Subject "6.10.05 Peace preservation, humanitarian and rescue tasks, crisis management"

Dossiers (165)

Evaluation of the European Union's External Financing Instruments for the 2014 - 2020 and 2021 - 2027 Multiannual Financial Frameworks. Report. Accompanying document
Implementation of the European Union's External Action Instruments in 2022. 2023 annual report. Accompanying document
Implementation of the European Union's External Action Instruments in 2021. 2022 annual report. Accompanying document
Implementation of the European Union's External Action instruments in 2020. 2021 annual report. Accompanying document
Certain restrictive measures in respect of Somalia. Joint Proposal for a Council Regulation
A new outlook on the climate and security nexus: Addressing the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on peace, security and defence
Youth Action Plan (YAP) in EU external action 2022 – 2027: Promoting meaningful youth participation and empowerment in EU external action for sustainable development, equality and peace
An EU strategic approach in support of disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration of former combatants
A new EU-US agenda for global change
Evaluation of the European Union's External Financing Instruments for the 2014 - 2020 and 2021 - 2027 Multiannual Financial Frameworks. Report
Implementation of the European Union's External Action Instruments in 2021. 2022 annual report
Towards a Directive on criminal penalties for the violation of Union restrictive measures
Implementation of the European Union's External Action instruments in 2020. 2021 annual report
Allocation of funds decommitted from projects under the 10th European Development Fund for the purpose of replenishing the African Peace Facility. Proposal for a Council decision
Activating the emergency support under Council Regulation (EU) 2016/369 of 15 March 2016 and amending its provisions in respect of the COVID-19 outbreak. Proposal for a Council Regulation
War in the Gaza Strip and the situation in the Middle-East
The use of Russian frozen assets to support Ukraine’s victory and reconstruction
Resolution on closer ties between the EU and Armenia and the need for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia
Ensuring proper functioning of EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes
Need to release all hostages, to achieve a humanitarian ceasefire and prospect of the two-state solution
Humanitarian situation in Gaza, the need for the release of hostages and for an immediate humanitarian truce leading to a ceasefire and the prospects for peace and security in the Middle East
Humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the need for a humanitarian pause
Resolution on the sustainable reconstruction and integration of Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic community
Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Sudan, in particular the death of children trapped by fighting
Criminalisation of humanitarian assistance, including search and rescue
Role of preventive diplomacy in tackling frozen conflicts around the world – missed opportunity or change for the future?
Union Civil Protection Mechanism
The humanitarian situation in Ukraine due to Russia’s attacks against critical infrastructure and civilian areas
Resolution on threats to stability, security and democracy in Western and Sahelian Africa
The implementation of civilian CSDP and other EU civilian security assistance
Definition of criminal offences and penalties for the violation of Union restrictive measures
The escalating humanitarian crisis on the EU/Belarusian border in particular in Poland
Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Tigray
Resolution on the situation in Lebanon
The 70th anniversary of the Geneva Convention
Situation in Tigray, Ethiopia
Humanitarian Situation in Ethiopia
Resolution on the humanitarian and political situation in Yemen
Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on Horn of Africa
EU Pledge for Afghanistan at 2020 Geneva Conference
Situation in Lebanon
US Middle East plan: EU response in line with international law
Mobilisation of the Contingency Margin in 2020: providing emergency assistance to Member States and further reinforcing the Union Civil Protection Mechanism/rescEU in response to the COVID-19 outbreak
Amending budget 2/2020: providing emergency support to Member States and further reinforcement of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism/rescEU to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak
Union Civil Protection Mechanism
Recent developments in the political situation and the implementation of the peace process in Colombia
Union Civil Protection Mechanism
Peace prospects for Korean peninsula in the light of recent developments
Humanitarian situation in Syria, in particular Ghuta
Recommendation for a Council decision establishing a European Peace Facility
Building EU capacity on conflict prevention and mediation
EU support to the Colombian peace process
Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Yemen
Resolution on the Dadaab refugee camp
Resolution on Syria
New initiatives related to the Middle East peace process
West Bank displacement and demolitions, including of EU-funded projects
EU assistance to Lebanon and Jordan to face the effects of the Syrian crisis
Resolution on the follow-up to and review of the 2030 Agenda
Resolution on attacks on hospitals and schools as violations of international humanitarian law
Preparation of the World Humanitarian Summit
Private security companies
Interinstitutional Agreement on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management 2014-2020: European Union Crisis Reserve
Instrument contributing to stability and peace: military actors (2017-2020)
Resolution in support of the peace process in Colombia
Resolution on the 20th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement
EU support to Tunisia
Resolution on the EU’s role in the Middle East peace process
Mali peace agreement
Resolution on the humanitarian crisis in Iraq and Syria, in particular in the IS context
Peace support operations - EU engagement with the UN and the African Union
Strategic military situation in the Black Sea basin following the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia
Resolution on Turkish actions creating tensions in the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus
Resolution on the Northern Ireland peace process
Shortage of payments for financing EU external aid
Europe's role in the Central African Republic
Security challenges in the MENA region and prospects for political stability
Humanitarian engagement of armed non-state actors in child protection. Recommendation to the Council
Supply chain due diligence obligations for Union importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas
Resolution on the reconstruction and democratisation of Mali
Syria, with specific reference to the humanitarian situation
EU support to United Nations and African Union peacekeeping operations
EU comprehensive approach and its implications for the coherence of EU external action
New strategy for Afghanistan
Latest developments in the Middle East, including the situation in Syria
UN principle of the 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P). Recommandation to the Council
EU strategy for the Horn of Africa
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia: accession of the European Union
Resolution on maritime piracy
State of play of the Middle East Peace Process
State of play of the peace process for the Middle East
Towards a stronger European disaster response: the role of civil protection and humanitarian assistance
Union Civil Protection Mechanism 2014-2020
Implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action (2014-2020)
Instrument contributing to stability and peace (2014-2020)
Resolution on the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security
Civilian-military cooperation and the development of civilian-military capabilities
International Fund for Ireland: EU financial contributions 2007-2010
Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council on the Middle East Peace Process, including the situation in eastern Jerusalem
New EU action plan for Afghanistan and Pakistan
New strategy for Afghanistan
Specific restrictive measures directed against certain natural and legal persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Somalia
External actions: financing instrument for stability
One year after Lisbon: the EU-Africa partnership at work
Consolidating stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans
Development perspectives on peace-building and nation building in post-conflict situations
Resolution on the EU response to situations of fragility in developing countries
Resolution on Sudan
Resolution on the ESDP operation in Chad and the Central African Republic
Stabilisation of Afghanistan: challenges for the EU and the international community
Resolution on the situation in the Middle East
Resolution on the criteria for EU peace enforcement operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Horn of Africa: EU regional political partnership for peace, security and development
International Fund for Ireland: Community financial contributions 2007-2010
European Agency for Reconstruction: extension of mandate and status until 31 December 2008
Resolution on the European Union military operation 'Althea' in Bosnia and Herzegovina
International Fund for Ireland: continuation of the Community financial contributions for 2005-2006
Instrument for Stability 2007-2013
European Agency for Reconstruction: extension of mandate and status until 31 December 2006
Resolution on non-prolongation of the OSCE mandate in Chechnya
Afghanistan: challenges and perspectives for the future
Stabilisation and Association process in the Western Balkans: exceptional trade preferences
Support for the United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR) and the Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe (SP)
Resolution on the situation in Somalia
Resolution on the Middle East
International Fund for Ireland: continuation of the Community financial contributions for 2003-2004
Recommendation on the crisis in the Middle East and the role of the European Union in the region
Resolution on the situation in the Middle East
Annual report of European Reconstruction Agency (Regulation (EC) No 2267/2000)
2000 discharge: European Agency for reconstruction financial accounts, aid for Kosovo
Conflict prevention: regional integration and cooperation, short-term prevention
Linking relief, rehabilitation and development: assessment
European Agency for Reconstruction: extending assistance to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
Resolution on the situation in the Middle East
Resolution on the Middle East peace process
European Agency for Reconstruction: creation and operation
South-east Europe, western Balkans: Community assistance, CARDS programme, 2000-2006
Common European security and defence policy ESDP: rapid reaction facility
Support for the United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR)
Resolution on the peace process in Sierra Leone
Resolution on the OSCE Summit at Istanbul
Resolution on the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement and relaunching the peace process in the Middle East
Resolution on the Middle East peace process and the 4 May 1999 deadline
Resolution on the failure to extend the mandate of UNPREDEP
Resolution on support for peace process in the Caucasus, Karabakh
International Fund for Ireland: Community financial contributions from 2000 to 2002
Setting up of a European Agency for Reconstruction
Resolution on developments in the Middle East peace process
Resolution on the Northern Ireland peace agreement of 10 April 1998
The European Civilian Peace Corps
A post-SFOR strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FR Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia FYROM
Resolution on the elections in Albania and the mandate of the Multinational Protection Force
International Fund for Ireland : financial contributions and evaluation report
Resolution on the terrorist attacks and the peace process in the Middle East
Resolution on the implementation of the peace agreement for Bosnia-Herzegovina
Observation of the elections in Bosnia by the European Union. Recommendation
Aid for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Resolution on the establishment of European civilian service
Resolution on the Middle East peace process and the elections in the Occupied Territories
Resolution on the peace process in the Middle East
Middle-East peace process
Resolution on the peace process in Northern Ireland
A support programme for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland
International Fund for Ireland: EC financial contribution for the period 1995-1997