Activities of Hélène GOUDIN
Plenary speeches (672)
Active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market (A6-0263/2009, Jean Lambert)
Active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market (A6-0263/2009, Jean Lambert)
Active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market (A6-0263/2009, Jean Lambert)
Active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market (A6-0263/2009, Jean Lambert)
Active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market (A6-0263/2009, Jean Lambert)
Active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market (A6-0263/2009, Jean Lambert)
Explanations of vote
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Explanations of vote
Trade in seal products (debate)
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Strengthening security and fundamental freedoms on the Internet (debate)
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Future of the European Common Asylum System (debate)
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The situation of fundamental rights in the European Union (2004-2008) - European area of freedom, security and justice (debate)
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Toys Directive (debate)
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Facility for rapid response to soaring food prices in developing countries (debate)
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Conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment - Single application procedure for residence and work
School Fresh Fruit Scheme (amendment of Single CMO Regulation) (debate)
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Question Time (Council)
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European Council meeting (15-16 October 2008) (vote)
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Challenges to collective agreements in the EU (debate)
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Migration to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) - Migration to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (debate)
Concentration and pluralism in the media in the European Union (short presentation)
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European ports policy (debate)
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Common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (debate)
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Policy coherence for development and the effects of the EU's exploitation of certain biological natural resources on development in West Africa (debate)
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Explanations of vote
2006 Annual report on the CFSP - Annual report on the implementation of the European Security Strategy and ESDP (continuation of debate)
Community system against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (debate)
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Community Tobacco Fund (debate)
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Human Rights in the World 2007 and the EU's policy on the matter - EU Election Observation Missions (debate)
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Implementation of the posting of workers directive following the judgments of the Court of Justice (debate)
Organ donation and transplantation: Policy actions at EU level (debate)
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EC/Guinea-Bissau Fisheries Partnership Agreement (debate)
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Debate on the future of Europe (debate)
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Accomplishment of the internal market in Community postal services (debate)
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Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (debate)
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Amendment of Directive 2003/87/EC so as to include aviation activities in the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community (debate)
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Financing the common agricultural policy
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Restructuring of the sugar industry - Common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (debate)
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Reducing alcohol-related harm (debate)
Dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption - Common organisation of the milk and milk products market - Additional rules on the common organisation of the milk and milk products markets (debate)
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Eurozone (2007) - European Central Bank (2006) (continuation of debate)
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Family life and study (debate)
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Conclusions of the G8 meeting - MDGs at the Midway Point (debate)
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Baltic Sea cod (debate)
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Common Foreign and Security Policy 2005 (debate)
Excise duty on alcohol (debate)
Housing and regional policy – Structural policies and EU cohesion – Future regional policy and innovation (debate)
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Homophobia in Europe (debate)
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The future of the European Union's own resources (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Commission Question Time
Common organisation of the market in wine (debate)
Promoting healthy diets and physical activity (debate)
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Financing instrument for development cooperation – A financing instrument for cooperation with industrialised and other high-income countries and territories (debate)
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European Chemicals Agency – Amendment of Directive 67/548/EEC on dangerous substances (debate)
Situation of people with disabilities
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The implementation of the European Security Strategy in the context of the ESDP (continuation of debate)
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Community action in the field of marine environmental policy – Thematic strategy on the marine environment (debate)
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Draft general budget for 2007 (Section III) – Draft general budget for 2007 (Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII)
Commission Question Time
Community civil protection mechanism (debate)
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The protection and welfare of animals 2006-2010 (debate)
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Improving the economic situation in the fishing industry (debate)
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Situation in the Middle East (debate)
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Increase in racist and homophobic violence in Europe (debate)
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Enlargement of the euro zone (debate)
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EC-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement (debate)
Aid effectiveness and corruption in developing countries (debate)
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EC-Denmark Agreement on the service of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (vote)
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European Institute for Gender Equality (debate)
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Commission Question Time
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Services (continuation of the debate)
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Application of the Postal Directive
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Market access to port services
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Question Time (Commission)
Homophobia in Europe
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Measures for Sugar Protocol countries
Olympic truce - Development and sport
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Humane trapping standards
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REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals)
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MEDIA 2007
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Reform of the UN, the Millennium Development Goals
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Protocol to the EEC-Comoros Agreement on tuna fishing
Tourism and development
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Members' Statute
Sustainable exploitation of Mediterranean fishery resources
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Reform of the UN
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Policy challenges and budgetary means
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Climate change
Question Time (Commission)
Situation in Sudan
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Action against hunger and poverty
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Transport of animals
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Voting time
Voting time
Voting time
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Question Time (Commission)
EU drugs strategy (2005-2012)
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Humanitarian situation in Sudan
Written declarations (5)
Amendments (11)
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital Ca (new)
Recital Ca (new)
Ca. whereas, moreover, in many EU Member States these birds have caused proven permanent damage to vegetation in certain geographical areas,
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Proposes that, by means of systematic monitoring of cormorant populations supported byin the EU and the Member States, a reliable, generally recognised and annually updated database be drawn up on the development, size and geographical distribution of cormorant populations in Europe;
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Calls on the Commission and the Member States, by promoting regular scientific researchin an appropriate manner, to provide reliable and generally recognised data on the total size and structure of cormorant populations in Europe, as well as their fertility and mortality parameters;
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to make some of the funds earmarked in the EU budget for data collection in the fisheries sector, in particular under heading 11 07 02: ‘Support for the management of fishery resources (improvement of scientific advice)’, available for investigations, analyses and forecasts of the cormorant population in the territory of the European Union, in preparation for the future regular monitoring of these species;
Amendment 170 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 47
Article 47
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 3 a (new)
Article 3 – paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to seal products originating from states with a permanent seal population, under the condition that: - the hunt is conducted according to a national management plan, - the hunt is selective and conducted under controlled circumstances and on a small scale basis, and - the hunt does not jeopardise the maintenance of a favourable conservation status.
Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 1
Article 5 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 1
5. The Commission shall adopt all measures necessary to implement this Article, such as measures on the applications to be submitted to the Commission, including evidentiary requirements, in order to obtain a derogation. In doing so, the Commission shall take into consideration the different conditions which may occur in the territories of different countries, as well as the need to ensure that animal welfare benefits already achieved are not undermined. Derogations shall be assessed specifically in view of the principle of sustainable use in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity and may not lead to unreasonable or disproportionate costs or other requirements.
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex II – point 5
Annex II – point 5
Requirements are specified as to secure that the seal and/or the hunter is sufficiently stable and that the target can be properly visualised. Other factors, relevant for the hunt in question, are also regulated.
Amendment 144 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex II – point 8
Annex II – point 8
Third party monitoringobservations of the hunt is possible, with a minimum of administrative or logistic barriers. However, third party observations must not imply any additional disturbance to the hunt or be of any threat to the security of the hunter.
Amendment 4 #
The European Parliament rejects the Commission proposal.
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 - paragraph 2 a (new)
Article 3 - paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. European vessels which benefit from the agreement shall pay the full cost of the agreement. The vessels' payments shall be in proportion to the respective catch.