Progress: Procedure completed
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RoP 132-p2Events
In adopting a joint resolution on the murder of Robert McCARTNEY by 555 votes in favour to 4 against, and 48 abstentions, the European Parliament proposes that, if the Police Service of Northern Ireland is unable to bring a prosecution in relation to the murder of Robert McCartney, the European Union grant a financial contribution, in conformity with the Financial Regulation, toward the cost of legal fees incurred by the McCartney family in their quest for justice by way of civil proceedings.
The Council and the Commission are called upon to provide all appropriate assistance to law enforcement authorities in Northern Ireland in order to ensure that the murderers of Robert McCartney are brought to justice. The House asks, in this connection, that the Commission make such a contribution from the budget line in the general budget of the EU intended for aid for the victims of terrorism.
The House condemns violence and criminality by the self-styled 'Irish Republican Army' (IRA) in Northern Ireland, in particular the murder of Robert McCartney. Parliament stresses in the strongest possible terms that the sisters and partner of Robert McCartney deserve the fullest support in their pursuit of justice. Parliament calls on the leadership of Sinn Féin to insist that those responsible for the murder and witnesses to the murder cooperate directly with the Police Service of Northern Ireland and be free from the threat of reprisals from the IRA. Lastly, MEPs deplore the insidious whispering campaign aimed at intimidating and discrediting the sisters and fiancée of Robert McCartney in their fight for justice.
In adopting a joint resolution on the murder of Robert McCARTNEY by 555 votes in favour to 4 against, and 48 abstentions, the European Parliament proposes that, if the Police Service of Northern Ireland is unable to bring a prosecution in relation to the murder of Robert McCartney, the European Union grant a financial contribution, in conformity with the Financial Regulation, toward the cost of legal fees incurred by the McCartney family in their quest for justice by way of civil proceedings.
The Council and the Commission are called upon to provide all appropriate assistance to law enforcement authorities in Northern Ireland in order to ensure that the murderers of Robert McCartney are brought to justice. The House asks, in this connection, that the Commission make such a contribution from the budget line in the general budget of the EU intended for aid for the victims of terrorism.
The House condemns violence and criminality by the self-styled 'Irish Republican Army' (IRA) in Northern Ireland, in particular the murder of Robert McCartney. Parliament stresses in the strongest possible terms that the sisters and partner of Robert McCartney deserve the fullest support in their pursuit of justice. Parliament calls on the leadership of Sinn Féin to insist that those responsible for the murder and witnesses to the murder cooperate directly with the Police Service of Northern Ireland and be free from the threat of reprisals from the IRA. Lastly, MEPs deplore the insidious whispering campaign aimed at intimidating and discrediting the sisters and fiancée of Robert McCartney in their fight for justice.
- Text adopted by Parliament, topical subjects: T6-0169/2005
- Text adopted by Parliament, topical subjects: OJ C 092 20.04.2006, p. 0021-0107 E
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T6-0169/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0279/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0281/2005
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0279/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0281/2005
- Text adopted by Parliament, topical subjects: T6-0169/2005 OJ C 092 20.04.2006, p. 0021-0107 E
RC B6-0281/2005 - Famille McCartney - par. 1 #
RC B6-0281/2005 - Famille McCartney - par. 3 #
RC B6-0281/2005 - Famille McCartney - résolution #
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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