headshot of Arnaud DANJEAN


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Les Républicains icon: FR France 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15
  • Les Républicains icon: FR France 2015/05/30 - 2019/07/01
  • Union pour un Mouvement Populaire icon: FR France 2014/07/01 - 2015/05/29
  • Union pour un Mouvement Populaire icon: FR France 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2009/07/14 - 2009/07/20
  • icon: PPE PPE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2009/07/21 - 2014/06/30
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
  • icon: PPE PPE Vice-Chair Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15

EP staff

Show earlier staff roles...
  • Member of Conference of Committee Chairs 2009/07/20 - 2012/01/18
  • Member of Conference of Committee Chairs 2012/01/25 - 2014/06/30


Show earlier committees...
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2009/07/16 2009/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Chair of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2009/07/20 2012/01/18
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2012/01/19 2012/01/24
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2012/01/19 2014/06/30
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2012/01/19 2014/06/30
Chair of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2012/01/25 2014/06/30
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Budgets 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Special Committee on Terrorism 2017/09/12 2018/11/14
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on International Trade 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 2020/02/18 2022/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Member of Committee on International Trade 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Member of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2022/01/20 2024/07/15


Show earlier delegations...
Substitute of Delegation for relations with Afghanistan 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Member of Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Member of Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly 2014/07/14 2014/09/03
Member of Delegation for relations with the United States 2014/07/14 2019/07/01
Vice-Chair of Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly 2014/09/04 2019/07/01
Member of Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand 2019/07/02 2024/07/15
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2019/07/02 2024/07/15
Member of Delegation to the Cariforum-EU Parliamentary Committee 2019/10/09 2024/07/15


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    • [javascript protected email address]


    • Phone: 003222845852
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    • Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 09E202
    • Full Address
      • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
      • Zip: B-1047
      • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


    • Phone: 0033388175852
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    • Office: Bât. LOUISE WEISS T09055
    • Full Address
      • City: Strasbourg
      • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
      • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


    Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/0296(NLE) INTA International Trade EU/Egypt Agreement: modification of concessions on all the tariff rate quotas included in the EU Schedule CLXXV as a consequence of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/2079(INI) ['AFET'] Critical technologies for security and defence: state-of-play and future challenges
    Responsible Committee 2022/2078(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Strategic Compass and EU space-based defence capabilities
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/0089(COD) ['INTA'] Geographical Indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2183(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the common security and defence policy - annual report 2021
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2102(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs The EEAS’s Climate Change and Defence Roadmap
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2207(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy - annual report 2020
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2113(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Promoting regional stability and security in the broader Middle East region
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2004(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Recommendation to the High Representative and to the Council under Rule 118 in preparation of the 2020 Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT) review process, nuclear arms control and nuclear disarmament options
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2003(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Annual report on arms export
    Responsible Committee 2019/2135(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the common security and defence policy - annual report 2018
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2019/0192(COD) INTA International Trade Further macro-financial assistance to Jordan
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/2237(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Recommendation for a Council decision establishing a European Peace Facility
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/2159(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Building EU capacity on conflict prevention and mediation
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/2099(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Annual report on the implementation of the common security and defence policy
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2276(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs EU-NATO relations
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/2067(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the common security and defence policy (based on the annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the common foreign and security policy)
    Responsible Committee 2016/0207(COD) AFET Foreign Affairs Instrument contributing to stability and peace: military actors (2017-2020)
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2104(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Role of the EU within the UN - how to better achieve EU foreign policy goals
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/0302M(NLE) AFET Foreign Affairs Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development between the EU and Afghanistan
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/0302(NLE) AFET Foreign Affairs EU/Afghanistan Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development
    Responsible Committee 2014/2220(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the common security and defence policy (based on the annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the common foreign and security policy)
    Responsible Committee 2013/2146(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs EU comprehensive approach and its implications for the coherence of EU external action
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2013/2105(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the common security and defence policy
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2012/2318(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Maritime dimension of the common security and defence policy
    Responsible Committee 2012/2138(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the common security and defence policy
    Committee Opinion 2011/0023(COD) AFET Foreign Affairs Use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime
    Responsible Committee 2009/2198(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Implementation of the European security strategy and the common security and defence policy



    Amendment Co-authors
    Name Group Country Ams
    Gabriel MATO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 164
    Iuliu WINKLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 163
    Michael GAHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 142
    Krzysztof LISEK icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 135
    Christophe HANSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 134
    Massimiliano SALINI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 134
    Monika HOHLMEIER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 129
    Brice HORTEFEUX icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 107
    Alain CADEC icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 106
    Andrey KOVATCHEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 101
    Dominique RIQUET icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 101
    Anna-Michelle ASIMAKOPOULOU icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 98
    Michèle STRIFFLER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 97
    Jörgen WARBORN icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 93
    Rachida DATI icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 92
    Daniel CASPARY icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 89
    Angelika WINZIG icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 84
    Philippe BOULLAND icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 83
    Axel VOSS icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 83
    Philippe JUVIN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 82
    Seán KELLY icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 71
    Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 68
    Michel DANTIN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 67
    Véronique MATHIEU HOUILLON icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 66
    Juan Ignacio ZOIDO ÁLVAREZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 62
    Cristian Dan PREDA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 59
    Marie-Thérèse SANCHEZ-SCHMID icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 59
    Constance LE GRIP icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 59
    Agustín DÍAZ DE MERA GARCÍA CONSUEGRA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 56
    Jean-Marie CAVADA icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 56
    Agnès LE BRUN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 52
    Liudas MAŽYLIS icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 51
    Elisabeth MORIN-CHARTIER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 50
    José Manuel GARCÍA-MARGALLO Y MARFIL icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 50
    Teresa JIMÉNEZ-BECERRIL BARRIO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 48
    Astrid LULLING icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 45
    Dominique VLASTO icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 45
    Jean-Paul GAUZÈS icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 45
    Anna Maria CORAZZA BILDT icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 44
    Mariya GABRIEL icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 43
    José Manuel FERNANDES icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 41
    David MCALLISTER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 41
    Nadine MORANO icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 41
    Jaromír ŠTĚTINA icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 40
    Heinz K. BECKER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 39
    Petri SARVAMAA icon: PPE PPE icon: Finland Finland 38
    Jeroen LENAERS icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 37
    Sven SIMON icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 36
    Danuta Maria HÜBNER icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 36
    Ivo BELET icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 35
    Lorenzo CESA icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 34
    Traian UNGUREANU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 33
    Milan ZVER icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 33
    Roberta METSOLA icon: PPE PPE icon: Malta Malta 32
    Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 32
    Alessandra MUSSOLINI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 32
    Csaba SÓGOR icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 32
    Salvatore Domenico POGLIESE icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 31
    Eduard KUKAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 30
    Françoise GROSSETÊTE icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 30
    Christian EHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 29
    Bogdan Andrzej ZDROJEWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 29
    Artis PABRIKS icon: PPE PPE icon: Latvia Latvia 29
    Nathalie GRIESBECK icon: ALDE ALDE icon: France France 28
    Frank ENGEL icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 28
    Nuno MELO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 28
    Elisabetta GARDINI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 28
    Andrey NOVAKOV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 28
    Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 26
    József NAGY icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 26
    Tunne KELAM icon: PPE PPE icon: Estonia Estonia 24
    Maurice PONGA icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 24
    Salvador SEDÓ i ALABART icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 24
    Andrzej GRZYB icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 22
    Tom VANDENKENDELAERE icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 22
    Anna IBRISAGIC icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 21
    Anne SANDER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 21
    Marie-Christine VERGIAT icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 20
    Niclas HERBST icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 19
    Marian-Jean MARINESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 18
    Tokia SAÏFI icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 17
    Barbara MATERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 17
    Enikő GYŐRI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 17
    Doris PACK icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 16
    Markus PIEPER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 16
    Annie SCHREIJER-PIERIK icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 16
    Loránt VINCZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Mircea-Gheorghe HAVA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Gheorghe FALCĂ icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Traian BĂSESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Vasile BLAGA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Siegfried MUREŞAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Ioan-Rareş BOGDAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 16
    Timothy KIRKHOPE icon: ECR ECR icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 15
    Nathalie LOISEAU icon: RE RE icon: France France 14
    Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS icon: RE RE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 14
    Lukas MANDL icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 14
    Jean ROATTA icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 13
    François-Xavier BELLAMY icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 13
    Emil RADEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 12
    Jean-Pierre AUDY icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 11
    Petru Constantin LUHAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 10
    Nathalie COLIN-OESTERLÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 10
    Georgios KOUMOUTSAKOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 9
    Renate SOMMER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 9
    Angélique DELAHAYE icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 9
    Witold Jan WASZCZYKOWSKI icon: ECR ECR icon: Poland Poland 9
    Andrew DUFF icon: ALDE ALDE icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 8
    Alf SVENSSON icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 8
    Hubert PIRKER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 8
    Kinga GÁL icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 8
    Bernd POSSELT icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 8
    Sven MIKSER icon: S&D S&D icon: Estonia Estonia 8
    Elmar BROK icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 7
    Ioannis KASOULIDES icon: PPE PPE icon: Cyprus Cyprus 7
    Elena Oana ANTONESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 7
    Lefteris CHRISTOFOROU icon: PPE PPE icon: Cyprus Cyprus 7
    Michał BONI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 7
    Mário DAVID icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 6
    Sandrine BÉLIER icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 6
    Franck PROUST icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 6
    Dragoş TUDORACHE icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 6
    Ágnes HANKISS icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 5
    Georgios PAPANIKOLAOU icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 5
    Lars ADAKTUSSON icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 5
    Andrea BOCSKOR icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 5
    Marc JOULAUD icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 5
    Renaud MUSELIER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 5
    Urmas PAET icon: RE RE icon: Estonia Estonia 5
    Geoffroy DIDIER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 5
    Inese VAIDERE icon: PPE PPE icon: Latvia Latvia 4
    Jacek PROTASIEWICZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 4
    Paweł Robert KOWAL icon: ECR ECR icon: Poland Poland 4
    José Ignacio SALAFRANCA SÁNCHEZ-NEYRA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 4
    Antonio CANCIAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 4
    Timothy Charles Ayrton TANNOCK icon: ECR ECR icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 4
    Paulo RANGEL icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 4
    Niccolò RINALDI icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Italy Italy 4
    Antonyia PARVANOVA icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 4
    Ismail ERTUG icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 4
    Nuno TEIXEIRA icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 4
    Nirj DEVA icon: ECR ECR icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 4
    Adrian SEVERIN icon: NA NA icon: Romania Romania 4
    Ivo VAJGL icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 4
    Filip KACZMAREK icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 4
    Monica MACOVEI icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 4
    Dimitrios DROUTSAS icon: S&D S&D icon: Greece Greece 4
    David CASA icon: PPE PPE icon: Malta Malta 4
    Emilio MENÉNDEZ del VALLE icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
    Anne DELVAUX icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 4
    Paul RÜBIG icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 4
    Kristiina OJULAND icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Estonia Estonia 4
    Costas MAVRIDES icon: S&D S&D icon: Cyprus Cyprus 4
    Franziska Katharina BRANTNER icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 3
    Marietje SCHAAKE icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 3
    Ioan Mircea PAŞCU icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 3
    Antigoni PAPADOPOULOU icon: S&D S&D icon: Cyprus Cyprus 3
    Rodi KRATSA-TSAGAROPOULOU icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 3
    Alejo VIDAL-QUADRAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 3
    Burkhard BALZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 3
    Oldřich VLASÁK icon: ECR ECR icon: Czechia Czechia 3
    Ramona Nicole MĂNESCU icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Romania Romania 3
    Davor Ivo STIER icon: PPE PPE icon: Croatia Croatia 3
    Norica NICOLAI icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Romania Romania 3
    Hans-Peter MAYER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 3
    Svetoslav Hristov MALINOV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 3
    Bogusław SONIK icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 3
    Tiziano MOTTI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 3
    Kyriacos TRIANTAPHYLLIDES icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Cyprus Cyprus 3
    Bogusław LIBERADZKI icon: S&D S&D icon: Poland Poland 3
    Diogo FEIO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 3
    Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 3
    Esther DE LANGE icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 3
    Jérôme LAVRILLEUX icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 3
    Michèle ALLIOT-MARIE icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 3
    Anders VISTISEN icon: ECR ECR icon: Denmark Denmark 3
    Geoffrey VAN ORDEN icon: ECR ECR icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 3
    Laurence SAILLIET icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 3
    Ana GOMES icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 2
    Marietta GIANNAKOU icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 2
    Vytautas LANDSBERGIS icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 2
    Paweł ZALEWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 2
    Javier NART icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Spain Spain 2
    Fabio Massimo CASTALDO icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 2
    Jozo RADOŠ icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Croatia Croatia 2
    María Teresa GIMÉNEZ BARBAT icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Spain Spain 2
    Louis MICHEL icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Belgium Belgium 2
    Paolo DE CASTRO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 2
    Alain LAMASSOURE icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 2
    Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 1
    Elena BĂSESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 1
    Catherine SOULLIE icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 1
    Pilar DEL CASTILLO VERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
    Maria da Graça CARVALHO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 1
    Norbert GLANTE icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 1
    Alexander Graf LAMBSDORFF icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Germany Germany 1
    Elissavet VOZEMBERG-VRIONIDI icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 1
    Emmanouil KEFALOGIANNIS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 1
    Herbert DORFMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 1
    Péter NIEDERMÜLLER icon: S&D S&D icon: Hungary Hungary 1
    Kris PEETERS icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 1
    Sandra KALNIETE icon: PPE PPE icon: Latvia Latvia 1
    Svenja HAHN icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 1
    Barry ANDREWS icon: RE RE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Liesje SCHREINEMACHER icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 1
    Jérémy DECERLE icon: RE RE icon: France France 1
    Marie-Pierre VEDRENNE icon: RE RE icon: France France 1
    Bernd LANGE icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 1
    Kathleen VAN BREMPT icon: S&D S&D icon: Belgium Belgium 1
    Isabel GARCÍA MUÑOZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 1
    Pascal ARIMONT icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 1
    Deirdre CLUNE icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Agnès EVREN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 1
    Frances FITZGERALD icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Cindy FRANSSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 1
    Benoît LUTGEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 1
    Colm MARKEY icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Maria WALSH icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Ivan ŠTEFANEC icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 1
    Peter POLLÁK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 1
    Miriam LEXMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 1

    By types

    Amendments (1920)
    Oral questions (4)
    Plenary speeches (22)
    Reports (2)
    Shadow opinions (2)
    Shadow reports (8)
    Written explanations (2)
    Written questions (2)

    By dossiers

    CountDossier ReferenceTitle
    1252012/2308(INI)Location of the seats of the European Union's institutions
    722018/2044(INI)Findings and recommendations of the Special Committee on Terrorism
    492021/0214(COD)Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
    482012/2318(INI)Maritime dimension of the common security and defence policy
    472010/2299(INI)Development of the common security and defence policy following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
    412009/2217(INI)New strategy for Afghanistan
    402015/2104(INI)Role of the EU within the UN - how to better achieve EU foreign policy goals
    392013/2188(INI)US NSA surveillance programme, surveillance bodies in various Member States and impact on EU citizens' fundamental rights and on transatlantic cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs
    362020/2113(INI)Promoting regional stability and security in the broader Middle East region
    352022/2050(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy - annual report 2022
    332011/0023(COD)Use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime
    322020/2257(INI)EU-NATO cooperation in the context of transatlantic relations
    322021/2206(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on Horn of Africa
    322022/0051(COD)Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
    302020/2003(INI)Annual report on arms export
    292018/2159(INI)Building EU capacity on conflict prevention and mediation
    292021/2183(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy - annual report 2021
    292021/2102(INI)The EEAS’s Climate Change and Defence Roadmap
    292022/0089(COD)Geographical Indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products
    272017/2276(INI)EU-NATO relations
    252022/2145(INI)EU Rapid Deployment Capacity, EU Battlegroups and Article 44 TEU: the way forward
    242014/2230(INI)Current political situation in Afghanistan
    242022/2082(DEC)2021 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
    232020/2004(INI)Recommendation to the High Representative and to the Council under Rule 118 in preparation of the 2020 Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT) review process, nuclear arms control and nuclear disarmament options
    222018/2157(INI)Council’s annual report in accordance with the operative provision 8 of the European Union Code of Conduct on arms exports
    222021/2107(DEC)2020 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
    212012/2303(INI)Arms export: implementation of Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP
    212018/2099(INI)Annual report on the implementation of the common security and defence policy
    212020/2002(INI)EU-African security cooperation in the Sahel region, West Africa and the Horn of Africa
    212019/2197(INI)Implementation of the common commercial policy – annual report 2018
    202020/2140(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Commission
    192018/0254(COD)European Defence Fund 2021–2027
    192015/2114(INI)Arms export: implementation of Common Position 2008/944/CFSP
    182010/2071(INI)Civilian-military cooperation and the development of civilian-military capabilities
    182015/2343(INI)Constitutional, legal and institutional implications of a common security and defence policy: possibilities offered by the Lisbon Treaty
    182016/2067(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy (based on the annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the common foreign and security policy)
    182023/2119(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy – annual report 2023
    172017/0125(COD)European defence industrial development programme
    162017/2121(INI)Annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy
    162015/2275(INI)Peace support operations - EU engagement with the UN and the African Union
    162019/2210(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the Western Balkans, following the 2020 summit
    162020/2117(INI)Trade related aspects and implications of COVID-19
    162024/0028(COD)Temporary trade-liberalisation measures supplementing trade concessions applicable to Ukrainian products under the EU/Euratom/Ukraine Association Agreement
    142015/0310(COD)European Border and Coast Guard
    142015/2272(INI)EU in a changing global environment - a more connected, contested and complex world
    142014/2220(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy (based on the annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the common foreign and security policy)
    142019/2136(INI)Implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy - annual report
    142022/2048(INI)Implementation of the common foreign and security policy - annual report 2022
    132019/2176(INI)Report on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Turkey
    122018/2097(INI)Annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy
    122017/2271(INI)State of EU-US relations
    122018/2004(INI)Cyber defence
    122016/2030(INI)EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties
    122021/2200(INI)Indo-Pacific strategy in the area of trade and investment
    112018/2237(INI)Recommendation for a Council decision establishing a European Peace Facility
    112018/2156(INI)Military mobility
    112017/2029(INI)Arms export: implementation of Common Position 2008/944/CFSP
    112016/2052(INI)European defence union
    112015/2274(INI)EU strategy towards Iran after the nuclear agreement
    112014/2229(INI)Security challenges in the MENA region and prospects for political stability
    102013/2105(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy
    102018/2160(INI)Post-Arab Spring: way forward for the MENA region
    102020/2023(INI)Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    92010/2124(INI)Annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) in 2009
    92015/0302M(NLE)Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development between the EU and Afghanistan
    92016/2238(INI)Private security companies
    92021/0114(COD)Regulation on distortive foreign subsidies
    92022/0142M(NLE)EU/Guyana Voluntary Partnership Agreement: forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber products to the EU
    92022/2079(INI)Critical technologies for security and defence: state-of-play and future challenges
    82015/2276(INI)Space capabilities for European security and defence
    82015/2220(INI)Implementation and review of the EU-Central Asia strategy
    82015/2258(INI)Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with special regard to the concluding observations of the UN CPRD Committee
    82020/2080(INI)Recommendation to the Council and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy concerning the Implementation and governance of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
    82022/0219(COD)European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act (EDIRPA)
    82022/2078(INI)Strategic Compass and EU space-based defence capabilities
    72013/2945(RSP)Resolution on the 2013 progress report on Turkey
    72017/2123(INI)Annual report on the implementation of the common security and defence policy
    72016/0295(COD)Control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items
    72016/2036(INI)Implementation of the common foreign and security policy
    72015/2002(INI)Review of the European neighbourhood policy
    72015/2037(INI)Impact of developments in European defence markets on the security and defence capabilities in Europe
    72014/2816(INI)Conclusion of an EU/Georgia association agreement
    62013/2149(INI)Assessing and setting priorities for EU relations with the eastern partnership countries
    62013/2020(INI)Human rights situation in the Sahel region
    62012/2026(INI)EU strategy for the Horn of Africa
    62011/2133(INI)Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement
    62011/2132(INI)Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
    62016/2325(INI)Space strategy for Europe
    62016/2031(INI)Towards a new trade framework between the EU and Turkey and the modernisation of the the customs union
    62015/2001(INI)State of EU-Russia relations
    62021/2038(INI)The future of EU-US relations
    62022/2124(DEC)2021 discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX)
    62023/2868(RSP)Multilateral negotiations in view of the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi, 26-29 February 2024
    52012/2137(INI)EU-China relations
    52010/2308(INI)European Union's internal security strategy
    52018/2150(INI)2018 Commission report on Turkey
    52016/2308(INI)2016 Commission report on Turkey
    52015/2063(INI)Prevention of radicalisation and recruitment of European citizens by terrorist organisations
    52014/2248(INI)Possible evolutions and adjustments of the current institutional set up of the European Union
    52020/2111(INI)Foreign policy consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak
    52020/2043(INI)Towards a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism
    52020/2256(INI)State of EU cyber defence capabilities
    42013/2146(INI)EU comprehensive approach and its implications for the coherence of EU external action
    42012/2138(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy
    42010/2096(INI)Setting up an EU rapid response capability
    42012/0184(COD)Periodic roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers. 'Roadworthiness package'
    42012/0309(COD)Third countries whose nationals are subject to or exempt from a visa requirement
    42017/2280(INI)Implementation of the EU external financing instruments: mid-term review 2017 and the future post-2020 architecture
    42016/2311(INI)2016 Commission report on Serbia
    42016/2228(INI)Integrated European Union policy for the Arctic
    42015/2353(INI)Preparation of the post-electoral revision of the MFF 2014-2020: Parliament's input ahead of the Commission's proposal
    42015/2273(INI)EU relations with Tunisia in the current regional context
    42015/2095(INI)Situation in the Mediterranean and need for a holistic EU approach to migration
    42014/2219(INI)Annual report from the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to the European Parliament
    42019/2135(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy - annual report 2018
    42020/2012(INL)Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
    42012/0060(COD)International public procurement instrument
    42021/2232(INI)The EU and the security challenges in the Indo-Pacific
    32012/2253(INI)2013 review of the organisation and the functioning of the EEAS. Recommendation to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, to the Council and to the Commission
    32012/2319(INI)EU's military structures: state of play and future prospects
    32011/2177(INI)Impact of the financial crisis on the defence sector in the EU Member States
    32011/2195(INI)Role of cohesion policy in the outermost regions of the European Union in the context of EU 2020
    32018/2017(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission, and the EEAS on Libya
    32015/0307(COD)Schengen Borders Code: reinforcement of checks against relevant databases at external borders
    32014/2232(INI)Human rights and technology: impact of intrusion and surveillance systems on human rights in third countries
    32021/2064(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the situation in Libya
    32022/0115(COD)Geographical indication protection for craft and industrial products
    32022/2081(DEC)2021 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission
    32023/2130(DEC)2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
    22012/2143(INI)UN principle of the 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P). Recommandation to the Council
    22009/2226(INI)Mid-term review of the European satellite navigation programmes: implementation assessment, future challenges and financing perspectives
    22009/2198(INI)Implementation of the European security strategy and the common security and defence policy
    22018/2146(INI)2018 Commission report on Serbia
    22016/2053(INI)Future of ACP-EU relations beyond 2020
    22019/0142M(NLE)EU/USA Agreement on the Allocation of a Share in the Tariff Rate Quota for imports of high-quality beef
    22020/2141(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
    22023/2122(INI)Transparency and accountability of non-governmental organisations funded from the EU budget
    12013/2125(INI)European defence technogical and industrial base
    12013/2092(INI)EU space industrial policy, releasing the potential for growth in the space sector
    12012/2096(INI)Cyber security and defence
    12011/2191(INI)Application of Croatia to become a member of the European Union
    12011/2157(INI)Review of the European neighbourhood policy
    12009/2133(INI)Institutional aspects of creating a European service for external action
    12012/0295(COD)Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) 2014-2020
    12011/0401(COD)Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation 2014-2020
    12018/2147(INI)2018 Commission report on Albania
    12015/2342(INI)Addressing refugee and migrant movements: the role of EU External Action
    12016/2047(BUD)2017 general budget: all sections
    12014/2228(INI)Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
    12015/2036(INI)Strategic military situation in the Black Sea basin following the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia
    12014/2075(DEC)2013 discharge: EU general budget, European Commission and executive agencies
    12014/2086(DEC)2013 discharge: EU general budget, European External Action Service
    12016/2147(INI)Assessment of Horizon 2020 implementation in view of its interim evaluation and the Framework Programme 9 proposal
    12016/0282(COD)Financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union: simplification
    12020/2194(DEC)Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2019: performance, financial management and control
    12020/2190(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th EDFs
    12021/2249(INI)Report on the 2021 Commission Report on Serbia
    12021/2229(INL)Composition of the European Parliament
    12019/2200(INI)Annual implementing report on the EU association agreement with Georgia
    12020/2844(RSP)Resolution on scalating tensions in Varosha following the illegal actions by Turkey and the urgent need for the resumption of talks
    12020/2208(INI)Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2019
    12021/2877(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Afghanistan
    12021/2182(INI)Implementation of the common foreign and security policy - annual report 2021
    12019/0192(COD)Further macro-financial assistance to Jordan
    12020/2207(INI)Implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy - annual report 2020
    12023/0296(NLE)EU/Egypt Agreement: modification of concessions on all the tariff rate quotas included in the EU Schedule CLXXV as a consequence of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union

    See historical changes of the Bio


    1971/02/11 - Louhans

    Education (qualifications and diplomas)

    • 1989-1992 : University, Political science: Paris Institute of Political Studies
    • 1992-1993 : University, Political science: Postgraduate diploma (DEA) in political science and international relations from the Institute of Political Studies

    Professional career

    • 1993-1994 : National service with the French navy (public service / public administration (other areas))
    • 1994-2002 : Civil Servant at the Ministry of Defence (public service / public administration (other areas))
    • 2002-2005 : France's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva (public service / public administration (other areas))
    • 2005-2007 : Adviser in a ministerial office (Foreign Affairs) (public service / public administration (other areas))
    • 2007-2009 : Lecturer at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (self-employed (other areas))

    Political career

    • 2010-2014 : UMP departmental secretary (Saône-et-Loire)
    • 2011- ... : UMP National Secretary for European Defence Policy
    • 2010- ... : Member of Burgundy Regional Council


    (these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Political career
    Professional career
    Education (qualifications and diplomas)
    Baccalaureate B (1989). Graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (1992). Postgraduate diploma (DEA) in politics from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (1993).
    Civil servant in the French Ministry of Defence (1994-2004).
    Representative of the Secretary-General of the Council/High Representative for the CFSP in Kosovo (2004-2005).
    Adviser in the private office of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs (2005-2007). Director-adviser, EZL Consulting (Paris) (2007-2009).
    Member of the National Council of the Union for the Presidential Majority (UMP) (Saône-et-Loire) (2008-2009).
    Member of the Bourgogne Regional Council, elected in March 2010.
    Knight of the National Order of Merit.
    • Baccalaureate B (1989). Graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (1992). Postgraduate diploma (DEA) in politics from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (1993).
    • Civil servant in the French Ministry of Defence (1994-2004).
    • Representative of the Secretary-General of the Council/High Representative for the CFSP in Kosovo (2004-2005).
    • Adviser in the private office of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs (2005-2007). Director-adviser, EZL Consulting (Paris) (2007-2009).
    • Member of the National Council of the Union for the Presidential Majority (UMP) (Saône-et-Loire) (2008-2009).
    • Member of the Bourgogne Regional Council, elected in March 2010.
    • Knight of the National Order of Merit.