Subject "6.20 Common commercial policy in general"

Dossiers (131)

Main outcomes of the mapping of external financial tools of the EU
Implementation of the European Union’s instruments for financing external actions in 2018. Annual report. Accompanying document
EU preferential rules of origin
OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: common lines on the minimum down payment requirement. EU position
OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: down payment and maximum official support requirements. EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: review of Article 6. EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: updating certain sunset clauses within the Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Climate Change. EU position
World Customs Organization (WCO): adoption of Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions or other advice on the interpretation of the Harmonized System and recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation of the Harmonized System under the Harmonised System Convention. EU position
2023 Strategic Foresight Report - Sustainability and people's wellbeing at the heart of Europe's Open Strategic Autonomy
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: modernisation of the Arrangement. EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: decision of the Participants to expand the scope of the Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Renewable Energy, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and Water Projects. EU position
The power of trade partnerships: together for green and just economic growth
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: amending Annex IV. EU position
World Customs Organization: adoption of advisory opinions, commentaries, explanatory note, case studies, studies and similar acts concerning the valuation of imported goods for customs purposes under the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, and adoption of advisory opinions, information and advice and similar acts on the determination of the origin of goods under the Agreement on Rules on Origin. EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: Common Line on the temporary decrease of the minimum down payment. EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: review of the Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Coal Fired Electricity Generation Projects contained in Annex VI. EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits: envisaged decision of the participants. EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits; Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Civil Aircraft (“ASU”): requests by the United Kingdom to become a Participant. EU position
Arrangement on officially supported export credits: envisaged decision of the participants. EU position
Trade Policy Review - An open, sustainable and assertive trade policy
World Customs Organization: adoption of Classification Opinions, classification decisions, amendments to the Harmonized System Explanatory Notes or other advice on the interpretation of the Harmonized System and recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation of the Harmonized System under the Harmonized System Convention. EU position
World Customs Organization: adoption of Classification Opinions, classification decisions, amendments to the Harmonized System Explanatory Notes or other advice on the interpretation of the Harmonized System and recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation of the Harmonized System under the Harmonized System Convention. EU position
World Customs Organisation (WCO): adoption of Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions or other advice on the interpretation of the Harmonised System and recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation of the Harmonised System under the Harmonised System Convention. EU position
Recommendations of the High-Level Group of Wise persons on the European financial architecture for development. Report
Implementation of the European Union’s instruments for financing external actions in 2018. Annual report
World Customs Organization: Recommendation amending the Harmonised System
European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) ‘Fur Free Europe’
European citizens’ initiative: ‘Ensuring Common Commercial Policy conformity with EU Treaties and compliance with international law’. Commission Implementing Decision
The future of the European competitiveness
Recent EU-Audits identifying that Uruguayan and Argentinian meat from horses with unreliable sworn declarations and unknown drug history is entering the EU
Application of certain guidelines in the field of officially supported export credits: amending Annex II
European Citizens' Initiative "Fur Free Europe"
Resolution on an EU strategy to boost industrial competitiveness, trade and quality jobs
Resolution on the creation of a European Capital of Local Trade
Officially supported export credits: amending Annex II
Resolution on the outcome of the Commission’s review of the 15-point action plan on trade and sustainable development
Resilient supply chains in the EU trade to address current shortages
Single Market emergency instrument
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Resolution on the EU Trade Policy Review
Implementation of the common commercial policy – annual report 2018
Blockchain: a forward-looking trade policy
Trade and sustainable development chapters in EU trade agreements
Implementation of the common commercial policy. Annual report
Towards a digital trade strategy
EU economy diplomacy
Impact of international trade and the EU’s trade policies on global value chains
EU common commercial policy in the context of wildlife sustainability imperatives
Officially supported export credits: amending Annex II of the Regulation
New forward-looking and innovative future strategy on trade and investment
External impact of EU trade and investment policy on public-private initiatives in countries outside the EU
Exercise of the Union’s rights under international trade rules. Codification
European business centres in Asia
Procedural rules for the recognition and withdrawal of recognition of monitoring organisations
CARS 2020: towards a strong, competitive and sustainable European car industry
Making the internal energy market work
Agricultural products on the internal market and in third countries: information provision and promotion measures
First annual report from the Commission to the European Parliament on the activities of Member States' export credit agencies
EU's external aviation policy - Addressing future challenges
Current challenges and opportunities for renewable energy on the European internal energy market
Trade and investment-driven growth for developing countries
Advancing development through trade
Financing EU SMEs' trade and investment: facilitated access to credit in support of internationalisation
Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: alignment of the Regulation with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)
Internationalisation of European SMEs
Resource-efficient Europe
Common commercial policy: aligning certain acts with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)
Common commercial policy: aligning certain acts with the TFEU; procedures for the adoption of certain measures
Resolution on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
Resolution on the future of the EU-Africa strategic partnership following the 3rd EU-Africa Summit
Ongoing negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Import of Laogai-made goods into the EU
Resolution on the transparency and state of play of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACTA negotiations
External dimension of social policy, promoting labour and social standards and the European Corporate Social Responsibility
Declaration on the lack of a transparent process for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and potentially objectionable content
New trade policy for Europe under the Europe 2020 strategy
EU agriculture and international trade
Towards a new Energy Strategy for Europe 2011 - 2020
International trade policy in the context of climate change imperatives
Common commercial policy: repeal of certain obsolete Council acts
Trade in processed agricultural products: obsolete act
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): type-approval of motor vehicles, their trailers and systems, components and separate technical units; compulsory application of Regulations
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): approval of motor vehicles with regard to electric safety; compulsory application of Regulation No 100
Effects of the economic crisis on world trade
Resolution on the prospects for the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) following the Seventh WTO Ministerial Conference
Meat imports from third countries
Doha negotiations on market access for non-agricultural goods NAMA and services
External dimension of social policy, promoting labour and social standards and the European Corporate Social Responsibility
One year after Lisbon: the EU-Africa partnership at work
Enhancing the role of European SMEs in international trade
International trade and the internet
Common Agricultural Policy and global food security
Impact of counterfeiting on international trade
Trade in raw materials and commodities
Trade in services
Goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products: trade arrangements. Codification
Car industry: approval of commercial vehicle equipment and parts; accession of the EC to UN/ECE Regulation No 61
Obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market
Agricultural products: information provision and promotion on the internal market and in third countries
Declaration on origin marking
Implementing trade policy through efficient import and export rules and procedures
Chinese policy and its effects on Africa
EU's strategy to deliver market access for European companies
European Union's role in Iraq
Trade and climate change
Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries
Modernisation of European Enterprise and Trade Statistics, MEETS Programme 2009-2013
Agricultural products: information and promotion on the internal market and the third countries
Resolution on indication of the country of origin of certain products imported from third countries or origin marking
Global Europe: external aspects of competitiveness
Construction of the Euro-Med Free Trade Area
Internal market: ban the placing on the market and the import or export of cat and dog fur and products containing such fur
Officially supported export credits: application of certain guidelines
Fair trade and development
Transatlantic economic relations
Information and promotion actions for agricultural products in third countries and on the internal market
Resolution on the closure of United States borders to Community clementines
Resolution on United States tariffs on steel imports
Free trade regional areas and commercial strategy in the European Union
Biosafety: transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms, Cartagena Protocol
Openness and democracy in international trade
Resolution on the preparation of the 7-9 December 2000 Nice European Council, including the common commercial policy (Article 133 of the EC Treaty)
Implications of enlargement for industry, external trade, research and energy
Community agricultural products: inward processing and competitiveness against outside countries
Resolution on textile dumping by third countries
Resolution on imports of garlic from third countries
Information and promotion actions for agricultural products in third countries
Resolution on the obligations of the United States under GATT 1994 and GATS (trade with Cuba, Iran and Libya)
Fair trade with the developing countries
Transatlantic trade and economic relations
Common commercial policy: access by transfrontier products and services of the Union to the Japanese market