headshot of Edith MASTENBROEK


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Partij van de Arbeid icon: NL Netherlands 2004/07/20 - 2008/04/29


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PSE PSE Member Socialist Group in the European Parliament 2004/07/20 - 2008/04/29


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Member of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Legal Affairs 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners 2006/01/19 2007/02/14
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on Legal Affairs 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 2007/01/31 2008/04/29
Member of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2007/01/31 2008/04/29
Substitute of Committee on Legal Affairs 2007/01/31 2008/04/29


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with Israel 2004/09/15 2007/03/13
Member of Delegation for relations with Israel 2007/03/14 2008/04/29


Committee Opinion 2004/2220(INI) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Current situation in combating violence against women and any future actions
Responsible Committee 2004/0023(COD) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Internet: 2005-2008 action programme on promoting a safer use, Safer Internet plus.



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Opinions (1)
Plenary speeches (28)
Reports (1)
Written declarations (1)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
22006/2071(DEC)2005 discharge: EC general budget, European Parliament
22006/2010(INI)Women's immigration: the role and place of immigrant women in the European Union
12005/0127(COD)Criminal measures aimed at ensuring the enforcement of intellectual property rights
12006/2660(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Gaza Strip
12006/2627(RSP)Resolution on the EU common immigration policy
12005/2091(DEC)2004 discharge: EC general budget, European Parliament
12006/2193(INI)European Parliament recommendation to the Council on the negotiations for an agreement with the USA on the use of passenger name records (PNR) data to prevent and combat terrorism and transnational crime, including organised crime
12006/2617(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Middle East
12006/2572(RSP)Resolution on the situation of prisoners at Guantanamo
12005/0166(COD)European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). Recast
12005/2115(DEC)2004 discharge: Eurojust
12004/0023(COD)Internet: 2005-2008 action programme on promoting a safer use, Safer Internet plus.

See historical changes of the Bio


1975/03/23 - Den Haag

  • Higher degree in political science (specialising in international relations) (2000).
  • Trainee with the Democratic Leadership Council, Washington DC, (2000). Senior researcher with Infodrome - a think tank for the information society (2001-2002). Public affairs official/spokesperson for the ISP xs4all (2002-2004).
  • Coordinator of the 'Niet Nix' innovation movement (1999). Assisted the PvdA election programme committee (2001).
  • Member of the PvdA PES delegation (1998-2004).
  • Member of the executive committee of the 'Ben je bang voor mij?' foundation (Are you afraid of me?) - for dialogue on Islam and integration (since 2002).


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • Higher degree in political science (specialising in international relations) (2000).
  • Trainee with the Democratic Leadership Council, Washington DC, (2000). Senior researcher with Infodrome - a think tank for the information society (2001-2002). Public affairs official/spokesperson for the ISP xs4all (2002-2004).
  • Coordinator of the 'Niet Nix' innovation movement (1999). Assisted the PvdA election programme committee (2001).
  • Member of the PvdA PES delegation (1998-2004).
  • Member of the executive committee of the 'Ben je bang voor mij?' foundation (Are you afraid of me?) - for dialogue on Islam and integration (since 2002).