Activities of Carmen FRAGA ESTÉVEZ related to 2007/2183(INI)
Plenary speeches (2)
Policy coherence for development and the effects of the EU's exploitation of certain biological natural resources on development in West Africa (A6-0137/2008, Frithjof Schmidt) (vote)
Policy coherence for development and the effects of the EU's exploitation of certain biological natural resources on development in West Africa (debate)
Amendments (5)
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 - indent 1
Paragraph 4 - indent 1
- regular assessment of fishery resources through research campaigns carried out using oceanographic vessels with Community researchers and researchers from the third country concerned, covering the fishery resources available in each of the EEZs of countries with which fisheries partnership agreements have been signed;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 - indent 2
Paragraph 4 - indent 2
- improved infrastructure on land, both port infrastructure and infrastructure for supplies and transport, in order to facilitate the entry of vessels from the Community and from other countries for repair, disembarkation, transhipment, etc, which will offer additional benefits for third countries;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 - indent 3
Paragraph 4 - indent 3
- adaptation of hygiene and health rules to allow exports, since most of these countries have serious shortcomings in this area which in some cases prevent them from benefiting from the preferential access to the Community market that their exports could enjoy;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 - indent 4
Paragraph 4 - indent 4
- monitoring and surveillance services, since these countries lack the necessary technical and human resources to carry out these tasks, by setting up monitoring centres, training inspectors or acquiring patrol vessels and airborne resources;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 - indent 5
Paragraph 4 - indent 5
- creation of a legal framework that will guarantee protection for current and potential Community investment; stemming chiefly from the creation of joint ventures, which presently encounter too many obstacles to investment in the third country, mainly owing to the loss of control over the business and legal uncertainty in almost all countries in the region;