Subject " Business of Parliament, procedure, sittings, rules of procedure"
subscribeDossiers (149)
Parliament’s calendar of part-sessions - 2025
The European Parliament's right of inquiry
Decision extending Rule 168 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure until the end of the tenth parliamentary term
EP Rules of Procedure: training on preventing conflict and harassment in the workplace and on good office management
Decision on amendments to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure implementing the parliamentary reform “Parliament 2024”
Parliament’s calendar of part-sessions - 2024
EP Rules of Procedure: strengthening integrity, independence and accountability
EP Rules of Procedure: referral of proposals for legally binding acts to committees and procedure for solving conflicts of competence
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 9(6): hearing in procedures on immunity; interpretation
Amendments to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure concerning question time, the central rostrum, the blue-card procedure, the explanations of votes, the transparency register and the Ombudsman
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions - 2023
Amendments to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure concerning Rule 7 on defence of privileges and immunity and Rule 9 on procedures on immunity
Amendment to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure concerning Rule 216 on committee meetings
The European Parliament's right of inquiry
Amendments to Parliament's Rules of Procedure concerning Rules 99, 197, 213, 214, 222, 223, 230, 235, Annex V and the addition of a new Rule 106a
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions – 2022
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions – 2021
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure in order to ensure the functioning of Parliament in extraordinary circumstances
Parliament’s calendar of part-sessions - 2020
EP Rules of Procedure: extending Rule 159 until the end of the ninth parliamentary term
Resolution on the negotiations with the Council and Commission on the legislative proposal for a regulation on the European Parliament’s right of inquiry
Rules of Procedure, Rule 149a(2); interpretation
Rules of Procedure, Rule 32(5), first subparagraph, second indent; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 171(1b); interpretation
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions – 2019
EP Rules of Procedure: revision
European Parliament's right of inquiry
Commission’s answers to written questions
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 174(8): order of voting on amendments
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 5(5) and 210a: consultation of confidential information; interpretation
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions – 2018
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 61(2): adoption of amendments to a Commission proposal; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure: general revision
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions – 2017
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions – 2016
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 191: suspension or closure of the sitting, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 130(3): questions for written answer; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Annex XVI point 1(a): guidelines for the approval of the Commission; interpretation
Decision extending Rule 147 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure until the end of the eighth parliamentary term
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 166, 167(1) and 195(3): voting by roll call; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 148a (new) and 156(1): electronic signatures
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 166 and 195(3): final vote and voting in committee
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions - 2015
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2014
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 90: international agreements
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 202(5): fact-finding visits; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 116 and Annex II: Question Time
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 136: attendance of Members at sittings
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 7: waiver and defence of parliamentary immunity
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 156(6): oral amendments; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 159(3): tied votes; interpretation
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions in 2013, modified
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 187(1): substitute Members; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 191: committee bureau; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure: rules on voting and contents of reports in the consent procedure
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 156(1): electronic signature of amendments, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 181 and 182: verbatim reports; audiovisual record of proceedings
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 15(2): order of precedence of Vice-Presidents elected by acclamation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 117(3): consideration in committee of written questions that have not been answered, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure: interpretation of Rules 48(2) and 50; amendment of Rules 20 and 27
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2013
EP Rules of Procedure: implementing the European Citizens’ Initiative
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 70: interinstitutional negotiations in legislative procedures
Towards more efficient and cost effective interpreting in the European Parliament
EP Rules of Procedure: changes in Parliament’s relationship with the European Council and the Eurogroup following entry in force of the Lisbon Treaty
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 196: provisions concerning plenary sittings applicable in committee
EP Rules of Procedure: code of conduct for Members in respect of financial interests and conflicts of interest (amend.)
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 48(2): own-initiative reports
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 51: procedures with joint committee meetings with regard to international agreements in the field of international trade, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 192: participation of non-attached Members in meetings of parliamentary committee coordinators; interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 13(1): election of Vice-Presidents, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 128: exercise of Parliament's rights vis-à-vis the Court of Justice, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 123 and 42: written declarations and legislative initiatives
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 50 and Rule 56(3): associated committees and referral back to committee in the event of rejection of a Commission proposal, interpretation
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2012
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2011
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 9 and Annexes: establishment of a joint Transparency Register between the Parliament and the Commission
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 106 and 192 and Annex XVII: hearings of Commissioners-designate
EP Rules of Procedure: adaptation of the Rules to the revised Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the Commission
EP Rules of Procedures, Rule 51: joint committee meetings
Commission legislative and work programme for 2010
Decision extending the applicability of Rule 139 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure until the end of the seventh parliamentary term
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2010
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 87a and 88: delegated acts and implementing measures
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 27(1) and 28(1): replacing the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs/the Conference of Delegation Chairs, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure: adaptation of the Rules to the Treaty of Lisbon
Adaptation of the Rules of Procedure to the Treaty of Lisbon
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2009
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 47 and 149(4): associated committees and establishment of quorum, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 179(3): temporary committee, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 182: involvement of the chairs of subcommittees, interpretation
Parliament's new role and responsibilities implementing the Treaty of Lisbon
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 81: implementing measures
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 19: duties of the President, interpretation
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions 2008
EP Rules of Procedure: work of the plenary and initiative reports
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 121: proceedings before the Court of Justice
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 202a: use by Parliament of the symbols of the Union
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 116: written declaration, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 173: verbatim reports
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 99 and Annex XVI b: approval of the Commission
General review of the Rules of Procedure
Development of the framework for the activities of interest representatives (lobbyists) in the European institutions
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 23: composition of the Conference of Presidents
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 47: enhanced cooperation between committees
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 15 and 182(1): election of Quaestors and committee bureaux
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 139: transitional arrangement concerning the official languages after the 2004 enlargement
EP Rules of Procedure: amendment following the Council decision of 17 July 2006 on the exercise of implementing powers - Comitology
EP Rules of Procedure: revision of the petition process
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 29: formation of political groups
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 201: application or interpretation of the Rules of Procedure
Rules of Procedure, Rule 166: points of order, interpretation
EP Rules of Procedure: interpretation and modification in order to make the resolution of competence conflicts easier, specially concerning the non-legislative procedures
EP Rules of Procedure: adapt the internal procedures to the cases of simplification of Community legislation
Joint declaration on practical arrangements for the codecision procedure (Article 251 of the EC Treaty)
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 162(2): voting by secret ballot
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 9: code of conduct for Members
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 204a: insertion of a new Rule 204a on "Corrigenda"
EP Rules of Procedure: request for opinion from European agencies
EP Rules of Procedure: restructuration of the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure
EP Rules of Procedure, Rules 117 and 139: precautionary measures to apply general rules of multilinguism
EP Rules of Procedure: statute and financing of political parties at European level
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 29a: activities and legal situation of political groups
EP Rules of procedure: specific provisions for public access to the European Parliament's documents
EP Rules of procedure, rule 57: annual legislative programme and programmation of works
EP Rules of Procedure: amending provisions concerning the discharge procedure
EP Rules of procedure: general revision
EP Rules of procedure, Rules 168 and 170: setting up joint parliamentary committees and interparliamentary delegations
EP Rules of procedure, rules 139, 159 and 162: justification of amendments to documents of a legislative nature
EP Rules of procedure: fight against Community fraud, inscription of the internal conditions and modes in an annex
Committee on legal affairs : confirmation of first readings, entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam
EP Rules of procedure, annex V: procedure for the consideration and adoption on the giving of the discharge
Motion of censure tabled by Mrs Green on behalf of the PSE Group on the discharge 1996
EP Rules of procedure: amendment after the signing of the Treaty of Amsterdam
EP Rules of procedure, rule 48: written declarations
Presentation of annual reports to the European Parliament: simplification of procedures
EP Rules of procedure, rule 49: annual legislative programme
EP Rules of procedure, rules 46, 92, 94: procedure for presenting Council recommendations in plenary
EP Rules of procedure, rule 92.2: tabling of oral amendmentsto recommendations not available in all languages
Code of conduct for representatives of interest groups
EP Rules of procedure, rule 80.1: assent procedure
EP Rules of procedure, rule 167: unfinished business beforeelections
EP Rules of procedure: powers of the President in putting texts to the vote in plenary
EP Rules of procedure, rule 33: vote of approval of the Commission
EP Rules of procedure, rule 47.2: debate on topical subjects
Interest groups in the European Parliament
EP Rules of procedure, rule 159: appointment of the Ombudsman
Motion of censure tabled by Mr Lannoye and 74 members on the negotiations with the US on agriculture in GATT
Motion of censure tabled by Mr Le Pen on behalf of the ER Group on the agricultural policy