Subject "6.10.09 Human rights situation in the world"

Dossiers (817)

Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market
Restrictive measures in view of the situation in Belarus. Joint proposal for a Council regulation
Decent work worldwide for a global just transition and a sustainable recovery
Resolution on the case of José Daniel Ferrer García in Cuba
Resolution on the deteriorating situation of women in Afghanistan due to the recent adoption of the law on the “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice”
EU’s response to the repeated killing of humanitarian aid workers, journalists and civilians by the Israel Defence Forces in the Gaza Strip
Need to address the urgent concerns surrounding Ukrainian children forcibly deported to Russia
Resolution on the case of Rocío San Miguel and General Hernández Da Costa, among other political prisoners in Venezuela
The current situation in the Eastern DRC
Resolution on the critical situation in Cuba
Situation in Haiti on the eve of the deployment of the United Nations Multinational Security Support Mission
Increased number of executions in Iran, in particular the case of Mohammad Ghobadlou
New wave of mass arrests in Belarus of opposition activists and their family members
Resolution on Tajikistan: state repression against the independent media
Resolution on the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China, notably the case of Mr Ding Yuande
Resolution on the attempt at a coup d’état in Guatemala
Resolution on the unlawful detention of President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger
Humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the need for a humanitarian pause
Resolution on Egypt, in particular the sentencing of Hisham Kassem
Resolution on the case of Zarema Musaeva in Chechnya
Resolution on the human rights situation in Afghanistan, in particular the persecution of former government officials
Marking the World Day against Child Labour
Resolution on the risk of the death penalty and the execution of singer Yahaya Sharif-Aminu for blasphemy in Nigeria
Resolution on the crackdown on the right to education and education rights activists in Afghanistan, including the case of Matiullah Wesa
Children forcibly deported from Ukraine and the ICC arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin
Situation in Afghanistan
Resolution on the EU response to the protests and executions in Iran
Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter – annual report 2023
Shaping the EU's position on the UN binding instrument on business and human rights, in particular on access to remedy and the protection of victims
Role of preventive diplomacy in tackling frozen conflicts around the world – missed opportunity or change for the future?
Reolution on the human rights situation in Egypt
Resolution on the forced displacement of people as a result of the escalating conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Resolution on the human rights situation in Afghanistan, especially the deterioration of women’s rights and attacks against educational institutions
Resolution on the situation of human rights in the context of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar
Resolution on the situation in Burkina Faso following the coup d’état
Resolution on the recent humanitarian and human rights situation in Tigray, Ethiopia, notably that of children
Resolution on the Media freedom crackdown in Myanmar, notably the cases of Htet Htet Khine, Sithu Aung Myint and Nyein Nyein Aye
Resolution on the situation of human rights in Haiti in particular related to gang violence
Resolution on the death of Mahsa Jina Amini and the repression of women’s rights protesters in Iran
Resolution on Nicaragua, in particular the arrest of the bishop Rolando Álvarez
Resolution on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuels projects
Resolution on human rights violations in the context of the forced deportation of Ukrainian civilians to and the forced adoption of Ukrainian children in Russia
Resolution on the human rights situation in Xinjiang, including the Xinjiang police files
Resolution on the human rights situation in North Korea, including the persecution of religious minorities
Resolution on the political crisis in Burkina Faso
Report on Uzbekistan
Strengthening the right to participate: legitimacy and resilience of electoral processes in illiberal political systems and authoritarian regimes
Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2022
Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market
Resolution on the continuous crackdown on civil society and human rights defenders in Russia: the case of human rights organisation Memorial
Resolution on the situation in Nicaragua
Resolution on the human rights situation in Cameroon
Resolution on the situation in Afghanistan
Resolution on the situation in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya
Resolution on the repression of the opposition in Turkey, specifically the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
Resolution on the situation in Nicaragua
Resolution on the situation in Haiti
Resolution on prisoners of war in the aftermath of the most recent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
Resolution on the mass trials against the opposition and civil society in Cambodia
Resolution on the human rights situation in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in particular the cases of death row inmates and human rights defenders
Resolution on the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (EU Magnitsky Act)
Resolution on the human rights situation in Kazakhstan
Resolution on the human rights situation in Vietnam, in particular the case of human rights journalists Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh Tuan
Resolution on the human rights situation in Turkey, in particular the case of Selahattin Demirtaş and other prisoners of conscience
The EU Guidelines of Human Rights Defenders
Access to water as a human right - the external dimension
Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2021
Corruption and human rights
The 2019 Human Rights Annual report
The imprisonment of Osman Kavala
The human rights situation in Bahrain, in particular the cases of Mohamed Ramadhan and Hussain Moosa
Coronavirus: ensuring fundamental rights and a coordinated European response
On the breach of Council Decision 2017/2074 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela - illegal entry on the territory of an EU Member State of a person included in the list of sanctions
Resolution on child labour in mines in Madagascar
Resolution on the Republic of Guinea, notably violence towards protestors
Human rights dimension of the Coronavirus outbreak
Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2019
The effects of climate change on human rights and the role of environmental defenders on this matter
Human rights protection and the EU external migration policy
Resolution on violations of human rights including religious freedoms in Burkina Faso
Resolution on the situation of human rights and democracy in Nicaragua
Protection of forest and environmental defenders in the EU
Resolution on the situation of freedoms in Algeria
Address by Oleg Sentsov, Sakharov Prize Laureate 2018
Resolution on Iran, notably the situation of women’s rights defenders and imprisoned EU dual nationals
Resolution on Brunei
Resolution on Cameroon
Resolution on China, notably the situation of religious and ethnic minorities
Resolution on emergency situation in Venezuela
Resolution on the situation of human rights in Guatemala
Resolution on the situation in Nicaragua
Resolution on Iran, notably the case of human rights defenders
Resolution on the human rights situation in Kazakhstan
Resolution on a European human rights violations sanction regime
Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy on the matter - annual report 2018
Implementation of the Council's LGBTI guidelines in relation to the situation in Chechnya
Resolution on the EU's input to a UN Binding Instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with transnational characteristics with respect to human rights EU's input to a UN binding instrument on transnational corporations with respect to human rights
Presentation of the annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2017 and the EU's policy on the matter
Resolution on the violation of human rights and the rule of law in the case of two Greek soldiers arrested and detained in Turkey
EU priorities for the UN Human Rights Council sessions in 2018
Situation of women human rights defenders and their support by the EU
Resolution on the current human rights situation in Turkey
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2017 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
Situation of migrants in Libya
Resolution on the situation of the Rohingya people
Persecution of Christians in the world
Interpol arrest warrants (Red Notices)
Evaluation of the implementation of the EU human rights guidelines on freedom of expression online and offline
Resolution on the implementation of the Council’s LGBTI guidelines, particularly in relation to the persecution of (perceived) homosexual men in Chechnya, Russia
Global gag rule
Resolution on EU priorities for the UN Human Rights Council sessions in 2017
Towards an EU external strategy against early and forced marriages - next steps
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2016 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
Corruption and human rights in third countries
Access to education for Syrian children in Lebanon
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2015
Resolution on the massacres in eastern Congo
Resolution on the systematic mass murder of religious minorities by the so-called ‘ISIS/Daesh’
Addressing human rights violations in the context of war crimes, and crimes against humanity, including genocide
Statelessness in South and South East Asia
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter 2015
Resolution on the EU’s priorities for the UNHRC sessions in 2016
Resolution on the death penalty
Human rights in EU-Vietnam trade negotiations
Annual report on human rights in the world in 2014
Sports, human rights and the Baku games
EU development aid to Eritrea in the light of documented human rights abuses
Resolution on the EU’s priorities for the UN Human Rights Council in 2015
Human rights and migration in third countries
Corporate liability for serious human rights abuses in third countries
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the European Union's policy on the matter
Resolution on the humanitarian situation in South Sudan
Death sentence against Asia Bibi
Resolution on human rights in Uzbekistan
EU annual report on human rights and democracy in the world
Resolution on EU priorities for the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council
Human rights and technology: impact of intrusion and surveillance systems on human rights in third countries
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
Resolution on the human rights situation in Bahrain
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2012 and the European Union's policy on the matter
Resolution on the human rights situation in Kazakhstan
Resolution on nuclear threats and human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Resolution on the 22nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Resolution on the human rights situation in Bahrain
Human rights in the world 2012 and European Union's policy on the matter
Corruption in the public and private sectors: the impact on human rights in third countries
Human rights situation in the Sahel region
Resolution on the human rights situation in Iran, particularly mass executions and the recent death of the blogger Sattar Beheshti
Resolution on the human rights situation in the United Arab Emirates
Resolution on the human rights situation in Tibet
Annual human rights report
Resolution on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan
Resolution on Parliament's position on the 19th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2011 and the European Union's policy on the matter
UN principle of the 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P). Recommandation to the Council
Establishing common visa restrictions for Russian officials involved in the Sergei Magnitsky case. Recommendation to the Council
Impact of the financial and economic crisis on human rights
EU Special Representative for Human Rights. Recommendation to the Council
Review of the EU's human rights strategy
Resolution on child labour in cocoa sector
Human rights
Resolution on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity at the United Nations
Resolution on Eritrea: the case of Dawit Isaak
Resolution on Belarus: the arrest of human rights defender Ales Bialatski
Situation in Syria and in Camp Ashraf and situation of the Coptic Christian community of Egypt
Resolution on Uganda: the killing of David Kato
Resolution on Yemen: persecution of juvenile offenders, in particular the case of Muhammed Taher Thabet Samoum
Resolution on the priorities of the 16th Session of the UN Human Rights Council and the 2011 review
Annual report on human rights in the world and the European Union's policy on the matter including implications for the EU's strategic human rights policy
Measures to be taken to free Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo
Resolution on failures in protection of human rights and justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Resolution on the World day against the death penalty
Resolution on human rights in Syria, in particular the case of Haythan Al-Maleh
Resolution on the human rights situation in Iran, in particular the cases of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and Zahra Bahrami
Resolution on a rights-based approach to the EU's response to HIV/AIDS
Resolution on Zimbabwe, notably the case of Farai Maguwu
Resolution on Venezuela, in particular the case of Maria Lourdes Afiuni
Resolution on the mass atrocities in Jos, Nigeria
Resolution on the 13th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (Geneva, 1-26 March 2010)
Declaration on Camp Ashraf
Annual report on human rights in the world 2009 and the European Union's policy on the matter
Annual report on human rights 2008
Resolution on the humanitarian situation of Camp Ashraf residents
Resolution on the situation of Burmese refugees in Thailand
Resolution on Iran: the case of Shirin Ebadi
Human rights, social and environmental standards in international trade agreements
EU policies in favour of human rights defenders
Resolution on the case of the al-Kurd family
Resolution on the death penalty in Nigeria
Resolution on Somalia
EU Annual Report on Human Rights
Resolution on the indictment and bringing to trial of Joseph Kony at the International Criminal Court
Resolution on Iran
Resolution on the routine killing of civilians in Somalia
Resolution on the continued detention of political prisoners in Burma
Resolution on the tragic situation in Burma
Resolution on the situation in Chad
Resolution on Iran
Resolution on Tibet
Resolution on the case of the Iranian citizen Sayyed Mehdi Kazemi
Resolution on the case of the Afghan journalist Perwiz Kambakhsh
Resolution on the seventh session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
Resolution on the arrest of the Chinese dissident Hu Jia
Annual report on human rights in the world 2008 and the European Union's policy on the matter
Development of the UN Human Rights Council, including the role of the EU
Declaration on the murder of the human rights activist Munir Said Thalib
Evaluation of EU sanctions as part of the EU's actions and policies in the area of human rights
Resolution on the EU-China Summit and the EU/China human rights dialogue
EU Annual Report on Human Rights 2007
Resolution on Bangladesh
Resolution on Burma
Resolution on human rights violations in Transnistria (Moldova)
Resolution on Burma
Resolution on the humanitarian situation of Iraqi refugees
Resolution on the situation in Darfur
Resolution on human rights in Vietnam
Resolution on the situation in Ethiopia
Resolution on human rights in Sudan
Resolution on human rights in Syria
Resolution on the human rights situation in the Philippines
Resolution on the kidnapping in Gaza of the journalist Alan Johnston
Resolution on recent repression of demonstrations in Russia
Resolution on Zimbabwe
Resolution on Nigeria
Resolution on Cambodia
Resolution on Guatemala
Resolution on missing persons in Cyprus
Resolution on the attack on Galina Kozlova
Resolution on the human rights situation of the Dalits in India
Annual report on human rights in the world 2007 and the EU's policy on the matter
Annual report on human rights in the world 2006 and the EU's policy on this matter
Resolution on the follow-up to the Sakharov Prize
Resolution on the situation in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the death sentence on the medical staff in Libya
Resolution on the involvement of UN forces in sexual abuse in Liberia and Haiti
Resolution on Ethiopia
Resolution on Uzbekistan
Resolution on the proceedings against Rios Montt, Guatemala
Resolution on Tibet
Resolution on the situation in South Ossetia, Georgia
Resolution on the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and its historical meaning for Europe
Resolution on the situation in Darfur, Sudan
Resolution on the situation in Zimbabwe
Resolution on North Korean asylum seekers, in particular in Thailand
Resolution on Sri Lanka
Resolution on the conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Albania
Resolution on human rights situation in Tunisia
Resolution on human rights in North Korea
Resolution on human rights in Syria
Resolution on the situation in Sri Lanka
Resolution on situation and human rights on Nepal
Resolution on the humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian territories and the role of the EU
Resolution on the case of Ayman Nour, Chairman of the Ghad Party in Egypt
Resolution on Iraq: the Assyrian community; the situation in Iraqi prisons
Resolution on the situation in Darfur, Sudan
Resolution on the situation in Belarus after the presidential elections of 19 March 2006
Resolution on human rights in Moldova, and in Transnistria in particular
Resolution on Kazakhstan
Resolution on the human rights situation in Chad
Resolution on cultural heritage in Azerbaijan
Resolution on political repression in Cambodia
Resolution on Egypt: violence against Sudanese refugees
Resolution on Peru, extradition and trial of the former President, Alberto Fujimori
Resolution on the Euroepan Union's policy towards the Cuban Government
Resolution on the situation in Ethiopia and the new border conflict
Resolution on human rights in Russia and the new NGO legislation
Resolution on the human rights situation in Tibet and Hong Kong
Resolution on human rights and freedom of the press in Tunisia and evaluation of the World Summit on the Information Society held in Tunisia
Resolution on Chechnya after the elections and civil society in Russia
Resolution on Myanmar/Burma
Resolution on the Philippines: the sentencing to death of Francisco Larrañaga, a European citizen
Resolution on the human rights situation in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
Resolution on human rights in Western Sahara
Resolution on Uzbekistan
Resolution on the case of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche
Resolution on Azerbaijan
Resolution on the situation in Ethiopia
Resolution on Tunisia
Resolution on Nepal
Resolution on the defence of multi-ethnicity in Vojvodina, Serbia and Montenegro
Resolution on the situation in Iran
Resolution on the situation in Belarus
Resolution on the situation of political prisoners in Syria
Resolution on breaches of human rights in China, in particular as regards freedom of religion
Resolution on the trafficking in children in Guatemala
Resolution on the human rights situation in Ethiopia
Resolution on Zimbabwe
Resolution on the political situation and the independence of the media in Belarus
Resolution on the situation in Azerbaijan
Resolution on freedom of the press in Algeria
Resolution on the situation in Uzbekistan
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the situation in Mari El in the Russian federation
Resolution on the situation in Togo
Resolution on violence and criminality by the self-styled 'Irish Republican Army' IRA in Northern Ireland, in particular the murder of Robert McCartney
Resolution on relations between the European Union, China and Taiwan and security in the Far East
Resolution on the situation in Sudan
Resolution on human rights in Bangladesh
Resolution on the situation in Saudi Arabia
Resolution on the situation in Cambodia
Resolution on the Special Court for Sierra Leone: the case of Charles Taylor
Resolution on Nepal
Resolution on trafficking of women and children in Cambodia
Resolution on Iran
Resolution on Tibet and the case of Tenzin Deleg Rinpoche
Resolution on the situation in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
Resolution on Zimbabwe
Resolution on Ukraine
Resolution on the human rights situation in Eritrea
Resolution on Tibet, the case of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche
Resolution on Cuba
Resolution on Iran
Resolution on the political situation in the Maldives
Resolution on harassment of minorities in Vojvodina in Serbia and Montenegro
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar/ASEM
Resolution on the Darfur region in the Sudan
Resolution on the situation in Belarus
Resolution on the situation in Iraq
Resolution on Nigeria
Resolution on the outcome of the trial against Leyla Zana and others in Ankara in Turkey
Resolution on the situation concerning human rights and democracy in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Resolution on Sudan
Resolution on the situation in Haiti
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on Ukraine
Resolution on the fate of the Greek and Filipino sailors in Karachi
Resolution on Cambodia
Resolution on Iran
Resolution on the 60th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, 15 March to 23 April 2004
Resolution on Haiti
Resolution on the situation in Burundi
Resolution on Zimbabwe
Resolution on Moldova
Resolution on the death sentence in the Philippines
Resolution on arms sales to China
Resolution on the EU's role in conflicts in Africa and in the implementation of the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement in the Ivory Coast
Resolution on Vietnam
Resolution on the situation in the Indonesian province Aceh
Resolution on Sri Lanka
Resolution on Nepal
Resolution on Turkmenistan, including Central Asia
Resolution on human rights violations and failure to show respect for the rule of law in Burundi
Resolution on the situation in Bolivia
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the situation in Liberia
Resolution on human rights violations in Uganda, the abduction of children and forced conscription of child soldiers
Resolution on the arrest of two European journalists and their escorts, and on the situation in Laos
Resolution on Cambodia on the eve of the general elections of 27 July 2003
Resolution on Chechnya and its relations with the Russian Federation
Resolution on the situation in Zimbabwe
Resolution on the arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the situation in Indonesia, the Aceh province and Papua
Resolution on freedom of expression and religion in Vietnam
Resolution on the situation in Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo
Resolution on the search made of the Ankara headquarters ofthe Human Rights Association of Turkey
Resolution on human rights violations in Egypt
Resolution on human rights in Cuba
Resolution on Guatemala
Resolution on the situation of Mr Yannick Bigah, Chairman of ACAT, association for the abolition of torture in Togo
Resolution on the case of Amina Lawal, woman sentenced to death by stoning in Nigeria
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the situation in Cambodia on the eve of the general elections of 27 July 2003
Resolution on human rights in Zimbabwe
Resolution on Kazakhstan and central Asia
Resolution on the humanitarian crisis in North Korea
Resolution on the human rights situation of Tibetans in China
Resolution on the human rights in Iran, Hachem Aghajari case
Resolution on Bangladesh situation
Resolution on human rights in Sudan
Resolution on the elections in Pakistan
Resolution on the human rights dialogue with Iran
Resolution on Zimbabwe
Resolution on Nigeria, case of Mrs Amina Lawal
Resolution on Egypt, case of Mr Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Resolution on the freedom of the press in Belarus
Resolution on human and homosexuals rights violations in Egypt
Resolution on the case of Grigory Pasko in Russia
Resolution on the situation in Zimbabwe
Resolution on the draft American Service members' Protection Act (ASPA)
Resolution on the abolition of capital punishment in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan
Resolution on the situation in Malaysia
Resolution on the situation with regard to democratic rights in Syria and the case of Riad Turk
Resolution on the human rights situation in Equatorial Guinea
Resolution on the massacre in Kisangani and the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Resolution on Indonesia (the Moluccas, Aceh and Papua)
Resolution on Angola
Resolution on the human rights situation in Guatemala
Resolution on the violation of human rights, specifically women's rights, in Nigeria
Resolution on indigenous minorities in Vietnam and closure of the refugee camps in Cambodia
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the political situation in Moldova and the disappearance of Vlad Cubreacov
Resolution on the situation in Chechnya
Resolution on Sri Lanka
Resolution on the case of Mr Hamma Hammami in Tunisia
Resolution on Kyrgyzstan
Resolution on the human rights situation in the Republic of Moldova
Resolution on the human rights in Zimbabwe
Resolution on Colombia
Resolution on democratic rights, in particular the situation of HADEP
Resolution on Eritrea
Resolution on the elections in Cambodia
Resolution on the elections in Madagascar
Resolution on the jailing of the Russian military journalist Grigorii Pasko and the closure of TV-6
Resolution on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Resolution on Nepal
Resolution on Aung San Suu Kyi and Leyla Zana, winners of the Sakharov prize
Resolution on the human rights situation in Togo
Resolution on the tragedy involving immigrants in Ireland
Resolution on Papua (Irian Jaya) and Sulawesi in Indonesia
Resolution on women in Afghanistan
Resolution on Zimbabwe
Resolution on the human rights situation in Nigeria
Resolution on the arbitrary arrests and the political situation in Laos
Resolution on Colombia
Resolution on freedom in Vietnam
Resolution on the situation in Angola
Resolution on the situation of 433 Afghan refugees off the coast of Australia
Resolution on Cambodia
Resolution on the situation in Togo
Resolution on the situation in Mauritania
Resolution on the situation in Zimbabwe
Resolution on the situation of Burundian refugees in Tanzania
Resolution on Belarus
Resolution on religious freedom in Vietnam
Resolution on Beijing's bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games
Resolution on the situation in Angola
Resolution on the aftermath of the massacre of the royal family in Nepal
Resolution on the further human rights abuses by the Taliban regime in Afghanistan
Resolution on Malaysia
Resolution on human rights in Egypt
Resolution on the Presidential Elections in Chad
Resolution on human rights in Guatemala
Resolution on the situation in the Central African Republic
Resolution on child trafficking in Africa
Resolution on the human rights situation in Cameroon
Resolution on human rights in Ethiopia
Resolution on the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and notably in Banja Luka
Resolution on the repression in Kabylia, Algeria
Resolution on the situation in Somalia and the taking hostage of humanitarian aid workers
Resolution on the situation in Mexico
Resolution on the rights of homosexuals in Namibia
Resolution on the human rights in Pakistan
Resolution on the abduction of Mr Tsiakourmas in Cyprus
Resolution on the submission or co-sponsorship with the United States of a resolution, at the 57th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, deploring the human rights situation in the People's Republic of China (PRC)
Resolution on the situation in Turkmenistan
Resolution on the situation in Kalimantan
Resolution on the kidnapping of Portuguese citizens in Cabinda
Resolution on the situation in Zimbabwe
Resolution on Afghanistan
Resolution on the situation in Chechnya
Resolution on the arrest of seven journalists and freedom of expression in Pakistan
Resolution on human rights in Nigeria
Resolution on the situation in Guinea-Conakry
Resolution on the human rights situation in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Resolution on freedom of religion in the People's Republic of China
Resolution on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Resolution on the situation in Algeria
Resolution on the situation in Turkish prisons
Resolution on the visa regime imposed by the Russian Federation on Georgia
Resolution on the trial of Khmer Rouge members in Cambodia
Resolution on Bangladesh
Annual report on human rights in the world in 2001 and European Union's policy
Resolution on the Ivory Coast
Resolution on Tunisia
Resolution on Mozambique
Resolution on the legal proceedings against General Pinochet and consolidation of democracy in Chile
Resolution on the political prisoners in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and instability on the borders of Kosovo
Resolution on the situation in Afghanistan
Resolution on Vietnam
Resolution on the situation in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia FYROM - law on higher education and universities
Resolution on the situation in Afghanistan
Resolution on the crisis in Peru
Resolution on the human rights situation in Colombia and the threat to the life of father Brendan Forde and his community
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on Bhutanese refugees in Nepal
Resolution on Iraq
Resolution on the death penalty in the United States
Resolution on the Moluccan Islands
Resolution on the abduction of children by the Lord's Resistance Army LRA, Uganda
Resolution on Tunisia
Resolution on the Presidential elections in Peru
Resolution on the attempted coup d'état in Paraguay and the arrest of General Oviedo
Resolution on the fundamental rights in Serbia and Kosovo
Resolution on Guatemala
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on Iran
Resolution on Equatorial Guinea
Resolution on the Philippines
Resolution on the situation in Sierra Leone
Resolution on Zimbabwe
Resolution on the situation in Zimbabwe
Resolution on the abolition of the death penalty in the United States
Resolution on Tibet
Resolution on the imprisonment of Akin Birdal in Turkey
Resolution on the prisoners facing trial in Iran on charges of espionage on behalf of Israel and the United States
Resolution on Chechnya
Resolution on Jammu and Kashmir
Resolution on freedom of the press in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Resolution on violations of human rights and humanitarian law in Chechnya
Resolution on Western Sahara
Resolution on the case of Andrei Babitsky, freedom of the media and violations of human rights in Chechnya
Resolution on native Americans in the US, Dineh
Resolution on press freedom in Angola
Resolution on the multi-ethnic violence in Mitrovica and the situation of Albanian Kosovar prisoners in Serbia
Resolution on the outbreak of racism and xenophobia in El Ejido, Almería, Spain
Resolution on protection for volunteer and humanitarian workers, Colombia
Resolution on human rights violations in connection with the oil and pipeline project by Chad and Cameroon
Resolution on the prisoners of the Gulf War
Resolution on the human rights situation in China
Resolution on the recent violence in Upper Egypt
Resolution on the imprisonment of the President of the Nicaraguan Audit Office, Mr Agustin Jarquin
Resolution on the conditions in which political prisoners are detained in Djibouti
Resolution on the situation of women in Afghanistan
Resolution on Chechnya
Resolution on the situation in the Great Lakes Region with special reference to Rwanda
Resolution on the forthcoming trial of Alexander Nikitin in Russia
Resolution on the situation of the Serb and other national minorities in Kosovo
Resolution on the situation in East Timor
Resolution on abuses against Roma and other minorities in the new Kosovo
Resolution on the serious violations of human rights on theMoluccas in Indonesia
Resolution on human rights abuses in Togo
Resolution on the situation of prisoners accused of spying in Iran
Resolution on the imprisoned citizens of Kosovo, Yugoslavia
Resolution on the death sentence on Mr Öcalan and the future of the Kurdish question in Turkey
Resolution on the human rights situation in Djibouti
Resolution on the political misuse of trials in politics in Malaysia
Resolution on the trial of Mr Öcalan and the future of the Kurdish question in Turkey
Resolution on the murder of Rosemary Nelson, United Kingdom
Resolution on Niger
Resolution on Cambodia
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on respect for human rights in Russia
Resolution on the situation in Belarus
Resolution on the human rights situation in Indonesia, in particular on the Moluccan Islands and on East Timor
Resolution on human rights violations in Colombia
Resolution on the situation of human rights in Cuba
Resolution on the case of Leonard Peltier, USA
Resolution on the death sentence handed down on Greg Summers in Texas, USA
Resolution on the Philippines
Resolution on the situation in Sierra Leone
Resolution on Colombia
Resolution on Western Sahara
Resolution on the human rights situation in Indonesia and East Timor
Resolution on the cases of Osmani, Demiri, Bexheti and Dauti in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia FYROM
Resolution on human rights in Iran
Resolution on religious intolerance and authoritarianism in Pakistan
Resolution on Sudan
Resolution on the censure of General Albert Makashov in Russia
Resolution on the Theological School of Halki, Turkey
Resolution on the case of Mr Akin Birdal in Turkey
Resolution on violation of freedom of expression in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Resolution on freedom of expression in Algeria
Resolution on the arrest of General Pinochet in London
Resolution on human rights in Georgia
Resolution on the release of Leyla Zana in Turkey
Resolution on the death penalty passed on Rocco Derek Barnabei in the United States
Resolution on capital punishment in Iran
Resolution on the human rights situation in Malaysia
Resolution on Taslima Nasreen, Bangladesh
Resolution on the situation in Sudan
Resolution on the situation in Cambodia
Resolution on the possible extension of the death penalty in El Salvador
Resolution on the executions carried out in Gaza, Palestine
Resolution on capital punishment in the Philippines
Resolution on the situation in Afghanistan
Resolution on Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the situation in Vietnam (Doàn Viêt Hoat, Nguyen Dan Que and Thich Khong Tanh)
Resolution on the situation in Georgia
Resolution on the situation in Sudan
Resolution on human rights violations in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the situation in Guinea-Bissau
Resolution on the situation in Togo
Resolution on the situation in Guinea-Bissau
Resolution on the blasphemy laws in Pakistan
Resolution on Chad
Resolution on the human rights situation in Indonesia and East Timor
Resolution on the death sentences passed in Equatorial Guinea
Resolution on death sentences in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the sale of organs of persons sentenced to death in China
Resolution on Tibet
Resolution on human rights in South East Asia
Resolution on Turkey
Resolution on the murders in Colombia
Resolution on the murder of Bishop Gerardi in Guatemala
Resolution on the death penalty in the United States
Resolution on freedom of expression in Cameroon
Resolution on the arrest of the Italian citizen Dino Frisullo in Turkey
Resolution on Lebanese prisoners held in Syria
Resolution on Jamaica's withdrawal from the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Resolution on Congo
Resolution on the food crisis in North Korea
Resolution on Nicaragua's external debt
Resolution on the assassination of Jesús María Valle Jaramillo in Colombia
Resolution on the arrest of Etienne Tshisekedi in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Resolution on arbitrary arrests in Belarus
Resolution on the appointment of General Pinochet as life senator in Chile
Resolution on the sentencing of human rights activists in Mauritania
Resolution on the human rights situation in Iran
Resolution on the situation in Afghanistan
Resolution on Myanmar (Burma). UN Human Rights Commission
Resolution on the European Union's attitude towards Nigeria. UN Human Rights Commission
Resolution on the appointment of an EU special representative for Tibet
Resolution on the death sentence passed on Karla Faye Tucker in the United States
Resolution on mass executions in South Korea
Resolution on the protection of the aboriginal people of Australia
Resolution on the violation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Resolution on the situation in the Republic of Ingushetia
Resolution on on the murder of 45 indigenous peasants in the State of Chiapas, Mexico
Resolution on Kurdish refugees and on the position of the European Union
Resolution on the human rights situation in Djibouti
Resolution on Croatia
Resolution on the situation in Sierra Leone
Resolution on Nigeria
Resolution on the detention of Silvia Baraldini in the United States
Resolution on the situation in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
Resolution on detentions without trial in Malaysia
Resolution on the importance of continuing the land reform in the Philippines
Resolution on the political situation in Slovakia
Resolution on the conditions of imprisonment of Miss Souha Bechara in Southern Lebanon
Resolution on Kosovo, Yugoslavia
Resolution on the European Union's position on the promotion of human rights in the People's Republic of China
Resolution on the United Nations international mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo dealing with human rights violations
Resolution on Afghanistan
Resolution on the situation in the Inner Mongolia and the sentence passed on Mr Hada,founder of the Southern Mongolian Democracy Alliance
Resolution on human rights in Ethiopia
Resolution on the processus concerning disappeared persons under the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet and Spanish victims of that dictatorship in Chile
Resolution on Colombia
Resolution on human rights abuses in Bahrain
Resolution on executions in Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia
Resolution on Kenya
Resolution on the Philippines
Resolution on Peru
Resolution on the violation of human rights in Kenya
Resolution on the death sentence passed on Joseph O'Dell in the United States
Resolution on the elections in Indonesia and the situation in East Timor
Resolution on the fate of street children in Moscow, Russia
Resolution on the peace process in the former Yugoslavia in respect of the implementation of the Dayton Agreement
Resolution on the continuing human rights abuses in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on Colombia
Resolution on Kenya
Resolution on the famine in North Korea
Resolution on freedom of the media in Turkey
Resolution on the situation of vulnerable people in Central and Eastern Europe
Resolution on human rights in Vietnam
Resolution on Indonesia
Resolution on Cambodia
Resolution on the restriction of freedom of movement in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Resolution on the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Resolution on the situation in Russian prisons
Resolution on the human rights situation in Eastern Turkestan, Region of Xinjiang, China
Resolution on violations of the human rights of persons living in the enclave in Cyprus
Resolution on the extradition and trial of Alois Brunner, Syria
Resolution on the release of Leyla Zana
Resolution on the detention of two French nationals in Afghanistan
Resolution on the situation of human rights and indigenous minorities in Argentina
Resolution on Kosovo, Yugoslavia
Resolution on the violation of indigenous rights and on the depletion of the tropical forests on Yamdena Island, Indonesia
Resolution on human rights violations in Chad
Resolution on the continued imprisonment in solitary confinement of Mordechai Vanunu
Resolution on Iran
Resolution on the case of Frantisek Gaulieder, Member of the Slovak Parliament
Resolution on freedom of the media in Croatia
Resolution on freedom of the press and human rights in Turkey
Resolution on the situation of children in Romania
Resolution on juvenile detainees in Honduras
Resolution on killings in El Salvador
Resolution on the situation in Abkhazia
Resolution on the death sentences and the lengthy prison sentences called for the Georgian parliamentarians and eminent democratic persons
Resolution on the detention of Mr Wang Dan and the human rights situation in People's Republic of China
Resolution on Nigeria
Resolution on the situation in Croatia
Resolution on the situation of refugees in Eastern Zaire
Resolution on the grain shortage in Bulgaria
Resolution on mining in the Amazon, Venezuela
Resolution on Bangladesh
Resolution on violations of religious freedom in Turkey
Resolution on the human rights situation in Sudan
Resolution on the murder of a Greek Cypriot in Cyprus
Resolution on Afghanistan
Resolution on the political situation and continued human rights abuses in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on stiffer penalties for homosexuals in Romania
Resolution on the case of Alexander Nikitin, Russia
Resolution on the human rights situation in Indonesia
Resolution on the arbitrary arrest of Tomislav Matanovic, in Prijedor, and his parents by agents of the self-styled Republic of Srpska
Resolution on the fatwa on Salman Rushdie
Resolution on press freedom in Algeria
Resolution on respect for human rights in the Philippines and the mistreatment of Father Shay Cullen
Resolution on human rights in Ethiopia
Resolution on the political situation and continued human rights abuses in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the serious situation of Wei Jingsheng and the human rights violations in China
Resolution on the Belarus suppression of the commemoration of Chernobyl accident and their ban on medical NGOs aid to child victims
Resolution on the detention of Raghbir Singh Johal in United Kingdom
Resolution on the amnesty for the alleged kidnappers of Carmelo Soria in Chile
Resolution on human rights and the situation in Turkey
Resolution on the banning of the National League for Democracy in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the murder of Mrs Kudiratu Abiola in Nigeria
Resolution on the situation in East Timor and the violation of human rights in Indonesia
Resolution on the human rights situation in Morocco
Resolution on human rights in Tibet
Resolution on human rights in Tunisia
Resolution on freedom of opinion in Albania and Belarus
Resolution on human rights violations in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on Nigeria
Resolution on the violations of human rights in Brazil
Resolution on Patrick Kelly, a seriously ill prisoner in Northern Ireland
Resolution on human rights in Colombia
Resolution on the Bakun dam, Malaysia
Resolution on China and Tibet submitted to the UN commission on Human Rights and the position of the European Union
Resolution on the situation in West Papua
Resolution on Colombia
Resolution on the situation in the former Yugoslavia
Resolution on press freedom in Algeria
Resolution on the plight of Nepali-speaking refugees from Bhutan
Resolution on the violation of political and human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Resolution on developments in Zaire
Resolution on the detention of Silvia Baraldini in the United States
Resolution on the violation of the constitutional rights of the indigenous peoples of Brazil
Resolution on the situation in Sindh Province, Pakistan
Resolution on the arrest of Alexander Nikitin in Russia
Resolution on the human rights situation in Guatemala
Resolution on the fatwa against Salman Rushdie in Iran
Resolution on the continuing detention of hostages in Kashmir
Resolution on Sierra Leone
Resolution on Afghanistan
Resolution on Saudi Arabia
Resolution on conditions in Chinese orphanages
Resolution on the arrest of the German citizen Georg T. Kunta in Daghestan, Russian Federation
Resolution on the situation in Tchetchenia
Resolution on the expulsion of 38 NGOs from Rwanda
Resolution on the detention of Dr Munawar A. Halepota in Pakistan
Resolution on the situation in Burundi
Resolution on the selection of the Panchen Lama and religious freedom in Tibet
Resolution on the persecution of Mr Wei Jingsheng, China
Resolution on the human rights situation in Turkey
Resolution on the need to respect human and democratic rights in the Slovak Republic
Resolution on the case of Mrs Boussouf and the assassination of Mr M'Barek in Algeria
Resolution on the fate of the French pilots Frédéric Chiffot and José Souvignet in Yugoslavia
Resolution on the media in the former Yugoslavia
Resolution on the murder of peasant farmers in Guatemala
Resolution on the situation of the indigenous peoples of Brazil
Resolution on Belarus
Resolution on the case of Francisco Chaviano González, Cuba
Resolution on the murder of two missionaries and a volunteer in Burundi
Resolution on support for the Network of Cities of Asylum
Resolution on the case of Mr Mumia Abu-Jamal in the US
Resolution on the imprisonment of Mr Medhi Zana in Turkey
Resolution on the persecution of Mr Vladimir Orekhov in Russia
Resolution on unfair trials in Kenya
Resolution on human rights violations in East Timor and Indonesia
Resolution on the sentence to death in the United Arab Emirates of Sarah Balabagan
Resolution on Sudan
Resolution on the trial of eight Saharan demonstrators in Morocco
Resolution on the situation in Mexico
Resolution on the detention of Mr Harry Wu in China
Resolution on the protection of minority rights and human rights in Romania
Resolution on discrimination against the Roma
Resolution on the kidnapping of European Union citizens in Kashmir, India
Resolution on the inhuman treatment of prisoners in the state of Alabama, United States
Resolution on the death penalty in the United States and the Abu-Jamal case
Resolution on human rights violations in Syria
Resolution on threats to the freedom of the press in Egypt
Resolution on the human rights situation in Burma/Myanmar and the release of Mrs Aung San Suu Kyi
Resolution on continued human rights violations in Iran
Resolution on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, China
Resolution on the elections in Guinea
Resolution on support for Algerian women
Resolution on the kidnapping of Mr José María Aldaya Etxeburua by ETA, Spain
Resolution on Tibet
Resolution on the human rights situation in Equatorial Guinea
Resolution on the situation in Rwanda
Resolution on the crew of the Bulgarian ship "Rotalia"
Resolution on complaints regarding human rights violations arising from the conflict between Peru and Ecuador
Resolution on the human rights situation in Armenia and the banning of the FRA Dashnaksutyun party
Resolution on the missing persons of the Cyprus tragedy
Resolution on the trial of 17 people in Georgia - Case No. 7493810
Resolution on the impending executions in the USA
Resolution on human rights violations in Iran
Resolution on the dangerous situation in Algeria
Resolution on the worsening situation in Iraq
Resolution on the rape of women in Rwanda
Resolution on the reintroduction of the death penalty in the state of New York, USA
Resolution on human rights in Chechnya
Resolution on the arrest of Maria Gabriella Guarino in Peru
Resolution on human rights in Turkey and the charging of Yashar Kemal by the State Security Court about 'separatist propaganda'
Resolution on the continued human rights violations in Bahrain
Resolution on Sudan
Resolution on the continued violation of human rights in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the situation in Chiapas, Mexico
Resolution on human rights violations in Nigeria
Resolution on the position of independent media in the succession states of the former Yugoslavia
Resolution on judicial murder in Texas, USA
Resolution on the situation in the State of Chiapas, Mexico
Resolution on the human rights situation in Vietnam
Resolution on the survival of the Belgrade newspaper Borba, Yugoslavia
Resolution on clemency for Mr. Leonard Peltier, USA
Resolution on the detention of health professionals in Iraq refusing to carry out amputations and branding
Resolution on the human rights situation in Togo and the disappearance of Mr David Bruce - Human rights
Resolution on the human rights situation in Sudan
Resolution on compulsory Aids tests for foreigners visiting Russia
Resolution on the trial of Turkish Members of Kurdish origin of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
Resolution on eugenics in China
Resolution on El Salvador
Resolution on the detention of Mrs Silvia Baraldini in the United States
Resolution on the situation in East Timor
Resolution on the human rights situation in Ethiopia
Resolution on the situation in Equatorial Guinea
Resolution on the sentence of up to 15 years' imprisonment against five Tibetans in China for 'counter-revolutionary activities'
Resolution on the ill-treatment of and medical concern about Qin Yongmin, a Chinese prisoner of conscience in Wuhan City, China
Resolution on the depopulation and ruin of Kurdish settlement areas in Iran
Resolution on the violation of human rights in Iran
Resolution on attacks against intellectuals, artists and journalists by fundamentalist terror groups
Resolution on the massacre of Tuaregs by the Malian armed forces
Resolution on the respect of civil liberties and human rights of members of the Greek minority who have been sentenced by the Albanian authorities
Resolution on continued human rights abuses in Burma/Myanmar
Resolution on the violent prolongation of dictatorship in Nigeria
Resolution on the trial of members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly