Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | EMPL | KÓSA Ádám ( PPE) | BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ Vilija ( S&D), SCHROEDTER Elisabeth ( Verts/ALE) |
Committee Opinion | PETI | CHICHESTER Giles ( ECR) | Marian HARKIN ( ALDE) |
Committee Opinion | FEMM | MORIN-CHARTIER Elisabeth ( PPE) | |
Committee Opinion | LIBE | ||
Committee Opinion | ENVI | ROSSI Oreste ( EFD) | |
Committee Opinion | CULT |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 54
Legal Basis:
RoP 54Subjects
Parliament adopted a resolution on mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.
It notes that over 80 million people, or around 16% of the European Union's total population, are living with disabilities and that people with disabilities constitute a vulnerable group, among whom the rate of poverty is 70% higher than average (the rate of employment for people with disabilities is only around 45%).
Objectives and actions are therefore necessary to ensure the social inclusion of disabled people. To this effect, Parliament emphasises that the Europe 2020 Strategy target of 75% of the population aged 20-64 in employment cannot possibly be achieved unless this includes the population with some form of disability. It further stresses that financial expenditure for the benefit of, and economic investment in, people with disabilities is a long-term return investment in the well-being of all in a sustainable society and that it is unacceptable in the context of public austerity measures for unjustified cuts to be made to services for persons with disabilities or to projects for their social inclusion. In this context, it draws attention to the importance of the objectives of the new European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS) and considers that the basic principle of ‘nothing about persons with disabilities without persons with disabilities’ should be observed, so that people with disabilities are involved in all measures which affect them.
Parliament regrets that the Commission Communication on the European Disability Strategy does not include an integrated gender perspective or a separate chapter on gender-specific disability policies. It stresses the need for an efficient new approach to disability starting with the creation of a European Disability Board, which would meet on a regular basis and with the active involvement of the European Parliament and the participation of representative organisations of persons with disabilities.
Civil and human rights : Parliament calls for full respect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and support for the principles of Design for All and Universal Design. Full respect must also be ensured for the rights of children with disabilities. Generally, Parliament calls for all forms of discrimination towards people with disabilities to be combated whether it is with regard to the lack of equal recognition before the law, access to justice, participation in political and public life, access to, universally-designed goods and services, and special provision in the social protection systems for women with disabilities who are particularly vulnerable. Parliament draws attention to the fact that people with mental disabilities and intellectual impairments are exposed to the risk of abuse and violence and need to be protected. It calls on Member States to pay considerably more attention to the social aspects of disability : encouraging personal assistance and other services which support independent living in order to reduce institutional care in general in favour of other forms of support. It also stresses the importance of guaranteeing and ensuring equal access to public information with special regard to the public management of natural and man-made disasters. Measures need to be taken to ensure, by means of the Structural Funds, to support and promote the transition from institutional to community-based care .
Importance of data collection and consultation with stakeholders : Parliament stresses that consistent data on disability issues and disability-related services, including specific indicators and information regarding the number and quality of residential institutions and homes, are currently lacking.It calls on the Commission to speed up the process of monitoring, cooperation and exchange of good practice between Member States, especially with respect to the gathering of comparable gender-specific data and progress indicators. It recalls, at the same time, that registration of people with disabilities for services and public-budget-based support must not lead to violation of their human rights and privacy or the creation of stigmas.
Demographic changes and a barrier-free environment : demographic change will also lead to a growing number of elderly people with disabilities. It encourages alliances between the two groups in society, in order to contribute to innovative growth, based also on employment and social development in the Member States and in order to meet the new demands arising from the ageing society and demographic change. It calls on the Commission to strengthen both sanctions and positive incentives for Member States to implement Article 16 of Regulation 1083/2006/EC and to respect its legally binding requirements. It also calls on the Commission to promote the use of European Structural Funds, especially the European Regional Development Fund, to improve the accessibility of goods and services.
Free movement and barrier-free services : Parliament points out that accessible transportation enables people with disabilities to participate in the labour market more easily and therefore helps in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and calls on the Commission and Member States to bring about accessibility of services more speedily via various strategies. Member States are asked to remedy shortcomings in accessibility legislation, especially as regards public transport and passenger rights legislation, including damage to mobility equipment, the services of electronic information communication systems and rules on public-built environments and services. It recalls that mobility is a core issue for the European Employment Strategy and that the specific obstacles to a life of dignity and independence for people with disabilities in the EU remain extremely significant. In this context, it recognises the importance of Council Recommendation 98/376/EC on a parking card for people with disabilities, which states that this card should exist in a standard format and should be recognised by all Member States. Overall, Parliament calls for improved mutual recognition of status of the disabled in the Member States.
Parliament recognises that innovative forms of free communication tools for the blind and the deaf, such as accessible information services with special regard to online services, are also essential for the full enjoyment of their rights. More generally, it calls for the creation by the Commission of a more informative website targeting people with disabilities, explaining their rights and providing additional specific information on travelling. It also calls for the necessary measures to promote access without physical barriers to workplaces and homes, accessible mass media services, online services for people using sign languages, smart phone applications and tactile and vocal aids in public media.
Parliament wants to encourage the integration and acceptance in society of people with disabilities in all fields of social life strengthening measures for integration and socialisation.
Equal opportunities : Parliament believes that people with different disabilities should have access to appropriate means of purchasing goods and services, creating real equal opportunities. It reaffirms the need to guarantee universal, effective, non-discriminatory access for persons with disabilities to social protection, social advantages , health care and education, and to the supply of the goods and services which are available to the public, including housing, telecommunications and electronic communications, information – including information provided in accessible formats – financial services, culture and leisure, buildings open to the public, modes of transport and other public areas and facilities. It stresses that integration into working life and economic independence are extremely important factors for the social integration of people with disabilities, and emphasise he exceptional importance of employing people with disabilities on the ordinary labour market. Parliament is aware of the great need for more flexible legal forms of employment relations and calls on Member States to improve and adapt their active employment policies to enable people with disabilities both to join the labour market and to remain on it, advocating the introduction of initiatives aligned with the needs of each type of disability, including plans and vocational guidance that operate from the moment individuals in need register with the services set up for this purpose. In this context, it calls on Member States to consolidate and improve active employment policies adopted with a view to integrating people with disabilities at the workplace, and for European public procurement legislation to be reviewed in order to make the accessibility criteria mandatory for enforcing selection criteria aimed at promoting accessibility for people with disabilities. To this effect, Parliament advocates the introduction of initiatives aligned with the needs of each type of disability, including plans and vocational guidance that operate from the moment individuals in need register with the services set up for this purpose.
The resolution stresses the need to adopt the proposal for a Council Directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Investing in people with disabilities : Parliament states that the present education and training systems are not sufficient to prevent a high drop-out rate of people with disabilities without additional public policies offering specific learning support, since the figure relating to the Europe2020 objective represents a reduction to less than 10%, which leads to significant social and employment disadvantages, and resulting poverty, among people with disabilities. It stresses the need to invest in and promote effective (including alternative) educational and (vocational) training programmes that are tailored to the needs and abilities of persons with disabilities. Inclusive education should be the focus, and it stresses that all children, including those with disabilities, need to be guaranteed the right to universal access to education in all institutions. Member States are urged to establish dedicated and accessible offices where information and administrative advice can be obtained. Efforts must also be made to address the issue of non-formal education and learning for young people with disabilities, including in areas such as social relations, the mass media (which should be subject to ever more stringent accessibility requirements, including in relation to subtitling and audio description systems). The Commission and Member States are asked to support rehabilitation services in the fields of health, education, training, employment, tools for independent living, transport, etc. Parliament believes that suitable funding needs to be channelled to organisations of people with disabilities; insists that for such organisations the co-financing rate should be no less than 10% of the value of the projects presented by them.
Lifestyles: Parliament calls for the introduction of aid and subsidies with special regard to EU funds and programming, which would vary according to the type of contract, for companies and individuals hiring workers with disabilities. It reaffirms that training of public officials in the EU Institutions and the Member States in receiving and informing people with disabilities should be the rule. It calls on the EU institutions to set an example as regards the employment of people with disabilities and urges Member States also to pursue this strategy. In the same way, it stresses the need for policies to support independent entrepreneurship and calls on Member States to introduce more suitable and effective aid for independent entrepreneurship policies. Parliament also encourages the creation of special forms of leave so that parents can take care of their children with disabilities.
The fight against poverty : Parliament calls on the Commission to secure adequate financial support for the EU umbrella organisation representing people with disabilities, as well as other European impairment-specific organisations, in order to enable full participation in policy making and implementation of legislation which builds on the commitments in the EDS and the UN CRPD and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to people with disabilities. Generally, Parliament points out that eliminating or seriously alleviating the poverty of people with disabilities would entail having more people with disabilities in work, which would increase net tax revenue for the state and would reduce the number of people needing benefits for reasons of extreme poverty. It calls on Member States to avoid unjustified cuts in social protection for people with disabilities under the austerity policies introduced in response to the economic crisis. It highlights the fact that the poverty rate of persons with disabilities is 70% higher than that of people without disabilities and emphasises that persons with severe or multiple disabilities and single parents with children with disabilities are in the most vulnerable position. It is important to guarantee their rights and take measures to improve their quality of life.
Parliament continues to demand a socially sustainable and human-rights-based approach : Parliament calls on Member States and the Commission swiftly to ratify and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as its Optional Protocols. It also calls on the Council and the Commission to consider concluding an interinstitutional agreement with the European Parliament and to draw up within one year a specific recommendation for Parliament to be involved in monitoring the implementation of the UN CRPD. The Commission is asked to develop concrete, appropriate, more detailed measures and to set up a monitoring mechanism for all levels of governance in respect of the implementation of the EDS in line with the list of actions of EDS, in close cooperation with the European Parliament. Member States are urged to give as much support as possible to suitable measures and tools tailored (apart from the medical aspect) to a higher level of independent life in order to ensure equal opportunities and active life for persons with disabilities and their families.
Parliament also calls on the Commission to:
present a legislative proposal for a European Accessibility Act ; take the necessary measures to help the visually impaired to carry out business transactions; mention disability more explicitly in the context of the revision of the Green Paper on the reform of public procurement ; promote a cross-cutting policy on disability in the forthcoming white paper on pensions; assess whether further measures taken in the context of the European Structural Funds with special regard to the Rural Development Fund help people with disabilities to be active citizens living in rural areas in Europe; make every effort to draw up rules on personal screening when using transport services which will guarantee passengers’ fundamental rights and dignity; increase efforts to achieve individually-tailored navigation-based services for the blind and those with serious visual impairments; improve access for people with disabilities in the field of copyright; prepare a study with people with visual impairments in mind analysing the characteristics of the digital displays (interfaces) of industrial and domestic products and alternative, equivalent information solutions for blind people and making specific legislative proposals; to make ICT access barrier-free to deaf people recognise sign language as an official language in the Member States; pay attention to the inclusion of the interests of people with disabilities, in accordance with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, when handling assistance for international relations and development.
The Council adopted conclusions on the new European disability strategy 2010-2020.
To recall, the strategy provides a framework for action at European level and suggests actions at national level to address the diverse situations faced by women, men and children with disabilities. Its aim is to empower persons with disabilities so that they can enjoy their full rights and fully participate in society and in the European economy. The strategy identifies eight main areas for action: accessibility, participation, equality, employment, education and training, social protection, health, and external action.
The conclusions call for an appropriate use of existing funding to implement the proposed actions and for mainstreaming of disability within the Europe 2020 Strategy. In order to ensure greater inclusion of women, men and children with disabilities in the society, accessibility should be improved and equal access of disabled persons to quality education and training and quality health care should be ensured.
The conclusions may be summarised as follows :
Accessibility : the Commission and the Member States are invited to:
support appropriate efforts to improve accessibility to goods and services, especially the built environment, transport, and information and communication, including technologies and services in all relevant areas, by considering stimulating the market through public procurement and by considering the possible need to develop coherent requirements based on European standards; encourage the incorporation of accessibility and universal design in educational curricula and training for all relevant professions and occupations, in particular in the fields of engineering and architecture.
promote the independence of persons with disabilities and their inclusion in the community, in particular by developing a range of in-home, residential or other community support services responsive to their needs and in accordance with the opportunity to choose, on an equal basis with others; ensure equal access to political participation including the European elections; promote communication and information, including in accessible formats, so as to raise awareness and improve the participation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities.
promote and protect the dignity of persons with disabilities, continue to combat discrimination against persons with disabilities and to review the existing legal framework on protection against discrimination on the grounds of disability, where appropriate, both at national and European level; promote the exchange of good practices within the High Level Group on Disability and, in this context, focus in particular on experience concerning the implementation of the UN Convention at Union and Member States level.
promote the acquisition of transferable knowledge and skills by persons with disabilities, in an attempt to facilitate their integration and progression on the open labour market; promote the employment of persons with disabilities by utilising existing social provisions in public procurement as well as state aid in accordance with the applicable rules; support research into and promote the use of assistive technologies, with a view to promoting the employment of persons with disabilities; aim to increase the employment opportunities of persons with disabilities including persons with reduced working capacity and develop cooperation in the context of the labour market, including, for example, supported and, where necessary, sheltered employment, and in the context of social protection and educational systems.
Education and training
support relevant initiatives aiming to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to quality education and training on an equal basis with others, so as to increase their knowledge, skills and qualifications in order to promote their mobility and employability; promote the exchange of good practices, including comparative studies, with regard to support and assistance for persons with disabilities, with a view to improving their access to the education system at all levels, including, for example, by using assistive technologies.
Social protection
give particular attention to the needs of persons with disabilities in the context of the voluntary European quality framework for social services adopted by the Social Protection Committee on 6 October 2010; ensure social protection of persons with disabilities by developing and/or maintaining protective measures, taking into account the general economic situation and its effect on persons with disabilities.
improve equal and effective access to quality health care, including by removing inequalities as well as by supporting early screening for health condition in the prevention of disabilities, in accordance with the respective competences of the Member States, and by providing disability awareness training to health professionals and, where appropriate, by developing tailored health services for persons with disabilities.
External action
promote the rights of persons with disabilities and enhance the visibility of disability matters as a human rights issue in external actions, including in EU enlargement, neighbourhood and development programmes as well as in emergency and humanitarian aid, and support the implementation of the UN Convention by third countries.
In this context, the Member States are called upon to closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including through their representative organisations, in the development and implementation of legislation and policies, when implementing the UN Convention, and to involve and to allow for the full participation of civil society, in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organisations, in the monitoring process.
The Commission is invited to support any measures taken by the Member States with the following actions:
provide targeted support from existing European resources, especially by ensuring that non-discrimination and accessibility for all, including persons with disabilities, are applied as horizontal principles in European funding; review the existing framework aimed at ensuring accessibility for persons with disabilities and protecting them against discrimination; promote exchanges of good practices at the European, national, regional and local level; propose a governance framework for monitoring the implementation by the EU of the UN Convention .
The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs adopted the own-initiative report by Ádám KÓSA (EPP, HU) on mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.
Objectives: Members emphasise that the Europe 2020 Strategy target of 75 % of the population aged 20-64 in employment cannot possibly be achieved unless this includes the population with some form of disability. They further stress that financial expenditure for the benefit of, and economic investment in, people with disabilities is a long-term return investment in the well-being of all in a sustainable society and that it is unacceptable in the context of public austerity measures for unjustified cuts to be made to services for persons with disabilities or to projects for their social inclusion. In this context, they draw attention to the importance of the objectives of the new European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS) and consider that the basic principle of ‘nothing about persons with disabilities without persons with disabilities’ should be observed, so that people with disabilities are involved in all measures which affect them.
The committee regrets that the Commission Communication on the European Disability Strategy does not include an integrated gender perspective or a separate chapter on gender-specific disability policies. It stresses the need for an efficient new approach to disability starting with the creation of a European Disability Board, which would meet on a regular basis and with the active involvement of the European Parliament and the participation of representative organisations of persons with disabilities.
Civil and human rights : Members call for full respect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and support for the principles of Design for All and Universal Design. Full respect must also be ensured for the rights of children with disabilities. Generally, the report calls attention to the fact that many people with disabilities continue to suffer discrimination with regard to the lack of equal recognition before the law and calls for effective access to justice for persons with disabilities, equal participation in political and public life, access to, universally-designed goods and services, and special provision in the social protection systems for women with disabilities. It calls on Member States to pay considerably more attention to the social aspects of disability, encouraging personal assistance and other services which support independent living in order to reduce institutional care in general in favour of other forms of support. It stresses the importance of guaranteeing and ensuring equal access to public information with special regard to the public management of natural and man-made disasters.
The importance of data collection and consultation with stakeholders: Members stress that consistent data on disability issues and disability-related services, including specific indicators and information regarding the number and quality of residential institutions and homes, are currently lacking. They call on the Commission to speed up the process of monitoring, cooperation and exchange of good practice between Member States, especially with respect to the gathering of comparable gender-specific data and progress indicators. They recall, at the same time, that registration of people with disabilities for services and public-budget-based support must not lead to violation of their human rights and privacy or the creation of stigmas.
Demographic changes and a barrier-free environment : demographic change will also lead to a growing number of elderly people with disabilities. Members encourage alliances between the two groups in society, in order to contribute to innovative growth, based also on employment and social development in the Member States and in order to meet the new demands arising from the ageing society and demographic change. They call on the Commission to strengthen both sanctions and positive incentives for Member States to implement Article 16 of Regulation 1083/2006/EC and to respect its legally binding requirements. They also call on the Commission to promote the use of European Structural Funds, especially the European Regional Development Fund, to improve the accessibility of goods and services.
Free movement and barrier-free services : the report points out that accessible transportation enables people with disabilities to participate in the labour market more easily and therefore helps in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and calls on the Commission and Member States to bring about accessibility of services more speedily via various strategies. Member States are asked to remedy shortcomings in accessibility legislation, especially as regards public transport and passenger rights legislation, including damage to mobility equipment, the services of electronic information communication systems and rules on public-built environments and services. Members recall that mobility is a core issue for the European Employment Strategy and that the specific obstacles to a life of dignity and independence for people with disabilities in the EU remain extremely significant. In this context, Members recognise the importance of Council Recommendation 98/376/EC on a parking card for people with disabilities, which states that this card should exist in a standard format and should be recognised by all Member States.
The committee recognises that innovative forms of free communication tools for the blind and the deaf, such as accessible information services with special regard to online services, are also essential for the full enjoyment of their rights. More generally, it calls for the creation by the Commission of a more informative website targeting people with disabilities, explaining their rights and providing additional specific information on travelling. It also calls for the necessary measures to promote access without physical barriers to workplaces and homes, accessible mass media services, online services for people using sign languages, smart phone applications and tactile and vocal aids in public media.
Members want to encourage the integration and acceptance in society of people with disabilities in all fields of social life strengthening measures for integration and socialisation.
Equal opportunities : Members believe that people with different disabilities should have access to appropriate means of purchasing goods and services, creating real equal opportunities. They reaffirm the need to guarantee universal, effective, non-discriminatory access for persons with disabilities to social protection, social advantages, health care and education, and to the supply of the goods and services which are available to the public, including housing, telecommunications and electronic communications, information – including information provided in accessible formats – financial services, culture and leisure, buildings open to the public, modes of transport and other public areas and facilities. Members stress that integration into working life and economic independence are extremely important factors for the social integration of people with disabilities, and emphasise he exceptional importance of employing people with disabilities on the ordinary labour market. The committee is aware of the great need for more flexible legal forms of employment relations and calls on Member States to improve and adapt their active employment policies to enable people with disabilities both to join the labour market and to remain on it, advocating the introduction of initiatives aligned with the needs of each type of disability, including plans and vocational guidance that operate from the moment individuals in need register with the services set up for this purpose. Generally, Members call on Member States to consolidate and improve active employment policies adopted with a view to integrating people with disabilities at the workplace, and for European public procurement legislation to be reviewed in order to make the accessibility criteria mandatory for enforcing selection criteria aimed at promoting accessibility for people with disabilities.
Investing in people with disabilities : Members state that the present education and training systems are not sufficient to prevent a high drop-out rate of people with disabilities without additional public policies offering specific learning support, since the figure relating to the Europe2020 objective represents a reduction to less than 10%, which leads to significant social and employment disadvantages, and resulting poverty, among people with disabilities. They stress the need to invest in and promote effective (including alternative) educational and (vocational) training programmes that are tailored to the needs and abilities of persons with disabilities. Inclusive education should be the focus, and Members stress that all children, including those with disabilities, need to be guaranteed the right to universal access to education in all institutions. Member States are urged to establish dedicated and accessible offices where information and administrative advice can be obtained. Efforts must also be made to address the issue of non-formal education and learning for young people with disabilities, including in areas such as social relations, the mass media (which should be subject to ever more stringent accessibility requirements, including in relation to subtitling and audio description systems). The Commission and Member States are asked to support rehabilitation services in the fields of health, education, training, employment, tools for independent living, transport, etc. Members believe that suitable funding needs to be channelled to organisations of people with disabilities; insists that for such organisations the co-financing rate should be no less than 10 % of the value of the projects presented by them.
Lifestyles: Members reaffirm that training of public officials in the EU Institutions and the Member States in receiving and informing people with disabilities should be the rule. They call on the EU institutions to set an example as regards the employment of people with disabilities and urges Member States also to pursue this strategy. In the same way, they stress that policies to support independent entrepreneurship and call on Member States to introduce more suitable and effective aid for independent entrepreneurship policies. Members also encourage the creation of special forms of leave so that parents can take care of their children with disabilities.
The fight against poverty : Members call on the Commission to secure adequate financial support for the EU umbrella organisation representing people with disabilities, as well as other European impairment-specific organisations, in order to enable full participation in policy making and implementation of legislation which builds on the commitments in the EDS and the UN CRPD and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to people with disabilities. Generally, Members point out that eliminating or seriously alleviating the poverty of people with disabilities would entail having more people with disabilities in work, which would increase net tax revenue for the state and would reduce the number of people needing benefits for reasons of extreme poverty. The committee calls on Member States to avoid unjustified cuts in social protection for people with disabilities under the austerity policies introduced in response to the economic crisis. It highlights the fact that the poverty rate of persons with disabilities is 70 % higher than that of people without disabilities; emphasises that persons with severe or multiple disabilities and single parents with children with disabilities are in the most vulnerable position. It is important to guarantee their rights and take measures to improve their quality of life.
Parliament continues to demand a socially sustainable and human-rights-based approach : the committee calls on Member States and the Commission swiftly to ratify and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as well as its Optional Protocols. It also calls on the Council and the Commission to consider concluding an interinstitutional agreement with the European Parliament and to draw up within one year a specific recommendation for Parliament to be involved in monitoring the implementation of the UN CRPD. The Commission is asked to develop concrete, appropriate, more detailed measures and to set up a monitoring mechanism for all levels of governance in respect of the implementation of the EDS in line with the list of actions of EDS, in close cooperation with the European Parliament. Member States are urged to give as much support as possible to suitable measures and tools tailored (apart from the medical aspect) to a higher level of independent life in order to ensure equal opportunities and active life for persons with disabilities and their families.
Members also call on the Commission to:
present a legislative proposal for a European Accessibility Act; take the necessary measures to help the visually impaired to carry out business transactions; as per the outcome of the debate following publication of the Green Paper on Pensions, to argue in favour of a cross-cutting policy on disability in the forthcoming white paper, due to be published in the second half of 2011; assess whether further measures taken in the context of the European Structural Funds with special regard to the Rural Development Fund help people with disabilities to be active citizens living in rural areas in Europe; make every effort to draw up rules on personal screening when using transport services which will guarantee passengers’ fundamental rights and dignity; increase efforts to achieve individually-tailored navigation-based services for the blind and those with serious visual impairments; improve access for people with disabilities in the field of copyright; take action on the basis of the practice and experience of the European Parliament to make ICT barrier-free for deaf people; prepare a study with people with visual impairments in mind analysing the characteristics of the digital displays (interfaces) of industrial and domestic products and alternative, equivalent information solutions for blind people and making specific legislative proposals; recognise sign language as an official language in the Member States; pay attention to the inclusion of the interests of people with disabilities, in accordance with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, when handling assistance for international relations and development.
PURPOSE: to present a European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.
BACKGROUND: one in six people in the European Union (EU) has a disability that ranges from mild to severe making around 80 million who are often prevented from taking part fully in society and the economy because of environmental and attitudinal barriers. Over a third of people aged over 75 have disabilities that restrict them to some extent, and over 20% are considerably restricted. Furthermore, these numbers are set to rise as the EU's population ages.
The EU and its Member States have a strong mandate to improve the social and economic situation of people with disabilities.
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU states that ‘the EU recognises and respects the right of persons with disabilities to benefit from measures designed to ensure their independence, social and occupational integration and participation in the life of the community.’ In addition, it prohibits any discrimination on the basis of disability;
The Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) requires the Union to combat discrimination based on disability when defining and implementing its policies and activities (Article 10) and gives it the power to adopt legislation to address such discrimination (Article 19);
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities , the first legally-binding international human rights instrument to which the EU and its Member States are parties, will soon apply throughout the EU.
Full economic and social participation of people with disabilities is essential if the EU’s Europe 2020 strategy is to succeed in creating smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
The economic downturn has had an adverse impact on the situation of people with disabilities, making it all the more urgent to act.
CONTENT: this Strategy is intended to harness the combined potential of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and the UN Convention, and to make full use of Europe 2020 and its instruments.
This Strategy identifies actions at EU level to supplement national ones and aims to empower people with disabilities so that they can enjoy their full rights, and benefit fully from participating in society and in the European economy, notably through the Single market.
The Commission has identified eight main areas for action. For each area, key actions are identified, with the overarching EU-level objectives.
(1) Accessibility : the aim is to ensure accessibility to goods, services including public services and assistive devices for people with disabilities. Following further consultations with Member States and other stakeholders, the Commission will consider whether to propose a ‘European Accessibility Act’ by 2012. This could include developing specific standards for particular sectors to substantially improve the proper functioning of the internal market for accessible products and services.
(2) Participation : there are still many obstacles preventing people with disabilities from fully exercising their fundamental rights - including their Union citizenship rights - and limiting their participation in society on an equal basis with others. The Commission will work to: (i) overcome the obstacles to exercising their rights as individuals, consumers, students, economic and political actors; (ii) tackle the problems related to intra-EU mobility and facilitate and promote the use of the European model of disability parking card ; (iii) promote the transition from institutional to community-based care ; (iv) improve the accessibility of sports, leisure, cultural and recreational organisations, activities, events, venues, goods and services including audiovisual ones;
(3) Equality : the Commission will promote the equal treatment of people with disabilities through a two-pronged approach. This will involve using existing EU legislation to provide protection from discrimination, and implementing an active policy to combat discrimination and promote equal opportunities in EU policies. The overall aim being to eradicate discrimination on grounds of disability in the EU.
(4) Employment : the rate of employment for people with disabilities is only around 50%. To achieve the EU’s growth targets, more people with disabilities need to be in paid employment on the open labour market. The Commission will provide Member States with analysis, political guidance, information exchange and other support. It will also address the issue of self employment and quality jobs, including aspects such as working conditions and career advancement, with the involvement of the social partners.
(5) Education and training : in the 16-19 age group the rate of non-participation in education is 37% for considerably restricted people, and 25% for those restricted to some extent, against 17% for those not restricted.
With full respect for the responsibility of the Member States for the content of teaching and the organisation of education systems, the Commission will support the goal of inclusive, quality education and training under the Youth on the Move initiative. EU action will support national efforts with a view to promoting inclusive education and lifelong learning for pupils and students with disabilities.
(6) Social protection : the aim is to promote decent living conditions for people with disabilities. They need to be able to benefit from social protection systems and poverty reduction programmes, disability-related assistance, public housing programmes and other enabling services, and retirement and benefit programmes. The Commission will pay attention to these issues through the European Platform against Poverty. This will include assessing the adequacy and sustainability of social protection systems and support through the European Structural Funds.
(7) Health : people with disabilities may have limited access to health services, including routine medical treatments, leading to health inequalities unrelated to their disabilities. The Commission will support policy developments for equal access to healthcare, including quality health and rehabilitation services designed for people with disabilities. EU action will support national measures to deliver accessible, non-discriminatory health services and facilities.
(8) External action : the EU and the Member States should promote the rights of people with disabilities in their external action, including EU enlargement, neighbourhood and development programmes.
EU action will support and complement national initiatives to address disability issues in dialogues with non-member countries, and where appropriate include disability and the implementation of the UN Convention taking into account the Accra commitments on aid effectiveness.
Implementation of the Strategy : this Strategy requires a joint and renewed commitment of the EU institutions and all Member States. The actions in the main areas above need to be underpinned by the following general instruments:
raise society’s awareness of disability issues and foster greater knowledge among people with disabilities of their rights and how to exercise them; optimise use of EU funding instruments for accessibility and non-discrimination and increase visibility of disability-relevant funding possibilities in post-2013 programmes; supplement the collection of periodic disability-related statistics with a view to monitoring the situation of persons with disabilities.
By the end of 2013, the Commission will report on progress achieved through this Strategy. his will provide an opportunity to revise the Strategy and the actions. A further report is scheduled for 2016.
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T7-0453/2011
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading: A7-0263/2011
- Committee report tabled for plenary: A7-0263/2011
- Committee opinion: PE462.715
- Committee opinion: PE460.915
- Committee opinion: PE462.744
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE462.706
- Committee draft report: PE460.981
- Contribution: COM(2010)0636
- Non-legislative basic document published: COM(2010)0636
- Non-legislative basic document published: EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE460.981
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE462.706
- Committee opinion: PE460.915
- Committee opinion: PE462.744
- Committee opinion: PE462.715
- Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading: A7-0263/2011
- Contribution: COM(2010)0636
- Regina BASTOS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Edit BAUER
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Viorica DĂNCILĂ
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Richard FALBR
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Elisabetta GARDINI
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Kinga GÖNCZ
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Niccolò RINALDI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Oreste ROSSI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Elisabeth SCHROEDTER
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Joanna Katarzyna SKRZYDLEWSKA
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Diana WALLIS
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Amendments | Dossier |
437 |
298 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 1 a (new) - having regard to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and its entry into force on 21.01.2011, according to the Council Decision of 26 November 2009 on the conclusion, by the European Community, of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2010/48/EC),
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 13 – having regard to the proposal for a Council decision (COM(2008)0530) and to the European Parliament's position of 24 April 2009 concerning the conclusion, by the European Community, of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)4 ,
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8 a. Stresses the importance of guaranteeing and ensuring equal participation in political and public life, including the right to vote, to stand for elections and to hold office, in accordance with Article 29 of the UN CRPD;
Amendment 101 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8 a. Stresses that a necessary precondition for the individual’s ability to exercise civil rights is the establishment of a legal background for a supported decision- making mechanism;
Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Calls attention to the fact that young people aged under 35 account for two- thirds of the applications for assistance and benefits on the grounds of mental disabilities; calls on the Commission to conduct an in-depth study of this phenomenon, of ways to prevent this and heighten society’s awareness thereof, and of employment support for young people with this kind of disability;
Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8 a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary steps to prepare for natural disasters and those caused by human negligence, with particular regard to providing people with disabilities with appropriate, useful information, inter alia through the presentation of useful and suitable international examples;
Amendment 104 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8 a. Calls on the Member States to try as far as possible to reduce institutional care in favour of other forms of support such as personal assistance and other services which support independent living;
Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Stresses the need for action at both national and European level to promote the transition from institutional to local community care, making use of the structural funds accompanied by measures to heighten public awareness of the situation of people with disabilities resident in institutions;
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8 a. Considers that the Member States should be encouraged not only to see and treat disabilities as a physical defect, as is the case in most Member States at present, but also to pay considerably more attention to the social aspects of disability;
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 b (new) 8 b. Calls on the Commission to create an informative website targeting people with disabilities that explains their rights and privileges when travelling in other Member States, including a map of existing rights and privileges throughout the EU in general and with respect to the accessibility of different goods and services as well as the conditions for accessing them;
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Stresses that
Amendment 109 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Stresses that, at present, consistent data on disability issues and disability-related services in Member States, including the number and quality of residential ho
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 13 a (new) - having regard to the Council Decision of 21 October 2010 on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States (2010/707/EU),
Amendment 110 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Stresses that, at present, consistent gender specific data on disability issues and disability-related services in Member States, including specific indicators and information regarding the number and quality of residential houses, are currently lacking or limited;
Amendment 111 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Stresses that disability requires both a social and a healthcare approach; these services should support and complement one another so as to allow people with disabilities to lead a dignified life and enjoy healthy and active ageing;
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Expresses disappointment with lack of transparency and the limited involvement of persons with disabilities in data collection and consultation and considers that
Amendment 113 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Expresses disappointment with lack of transparency and the limited involvement of persons with disabilities in data collection and consultation and considers that the Commission should encourage the participation of persons with disabilities to consultation procedures that must be fully accessible according to the experiences of NGOs, designed in such a way as to allow articulated comments and supported by effective information campaigns: 336 replies by civil society on the Commission's consultation
Amendment 114 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Expresses disappointment with the limited involvement of persons with lack of transparency and disabilities in data collection and consultation and considers that the Commission should encourage the participation of persons with disabilities to consultation procedures that must be fully accessible, designed in a way to allow articulated comments and supported by effective information campaigns: 336 replies by civil society on the Commission's consultation, which was held on the Commission's central consultation website in 2009, shows that the information
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls upon the Commission to gear up the cooperation and exchange of good practice between Member States, especially with respect to the gathering of comparable data
Amendment 116 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls upon the Commission to gear up the cooperation between Member States, especially with respect to the gathering of
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls upon the Commission to gear up the cooperation between Member States, especially with respect to the gathering of comparable data; stresses that measuring disability should not be based only on medical aspects but should also include social, employment- and environment
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls upon the Commission to gear up the cooperation between Member States, especially with respect to the gathering of comparable data; stresses that measuring disability should not be based only on medical aspects but should also include social and environmental aspects; at the same time stresses the importance of coordinating efforts to combat abuse of the system and the feigning of disability;
Amendment 119 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls upon the Commission to gear up the cooperation between Member States, especially with respect to the gathering of comparable gender specific data; stresses that measuring disability should not be based only on medical aspects but should also include social and environmental aspects;
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 13 a (new) - having regard to the Council Decision of 21 October 2010 on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States (2010/707/EU),
Amendment 120 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Calls on the Commission to draw up annual reports with data showing the disability situation in the different Member States;
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11 a. Recalls that registration of people with disabilities for services and public budget based support must not lead to violation of their human rights and privacy, creating stigmas;
Amendment 122 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Stresses the importance of continual monitoring of social policies to assist the disabled and calls for an exchange of good practice between Member States;
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 4 a (new) Points out that one consequence of population ageing is an increased number of disabled people;
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Stresses that demographic change
Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Stresses that
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Stresses that demographic changes
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Stresses that demographic changes can also contribute to the situation of people with disabilities, as services and solutions for the elderly are to a great extent indispensable for the people with disabilities since the increase in life expectancy also means that more people will experience the onset of a disability at some point in later life;
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12 a. Stresses that the demographic change should lead to the development and design of services and solutions that would benefit both persons with disability and elderly people with and without disabilities, as well as adults with children;
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13.
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 16 – having regard to the Co
Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Observes that this should not lead to a competition between the two groups in society but could be seen as a
Amendment 131 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls upon the Commission
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls on the Commission
Amendment 133 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls on the Commission
Amendment 134 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to
Amendment 135 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to consider and evaluate the application of Article 16 of
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14 a. Calls on the Commission to promote the use of European Structural Funds, especially the European Regional Development Fund to improve accessibility of goods and services and built environment by using European funds;
Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 b (new) 14 b. Calls on the Commission to strengthen both sanctions and positive incentives for Member States to implement Article 16 of Regulation 1083/2006/EC and to respect its legally binding requirements, to reinforce anti- discrimination provision in the future Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, to monitor and assess correct implementation of the European funding programmes and use of European funds;
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 16 a (new) - having regard to the framework agreement on inclusive labour markets, concluded by the European social partners on 25 March 2010,
Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Acknowledges that free movement is a fundamental right within the European Union; stresses that it positively influences the quality of life and participation in society of people with disabilities; underlines that, in order to ensure the fundamental right to free movement within the EU for people with disabilities from all Member States, it is crucial that their right to assistance, care and health care products is guaranteed in all EU Member States without limitations;
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Acknowledges that free movement is a fundamental right within the European Union; stresses that it positively influences the quality of life and participation in society of people with disabilities and their families in society, with special regard to better access to health services, paying more attention to the people with chronic disabling diseases in order to decrease health inequalities throughout the European Union;
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Acknowledges that free movement is a fundamental right within the European Union; stresses that it positively influences the quality of life and participation in society and the labour market of people with disabilities;
Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Points out that, in a Europe that promotes equality and freedom of movement within its territory for its citizens, the rights of disabled people vary from one Member State to another;
Amendment 144 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15 a. Stresses that accessible transportation enables people with disabilities to participate in the labour market more easily and therefore helps the fight against poverty and social exclusion;
Amendment 145 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Recalls that mobility is a core issue for the European Employment Strategy and that the specific obstacles to a life of dignity and independence for people with disabilities in the EU remain extremely significant, particularly in terms of portability of benefits and aid as well as of access to the necessary facilities or personal assistance;
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Stresses that people with disabilities are entitled to cross-border health care and should be granted equal access to health care in any EU Member State, all the more so if they need highly specialised care;
Amendment 147 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15 a. Calls for a better and mutual recognition of disability status across the Member States; calls on the Member States to exchange good practices in order to close national systems on assessing the degree(s) of disability across the EU to ensure better mobility for people with disabilities;
Amendment 148 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16.
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Observes that a mutually-recognised parking card for people with disabilities and a unified EU charter for travellers’ rights are
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 16 a (new) - having regard to the framework agreement on inclusive labour markets, concluded by the European social partners on 25 March 2010,
Amendment 150 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Observes that a mutually-recognised parking card for people with disabilities and a unified EU charter for travellers’ rights are
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Observes that a mutually-recognised parking card for people with disabilities and a unified EU charter for travellers’ rights are relevant for the inclusion of people with disabilities in society; calls for the mutual recognition of disability cards between Member States, for example through the introduction of a European Disability Card, in order to ensure that people with disabilities in every EU Member State have access to the benefits and entitlements available there; emphasises that such mutual recognition would make it much easier for people with disabilities in the EU Member States to work, study and travel;
Amendment 152 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Observes that a mutually-recognised parking card for people with disabilities and a unified EU charter for travellers
Amendment 153 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Observes that a mutually-recognised parking card for people with disabilities and a unified EU charter for the travellers
Amendment 154 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Observes that a mutually-recognised parking card for people with disabilities (including people with autism and multiple or severe disabilities) and a unified EU charter for travellers' rights are relevant for the inclusion of people with disabilities in society;
Amendment 155 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 a (new) 16 a. Claims that already existing solutions concerning the accessibility of transportation should be made available for people having all kinds of disabilities;
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 a (new) 16a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary measures to promote access without physical barriers to workplaces and homes for people with disabilities as a means of helping them integrate into working life;
Amendment 157 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 a (new) 16 a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to reduce barriers to freedom of movement of people with disabilities, by adopting a European Mobility Card, enforcing mutual recognition of disability benefits within the framework of OMC;
Amendment 158 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 b (new) 16b. Urges the Commission to take the necessary measures to help the visually impaired to carry out business transactions, such as by issuing euro notes with inscriptions in Braille;
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Stresses that innovative and knowledge-based economies cannot develop without accessible contents and forms for people with disabilities, for example accessible web pages for the blind, and
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 16 a (new) - having regard to the Council Conclusions on "Promoting labour market inclusion - Recovering from the crisis and preparing for the post-2010 Lisbon Agenda" 30 November 2009,
Amendment 160 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Stresses that innovative and knowledge-based economies cannot develop without accessible contents and forms for people with disabilities, for example accessible web pages for the blind, and content and services for people using sign languages, smart phone applications, and tactile and vocal aids in public media;
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17a. Is aware of the lack of equal access to health care, including access to health and healthcare information, and calls on the European Commission to speed up its work on recommendations that will support equal access to health services and equal access to information on health and health care;
Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17 a. Claims that for the active involvement of people with disabilities in all fields of social life, efforts have to be made to provide communication solutions for people with mental disabilities (e.g. easy-to-read websites), and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for people with complex communication needs;
Amendment 163 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17 a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States for a twin-track approach, whereby binding legislation and standards are seen as complementary instruments necessary to achieve accessibility; the legislation should lay down a framework which is sustainable given the rapid developments in the ICT sector; the standards should then be evolving tools that can ensure implementation of the legislation;
Amendment 164 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17a. Calls on the Member States, with the help of the Commission, to encourage the integration and acceptance within society of people with disabilities by improving access for them to sports, leisure and cultural facilities and activities;
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 18. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to gear up the accessibility of services via
Amendment 166 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 18. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to promote the use of European Structural Funds, especially the European Regional Development Fund to improve accessibility of goods and services and built environment by using European funds; calls on the Commission and Member States to gear up the accessibility of services via free patents, standardisation mandates and low- priced software, including EU2020 flagships initiatives in order to reach the objectives of EU2020;
Amendment 167 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 a (new) 18 a. Calls for a twin-track approach, whereby binding legislation and standards are seen as complementary instruments necessary to achieve accessibility; states that the legislation should lay down a framework which is sustainable given the rapid developments in the ICT sector and those standards should be evolving tools that can ensure implementation of the legislation;
Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 a (new) 18a. Reaffirms the importance of promoting the exchange of cultural material accessible to the visually impaired between the Member States;
Amendment 169 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 a (new) 18 a. Calls on the Member States to remedy shortcomings in accessibility legislation especially as regards public transport, passengers' rights legislation, including damages of mobility equipments and services of electronic information communication systems as well as rules for public built environments and services;
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas as full citizens, people with disabilities
Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 b (new) 18 b. Considers that equal opportunity cannot mean the same conditions and circumstances for people with different needs, therefore, people with different disabilities should be able to have access to sufficient means enabling them to purchase goods and services creating real equal opportunities;
Amendment 171 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 c (new) 18 c. Takes the view that purchasing goods and services, including the relevant and accessible information about them, should include suitable (on-line) shopping solutions as well as goods and services designed to be accessible in the long run; calls on the Commission to take further appropriate measures to promote the development of and access to universally designed goods and services as enshrined in Article 29 of the UN CRPD
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 d (new) 18 d. Confirms that, based on the new rights enacted in the EU Charter, the Commission has the correct approach to equal opportunity: strengthening anti- discrimination, supporting of active inclusion politics as well as raising awareness on disability, including notions of Design for all as well as universal design, as well as stressing the importance of reasonable accommodation;
Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 6 a (new) – before paragraph 19 Access to information and culture
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 Amendment 175 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19. Reaffirms th
Amendment 176 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19. Reaffirms th
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 a (new) 19a. Stresses that integration into working life and economic independence are extremely important factors for the social integration of disabled persons;
Amendment 178 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Reaffirms that products, goods and services, including their modified versions, should not be discriminative and therefore cannot have alternative pricings, especially for disabled people;
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Reaffirms that products, goods and services, including their modified versions, should not be discriminative and therefore cannot have alternative pricings, especially for disabled people;
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas as full citizens, people with disabilities (both physical and psycho- social disabilities) have equal rights and are entitled to unquestionable dignity, equal treatment, independent living and full participation in society,
Amendment 180 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Reaffirms that products, goods and services, including their modified versions,
Amendment 181 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Reaffirms that products, goods and services, including their modified versions, should not be discriminative and therefore cannot have alternative pricings, especially for disabled people; furthermore, the European public procurement legislation should be reviewed and accessibility requirements should be incorporated into its provisions;
Amendment 182 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 a (new) 20 a. Stresses the importance of guaranteeing and ensuring equal access to public information with special regard to the public management of natural and man-made disasters in accordance with Article 21 of the UN CRPD;
Amendment 183 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 a (new) 20a. Draws attention to the need for products for people with disabilities to be approved under both European and global standards;
Amendment 184 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21.
Amendment 185 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21. Confirms that SMEs
Amendment 186 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 a (new) 21a. Stresses the exceptional importance of employing disabled people on the ordinary labour market; is aware of the great need for more flexible legal forms of employment relations with an emphasis on modern forms of employer-employee relations, and calls on the Commission and Member State governments to adopt legal and financial measures that will effectively support the employment of people with disabilities;
Amendment 187 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 a (new) 21 a. Stresses that the greatest obstacle to the integration into society of people with disabilities is their high level of unemployment resulting from their lack of preparation for the labour market, and therefore calls on the Member States to develop training programmes designed for people with disabilities, to train specialist staff and to physically adapt educational establishments to the needs of children and young people with disabilities, since the lack of educational establishments accommodating people with disabilities and of barrier-free training courses is one of the main reasons for the exclusion of people with disabilities;
Amendment 188 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22. Stresses that sheltered workshops a
Amendment 189 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22. Stresses that sheltered workshops a
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas over 80 million people or around 16 % of the European Union's total working population are disabled – including people with mental health problems with special regard to autism – and
Amendment 190 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22. Stresses that sheltered workshops and integrated workplaces could be equally valuable solutions to
Amendment 191 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22. Stresses that sheltered workshops and integrated workplaces could be equally valuable solutions to employing people
Amendment 192 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22. Stresses that sheltered workshops and integrated workplaces could be equally valuable solutions to employing people with different disabilities and at different stages of life in accordance with applications of reasonable accommodation;
Amendment 193 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 a (new) 22 a. Stresses the need to ensure the correct implementation of Article 5 (reasonable accommodation) of Directive 2000/78;
Amendment 194 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 a (new) 22 a. Stresses the importance of transition programs which, firstly, offer opportunities for work, beginning with sheltered workshop and progressing to the open labour market, and, secondly, create a more flexible framework for the transition from professional rehabilitation to other forms of employment in the course of implementing Europe 2020 Strategy;
Amendment 195 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 a (new) 22 a. Calls on the EU institutions to set an example as regards the employment of people with disabilities and urges the Member States to pursue this strategy too;
Amendment 196 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 a (new) 22a. Calls on the Member States to consolidate and improve active employment policies adopted with a view to assimilating people with disabilities at the workplace and increase the effectiveness of the national bodies responsible;
Amendment 197 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 a (new) 22 a. Stresses that the position of disability assistant must be created, since this would significantly improve the opportunities for people with disabilities, e.g. people with an intellectual disorder, or deaf or blind people, to gain a foothold in the labour market;
Amendment 198 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23.
Amendment 199 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Calls for closing the existing gap in the current EU legislation on discrimination concerning protection on the grounds of disability, which is currently limited to employment, occupation and vocational training (2000/78/EC); calls on Member States to take the necessary steps to swiftly conclude the agreement and adopt the proposal for a Council directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation; calls on the Commission to continue supporting overcoming technical difficulties within the Council in order to reach such an agreement;
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 1 a (new) - having regard to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and its entry into force on 21.01.2011, according to the Council Decision of 26 November 2009 on the conclusion, by the European Community, of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2010/48/EC),
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas over 80 million people or around 16 % of the European Union's total working population are disabled – including people with autism – and whereas the rate of unemployment remains
Amendment 200 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Calls for closing the existing gap in the current EU legislation on discrimination concerning protection on the grounds of disability, which is currently limited to employment, occupation and vocational training (2000/78/EC); also calls on the Commission carefully to monitor both the transposition and the effective application of this Directive in the Member States and to intervene in the event that any deficiencies are observed, and to proceed in the same manner in respect of any future legislative initiatives that may be necessary in this field;
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new) 23 a. Calls for European public procurement legislation to be reviewed to in order to make the accessibility criteria mandatory for enforcing selection criteria aimed at promoting social inclusion, innovation and accessibility for people with disabilities;
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new) 23 a. Draws attention, in particular, to women with disabilities and stresses the need for measures and actions to fight double discrimination and promote full equality of rights and opportunities;
Amendment 203 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new) 23 a. Stresses that people with disabilities should enjoy non-discriminatory access to information and culture, which will be beneficial to them also in terms of employment opportunities;
Amendment 204 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new) Amendment 205 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new) 23a. Advocates the introduction of recruitment quotas for people with disabilities, the provision of specific facilities for them, the employment of staff trained to meet their needs and the appointment within large undertakings of representatives to speak for them;
Amendment 206 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 b (new) 23 b. Is concerned by the low rate of availability of subtitling and audio- description on public TV in the European Union; calls for more diligent implementation of the Member States' obligation under Directive 2007/65/EC to encourage broadcasters to ensure a greater accessibility of media services to people with hearing or visual disability;
Amendment 207 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 c (new) 23 c. Recalls that the Commission itself, in its Communication on a European Disability Strategy, expresses concerns as to the low availability of subtitles in television in the European Union; underlines especially the fact that a pan- European campaign to ensure a wider access to subtitling in public TV in the European Union has been conducted for several years by organisations of deaf and hard of hearing people with the support of the European Parliament;
Amendment 208 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 d (new) 23 d. Calls on the Commission to provide for specific funding possibilities for public and private broadcasters in order to help them cover costs related to introduction of subtitles and audio-description in their programmes;
Amendment 209 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 24. States that the present education and training systems
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas over 80 million people or around 16 % of the European Union's total
Amendment 210 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 24. States that the present education and training systems in general do not prevent a high drop-out rate of people with disabilities; stresses that this leads to intensified social and employment disadvantages and poverty as a consequence among disabled people, especially during the present economic crisis;
Amendment 211 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 24. States that the present education and training systems in general do not prevent a high drop-out rate of people with disabilities; stresses that this leads to intensified social and employment disadvantages among disabled people, especially during the present economic crisis; emphasises that the effective integration of people with disabilities into societey necessitates personalised education and training tailored to their needs, attributes and abilities, and that this calls for the availability of an adequate number of qualified and motivated professionals; notes that the high school dropout rate among people with disabilities highlights the need for more investment in, and a greater focus on, the education and training sector, at all levels, and stresses that it is inevitable that any cuts in this area, in particular as regards support staff for children and young people with disabilities, will further exacerbate the situation;
Amendment 212 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 24. States that the present education and training systems in general do not prevent a high drop-out rate of people with
Amendment 213 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 24. States that the present education and training systems in general do not prevent a high drop-out rate of people with disabilities; stresses that this leads to intensified social and employment disadvantages among disabled people, especially during the present economic crisis, therefore mainstreaming of disability in the Europe 2020 Strategy and its Flagship initiatives is needed;
Amendment 214 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 a (new) 24 a. Finds that the employment level of people with disabilities across Europe is woefully low and reminds the European institutions that the aims of the EU2020 strategy cannot be achieved unless the situation of such people improves; society must therefore be familiarised with disability and must accept it, including at pre-school and primary school level;
Amendment 215 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 a (new) 24a. Stresses that basic assistance for disabled schoolchildren is a key part of the process of educational integration, and that its practical provision helps to secure the right to education; emphasises, therefore, the need to encourage and support specialisation by support teachers;
Amendment 216 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 a (new) 24 a. Believes that educational systems must provide a full response to special educational needs, ensuring in all circumstances the inclusion of special needs pupils by means of public policies offering them specific learning support;
Amendment 217 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 a (new) 24a. Points out the important role of special training centres in facilitating integration into the labour market; adds that insufficient access to the labour market means that people with disabilities are placed in vulnerable situations in society and are exposed to serious risks of discrimination, poverty and social exclusion;
Amendment 218 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 b (new) 24 b. Stresses that people with disabilities have the right to benefit, on a footing of equality, from the rapid development of products and services related to the new technologies, so that they can avail themselves of an inclusive and barrier- free information society;
Amendment 219 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 b (new) 24a. Calls for the activation of European funds earmarked for communication campaigns and awareness-raising activities in the world of work, such as the ‘Voluntariado Corporativo’(Corporate Volunteering) and the ‘Plan Familia’ (Family Plan) schemes under way in different companies;
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas over 80 million people or around 16 % of the European Union's total working population are disabled – including people with autism – and whereas the rate of unemployment remains unacceptably high, since, being twice as high as among people without disabilities, it
Amendment 220 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 b (new) 24b. Emphasises the need further to strengthen the education sector and to foster the development of an educational approach designed to meet the needs of young people with disabilities effectively;
Amendment 221 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 c (new) Amendment 222 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 c (new) 24 c. Advocates special support measures for the needs of people with disabilities on low incomes, with a view to ensuring that they have equal access to ITC and preventing the creation of new forms of social exclusion;
Amendment 223 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 d (new) 24 d. Believes that more funding needs to be channelled to disabled people's organisations; insists that for such organisations the cofinancing rate should be no more than 10% of the value of the projects presented by them, in view of their known financial difficulties;
Amendment 224 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25. Confirms that inclusive education should be the focus, in particular in the context of the accreditation of prior experiential learning, and that this should therefore be emphasised within the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (‘ET 2020’) as well as the Skills and Jobs Flagship of EU2020. In addition, there is a need for new and suitable guidelines and proper usage of IT in schools and at home with regard to personal and tailored assistance;
Amendment 225 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25. Confirms that inclusive education should be the focus, and that this should therefore be emphasised within the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (‘ET 2020’) as well as the New Skills and Jobs Flagship of EU2020. In addition, there is a need for new and suitable guidelines and proper usage of IT in schools and at home with regard to personal and tailored assistance;
Amendment 226 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25 a. Lifelong learning is a crucial way to support and increase the adaptability and continuance of employment for people with disabilities; it is particularly relevant for people who acquire a disability during the course of employment, and especially for the people who have an evolving disabling disease as well;
Amendment 227 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25 a. Stresses that different forms and solutions of inclusive education must be supported in order to help students and pupils with disabilities, including through the development of a suitable, individually-tailored rehabilitation or skills-building procedure designed, where necessary, in conjunction with parents and involving personal helpers to enable young people with disabilities to be more competitive later on and be equipped with more suitable skills for the labour market;
Amendment 228 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25a. Considers that inclusive education is needed to cut the school drop-out rate in the EU, the objective being to reduce this rate to less than 10%;
Amendment 229 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25 a. Underlines that employers should allow people with disabilities to take up a job position, if qualified, and to advance in it and to support them by training;
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas over 80 million people or around 16 % of the European Union's total working population are disabled – including people with autism – and whereas the rate of unemployment remains unacceptably high, since, being twice as high as among people without disabilities, it can cause poverty and social exclusion,
Amendment 230 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25 a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to support alternative educational programs and vocational training, which help people with disabilities to develop their skills in order to obtain adequate qualifications for the modern and open labour market;
Amendment 231 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25a. Calls on the Member States to improve and adapt their active employment policies to enable people with disabilities both to join the labour market and to remain on it; advocates introducing initiatives aligned with the needs of each type of disability, including plans and vocational guidance that operate from the moment individuals in need register with the services set up for this purpose;
Amendment 232 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25a. Emphasises that efforts must also be made to address the issue of non-formal education and learning for young people with disabilities, including areas such as social relations, the mass media (which should be subject to ever more stringent accessibility requirements, including in relation to subtitling and audio description systems), sport, leisure and outdoor pursuits, according to the specific needs of each child or young person; emphasises that these are not merely crucial tools for the healthy development of each individual, but also inalienable rights recognised by the UN;
Amendment 233 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25a. Emphasises the need to foster the promotion of integrated work-linked training projects which enable young people with disabilities to make an immediate practical transition from education to working life;
Amendment 234 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25 a. Recalls Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in which the States Parties undertake to ensure that persons with disabilities are not excluded from the general education system, or from secondary education, on the basis of disability, and that reasonable accommodation is provided for the individual’s requirements, together with the support required; urges the Member States to meet their undertakings;
Amendment 235 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 b (new) 25b. Highlights the fact that all the professionals working with people with disabilities play a valuable role, and believes that this role warrants professional recognition, especially in terms of types of contract (which must ensure continuity by enabling them to gain the necessary skills and put them into practice), enjoyment of rights and decent pay, and must be enhanced by means of appropriate, targeted further training courses; also believes that consideration must be given to the complexity of their work, which requires them to demonstrate empathy, and the particular nature of that work, which necessitates working conditions (including hours, rotas and holidays) that are conducive to a calm and relaxed working environment and interpersonal relationships;
Amendment 236 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 b (new) Amendment 237 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 26. Stresses that social corporate responsibility could also be an important impetus to the situation of people with disabilities; calls for the introduction of aid and subsidies, which would vary according to the type of contract, for companies and individuals hiring workers with disabilities; calls upon actors and stakeholders to support and apply good practices in this field;
Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 26. Stresses that voluntary social corporate responsibility could also be an important impetus to the situation of people with disabilities; calls upon actors and stakeholders to support and apply good practices in this field;
Amendment 239 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 26. Stresses that social corporate responsibility could also be an important impetus to the situation of people with disabilities; calls upon actors and stakeholders to support and apply good practices in this field; also calls on the Commission to take action, including legislative measures, to promote the growth of social corporate responsibility, with the goal, inter alia, of developing sophisticated social policies in relation to social inclusion, not least for people with disabilities;
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) B a. whereas people with disabilities in need of high levels of support are among the most excluded in society, whereas women with disabilities are generally amongst the more vulnerable and marginalised of society and experience discrimination, exclusion from participation in education, employment and social life,
Amendment 240 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 26. Stresses that social corporate responsibility could also be an important impetus to the situation of people with disabilities; calls upon actors and stakeholders to support and apply good practices in this field; recommends that the representatives of workers with disabilities should be consulted each year with a view to taking stock of the progress made in this area;
Amendment 241 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 a (new) 26a. Stresses the importance of switching from institutional to community care and calls on the European Commission and Member State governments to take active and effective steps to support this change effectively;
Amendment 242 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 a (new) 26 a. Claims that training concerning the special needs of people with disabilities in using different services and accessing public places should be built into the curricula of all vocational education and training and higher education;
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 27. Reaffirms that
Amendment 244 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 27. Reaffirms that training of public officials of the European Institutions as well as the Member States in receiving and informing people with disabilities should be promoted more forcefully and that access to public legal documents and procedures is a critical issue to be solved by concrete efforts;
Amendment 245 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 a (new) Amendment 246 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28.
Amendment 247 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28. Calls on the Commission and Member States to intensify the general information provided for
Amendment 248 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28. Calls on the Commission and Member States to intensify the general information provided for parents with disabled children in order to include early recognition and support and open up possible solutions for their specific needs;
Amendment 249 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28. Calls upon the Commission and Member States to intensify the general information provided for parents with disabled children in order to include early recognition and support and open up possible solutions for their needs; highlights the importance of state support for the families of people with disabilities, in terms not only of funding but also of ongoing assistance (including childcare services), healthcare provision, psychological support and the sharing of expertise;
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Amendment 250 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 a (new) 28 a. Calls on the Commission to present more effectively the advantages of accessibility and mainstream the relativity of costs and expenditures in creating a barrier-free environment for all with special regard to an ageing society;
Amendment 251 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 a (new) 28 a. Stresses that women with disabilities should have the opportunity to receive effective training, enabling them to find a satisfactory and financially rewarding job, guaranteeing their independence and equal opportunities and using each person’s capabilities to the full;
Amendment 252 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 a (new) 28 a. Draws attention to the need for educational and extra-curricular programmes concerning disabilities in schools in order to combat negative attitudes towards people with disabilities;
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 a (new) 28a. Urges the Member States to establish dedicated counters where people with disabilities and members of their families can obtain information and seek administrative advice;
Amendment 254 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 a (new) Amendment 255 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 b (new) 28b. Calls for special forms of leave to be created so that parents can take care of their disabled children; urges, further, that the commitment shown and the work performed by parents of disabled children should be recognised by being counted as professional experience and by being specifically taken into account when old- age pension entitlements are calculated;
Amendment 257 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. States that
Amendment 258 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. States that
Amendment 259 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. States that
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas
Amendment 260 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. States that, compared to the average, people with disabilities have more chance of being poor; around 80 million people with disabilities are poor
Amendment 261 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 a (new) Amendment 262 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 a (new) 29 a. Calls on the Commission, in the light of their targets on poverty reduction, to disaggregate poverty figures in order to calculate the numbers of persons with a disability who are experiencing poverty so that comparable targets for poverty reduction of persons with a disability can be achieved within the framework of the EU 2020 strategy;
Amendment 263 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 30. Confirms that, recalling the impetus of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, decreasing poverty cannot be achieved without integrating people with disabilities in the labour market
Amendment 264 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 30. Confirms that, recalling the impetus of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, decreasing poverty cannot be achieved without integrating people with disabilities in the labour market and adjusting income policies regarding invalidity and disability pensions systems in accordance with point 12 of the EPSCO Council conclusions adopted at its meeting on 30 November 2009, bearing in mind that the latter also serves as a stigma
Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 30. Confirms that, recalling the impetus of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, decreasing poverty cannot be achieved without integrating people with disabilities starting with the field of education and later in the labour market and adjusting income policies regarding invalidity and disability pensions systems, bearing in mind that the later also serve as stigmas;
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 a (new) 30 a. Recognises that early detection and help are vital and fundamental in the case of children with disabilities and must be regarded as long-term investments in an ageing society;
Amendment 267 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 a (new) 30 a. Observes that families of persons with disabilities are more exposed to the risk of poverty and social exclusion and special attention should be paid to them;
Amendment 268 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 a (new) 30a. Calls on the Member States to avoid any cuts in social protection for people with disabilities under the austerity policies introduced in response to the economic crisis, since it is necessary to ensure an acceptable standard of living for them as their inalienable right;
Amendment 269 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 a (new) 30 a. Insists on the need to create and implement minimum income levels in the Member States, starting out from the poverty threshold used by Eurostat, i.e. 60% of average income in a given Member State;
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas protection against discrimination on the ground of disability is limited to employment, occupation and vocational training (2000/78/EC) and the UNCRPD is a mixed agreement where the EU with its all institutions as well as Member States share the obligations for its implementation,
Amendment 270 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 a (new) 30a. Deplores the fact that people with disabilities must assume an additional financial burden – the extra expenditure incurred because of their disability – in their daily lives, which has a considerable impact on their quality of life;
Amendment 271 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 b (new) 30 b. Stresses that barrier-free access to health services and complex rehabilitation services does not stop the deterioration of health completely, particularly in an ageing society, which is why everyone has a responsibility in terms of everyday activities and consumer habits if a sustainable society in which ever greater value must be placed on health, from prevention to rehabilitation, is to be achieved;
Amendment 272 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 b (new) 30b. Points out that eliminating or seriously alleviating this poverty would entail having more people with disabilities in work, which would increase net tax revenue for the state and would reduce the number of people needing benefits for reasons of extreme poverty;
Amendment 273 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 c (new) 30 c. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to support or set up rehabilitation services in the field of health, education, training, employment, tools for independent living, transport, etc. which are more effective and overlapping and can not only be followed up and are individually tailored but which also help long-term budgetary and development planning;
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 d (new) 30 d. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take steps properly to inform families, providing, inter alia, access to practical information on everyday issues, in order to ensure that they receive as much help as possible with their children’s disabilities, including familiarising them with skills-building procedures and services which have an impact on family life;
Amendment 275 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 9 a (new) Calls on the Council and the Commission to consider concluding an interinstitutional agreement with the European Parliament and to draw up within one year a specific recommendation for Parliament to be involved in monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention at the same time as reviewing the existing code of conduct in order to incorporate the provision(s) setting out Parliament’s role;
Amendment 276 #
Motion for a resolution Subheading 9 b (new) – before paragraph 31 Calls on the Council and the Commission to take further steps and produce regular reports concerning rare diseases and provide real assistance to develop contacts between parents and specialists living closest to their homes; this must be taken into account and assessed in the work of the INSERM organisation;
Amendment 277 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 31. Calls on the Member States and the Commission to swiftly ratify and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) as well as its Optional Protocols and welcomes the Commission's initiative to accede to the Convention's Optional Protocol;
Amendment 278 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 a (new) 31a. Calls on the Commission to continue work to unfreeze the anti-discrimination directive, which is currently deadlocked in the Council, since anti-discrimination policy plays a key role in promoting social inclusion and employment for people with disabilities;
Amendment 279 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 a (new) Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas social policies aimed at disabled people are ofte
Amendment 280 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 32. Calls upon the Member States to (re)consider their disability-related actions and national programmes or strategies within the time span and framework of the EDS in accordance with the EU2020 Strategy and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
Amendment 281 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 33 33. Calls on the Commission to have stronger disability-related references in the planned
Amendment 282 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 33 a (new) 33a. Calls on the Commission, as per the outcome of the debate following publication of the Green Paper on Pensions, to argue in favour of a cross- cutting policy on disability in the forthcoming white paper, due to be published in the second half of 2011;
Amendment 283 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 34. Calls on the Member States to give as much support as possible to suitable measures and tools tailored (apart from the medical aspect) for a higher level of independent life in order to ensure equal opportunities and active life for persons with disabilities and their families;
Amendment 284 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 a (new) 34 a. Calls on the Commission to assess whether further measures taken in the context of the European structural funds with special regard to the Rural Development Fund help people with disabilities to be active citizens in Europe living in rural areas;
Amendment 285 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 a (new) 34 a. Calls on the Commission and the Council to make every effort to draw up rules on personal screening when using transport services which will guarantee passengers’ fundamental rights and dignity and serve the purpose of their journeys, with particular regard to the medical devices, aids and accessories which can be taken on board, and to achieve clear, common interpretation of the existing security requirements in order to ensure that people with disabilities are not denied the opportunity to travel – in the absence of proper justification and to a disproportionate degree – simply to prevent inconvenience to the service provider;
Amendment 286 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 a (new) 34 a. Emphasises the need to help those who can work and want to remain in the labour force, even if they have lost part of their functional capacities; calls on the Member States to promote a culture of inclusiveness and help integrate people with partial work capacity into the labour market;
Amendment 287 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 b (new) 34 b. Calls on the Commission to increase efforts to achieve individually-tailored navigation-based services for the blind and those with serious visual impairments and to report on these annually and make specific recommendations – taking into account dynamic technological development – ensuring that progress is made and continuous, multimodal door- to-door transport is possible, as set out in the White Paper entitled ‘Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’;
Amendment 288 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 b (new) 34 b. Calls on the Member States to review their provision of health services for people with disabilities, such as encompassing measures relating to physical accessibility to services, training and medical staff, awareness-raising, information provided in accessible formats, customised counselling services, including translation into various languages, and health services customised to the needs of people with disabilities;
Amendment 289 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 35 35. Calls on the Commission to elaborate concrete, appropriate and more detailed actions and to set up a monitoring mechanism for all levels of governance in respect of the implementation of the EDS in line with the list of Actions of EDS with close cooperation with the EP;
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas policies aimed at disabled people often fall within the competence of Member States and are therefore based on national heritage and social customs
Amendment 290 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 36. Calls on the Commission to present
Amendment 291 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 36. Calls on the Commission to present its European Accessibility Act in 2011 as promised in its EDS;
Amendment 292 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 a (new) Amendment 293 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 a (new) 36 a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States, in giving support to sport and recreation for people with disabilities, to avoid making distinctions when identifying disabilities and urges the Council to continue its efforts, recalling that the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe promised, in 1986, to support sport for people with disabilities;
Amendment 294 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 b (new) 36 b. Calls on the Commission to pay attention to the inclusion of the interests of people with disabilities, in accordance with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, when handling assistance for international relations and development;
Amendment 295 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 c (new) 36 c. Calls on the Commission and the Council to improve access for people with disabilities in the field of copyright, including the increased exchange of best practices; to support the development of optimum forms of cooperation, and to ensure service providers are governed by appropriate, common and compulsory requirements concerning people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on those with visual impairments;
Amendment 296 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 d (new) 36 d. Stresses that, in accordance with the spirit of the UN Convention, Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices – particularly the provision on misleading omissions – is also relevant to people with disabilities;
Amendment 297 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 e (new) 36 e. Calls on the Commission and the Council to take action on the basis of the practice and experience of the European Parliament to make ICT barrier-free for deaf people, in accordance with Parliament’s 1988 and 1998 decisions, and to report on this annually to the MEP(s) concerned;
Amendment 298 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 f (new) 36 f. Calls on the Commission to prepare a study with people with visual impairments in mind analysing the characteristics of the digital displays (interfaces) of industrial and domestic products and alternative, equivalent information solutions for blind people and making specific legislative proposals;
Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 3 a (new) - having regard to the Europe 2020 - A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth COM(2010) 2020, its targets and Flagship initiatives,
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas policies aimed at disabled people often fall within the competence of Member States and are therefore based on national
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas social policies aimed at disabled people often fall within the competence of Member States and are therefore based on national heritage and social customs as well as on economic development and the economic situation,
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new) D a. whereas the European Union formally ratified the United Nation's (UN) Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities and it t has also been signed by all 27 EU Member States and ratified by 16 of these,
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new) D a. whereas people with disabilities in need of high levels of support are among the most excluded in society,
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D b (new) D b. whereas disability is an evolving concept that results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others with the same dignity,
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there is a strong relationship
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there is a strong relationship between (physical) mobility and (social) inclusion, especially with regard to freedom of (means and accessibility of) communication
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there is a strong relationship between (physical) mobility and (social) inclusion, especially with regard to freedom of (means and accessibility of) communication as well as sign languages and freedom of movement in all fields of life aiming at full participation in society, bearing in mind the importance of Community policies which draw together the ongoing progress in information and communications technologies, as well as home robotics, moving towards full accessibility as regards establishing compatible standards in the single market and facilitating their dissemination,
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new) E a. whereas access to information and culture play a vital role in intellectual development of young people including people with disabilities,
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E b (new) E b. whereas access to information has been explicitly confirmed in Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights,
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 3 a (new) - having regard to the Europe 2020 - A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth COM(2010) 2020, its targets and Flagship initiatives,
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E c (new) E c. whereas access to information has a direct impact on employment opportunities of people with disabilities,
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F F. whereas disabled people have the right to
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F F. whereas disabled people have the right to a sufficient level of
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas disabled persons suffer from discrimination
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas disabled persons suffer from discrimination in education and training, including the lack of early recognition and intervention for disabled children and pupils,
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas disabled persons in some Member States and in some sectors suffer from discrimination in education and training, including the lack of early recognition and intervention for disabled children and pupils, which results in their employment opportunities being highly restricted,
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) H a. whereas disability is an evolving concept that results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others,
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas women with disabilities often suffer double discrimination, and whereas governments can counter this phenomenon by implementing gender mainstreaming in all relevant areas of disability policy,
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas the economic crisis represents a challenge for employment in general and for the disabled in particular, with the rise in the unemployment rate being considerably greater for people with some kind of disability and there being a growing fear that disability benefits may be used to control labour supply,
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 3 a (new) - having regard to Council Recommendation 98/376/EC of 4 June 1998 on a parking card for people with disabilities,
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) H a. whereas disability is an evolving concept that results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others,
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) H a. whereas family members of persons with disabilities suffer from discrimination by association and measures supporting families will in turn have a positive impact on the full and equal realization of rights of persons with disabilities,
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H b (new) H b. whereas people with disabilities are one of the groups most affected by the impact of the financial crisis in Europe,
Amendment 53 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H b (new) H b. whereas the most marginalised groups in society are those hardest hit by crisis, whereas people with disabilities are one of the groups most affected by the impact of the financial crisis in Europe,
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Stresses that the financial expenditure and economic investment in people with disabilities is a long-term return investment for the well-being of all and an inclusive society resting on sustainable foundations;
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Stresses that the financial expenditure and economic investment in people with disabilities is a long-term return investment for the well-being of all and a society resting on sustainable foundations; in this connection, stresses that it is unacceptable in the context of public austerity measures for cuts to be made to services for disabled persons or to projects for their social inclusion, since this would mean failing to guarantee certain basic and inalienable rights of the disabled; believes that, on the contrary, investment in this area should be increased substantially;
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Emphasises that the Europe 2020 Strategy target of 75 % of the population aged 20-64 in employment cannot possibly be achieved unless this includes the population in this age group with some form of disability;
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Calls for a definition of disability to established to which Member States can refer;
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Observes that there is an intrinsic solidarity in European societies which fully acknowledges
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Observes that the
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 3 b (new) - having regard to the European Parliament legislative resolution of 2 April 2009 on the proposal for a Council directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation (COM(2008)0426 – C6-0291/2008 – 2008/0140(CNS)),
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Observes that there is an intrinsic solidarity in European societies which fully acknowledges the need for adaptations for people with mild disabilities; stresses however that the dignity and human rights of people with severe or multiple disabilities
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Observes that there is an intrinsic solidarity in the European societies which fully acknowledges the need for adaptations for people with ´mild´ disabilities; stresses however that pe
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Observes that there is an intrinsic solidarity in European societies which fully acknowledges the need for adaptations for people with mild disabilities, something which needs to be encouraged and strengthened through European public awareness campaigns; stresses however that people with severe or multiple disabilities need more help in terms of human rights and dignity and assistance in entering the labour market; the difference between serious or multiple disabilities and mild disabilities must be taken into account when priorities are set for public sector recruitment;
Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Observes that there is an intrinsic solidarity in European societies which fully acknowledges the need for adaptations for people with mild disabilities; stresses however that people with severe or multiple disabilities need more help in terms of human rights and dignity; points out that types of disability should therefore be categorised on the basis of their severity so that suitable arrangements can be made at all stages of education and training and professional life;
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Stresses the importance of the objectives of the new European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS) and calls especially for
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Stresses the importance of the objectives of the new European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS) and calls especially for identification of more detailed actions for all levels of governance based on reliable data;
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new) 3 a. Stresses the importance of the Member States adopting the EU Directive on equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, and calls on the Member States to make this a priority and adopt it as soon as possible;
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient
Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS, whilst respecting established powers in this area and in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity;
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new) - having regard to Commission Communication of 26 August 2010 ‘A digital Agenda for Europe’ COM(2010) 245 final,
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS with the intensive involvement of people with disabilities;
Amendment 71 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a European Disability Committee as a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS;
Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a European Disability Committee as a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS;
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a European Disability Committee as a more effective mechanism to
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS within the Commission;
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS; stresses in this context how important it is that people with disabilities, and civil society organisations working in this area, should be involved in this work;
Amendment 76 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability starting from the creation of a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS, at both EU and national level;
Amendment 77 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Recalls that a sustainable society where people live longer in better health
Amendment 78 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Recalls that a sustainable society where people live longer in better health should also mean that the needs of disabled people
Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Recalls that a sustainable society where people live longer in better health should also mean that the needs of disabled people
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new) - having regard to Commission Communication of 26 August 2010 ‘A digital Agenda for Europe’ COM(2010) 245 final,
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Calls for the full respect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Calls for the respect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Calls for the respect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the notions of Design for all as well as universal design and acknowledges the efforts made by the United Nations and the European Union with respect to legislation aimed at strengthening the full integration of disabled in society but more should be done;
Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Calls for the respect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Stresses in particular the need to ensure full respect for the rights laid down in the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the case of disabled children, including the right to engage in play, the right to education, the right to participate in community life, including cultural life and the arts, the right to the medical care required by their personal circumstances, and the freedom to seek and receive information and ideas; points out in particular that Article 23 of the above convention recognises that disabled children should 'enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate the child's active participation in the community' and calls for disabled children to have 'effective access to education, training, healthcare services, rehabilitation services, preparation for employment and recreation opportunities in a manner conducive to the child's achieving the fullest possible social integration and individual development, including his or her cultural and spiritual development';
Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6 a. Calls for effective mainstreaming of disability among all the EU 2020 strategy and its flagship initiatives, including Innovation Union, in which reference to disability is lacking;
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls attention to the fact that many disabled people continue to suffer discrimination with regard to the lack of equal recognition before the law and justice and calls on the Member States to remedy these shortcomings, including
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls attention to the fact that many disabled people continue to suffer discrimination with regard to the lack of equal recognition before the law and justice and calls on the Member States to remedy these shortcomings, including effective access to justice for persons with disabilities, appropriate training for those working in the field of administration of justice including police and prison staff, in addition to electoral rights and public management of natural and man-made disasters;
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls attention to the fact that many disabled people continue to suffer discrimination with regard to the lack of equal recognition before the law and justice and calls on the Member States to correct and remedy these shortcomings, including electoral rights and public management of natural and man-made disasters;
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7 a. Calls on the Commission to take appropriate measures to promote the development of and access to universally designed goods and services as enshrined in Article 29 of the UN CRPD, including exchange of best practices;
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 7 a (new) - having regard to the Communication from the Commission "The European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: A European framework for social and territorial cohesion" (COM (2010)0758 final),
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Highlights the fact that, in the light of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, numerous studies have shown that disabled women suffer a double discrimination on grounds both of their gender and their disability; calls on the Commission, in view of the almost total lack of mechanisms in this regard, to make special provision in the social protection systems for women with disabilities;
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7 a. Calls on the Commission to take appropriate measures to promote the development of and access to universally designed goods and services as enshrined in Article 29 of the UN CRPD;
Amendment 92 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7 a. Calls on the Member States to eliminate the obstacles that prevent people with disabilities from freely and unimpededly expressing their will as citizens in elections, since the lack of physical facilities to accommodate the needs of disabled people means that only a small percentage of people with disabilities are able to participate in elections;
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Stresses that people with mental disabilities and intellectual impairments are particularly exposed to the risk of abuse and violence,
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Stresses that people with mental disabilities are particularly exposed to the risk of abuse and violence, and calls on the Member States to adopt a developed control mechanism to provide services and legal protection for victims to guarantee the respect of human rights and freedoms of people in residential institutions and elsewhere, with special regard to disabled women and children;
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Stresses that people with mental disabilities are particularly exposed to the risk of abuse and violence, and calls on the Member States to adopt a developed control mechanism to guarantee the respect
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Stresses that people with mental disabilities are particularly exposed to the risk of abuse and violence, and calls on the Member States to adopt a developed control mechanism to guarantee the respect of human rights and freedoms of people in residential institutions, with special regard to disabled women; and take measures to promote the transition from institutional to community-based care;
Amendment 97 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Stresses that people with mental disabilities are particularly exposed to the risk of abuse and violence, and calls on the Member States to adopt a developed control mechanism to guarantee the respect of human rights and freedoms of people in residential institutions, with special regard to disabled women and to the most vulnerable groups of people, such as disabled children and the elderly;
Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Stresses that people with intellectual as well as mental disabilities are particularly exposed to the risk of abuse and violence, and calls on the Member States to adopt a developed control mechanism to guarantee the respect of human rights and freedoms of people in residential institutions, with special regard to disabled women;
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8 a. Believes measures must be taken to implement the right to physical assistance of people with functional diversity and ensure an independent life for those who want it;
source: PE-462.706
58 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Citation 8 a (new) – having regard to the Council Decision of 26 November 2009 concerning the conclusion, by the European Community, of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A h (new) Ah. Whereas people with disabilities in need of high levels of support are among the most excluded in society;
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A i (new) Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A j (new) Aj. whereas lower participation in general education and in the labour market lead to income inequalities and poverty for people with disabilities, as well as to social exclusion and isolation,
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A k (new) Ak. whereas the rate of employment for people with disabilities is only around 50% while quality jobs ensure economic independence, foster personal achievement, and offer the best protection against poverty,
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A l (new) Al. whereas in the 16-19 age group the rate of non-participation in education is 37 % for considerably restricted people, and 25 % for those restricted to some extent, against 17 % for those not restricted,
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Recital A m (new) Am. whereas the number of people with disabilities is expected to rise in step with the gradual ageing of the EU population,
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Recital A n (new) An. whereas it should be emphasised that the majority of people with disabilities are frequently unable fully to participate in economic activities in society owing to physical – and other – obstacles, and to discrimination or a social stigma,
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Reiterates that
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Reiterates that the availability and quality of access to all services, particularly health and care services, is a fundamental principle of the European model of solidarity;
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Stresses the need for a new efficient approach to disability, starting with the creation of a more effective mechanism to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the EDS; stresses in this context how important it is that people with disabilities, and civil society organisations working in this area, should be involved in this work;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Citation 10 a (new) – having regard to the Council Conclusions on Common values and principles in European Union Health Systems (2006/C146/01),
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to urge Member States to adopt specific policies to ensure equal access to health care, including high-quality health and rehabilitation services for people with physical and mental disabilities;
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to urge Member States to adopt specific social policies to ensure equal access to health care, including high-quality health and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities;
Amendment 23 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Calls on the Member States to promote the use of Braille and sign language;
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – introductory part 3. Calls on the Member States, through the ‘open method of coordination’, to exchange information, ideas and best practice on the provision of long-term care for people with physical and mental disabilities and to adopt measures and minimum professional standards in order to:
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point a (a) reduce health and welfare inequalities and ensure safeguards are in place for people with disabilities in the community and in care settings;
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point c (c) provide adequate, wide-ranging rehabilitation services which are based on the desire for autonomy of people with disabilities and which seek to reintegrate them into the world of work; provide adequate rehabilitation services and promote mental health services and the development of early intervention and needs assessment services,
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point c (c) provide adequate rehabilitation services and promote mental health services based on the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being and the development of early intervention and needs assessment services,
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point c (c) provide adequate rehabilitation services, boost the transition from institutional to community-based care and promote mental health services and the development of early intervention and needs assessment services,
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A a (new) Aa. whereas over a third of people aged over 75 have a disability,
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point c (c) provide adequate rehabilitation services and promote mental health services and the development of
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point c a (new) (ca) support the families of patients and professionals working in the national health systems by means of targeted information and training measures and by involving patients’ associations in decision-making and monitoring processes;
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point d (d) help disseminate information and communications technologies to promote the care within families, and independence, of people with disabilities and opportunities for them work competitively;
Amendment 33 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point d (d) help disseminate information and communications technologies to promote the
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point d a (new) (da) set up an ‘integrated one-stop shop for access to services for people with disabilities’ in order to go beyond the limited approach taken by existing social and health advisory facilities;
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point d b (new) (db) ensure a better response to the specific needs of workers suffering from disabling diseases and chronic conditions regarding their workplace integration and retention;
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point d c (new) (dc) focus on prevention of disabilities and prevention of secondary conditions of either a mental or a physical nature which often develop as a result of the individual’s primary impairment.
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 – point d d (new) (dd) improve mobility and access for people with disabilities.
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Calls on the Member States to take measures to recognise sign language and Braille;
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Calls on the Commission to promote initiatives geared to the requirements of people with disabilities or sick people who cannot find appropriate solutions to their problems because those solutions are not considered profitable by companies which produce nutritional or prosthetic aids;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A b (new) Ab. whereas, due to demographic change, the number of people with disabilities will continue to rise in the coming years,
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. Recalls Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in which the State Parties undertake to ensure that persons with disabilities are not excluded from the general education system, or from secondary education, on the basis of disability, and that reasonable accommodation is provided for the individual’s requirements, together with the support required; urges the Member States to meet their undertakings;
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 c (new) 5c. Calls on the Council and the Member States to restructure failing healthcare systems and to rationalise public spending on healthcare in order to offer fair access to quality healthcare, without discrimination, to people with disabilities throughout the EU; encourages them, therefore, to promote the transition from institutional to community-based care by using the Structural Funds and the Rural Development Fund;
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 d (new) 5d. Highlights the need to provide inclusive education and lifelong learning to disabled pupils and students;
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 e (new) 5e. Stresses the need to make the most of public awareness raising campaigns and to reorganise the information on disability that is collected through social surveys in the European Union;
Amendment 44 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 f (new) 5f. Stresses the need to promote an education system propitious to lifelong learning for schoolchildren and students with disabilities and a personalised inclusion system for the early identification of special needs;
Amendment 45 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses the importance of ensuring more people with disabilities and workers suffering from disabling diseases and chronic conditions remains at work and enter employment by means such as imposing specific quotas on employers or measures to adapt jobs to the needs of job- seekers and workers with disabilities ;
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses the importance of ensuring more people with disabilities enter employment by means such as imposing specific quotas on employers or measures to adapt jobs to the needs of job-seekers with disabilities or subsidized insurance contributions;
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses the importance of ensuring more people with disabilities enter employment by means such as imposing specific quotas on employers or measures to adapt jobs to the needs of job-seekers with disabilities; calls on the EU institutions to set an example as regards the employment of people with disabilities and urges the Member States to pursue this strategy too;
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses the importance of ensuring more people with disabilities enter employment by means such as
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses the importance of ensuring more people with disabilities enter employment by
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A c (new) Ac. whereas people with disabilities constitute a vulnerable group, among whom the rate of poverty is 70% higher than average; whereas this higher exposure to the risk of poverty is the result of often limited access not only to employment and training but also to healthcare and appropriate treatment,
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Calls on the Commission to promote the establishment of a European network of accredited centres for the diagnosis and treatment of specific forms of rare diseases, in order to coordinate and monitor their activities and the benefits they have for patients;
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. Calls on the Commission to stop prosecuting sheltered workshops and social enterprises which receive state subsidies, as it has done in the past, on the grounds of distortion of competition;
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 c (new) 6c. Stresses the need for people with disabilities to be able to benefit from social protection systems and poverty reduction programmes, disability-related assistance, public housing programmes and other enabling services, and retirement and benefit programmes;
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Urges the Commission and the Member States to strengthen existing legislation in order to promote the inclusion of accessibility clauses in public contract award procedures including, but not limited to, contracts for transport facilities and buildings.
Amendment 54 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Calls on the Member States to guarantee full mobility for people with disabilities by: (a) removing architectural barriers from road infrastructure; (b) incorporating dedicated transport services for people with disabilities into the public transport system; (c) providing appropriate information and communication systems in stations and airports and at bus stops;
Amendment 55 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 b (new) 7b. Highlights the role of voluntary work as a vital support for people with disabilities and calls on the Commission and the Member States to continue and to improve the initiatives and support programmes devoted to such work;
Amendment 56 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 c (new) 7c. Stresses the importance of research into new therapeutic methods which further facilitate the integration of people with disabilities into society; in this regard, drama and pet therapy, for instance, are proving to be effective since they promote socialisation and interpersonal communication;
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 d (new) 7d. Stresses the importance of the Member States adopting the EU Directive on equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, and calls on the Member States to make this a priority and adopt it as soon as possible;
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 e (new) 7e. Calls for reduction of barriers to freedom of movement of people with disabilities by adopting a European Mobility Card.
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A d (new) Ad. whereas the success of the Europe 2020 strategy, the objective of which is to develop European growth which is smart (based on innovation and research), sustainable and inclusive, will necessarily require structural improvements as regards the mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities,
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A e (new) Ae. whereas, at a time of economic crisis, it is urgent and essential to redesign the national public health systems to make them more efficient, balanced and viable,
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A f (new) Af. whereas the Member States’ basic objectives for the future are to provide support for the most vulnerable people and their families and help them achieve personal and social fulfilment and the full exercise of their citizenship,
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph A g (new) Ag. whereas a fresh look needs to be taken at the way in which support is provided to, and the conditions for inclusion of, the most vulnerable people; whereas if those support activities were remunerated, they would account for nearly 50% of GDP (according to a report by the Stiglitz commission in France),
source: PE-464.756
55 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Stresses that the economic crisis has caused some EU Member States to make cuts in their disability assistance funding, which will adversely affect the educational, social and economic needs of women with family responsibilities;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 – indent 2 a (new) – collecting detailed and reliable statistics on the real situation facing disabled people that cover the gender and disability dimension,
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Underlines the need for early diagnosis and solutions allowing as many disabled people as possible to live independently, with access to inclusive education and work and able to exercise their social rights, so that they are not placed in vulnerable situations in society and exposed to serious risks of discrimination, poverty and social exclusion;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Underlines the need for early diagnosis and solutions allowing as many disabled people as possible to live independently, with access to education and work and able to exercise their social rights, starting with admission to integrated education;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Underlines that access to health services is a priority; notes that in most countries gender and disability issues in health and social services are not covered by the same legislation and that as a result, women with disabilities often receive health services that are targeted at women in general or at persons with disabilities in general, but rarely targeted specifically at them;
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. Points out that the lack of affordable, accessible and high quality care services in most European Union countries and the fact that care work is not equally shared between women and men have a direct negative impact on women’s ability to participate in all aspects of social, economic, cultural and political life;
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Emphasises the need to educate health professionals and teachers as part of their training and to make parents and teachers aware of all types of disability, some of which are poorly understood despite their prevalence;
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that disabled children are often cared for by their mothers, who have to cope with medical, educational and administrative procedures, which has an adverse impact on their careers; calls on Member States to make working hours more flexible so that these women are no longer excluded from the job market, and to make provision for special leave, early retirement and various forms of home care;
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that disabled children are often cared for by their mothers, who have to cope with medical, educational and administrative procedures, which has an adverse impact on their careers; calls on the Member States to
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Notes that disabled
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Regrets that the Commission communication on European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 does not include an integrated gender perspective or a separate chapter on gender-specific disability policies, despite the fact that disabled women are often in a more disadvantaged position than disabled men and are more often victims of poverty and social exclusion;
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Underlines the need to encourage recognition by the Member States in their social security systems, and when people retire, of the involvement, generally of women, in care for the disabled;
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Notes the advances made through the work of parents’ or disabled people’s associations, which are often led by women; calls for their commitment to such organisations to be taken into account in an accreditation of their professional experience, and calls on Member States to exchange best practice;
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Notes the advances made through the work of parents’ or disabled people’s associations, which are often led by women;
Amendment 23 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Calls on the Member States to ensure that public service recruitment competitions reserve a minimum percentage of posts for differently-abled applicants;
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Asks the Commission to incorporate a specific and explicit focus on the intersectionality of gender and disability in the future European accessibility act and ensure that the full range of issues relevant to women with disabilities –– are addressed;
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Refers to the fact that women with mental or psychological disabilities are at greater risk of being abused than others; regrets that EU and national legislation to prevent exploitation, violence and abuse often lacks a focus on disability;
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Points out that disabled women are often victims of violence; calls for Member States to introduce support mechanisms and more severe penalties for the culprits;
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Points out that disabled women are often victims of violence; calls for Member States to introduce support mechanisms; Recommends that Member States consider developing national strategies relating to access to justice and protection from abuse for women with disabilities. Calls on the European Institute for gender equality to carry out studies on the situation of girls and women with disabilities in relation to violence;
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Points out that disabled women are often victims of violence and all forms of exploitation; calls for Member States to introduce support mechanisms;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 b (new) 1b. Calls on the Member States to develop a National Strategy for Women with Disabilities, addressing the range of themes covered by the UN Convention;
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Calls on the Member States to take vigorous measures against all forms of violence against the disabled, in particular women, elderly people and children, who are frequently victims of mental and physical violence as well as sexual violence; notes that almost 80% of disabled women are victims of violence and that the risk of sexual violence is higher for them than for other women; points out that violence is not only a frequent occurrence in the lives of disabled women but is also sometimes the very cause of their disability;
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Underlines the difficulties disabled women face in gaining access to employment, and adds that they should be encouraged to follow study courses and use new information and communication technologies, while enterprises should be urged to employ them
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7.
Amendment 33 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Underlines the difficulties disabled women face in gaining access to employment, and adds that they should be encouraged to follow study courses and use new information and communication technologies, while enterprises should be urged to employ them using positive measures and with adequate funding.
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Underlines the difficulties disabled women face in gaining access to employment, and adds that they should be encouraged to follow study courses and use new information and communication technologies, while enterprises should be urged to employ them
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Underlines the difficulties disabled women face in gaining access to employment, and adds that they should be encouraged to follow study courses, develop special skills through suitable vocational training, participate in life- long learning programmes and use new information and communication technologies, while enterprises should be urged to employ them.
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Calls on the Commission to draw up annual reports with data showing the situation of disabled women in the different Member States;
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 b (new) 7b. Calls for the activation of European funds earmarked for communication campaigns and awareness-raising activities for the benefit of disabled women;
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Calls on the Member States to develop both independent and collective forms of accommodation, which are of good quality and affordable for all regardless of the individual’s own financial situation;
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 b (new) 7b. Calls on the Commission and Member States to implement policies to assist persons with disabilities, particularly women and children, to support their autonomy and full integration into society ; in this context call on the Commission to support programmes for exchange of best practice between Members States, and in particular to examine the role of personal assistants for persons with disabilities and the way they contribute to facilitate the every day life and the independence of persons with disabilities ;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to take gender aspects into account throughout the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020;
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Highlights the importance of optimising the use of EU funding instruments, particularly the Structural Funds, to promote accessibility and non- discrimination for persons with disabilities, paying particular attention to women who often face multiple discrimination, and of increasing the visibility of funding possibilities for such actions in post-2013 programmes;
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Calls on the Member States to promote campaigns to raise awareness of the situation of the differently-abled, and of differently-abled women in particular;
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Stresses the need to ensure that co- financing by NGOs working in this area of disability in projects that they submit for Community funding does not exceed 10%;
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 b (new) Amendment 44 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 c (new) 7c. Stresses that women with disabilities have a right to share in and benefit from the rapid development of products and services derived from new technologies on equal terms, since this will enable them to participate in an inclusive information society without barriers;
Amendment 45 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 d (new) 7d. Considers it necessary to make provision for special support measures to cater for people with disabilities in lower income groups, in order to ensure that they have equal access to ICTs and avoid creating new forms of social exclusion;
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 e (new) 7e. Stresses the need to establish and apply minimum incomes at EU Member State level based on the poverty threshold used by Eurostat, i.e. 60% of each country’s median income;
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Calls on the Member States to facilitate women with disabilities’ representation in the decision making process, in order to ensure their interests and rights are protected;
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. underlines that for a reduction of barriers of free movement of people with disabilities in Europe a European Mobility Card should be adopted;
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 b (new) 7b. stresses that for a better inclusion of people with disabilities it is essential to strengthen their rights of access to the public transport as well as their rights as air passengers;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 – indent 1 – social inclusion of 80 million
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Notes that the majority of professional and non-professional caretakers are women; points out that non-professional caretakers often do the caretaker work without paid remuneration or without the recognition of national social security systems and insists that particular attention should be paid to these women, especially when it comes to their pension benefits;
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 b (new) 7b. Notes that these women may face multiple discriminations;
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 c (new) 7c. Notes that the danger of poverty and unemployment is particularly serious when it comes to single mothers with disabled children;
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 d (new) 7d. Notes that employment target of the EU2020 strategy cannot be carried out without the massive participation of women, and women cannot successfully participate without their caretaker work sufficiently recognized;
Amendment 54 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 e (new) 7e. Insists that statistical data gathered in line with the European Disability Strategy should be entirely gender sensitive and should also provide reliable data on caretakers;
Amendment 55 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 f (new) 7f. Suggests that sign language should be recognized as official language in EU Member States, Member States therefore should work towards the possibility of such a recognition;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 – indent 1 – social inclusion of 80 million disabled people in the European Union, particularly women facing dual discrimination on grounds of gender and disability, and facilitating the work of their carers,
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 – indent 2 a (new) – finally integrate gender issues as recommended by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified recently by the EU,
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 – indent 2 a (new) Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 – indent 2 b (new) – fighting the double discrimination which disabled women are facing due to the strong correlation between disability, gender, employment and education,
source: PE-464.810
26 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Draws attention to the fact that gaps in the legislation (i.e. lack of transposition of basic principles in all related national legislation) and the implementation of the existing principle of equal treatment of people with disabilities are regularly brought to the attention of the Committee on Petitions by the citizens concerned;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need for
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need for
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need for
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need for affordable anti- discrimination laws across the full range of policy areas, and the importance of affordable awareness-raising campaigns about the risk of discrimination against the disabled
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need for affordable anti- discrimination laws across the full range of policy areas, and the importance of affordable awareness-raising campaigns about the risk of discrimination against the disabled, notably in the work environment; in this connection, points out that in 2007 a petition with 1 364 984 signatures was submitted to the Commission calling for wide-ranging protection to be given to people with disabilities in all the European Union's policies and that the Commission has so far failed to take due account of this legitimate initiative;
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Recommends that the Member States develop sheltered workshops, mainly by means of tax and social security exemptions and that contracts be introduced tailored to the situation of disabled people;
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Stresses th
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Underlines the need to improve the compliance of public websites with web accessibility standards and promote the compliance of private websites with those standards, as well as the need to ensure more subtitled and audio-described television programs;
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Underlines the importance of overcoming problems relating to intra-EU mobility by facilitating and promoting the use of the European disability parking card and by taking the necessary steps towards the introduction of a common European ID card for people with disabilities with the typographic and colour features denoting the type of disability affecting the card- holder concerned;
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 9. Stresses the importance of making professional activity possible for people with disabilities, without forgetting those who may need to suspend their employment for certain periods owing to the nature of their
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Draws attention to the fact that gaps in the implementation of the existing principle of equal treatment of people with disabilities are regularly brought to the attention of the Committee on Petitions by the citizens concerned; points out that in 2007 a petition with 1 364 984 signatures was submitted to the Commission calling for people with disabilities to be given extensive protection in all European Union policies and that the Commission has so far failed to take due account of this legitimate initiative;
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Recommends that quotas be introduced for the recruitment of disabled people, together with special facilities, staff geared to their needs and the introduction of disabled people's representatives within large firms;
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 b (new) 9b. Recommends that the Member States set up special contact points where disabled people and their families can obtain the information and administrative advice they need;
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 10. States that children with disabilities need to be both integrated appropriately into the general education system and provided with individual support in the best interests of the child; supports possible initiatives for education and training for children with disabilities under the Youth on the Move initiative as well as under the future European Youth Programme post 2013;
Amendment 23 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Considers that the participation of people with disabilities in the Lifelong Learning programme should be facilitated and promoted;
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 11. Emphasises that people with disabilities need to have access to effective social protection systems and poverty reduction programmes in order to avoid social exclusion
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 12 12. Stresses that structural reforms to disability benefits and disability pension systems may be necessary in order to promote social inclusion and prevent poverty often burdening the life of disabled people and their family;
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 13 a (new) Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Stresses the fact that the inclusion of people with disabilities is essential for the achievement of the goals of the European 2010-2020 Strategy
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Calls for a definition of disability to be provided to serve as a point of reference for Member States;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Points out that the petitioners
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Points out that the petitioners refer to problems relating to the schooling of disabled children, access to insurance, a lack of public transport facilities and infrastructure and the lack of harmonisation within the EU of the scales used to determine the degree of disability as well as a lack of uniform recognition in the Member States of concessions granted to people with disabilities allowing them access to various services or simply to use designated parking spaces;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Calls for types of disability to be classified according to their severity, so that appropriate solutions can be found throughout the period of education and professional life;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Draws attention to the great number of petitions concerning people suffering from multiple sclerosis
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Emphasises the importance of implementing
source: PE-464.797
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 052
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Mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European disability strategy 2010-2020 |
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