2007/2574(RSO) Parliament's calendar of part-sessions 2008
Progress: Procedure completed
Legal Basis:
RoP 145Subjects
EP - Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
The House voted on the calendar of part-sessions of the European Parliament in 2008.
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2008 was set as follows:
14 to 17 January 30 and 31 January 18 to 21 February 10 to 13 March 9 and 10 April 21 to 24 April 7 and 8 May 19 to 22 May 4 and 5 June 16 to 19 June 7 to 10 July 1 to 4 September 22 to 25 September 8 and 9 October 20 to 23 October 17 to 20 November 3 and 4 December 15 to 18 December.
EP - End of procedure in Parliament
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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Rules of Procedure EP 145
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Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 145
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procedure/title |
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions 2008New
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions 2008 |
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