headshot of Salvador GARRIGA POLLEDO


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Partido Popular icon: ES Spain 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
  • Partido Popular icon: ES Spain 2004/07/20 - 2009/07/13
  • Partido Popular icon: ES Spain 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19
  • Partido Popular icon: ES Spain 1994/07/19 - 1999/07/19
  • Alianza Popular (AP) icon: ES Spain 1987/07/06 - 1989/07/24


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: EDG EDG Member European Democratic Group 1987/07/06 - 1989/07/24
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1994/07/19 - 1997/02/02
  • icon: PPE PPE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1997/02/03 - 1997/02/06
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1997/02/07 - 1999/07/19
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2004/07/20 - 2006/02/05
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2006/02/06 - 2009/07/13
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2009/07/14 - 2009/07/23
  • icon: PPE PPE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2009/07/24 - 2014/06/30


Show earlier committees...
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1987/10/14 1989/07/24
Substitute of Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Planning 1987/10/14 1989/07/24
Member of Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, Information and Sport 1987/10/14 1989/07/24
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1994/07/21 1996/06/20
Member of Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs 1994/07/21 1996/06/21
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 1994/07/21 1997/01/15
Member of Committee on Social Affairs and Employment 1994/09/30 1997/01/15
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 1995/01/18 1997/01/15
Member of Temporary committee of Inquiry into the Community Transit System 1995/12/14 1996/07/17
Member of Temporary committee of inquiry into the Community Transit System 1996/07/18 1997/03/13
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Member of Committee on Budgets 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Member of Committee on Budgets 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Member of Committee on Budgets 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Substitute of Temporary committee on improving safety at sea 2003/11/20 2004/03/28
Member of Temporary committee on improving safety at sea 2004/03/29 2004/04/21
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 2004/07/21 2004/09/12
Member of Committee on Budgets 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2004/07/22 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 2004/09/13 2007/01/14
Member of Temporary committee on policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged Union 2007-2013 2004/10/14 2005/06/08
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on Budgets 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Member of Committee on Budgets 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Substitute of Committee on Fisheries 2009/07/16 2010/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Member of Committee on Budgets 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Substitute of Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis 2009/10/08 2009/10/08
Member of Committee on Fisheries 2010/01/20 2010/07/06
Member of Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013 2010/06/17 2011/06/30
Substitute of Committee on Fisheries 2010/07/07 2012/01/18
Member of Committee on Budgets 2012/01/19 2014/06/30
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2012/01/19 2014/06/30


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) 1988/01/19 1989/03/13
Member of Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) 1989/03/14 1989/07/24
Member of Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (EEA) 1995/03/16 1995/07/11
Member of Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (EEA) 1995/07/12 1996/06/21
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Israel 1997/01/16 1997/02/20
Member of Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN, South-east Asia and the Republic of Korea 1999/10/06 2000/03/14
Member of Delegations to the parliamentary cooperation committees and delegations for relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova 2000/03/15 2002/01/14
Member of Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union 2002/02/07 2004/07/19
Member of Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee 2004/09/15 2006/06/14
Substitute of Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee 2004/09/15 2009/07/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo 2009/09/16 2012/03/01
Member of Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union 2009/09/16 2012/03/11
Member of Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean 2009/09/16 2013/04/14
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand 2012/03/02 2012/06/03
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council 2012/03/02 2013/03/26


Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/2027(BUD) BUDG Budgets Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the automotive sector in Spain
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/2025(BUD) BUDG Budgets Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in electronic products manufacturing in Italy
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/2013(BUD) BUDG Budgets Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the textiles industry in Spain
Responsible Committee 2014/2003(BUD) BUDG Budgets 2015 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure - Section I, Parliament
Responsible Committee 2013/2138(BUD) BUDG Budgets Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the ICT sector in Italy
Responsible Committee 2012/2280(BUD) BUDG Budgets Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in metal products manufacturing in Spain
Responsible Committee 2012/2089(BUD) BUDG Budgets Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the footwear industry in Spain
Responsible Committee 2010/2211(INI) SURE Policy Challenges Committee Investing in the future: a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe
Committee Opinion 2008/2334(INI) BUDG Budgets Report on a European Economic Recovery Plan
Former Committee Opinion 2007/2019(BUD) CONT Budgetary Control 2008 budget: section III, Commission
Responsible Committee 2006/2070(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2005 discharge: EC general budget, section III, Commission
Responsible Committee 2005/2179(BUD) BUDG Budgets Amending budget 8/2005: exceptional increase in the forecast of revenue, increase of payment appropriations for the structural funds
Responsible Committee 2005/2172(BUD) BUDG Budgets Amending budget 6/2005: section III Commission, general statement of revenue
Responsible Committee 2005/2126(BUD) BUDG Budgets Amending budget 5/2005: revision of the forecast of own resources, surplus from the Guarantee Fund and mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund for Slovakia
Responsible Committee 2005/2102(BUD) BUDG Budgets Amending budget 4/2005: budgeting the surplus from the implementation of the budget year 2004
Responsible Committee 2005/2079(BUD) BUDG Budgets Amending budget 3/2005: mobilisation of the flexibility instrument for the rehabilitation and the reconstruction following the tsunami disaster
Responsible Committee 2004/2002(BUD) BUDG Budgets 2005 budget: others sections
Responsible Committee 2004/2001(BUD) BUDG Budgets 2005 budget: section III, Commission
Former Responsible Committee 2004/2001(BUD) BUDG Budgets 2005 budget: section III, Commission
Former Responsible Committee 2004/2001(BUD) BUDG Budgets 2005 budget: section III, Commission
Committee Opinion 2003/0204(COD) BUDG Budgets West Bank and Gaza Strip: financial and technical cooperation (amend. Regulation (EC) No 1734/94)
Committee Opinion 2002/0037(CNS) BUDG Budgets Tempus III: 3rd phase of the trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education, Mediterranean countries (2000-2006)
Responsible Committee 2000/2132(COS) CONT Budgetary Control Securities and guarantees provided for by the Community Customs Code. Special report 8/1999, Court of Auditors
Responsible Committee 1998/0206(CNS) CONT Budgetary Control EAGGF, agricultural levies, custom duties, VAT, excise duties: recovery of claims (amend. direct. 76/308/EEC)
Former Committee Opinion 1998/0113(CNS) CONT Budgetary Control Agenda 2000: direct support schemes to farmers under the common agricultural policy
Former Committee Opinion 1998/0102(CNS) CONT Budgetary Control Agenda 2000: support for rural development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund EAGGF
Committee Opinion 1998/0027(CNS) CONT Budgetary Control Agenda 2000: raw tobacco, reform of the common organisation of the market COM (amend. regul. 2075/92/EEC)
Responsible Committee 1997/2064(COS) CONT Budgetary Control EAGGF: measures relating to German reunification. Special report 4/97 Court of Auditors
Committee Opinion 1997/2009(COS) CONT Budgetary Control Raw tobacco: common organisation of the market COM
Responsible Committee 1996/0122(CNS) CONT Budgetary Control Agriculture, Community aid schemes: integrated administrative and control system IACS (amend. Regul. 3508/92/EEC)
Responsible Committee 1995/2092(INI) ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs Increased world monetary cooperation with a view to better regulation of monetary and financial markets
Responsible Committee 1995/0244(CNS) CONT Budgetary Control EAGGF Guarantee section, control of expenditure: member states' action programmes
Responsible Committee 1994/0119(CNS) CONT Budgetary Control EAGGF Guarantee section: scrutiny by the member states of transactions (amend. Regul. 4045/89/EEC)



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Pablo ZALBA BIDEGAIN icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 58
Maria da Graça CARVALHO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 40
László SURJÁN icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Hungary Hungary 32
Agustín DÍAZ DE MERA GARCÍA CONSUEGRA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 24
Pilar AYUSO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 22
Verónica LOPE FONTAGNÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 21
José Manuel FERNANDES icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 19
Barbara MATERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 13
Juan Andrés NARANJO ESCOBAR icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 9
Ingeborg GRÄSSLE icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Germany Germany 6
Inés AYALA SENDER icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 5
Luis de GRANDES PASCUAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 5
Iratxe GARCÍA PÉREZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 5
María MUÑIZ DE URQUIZA icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 5
Antonio MASIP HIDALGO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 5
Giovanni LA VIA icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 4
Francisco José MILLÁN MON icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 4
Carmen FRAGA ESTÉVEZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 4
Antolín SÁNCHEZ PRESEDO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
Alejo VIDAL-QUADRAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 4
Teresa JIMÉNEZ-BECERRIL BARRIO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 4
Pilar DEL CASTILLO VERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 4
María Auxiliadora CORREA ZAMORA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 4
Sergio GUTIÉRREZ PRIETO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
Miguel Angel MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
Carmen ROMERO LÓPEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
Ricardo CORTÉS LASTRA icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
Monika HOHLMEIER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 3
Nadezhda NEYNSKY icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 3
Paul RÜBIG icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 3
Dominique RIQUET icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 3
Damien ABAD icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 3
Reimer BÖGE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 3
Alejandro CERCAS icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 3
Pablo ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 3
José Ignacio SALAFRANCA SÁNCHEZ-NEYRA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 3
Enrique GUERRERO SALOM icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 3
María IRIGOYEN PÉREZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 3
Emilio MENÉNDEZ del VALLE icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 3
Bendt BENDTSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Denmark Denmark 2
Santiago FISAS AYXELÀ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 2
Cristina GUTIÉRREZ-CORTINES icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 2
Eva ORTIZ VILELLA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 2
Josefa ANDRÉS BAREA icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 2
Maria BADIA i CUTCHET icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 2
Raimon OBIOLS icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 2
Esther HERRANZ GARCÍA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 2
Dolores GARCÍA-HIERRO CARABALLO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 2
Reimer BÖGE icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Germany Germany 2
Simon BUSUTTIL icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Malta Malta 2
Margaritis SCHINAS icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Greece Greece 2
Ulrike RODUST icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 1
Carl HAGLUND icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Finland Finland 1
Isabella LÖVIN icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Sweden Sweden 1
Andrés PERELLÓ RODRÍGUEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 1
Esther DE LANGE icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 1
James ELLES icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 1
Alain LAMASSOURE icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: France France 1
Catherine GUY-QUINT icon: PSE PSE icon: France France 1
Anne E. JENSEN icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Denmark Denmark 1
Helga TRÜPEL icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 1
Dariusz Maciej GRABOWSKI icon: UEN UEN icon: Poland Poland 1
Esko SEPPÄNEN icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Finland Finland 1

By types

Amendments (239)
Opinions (2)
Plenary speeches (135)
Reports (21)
Shadow reports (3)
Written declarations (3)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
382011/0202(COD)Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms. Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)
222008/2025(BUD)2009 budget: first reflections on the 2009 PDB mandate for the conciliation
202010/0220(NLE)State aid to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines
182012/2151(INI)Towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union
172010/2072(INI)Funding and functioning of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund
132008/2026(BUD)2009 budget: Section III, Commission
122008/2054(INI)Financial aspects of the Reform Treaty
102011/2107(INI)Green Paper: From challenges to opportunities: towards a common strategic framework for EU research and innovation funding
92011/0177(APP)Multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020
92010/2004(BUD)2011 budget, section III, Commission: guidelines
72010/2003(BUD)2011 budget, other sections: guidelines
62012/2160(BUD)Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the shipbuilding industry in Spain
62011/2043(INI)Seventh EU programme for research, technological development and demonstration
62008/2021(BUD)2009 budget: guidelines, other sections
52011/0384(COD)European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) 2014-2020
42014/2020(INI)Implementing measures for the system of own resources of the European Union
42011/0428(COD)Programme for the environment and climate action, LIFE 2014-2020
42011/0294(COD)Trans-European transport network: development
32013/2010(BUD)Guidelines for the 2014 budget: Section III – Commission
32012/2092(BUD)2013 general budget: all sections
32012/2000(BUD)2013 budget: priorities - section III, Commission
32010/2002(BUD)2011 budget: draft mandate for the draft budget conciliation procedure before the first reading
32010/2001(BUD)2011 budget: all sections, first version
32007/0197(COD)Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators. Third energy package
32012/2006(BUD)2013 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure - section I, Parliament
32004/2001(BUD)2005 budget: section III, Commission
22011/0183(CNS)System of own resources of the EU
22014/2005(INI)Negotiations on the MFF 2014-2020: lessons to be learned and the way forward
22011/0401(COD)Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation 2014-2020
22009/2002(BUD)2010 budget: section III, Commission
22011/0203(COD)Access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms. Capital Requirements Directive (CRDIV)
22006/2070(DEC)2005 discharge: EC general budget, section III, Commission
22012/2011(BUD)Amending budget 1/2012: financing of ITER
22010/2211(INI)Investing in the future: a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe
12011/0400(NLE)Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018
12010/0150(COD)Programme to aid economic recovery: financial assistance to projects in the field of energy, European Energy Efficiency Fund (EEEF)
12010/2005(BUD)2011 budget, other sections: Parliament's estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year and the budget
12011/0302(COD)Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020
12008/2334(INI)Report on a European Economic Recovery Plan
12008/2131(INI)Building a global climate change alliance between the European Union and poor developing countries most vulnerable to climate change
12008/2022(BUD)2009 budget: Parliament's estimates
12009/0011(CNS)Rural development: support by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
12008/2053(INI)The ABB-ABM method as a management tool for allocating budgetary resources
12008/0252(CNS)Guidelines for the employment policies in 2009
12009/2004(BUD)2010 budget: other sections: guidelines
12008/2026B(BUD)2009 budget: other sections
12007/2019(BUD)2008 budget: section III, Commission
12007/2019B(BUD)2008 budget: other sections
12006/2128(INI)MEDA programme and financial support to Palestine: evaluation, implementation and control
12006/2071(DEC)2005 discharge: EC general budget, European Parliament
12007/2017(BUD)2008 budget: the Commission's Annual Policy Strategy Report (APS)
12006/2205(INI)Future of the European Union's own resources
12006/2265(BUD)Amending budget 6/2006: revision of the forecasts for traditional own resources and of VAT and GNI balances, decrease of appropriations for the EAGGF and the Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund
12006/0173(CNS)Common organisation of the market (CMO) in bananas
12006/2018B(BUD)2007 budget: other sections
12006/2028(ACI)Budgetary discipline and sound financial management as well as financial perspectives 2007-2013
12006/2020(BUD)2007 budget: Commission's annual strategic priorities
12006/2021(BUD)2007 budget: orientations, other sections
12005/0090(CNS)General budget of the European Communities: review of the recast Financial Regulation
12011/0185(CNS)Methods and procedure for making available the traditional, VAT and GNI-based own resources and measures to meet cash requirements. Recast
12011/2152(ACI)Interinstitutional Agreement on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management 2014-2020
12013/2145(BUD)2014 general budget: all sections
12013/2056(BUD)Amending budget 2/2013: increase of revenue and payment appropriations
12013/2018(BUD)2014 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure - Section I, Parliament
12013/2528(RSP)Decision on the opening of, and on the mandate for, interinstitutional negotiations on the proposal for a regulation establishing rules for direct payments to farmers under support schemes within the framework of the common agricultural policy
12011/0301(COD)Financing of infrastructure projects: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013) and trans-European transport and energy networks
12012/2001(BUD)2013 budget, other sections: guidelines
12011/2080(ACI)Financial framework 2007-2013: additional financing needs of the ITER project
12011/2020(BUD)2012 budget: all sections
12011/2126(BUD)Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument: European neighbourhood policy
12011/2019(BUD)2012 budget: mandate for the trilogue
12011/2018(BUD)2012 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure - section I, Parliament
12011/2042(BUD)2012 budget: general guidelines for the preparation
12010/2290(BUD)2011 general budget: all sections, second version
12010/2048(BUD)Amending budget ex-3/2010: Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM) for ACP countries
12010/0048(APP)Multiannual financial framework for the years 2007-2013
12010/2014(BUD)Amending budget 1/2010: other sections, European Parliament, estimates of revenue and expenditure
12009/2207(BUD)Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument: projects in the field of energy; decommissioning of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant
12009/2168(INI)Transitional procedural guidelines on budgetary matters in view of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
12009/2002B(BUD)2010 budget: other sections
11997/2064(COS)EAGGF: measures relating to German reunification. Special report 4/97 Court of Auditors
11996/0122(CNS)Agriculture, Community aid schemes: integrated administrative and control system IACS (amend. Regul. 3508/92/EEC)
11995/2092(INI)Increased world monetary cooperation with a view to better regulation of monetary and financial markets
11998/0206(CNS)EAGGF, agricultural levies, custom duties, VAT, excise duties: recovery of claims (amend. direct. 76/308/EEC)
12000/2132(COS)Securities and guarantees provided for by the Community Customs Code. Special report 8/1999, Court of Auditors
12005/2179(BUD)Amending budget 8/2005: exceptional increase in the forecast of revenue, increase of payment appropriations for the structural funds
12005/2172(BUD)Amending budget 6/2005: section III Commission, general statement of revenue
12005/2079(BUD)Amending budget 3/2005: mobilisation of the flexibility instrument for the rehabilitation and the reconstruction following the tsunami disaster
12005/2126(BUD)Amending budget 5/2005: revision of the forecast of own resources, surplus from the Guarantee Fund and mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund for Slovakia
12005/2102(BUD)Amending budget 4/2005: budgeting the surplus from the implementation of the budget year 2004
12005/2045(BUD)Amending budget 2/2005: adjustment by section of the administrative appropriations resulting from the annual adaptations of the salaries and pensions
12005/2014(BUD)Amending budget 1/2005: section III Commission, revision of the organisation charts in connection with the appointment of the new Commission
12004/2002(BUD)2005 budget: others sections
12014/2003(BUD)2015 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure - Section I, Parliament
12013/2138(BUD)Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the ICT sector in Italy
12012/2280(BUD)Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in metal products manufacturing in Spain
12012/2089(BUD)Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the footwear industry in Spain
12014/2025(BUD)Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in electronic products manufacturing in Italy
12014/2027(BUD)Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the automotive sector in Spain
12014/2013(BUD)Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in the textiles industry in Spain

See historical changes of the Bio


1957/08/06 - Gijon


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Economist (1982). Diploma in foreign trade (1983). Businessman specialising in external trade (1981-1994). Economic adviser (1984-1989).
    Responsible for external relations of Nuevas Generaciones del PP (PP youth section) (1982-1987). Secretary for Sectoral Relations in the PP (1987-1993). Deputy Chairman of the DEMYC (Democrat Youth Community of Europe) (1987-1989).
    Member of the Congress of Deputies (1990-1993).
    Member of the European Parliament (1987-1989 and since 1994).
    • Economist (1982). Diploma in foreign trade (1983). Businessman specialising in external trade (1981-1994). Economic adviser (1984-1989).
    • Responsible for external relations of Nuevas Generaciones del PP (PP youth section) (1982-1987). Secretary for Sectoral Relations in the PP (1987-1993). Deputy Chairman of the DEMYC (Democrat Youth Community of Europe) (1987-1989).
    • Member of the Congress of Deputies (1990-1993).
    • Member of the European Parliament (1987-1989 and since 1994).