headshot of Jana HYBÁŠKOVÁ


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Evropská demokratická strana icon: CZ Czechia 2009/05/07 - 2009/07/13
  • Evropští demokraté icon: CZ Czechia 2004/10/01 - 2009/05/06
  • SNK sdruženi nezávislých a Evropští demokraté icon: CZ Czechia 2004/07/20 - 2004/09/30


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2004/07/20 - 2009/07/13

EP staff

Show earlier staff roles...
  • Member of Conference of Delegation Chairs 2004/09/22 - 2009/07/13


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on Budgets 2004/07/21 2004/09/12
Member of Committee on Development 2004/07/21 2005/09/04
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2004/09/13 2007/01/14
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2005/09/05 2007/01/14
Substitute of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2006/03/13 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Substitute of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2007/01/31 2009/07/13


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with Israel 2004/09/15 2004/09/19
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council 2004/09/15 2007/03/13
Chair of Delegation for relations with Israel 2004/09/20 2007/03/13
Member of Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly 2005/02/21 2009/07/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Iran 2006/09/25 2007/03/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Iran 2007/03/14 2009/07/13
Chair of Delegation for relations with Israel 2007/03/14 2009/07/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council 2007/03/14 2009/07/13


Committee Opinion 2005/2215(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Situation of women in armed conflicts and their role in the reconstruction and the democratic process in countries after a conflict



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Nickolay MLADENOV icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 20
Anna IBRISAGIC icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE icon: Sweden Sweden 1

By types

Amendments (38)
Opinions (1)
Plenary speeches (45)
Written declarations (3)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
222008/2324(INI)Non-proliferation and the future of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
92008/2031(INI)Evaluation of EU sanctions as part of the EU's actions and policies in the area of human rights
32008/2202(INI)European Security Strategy and ESDP
12008/2120(INI)Development of the relations between the European Parliament and national parliaments under the Treaty of Lisbon
12008/2097(INI)Development perspectives on peace-building and nation building in post-conflict situations
12007/0279(COD)Defence-related products: simplifying terms and conditions of transfers within the Community
12008/2197(INI)Role of NATO in the security architecture of the EU
12008/2241(INI)Annual report (2007) on the main aspects and basic choices of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
12009/2504(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Gaza Strip
12007/0241(NLE)EC/Israel Framework Agreement: participation in Community programmes. Protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement
12008/2677(RSP)Resolution on the case of the al-Kurd family
12008/2642(RSP)Resolution on the commemoration of the Holodomor, the Ukraine artificial famine (1932-1933)
12008/2640(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Belarus after the parliamentary elections of 28 September 2008
12008/2539(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Lebanon
12008/2580(RSP)Resolution on Sudan and the International Criminal Court (ICC)
12008/2570(RSP)Resolution on (depleted) uranium weapons and their effect on human health and the environment - towards a global ban on the use of such weapons
12008/2549(RSP)Resolution on Russia
12007/2181(INI)European Union's role in Iraq
12008/2509(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Egypt
12006/0281(COD)Prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing: implementing powers conferred on the Commission
12007/2088(INI)Strengthening the European neighbourhood policy
12007/2636(RSP)Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Gaza
12007/2000(INI)Towards a common European foreign policy on energy
12007/2560(RSP)Resolution on the Middle East
12007/2522(RSP)Resolution on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament
12006/0807(CNS)External assistance: a financing instrument for cooperation with industrialised countries and territories and other high-income countries and territories
12006/2150(INI)EC/Syria agreement: negociations with a view to the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement
12006/2625(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Darfur, Sudan
12006/2617(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Middle East
12006/2580(RSP)Resolution on human rights in Syria
12006/2535(RSP)Resolution on the outcome of the negotiations on the Human Rights Council and on the 62nd session of the UN Commission on Human Rights UNCHR, from 13 March to 21 April 2006
12006/2512(RSP)Resolution on the confrontation between Iran and the international community
12006/2507(RSP)Resolution on the result of the Palestinian elections and the situation in East Jerusalem
12004/2166(INI)European neighbourhood policy

See historical changes of the Bio


1965/06/26 - Praha


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University, Prague, 1989). Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Slovenia (1997-2001). Adviser to the State Secretary for European Affairs (2001-2002). Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Kuwait and Qatar (2002-2004). Since 2006 Chairwoman of the SNK ED Party (Association of Independent Candidates and European Democrats).
    Member of the Steering Committee of the World Movement for Democracy.
    Cross of Merit of the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic, Second Class.
    • Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University, Prague, 1989). Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Slovenia (1997-2001). Adviser to the State Secretary for European Affairs (2001-2002). Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Kuwait and Qatar (2002-2004). Since 2006 Chairwoman of the SNK ED Party (Association of Independent Candidates and European Democrats).
    • Member of the Steering Committee of the World Movement for Democracy.
    • Cross of Merit of the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic, Second Class.