18 Amendments of Cristina GUTIÉRREZ-CORTINES related to 2010/2156(INI)

Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Calls on the Commission to pursue its efforts for a better definition of the CCIs in order to analyse in depth their impact on long-term growth and international competitiveness and to better foster recognition of the specific features of the sector;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Highlights the importance of fostering greater knowledge of the creative industries in educational programmes and vocational training, enhancing students' computing and technological skills and launching initiatives to promote creative entrepreneurship; Emphasises the need to enhance the dialogue between university- level institutions and SMEs;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Emphasises the need to strengthen the sector’s marketing facet (distribution and sales) in order to harness its potential to the full at local, national and international level. Will to that end promote the running of workshops on the use of social networks and other available internet tools that can generate business;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 44 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 b (new)
6b. Recognises the effectiveness of EU programmes such as the Programme for Innovation and Competitiveness in enabling SMEs to access financing, and suggests that the Commission assess the possibility of devising similar specific programmes for CCIs, in view of how important this type of company is to recovering from the current recession;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 45 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 b (new)
6b. Calls on the Commission to draw up Europe-wide business plan guidelines for creative and cultural projects/services/works, as well as specific performance indicators that can facilitate the technical and economic assessment of investment in the sector, avoiding unnecessary costs and red tape for SMEs;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 c (new)
4c. Recognises that the main issue confronting CCIs is that of managing intangibles, despite the fact that they can subsequently be of high and very long-term value compared with other, much more short-term, industries. In the same vein, CCIs also foster values and inform, and have a sustained impact over time, eventually forming part of the collective memory;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 d (new)
6d. Recognises the need to promote innovation in the field of technology, but also in the field of production processes and when developing projects themselves;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 e (new)
6e. Recognises that the development of intangibles (such as ideas and storytelling) must include the concept of innovation in terms of (i) the narrative itself and (ii) the tools used in that narration (cross-media and multiplatform products);
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 f (new)
6f. Advocates the setting-up of exchange programmes intended to promote the creation of CCI platforms.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 a (new)
15a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to promote patronage and thus strengthen the link between cultural and creative industries and enterprises through tax incentives;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 b (new)
15b. Asks for support for specific financing measures for cultural and creative industries as returns on investment in this sector come in the longer term;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 c (new)
15c. Recognises the need to promote innovation in the field of technology, but also in the field of production processes and when developing projects themselves;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 175 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 d (new)
15d. Recognises that the development of intangibles (such as ideas and storytelling) must include the concept of innovation in terms of (i) the narrative itself and (ii) the tools used in that narration (cross-media and multiplatform products);
Committee: CULT
Amendment 176 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 e (new)
15e. Recognises the importance of cultural and creative industries in fostering the development of European content thereby contributing to the cultural convergence of the Member States and a closer relationship between their people;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 f (new)
15f. Recognises the effectiveness of EU programmes such as the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme in enabling SMEs to access financing, and suggests that the Commission assess the possibility of devising similar specific programmes for cultural and creative industries, given how important this type of company is to recovering from the current recession;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 178 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 g (new)
15g. Emphasises the need to strengthen the sector’s marketing facet (distribution and sales) in order to harness its potential to the full at local, national and international level; will to that end promote the running of workshops on the use of social networks and other available Internet tools that can generate business;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 h (new)
15h. Recognises the need to encourage the creation of platforms and international networks with the aim of transferring innovation and improving competitiveness in the field of technology and content;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 180 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 i (new)
15i. Recognises that it is not just innovation in technological production that must be promoted but also innovation in management processes and in developing the projects themselves and their distribution and marketing;
Committee: CULT