Nicola BEER

headshot of Nicola BEER


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  • Freie Demokratische Partei icon: DE Germany 2019/07/02 - 2023/12/31


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  • icon: RE RE Member Renew Europe Group 2019/07/02 - 2023/12/31

EP staff

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  • Vice-President of European Parliament 2019/07/02 - 2022/01/17
  • Member of Parliament's Bureau 2019/07/02 - 2022/01/17
  • Vice-President of European Parliament 2022/01/18 - 2023/12/31
  • Member of Parliament's Bureau 2022/01/18 - 2023/12/31


Show earlier committees...
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2022/01/20 2023/12/31
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2022/01/20 2023/12/31
Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2022/01/20 2023/12/31


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Member of Delegation for relations with Israel 2019/07/02 2023/12/31
Substitute of Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly 2019/07/02 2023/12/31


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    Responsible Committee 2023/0079(COD) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/2079(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Critical technologies for security and defence: state-of-play and future challenges
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/0278(COD) ['ITRE'] Single Market emergency instrument
    Joint Responsible Committee 2021/2796(DEA) [] Content and presentation of information to be disclosed by undertakings concerning environmentally sustainable economic activities, and methodology to comply with that disclosure obligation
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2207(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on Relations with the Palestinian Authority
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/0385(COD) ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR)
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/0384(COD) ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID 2)
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/0106(COD) ['ITRE'] Artificial Intelligence Act
    Committee Opinion 2020/2216(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0374(COD) ['ITRE'] Digital Markets Act
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0361(COD) ['ECON'] Digital Services Act



    Amendment Co-authors
    Name Group Country Ams
    Andreas GLÜCK icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 767
    Klemen GROŠELJ icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 528
    Christophe GRUDLER icon: RE RE icon: France France 420
    Svenja HAHN icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 413
    Moritz KÖRNER icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 378
    Engin EROGLU icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 352
    Caroline NAGTEGAAL icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 327
    Jan-Christoph OETJEN icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 308
    Ondřej KOVAŘÍK icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 297
    Morten LØKKEGAARD icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 295
    Bart GROOTHUIS icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 289
    Vlad-Marius BOTOŞ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 282
    Dragoş TUDORACHE icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 282
    Ivars IJABS icon: RE RE icon: Latvia Latvia 273
    Nicola DANTI icon: RE RE icon: Italy Italy 236
    Sandro GOZI icon: RE RE icon: France France 207
    Valérie HAYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 174
    Mauri PEKKARINEN icon: RE RE icon: Finland Finland 166
    Linea SØGAARD-LIDELL icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 156
    Martina DLABAJOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 148
    Olivier CHASTEL icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 139
    Emma WIESNER icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 132
    Andrus ANSIP icon: RE RE icon: Estonia Estonia 132
    Gilles BOYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 128
    Susana SOLÍS PÉREZ icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 126
    Stéphanie YON-COURTIN icon: RE RE icon: France France 124
    Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS icon: RE RE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 121
    Alin MITUȚA icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 112
    Ilhan KYUCHYUK icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 109
    Iskra MIHAYLOVA icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 107
    Karen MELCHIOR icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 105
    Hilde VAUTMANS icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 104
    Martin HOJSÍK icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 97
    Billy KELLEHER icon: RE RE icon: Ireland Ireland 85
    Nathalie LOISEAU icon: RE RE icon: France France 76
    Dominique RIQUET icon: RE RE icon: France France 76
    Javier NART icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 73
    Ramona STRUGARIU icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 71
    Morten PETERSEN icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 68
    Nils TORVALDS icon: RE RE icon: Finland Finland 61
    María Soraya RODRÍGUEZ RAMOS icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 58
    Salima YENBOU icon: RE RE icon: France France 56
    Dragoş PÎSLARU icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 55
    Monica SEMEDO icon: RE RE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 54
    Georgios KYRTSOS icon: RE RE icon: Greece Greece 52
    Urmas PAET icon: RE RE icon: Estonia Estonia 46
    Katalin CSEH icon: RE RE icon: Hungary Hungary 44
    Luis GARICANO icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 43
    Frédérique RIES icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 43
    Abir AL-SAHLANI icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 42
    Dacian CIOLOŞ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 42
    Atidzhe ALIEVA-VELI icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 40
    Eva-Maria Alexandrova POPTCHEVA icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 39
    Samira RAFAELA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 36
    Fabienne KELLER icon: RE RE icon: France France 35
    Catharina RINZEMA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 33
    Martin HLAVÁČEK icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 29
    Malik AZMANI icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 29
    Sophia IN 'T VELD icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 27
    Valter FLEGO icon: RE RE icon: Croatia Croatia 26
    Asger CHRISTENSEN icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 21
    Ulrike MÜLLER icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 19
    Dita CHARANZOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 19
    Jan HUITEMA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 18
    Róża THUN UND HOHENSTEIN icon: RE RE icon: Poland Poland 17
    Adrián VÁZQUEZ LÁZARA icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 16
    Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 15
    Claudia GAMON icon: RE RE icon: Austria Austria 14
    Pernille WEISS icon: PPE PPE icon: Denmark Denmark 14
    Ilana CICUREL icon: RE RE icon: France France 11
    Niels FUGLSANG icon: S&D S&D icon: Denmark Denmark 10
    Pascal CANFIN icon: RE RE icon: France France 8
    Søren GADE icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 8
    Karin KARLSBRO icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 8
    Liesje SCHREINEMACHER icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 8
    Erik POULSEN icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 8
    Fredrick FEDERLEY icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 6
    Ondřej KNOTEK icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 5
    Pierre KARLESKIND icon: RE RE icon: France France 5
    Markus FERBER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 3
    Clotilde ARMAND icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 3
    Nicolae ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 3
    Stéphane BIJOUX icon: RE RE icon: France France 3
    Kira Marie PETER-HANSEN icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Denmark Denmark 3
    Irena JOVEVA icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 2
    René REPASI icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 2
    Rasmus ANDRESEN icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 2
    Anna Júlia DONÁTH icon: RE RE icon: Hungary Hungary 1
    Stéphane SÉJOURNÉ icon: RE RE icon: France France 1
    Maria da Graça CARVALHO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 1
    Anna-Michelle ASIMAKOPOULOU icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 1
    David LEGA icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 1
    Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 1
    Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
    Petar VITANOV icon: S&D S&D icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 1
    Lukas MANDL icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 1
    Andrey KOVATCHEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 1
    Ville NIINISTÖ icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Finland Finland 1

    By types

    Amendments (2197)
    Institutional motions (112)
    Opinions (1)
    Plenary speeches (368)
    Reports (1)
    Shadow opinions (4)
    Shadow reports (4)
    Written explanations (59)
    Written questions (23)

    By dossiers

    CountDossier ReferenceTitle
    3142021/0106(COD)Artificial Intelligence Act
    962020/0374(COD)Digital Markets Act
    892022/0051(COD)Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
    782020/0361(COD)Digital Services Act
    732021/0218(COD)Renewable Energy Directive
    642020/2026(INL)A statute for European cross-border associations and non-profit organisations
    582021/0385(COD)Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR)
    582023/0081(COD)Framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)
    572022/0032(COD)Chips Act
    502022/0365(COD)Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7)
    482022/0047(COD)Data Act
    442021/0426(COD)Energy performance of buildings
    432021/0203(COD)Energy Efficiency Directive
    382021/0213(CNS)Energy Taxation Directive
    372023/0199(COD)Establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’)
    342021/0171(COD)Consumer credits
    332021/2251(INI)Implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility
    322022/2037(INI)European Central Bank - annual report 2022
    312022/0104(COD)Industrial Emissions Directive
    302021/2063(INI)European Central Bank – annual report 2021
    302021/0342(COD)Amendments to the Capital Requirements Regulation
    292022/2008(INI)Implementation of the Updated New Industrial Strategy for Europe: aligning spending to policy
    272021/0425(COD)Gas and hydrogen markets directive (common rules)
    272022/0396(COD)Packaging and packaging waste
    262020/2036(INI)Further development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU): improving access to capital market finance, in particular by SMEs, and further enabling retail investor participation
    262021/0197(COD)CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
    252021/0214(COD)Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
    252021/0341(COD)Amendments to the Capital Requirements Directive
    242023/0042(COD)Strengthening the CO2 emission performance targets for new heavy-duty vehicles
    232023/2105(INI)Role of the European Parliament and its parliamentary diplomacy in the EU’s foreign and security policy
    232023/2126(INI)EU-US relations
    222021/0239(COD)Prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing
    222021/2207(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on Relations with the Palestinian Authority
    222022/2061(INI)Banking Union - annual report 2022
    212020/2216(INI)Shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers
    202020/0360(COD)Trans-European energy infrastructure
    202022/0140(COD)European Health Data Space
    192022/2006(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2022
    192022/2048(INI)Implementation of the common foreign and security policy - annual report 2022
    192023/0079(COD)Framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials
    182023/0323(COD)Commercial transactions: combating late payment
    172021/0206(COD)Social Climate Fund
    172022/2079(INI)Critical technologies for security and defence: state-of-play and future challenges
    172023/2123(INI)European Hydrogen Bank
    162022/0099(COD)Fluorinated gases regulation
    162022/0278(COD)Single Market emergency instrument
    162023/2127(INI)EU-China relations
    152021/0191(COD)European green bonds
    142020/2223(INI)Competition policy – annual report 2020
    142021/0223(COD)Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
    142022/2064(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy concerning the new EU strategy for enlargement
    142023/2111(INI)Geothermal energy
    132021/2061(INI)Economic policies of the euro area 2021
    132023/0264(BUD)2024 general budget: all sections
    122021/2097(INI)A European Withholding Tax framework
    122021/0205(COD)Sustainable aviation fuels (ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative)
    122022/0160(COD)Renewable Energy, Energy Performance of Buildings and Energy Efficiency Directives: amendments (REPowerEU)
    122021/0423(COD)Methane emissions reduction in the energy sector
    112021/2010(INI)Digital taxation: OECD negotiations, tax residency of digital companies and a possible European Digital Tax
    112020/2259(INI)Creating an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable European tax system in the post-COVID economy
    112021/2184(INI)Banking Union – annual report 2021
    112023/0138(COD)Effective coordination of economic policies and multilateral budgetary surveillance
    102022/2150(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination 2023
    92019/2211(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020
    92020/0310(COD)Adequate minimum wages in the European Union
    82021/0250(COD)Prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing: mechanisms to be put in place by the Member States
    72020/2076(INI)A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
    72020/2122(INI)Banking Union - annual report 2020
    72020/2258(INI)Reforming the EU policy on harmful tax practices (including the reform of the Code of Conduct Group)
    72021/0384(COD)Amendments to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID 2)
    72023/0077(COD)Union’s electricity market design
    62020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
    62020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
    62022/2051(INL)Proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties
    62020/2086(INI)Implementation of Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation in light of the UNCRPD
    52019/2110(INI)Economic policies of the euro area 2019
    52020/2075(INI)The review of the macroeconomic legislative framework for a better impact on Europe’s real economy and improved transparency of decision-making and democratic accountability
    52022/0033(NLE)Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe: Chips Joint Undertaking
    52023/0137(CNS)Excessive deficit procedure: speeding up and clarifying the implementation
    52021/2234(INI)Protection of the European Union’s financial interests - combating fraud - annual report 2020
    42023/2109(INI)Small modular reactors
    32021/2074(INI)The impact of national tax reforms on the EU economy
    32021/0433(CNS)Minimum level of taxation for multinational groups
    32021/0293(COD)2030 policy programme “Path to the Digital Decade”
    32022/2081(DEC)2021 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission
    32019/2929(RSP)Resolution on Cuba, the case of Jose Daniel Ferrer
    32020/2896(RSP)Resolution on the need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality
    32021/2868(RSP)United States sanctions and the Rule of law
    32021/2077(INI)Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
    32021/2247(INI)Report on the 2021 Commission Report on Montenegro
    22019/2028(BUD)2020 general budget: all sections
    22021/2185(INI)Competition policy - annual report 2021
    22021/0296(COD)Framework for the recovery and resolution of insurance and reinsurance undertakings
    22022/0074(COD)Settlement discipline, cross-border provision of services, supervisory cooperation, provision of banking-type ancillary services and requirements for third-country central securities depositories
    22022/2142(INI)Implementation of “passerelle” clauses in the EU Treaties
    22023/0210(COD)Payment services in the internal market
    22019/2819(RSP)Resolution on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe
    22019/2111(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area
    22019/2814(RSP)Resolution on protecting the EU’s internal market and consumer rights against the negative implications of the illegal trade in companion animals
    22019/2210(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the Western Balkans, following the 2020 summit
    22020/2912(RSP)Resolution on the deteriorating situation of human rights in Egypt, in particular the case of the activists of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR)
    22020/0152(COD)Markets in financial instruments
    22020/2028(INI)Implementation of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products (the Construction Products Regulation)
    22020/2116(INI)Human rights protection and the EU external migration policy
    22020/2027(INI)Liability of companies for environmental damage
    22020/2884(RSP)The importance of civil justice for the economic recovery post COVID-19
    22021/2712(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Afghanistan
    22021/2708(RSP)Resolution on the future EU financing of the radio network Euranet Plus
    22021/2747(RSP)Resolution on the breach of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the use of minors by the Moroccan authorities in the migratory crisis in Ceuta
    22019/2161(INI)Fishers for the future: Attracting a new generation of labour to the fishing industry and generating employment in coastal communities
    22021/2872(RSP)Resolution on the government crackdown on protests and citizens in Cuba
    22020/2001(INI)Challenges and prospects for multilateral Weapons of Mass Destruction arms control and disarmament regimes
    22021/3018(RSP)Resolution on the continuous crackdown on civil society and human rights defenders in Russia: the case of human rights organisation Memorial
    22020/2269(INI)Investigation of alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to the protection of animals during transport within and outside the Union
    22020/0267(COD)Digital finance: Pilot regime on distributed ledger technology market infrastructures (DLT)
    22022/2515(RSP)Resolution on the right to repair
    22022/2664(RSP)Resolution on the prosecution of the opposition and the detention of trade union leaders in Belarus
    22021/2199(INI)Security in the Eastern Partnership area and the role of Common Security and Defence Policy
    22021/0375(COD)Statute and funding of European political parties and foundations
    22023/2506(RSP)Resolution on the situation of journalists in Morocco, notably the case of Omar Radi
    22021/2056(INI)Small-scale fisheries situation in the EU and future perspectives
    22021/2230(INI)EU-Armenia relations
    22021/2231(INI)EU-Azerbaijan relations
    22022/0089(COD)Geographical Indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products
    22020/2005(INL)Quality traineeships in the EU
    22022/2207(INI)Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0
    22022/2154(INI)Strengthening the right to participate: legitimacy and resilience of electoral processes in illiberal political systems and authoritarian regimes
    22022/2078(INI)Strategic Compass and EU space-based defence capabilities
    22023/2000(INI)How to build an innovative humanitarian aid strategy: spotlight on current and forgotten crises
    22022/2170(INI)Job creation: just transition and impact investment
    22023/2044(INI)Harnessing talent in Europe’s regions
    22022/2504(RSP)Resolution on the political crisis in Sudan
    22022/2503(RSP)Resolution on violations of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong
    22022/2650(RSP)Resolution on threats to stability, security and democracy in Western and Sahelian Africa
    22022/2656(RSP)Resolution on the case of Osman Kavala in Turkey
    22022/2658(RSP)Resolution on the continuous crackdown of political opposition in Cambodia
    22022/2702(RSP)Resolution on violations of media freedom and the safety of journalists in Georgia
    22022/2751(RSP)Resolution on the arrest of Cardinal Zen and the trustees of the 612 relief fund in Hong Kong
    22022/2752(RSP)Resolution on the situation of indigenous and environmental defenders in Brazil, including the killing of Dom Philips and Bruno Pereira
    22022/2753(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Tajikistan’s Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province
    12021/0240(COD)Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA)
    12021/0295(COD)Amendments to the Solvency II Directive
    12023/2077(INI)Competition policy – annual report 2023
    12023/2128(INI)EU-India relations
    12019/0810(NLE)Appointment of the President of the European Central Bank - Candidate: Ms Christine LAGARDE
    12019/2817(RSP)Resolution on the state of play of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union
    12019/2833(RSP)Resolution on the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework and own resources: time to meet citizens' expectations
    12019/0132(NLE)EU/Euratom/Ukraine Association Agreement: trade preferences for poultry meat and poultry meat preparations
    12019/2803(RSP)Resolution on the EU Pollinators Initiative
    12019/2125(INI)Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy on the matter - annual report 2018
    12019/2135(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy - annual report 2018
    12020/2542(RSP)Farm to Fork Strategy - the key role of farmers and rural areas
    12020/2732(RSP)Resolution on the conclusions of the extraordinary European Council meeting of 17-21 July 2020
    12020/0253(COD)Elimination of customs duties on certain products
    12020/2880(RSP)Resolution on the deteriorating situation of human rights in Algeria, in particular the case of journalist Khaled Drareni
    12020/2882(RSP)Resolution on the continuous violations of human rights in Belarus, in particular the murder of Roman Bondarenko
    12020/2791(RSP)Resolution on the EU Security Union Strategy
    12020/2044(INI)Report under Rule 227(7) on the deliberations of the Committee on Petitions during the year 2019
    12020/2913(RSP)Resolution on forced labour and the situation of the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
    12020/2914(RSP)Resolution on Iran, in particular the case of 2012 Sakharov Prize Laureate Nasrin Sotoudeh
    12020/2129(INL)Corporate due diligence and corporate accountability
    12021/2557(RSP)Resolution on the declaration of the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone
    12021/2523(RSP)Resolution on children’s rights in view of the EU Strategy on the rights of the child
    12020/0382(NLE)EU/Euratom/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and EU/UK Agreement concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information
    12021/2642(RSP)Resolution on Russia, the case of Alexei Navalny, the military build-up on Ukraine’s border and Russian attacks in the Czech Republic
    12020/2241(INI)A European Strategy for Energy System Integration
    12020/2007(INI)Impacts of EU rules on the free movements of workers and services: intra-EU labour mobility as a tool to match labour market needs and skills
    12019/2176(INI)Report on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Turkey
    12021/2741(RSP)Resolution on the systematic repression in Belarus and its consequences for European security following the abductions from an EU civilian plane intercepted by Belarusian authorities
    12021/2745(RSP)Resolution on the human rights and political situation in Cuba
    12021/2633(RSP)Resolution on the European Citizens’ Initiative ‘End the cage age’
    12020/2222(INI)Evaluation of preventive measures for avoiding corruption, irregular spending and misuse of EU and national funds in case of emergency funds and crisis-related spending areas
    12021/3019(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Cuba, namely the cases of José Daniel Ferrer, Lady in White Aymara Nieto, Maykel Castillo, Luis Robles, Félix Navarro, Luis Manuel Otero, Reverend Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo, Andy Dunier García and Yunior García Aguilera
    12022/2593(RSP)Resolution on the need for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security inside and outside the EU in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
    12021/0045(COD)Roaming Regulation
    12021/0202(COD)Revision of the Market Stability Reserve for the EU Emissions Trading System
    12021/2107(DEC)2020 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
    12022/2039(INI)Recommendation to the Council and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the EU’s Foreign, Security and Defence Policy after the Russian invasion of Ukraine
    12021/2168(INI)The implementation of Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy Regulation
    12022/2705(RSP)Resolution on the call for a Convention for the revision of the Treaties
    12021/2009(INI)Implementation of inclusion measures within Erasmus+ 2014-2020
    12021/2178(INI)The future of EU-Africa trade relations
    12021/2208(INI)Addressing food security in developing countries
    12022/2152(INI)Resolution on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests – combating fraud – annual report 2021
    12023/2505(RSP)Resolution on the storming of the Brazilian democratic institutions
    12022/2049(INI)Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2022
    12016/0062R(NLE)Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence: EU accession
    12020/2202(INI)Implementation report on the Agreement on the withdrawal of the UK from the EU
    12021/2164(INI)Policy Coherence for Development
    12022/2898(RSP)Resolution on the 2022 Rule of Law Report – the rule of law situation in the European Union
    12022/2091(DEC)2021 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Public Prosecutors Office
    12022/2138(INI)Sexual harassment in the EU and MeToo evaluation
    12022/2183(INI)Ensuring food security and the long-term resilience of EU agriculture
    12022/2021(INI)Large transport infrastructure projects in the EU
    12022/2140(INI)Ensuring European transportation works for women
    12023/2811(RSP)Resolution on ‘Children first – strengthening the Child Guarantee, two years on from its adoption’
    12021/2881(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Belarus after one year of protests and their violent repression
    12022/2618(RSP)Resolution on the EU’s protection of children and young people fleeing the war in Ukraine
    12022/2651(RSP)Resolution on the state of play of EU-Moldova cooperation
    12022/2700(RSP)Resolution on the human rights situation in Xinjiang, including the Xinjiang police files
    12022/2826(RSP)Resolution on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuels projects
    12022/2827(RSP)Resolution on Nicaragua, in particular the arrest of the bishop Rolando Álvarez
    12022/2822(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Strait of Taiwan
    12022/2856(RSP)Resolution on the situation of human rights in Haiti in particular related to gang violence
    12022/2857(RSP)Resolution on the Media freedom crackdown in Myanmar, notably the cases of Htet Htet Khine, Sithu Aung Myint and Nyein Nyein Aye
    12022/2858(RSP)Resolution on the recent humanitarian and human rights situation in Tigray, Ethiopia, notably that of children
    12022/2849(RSP)Resolution on the death of Mahsa Jina Amini and the repression of women’s rights protesters in Iran
    12022/2851(RSP)Resolution on Russia’s escalation of its war of aggression against Ukraine
    12022/2896(RSP)Resolution on recognising the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism
    12022/2948(RSP)Resolution on the situation of human rights in the context of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar
    12022/2949(RSP)Resolution on the prospects of the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine
    12022/2992(RSP)Resolution on the Chinese Government crackdown on the peaceful protests across the People’s Republic of China
    12022/2994(RSP)Resolution on the case of human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja in Bahrain
    12022/3001(RSP)Resolution on 90 years after the Holodomor: recognising the mass killing through starvation as genocide
    12022/3017(RSP)Resolution on the establishment of a tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine
    12023/2511(RSP)Resolution on the EU response to the protests and executions in Iran
    12023/2509(RSP)Resolution on the preparation of the EU-Ukraine Summit
    12023/2543(RSP)Resolution on the situation of the former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili
    12023/2553(RSP)Resolution on the inhuman imprisonment conditions of Alexei Navalny
    12023/2551(RSP)Resolution on the situation of human rights defenders in Eswatini, notably the murder of Thulani Maseko
    12023/2558(RSP)Resolution on one year of Russia’s invasion and war of aggression against Ukraine
    12023/2573(RSP)Resolution on further repression against the people of Belarus, in particular the cases of Andrzej Poczobut and Ales Bialiatski
    12023/2588(RSP)Resolution on recent attacks in Tunisia against freedom of expression and association, and against trade unions, in particular the case of journalist Noureddine Boutar
    12023/2589(RSP)Resolution on Cambodia: the case of opposition leader Kem Sokha
    12023/2587(RSP)Resolution on Iran, in particular the poisoning of hundreds of schoolgirls
    12023/2595(RSP)Resolution on the challenges facing the Republic of Moldova
    12023/2650(RSP)Resolution on the risk of the death penalty and the execution of singer Yahaya Sharif-Aminu for blasphemy in Nigeria
    12023/2648(RSP)Resolution on the crackdown on the right to education and education rights activists in Afghanistan, including the case of Matiullah Wesa
    12023/2657(RSP)Resolution on repression in Russia, in particular the cases of Vladimir Kara-Murza and Aleksei Navalny
    12023/2693(RSP)Resolution on Belarus: the inhumane treatment and hospitalisation of prominent opposition leader Viktar Babaryka
    12023/2694(RSP)Resolution on Myanmar, notably the dissolution of democratic political parties
    12023/2661(RSP)Resolution on media freedom and freedom of expression in Algeria, the case of journalist Ihsane El-Kadi
    12023/2736(RSP)Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Sudan, in particular the death of children trapped by fighting
    12023/2737(RSP)Resolution on the deterioration of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong, notably the case of Jimmy Lai
    12023/2735(RSP)Resolution on the torture and criminal prosecution of Ukrainian minors Tihran Ohannisian and Mykyta Khanhanov by the Russian Federation
    12023/2743(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Nicaragua
    12023/2739(RSP)Resolution on the sustainable reconstruction and integration of Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic community
    12023/2781(RSP)Resolution on India, the situation in Manipur
    12023/2782(RSP)Resolution on the crackdown on the media and freedom of expression in Kyrgyzstan
    12023/2831(RSP)Resolution on Guatemala: the situation after the elections, the rule of law and judicial independence
    12023/2832(RSP)Resolution on the case of Dr Gubad Ibadoghlu, imprisoned in Azerbaijan
    12023/2838(RSP)Resolution on taking stock of Moldova’s path to the EU
    12023/2883(RSP)Resolution on Egypt, in particular the sentencing of Hisham Kassem
    12023/2881(RSP)Resolution on the human rights situation in Afghanistan, in particular the persecution of former government officials
    12023/2879(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan’s attack and the continuing threats against Armenia
    12023/2816(DEA)Sustainability reporting standards
    12023/2899(RSP)Resolution on the despicable terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel, Israel’s right to defend itself in line with humanitarian and international law and the humanitarian situation in Gaza
    12023/2987(RSP)Resolution on 30 years of Copenhagen criteria - giving further impetus to EU enlargement policy
    12023/3023(RSP)Resolution on the unknown status of Mikola Statkevich and the recent attacks on Belarusian politicians’ and activists’ family members
    12023/3025(RSP)Resolution on the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet

    See historical changes of the Bio


    1970/01/23 - Wiesbaden