headshot of Basil de FERRANTI


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Conservative and Unionist Party icon: GB United Kingdom 1984/07/24 - 1988/09/24
  • Conservative and Unionist Party icon: GB United Kingdom 1979/07/17 - 1984/07/23


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: EDG EDG Vice-Chair European Democratic Group 1979/07/17 - 1980/04/13
  • icon: EDG EDG Member of the Bureau European Democratic Group 1980/04/14 - 1982/03/08
  • icon: EDG EDG Member European Democratic Group 1982/03/09 - 1984/07/23
  • icon: EDG EDG Member European Democratic Group 1984/07/24 - 1988/09/24

EP staff

Show earlier staff roles...
  • Vice-President of European Parliament 1979/07/18 - 1982/01/18
  • Vice-President of Parliament's Bureau 1979/07/18 - 1982/01/18


Show earlier committees...
Vice-Chair of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 1979/07/19 1982/09/26
Member of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 1982/10/12 1984/07/23
Substitute of Committee on Transports 1984/07/26 1985/07/10
Member of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1984/07/26 1987/01/20
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 1987/01/21 1987/02/19
Member of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 1987/02/20 1988/09/24


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with Switzerland 1983/04/11 1984/07/23



Amendment Co-authors
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See historical changes of the Bio


1930/07/02 - Alderley Edge (Cheshire)


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    BSc (Cantab.); DSc (h.c.) (City University, London). Educated at Eton and graduated in engineering from Trinity College, Cambridge. Served in the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards 1949-1950.
    Vice-President, Kangaroo Group. Chairman, Tantus Microsystems Ltd. Director, Ferranti & Craig Ltd. Manager, Domestic Applicance Dept. 1954-1957 and Director of Overseas Operations, Ferranti Ltd., 1957-1962. Deputy Managing Director, then Managing Director, International Computers and Tabulators 1963-1964. Managing Director, International Computers Ltd., 1964-1972.
    Conservative MP for Morecambe and Lonsdale Division of Lancaster 1958-1962; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Aviation 1962.
    President, EEC Economic and Social Committee 1976-1978; a former Vice-President, European Parliament and member of the Bureau, European Democratic Group.
    President, British Computer Society 1968-1969. Contributor to periodicals dealing with computers and information processing and author of 'In Europe' (an account of two years as President of the EEC Economic and Social Committee) published in 1979.
    • BSc (Cantab.); DSc (h.c.) (City University, London). Educated at Eton and graduated in engineering from Trinity College, Cambridge. Served in the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards 1949-1950.
    • Vice-President, Kangaroo Group. Chairman, Tantus Microsystems Ltd. Director, Ferranti & Craig Ltd. Manager, Domestic Applicance Dept. 1954-1957 and Director of Overseas Operations, Ferranti Ltd., 1957-1962. Deputy Managing Director, then Managing Director, International Computers and Tabulators 1963-1964. Managing Director, International Computers Ltd., 1964-1972.
    • Conservative MP for Morecambe and Lonsdale Division of Lancaster 1958-1962; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Aviation 1962.
    • President, EEC Economic and Social Committee 1976-1978; a former Vice-President, European Parliament and member of the Bureau, European Democratic Group.
    • President, British Computer Society 1968-1969. Contributor to periodicals dealing with computers and information processing and author of 'In Europe' (an account of two years as President of the EEC Economic and Social Committee) published in 1979.