headshot of Genowefa GRABOWSKA


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Socjaldemokracja Polska icon: PL Poland 2004/07/20 - 2009/07/13
  • Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej icon: PL Poland 2004/05/01 - 2004/07/19
  • Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej icon: PL Poland 2003/04/17 - 2004/04/30


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PSE PSE Observer Group of the Party of European Socialists 2003/04/17 - 2004/04/30
  • icon: PSE PSE Member Group of the Party of European Socialists 2004/05/01 - 2004/07/19
  • icon: PSE PSE Member Socialist Group in the European Parliament 2004/07/20 - 2009/07/13

EP staff

Show earlier staff roles...
  • Quaestor of European Parliament 2004/07/21 - 2007/01/15
  • Quaestor of Parliament's Bureau 2004/07/21 - 2007/01/15
  • Member of Quaestors 2004/07/21 - 2007/01/15


Show earlier committees...
Observer of Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market 2003/05/15 2004/04/30
Member of Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market 2004/05/03 2004/07/19
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 2004/07/21 2004/08/29
Member of Committee on Constitutional Affairs 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 2004/09/29 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2005/09/14 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Member of Committee on Constitutional Affairs 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Member of Committee on Constitutional Affairs 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2007/01/31 2009/07/13


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly 2004/09/15 2009/07/13
Substitute of Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for relations with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia 2004/09/15 2009/07/13


Responsible Committee 2008/2067(INI) AFCO Constitutional Affairs Perspectives for developing the civil dialogue under the Treaty of Lisbon
Responsible Committee 2007/0080(CNS) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Mutual assistance in criminal matters: accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the 2000 Convention and 2001 Protocol thereto
Responsible Committee 2007/0076(CNS) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Europol Convention: accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention
Responsible Committee 2007/0075(CNS) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Driving disqualifications: accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention
Responsible Committee 2005/0259(CNS) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Judicial cooperation in civil matters: jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations
Former Responsible Committee 2005/0259(CNS) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Judicial cooperation in civil matters: jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Adam GIEREK icon: PSE PSE icon: Poland Poland 17

By types

Amendments (18)
Plenary speeches (138)
Reports (6)
Written declarations (3)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
172008/0013(COD)Greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme of the Community
32005/0259(CNS)Judicial cooperation in civil matters: jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations
22007/0094(COD)Immigration policy: sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals
22005/0167(COD)Common standards and procedures for returning illegally staying third-country nationals. "Return Directive"
22006/0310(CNS)EUROPOL: establishing the European Police Office
22006/0163(COD)European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning
12008/0041(COD)Schengen Borders Code: use of the Visa Information System (VIS) at the external borders
12008/0142(COD)Patients' rights in cross-border healthcare
11998/0304(CNS)EC/Turkmenistan agreement: interim agreement on trade
12008/0252(CNS)Guidelines for the employment policies in 2009
12008/2212(INI)Facing oil challenges
12009/2516(RSP)Resolution on the return and resettlement of the Guantánamo detention facility inmates
12007/0216(COD)European passport and travel documents: standards for security features and biometrics
12007/2145(INI)Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union 2004-2008
12008/0149(COD)External assistance: facility for rapid response to soaring food prices in developing countries
12008/2673(RSP)Resolution on the EU response to the deteriorating situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo
12007/0229(COD)Migration policy: single application procedure for a single permit to reside and work, common set of rights for third-country workers
12008/0045(COD)Medicinal products for human and veterinary use: marketing authorisations
12007/0113(COD)Protection of consumers: timeshare, long-term holiday products, resale and exchange contracts
12007/0145(COD)Education and mobility: Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 action programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries
12007/2240(REG)EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 202a: use by Parliament of the symbols of the Union
12008/0087(CNS)EC/Ukraine Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: preservation of commitments on trade in services
12008/2099(INI)Reaping the full benefits of the digital dividend in Europe: a common approach to the use of the spectrum released by the digital switchover
12007/2285(INI)White Paper on nutrition, overweight and obesity related health issues
12005/0202(CNS)Fight against terrorism: processing and protection of personal data in the framework of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Framework Decision
12007/2252(INI)Mid-term review of the European environment and health action plan 2004 - 2010
12007/0121(COD)Chemicals: classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures
12007/2259(INI)Towards Europe-wide safer, cleaner and efficient mobility: the first Intelligent Car report
12008/2602(RSP)Resolution on the continued detention of political prisoners in Burma
12007/0097(COD)Access to the international market for coach and bus services. Recast
12007/0099(COD)Access to the international road haulage market. Recast
12008/2585(RSP)Resolution on the natural disaster in China
12007/2202(INI)Progress made in equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the EU (transposition of Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC)
12007/0051(COD)Livestock and meat statistics
12007/2115(INI)Development of the framework for the activities of interest representatives (lobbyists) in the European institutions
12007/0232(CNS)EC/Seychelles Fisheries Agreement: protocol for the period from 18 January 2005 to 17 January 2011, amendments
12007/2217(INI)EU election observation missions: objectives, practices and future challenges
12007/2203(INI)Green Paper on market-based instruments for environment and related policy purposes
12007/0135(CNS)Research Fund for Coal and Steel: research programme, multiannual technical guidelines
12007/2204(INI)Mid-term review of the Sixth Community Environment Action Programme
12007/2182(INI)Gender equality and women empowerment in development cooperation
12007/0002(COD)Energy statistics
12007/2147(INI)Sustainable European transport policy, taking into account European energy and environment policies
12006/2271(INI)Monitoring the application of Community law. 23rd annual report 2005
12008/2534(RSP)Resolution on Belarus
12007/2286(INI)Treaty amending the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community
12006/0290(COD)Mutual assistance and cooperation between the administrative authorities of the Member States and the Commission concerning the application of the law on customs and agricultural matters
12007/2112(INI)Policy to reduce unwanted by-catches and eliminate discards in European fisheries
12008/2510(RSP)Resolution on the outcome of the Bali Conference on Climate Change (COP 13 and COP/MOP 3)
12007/0189(CNS)European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights: adoption of a Multiannual Framework for 2007-2012 (implem. Regulation (EC) No 168/2007)
12007/2093(INI)Towards an EU strategy on the rights of the child
12006/0048(NLE)EU/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement
12007/0173(CNS)EC/Council of Europe agreement: cooperation between the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe
12007/2066(REG)EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 23: composition of the Conference of Presidents
12007/0810(CNS)Full application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia
12007/2169(INL)Proposal to amend the Treaty provisions concerning the composition of the European Parliament
12007/2094(INI)Application of the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin
12006/2251(INI)Policy plan on legal migration
12007/2624(RSP)Resolution on the safety of products and particularly toys
12007/2629(RSP)Resolution on a universal moratorium on the death penalty
12007/2621(RSP)Resolution on the financing of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
12007/2028(INI)Institutional and legal implications of the use of 'soft law' instruments
12007/0808(CNS)Convening of the Intergovernmental Conference IGC: Parliament's opinion (Article 48 TEC)
12005/0267(CNS)Exchange of information extracted from the criminal record between Member States. Framework Decision
12007/2087(INI)Road map for the Union's constitutional process
12006/0064(CNS)EC/Russia Readmission Agreement
12007/2502(RSP)Resolution on a universal moratorium on the death penalty
12006/2226(INI)Institutional aspects of the European Union's capacity to integrate new Member States
12003/0257(COD)Chemicals: classification, labelling, packaging, adaptation to the REACH Regulation (amend. Directive 67/548/EEC)
12006/2010(INI)Women's immigration: the role and place of immigrant women in the European Union
12006/2627(RSP)Resolution on the EU common immigration policy
12006/2617(RSP)Resolution on the situation in the Middle East
12006/2516(RSP)Resolution on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania
12006/2007(INI)The implications of the Court's judgment of 13 September 2005 (Case C-176/03 Commission v Council): the Commission's right of initiative, distribution of powers between the first and third pillars as regards provisions of criminal law
12006/2028(ACI)Budgetary discipline and sound financial management as well as financial perspectives 2007-2013
12005/2214(INI)Outcome of the screening of legislative proposals pending before the Legislator
12005/2175(INI)Evaluation of the European arrest warrant
12006/2529(RSP)Resolution on the Guantanamo Bay detention center and the human rights
12005/0006(COD)Free movement of persons: local border traffic at external borders of the Member States and establishment of a special "L" visa, amending the Schengen Conventions and the Common Consular Instructions
12005/2146(INI)Period of reflection: structure, subjects and context for an assessment of the debate on the European Union
12008/2067(INI)Perspectives for developing the civil dialogue under the Treaty of Lisbon
12007/0075(CNS)Driving disqualifications: accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention
12007/0080(CNS)Mutual assistance in criminal matters: accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the 2000 Convention and 2001 Protocol thereto
12007/0076(CNS)Europol Convention: accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention

See historical changes of the Bio


1944/01/01 - Przystań


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Doctor of Law (1972); assistant professor (1980); professor (since 1991); head of the Department of International and European Law at the University of Śląsk, Dean of Faculty from 1993-1996. Author of a number of publications including diplomatic law, environmental law and European law among others.
    Senator of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Chairman of the Polish delegation to the Western European Union Parliamentary Assembly.
    Member of the Legal Advisory Committee to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (1999-2001).
    Observer to and then Member of the EP (from 1 May to 19 July 2004).
    Representative of the Polish Parliament at the European Convention (2002-2003). Deputy Arbitrator at the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (since 2001). Polish delegate to the Sixth (Legal) Committee of the session of the UN General Assembly (2002).
    Member of the International Law Association in London.
    Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, Officer's Cross of the Order of Poland Reborn, National Education Medal.
    • Doctor of Law (1972); assistant professor (1980); professor (since 1991); head of the Department of International and European Law at the University of Śląsk, Dean of Faculty from 1993-1996. Author of a number of publications including diplomatic law, environmental law and European law among others.
    • Senator of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Chairman of the Polish delegation to the Western European Union Parliamentary Assembly.
    • Member of the Legal Advisory Committee to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (1999-2001).
    • Observer to and then Member of the EP (from 1 May to 19 July 2004).
    • Representative of the Polish Parliament at the European Convention (2002-2003). Deputy Arbitrator at the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (since 2001). Polish delegate to the Sixth (Legal) Committee of the session of the UN General Assembly (2002).
    • Member of the International Law Association in London.
    • Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, Officer's Cross of the Order of Poland Reborn, National Education Medal.