Subject "6.40.02 Relations with central and eastern Europe"

Dossiers (74)

Communication on the Moldova Growth Plan
Establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for Moldova
Resolution on the challenges facing the Republic of Moldova
Resolution on the preparation of the EU-Ukraine Summit
Institutional Framework Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Recommendation
Cooperation agreement between Eurojust and Ukraine
EU/Ukraine Association Agreement
EU/Moldova Visa Facilitation Agreement: amendments and additions
EU/Ukraine Visa Facilitation Agreement: amendments and additions
Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
Negotiations of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement. Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS
EU strategy for the Black Sea
EU/Ukraine Framework Agreement: participation of Ukraine in Union programmes. Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership EC/Ukraine
EC/Moldova Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: framework agreement on the general principles for the participation of Moldova in Union programmes. Protocol
Financial and economic situation in Moldovia
Eastern Partnership
Macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
Black Sea regional policy approach
EC/Moldova agreement: agreement on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation
EC/Moldova agreement: facilitation of the issuance of visas
EC/Moldova agreement: partnership and cooperation agreement, protocol after the 2007 enlargement
EC/Bulgaria agreement: association agreement, additional protocol after the 2004 enlargement
EC/Romania agreement: association agreement, additional protocol after the 2004 enlargement
EC/Moldova agreement: partnership and cooperation agreement, protocol after the 2004 enlargement
Resolution on the OSCE Advisory and monitoring Group mission in Belarus
Support for pre-accession measures for agriculture and rural development in the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the pre-accession period
EC/Romania Europe agreement: public aid for restructuring the steel products sector, additional protocol
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement: public aid to restructuring the steel products sector, additional protocol
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement: public aid for restructuring the steel products sector, additional protocol
Health and social policy: participation of the Czech Republic in the Community programmes
2004 enlargement: accession strategies for environment with the candidate countries CEECs
Nuclear sector, safety: actions for the CEECs and the New independent States NIS
Health and social policy: participation of Bulgaria in the Community programmes
Culture Community programmes: participation of the Slovak Republic in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of Poland in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of Hungary in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of the Czech republic in Raphaël
Culture Community programmes: participation of Bulgaria in Ariane, Kaleidoscope and Raphaël
EC/Romania Europe agreement: implementation art. 64 and 9, Protocol 2, ECSC products
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of the Slovak Republic in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of Poland in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of Hungary in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of the Czech Republic in the Community programme
Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs: participation of Bulgaria in Community programme
EC/Slovak Republic Europe agreement: five-year extension for State aid
PHARE programme: decentralized system 1990-1995. Special report 3/97 Court of Auditors
CCEEs applicant for membership : assistance in the framework of the pre-accession strategy
Community audiovisual policy: participation of Hungary in the MEDIA II programme
EC/Romania Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Bulgaria Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Poland Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Slovakia Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Czech Republic Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
EC/Hungaria Europe Agreement: adaptation of institutional aspects following the 1995 enlargement
Cross-border cooperation between Community and Central and Eastern European countries CEECs: 1994 Report
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement: state aids and ECSC products
PHARE. Annual reports 1994 et 1995
Central and Eastern countries CEECs: industrial cooperation
EC/Poland Europe agreement: implementation for competition rules
EC/Hungary Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Slovak Republic Europe agreement: implementation of competition rules
EC/Slovakia Europe agreement: additional Protocol
EC/Czech republic Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Romania Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Poland Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Hungary Europe agreement: additional Protocol
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement: additional protocol
EC/Slovak Republic Europe agreement
EC/Czech Republic Europe agreement
EC/Bulgaria Europe agreement
EC/Romania Europe agreement
EC/Czechoslovakia agreement