasises that the Court’s finding confirmed persistent systemic errors for declared personnel costs and that in particular, SMEs and new beneficiaries are more error-prone than other beneficiaries, highlights that these errors are also regularly reported in Court’s previous annual reports since 2017; emphasises therefore that streamlining of the H2020 rules for the declaration of personnel costs and wider use of simplified cost options is a precondition to stabilise error rates to below materiality level; emphasises that Joint Undertaking should strengthen its internal control systems to address the increased risk regarding SMEs and new beneficiaries and strongly encourage the use of the Personnel Costs Wizard by certain categories of beneficiaries that are more prone to errors, such as SMEs and new beneficiaries; welcomes that in 2022 all Joint Undertakings have started implementing actions for error rate reductions in line with the action proposed by the Court including exploring the options of simplified forms of costs such as unit costs, lump sums and flat rates.
Committee: CONT