Panagiotis BEGLITIS

headshot of Panagiotis BEGLITIS


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima icon: EL Greece 2004/07/20 - 2007/09/25


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PSE PSE Member Socialist Group in the European Parliament 2004/07/20 - 2007/09/25


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on International Trade 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on International Trade 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2007/01/31 2007/09/25
Substitute of Committee on International Trade 2007/01/31 2007/09/25
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2007/01/31 2007/09/25
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2007/01/31 2007/09/25


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee 2004/09/15 2004/09/21
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Israel 2004/09/15 2007/03/13
Member of Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly 2004/09/15 2007/09/25
Vice-Chair of Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee 2004/09/22 2007/09/25
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Israel 2007/03/14 2007/09/25
Member of Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly 2007/05/23 2007/09/25



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Opinions (3)
Plenary speeches (104)
Written declarations (1)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
12006/2289(INI)Report on FYROM's 2006 progress report
12006/2237(INI)EU/Russia relations: economic and trade relations
12007/2551(RSP)Resolution on recent repression of demonstrations in Russia
12006/2173(INI)Construction of the Euro-Med Free Trade Area
12007/2533(RSP)Resolution on missing persons in Cyprus
12007/2502(RSP)Resolution on a universal moratorium on the death penalty
12006/2068(INI)Arms: code of conduct on exports. 7th and 8th annual reports
12006/2114(INI)Accession of Bulgaria
12006/2660(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Gaza Strip
12006/2150(INI)EC/Syria agreement: negociations with a view to the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement
12005/0103(CNS)Second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II): establishment, operation and use
12006/0057(CNS)European Agency for Reconstruction: extension of mandate and status until 31 December 2008
12006/2625(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Darfur, Sudan
12006/2034(INI)The European Union's economic and trade relations with India
12006/2118(INI)Report on Turkey's progress towards accession
12006/0044(AVC)EC/Albania Stabilisation and Association Agreement
12006/2617(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Middle East
12006/2615(RSP)Resolution on the suspension of negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda
12005/2244(INI)Development and Migration
12006/2584(RSP)Resolution on the outcome of the European Union-Russia Summit held in Sochi on 25 May 2006
12006/2031(INI)Trade and poverty: designing trade policies to maximise trade's contribution to poverty relief
12004/0220(COD)Financing instrument for development cooperation 2007-2013
12005/2141(INI)Aid effectiveness and corruption in developing countries
12005/2206(INI)Report on the strategy paper on progress in the enlargement process
12006/2535(RSP)Resolution on the outcome of the negotiations on the Human Rights Council and on the 62nd session of the UN Commission on Human Rights UNCHR, from 13 March to 21 April 2006
12006/2529(RSP)Resolution on the Guantanamo Bay detention center and the human rights
12006/2512(RSP)Resolution on the confrontation between Iran and the international community
12005/2057(INI)The Human Rights and Democracy Clause in European Union agreements
12006/2507(RSP)Resolution on the result of the Palestinian elections and the situation in East Jerusalem
12004/2166(INI)European neighbourhood policy

See historical changes of the Bio


1957/02/25 - Velo Korinthias


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Graduate of the University of Athens Legal Faculty (1980); postgraduate studies in France: a) DEA in international institutional law (University of Paris ΧΙ) and DEA in political studies (international relations and defence) (University of Paris I) (1982-1985). National School of Public Administration (1985-1987). Recruitment to diplomatic staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1987). Permanent Representation of Greece to the European Union (Brussels) (1992-1996). Director of the Information Service and Press Representative in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1999-2004).
    Member of PASOK (since 1985).
    Awards from of the President of the Portuguese Republic and the President of the Cypriot Republic.
    • Graduate of the University of Athens Legal Faculty (1980); postgraduate studies in France: a) DEA in international institutional law (University of Paris ΧΙ) and DEA in political studies (international relations and defence) (University of Paris I) (1982-1985). National School of Public Administration (1985-1987). Recruitment to diplomatic staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1987). Permanent Representation of Greece to the European Union (Brussels) (1992-1996). Director of the Information Service and Press Representative in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1999-2004).
    • Member of PASOK (since 1985).
    • Awards from of the President of the Portuguese Republic and the President of the Cypriot Republic.