11 Shadow reports of Danuta Maria HÜBNER

RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the Conclusion of the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the Allocation to the United States of a Share in the Tariff Rate Quota for High Quality Beef referred to in the Revised Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Importation of Beef from Animals Not Treated with Certain Growth-Promoting Hormones and Increased Duties Applied by the United States to Certain Products of the European Union (2014)
Committee: INTA
Dossiers: 2019/0142(NLE)
Documents: PDF(177 KB) DOC(58 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Bernd LANGE', 'mepid': 1909}]
REPORT containing a motion for a non-legislative resolution on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the Allocation to the United States of a Share in the Tariff Rate Quota for High-Quality Beef referred to in the Revised Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Importation of Beef from Animals Not Treated with Certain Growth-Promoting Hormones and Increased Duties Applied by the United States to Certain Products of the European Union (2014)
Committee: INTA
Dossiers: 2019/0142M(NLE)
Documents: PDF(156 KB) DOC(58 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Bernd LANGE', 'mepid': 1909}]
RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community
Committee: AFCO
Dossiers: 2018/0427(NLE)
Documents: PDF(366 KB) DOC(122 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Guy VERHOFSTADT', 'mepid': 97058}]
REPORT on Banking Union – annual report 2019
Committee: ECON
Dossiers: 2019/2130(INI)
Documents: PDF(173 KB) DOC(73 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Pedro MARQUES', 'mepid': 197634}]
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the elimination of customs duties on certain products
Committee: INTA
Dossiers: 2020/0253(COD)
Documents: PDF(167 KB) DOC(50 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Bernd LANGE', 'mepid': 1909}]
RECOMMENDATION FOR SECOND READING on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties and amending Regulations (EU) No 1095/2010, (EU) No 648/2012, (EU) No 600/2014, (EU) No 806/2014 and (EU) 2015/2365 and Directives 2002/47/EC, 2004/25/EC, 2007/36/EC, 2014/59/EU and (EU) 2017/1132
Committee: ECON
Dossiers: 2016/0365(COD)
Documents: PDF(168 KB) DOC(50 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Johan VAN OVERTVELDT', 'mepid': 125106}, {'name': 'Marek BELKA', 'mepid': 197496}]
REPORT on the future of EU international investment policy
Committee: INTA
Dossiers: 2021/2176(INI)
Documents: PDF(225 KB) DOC(87 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Anna CAVAZZINI', 'mepid': 86793}]
RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America pursuant to Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 relating to the modification of concessions on all the tariff rate quotas included in the EU Schedule CLXXV as a consequence of the United Kingdom`s withdrawal from the European Union
Committee: INTA
Dossiers: 2022/0231(NLE)
Documents: PDF(169 KB) DOC(49 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Bernd LANGE', 'mepid': 1909}]
REPORT on the implementation report on the Agreement on the withdrawal of the UK from the EU
Committee: AFCO
Dossiers: 2020/2202(INI)
Documents: PDF(281 KB) DOC(123 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Pedro SILVA PEREIRA', 'mepid': 124747}]
REPORT on deepening EU integration in view of future enlargement
Committee: AFCOAFET
Dossiers: 2023/2114(INI)
Documents: PDF(218 KB) DOC(73 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS', 'mepid': 124766}, {'name': 'Pedro SILVA PEREIRA', 'mepid': 124747}]
RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the withdrawal of the Union from the Energy Charter Treaty
Committee: INTAITRE
Dossiers: 2023/0273(NLE)
Documents: PDF(179 KB) DOC(54 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Anna CAVAZZINI', 'mepid': 86793}, {'name': 'Marc BOTENGA', 'mepid': 187917}]