headshot of Maria MARTENS


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Christen Democratisch Appèl icon: NL Netherlands 2004/07/20 - 2009/07/13
  • Christen Democratisch Appèl icon: NL Netherlands 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2004/07/20 - 2004/08/30
  • icon: PPE-DE PPE-DE Member of the Bureau Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats 2004/08/31 - 2009/07/13


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Member of Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Temporary committee on human genetics and other new technologies in modern medicine 2000/12/13 2001/11/29
Member of Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Development and Cooperation 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Member of Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Member of Committee on Development 2004/07/21 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on International Trade 2004/07/22 2007/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality 2004/09/08 2007/01/14
Member of Committee on Development 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on International Trade 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on International Trade 2007/01/31 2007/03/19
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality 2007/01/31 2007/03/27
Member of Committee on Development 2007/01/31 2009/07/13
Substitute of Subcommittee on Security and Defence 2007/03/20 2009/07/13


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) 1999/10/06 2002/01/14
Member of Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) 2002/02/07 2004/01/27
Member of Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU) 2003/10/09 2004/07/19
Member of Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly 2004/09/15 2009/07/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America 2004/09/16 2007/03/13
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America 2007/03/14 2007/03/19


Responsible Committee 2008/2318(INI) DEVE Development One year after Lisbon: the EU-Africa partnership at work
Former Committee Opinion 2008/2026(BUD) DEVE Development 2009 budget: Section III, Commission
Committee Opinion 2008/2025(BUD) DEVE Development 2009 budget: first reflections on the 2009 PDB mandate for the conciliation
Responsible Committee 2007/2002(INI) DEVE Development State of play of EU-Africa relations
Committee Opinion 2005/2247(INI) DEVE Development Assessment of the Doha Round following the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong
Responsible Committee 2005/2142(INI) DEVE Development Development strategy for Africa
Responsible Committee 2001/2251(COS) CULT Culture and Education Education and training sytems: work programme on the follow-up of the concrete objectives
Responsible Committee 2001/2193(COS) FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality Development policy: mainstreaming of gender equality in development cooperation, action programme 2001-2006
Committee Opinion 2001/2084(COS) CULT Culture and Education Employment: new European labour markets before 2005, 2002 action plan
Committee Opinion 1999/2157(COS) CULT Culture and Education Free movement of persons: right of residence (direct. 90/364/EEC, 90/365/EEC, 93/96/EC, 64/221/EEC)
Committee Opinion 1999/0253(CNS) FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality Implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin. Racial Equality Directive
Committee Opinion 1999/0225(CNS) FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality Equal treatment in employment and occupation. Employment Equality Directive
Committee Opinion 1997/2180(COS) FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality Czech Republic: membership application and partnership, 17 January 1996



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Pierre SCHAPIRA icon: PSE PSE icon: France France 13
Ana GOMES icon: PSE PSE icon: Portugal Portugal 4
Marie-Arlette CARLOTTI icon: PSE PSE icon: France France 1

By types

Amendments (47)
Opinions (3)
Plenary speeches (86)
Reports (5)
Written declarations (1)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
412008/2318(INI)One year after Lisbon: the EU-Africa partnership at work
62007/2180(INI)Activities of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in 2007
32008/2197(INI)Role of NATO in the security architecture of the EU
22007/2002(INI)State of play of EU-Africa relations
22007/2103(INI)The Millennium Development Goals at the Midway Point
12007/0064(COD)Foodstuffs of animal origin: procedures for the establishment of residue limits of pharmacologically active substances
12008/2026(BUD)2009 budget: Section III, Commission
12008/2026B(BUD)2009 budget: other sections
12008/2025(BUD)2009 budget: first reflections on the 2009 PDB mandate for the conciliation
12008/2048(INI)Follow-up of the Paris Declaration of 2005 on aid effectiveness
12007/2188(INI)Global efficiency and renewable energy fund
12008/2503(RSP)Resolution on Kenya
12007/2021(INI)Activities of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in 2006
12006/2236(INI)EU's aid for trade
12006/0807(CNS)External assistance: a financing instrument for cooperation with industrialised countries and territories and other high-income countries and territories
12006/2615(RSP)Resolution on the suspension of negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda
12006/2575(RSP)Resolution on counterfeiting of medicinal products
12005/2104(INI)Activities of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in 2005
12005/2247(INI)Assessment of the Doha Round following the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong
12005/2162(INI)The impact of economic partnership agreements on development
12001/2193(COS)Development policy: mainstreaming of gender equality in development cooperation, action programme 2001-2006
12001/2251(COS)Education and training sytems: work programme on the follow-up of the concrete objectives
12005/2142(INI)Development strategy for Africa

See historical changes of the Bio


1955/01/08 - Doetinchem

  • Higher degree in theology (1984); NIMA (Netherlands Marketing Institute) A and B diplomas.
  • Lecturer in Life Philosophy (1984). Foreign Affairs Secretary, Netherlands Mission Council (1984-1988). Study secretary, VKMO (Association of Catholic Social Organisations) (1988-1999).
  • Chairwoman, Nijmegen CDA. Member of the party council. Member of the editorial team of CD Verkenningen.
  • Chairwoman, European Forum of National Committees of the Laity (1996-2000). Chairwoman, Netherlands Episcopal Committee for the year 2000 (1996-2000). Member of the governing board of the Catholic Theological University, Utrecht (since 1998).
  • Member of the European Parliament (since 1999).


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • Higher degree in theology (1984); NIMA (Netherlands Marketing Institute) A and B diplomas.
  • Lecturer in Life Philosophy (1984). Foreign Affairs Secretary, Netherlands Mission Council (1984-1988). Study secretary, VKMO (Association of Catholic Social Organisations) (1988-1999).
  • Chairwoman, Nijmegen CDA. Member of the party council. Member of the editorial team of CD Verkenningen.
  • Chairwoman, European Forum of National Committees of the Laity (1996-2000). Chairwoman, Netherlands Episcopal Committee for the year 2000 (1996-2000). Member of the governing board of the Catholic Theological University, Utrecht (since 1998).
  • Member of the European Parliament (since 1999).