Nicolae Vlad POPA

headshot of Nicolae Vlad POPA


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Partidul Democrat-Liberal icon: RO Romania 2008/04/08 - 2009/07/13
  • Partidul Liberal Democrat icon: RO Romania 2007/12/10 - 2008/04/07
  • Alianţei "Dreptate si Adevar PNL-PD" icon: RO Romania 2005/09/26 - 2006/12/31


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: ALDE ALDE Observer Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe 2005/09/26 - 2006/12/31
  • icon: NA NA Member Non-attached Members 2007/12/10 - 2007/12/17
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2007/12/18 - 2009/07/13


Show earlier committees...
Observer of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2005/09/29 2006/12/31
Substitute of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2007/12/17 2009/07/13
Member of Committee on Petitions 2008/01/14 2009/07/13


Show earlier delegations...
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America 2008/01/15 2009/07/13
Member of Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee 2008/02/18 2009/07/13
Member of Delegation for relations with Canada 2008/02/20 2009/07/13


Former Responsible Committee 2008/0242(COD) LIBE Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Asylum: Eurodac system for the comparison of fingerprints of third-country nationals or stateless applicants; requests for comparison with Eurodac data. Recast



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Amendments (194)
Plenary speeches (56)
Reports (1)
Written declarations (1)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
312008/2248(INI)Impact of extensive urbanisation in Spain on individual rights of European citizens, on the environment and on the application of EU law, based upon petitions received
182008/2160(INI)Strengthening security and fundamental freedoms on the Internet
172008/2331(INI)Common immigration policy for Europe: principles, actions and tools
152008/2235(INI)Implementation in the EU of Directive 2003/9/EC on the minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers: visits by the Committee on Civil Liberties 2005-2008
132007/2212(INI)Green Paper on the role of civil society in drugs policy in the EU
122008/2173(INI)Protection of consumers, in particular minors, in respect of the use of video games
122007/0821(CNS)Cross-border cooperation to combat terrorism and cross-border crime, implementation of the Prüm Treaty. Initiative Germany
82008/2184(INI)Application of Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of EU citizens and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States
82008/2305(INI)Future of the European common asylum system
82008/2196(INI)Cross-borders transfers of company seats
82007/2253(INI)Media concentration and pluralism in the EU
62008/0802(CNS)European Judicial Network. Initiative Slovenia, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Italia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovakia, Estonia, Austria, Portugal
52008/0258(COD)Audiovisual sector: cooperation programme with professionals from third countries, MEDIA Mundus
52008/0142(COD)Patients' rights in cross-border healthcare
52008/2144(INI)Combating sexual exploitation of children and child pornography
52007/0094(COD)Immigration policy: sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals
42008/0243(COD)International protection: criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application lodged by a third-country national or a stateless person. Recast
42008/2234(INI)Problems and prospects concerning European citizenship
42008/0157(COD)Intellectual property: term of protection of copyright and related rights
32008/0242(COD)Asylum: Eurodac system for the comparison of fingerprints of third-country nationals or stateless applicants; requests for comparison with Eurodac data. Recast
32008/0070(COD)Vocational Education and Training, VET: European Credit system ECVET
22008/0244(COD)Standards for the reception of applicants for international protection. Recast
22007/0248(COD)Electronic communications: universal service, users' rights relating to networks and services, processing of personal data, protection of privacy, consumer protection cooperation. 'Telecoms Package'
22008/0041(COD)Schengen Borders Code: use of the Visa Information System (VIS) at the external borders
22009/0027(COD)Establishing a European Asylum Support Office
22007/0287(COD)Aromatised wines, aromatised wine-based drinks and aromatised wine-product cocktails: definition, description and presentation
22008/0033(COD)Dangerous substances and preparations: restrictions on the marketing and use of dichloromethane
22006/0132(COD)Pesticides: framework for Community action to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides
12007/0228(CNS)Conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment
12008/0101(CNS)European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS)
12008/0804(CNS)Strengthening of Eurojust. Initiative Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden
12007/0064(COD)Foodstuffs of animal origin: procedures for the establishment of residue limits of pharmacologically active substances
12008/0140(APP)Equal treatment: implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation
12008/0232(COD)European Social Fund (ESF): new types of costs eligible for a contribution from the ESF
11998/0304(CNS)EC/Turkmenistan agreement: interim agreement on trade
12008/0002(COD)Novel foods
12008/2289(INI)EU-Mexico strategic partnership
12008/2212(INI)Facing oil challenges
12008/2692(RSP)Resolution on the Croatia 2008 progress report
12008/0100(COD)Road safety: type-approval requirements of motor vehicles
12008/2236(INI)Review of the "European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument"
12008/0148(CNS)European Research Infrastructure Consortium ERIC: legal framework
12008/2210(INI)Wilderness in Europe
12008/2239(INI)Second strategic energy review
12008/2152(INI)Implementation of Community funds in Afghanistan
12007/0216(COD)European passport and travel documents: standards for security features and biometrics
12008/2124(INL)European Authentic Act
12007/0295(COD)Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI) and access to vehicle repair and maintenance information
12008/0149(COD)External assistance: facility for rapid response to soaring food prices in developing countries
12007/0229(COD)Migration policy: single application procedure for a single permit to reside and work, common set of rights for third-country workers
12007/0272(COD)European system of national and regional accounts in the Community: implementing powers conferred on the Commission
12008/0087(CNS)EC/Ukraine Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: preservation of commitments on trade in services
12008/2099(INI)Reaping the full benefits of the digital dividend in Europe: a common approach to the use of the spectrum released by the digital switchover
12005/0202(CNS)Fight against terrorism: processing and protection of personal data in the framework of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Framework Decision
12008/0064(COD)European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009
12008/0803(CNS)Judicial cooperation: procedural rights of persons and the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial. Initiative Slovenia, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Germany. Framework Decision
12007/2271(INI)Commission's 2007 enlargement strategy paper
12005/0167(COD)Common standards and procedures for returning illegally staying third-country nationals. "Return Directive"

See historical changes of the Bio


1950/01/20 - Sibiu

  • Degree in law, 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University, Faculty of Law (1969 - 1973). 'Andrei Şaguna' secondary school, Braşov, in-depth studies in German language - special section (1965 - 1969). Specialised courses: TAIEX course (European integration); course at the INA (National Institute of Administration) - Strasbourg.
  • Member of the Standing Committee of the Romanian National Union of Bar Associations - Bucharest, elected by the Congress of Lawyers (2002 - present). Law office director, Braşov Bar - Financial management for the Braşov Bar, general management of the Braşov Bar (1989 - 1995). Lawyer, Braşov Bar - Legal assistance for natural and legal persons (1973 - 2007).
  • Senator for Braşov (2000 - 2007). District Secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party - PLD Braşov (March - December 2007). President of the PLD Braşov (March - December 2007). President of the National Liberal Party - PNL Braşov (1996 - 2005). Observer in the European Parliament (2005 - 2006). Quaestor in the Senate (2005). Leader of the PNL Group in the Senate (2002 - 2004).
  • Active in the following committees: Romanian Parliament Committee on European Affairs (2007); Committee on Equal Opportunities - Senate (2005 - 2007); European Parliament Committee on Justice and Home Affairs (2005 - 2006); European Parliament Subcommittee to investigate alleged CIA flights on Romanian territory (2005 - 2006); Romanian Parliament Committee on European Integration - vice-chairman (2002 - 2004); Legal Committee of the Senate (2000 - 2005).
  • Attended the meetings of the Romania-European Union Joint Parliamentary Committee (2001-2006).


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • Degree in law, 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University, Faculty of Law (1969 - 1973). 'Andrei Şaguna' secondary school, Braşov, in-depth studies in German language - special section (1965 - 1969). Specialised courses: TAIEX course (European integration); course at the INA (National Institute of Administration) - Strasbourg.
  • Member of the Standing Committee of the Romanian National Union of Bar Associations - Bucharest, elected by the Congress of Lawyers (2002 - present). Law office director, Braşov Bar - Financial management for the Braşov Bar, general management of the Braşov Bar (1989 - 1995). Lawyer, Braşov Bar - Legal assistance for natural and legal persons (1973 - 2007).
  • Senator for Braşov (2000 - 2007). District Secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party - PLD Braşov (March - December 2007). President of the PLD Braşov (March - December 2007). President of the National Liberal Party - PNL Braşov (1996 - 2005). Observer in the European Parliament (2005 - 2006). Quaestor in the Senate (2005). Leader of the PNL Group in the Senate (2002 - 2004).
  • Active in the following committees: Romanian Parliament Committee on European Affairs (2007); Committee on Equal Opportunities - Senate (2005 - 2007); European Parliament Committee on Justice and Home Affairs (2005 - 2006); European Parliament Subcommittee to investigate alleged CIA flights on Romanian territory (2005 - 2006); Romanian Parliament Committee on European Integration - vice-chairman (2002 - 2004); Legal Committee of the Senate (2000 - 2005).
  • Attended the meetings of the Romania-European Union Joint Parliamentary Committee (2001-2006).