Progress: Awaiting final decision
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | EMPL | ANDERSSON Li ( The Left) | PRINCI Giusi ( EPP), DOBREV Klára ( S&D), GEMMA Chiara ( ECR), TOOM Jana ( Renew), OHISALO Maria ( Greens/EFA) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
T, r, e, a, t, y, , o, n, , t, h, e, , F, u, n, c, t, i, o, n, i, n, g, , o, f, , t, h, e, , E, U, , T, F, E, U, , 1, 4, 8, -, p, 2
Legal Basis:
T, r, e, a, t, y, , o, n, , t, h, e, , F, u, n, c, t, i, o, n, i, n, g, , o, f, , t, h, e, , E, U, , T, F, E, U, , 1, 4, 8, -, p, 2Events
The European Parliament adopted by 444 votes to 179, with 20 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.
The European Parliament welcomed the Commission’s proposal for updated employment guidelines for the Member States, in particular its strong focus on education and training, new technologies, artificial intelligence and algorithmic management and recent policy initiatives such as platform work, affordable housing and tackling labour and skills shortages. Members reiterated, with a view to strengthening democratic decision-making , their call to be involved in setting the integrated guidelines at Union level on an equal footing with the Council.
Parliament approved the proposal subject to amendments. It made a series of recommendations for the attention of Member States:
- develop a coordinated strategy for employment and in particular for the promotion of quality employment and improving working conditions, a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce, as well as labour markets that are inclusive, resilient, future-oriented and responsive to economic and demographic change;
- promote fair wages and decent working conditions , foster democracy at work, social dialogue and collective bargaining, protect workers´ rights, in order to enhance economic and social progress and upward convergence, support the green and digital transitions, strengthen the Union industrial base and achieve inclusive, competitive and resilient labour markets in the Union;
- take prevention and prompt intervention measures to reduce early school leaving , with a particular focus on students at risk. Such measures should include psychological support, mentoring, career guidance and extracurricular activities to foster students' interest and participation, to ensure inclusive and quality education for all;
- grant special attention to young people who are neither engaged in education nor in employment or training (NEETs) by promoting specific policies to reintegrate NEETs into the education system and the labour market through targeted training, mentoring, guidance and job placement programmes;
- mainstream gender equality policies in all phases of the economic governance;
- take measures to ensure wage transparency , implement monitoring policies and stimulate companies to implement equal pay action plans;
- put in place a package on quality employment including legislative initiatives on decent working conditions with regard to telework, the right to disconnect, and artificial intelligence (AI) at the workplace;
- revise the directives on public procurement to ensure they promote collective bargaining;
- adopt a ‘vision zero’ approach aiming to prevent work-related deaths , including the prevention of hazards to workers from extreme weather caused by climate change and psychosocial risks at the workplace;
- adopt a framework directive on minimum income schemes;
- increase the dedicated budget of the European Child Guarantee to at least EUR 20 billion;
- integrate climate change adaptation into social protection programmes and a framework for demand-driven direct employment initiatives to support labour-market inclusion of workers faced by labour market transformations or long-term unemployment;
- eliminate discrimination in all its forms, ensure gender equality and promote employment of young people and people over 50 years old ;
- ensure equal access and opportunities for all and eradicate poverty and social exclusion , with a special emphasis on vulnerable groups, namely children, persons with disabilities, single parents, ethnic minorities, such as Roma people, LGBTIQA+ people, people living in remote and rural areas and older people;
- take the necessary actions to help deliver affordable housing for all;
- encourage the adoption of measures to reduce existing purchasing power difference between regions and within Member States;
- pay particular attention to underpaid professions , for example teachers and other professionals in education, professionals in the social and healthcare sector, transport and agricultural workers;
- put in place pension reforms supported by policies that aim to reduce the gender pension gap, including by adequately valued periods of maternity and parental leave, and to promote active and healthy ageing and decent working conditions to ensure that workers can actually remain in employment until they reach the statutory retirement age.
Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs adopted, following the consultation procedure, the report by Li ANDERSSON (GUE/NGL, FI) on the proposal for a Council decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.
The report welcomed the Commission’s proposal for updated employment guidelines for the Member States, in particular its strong focus on education and training as well as new technologies, artificial intelligence and algorithmic management as well as recent policy initiatives such as platform work, affordable housing and tackling labour and skills shortages. Members reiterated, with a view to strengthening democratic decision-making , their call to be involved in setting the Integrated Guidelines at Union level on an equal footing with Council.
The committee approved the proposal subject to amendments.
Guideline No 5: Boosting the demand for labour
Members called on the Member States to:
- facilitate the hiring of people by businesses, significantly invest in the green transition, and foster vocational education and training, responsible entrepreneurship and genuine self-employment including among women, young people, older people and other disadvantaged groups;
- fully implement the Social Economy Action Plan and the Green Deal;
- address the impact of present and future crisis, including the intensifying impacts of climate change such as heatwaves, droughts or wildfires on the labour market.
Well-designed hiring and transition incentives, lifelong learning, VET, and upskilling and reskilling measures, developed in close cooperation with social partners, should be considered n order to support quality job creation and transitions throughout the working life, and to address labour and skill shortages.
National taxation should be supportive of job creation while ensuring that tax systems are progressive, and in line with climate and environmental objectives.
In order to avoid the offshoring of companies that have received European aid, Member stated that it is essential to review existing state aid rules and funding programmes and establish strategic solutions aimed at maintaining the industrial base within Europe.
Guideline 6: Enhancing labour supply and improving access to employment, lifelong acquisition of skills and competences
Members considered that the right to paid educational leave for professional purposes should be encouraged. They recalled that decent working conditions, comprising amongst others fair wages, standard employment contracts, access to social protection, lifelong learning opportunities, occupational health and safety, a good work-life balance, reasonable working time, worker’s representation, democracy at work and collective bargaining, play a crucial role in attracting and retaining skilled workers.
Member States should likewise ensure that labour migration does not result in a deterioration of existing working conditions for domestic workers. The adoption of an EU Talent Pool, combined with an ambitious transposition of the EU Blue Card Directive, could offer opportunities to tackle labour shortages across skill levels and sectors.
The various guidelines developed within the framework of the employment package of the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2023-2030 should be fully implemented in workplaces.
Guideline 7: Enhancing the functioning of labour markets and the effectiveness of social dialogue
Members insisted on ensuring the protection of labour rights, a high level of social protection and secure employment, inclusive recruitment, health and safety at work, as well as well-adapted working environments for all workers. At the same time, Member States should ensure a suitable environment for companies and employers to adapt to changes. Member States should fully implement EU occupational health and safety regulations, including binding occupational exposure limit values, in order to work towards reducing the number of fatal accidents at work and eliminating workplace cancer.
Moreover, at the same time, it also risks diluting boundaries between working time and private life, therefore highlighting a need for a directive on the right to disconnect.
Guideline 8: Promoting equal opportunities for all, fostering social inclusion and fighting poverty
Homelessness should be tackled specifically by promoting access to permanent housing (housing first approach) and the provision of enabling support services.
Members considered that pension reforms should be supported by policies that aim to reduce the gender pension gap, including by adequately valued periods of maternity and parental leave, and to promote active and healthy ageing and decent working conditions to ensure that workers can actually remain in employment until they reach the statutory retirement age. At the same time workers who wish to remain active after they have reached the retirement age should have the possibility to do so.
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
PURPOSE: adoption of guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the Council adopts the act after consulting the European Parliament but without being obliged to follow its opinion.
BACKGROUND: pursuant to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Member States are to regard their economic policies and promoting employment as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate their action within the Council. The Council is to adopt employment guidelines, specifying that they must be consistent with the broad economic policy guidelines.
In 2022, the guidelines were amended to align the text by retargeting of the narrative to the post-COVID-19 environment, bringing in more elements related to fairness in the green transition, reflecting recent policy initiatives and adding policy elements of particular relevance in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In 2023, they were again carried over, while adjusting the recitals to reflect the new EU headline and national targets on employment, skills and poverty reduction and recent initiatives. This year, the guidelines are updated to bring in more elements related to education and training, as well as new technologies, artificial intelligence and algorithmic management, and to reflect recent policy initiatives of particular relevance such as on platform work, affordable housing and tackling labour and skills shortages.
CONTENT: under the terms of the draft Council Decision, the guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States, are maintained for 2024 and must be taken into account by the Member States in their employment policies and reform programmes.
The revised ‘Employment Guidelines’ are the following:
Guideline 5 : Boosting the demand for labour,
Guideline 6 : Enhancing labour supply and improving access to employment, lifelong acquisition of skills and competences,
Guideline 7 : Enhancing the functioning of labour markets and the effectiveness of social dialogue,
Guideline 8 : Promoting equal opportunities for all, fostering social inclusion and fighting poverty.
The proposal includes the following clarifications:
- Member States and the Union must work towards developing a coordinated strategy for employment and, in particular, for promoting a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and future-oriented labour markets responsive to economic change, with a view to achieving the objectives of full employment and social progress, balanced growth and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment;
- the Union must combat social exclusion and discrimination and promote social justice and protection, as well as equality between women and men, solidarity between generations and protection of the rights of the child;
- with a view to facilitating the ecological and digital transitions and achieving inclusive labour markets, Member States should promote quality education, training, future-oriented vocational education and training, and life-long upskilling and reskilling, as well as effective active labour market policies and improved career opportunities by strengthening the links between the education system and the labour market;
- the Union’s and Member States’ economic and employment policies should go hand in hand with Europe’s fair transition to a climate neutral, environmentally sustainable and digital economy , improve competitiveness, ensure adequate working conditions, foster innovation, promote social justice and equal opportunities and upward socio-economic convergence, as well as tackle inequalities and regional disparities;
- the EU and its Member States are to work together to effectively and proactively address those structural developments such as climate change and other environmental challenges, the need to ensure a fair ecological transition, a new shift towards energy independence, increased competitiveness of zero-net industries and the need to ensure Europe's open strategic autonomy, as well as digitalisation, artificial intelligence, increased teleworking, the platform economy and demographic change;
- coordinated strategic action at both EU and national level should stimulate sustainable investment and renew the commitment to reforms to strengthen sustainable and inclusive economic growth, quality job creation and productivity, provide adequate working conditions, increase social and territorial cohesion, foster upward socio-economic convergence and resilience, and promote fiscal responsibility;
- the European Pillar of Social Rights , with its accompanying Social Scoreboard, constitutes a reference framework to monitor the employment and social performance of Member States, to drive reforms and investments at national, regional and local level and to reconcile the ‘social’ and the ‘market’ in today’s modern economy, including by promoting the social economy;
- the EU headline targets for 2030 on employment (at least 78 % of the population aged 20-64 should be in employment), skills (at least 60 % of all adults should participate in training every year) and poverty reduction (at least 15 million fewer people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including five million children), will help in monitoring progress towards the implementation of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights as part of the policy coordination framework in the European Semester;
- reforms to the labour market, including national wage-setting mechanisms, should respect national practices of social dialogue and the autonomy of the social partners, with a view to providing fair wages that enable a decent standard of living and sustainable growth and upward socio-economic convergence;
- following the Russian invasion of Ukraine , temporary protection offers quick and effective assistance in European countries to displaced people fleeing the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and allows them to enjoy minimum rights across the Union that offer an adequate level of protection. Member States should involve social partners in the design, implementation and evaluation of policy measures aimed at addressing the employment and skills challenges, including the recognition of qualifications, stemming from the Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine;
- discrimination in all its forms should be tackled, gender equality ensured and employment of young people supported. Equal access and opportunities for all should be ensured and poverty and social exclusion, in particular that of children, persons with disabilities and the Roma people;
- for the 2021-2027 programming period, Member States should make full use of the European Social Fund Plus, the European Regional Development Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds, including the Just Transition Fund as well as the InvestEU.
Legislative proposal
PURPOSE: adoption of guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the Council adopts the act after consulting the European Parliament but without being obliged to follow its opinion.
BACKGROUND: pursuant to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Member States are to regard their economic policies and promoting employment as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate their action within the Council. The Council is to adopt employment guidelines, specifying that they must be consistent with the broad economic policy guidelines.
In 2022, the guidelines were amended to align the text by retargeting of the narrative to the post-COVID-19 environment, bringing in more elements related to fairness in the green transition, reflecting recent policy initiatives and adding policy elements of particular relevance in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In 2023, they were again carried over, while adjusting the recitals to reflect the new EU headline and national targets on employment, skills and poverty reduction and recent initiatives. This year, the guidelines are updated to bring in more elements related to education and training, as well as new technologies, artificial intelligence and algorithmic management, and to reflect recent policy initiatives of particular relevance such as on platform work, affordable housing and tackling labour and skills shortages.
CONTENT: under the terms of the draft Council Decision, the guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States, are maintained for 2024 and must be taken into account by the Member States in their employment policies and reform programmes.
The revised ‘Employment Guidelines’ are the following:
Guideline 5 : Boosting the demand for labour,
Guideline 6 : Enhancing labour supply and improving access to employment, lifelong acquisition of skills and competences,
Guideline 7 : Enhancing the functioning of labour markets and the effectiveness of social dialogue,
Guideline 8 : Promoting equal opportunities for all, fostering social inclusion and fighting poverty.
The proposal includes the following clarifications:
- Member States and the Union must work towards developing a coordinated strategy for employment and, in particular, for promoting a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and future-oriented labour markets responsive to economic change, with a view to achieving the objectives of full employment and social progress, balanced growth and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment;
- the Union must combat social exclusion and discrimination and promote social justice and protection, as well as equality between women and men, solidarity between generations and protection of the rights of the child;
- with a view to facilitating the ecological and digital transitions and achieving inclusive labour markets, Member States should promote quality education, training, future-oriented vocational education and training, and life-long upskilling and reskilling, as well as effective active labour market policies and improved career opportunities by strengthening the links between the education system and the labour market;
- the Union’s and Member States’ economic and employment policies should go hand in hand with Europe’s fair transition to a climate neutral, environmentally sustainable and digital economy , improve competitiveness, ensure adequate working conditions, foster innovation, promote social justice and equal opportunities and upward socio-economic convergence, as well as tackle inequalities and regional disparities;
- the EU and its Member States are to work together to effectively and proactively address those structural developments such as climate change and other environmental challenges, the need to ensure a fair ecological transition, a new shift towards energy independence, increased competitiveness of zero-net industries and the need to ensure Europe's open strategic autonomy, as well as digitalisation, artificial intelligence, increased teleworking, the platform economy and demographic change;
- coordinated strategic action at both EU and national level should stimulate sustainable investment and renew the commitment to reforms to strengthen sustainable and inclusive economic growth, quality job creation and productivity, provide adequate working conditions, increase social and territorial cohesion, foster upward socio-economic convergence and resilience, and promote fiscal responsibility;
- the European Pillar of Social Rights , with its accompanying Social Scoreboard, constitutes a reference framework to monitor the employment and social performance of Member States, to drive reforms and investments at national, regional and local level and to reconcile the ‘social’ and the ‘market’ in today’s modern economy, including by promoting the social economy;
- the EU headline targets for 2030 on employment (at least 78 % of the population aged 20-64 should be in employment), skills (at least 60 % of all adults should participate in training every year) and poverty reduction (at least 15 million fewer people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including five million children), will help in monitoring progress towards the implementation of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights as part of the policy coordination framework in the European Semester;
- reforms to the labour market, including national wage-setting mechanisms, should respect national practices of social dialogue and the autonomy of the social partners, with a view to providing fair wages that enable a decent standard of living and sustainable growth and upward socio-economic convergence;
- following the Russian invasion of Ukraine , temporary protection offers quick and effective assistance in European countries to displaced people fleeing the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and allows them to enjoy minimum rights across the Union that offer an adequate level of protection. Member States should involve social partners in the design, implementation and evaluation of policy measures aimed at addressing the employment and skills challenges, including the recognition of qualifications, stemming from the Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine;
- discrimination in all its forms should be tackled, gender equality ensured and employment of young people supported. Equal access and opportunities for all should be ensured and poverty and social exclusion, in particular that of children, persons with disabilities and the Roma people;
- for the 2021-2027 programming period, Member States should make full use of the European Social Fund Plus, the European Regional Development Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds, including the Just Transition Fund as well as the InvestEU.
Legislative proposal
- ESC: CES2310/2024
- Decision by Parliament: T10-0027/2024
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Go to the page
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A10-0004/2024
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE763.116
- Legislative proposal: COM(2024)0599
- Legislative proposal: Go to the pageEur-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2024)0599
- Legislative proposal published: Go to the page Eur-Lex
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE763.116
- Legislative proposal: COM(2024)0599 Go to the pageEur-Lex
- ESC: CES2310/2024
- Roberta METSOLA
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- Younous OMARJEE
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- Hristo PETROV
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- Marlena MALĄG
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- Branislav ONDRUŠ
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- Idoia MENDIA
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- Giusi PRINCI
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- Maravillas ABADÍA JOVER
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- Henrik DAHL
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Amendments | Dossier |
129 |
129 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Recital 1 (1) Member States and the Union are to work towards developing a coordinated strategy for employment and in particular for the promotion of a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce
Amendment 10 #
Recital 4 b (new) (4 b) In accordance with the objectives of the European Year of Skills promoted by the European Union, Member States should increase their efforts to promote women's participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects through the introduction of specific support programmes for girls and young women, starting from primary school to higher education. Member States are also encouraged to integrate policies that promote the inclusion of women in STEM careers, thus reducing the gender gap in strategic areas for economic growth and innovation.
Amendment 100 #
Annex I – paragraph 13 The mobility of learners, apprentices and workers should be increased and adequately supported, especially for learners in vocational education and training with fewer mobility experiences, with the aim of enhancing their skills and employability, exploiting the full potential of the European labour market and contributing to EU-level competitiveness. Obstacles to intra-EU labour mobility, including procedures to recognise professional qualifications or transfer acquired social security rights, should be tackled. This also involves reducing the complexity of the Single Market by ensuring that the information and documentation requirements for Member States are significantly simplified and standardized, for instance, within the framework of the SMET (Single Market Enforcement Taskforce). Additionally, Member States should allow the submission of documents in other European languages. Fair and decent conditions for all those pursuing a cross- border activity should be ensured by avoiding discrimination and ensuring equal treatment with EU nationals, enforcing national and EU legislation and stepping up administrative cooperation between national administrations with regard to mobile workers, benefitting from the assistance of the European Labour Authority.
Amendment 101 #
Annex I – paragraph 13 The mobility of learners, apprentices and workers should be increased and adequately supported, especially for learners in vocational education and training with fewer mobility experiences, with the aim of enhancing their skills and employability, exploiting the full potential of the European labour market and contributing to EU-level competitiveness. Obstacles to intra-EU labour mobility, including procedures to recognise professional qualifications or transfer acquired social security rights, should be tackled. Fair and decent conditions for all those pursuing a cross-border activity should be ensured by avoiding discrimination and ensuring equal treatment with EU nationals, enforcing national and EU legislation and stepping up administrative cooperation between national administrations with regard to mobile workers, benefitting from the assistance of the European Labour Authority. While supporting labour mobility, Member States should also effectively counter the negative impact of brain-drain in certain regions, especially in southern and eastern Member States.
Amendment 102 #
Annex I – paragraph 13 The mobility of learners, apprentices and workers should be increased and adequately supported, especially for learners in vocational education and training with fewer mobility experiences, with the aim of enhancing their skills and employability, exploiting the full potential of the European labour market and contributing to EU-level competitiveness. Obstacles to intra-EU labour mobility, including procedures to recognise professional qualifications or transfer acquired social security rights, should be tackled. Fair and decent conditions for all those pursuing a cross-border activity should be ensured by avoiding discrimination and ensuring equal treatment with EU
Amendment 103 #
Annex I – paragraph 14 The mobility of workers in critical occupations and of cross-border, seasonal and posted workers should be supported in the case of temporary border closures triggered by public health considerations. Member States should further engage in talent partnerships to enhance legal migration pathways by launching new mobility schemes and provide for an effective integration policy for workers and their families, encompassing education and training, including language training, employment, health and housing. A swift and efficient adoption and implementation of the EU Talent Pool would provide Member States with a user- friendly tool, avoiding the creation of parallel systems. This should be paired with an ambitious transposition of the EU Blue Card Directive.
Amendment 104 #
Annex I – paragraph 14 The mobility of workers in critical occupations and of cross-border, seasonal and posted workers should be supported in the case of temporary border closures
Amendment 105 #
Annex I – paragraph 14 a (new) In light of demographic changes and brain drain mainly from remote and rural areas, the Member States should work closely on solutions to remove legal obstacles preventing workers to work remotely from the Member States other than the Member State of their employer.
Amendment 106 #
Annex I – paragraph 15 Member States should also strive to create the appropriate conditions for new forms of work, and working methods, delivering on their job-creation potential while ensuring they are compliant with existing social rights. They should provide advice and guidance on the rights and obligations which apply in the context of atypical contracts and new forms of work, such as work through digital labour platforms and permanent or semi-permanent teleworking arrangements. In this regard, social partners can play an instrumental role and Member States should support them in reaching out and representing people in atypical and new forms of work. Member States should also consider providing support for enforcement – such as strengthening the resources and capacity of the labour inspectorate and further measures such as guidelines or dedicated trainings for labour inspectorates – concerning the challenges stemming from new forms of organising work, including the use of digital technologies and of AI, such as algorithmic management, workers’ surveillance and telework.
Amendment 107 #
Annex I – paragraph 15 Member States should also strive to create the appropriate conditions for new forms of work, and working methods, delivering on their job-creation potential while ensuring they are compliant with existing social rights. They should provide advice and guidance on the rights and obligations which apply in the context of atypical contracts and new forms of work, such as work through digital labour platforms and permanent or semi-permanent teleworking arrangements. In this regard, social partners can play an instrumental role and Member States should support them in reaching out and representing people in atypical and new forms of work. Member States should also consider providing support for enforcement – such as
Amendment 108 #
Annex I – paragraph 15 Member States should also strive to create the appropriate conditions for new forms of work, and working methods, delivering on their job-creation potential while ensuring they are compliant with existing social rights as well as Union and national labour law. They should provide advice and guidance on the rights and obligations which apply in the context of atypical contracts and new forms of work, such as work through digital labour platforms and
Amendment 109 #
Annex I – paragraph 16 Member States should foster democracy at work and ensure an enabling environment for bipartite and tripartite social dialogue at all levels, including collective bargaining, in the public and private sectors in accordance with national law and/or practice, after consultation and in close cooperation with social partners, while respecting their autonomy. Member States should involve social partners in a systematic, meaningful and timely manner in the design and implementation of employment, social and, where relevant, economic and other public policies including in the setting and updating of statutory minimum wages. Member States should promote a higher level of cover
Amendment 11 #
Recital 5 (5) The Guidelines
Amendment 110 #
Annex I – paragraph 16 Member States should ensure an enabling environment for bipartite and tripartite social dialogue at all levels, including collective bargaining, in the public and private sectors in accordance with national law and/or practice, after consultation and in close cooperation with social partners, while respecting their autonomy. Member States should involve social partners in a systematic, meaningful and timely manner in the design and implementation of employment, social and, where relevant, economic and other public policies including in the setting and updating of statutory minimum wages. Member States should promote a high
Amendment 111 #
Annex I – paragraph 17 W
Amendment 112 #
Annex I – paragraph 18 Member States should promote inclusive labour markets, open to all, by putting in place effective measures to
Amendment 113 #
Annex I – paragraph 18 Member States should promote inclusive labour markets, open to all legal residents, by putting in place effective measures to fight all forms of discrimination and promote equal opportunities for all, and in particular for groups that are under- represented in the labour market, also with due attention to the regional and territorial dimension. They should ensure equal treatment with regard to employment
Amendment 114 #
Annex I – paragraph 18 Member States should promote inclusive labour markets, open to all, by putting in place effective measures to fight all forms of discrimination and promote equal opportunities for all, and in particular for groups that are under-represented in the labour market, also with due attention to the regional and territorial dimension. They should ensure equal treatment with regard to employment, social protection, healthcare, early childhood education and care, long-term care and respite care, education and access to goods and services, including housing, regardless of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Amendment 115 #
Annex I – paragraph 19 Member States should modernise social protection systems to provide adequate, effective, efficient and sustainable social protection for all legal residents, throughout all stages of life, fostering social inclusion and upward social mobility, incentivising labour market participation, supporting social investment, fighting poverty and social exclusion and addressing inequalities, including through the design of their tax and benefit systems and by assessing the distributional impact of policies. Denial of access of illegal immigration is neither considered as social exclusion or inequality. Complementing universal approaches with targeted ones will improve the effectiveness of social protection systems. The modernisation of social protection systems should also aim to improve their resilience to multi-faceted challenges. Particular attention should be paid to vulnerable households that are most affected by the green and digital transitions and by high cost of living, including energy costs. Member States should further address gaps in access to social protection for workers and the self-employed in light of the rise of atypical forms of work.
Amendment 116 #
Annex I – paragraph 19 Member States should modernise social protection systems to provide adequate, effective, efficient and sustainable social protection for all, throughout all stages of life, fostering social inclusion and upward social mobility, incentivising labour market participation, supporting social investment, fighting poverty and social exclusion and addressing inequalities, including through the design of their tax and benefit systems and by assessing the distributional impact of policies. Complementing universal approaches with targeted ones will improve the effectiveness of social protection systems. The modernisation of social protection systems should also aim to improve their resilience to multi-faceted challenges. Particular
Amendment 117 #
Annex I – paragraph 19 Member States should modernise social protection systems to provide adequate, effective, efficient and sustainable social protection for all, throughout all stages of life, fostering social inclusion and upward social mobility, incentivising labour market participation, supporting social investment, fighting poverty and social exclusion and addressing inequalities, including through the design of their tax and benefit systems and by assessing the distributional impact of policies. Complementing universal approaches with targeted ones will improve the effectiveness of social protection systems. The modernisation of social protection systems should also aim to improve their resilience to multi-faceted challenges. Particular attention should be paid to vulnerable households that are most affected
Amendment 118 #
Annex I – paragraph 20 Member States should develop and integrate the three strands of active inclusion: adequate income support, inclusive labour markets and access to quality enabling services, to meet individual needs. Social protection systems should ensure adequate minimum income benefits for everyone lacking sufficient resources and promote social inclusion by supporting and encouraging people in working age to actively participate in the labour market and society, including through targeted provision of social services. The availability of affordable, accessible and quality services such as early childhood education and care, out-of- school care, education, training, housing, and health and long-term care is a necessary condition for ensuring equal opportunities. Particular attention should be given to fighting poverty and social exclusion, including in-
Amendment 119 #
Annex I – paragraph 20 Member States should develop and integrate the three strands of active inclusion: adequate income support, inclusive labour markets and access to quality enabling services, to meet individual needs. Social protection systems should ensure adequate minimum income benefits for everyone lacking sufficient resources and promote social inclusion by supporting and encouraging people in working age to actively participate in the labour market and society, including through targeted provision of social services. The availability of affordable, accessible and quality services such as early childhood education and care, out-of- school care, education, training, housing, and health and long-term care is a necessary condition for ensuring equal opportunities. Particular attention should be given to fighting poverty and social exclusion, including in-
Amendment 12 #
Recital 5 (5) The Guidelines are consistent with the new EU economic governance framework, which entered into force on 30 April 2024, existing Union legislation and various Union initiatives, including Council Recommendations of 14 June 2021 (5 ), 29 November 2021 (6 ), 5 April 2022 (7 ), 16 June 2022 (8 ), 28 November 2022 (9 ), 8 December 2022 (10 ), 30 January 2023 (11 ), 12 June 2023 (12 ) and 27 November 2023 (13 ), Commission Recommendation (EU) 2021/402) (14 ), Council Resolution of 26 February 2021(15 ), Commission Communications on building an economy that works for people: an action plan for the social economy (16 ), on the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 (17 ), on the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 (18 ), on the Disability Employment Package (19 ), on a European Care Strategy (20 ),
Amendment 120 #
Annex I – paragraph 20 Member States should develop and integrate the three strands of active inclusion: adequate income support, inclusive labour markets and access to quality enabling services, to meet individual needs. Social protection systems should ensure adequate minimum income benefits for everyone lacking sufficient resources and promote social inclusion by supporting and encouraging people to actively participate in the labour market and society, including through targeted provision of social services. The availability of affordable, accessible and quality services such as early childhood education and care, out-of-school care, education, training, housing, and health and long-term care as well as respite care and support for carers is a necessary condition for ensuring equal opportunities. Particular attention should be given to fighting poverty and social exclusion, including in-
Amendment 121 #
Annex I – paragraph 20 Member States should develop and integrate the three strands of active inclusion: adequate income support, inclusive labour markets and access to quality enabling services, to meet individual needs. Social protection systems should ensure adequate minimum income benefits for everyone lacking sufficient resources and promote social inclusion by supporting and encouraging people to actively participate in the labour market and society, including through targeted provision of social services. The availability of affordable, accessible and quality services such as early childhood education and care, out-of-school care, education, training, housing, and health and long-term care is a necessary condition for ensuring equal opportunities. Particular attention should be given to fighting poverty and social exclusion, including in- work poverty, in line with the Union headline and national targets for 2030 on poverty reduction. Child poverty and social exclusion should be especially addressed by comprehensive and integrated measures, including through the full implementation of the European Child Guarantee. Member States should ensure that everyone, including children, has access to essential services of good quality. For those in need or in a vulnerable situation, they should also ensure access to adequate affordable and social housing or housing assistance. They should ensure a clean and fair energy transition and urgently address energy poverty as an increasingly significant form of poverty, including, where appropriate, via targeted support measures aimed at households in vulnerable situations. Member States should make effective use of EU funding and technical support to invest in social housing, housing renovation and accompanying services and address the urgent need for affordable and decent housing. The specific needs of persons with disabilities, including accessibility, should be taken into account in relation to those services. Homelessness should be tackled specifically by promoting access to permanent housing and the provision of enabling support services.
Amendment 122 #
Annex I – paragraph 20 Member States should develop and integrate the three strands of active inclusion: adequate income support, inclusive labour markets and access to quality enabling services, to meet individual needs. Social protection systems should ensure adequate minimum income benefits for
Amendment 123 #
Annex I – paragraph 21 Member States should ensure timely access to affordable preventive and curative healthcare and long-term care of good quality, while safeguarding sustainability in the long term. In the context of an increasing demand for long-term care, also linked to demographic changes, gaps in adequacy, as well as workforce shortage and poor working conditions
Amendment 124 #
Annex I – paragraph 21 Member States should ensure timely access to affordable preventive and curative healthcare and long-term care of good quality, while safeguarding sustainability in the long term. In the context of an increasing demand for long-term care, also linked to demographic changes, gaps in adequacy, as well as
Amendment 125 #
Annex I – paragraph 22 In light of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and in line with the activation of Council Directive 2001/55/EC1 , Member States should continue offering an adequate level of protection to displaced persons from Ukraine. For unaccompanied minors, they should also implement the necessary measures according to national law. Displaced children should be ensured access to childhood education and care and essential services in line with
Amendment 126 #
Annex I – paragraph 23 In a context of increasing longevity and demographic change, Member States should secure the adequacy and sustainability of pension systems for workers and the self-employed, providing equal opportunities for women and men to acquire and accrue pension rights, including through supplementary schemes to ensure adequate income in old age. Pension reforms should be supported by policies that aim to reduce the gender pension gap
Amendment 127 #
Annex I – paragraph 23 In a context of increasing longevity and demographic change, Member States should secure the adequacy and sustainability of pension systems for workers and the self-employed, providing equal opportunities for women and men to acquire and accrue pension rights, including through supplementary schemes to ensure
Amendment 128 #
Annex I – paragraph 23 In a context of increasing longevity and demographic change, Member States should secure the adequacy and sustainability of pension systems for workers and the self-employed, providing equal opportunities for women and men to acquire and accrue pension rights, including through supplementary schemes to ensure adequate income in old age. Pension reforms should be supported by policies that aim to reduce the gender pension gap
Amendment 129 #
Annex I – paragraph 23 In a context of increasing longevity and demographic change, Member States should secure the adequacy and sustainability of pension systems for workers and the self-employed, providing equal opportunities for women and men to acquire and accrue pension rights, including through supplementary schemes to ensure adequate income in old age. Pension reforms should be supported by policies that aim to reduce the gender pension gap and measures that extend working lives,
Amendment 13 #
Recital 6 (6) The European Semester combines different instruments in an overarching framework for integrated multilateral coordination and surveillance of economic
Amendment 14 #
Recital 6 (6) The European Semester combines different instruments in an overarching framework for integrated multilateral coordination and surveillance of economic
Amendment 15 #
Recital 6 (6) The European Semester combines different instruments in an overarching framework for integrated multilateral coordination and surveillance of economic and employment policies within the Union. While pursuing environmental sustainability, productivity, fairness and macroeconomic stability, the European Semester integrates the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its monitoring tool, the Social Scoreboard, also allowing an analysis of risks and challenges to upward social convergence in the Union, and provides for strong engagement with social partners, civil society and other stakeholders.
Amendment 16 #
Recital 6 (6) The European Semester combines different instruments in an overarching framework for integrated multilateral coordination and surveillance of economic and employment policies within the Union. While pursuing environmental sustainability, productivity, fairness and macroeconomic stability, the European Semester integrates the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its monitoring tool, the Social Scoreboard, also allowing an analysis of risks and challenges to upward social convergence in the Union, and provides for strong engagement with social partners, civil society and other stakeholders. It also supports the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals. The economic and employment policies of the Union and the Member States should go hand in hand with the Union’s fair transition to a climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable and digital economy, improve competitiveness and productivity, ensure adequate working conditions, foster innovation, promote social justice, equal opportunities and upward socio-economic convergence, and tackle inequalities and regional disparities.
Amendment 17 #
Recital 6 (6) The European Semester combines different instruments in an overarching framework for integrated multilateral coordination and surveillance of economic and employment policies within the Union. While pursuing environmental sustainability, productivity, fairness and macroeconomic stability, the European Semester integrates the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its monitoring tool, the Social Scoreboard, also allowing an analysis of socio- economic risks and challenges to upward social convergence in the Union, and provides for strong engagement with social partners, civil society and other stakeholders. It also supports the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals. The economic and employment policies of the Union and the Member States should go hand in hand with the Union’s fair transition to a climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable and digital economy, improve competitiveness, ensure adequate working conditions, foster innovation, promote social justice, equal opportunities and upward socio-economic convergence, and tackle inequalities and regional disparities.
Amendment 18 #
Recital 7 – paragraph 1 Climate change and other environment- related challenges, the need to ensure a fair green transition, energy independence, enhanced competitiveness of net-zero industries and the need to secure Europe’s open strategic autonomy, as well as the development of digitalisation, artificial intelligence and the platform economy, an increase in teleworking and demographic change are deeply transforming Union economies and societies. The Union and its Member States are to work together to effectively and proactively address such structural developments and adapt existing systems as needed, recognising the close interdependence of the Member States’ economies and labour markets, and related policies. This requires coordinated, ambitious and effective policy action at both Union and national levels at Union, national and regional levels involving the social partners while recognising the role of social partners, in accordance with the TFEU and with the Union’s provisions on economic governance, taking into account the European Pillar of Social Rights. Such policy action should encompass a boost in sustainable investment across all EU regions, a renewed commitment to appropriately sequenced reforms and investments that enhance sustainable and inclusive economic growth, the creation of quality jobs, productivity,
Amendment 19 #
Recital 7 – paragraph 1 Amendment 2 #
Recital 1 (1) Member States and the Union are to work towards developing a coordinated strategy for employment and in particular for the promotion of quality employment and improving working conditions, a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce, as well as labour markets that are inclusive, future-oriented and responsive to economic and demographic change, with a view to achieving the objectives of full employment and social progress, balanced growth, a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment laid down in Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). Member States are to regard promoting employment as a matter of common concern and are to coordinate their action in that respect within the Council, taking into account national practices related to the responsibilities of management and labour.
Amendment 20 #
Recital 7 – paragraph 1 Climate change and other environment- related challenges, the need to ensure a fair green transition, energy independence, enhanced competitiveness of net-zero industries and the need to secure Europe’s open strategic autonomy, as well as the development of digitalisation, artificial intelligence and the platform economy, an increase in teleworking and demographic change are deeply transforming Union economies and societies. The Union and its Member States are to work together to effectively and proactively address such structural developments and adapt existing systems as needed, recognising the close interdependence of the Member States’ economies and labour markets, and related policies. This requires coordinated, ambitious and effective policy action at both Union and national levels while recognising the role of social partners and involving them, in accordance with the TFEU and with the Union’s provisions on economic governance, taking into account the European Pillar of Social Rights. Such policy action should encompass a boost in sustainable investment across all EU regions, a renewed commitment to appropriately sequenced reforms and investments that enhance sustainable and inclusive economic growth, the creation of quality jobs, productivity,
Amendment 21 #
Recital 7 – paragraph 1 Climate change, biodiversity loss and other environment-
Amendment 22 #
Recital 7 – paragraph 2 As shown in the Council Recommendation of 16 June 2022 on learning for the green transition and sustainable development, integrating the education and training dimension systematically into other policies
Amendment 23 #
Recital 8 (8) The European Pillar of Social Rights, proclaimed by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission in November 2017 (35 ), sets out twenty principles and rights to support well-functioning and fair labour markets and welfare systems, structured around three categories: equal opportunities and access to the labour market, fair working conditions, and social protection and inclusion. Those principles and rights give strategic direction to the Union, ensuring that the transitions to climate-neutrality, environmental sustainability, digitalisation and the impact of demographic change are socially fair and just and preserve territorial cohesion. The European Pillar of Social Rights, with its accompanying Social Scoreboard and the Social Convergence Framework, constitutes a reference framework to monitor the employment and social performance of Member States and upward social convergence in the Union, to drive reforms and investments at national, regional and local levels and to reconcile the ‘social’ and the ‘market’ in today’s modern economy, including by promoting the social economy. On 4 March 2021, the Commission put forward an Action Plan for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (the ‘Action Plan’), including ambitious yet realistic Union headline targets on employment, skills and poverty reduction and complementary sub- targets for 2030, as well as the revised Social Scoreboard.
Amendment 24 #
Recital 8 (8) The European Pillar of Social Rights, proclaimed by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission in November 2017 (35 ), sets out twenty principles and rights to support well-functioning and fair labour markets and welfare systems, structured around three categories: equal opportunities and access to the labour market, fair working conditions, and social protection and inclusion. Those principles and rights give strategic direction to the Union, ensuring that
Amendment 25 #
Recital 9 (9) As recognised by the Heads of State or Government at the 8 May 2021 Porto Social Summit, the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights will strengthen the Union’s drive towards a digital
Amendment 26 #
Recital 10 (10) The Union headline targets for 2030 on employment (that at least 78 % of the population aged 20-64 should be in employment), skills (that at least 60 % of all adults should participate in training every year) and poverty reduction (that at least 15 million fewer people should be at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including five million children), welcomed by the Heads of State or Government at the Porto Social Summit on 8 May 2021 and by the June 2021 European Council, will help, together with the Social Scoreboard and the Social Convergence Framework, in monitoring progress towards the implementation of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights as part of the policy coordination framework in the European Semester. In addition, the Porto Social Summit called on Member States to set ambitious national targets which, taking due account of the starting position of each country, should constitute an adequate contribution to the achievement of the Union headline targets for 2030. Between September 2021 and June 2022, at the invitation of the Commission, Member States submitted their national targets. At the June 2022 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), Ministers stressed the importance of closely following the progress achieved towards the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the EU headline targets for 2030. Against that background, progress on those national targets is monitored in the Joint Employment Report 2024, and is integrated in the monitoring tools for the European Semester. In addition, the Joint Employment Report 2024 integrated the Social Convergence Framework which contained a ‘first-stage country analysis’ on potential risks to upward social convergence, identifying seven countries as experiencing potential risks, which resulted in a deeper ‘second- stage analysis’ for these seven Member States (36 ).
Amendment 27 #
Recital 11 (11) Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Council, in its conclusions of 24 February 2022, condemned Russia’s actions, which seek to undermine European and global security and stability, and expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people, underlining Russia’s violation of international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter. In the current context, temporary protection, as granted by Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 and extended by the Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2409 (37 ), offers quick and effective assistance in Union countries to displaced people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and allows such displaced people to enjoy minimum rights across the Union that offer an adequate level of protection. It should be noted that this assistance needs to be extended to all displaced persons fleeing Ukraine, regardless of their nationality. By participating in the Union’s labour markets, persons displaced from Ukraine can continue to contribute to strengthening the Union’s economy and help support their country and people at home. In the future, the experience and skills acquired can contribute to rebuilding Ukraine. For unaccompanied children and teenagers, temporary protection confers the right to legal guardianship and access to childhood education and care. Member States should ensure that the implementation of the European Child Guarantee ensures access to free services for children fleeing Ukraine on an equal footing with their national peers in the hosting countries. Member States should continue to involve social partners in the design, implementation and evaluation of policy measures that aim to address the employment and skills challenges, including the recognition of qualifications of people displaced from Ukraine. Social partners play a key role in mitigating the impact of that the war in terms of preserving employment and production.
Amendment 28 #
Recital 11 (11) Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Council, in its conclusions of 24 February 2022, condemned Russia’s actions, which seek to undermine European and global security and stability, and expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people, underlining Russia’s violation of international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter. In the current context, temporary protection, as granted by Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 and extended by the Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2409 (37 ), offers quick and effective assistance in Union countries to
Amendment 29 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 1 Reforms to the labour market, including national wage-setting mechanisms, should respect and strenghten national practices of social dialogue, collective bargaining and the autonomy of the social partners, with a view to providing fair wages that enable a decent standard of living, sustainable growth and upward socio- economic convergence. Such reforms should allow for a broad consideration of socio-economic factors, including improvements in sustainability, competitiveness, innovation, the creation of quality jobs, decent working conditions, democracy at work, gender equality, in- work poverty, education, training and skills, public health, social protection and inclusion, as well as real incomes. Member States should implement the Directive on adequate minimum wages without delay and prepare action plans to increase the collective bargaining coverage in line with the directive, where applicable. The importance of social dialogue in tackling challenges in the world of work, including labour and skills shortages, was reaffirmed at the 2024 Val Duchesse Summit.
Amendment 3 #
Recital 1 (1) Member States and the Union are to work towards developing a coordinated strategy for employment and in particular for the promotion of a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce, as well as labour markets that are future-oriented, resilient, inclusive and responsive to economic change, with a view to achieving the objectives of full employment and social progress, balanced growth, a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment laid down in Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). Member States are to regard promoting quality employment as a matter of common concern and are to coordinate their action in that respect within the Council, taking into account national practices related to the
Amendment 30 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 1 Reforms to the labour market, including national wage-setting mechanisms, should respect and strengthen national practices of social dialogue, collective bargaining and the autonomy of the social partners, with a view to providing fair wages that enable a decent standard of living, sustainable growth and upward socio- economic and territorial convergence. Such reforms should allow for a broad consideration of socio-economic factors, including improvements in sustainability, competitiveness, innovation, the creation of quality jobs, decent working conditions, democracy at work, gender equality, in- work poverty, education, training and skills, public health, including mental health, social protection and inclusion, as well as real incomes. Member States should implement the Directive on adequate minimum wages without delay and prepare action plans to increase the collective bargaining coverage in line with the directive, where applicable . The importance of social dialogue in tackling challenges in the world of work, including labour and skills shortages, was reaffirmed at the 2024 Val Duchesse Summit.
Amendment 31 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 2 The Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds are supporting Member States in implementing reforms and investments that are in line with the Union’s priorities, making Union economies and societies more sustainable and resilient and better prepared for the green and digital transitions in the changing context following the COVID-19 pandemic. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has further aggravated pre- existing socio-economic challenges, as higher energy prices particularly affected low-income households. Member States and the Union should continue to ensure that the social, employment and economic impacts are mitigated and that transitions are socially fair and just, also in light of the fact that increased open strategic autonomy and an accelerated green transition will help reduce the dependence on imports of energy and other strategic products and technologies, in particular from Russia. Strengthening resilience and pursuing an inclusive and resilient society in which people are protected and empowered to anticipate and manage change, and in which they can actively participate in society and the economy, are essential. This is why democracy at work has to be strengthened at the union and at national level and the refinancing and continuation of the employment saving measures that the Union initiated to safeguard and foster social cohesion and security in times of change via the SURE programme should be ensured.
Amendment 32 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 2 The Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds are supporting Member States in implementing reforms and investments that are in line with the Union’s priorities, making Union economies and societies more sustainable and resilient and better prepared for the gr
Amendment 33 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 2 The Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds are supporting Member States in implementing reforms and investments that are in line with the Union’s priorities, making Union economies and societies more sustainable and resilient and better prepared for the green and digital transitions in the changing context following the COVID-19 pandemic. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has further aggravated pre- existing socio-economic challenges, as higher energy prices particularly affected low-income households. Member States and the Union should continue to ensure that the social, employment and economic impacts are mitigated and that transitions are socially fair and just, also in light of the fact that increased open strategic autonomy and an accelerated green transition will help reduce the dependence on imports of energy and other strategic products and technologies, in particular from Russia. Strengthening resilience and pursuing an inclusive and resilient society in which people are protected and empowered to anticipate and manage change, and in which they can actively participate in society and the economy, are essential. This is why democracy at work has to be strengthened at the union and at national level.
Amendment 34 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 3 A coherent set of active labour market policies, consisting of temporary and targeted hiring and transition incentives, skills policies including learning for the green transition and sustainable development and targeted, effective and adaptable employment services, is needed to support labour market transitions and make full use of untapped labour market potential, also in line with the active inclusion approach and in light of the green and digital transformationsas highlighted inter alia in the La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights (38 ). Adequate working conditions, including occupational health and safety, and both the physical and mental health of workers should be ensured.
Amendment 35 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 3 A coherent set of active labour market policies, consisting of temporary and targeted hiring and transition incentives, skills policies including learning for the green transition and sustainable development and targeted, effective and adaptable employment services, is needed to support labour market transitions and make full use of untapped labour market potential, also in line with the active inclusion approach and in light of the green and digital transformationsas highlighted inter alia in the La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights (38 ). Adequate working conditions, including occupational health and safety, and both the physical and mental health of workers should be ensured
Amendment 36 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 3 A coherent set of active labour market policies,
Amendment 37 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 3 A coherent set of active labour market policies, consisting of temporary and targeted hiring and transition incentives, skills policies including learning for the green transition and sustainable development and targeted, effective and adaptable employment services, is needed to support labour market transitions and make full use of untapped labour market potential, also in line with the active inclusion approach and in light of the green and digital transformationsas highlighted inter alia in the La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights (38 ). Adequate working conditions, including occupational health and safety policies that account for age and gender, and both the physical and mental health of workers should be ensured.
Amendment 38 #
Recital 12 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 (new) Despite the progress made, significant wage disparities between men and women still persist in many areas of the Union. Member States, starting with an effective and rigorous implementation of Directive 2023/970, are invited to take measures to ensure wage transparency, implement monitoring policies and stimulate companies to implement equal pay action plans.
Amendment 39 #
Recital 13 – paragraph 1 Discrimination in all its forms should be
Amendment 4 #
Recital 2 (2) The Union is to combat social exclusion and discrimination, and to promote social justice and protection, equality between
Amendment 40 #
Recital 13 – paragraph 1 Discrimination in all its forms should be
Amendment 41 #
Recital 13 – paragraph 1 Discrimination in all its forms should be tackled, gender equality ensured and employment of young people supported. Equal access and opportunities for all should be ensured and poverty and social exclusion, in particular that of children, persons with disabilities and the Roma people, should be reduced, in particular by ensuring an effective functioning of labour markets and adequate and inclusive social protection systems, as set out in the Council Recommendation of 8 November 2019 and the Council Recommendation of 30 January 2023 (39). In addition, barriers to inclusive and future-oriented education, training, lifelong learning and labour- market participation should be removed and Member States should invest in early childhood education and care, in line with the European Child Guarantee and the Council Recommendation on early childhood education and care (the ‘Barcelona targets for 2030’), in making vocational education and training more attractive and inclusive in line with the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training, and in digital and green skills, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan and the Council Recommendation on learning for the green transition and sustainable development and the Council Recommendation on Pathways for School Success. Access to affordable housing, including through social housing, is a necessary condition for ensuring equal opportunities. Timely and equal access to affordable high-quality long-term care, in line with the Council Recommendation on access to affordable high-quality long-term care, and healthcare services, including prevention and healthcare promotion, are particularly relevant, in light of potential future health risks and in a context of ageing societies.
Amendment 42 #
Recital 13 – paragraph 1 Discrimination in all its forms should be tackled, gender equality ensured and employment of young people supported. The combatting of illegal immigration should not be considered as a form of discrimination. Equal access and opportunities for all should be ensured and poverty and social exclusion, in particular that of children, persons with disabilities and the Roma people, should be reduced, in particular by ensuring an effective functioning of labour markets and adequate
Amendment 43 #
Recital 13 – paragraph 1 Discrimination in all its forms should be
Amendment 44 #
Recital 13 – paragraph 2 The potential of persons with disabilities to contribute to economic growth and social development should be further realised, in line with the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (40 ) which invited Member States to set up employment and adult learning targets for persons with disabilities. The EU Roma Strategic Framework highlights the capacity within the marginalised Roma communities to reduce labour and skills shortages and aims to cut the employment gap between Roma and general population by at least half (41 ). New technologies and evolving workplaces throughout the Union allow for more flexible working arrangements as well as improved productivity and work-life balance
Amendment 45 #
Recital 13 – paragraph 2 The potential of persons with disabilities to contribute to economic growth and social development should be further realised, in line with the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (40 ) which invited Member States to set up employment and adult learning targets for persons with disabilities. The EU Roma Strategic Framework highlights the capacity within the marginalised Roma communities to reduce labour and skills shortages and aims to cut the employment gap between Roma and general population by at least half (41 ). New technologies and evolving workplaces throughout the Union allow for more flexible working arrangements as well as improved productivity and work-life balance, whilst contributing to the Union’s green commitments. Those developments also bring new challenges to labour markets, affecting the working conditions, health and safety at work and effective access to adequate social protection for workers and the self-employed. Member States should ensure that new forms of work organisation translate into quality jobs and adequates healthy and safe workplaces and working conditions as well as work-life balance, healthy ageing, maintaining established labour and social rights and strengthening Europe’s social model. __________________ 40 COM(2021) 101 final. 41 EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation for 2020-2030, COM(2020) 620 final.
Amendment 46 #
Recital 14 – paragraph 2 In addition, for the 2021-2027 programming period, Member States should make full use of the European Social Fund Plus, the European Regional Development Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds, including the Just Transition Fund as well as InvestEU established by Regulation (EU) 2021/523 of the European Parliament and of the Council (46 ), as well as the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), to foster quality employment and social investments, to fight poverty and social exclusion, to combat discrimination, to ensure accessibility and inclusion, and to promote upskilling and reskilling opportunities of the workforce, lifelong learning and high-quality education and training for all, including digital literacy and skills in order to empower citizens with the knowledge and qualifications required for a digital and green economy. Member States are also to make full use of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers established by Regulation (EU) 2021/691 of the European Parliament and of the Council (47 ) to support workers made redundant as a result of major restructuring events, such as socioeconomic transformations that are the result of global trends and technological and environmental changes. While the Integrated Guidelines are addressed to Member States and the Union, they should be implemented in partnership with all national, regional and local authorities, closely involving parliaments, as well as the social partners and representatives of civil society
Amendment 47 #
Recital 14 – paragraph 2 In addition, for the 2021-2027 programming period, Member States should make full use of the European Social Fund Plus, the European Regional Development Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds, including the Just Transition Fund as well as InvestEU established by Regulation (EU) 2021/523 of the European Parliament and of the Council (46 ), as well as the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), to foster quality employment and social investments, to
Amendment 48 #
Recital 14 – paragraph 2 In addition, for the 2021-2027 programming period, Member States should make full use of the European Social Fund Plus, the European Regional Development Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility and other Union funds, including the Just Transition Fund as well as InvestEU established by Regulation (EU) 2021/523 of the European Parliament and of the Council (46 ), as well as the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), to foster quality employment and social investments, to fight poverty and social exclusion, to combat discrimination, to ensure accessibility and inclusion, and to promote upskilling and reskilling opportunities of the workforce, lifelong learning and high-quality education and training for all, including digital literacy and skills in order to empower citizens with the knowledge and qualifications required for a
Amendment 49 #
Recital 16 a (new) (16 a) Welcomes the Commission’s proposal for updated employment guidelines for the Member States, in particular its strong focus on education and training as well as new technologies, artificial intelligence and algorithmic management as well as recent policy initiatives such as platform work, affordable housing and tackling labour and skills shortages; with a view to strengthening democratic decision- making, reiterates its call to be involved in setting the Integrated Guidelines at Union level on an equal footing with Council, in line with its legislative resolutions of 8 July 2015, 19 April 2018, 10 July 2020 and 18 October 2022 on the proposal for a Council decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States;
Amendment 5 #
Recital 4 (4) In order to enhance economic and social progress and upward convergence, support the green and digital transitions, strengthen the Union industrial base and achieve inclusive, competitive and resilient labour markets in the Union, Member States should address labour and skills shortages and promote quality and inclusive education and training, with a particular focus on improving basic skills, especially among disadvantaged students, and on STEM (science, technology, engine
Amendment 50 #
Annex I – subheading 1 Guideline 5: Boosting the demand for labour and the offer of quality jobs
Amendment 51 #
Annex I – paragraph 1 Member States should actively promote a sustainable social market economy and facilitate and support investment in the creation of quality jobs, also taking advantage of the potential linked to the digital and green transitions, in light of the Union and national headline targets for 2030 on employment.
Amendment 52 #
Annex I – paragraph 1 Member States should actively promote a sustainable social market economy and facilitate and support investment in the creation of quality jobs, also taking advantage of the potential linked to the digital and green transitions, in light of the Union and national headline targets for 2030 on employment. To that end, they should reduce the barriers that businesses face in hiring people, foster responsible entrepreneurship and genuine self- employment
Amendment 53 #
Annex I – paragraph 1 Member States should actively promote a sustainable social market economy and facilitate and support investment in the creation of quality jobs, also taking advantage of the potential linked to the digital and green transitions, in light of the Union and national headline targets for 2030 on employment. To that end, they should reduce the
Amendment 54 #
Annex I – paragraph 1 Member States should actively promote a sustainable social market economy and facilitate and support investment in the creation of quality jobs, also taking advantage of the potential linked to the digital and green transitions, in light of the Union and national headline targets for 2030 on employment. To that end, they should reduce the barriers that businesses face in hiring people, foster responsible entrepreneurship and genuine self- employment and, in particular, support the creation and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to finance. Member States should actively promote the development of the social economy, including social enterprises, and tap into its full potential. They should develop relevant measures and strategies for the social economy, foster social innovation and encourage business models that create quality job opportunities and generate social welfare, notably at local level, including in the circular economy and in territories most affected by the transition to a green economy, including through targeted financial and technical support.
Amendment 55 #
Annex I – paragraph 2 To strengthen resilience in the face of possible economic and/or labour market shocks, well-designed short-t
Amendment 56 #
Annex I – paragraph 2 To strengthen resilience in the face of possible economic and/or labour market shocks, well-designed short-time work schemes, like the ones developed in the context of the European instrument for temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE), and similar arrangements play an important role. They can also support structural transformations by facilitating and supporting restructuring processes and the reallocation of labour from declining sectors towards emerging ones, thereby increasing productivity, preserving employment and helping to modernise the economy, including via associated skills development. Well-designed hiring and transition incentives and upskilling and reskilling measures, developed in close cooperation with social partners, should be considered in order to support quality job creation and transitions throughout the working life, and to address labour and skill shortages, also in light of the digital and green transformations, demographic change, as well as of the impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
Amendment 57 #
Annex I – paragraph 2 To strengthen resilience in the face of possible economic and/or labour market shocks, well-designed short-time work schemes and similar arrangements play an important role. They can also support structural transformations by facilitating and supporting restructuring processes and the reallocation of labour from declining sectors towards emerging ones, thereby increasing productivity, preserving employment and helping to modernise the economy, including via associated skills development. Well-designed hiring and transition incentives
Amendment 58 #
Annex I – paragraph 3 Taxation should be shifted away from labour to
Amendment 59 #
Annex I – paragraph 3 Taxation should be shifted away from labour, by ensuring that tax systems are progressive and shifted to other sources more supportive of employment and inclusive growth and in line with climate and environmental objectives, taking account of the redistributive effect of the tax system, while protecting revenue for adequate social protection and growth- enhancing expenditure.
Amendment 6 #
Recital 4 (4) In order to enhance economic and social progress and upward convergence, support the green and digital transitions, strengthen the Union industrial base and achieve inclusive, competitive and resilient labour markets in the Union
Amendment 60 #
Annex I – paragraph 3 Taxation should be shifted away from labour to other sources more supportive of employment and inclusive growth
Amendment 61 #
Annex I – paragraph 3 Taxation should be
Amendment 62 #
Annex I – paragraph 4 Member States, including those with statutory minimum wages, should promote collective bargaining on wage setting and ensure an effective involvement of social partners in a transparent and predictable manner, allowing for adequate responsiveness of wages to long-term productivity developments, inflation and the cost of living, and fostering fair wages that enable a decent standard of living for all workers, paying particular attention to lower and middle income groups with a view to strengthening upward socio- economic convergence. Wage-setting mechanisms should also take into account socio-
Amendment 63 #
Annex I – paragraph 4 Member States, including those with statutory minimum wages, should promote collective bargaining on wage setting and ensure an effective involvement of social partners in a transparent and predictable manner, allowing for adequate responsiveness of wages to productivity developments, inflation and the cost of living, and fostering fair wages that enable a decent standard of living, paying particular attention to lower and middle income groups with a view to strengthening upward socio-economic convergence. Wage-setting mechanisms should also take into account socio- economic conditions, including employment growth, competitiveness, purchasing power and regional and sectoral developments. Respecting national practices and the autonomy of the social partners, Member States and social partners should ensure that all workers have adequate wages by benefitting, directly or indirectly, from collective agreements or adequate statutory minimum wages, taking into account their impact on competitiveness, quality job creation, purchasing power and in-work poverty. Member states should transpose the Directive on adequate minimum wages in line with the given deadline (15th November 2024) and prepare action plans to increase collective bargaining coverage.
Amendment 64 #
Annex I – paragraph 4 Member States, including those with statutory minimum wages, should promote collective bargaining on wage setting and ensure an effective involvement of social partners in a transparent and predictable manner, allowing for adequate responsiveness of wages to productivity developments, inflation and the cost of living, and fostering fair wages that enable a decent standard of living, paying particular attention to lower and middle income groups with a view to strengthening upward socio-economic convergence. Wage-setting mechanisms should also take into account socio- economic conditions, including employment growth, competitiveness, purchasing power and regional and sectoral developments. Respecting national practices and the autonomy of the social partners, Member States and social partners should ensure that all workers have adequate wages by benefitting, directly or indirectly, from collective agreements or adequate statutory minimum wages, taking into account their impact on competitiveness, quality job creation, purchasing power and in-work poverty.
Amendment 65 #
Annex I – paragraph 4 Member States, including those with statutory minimum wages, should promote collective bargaining on wage setting and ensure an effective involvement of social partners in a transparent and predictable manner, allowing for adequate responsiveness of wages to productivity developments, inflation and cost of living, and fostering fair wages that enable a decent standard of living, paying particular attention to lower and middle income groups with a view to strengthening upward socio-economic convergence. Wage-setting mechanisms should also take into account socio-
Amendment 66 #
Annex I – subheading 2 Guideline 6:
Amendment 67 #
Annex I – paragraph 5 In the context of the digital and green transitions, demographic change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Member States should promote sustainability, productivity, competitiveness, employability and
Amendment 68 #
Annex I – paragraph 5 In the context of the digital and green transitions, demographic change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Member States should promote sustainability, productivity, competitiveness, employability and human capital development, fostering acquisition of skills and competences throughout people’s lives and responding to current and future labour market needs, also in light of the Union and national headline targets for 2030 on skills. Member States should also modernise and invest in their education and training systems to provide high quality and inclusive education and training including vocational education and training, improve educational outcomes and the provision of skills and competences needed for the green and digital transitions, and ensure access to digital learning, language training (e.g. in the case of refugees including from Ukraine or in facilitating labour market access in cross-border regions) and the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills. Member States should work together with the social partners, education and training providers, enterprises and other stakeholders, also in the context of the action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages put forward by the Commission in March 2024, to address structural weaknesses in education and training systems and improve their quality and labour-market relevance, including through targeted financial and technical support. This would also contribute to enabling the green and digital transitions, addressing skills mismatches and labour shortages, including for activities related to net-zero and digital industries, including those relevant for the EU’s economic security, and those related to the green transition, such as renewable energy deployment or buildings’ renovation. Attention should be paid also to entrepreneurial skills, which are not yet included in typical educational plans. Encouraging entrepreneurship from an early stage could significantly enhance its integration into academic and training programs throughout Europe.
Amendment 69 #
Annex I – paragraph 5 In the context of the digital and green transitions, demographic change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Member States should promote sustainability, productivity, competitiveness, employability and human capital development, fostering acquisition of skills and competences throughout people’s lives and responding to current and future labour market needs, also in light of the Union and national headline targets for 2030 on skills. Member States should also modernise and invest in their education and training systems to provide high quality and inclusive education and training including vocational education and training, improve educational outcomes and the provision of skills and competences needed for the green and digital transitions, and ensure access to digital learning, language training (e.g. in the case of refugees including from Ukraine or in facilitating labour market access in cross-border regions) and the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills. Member States should work together with the social partners, education and training providers, enterprises and other stakeholders, also in the context of the action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages put forward by the Commission in March 2024, to address structural weaknesses in education and training systems and improve their quality and labour-market relevance, including through targeted financial and technical support. The right to paid educational leave for professional purposes should be encouraged, in line with relevant conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which allow workers to attend training programmes during working hours. This would also contribute to enabling the green and digital transitions, addressing skills mismatches and labour shortages, including for activities related to net-zero and digital industries, including those relevant for the EU’s economic security, and those related to the green transition, such as renewable energy deployment or buildings’ renovation.
Amendment 7 #
Recital 4 (4) In order to enhance economic and social progress and upward convergence, support the green and digital transitions, strengthen the Union industrial base and achieve inclusive, competitive and resilient labour markets in the Union, Member States should address labour and skills shortages and promote quality and inclusive education and training, with a particular focus on improving basic and cross-cutting skills, especially among disadvantaged students, and on STEM (science, technology, engine
Amendment 70 #
Annex I – paragraph 5 In the context of the digital
Amendment 71 #
Annex I – paragraph 5 In the context of the digital and green transitions, demographic change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Member States should promote sustainability, productivity, inclusiveness, competitiveness, employability and human capital development, fostering acquisition of skills and competences throughout people’s lives and responding to current and future labour market needs, also in light of the Union and national headline targets for 2030 on skills. Member States should also modernise and invest in their education and training systems to provide high quality and inclusive education and training including vocational education and training, improve educational outcomes and the provision of skills and competences needed for the green and digital transitions, and ensure access to digital learning, language training (e.g. in the case of refugees including from Ukraine or in facilitating labour market access in cross-border regions) and the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills. Member States should work together with the social partners, education and training providers, enterprises and other stakeholders, also in the context of the action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages put forward by the Commission in March 2024, to address structural weaknesses in education and training systems and improve their quality and labour-market relevance, including through targeted financial and technical support. This would also contribute to enabling the green and digital transitions, addressing skills mismatches and labour shortages, including for activities related to net-zero and digital industries, including those relevant for the EU’s economic security, and those related to the green transition, such as renewable energy deployment or buildings’ renovation.
Amendment 72 #
Annex I – paragraph 6 Particular attention should be paid to addressing
Amendment 73 #
Annex I – paragraph 6 Particular attention should be paid to addressing
Amendment 74 #
Annex I – paragraph 6 Particular attention should be paid to addressing the decline in the educational performance of young people, especially in the area of basic skills. Action is needed to address the challenges faced by the teaching profession, including its attractiveness, tackling teacher shortages, and the need to invest in teachers’ and trainers’ digital skills competences. Moreover, education and training systems should equip all learners with key competences, including basic and digital skills as well as transversal competences, and critical thinking in light of the threat of disinformation, to lay the foundations for adaptability and resilience throughout life, needed for successful transition resulting from changes such as climate change, while ensuring that teachers are prepared to foster those competencies in learners. Member States should support working age adults in accessing training and increase individuals’ incentives and motivation to seek training, including, where appropriate, through individual learning accounts, and ensuring their transferability during professional transitions, as well as through a reliable system of training quality assessment. Member States should explore the use of micro-credentials to support lifelong learning and employability. They should enable everyone to anticipate and better adapt to labour-market needs, in particular through continuous upskilling and reskilling and the provision of integrated guidance and counselling, with a view to supporting fair and just transitions for all, strengthening employment and social outcomes and productivity, addressing labour-market shortages and skills mismatches, improving the overall resilience of the economy to shocks and making potential adjustments easier.
Amendment 75 #
Annex I – paragraph 7 Member States should foster equal opportunities for all by addressing inequalities in education and training systems, including in terms of regional coverage. In particular, children should be provided with access to affordable and high-quality early childhood education and care, in line with the new “Barcelona targets” and the European Child Guarantee Member States should raise overall qualification levels, reduce the number of early leavers from education and training, support equal access to education of children from disadvantaged groups and remote areas, increase the attractiveness of vocational education and training (VET), support access to and completion of tertiary education, and increase the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates both in VET and in tertiary education, especially women. Top performance and excellence in educational outcomes should also be supported, given their role in fostering the future innovation potential of the EU. Me
Amendment 76 #
Annex I – paragraph 7 Member States should foster equal opportunities for all by addressing inequalities in education and training systems, including in terms of regional coverage. In particular, children should be provided with access to affordable and high-quality early childhood education and care, in line with the new “Barcelona targets” and the European Child Guarantee Member States should raise overall qualification levels, reduce the number of early leavers from education and training, support equal access to education of children from disadvantaged groups and remote areas, increase the attractiveness of vocational education and training (VET), support access to and completion of tertiary education, and increase the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates both in VET and in tertiary education, especially women. Top performance and excellence in educational outcomes should also be supported, given their role in fostering the future innovation potential of the EU. Me
Amendment 77 #
Annex I – paragraph 7 Member States should foster equal opportunities for all by addressing inequalities in education and training systems, including in terms of regional coverage. In particular, children should be provided with access to affordable and high-quality early childhood education and care, in line with the new “Barcelona targets” and the European Child Guarantee Member States should raise overall qualification levels, reduce the number of early leavers from education and training, support equal access to education of children from disadvantaged groups and remote areas, increase the attractiveness of vocational education and training (VET), support access to and completion of tertiary education, and increase the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates both in VET and in tertiary education, especially women. Top performance and excellence in educational outcomes should also be supported, given their role in fostering the future innovation potential of the EU. Me
Amendment 78 #
Annex I – paragraph 7 Member States should foster equal opportunities for all by addressing inequalities in education and training systems, including in terms of regional coverage. In particular, children should be provided with access to affordable and high-quality early childhood education and care, in line with the new “Barcelona targets” and the European Child Guarantee Member States should raise overall qualification levels, reduce the number of early leavers from education and training, support equal access to education of children from disadvantaged groups and remote areas, increase the attractiveness of vocational education and training (VET), support access to and completion of tertiary education, and increase the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates both in VET and in tertiary education, especially women. Top performance and excellence in educational outcomes should also be supported, given their role in fostering the future innovation potential of the EU. Me
Amendment 79 #
Annex I – paragraph 7 Member States should foster equal opportunities for all by addressing inequalities in education and training systems, including in terms of regional coverage. In particular, children should be provided with access to affordable and high-quality early childhood education and care
Amendment 8 #
Recital 4 (4) In order to enhance economic and social progress and upward convergence, support
Amendment 80 #
Annex I – paragraph 7 a (new) In order to avoid the offshoring of companies that have received European aid, it is essential to review existing state aid rules and funding programmes and establish strategic solutions aimed at maintaining the industrial base within Europe. This includes strengthening European strategic autonomy and promoting a robust European industrial policy. Furthermore, the transition must be accompanied by social and employment measures to ensure a just transition for all, ensuring that no workers or communities are left behind during this process.
Amendment 81 #
Annex I – paragraph 8 Member States should provide unemployed and inactive people with effective, timely, coordinated and tailor-made assistance based on support for job searches, training, up- and reskilling and access to other enabling services, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups and people affected by the green and digital transitions or labour market shocks. Comprehensive strategies that include in-depth individual assessments of unemployed people should be pursued as soon as possible,
Amendment 82 #
Annex I – paragraph 8 Member States should provide unemployed and inactive people with effective, timely, coordinated and tailor-made assistance based on support for job searches, training, up- and reskilling and access to other enabling services, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups and people affected by the necessary green and digital transitions or labour market shocks. Comprehensive strategies that include in- depth individual assessments of unemployed people should be pursued as soon as possible, at the latest after 18 months of unemployment, with a view to significantly reducing and preventing long- term and structural unemployment. Youth unemployment and the issue of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) should continue to be addressed through prevention of early leaving from education and training and structural improvement of the school-to- work transition, including through the full implementation of the reinforced Youth Guarantee, which should also support quality youth employment opportunities. In addition, Member States should boost efforts notably at highlighting how the green and digital transitions offer a renewed perspective for the future and opportunities for young people in the labour market.
Amendment 83 #
Annex I – paragraph 8 Member States should provide unemployed and inactive people with effective, timely, coordinated and tailor-made assistance based on support for job searches, training, up- and reskilling and access to other enabling services, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups and people affected by the green and digital transitions or labour market shocks. Comprehensive strategies that include in-depth individual assessments of unemployed people should be pursued as soon as possible, at the latest after 18 months of unemployment, with a view to significantly reducing and preventing long-term and structural unemployment. Youth unemployment and the issue of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) should continue to be addressed through prevention of early leaving from education and training and structural improvement of the school-to-work transition, including through the full implementation of the reinforced Youth Guarantee, which should also support quality youth employment opportunities. In addition, Member States should boost efforts notably at highlighting how the
Amendment 84 #
Annex I – paragraph 9 Member States should aim to remove barriers and disincentives to, and provide incentives for, participation in the labour market, in particular for low-income earners, second earners (often women) and those furthest from the labour market, including people with a migrant background and marginalised Roma people. In view of high labour shortages in certain occupations and sectors (notably in STEM sectors, healthcare and long-term care, education, transport and construction), Member States should contribute to fostering labour supply, notably through promoting adequate wages and working conditions, ensuring that the design of tax and benefit systems
Amendment 85 #
Annex I – paragraph 9 Member States should aim to remove barriers and disincentives to, and provide incentives for, participation in the labour market, in particular for low-income earners, second earners (often women) and those furthest from the labour market, including people with a migrant background and marginalised Roma people. In view of high labour shortages in certain occupations and sectors (notably in STEM sectors, healthcare and long-term care, education, transport and construction), Member States should contribute to fostering labour supply, notably through promoting adequate wages and decent working conditions, ensuring that the design of tax and benefit systems encourages labour market participation, and that active labour market policies are effective and accessible, respecting the role of social partners. Member States should also support a work environment adapted for persons with disabilities, including through targeted financial and technical support, information and awareness raising, and services that enable them to participate in the labour market and in society
Amendment 86 #
Annex I – paragraph 9 Member States should aim to remove barriers and disincentives to, and provide incentives for, participation in the labour market, in particular for low-income earners, second earners (often women) and those furthest from the labour market, including people with a migrant background and
Amendment 87 #
Annex I – paragraph 9 Member States should aim to remove barriers and disincentives to, and provide incentives for, participation in the labour market, in particular for low-income earners, second earners (often women) and those furthest from the labour market, including people with a migrant background and marginalised Roma people. In view of high labour shortages in certain occupations and sectors (notably in STEM sectors, healthcare and long-term care, education, transport and construction), Member States should contribute to fostering labour supply, notably through promoting adequate wages and working conditions, ensuring that the design of tax and benefit systems encourages labour market participation, and that active labour market policies are effective and accessible, respecting the role of social partners. Member States should also support a work environment adapted for persons with disabilities, including through targeted financial and technical support, information and awareness raising, and services that enable them to participate in the labour market and in society. The gender employment and pay gaps as well as gender stereotypes should be tackled. Member States should ensure gender equality and increased labour market participation of women, including through ensuring equal opportunities and career progression and eliminating barriers to leadership access at all levels of decision making, as well as by tackling violence and harassment at work which is a problem that mainly affects women. Equal pay for equal work, or work of equal value, and pay transparency should be ensured. The reconciliation of work, family and private life for both women and men should be promoted, in particular through access to affordable, quality long-term care and early childhood education and care services, as well as through adequate policies catering to the changes brought to the world of work by digitalisation. Member States should ensure that parents and other people with caring responsibilities have access to suitable family-related leave and flexible working arrangements in order to balance work, family and private life
Amendment 88 #
Annex I – paragraph 9 Member States should aim to remove barriers and disincentives to, and provide incentives for, participation in the labour market, in particular for low-income earners, second earners (often women) and those furthest from the labour market, including people with a legal migrant
Amendment 89 #
Annex I – paragraph 10 In order to benefit from a dynamic and productive workforce and new work patterns and business models, Member States should work together with the social partners on fair, transparent and predictable working conditions, balancing rights and obligations. They should reduce and prevent segmentation within labour markets, fight undeclared work and bogus self-employment, and foster the transition towards open-ended forms of employment. Employment protection rules, labour law and institutions should all provide both a suitable environment for recruitment
Amendment 9 #
Recital 4 a (new) (4 a) Member States shall promote the development of digital and green skills by integrating specific courses into school and vocational curricula. This includes the creation and implementation of continuous training programmes for workers to adapt to new technologies and sustainable practices. Member States must encourage lifelong learning as well as further training for adult workers by promoting retraining and skills upgrading programmes in cooperation with companies and educational institutions. These programmes should be accessible, flexible and geared to the needs of the labour market. In particular, artificial intelligence should be used to identify at early stage, detect, and close skills gaps in the workforce, provide tailor-made educational support, and implement prevention and intervention tools against gender-based violence in the workplace.
Amendment 90 #
Annex I – paragraph 10 In order to benefit from a dynamic and productive workforce and new work patterns and business models, Member States should work together with the social partners on fair, transparent and predictable working conditions, balancing rights and obligations. They should reduce and prevent segmentation within labour markets, fight undeclared work and bogus self-employment, and foster the transition towards open-ended forms of employment. Employment protection rules, labour law and institutions should all provide both a suitable environment for recruitment and the necessary flexibility for employers to adapt swiftly to changes in the economic context, while protecting labour rights and ensuring social protection, an appropriate level of security, and healthy, safe and well-adapted working environments for all workers. Promoting the use of flexible working arrangements such as teleworking can contribute to higher employment levels and more inclusive labour markets. Furthermore, Member States should support workers, businesses, and other actors in the digital transformation, including via promoting the uptake of ethical and trustworth
Amendment 91 #
Annex I – paragraph 10 In order to benefit from a dynamic and productive workforce and new work patterns and business models, Member States should work together with the social partners on fair, transparent and predictable working conditions, balancing rights and obligations. They should reduce and prevent segmentation within labour markets, fight undeclared work and bogus self-employment, and foster the transition towards open-ended forms of employment. Employment protection rules, labour law and institutions should all provide
Amendment 92 #
Annex I – paragraph 11 Policies should aim to improve and support labour-market participation, matching and transitions, also in light of demographic change, and including in disadvantaged regions. Member States should effectively activate and enable those who can participate in the labour market, especially under-represented groups, such as women and youn
Amendment 93 #
Annex I – paragraph 11 Policies should aim to improve and support labour-market participation, matching and transitions, also in light of demographic change, and including in disadvantaged regions. Member States should effectively activate and enable those who can participate in the labour market, especially under-represented groups, such as women and youn
Amendment 94 #
Annex I – paragraph 11 Policies should aim to improve and support labour-market participation, matching and transitions, also in light of demographic change, and including in disadvantaged regions. Member States should effectively activate and enable those who can participate in the labour market, especially under-represented groups, such as women and youn
Amendment 95 #
Annex I – paragraph 11 Policies should aim to improve and support labour-market participation, matching and transitions, also in light of demographic change, and including in disadvantaged regions. Member States should effectively activate and enable those who can participate in the labour market, especially under-represented groups, such as women and youn
Amendment 96 #
Annex I – paragraph 11 Policies should aim to improve and support labour-market participation, matching and transitions, also in light of demographic change, and including in disadvantaged regions. Member States should effectively activate and enable those who can participate in the labour market, especially under-represented groups, such as women and youn
Amendment 97 #
Annex I – paragraph 12 Member States should provide the unemployed with adequate unemployment benefits of reasonable duration, in line with their contributions and national eligibility rules and based on the principle of non- discrimination. Unemployment benefits should not disincentivise a prompt return to employment and should be accompanied by active labour market policies, including up- and reskilling measures, also in light of labour and skills shortages.
Amendment 98 #
Annex I – paragraph 12 Member States should provide the unemployed with adequate unemployment benefits of reasonable duration, in line with their contributions and national eligibility rules. Unemployment benefits should not disincentivise a prompt return to employment and should be accompanied by active labour market policies, including up- and reskilling measures, also in light of labour and skills shortages and mismatches.
Amendment 99 #
Annex I – paragraph 12 Member States should provide the unemployed with adequate unemployment benefits of
source: 763.116
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