Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | REGI | MIHAYLOVA Iskra ( ALDE) | HETMAN Krzysztof ( PPE), DĂNCILĂ Viorica ( S&D), PORĘBA Tomasz Piotr ( ECR), ROPĖ Bronis ( Verts/ALE), ADINOLFI Isabella ( EFDD) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 54
Legal Basis:
RoP 54Events
The European Parliament adopted by 523 votes to 76 with 38 abstentions, a resolution on European Territorial Cooperation - best practices and innovative measures.
European Added Value of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC ): whilst recalling that around 38 % of Europe’s population lives in border regions , Parliament noted that the ETC budget of EUR 10.1 billion represents 2.8 % of the cohesion policy budget, does not match the great challenges that ETC has to meet, and does not reflect the high level of its European added value.
Members called for greater respect for Article 174 TFEU on territorial cohesion, in particular as regards rural areas and areas affected by industrial transition, and regions that suffer from severe and permanent natural or demographic handicaps. They acknowledged that cross-border cooperation (CBC) is a key tool for the development of border regions:
it has helped in terms of supporting research , innovation and the knowledge economy, adapting to climate change, and promoting sustainable transport and mobility through transnational approaches; it is particularly important for the protection of the environment, especially in the areas of water, biodiversity and energy; it has allowed cities and regions to cooperate on a variety of issues and themes, involving exchange of experience and good practices, and makes a geographical area more attractive for trading companies; it offers significant European added value, contributing to peace, stability and regional integration, and can bring added value to the management of the migration crisis .
Members called on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to work together and exchange information and good practices in order to undertake assessments and issue guidelines as to how results orientation can be adapted to ETC specificities. The report also called for structured monitoring systems and evaluation plans in order to better evaluate the achievements of the results in terms of the Europe 2020 goals and territorial integration.
Contribution to territorial cohesion : Members encouraged the Member States to make greater use of Integrated Territorial Investment ( ITI ) and Community-Led Local Development ( CLLD ), which are not implemented widely enough in the Interreg programmes for 2014-2020. They recommend that special focus be placed on projects giving priority to:
the adaptation of social and mobility infrastructure to demographic change and migratory flows; the creation of specific goods and services aimed at an ageing population; support for job opportunities for older people, women and migrants that contribute to social inclusion; enhanced digital connections and the creation of platforms that enable and foster the participation of the citizens of more isolated regions and their interaction with the various administrative, social and political services.
Support for research and innovation : Parliament stressed the need to create cross-border innovation policy approaches, such as joint research and mobility programmes, joint research infrastructures, partnerships and cooperation networks. It recommended that local and regional authorities take full advantage of the possibilities of combining those funds ( European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI), Horizon 2020, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), etc.) to support SMEs and research and innovation projects, including cross-border projects.
Governance and policy coordination : while welcoming the simplified EGTC Regulation ( Regulation (EU) No 1302/2013 ), Members stressed that this regulation is not sufficient to overcome all existing legal obstacles to cross-border cooperation. They welcomed, therefore, the initiative of the Luxembourg Presidency, which proposed a specific legal tool for border regions, as well as the Commission’s initiative of carrying out, by the end of 2016, an analysis of the barriers to cross-border cooperation that will look at solutions and examples of good practices.
Stressing the ever-increasing importance of cross-border labour markets , Members called on the Commission and the Member States to make full use of the opportunities provided by the Interreg programmes to facilitate cross-border labour mobility.
Simplification : Members called on the Commission to propose specific actions to simplify the rules on reporting, auditing and state aid and to harmonise procedures. Arrangements for involving civil society and private stakeholders must be broadened and simplified.
Future recommendations : considering that ETC has proved its effectiveness, Members considered that its potential should be further developed – in areas such as the single market, the digital agenda, employment, mobility, energy, research, education, culture, health and the environment.
The Member States and the Commission were called upon to:
consider preserving ETC as an important instrument, allocating it a more distinct role within cohesion policy post-2020 and significantly increasing its budget ; exchange information and good practices in order to reduce the administrative burden on beneficiaries prior to the ETC legislative proposal and the programming of the Interreg programmes for the period after 2020; pay attention to small cross-border cooperation projects between neighbouring border areas; promote cross-border cooperation between mountainous border areas , with rural areas prioritise; include cultural cooperation as one of the objectives of European territorial cooperation; consider the proposal by the Luxembourg Presidency on the creation of a new legal instrument for cohesion policy post-2020; initiate in 2016 a structured multi-stakeholder debate at EU level on the future of ETC post-2020; promote the role that the EGTC can play as a tool for greater efficiency in meeting local needs in cross-border regions.
Lastly, Parliament encouraged the joint establishment of strategies for border areas in order to boost integrated and sustainable territorial development.
The Committee on Regional Development adopted an own-initiative report by Iskra MIHAYLOVA (ADLE, BG) on European Territorial Cooperation - best practices and innovative measures.
European Added Value of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) : the report noted that the ETC budget of EUR 10.1 billion represents 2.8 % of the cohesion policy budget, does not match the great challenges that ETC has to meet, and does not reflect the high level of its European added value.
However, transnational cooperation:
has helped in terms of supporting research, innovation and the knowledge economy, adapting to climate change, and promoting sustainable transport and mobility through transnational approaches, and has contributed to enhancing institutional capacity; has allowed cities and regions to cooperate on a variety of issues and themes, involving exchange of experience and good practices, and that this has improved the effectiveness of many regional and local policies.
Members called on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to work together and exchange information and good practices in order to undertake assessments and issue guidelines as to how results orientation can be adapted to ETC specificities. The report also called for structured monitoring systems and evaluation plans in order to better evaluate the achievements of the results in terms of the Europe 2020 goals and territorial integration.
Contribution to territorial cohesion : Members encouraged the Member States to make greater use of Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-Led Local Development (CLLD), which are not implemented widely enough in the Interreg programmes for 2014-2020. They recommend that special focus be placed on:
projects that strive to adapt localities and regions to the new demographic situation and counteract the inequalities resulting from it; the use of the Funds in island regions, outermost regions, sparsely populated regions and mountain and rural areas; the use of Interreg programmes and their urgent implementation in order to respond to, among other things, the challenges of tackling the refugee crisis.
Support for research and innovation : the report stressed the need to create cross-border innovation policy approaches, such as joint research and mobility programmes, joint research infrastructures, partnerships and cooperation networks. It recommended that local and regional authorities take full advantage of the possibilities of combining those funds to support SMEs and research and innovation projects, including cross-border projects.
Governance and policy coordination : while welcoming the simplified EGTC Regulation ( Regulation (EU) No 1302/2013 ), Members stressed that this regulation is not sufficient to overcome all existing legal obstacles to cross-border cooperation. They welcomed, therefore, the initiative of the Luxembourg Presidency, which proposed a specific legal tool for border regions, as well as the Commission’s initiative of carrying out, by the end of 2016, an analysis of the barriers to cross-border cooperation that will look at solutions and examples of good practices.
Stressing the ever increasing importance of cross-border labour markets , Members called on the Commission and the Member States to make full use of the opportunities provided by the Interreg programmes to facilitate cross-border labour mobility.
Simplification : Members stressed that the implementation of territorial cooperation programmes should be further simplified. They called on the Commission to propose specific actions to simplify the rules on reporting, auditing and state aid and to harmonise procedures. Arrangements for involving civil society and private stakeholders must be broadened and simplified.
Future recommendations : considering that ETC has proved its effectiveness, Members considered that its potential should be further developed – in areas such as the single market, the digital agenda, employment, mobility, energy, research, education, culture , health and the environment.
The Member States and the Commission are called upon to:
consider preserving ETC as an important instrument, allocating it a more distinct role within cohesion policy post-2020 and significantly increasing its budget ; exchange information and good practices in order to reduce the administrative burden on beneficiaries prior to the ETC legislative proposal and the programming of the Interreg programmes for the period after 2020; pay attention to small cross-border cooperation projects between neighbouring border areas; promote cross-border cooperation between mountainous border areas , with rural areas prioritise; include cultural cooperation as one of the objectives of European territorial cooperation; consider the proposal by the Luxembourg Presidency on the creation of a new legal instrument for cohesion policy post-2020; initiate in 2016 a structured multi-stakeholder debate at EU level on the future of ETC post-2020; promote the role that the EGTC can play as a tool for greater efficiency in meeting local needs in cross-border regions.
Lastly, the report encouraged the joint establishment of strategies for border areas in order to boost integrated and sustainable territorial development.
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2016)876
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T8-0321/2016
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary: A8-0202/2016
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE580.570
- Committee draft report: PE577.064
- Committee draft report: PE577.064
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE580.570
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2016)876
- Tim AKER
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- Beatrix von STORCH
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- Dubravka ŠUICA
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- Kazimierz Michał UJAZDOWSKI
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- Daniele VIOTTI
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- Miguel VIEGAS
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A8-0202/2016 - Iskra Mihaylova - Vote unique #
Amendments | Dossier |
182 |
182 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 23 a (new) - having regard to the Commission communication of 22 February 2016 entitled ‘An Investment Plan for Europe: new guidelines on combining European Structural and Investment Funds with the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI),
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the overarching objective of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is to
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Stresses that financial instruments need to be an integral part of ETC programmes through complementing grants with a view to supporting SMEs, research and innovation; is convinced that increased use of financial instruments will attract more investments in the ETC-projects;
Amendment 101 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Stresses that financial instruments need to be an integral part of ETC programmes through complementing grants with a view to supporting SMEs, research and innovation and improving SME access to funding, taking account the needs of the various target groups, so as to avoid the risk of discrimination of any sort;
Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Stresses th
Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Stresses that financial instruments
Amendment 104 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Stresses that financial instruments
Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24 24.
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25. Acknowledges all simplifications made in the EGTC Regulation
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25.
Amendment 109 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25a. Welcomes the simplifications brought by amending the EGTC Regulation of 2013, but regrets their slow adoption by Member States; In this context, calls on Member States to intensify their efforts, together with the Committee of the Regions, to apply the regulation with a view to making the establishment and operation of EGTCs more flexible and to better defining their tasks in order to more adequately address local needs in border regions;
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Ba. whereas European Territorial Cooperation is an integral part of cohesion policy, as it strengthens the territorial cohesion of the European Union;
Amendment 110 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 Amendment 111 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 26. Welcomes the Commission’s initiative of carrying out, by the end of 2016, an analysis of the barriers to cross-border cooperation that will look at solutions and examples of good practices; asks the Commission to include in this analysis a study on border regions' needs;
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 26. Welcomes the Commission’s initiative of carrying out, by the end of 2016, an analysis of the barriers to cross-border cooperation that will look at solutions and examples of good practices; awaits with interest the results of the Commission’s EU-wide public consultation on the remaining obstacles to cross-border cooperation, launched on 21 September 2015; requests that the Commission’s analysis take account of the recommendations made by the European Parliament and the results of this consultation;
Amendment 113 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 Amendment 114 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 27. Considers that ETC programmes
Amendment 116 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 27. Considers that ETC programmes
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 27. Considers that ETC programmes may, in complementarity with other appropriate funding, support responses to migration- related challenges within the framework of the
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 27. Considers that
Amendment 119 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 a (new) 27a. Calls for advantage to be taken of the Commission’s openness to quickly examine and approve changes to the 2014-2020 operational programmes, with the aim of better accommodating programmes for supporting refugee integration;
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Ba whereas, in general terms, European Territorial Cooperation should help to create a sense of belonging and interdependence at the European level, to eliminate prejudice and to bring development to the regions concerned;
Amendment 120 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 b (new) 27b. Requests that the sums earmarked for social inclusion, as set out in the Commission’s societal objectives, be bolstered in response to the integration of migrants inside and outside the EU;
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 Amendment 122 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28.
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28. Encourages broader use of financial instruments (FIs) as flexible mechanisms to be used alongside grants; urges, therefore, the involvement of financial institutions, and in particular the EIB, so as to provide specific expertise and know-how; highlights that financial instruments, if implemented effectively, can significantly increase the impact of financing; stresses, in this regard, the need for clear, consistent and focused rules on FIs to help simplify the preparation and implementation process for fund managers and recipients;
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28. Encourages broader use of financial instruments (FIs) as flexible mechanisms to be used alongside grants;
Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 28. Encourages
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. Underlines that during the programming period 2007-2013 the possible complementarities between the
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. Underlines that during the programming period 2007-2013 the possible complementarities between the ETC programmes and other EU-funded programmes were not sufficiently assessed; calls for the setting-up of appropriate coordination mechanisms to ensure effective coordination, complementarity and synergy between the ESI Funds and other Community and
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. Underlines that during the programming period 2007-2013 the possible complementarities between the ETC programmes and other EU-funded programmes were not sufficiently assessed; calls for the setting-up of appropriate coordination mechanisms to ensure effective coordination, complementarity and synergy between the ESI Funds and other Community and national funding instruments
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. Underlines that during the programming period 2007-2013 the possible complementarities between the ETC programmes and other EU-funded programmes were not sufficiently assessed; calls for the setting-up of appropriate coordination mechanisms to ensure effective coordination, complementarity and synergy between the ESI Funds and other Community and national funding instruments, such as Horizon 2020, as well as with the EFSI and EIB;
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 Amendment 131 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 31. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make full use of the opportunities provided by the ETC programmes to facilitate cross-border labour mobility, including by promoting the principle of equal opportunities, by adjusting, if necessary, the administrative and social regulatory framework and, where appropriate, the measures being taken to ensure gender mainstreaming at planning and operational level;
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 31. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make full use of the opportunities provided by the ETC programmes to facilitate cross-border labour mobility, by adjusting, if necessary, the administrative and social regulatory framework and increasing dialogue between the different levels of governance;
Amendment 133 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 31. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make full use of the opportunities provided by the
Amendment 134 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 31. Stresses the ever increasing importance of cross-border labour markets with huge dynamics for wealth and job creation; Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make full use of the opportunities provided by the ETC programmes to facilitate cross-border labour mobility, by
Amendment 135 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 31. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make full use of the opportunities provided by the ETC programmes to facilitate cross-border
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 a (new) 31 a. Considers crucial to increase synergies and complementarity between ETC programmes and EURES services which have a particularly important role to play in cross-border regions with significant levels of cross-border commuting; Calls on the Member States and regions to fully exploit the opportunities of EURES services for employment and job mobility across the EU;
Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 32. Is convinced that the multi-level governance principle and the actual implementation of the code of conduct are particularly significant for the development of ETC programmes;
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 32. Is convinced that the multi-level governance principle, the partnership principle and code of conduct are particularly significant for the development of ETC programmes;
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 32. Is convinced that the multi-level governance principle and code of conduct are particularly significant for the development of
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 33 33. Stresses that, irrespective of the existence of a separate regulation for ETC, the implementation of territorial cooperation programmes
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 33 33. Stresses that, irrespective of the existence of a separate regulation for ETC, the implementation of territorial cooperation programmes remains
Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 34. Calls on the Commission to propose specific actions to simplify the rules on reporting, auditing and state aid and to harmonise procedures; urges drawing up standard requirements for all
Amendment 144 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 35 35.
Amendment 145 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 36. Stresses that arrangements for involving private stakeholders must be
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 36. Stresses that arrangements for involving civil society and private stakeholders must be broadened and simplified;
Amendment 147 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 36. Stresses that arrangements for involving private stakeholders must be
Amendment 148 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 a (new) 36a. Stresses that all simplifications of growth and jobs programmes must also apply to Interreg programmes;
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 a (new) 36a. Stresses the importance of creating mechanisms for monitoring beneficiaries within the scope of the simplification measures;
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas there is a growing number of migrants arriving in Europe, there is a possibility for Member States to make use of ETC to respond to challenges due to the migration crisis;
Amendment 150 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 36 a (new) 36 a. Considers that priority should be given to joining forces on the ground and fostering mutual trust among the actors across the borders, whereby financial instruments can provide valuable assistance to these efforts;
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 37 37. Considers that ETC
Amendment 152 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 37 37. Considers that ETC has proved its ineffectiveness, and regrets that
Amendment 153 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 37 37. Considers that ETC has proved its effectiveness, and regrets that its potential has not been fully deployed owing to insufficient resources; highlights its potential beyond regional policy, in areas such as the single market, the digital agenda, employment, mobility, energy, research, education, culture, health and the environment, and calls on the Commission and the Member States to pr
Amendment 154 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 38. Considers that the basic cooperation philosophy and current structure of ETC should be maintained, as well as the emphasis on the cross-border component; stresses that there should be a fair distribution of funds under ETC programmes, on the basis not only of population size but also of a set of harmonised criteria, considering territorial specificities; recommends suitable funding opportunities for the programmes involving regions that are facing, and will probably face also in the next future, relevant challenges like the ongoing migration crisis and refugees inflow;
Amendment 155 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 38. Considers that the basic cooperation philosophy and current structure of ETC should be
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 38. Considers that the basic cooperation philosophy and current structure of ETC should be maintained, as well as the emphasis on the cross-border component;
Amendment 157 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 38. Considers that the basic cooperation philosophy and current structure of ETC should be maintained, as well as the emphasis on the cross-border component; stresses that there should be a fair distribution of funds under ETC programmes
Amendment 158 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 38. Considers that the basic cooperation philosophy
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 a (new) 38a. Stresses the importance of cross- border cooperation at the external borders of the EU under the Instrument for Pre- Accession Assistance and the European Neighbourhood Instrument; calls on the Member States to ensure that good practices, that allow the administrative burden for beneficiaries of Interreg programmes to be reduced, can also be applied to programmes implemented at the external borders of the EU;
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas following the principles of shared management, multilevel governance and partnership, ETC programmes have been developed through a collective process bringing together a wide range of European, national and regional bodies to tackle common challenges across borders and to facilitate the exchange of good practice;
Amendment 160 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 a (new) 38 a. Recalls the huge potential for grass- roots cooperation among citizens of the so-called small projects-fund providing a certain share of each programme's funding in amounts to be allocated to small and micro projects for the promotion of civil engagement, and which has already proven it efficiency in those regions where implemented; Considers that the small projects-fund should benefit from a light-touch approach for reporting, auditing and accounting;
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 39. Encourages the joint determination of strategies for border areas in order to boost integrated and sustainable territorial development, including implementation and dissemination of integrated approaches and harmonisation of administrative procedures and legal provisions; notes the importance of also promoting territorial balance within regions to prevent them organising themselves around a strong urban centre, leaving the rest of the territory depressed and cut off from the main axes of development;
Amendment 163 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 39. Encourages the joint
Amendment 164 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 a (new) 39a. Calls for particular attention to be paid to small cross-border cooperation projects between the closest border areas while funding for them is encouraged, which requires additional effort in terms of simplification and flexibility;
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 b (new) 39.b Takes the view that greater attention should be paid to promoting cross-border cooperation between mountainous border areas, with rural areas prioritised;
Amendment 166 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 c (new) 39c. Stresses that cultural cooperation should be one of the objectives of European territorial cooperation; considers, therefore, that greater encouragement should be given to cultural and educational cooperation between cross-border areas that share a single cultural and linguistic heritage;
Amendment 167 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 d (new) 39d. Calls for regional and local bodies to play a greater, more significant role in proposing, managing and evaluating ETC, especially as regards cross-border cooperation, taking into account that some regions already have these powers;
Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 40 40. Calls on the Commission to
Amendment 169 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 40 40. Calls on the Commission to strengthen and further develop the role of financial instruments to complement grants,
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas following the principles of shared management, multilevel governance and partnership, ETC programmes have been developed through a collective process bringing together a wide range of
Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 40 40. Calls on the Commission to
Amendment 171 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 40 40. Calls on the Commission to strengthen and further develop the role of financial instruments to complement grants
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 41 41. Calls on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to consider the proposal by the Luxembourg Presidency for the creation of a new legal instrument
Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 42 42. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to initiate in 2016 a structured multi-stakeholder debate at EU level on the future of ETC post-2020, with a view to preparing the post-2020 cohesion policy; stresses that the debate should, first and foremost, cover matters related to the structure of ETC, the procedure for the allocation of programme budgets and work on new mechanisms to ensure wider application of the concept of results orientation;
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 42 42. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to initiate in 2016 a structured multi-stakeholder debate at EU level on the future of ETC post-2020, with a view to preparing the post-2020 cohesion policy; urges the Commission to work alongside the Committee of the Regions and the Association of European Border Regions;
Amendment 175 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 42 a (new) 42 a. Recalls the importance of territorial cooperation for areas with physical and geographic disadvantages, such as mountain areas, which sometimes develop links and relationships with neighbouring areas that share common challenges and similar characteristics, or island regions; calls on the Commission to provide adequate support for this particular type of cooperation;
Amendment 176 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 42 a (new) 42a. Calls for a territorial vision of the EU based on the Green Paper on territorial cohesion(COM (2008) 616 final) and notes that the future White Paper on Territorial Cohesion could also be important for the next programming period after 2020;
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 43 43. Deplores the low public awareness and insufficient visibility of ETC programmes, and calls for more effective communication of their objectives, the possibilities they offer and the channels through which projects can be undertaken and, a posteriori, the achievements of completed projects; calls on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to establish mechanisms and broad institutionalised platforms for cooperation in order to ensure better visibility and awareness-raising;
Amendment 178 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 43 43. Deplores the low public awareness and insufficient visibility of ETC programmes, and calls for more effective communication of the achievements of completed projects; calls on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to establish mechanisms and broad institutionalised platforms for cooperation in order to ensure better visibility and awareness-raising; calls on the Commission to map the achievements of the ETC programmes and projects so far;
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 43 a (new) 43 a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to promote the role that the EGTC can play as a tool for more efficiency meeting local needs in cross- border regions;
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas following the principles of shared management, multilevel governance and partnership, ETC programmes have been developed through a collective process bringing together a wide range of European, national and regional bodies to tackle common challenges across borders, but the results are slow in coming;
Amendment 180 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 43 a (new) 43a. Recognises the important role played by actors on the ground and support for project preparation, and encourages managing authorities to reinforce existing promotional instruments, such as regional contact points;
Amendment 181 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 43 a (new) 43a. Notes that good cooperation between the EC, the EIB and local and regional authorities is essential to ensure the successful use of financial instruments in territorial development and the entire cohesion policy; Stresses, in this context, the need to intensify the exchange of experience and knowledge between the EC and the EIB, on the one hand, and local and regional authorities, on the other;
Amendment 182 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 44 a (new) 44 a. Acknowledges the importance of the role played by territorial (field) animation, information dissemination, awareness- raising at local level and project support, therefore encourages managing authorities to reinforce useful tools such as territorial contact points;
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F F. whereas there is a need for a joint reflection on the
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 23 b (new) - having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions issued in May 2015 entitled ‘Financial Instruments in support of territorial development’,
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Notes that ETC has become one of the two goals of cohesion policy 2014-2020, with its own regulation; underlines, however, that the ETC budget of EUR 10.1 billion, representing a mere 2.8 % of the cohesion policy budget, does not match the great challenges that ETC has to meet, nor does it reflect the high level of its European added-value;
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Calls for greater respect for Article 174 TFEU on territorial cohesion, in particular in rural areas, with attention duly paid to the important relationship between cohesion policy and rural development, in particular as regards areas affected by industrial transition, and regions that suffer from severe and permanent natural or demographic handicaps, such as outermost regions, northernmost regions with low population density, and island, cross-border and mountain regions; recommends that consideration be given as well to other demographic challenges that have a major impact on regions, such as depopulation, an ageing population and highly dispersed populations; asks the Commission to pay particular attention to the most geographically and demographically disadvantaged areas when implementing cohesion policy; Notes that ETC has become one of the two goals of cohesion policy 2014-2020, with its own regulation; underlines, however, that the ETC budget of EUR 10.1 billion, representing a mere 2.8 % of the cohesion policy budget, does not match the great challenges that ETC has to meet; is convinced that an increased budget for ETC in the next programming period will boost the added value of cohesion policy;
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Notes that ETC has become one of the two equally important goals of cohesion policy 2014-2020, with its own regulation; underlines, however, that the ETC budget of EUR 10.1 billion, representing a mere 2.8 % of the cohesion policy budget, does not match the great challenges that ETC has to meet;
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Notes that ETC has become one of the two goals of cohesion policy 2014-2020, with its own regulation;
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Notes that ETC has become one of the two goals of cohesion policy 2014-2020, with its own regulation; underlines
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) 1 a. Recalls the disappointment of the European Parliament on the outcome of the negotiations on the MFF 2014-2020, namely as regards the cut in appropriations for ETC;
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Notes that, in line with the Europe 2020 targets, ETC has been reshaped with a view to achieving a greater impact through focusing on thematic concentration and results orientation; considers, however, that thematic concentration should not stand in the way of achieving other crucial objectives in the regions, basically within the framework of cross-border cooperation;
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Notes that, in line with the Europe 2020 targets, ETC has been reshaped with a view to achieving a greater impact through focusing on thematic concentration and results orientation; Believes that specificities of ETC might not have been sufficiently taken into account and require reconsideration;
Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2 a. Notes that while it is possible to identify inputs and outputs from ETC Programmes, it has been found in the past to be difficult to assess the impact and outcomes from such programmes: therefore calls for better evaluation of ETC Programmes to demonstrate their impacts and added value;
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Acknowledges that cross-border cooperation (CBC) during the periods 2000-2006 and 2007-2013
Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 25 a (new) - having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions issued in December 2015 entitled ‘Territorial Vision 2050: what future?’
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Acknowledges that cross-border cooperation (CBC) during the periods 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 was marked by a clear orientation to more strategically focused priorities and achieved best practices in the fields of better connectivity and accessibility, knowledge and innovation transfer, strengthening regional identity, tackling environmental challenges, enhancing institutional capacity, health care, education, employment and labour mobility,
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Notes that cross-border cooperation at local and regional level has proven to be a key tool in the development of border regions, which are considered to be true laboratories of European integration; calls on the Commission and Member States to support this with a view to strengthening cooperation in areas such as: transport, health, education, occupational mobility, employment, civil protection, etc.;
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Acknowledges that transnational cooperation has helped in supporting innovation and the knowledge economy, adapting to climate change, and promoting sustainable transport and mobility through transnational approaches, and has contributed to enhancing institutional capacity; stresses that an integrated territorial approach and transnational cooperation are particularly important in environmental and energy matters;
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Acknowledges that transnational cooperation has not helped in supporting innovation and the knowledge economy, adapting to climate change, and promoting sustainable transport and mobility through transnational approaches
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Acknowledges that transnational cooperation has helped in supporting research, innovation and the knowledge economy, adapting to climate change, and promoting sustainable transport and mobility through transnational approaches, and has contributed to enhancing institutional capacity;
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Acknowledges that interregional cooperation has allowed cities and regions to cooperate on a variety of issues and themes, involving exchange of experience and good practices, and that this has improved the effectiveness of many regional and local policies; considers that the significant development gaps between rural and urban areas and the problems of metropolitan regions should be addressed;
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Believes that efficient cross-border and transnational cooperation makes a geographical area more attractive for trading companies, by using local, regional and cross-border potential as well as the human capital as effectively as possible to better address the needs and expectations of trading companies, but also to avoid company relocation to third countries, depopulation of the EU regions and increased unemployment;
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Is convinced that ETC offers
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Is convinced that ETC offers a significant added value, supporting peace, stability and regional integration in the framework of enlargement and neighbourhood policy, as well as across the world by dissemination of best practices; believes that cross-border cooperation can bring added value to the management of the migration crisis;
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas around 38 % of Europe’s population lives in border regions and whereas the EU is confronted with a major economic, financial and social crisis that particularly handicaps women on all fronts; whereas the EU must include gender equality as a main element in all ETC policies and practices;
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Is convinced that ETC offers a significant European added value, supporting peace, stability and regional integration in the framework of enlargement and neighbourhood policy, as well as across the world by dissemination of best practices;
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Is convinced that ETC offers a significant added value, supporting peace, stability and regional integration including in the framework of enlargement and neighbourhood policy, as well as across the world by dissemination of best practices;
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Points out that for 2014-2020 about 41 % of the ETC ERDF budget22 will be invested in measures to improve the environment, while 27 % will be invested in strengthening smart growth, including research and innovation
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Points out that for 2014-2020 about 41 % of the ETC ERDF budget22 will be invested in measures to improve the environment, while 27 % will be invested in strengthening research and innovations and 13 % will go to promote inclusive growth through activities linked to employment, education and training and 33 programmes will be aimed at improving general connectivity across borders; further
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Underlines that the concept of results orientation requires that ETC programmes ensure high-quality project-level
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Underlines that the concept of results orientation requires that ETC programmes ensure high-quality project-level cooperation and adopt a new type of evaluation; calls on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to undertake assessments and issue guidelines as to how results orientation can be
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Underlines that the concept of results orientation requires that ETC programmes ensure high-quality project-level cooperation and adopt a new type of evaluation which contributes to reducing the administrative burden for recipients and managing authorities; calls on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to undertake assessments and issue guidelines as to how results orientation can be better implemented and targeted, considering ETC specificities;
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Underlines that the concept of results orientation requires that
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a Recognises that the full added value of territorial cooperation programmes cannot be assessed using quantitative indicators alone and urges the Commission to reflect on qualitative indicators to better reflect the results of territorial cooperation;
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Notes with concern the late adoption of
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas around 38 % of Europe’s population lives in border regions; and whereas many border regions of the European Union are amongst the most neglected, particularly those in Central and Eastern Europe;
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Notes with concern the late adoption of ETC programmes, and urges the Commission and the Member States to mobilise their efforts for their successful implementation
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Notes with concern the late adoption of ETC programmes
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Notes with concern the late adoption of ETC programmes, and urges the Commission and the Member States to mobilise their efforts for their successful implementation; calls on the Commission to make available measures to expedite the implementation of ETC programmes;
Amendment 53 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9.
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Deplores the lack of reliable cross- border data and evidence on the effectiveness of cross-border integration with regard to reporting on performance framework; calls, accordingly, on the Commission, Eurostat and the managing authorities to jointly coordinate and set out methodologies for the provision and use of reliable data; Notes the existing challenges to the implementation of integrated territorial approaches stemming from the largely varying degree of empowerment of Member States' regional and local authorities;
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Deplores the lack of reliable cross- border data and evidence on the effectiveness of cross-border
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Deplores the lack of reliable cross- border data and evidence on the effectiveness of cross-border integration with regard to reporting on performance framework; calls, accordingly, on the Commission, Eurostat and the managing authorities to jointly coordinate a single database and set out methodologies for the provision and use of reliable data;
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Deplores the lack of reliable cross- border data and evidence on the
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Deplores the lack of reliable cross- border data and evidence on the effectiveness of cross-border integration with regard to reporting on performance framework; calls, accordingly, on the Commission, Eurostat and the managing authorities to
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Deplores the lack of reliable cross- border data and evidence on the effectiveness of cross-border integration
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new) Aa. whereas cross-border cooperation should be the responsibility of the Member States and their national authorities;
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to set up appropriately structured monitoring systems and evaluation plans in order to better evaluate the achievements of the results in terms of the
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls on the Commission, the Member States and the managing authorities to set up appropriately structured monitoring systems and evaluation plans in order to better evaluate the achievements of the results in terms of the Europe 2020 goals and territorial integration;
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Regrets that Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) are not widely implemented in the ETC programmes for 2014-2020, and encourages Member States to make greater use of them; notes that lack of information and expertise on the part of local authorities is the main cause of the reduced use of those ETC tools and calls on the Commission and the Member States to propose information and training programmes for the beneficiaries;
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Re
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Regrets that Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) are not widely implemented in the ETC programmes for 2014-2020, and encourages Member States to make greater use of them, which will require boosting the participation of the regions and local bodies;
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Regrets that Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-Led
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Regrets that Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) are not widely implemented in the
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new) 13a. Whereas the new territorial development instruments, such as Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-led Local Development (CLLD), can translate to investments in social, health and education infrastructure, the regeneration of deprived urban areas, job creation and other measures aimed at reducing migrants’ isolation and supporting their inclusion;
Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 b (new) 13b. Recommends that special focus be given to projects that strive to adapt localities and regions to the new demographic situation and counteract the inequalities resulting from it, namely through: 1. the adaptation of social and mobility infrastructure to demographic change and migratory flows; 2. the creation of specific goods and services aimed at an ageing population; 3. support for job opportunities for older people, women and migrants that contribute to social inclusion; 4. enhanced digital connections and the creation of platforms that enable and foster the participation and interaction of the citizens of more isolated regions with the various administrative, social and political services of authorities at all levels (local, regional, national and European);
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 Amendment 71 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Points out the role of ETC in island regions, outermost regions
Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Points out the role of ETC in island regions, outermost regions and sparsely populated regions, as an important tool for strengthening
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Urges the Commission and the Member States to pay particular attention to the use of the funds for the border regions situated next to third countries and for Europe’s outermost regions with a view to improving the implementation of cross-border projects funded by it;
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Points out the complementary nature of ETC and macro-regional strategies in
Amendment 76 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Considers that better coordination, synergy and complementarity should be sought between cross-border and transnational strands with a view to improving cooperation and integration over wider strategic territories; calls for better coordination between managing authorities and macro-regional strategies’ actors; urges the strengthening of cooperation, as well as re-enforcing the links and consistency of the ETC programmes with national and regional programmes during their elaboration, in order to encourage complementarity and avoid overlaps;
Amendment 77 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 Considers that better coordination, synergy and complementarity should be sought between cross-border and transnational strands with a view to improving cooperation and integration over wider strategic territories;
Amendment 78 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Considers that better coordination, synergy and complementarity should be sought between cross-border and transnational strands with a view to improving cooperation
Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Considers that better coordination, synergy and complementarity should be sought between cross-border and transnational strands with a view to improving cooperation and integration over wider strategic territories; calls for better coordination between managing authorities and macro-regional strategies’ actors; urges the Commission to enhance coordination between regional, inter- regional and cooperation programmes at the development stage, with a view to boosting complementarity and preventing overlap;
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the overarching objective of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is to lessen the influence of national borders
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 Considers that better coordination, synergy and complementarity should be sought between cross-border and transnational strands with a view to improving cooperation and integration over wider strategic territories; calls on the Commission to ensure coordination between regional and interregional programmes and cooperation from the outset to avoid overlaps and ensure greater coherence; calls for better coordination between managing authorities and macro-regional strategies’ actors;
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 a (new) 16 a. Underlines the importance of territorial cooperation for the protection of the environment, in particular waters, and biodiversity which naturally expand beyond administrative borders;
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Notes that some regions face serious migration challenges, and encourages the exchange of good practices in tackling them; stresses the need for urgent implementation of programmes aimed at the inclusion of migrants;
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Notes that some regions face serious migration challenges, and encourages the use of ETC programme resources to respond to the challenges in receiving refugees and the exchange of good practices in tackling them;
Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Notes that some regions face serious migration challenges, and encourages the exchange of good practices between local and regional authorities in border areas, including third countries, in tackling them;
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Notes that some regions face serious migration challenges, and encourages the exchange of good practices in tackling them, namely through macro-regional strategies;
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 18. Notes the important role that
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 18.
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the overarching objective of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is to lessen the influence of national borders in order to promote a harmonious economic, social and
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 18. Notes the important role that ETC programmes play in enhancing the competitiveness and innovation potential of regions, by fostering synergies between smart specialisation strategies, collaboration between clusters and development of innovation networks; asks the Commission to come forward with a comprehensive overview of the territorial cooperation in the ERDF and ESF on the basis of the Common Strategic Framework, an annex to the Common Provisions Regulation;
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19. Is aware that investments for strengthening smart growth, including research and innovation, represent 2
Amendment 92 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Stresses the need to create cross-border innovation policy approaches, such as joint research programmes, joint research infrastructures, partnerships and cooperation networks; draws attention to the fact that differing legislation across Member States is hampering joint efforts to extend research and innovation across borders;
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Stresses the need to create cross-border innovation policy approaches, such as
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21. Urges that synergies between Horizon 2020
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21. Urges that synergies and complementarity between Horizon 2020, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds should aim at maximising the quantity,
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21. Urges that synergies between Horizon 2020, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds should aim at maximising the quantity, quality and impact of research and innovation investments; recommends that local and regional authorities take full advantage of the possibilities of combining those funds to support SMEs, research and innovation projects, including cross-border projects, where appropriate; calls on SMEs to make full use of the opportunities offered by those funds to contribute to the implementation of those ETC programmes;
Amendment 97 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21. Urges that the synergies among
Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. S
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Stresses that financial instruments need to be an integral part of ETC programmes through complementing grants with a view to supporting SMEs, research and innovation; recalls the fundamental importance of technical support and training initiatives suitable for promoting better use of these instruments, even in less well-prepared circumstances and with fewer available resources;
source: 580.570
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