headshot of Rolandas PAVILIONIS


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Liberalų demokratų partija icon: LT Lithuania 2004/07/20 - 2006/05/10


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: UEN UEN Vice-Chair Union for Europe of the Nations Group 2004/07/20 - 2006/05/10


Show earlier committees...
Substitute of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2004/07/21 2006/05/10
Member of Committee on Culture and Education 2004/07/21 2006/05/10
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2004/07/21 2006/05/10


Show earlier delegations...
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Belarus 2004/09/15 2006/05/10
Member of Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America 2004/09/15 2006/05/10



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Plenary speeches (12)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
12006/2526(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Belarus prior to the presidential elections on 19 March
12004/0001(COD)Services in the internal market. Services Directive
12004/2159(INI)Equality between women and men in the European Union

See historical changes of the Bio


1944/07/03 - Šiaulieai

  • University of Vilnius (1968); Institute for Social Sciences, Paris (1977). Qualification as Professor of Philosophy (1971-1981); Professor (1982). Member of the Academy of Sciences (1994). Head of the Institute for the History of Philosophy at the University of Vilnius, Associate Professor and Professor at that Institute (1971-1989); Rector of the University of Vilnius (1990-2000).
  • Member of the Liberal Democratic Party (2004).
  • Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science and Culture (2000-2003); Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (2000-2004); leader of the Interparliamentary Group on Relations with the French Republic.
  • Alternate Member of the European Convention (2003).
  • Member of the European Conference of Rectors and its Executive Committee (1990-2000). Member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences (1992).
  • Member of the International Association of University Presidents (1990-2000).
  • Member of the International Academy of Philosophy (2004).
  • Honorary Chairman of the Lithuania-France Association (1989-2004). Chairman of the social movement 'For Justice and a Democratic Lithuania' (2003-2004).
  • Honours: Lithuanian State Prize (1985); Academic Palm of the French Republic (1993), Légion d'honneur (1997), Royal Norwegian Order of Merit (1998), Officer of the Polish Order of Merit (1999), National Order of Merit of the French Republic (2001); Order of Vytautas the Great of the Republic of Lithuania (2004).


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • University of Vilnius (1968); Institute for Social Sciences, Paris (1977). Qualification as Professor of Philosophy (1971-1981); Professor (1982). Member of the Academy of Sciences (1994). Head of the Institute for the History of Philosophy at the University of Vilnius, Associate Professor and Professor at that Institute (1971-1989); Rector of the University of Vilnius (1990-2000).
  • Member of the Liberal Democratic Party (2004).
  • Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science and Culture (2000-2003); Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (2000-2004); leader of the Interparliamentary Group on Relations with the French Republic.
  • Alternate Member of the European Convention (2003).
  • Member of the European Conference of Rectors and its Executive Committee (1990-2000). Member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences (1992).
  • Member of the International Association of University Presidents (1990-2000).
  • Member of the International Academy of Philosophy (2004).
  • Honorary Chairman of the Lithuania-France Association (1989-2004). Chairman of the social movement 'For Justice and a Democratic Lithuania' (2003-2004).
  • Honours: Lithuanian State Prize (1985); Academic Palm of the French Republic (1993), Légion d'honneur (1997), Royal Norwegian Order of Merit (1998), Officer of the Polish Order of Merit (1999), National Order of Merit of the French Republic (2001); Order of Vytautas the Great of the Republic of Lithuania (2004).