Catherine BEARDER
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- Liberal Democrats United Kingdom 2019/07/02 - 2020/01/31
- Liberal Democrats United Kingdom 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
- Liberal Democrats Party United Kingdom 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
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EP staff
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- Member of Parliament's Bureau 2014/07/02 - 2017/01/16
- Quaestor of European Parliament 2014/07/02 - 2017/01/17
- Member of Quaestors 2014/07/02 - 2017/01/17
- Quaestor of European Parliament 2017/01/18 - 2019/07/01
- Member of Parliament's Bureau 2017/01/18 - 2019/07/01
- Member of Quaestors 2017/01/18 - 2019/07/01
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Role | Delegation | Start | End |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the United States | 2009/09/16 | 2014/06/30 |
Member of | Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly | 2009/09/16 | 2014/06/30 |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with South Africa | 2014/07/14 | 2019/07/01 |
Member of | Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly | 2014/07/14 | 2019/07/01 |
Member of | Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly | 2019/07/02 | 2020/01/31 |
Substitute of | Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee | 2019/07/02 | 2020/01/31 |
Substitute of | Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly | 2019/07/02 | 2020/01/31 |
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- European Parliament
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Type | Dossier | Committee | Title |
Responsible Committee | 2018/2792(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Europe that protects: Clean air for all |
Responsible Committee | 2018/2775(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on use of cannabis for medicinal purposes |
Responsible Committee | 2017/2712(RSP) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Resolution on whale hunting in Norway |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/2222(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Palm oil and deforestation of rainforests |
Responsible Committee | 2016/2076(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | EU action plan against wildlife trafficking |
Committee Opinion | 2015/2340(INI) | FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality | Fight against trafficking in human beings in the EU's external relations |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/2137(INI) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Mid-term review of the EU's biodiversity strategy |
Responsible Committee | 2015/2118(INI) | FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality | Implementation of the Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims from a gender perspective |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/2007(INI) | FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality | Gender equality and empowering women in the digital age |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/2250(INI) | FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality | Empowering girls through education in the EU |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2014/2160(INI) | FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality | Application of Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2990(RSP) | INTA International Trade | Resolution on the conclusion of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement between the EU and Indonesia on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber products into the EU |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0448(NLE) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Convention (1979) on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution: amendment to the 1999 Protocol to abate acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0443(COD) | ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety | Reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants |
Committee Opinion | 2013/0307(COD) | INTA International Trade | Prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0205(NLE) | INTA International Trade | EU/Indonesia Voluntary Partnership Agreement: forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber products to the EU |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0201(CNS) | INTA International Trade | Rules and procedures to enable the participation of Greenland in the Kimberley Process certification scheme |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0198(COD) | INTA International Trade | Inclusion of Greenland in implementing the Kimberley Process certification scheme |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0010(COD) | INTA International Trade | FLEGT licensing scheme for imports of timber into the EU: aligning the Regulation with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2225(INI) | INTA International Trade | Trade and investment-driven growth for developing countries |
Committee Opinion | 2011/2307(INI) | REGI Regional Development | Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0263(COD) | INTA International Trade | EU/Central America Association Agreement: implementation of the bilateral safeguard clause and the stabilisation mechanism for bananas |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0262(COD) | INTA International Trade | EU/Colombia and Peru Trade Agreement: implementation of the bilateral safeguard clause and stabilisation mechanism for bananas |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0249(NLE) | INTA International Trade | EU/Colombia and Peru Trade Agreement |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/0343(NLE) | INTA International Trade | International Cocoa Agreement 2010 |
Amendment Co-authors
Name | Group | Country | Ams |
Gerben-Jan GERBRANDY | ALDE | Netherlands | 316 |
Fredrick FEDERLEY | ALDE | Sweden | 168 |
Nils TORVALDS | ALDE | Finland | 132 |
Beatriz BECERRA BASTERRECHEA | ALDE | Spain | 127 |
Angelika MLINAR | ALDE | Austria | 122 |
Frédérique RIES | ALDE | Belgium | 118 |
Ulrike MÜLLER | ALDE | Germany | 115 |
Sophia IN 'T VELD | ALDE | Netherlands | 104 |
José Inácio FARIA | ALDE | Portugal | 99 |
Anneli JÄÄTTEENMÄKI | ALDE | Finland | 98 |
Jan HUITEMA | ALDE | Netherlands | 90 |
Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA | ALDE | Spain | 79 |
Pavel TELIČKA | ALDE | Czechia | 54 |
Louis MICHEL | ALDE | Belgium | 51 |
Marian HARKIN | ALDE | Ireland | 35 |
Carolina PUNSET | ALDE | Spain | 30 |
Gesine MEISSNER | ALDE | Germany | 26 |
Jasenko SELIMOVIC | ALDE | Sweden | 26 |
Richard HOWITT | S&D | United Kingdom | 24 |
Pavel POC | S&D | Czechia | 19 |
Keith TAYLOR | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 19 |
Gérard DEPREZ | ALDE | Belgium | 16 |
Merja KYLLÖNEN | GUE/NGL | Finland | 16 |
Helmut SCHOLZ | GUE/NGL | Germany | 15 |
Seb DANCE | S&D | United Kingdom | 15 |
Tonino PICULA | S&D | Croatia | 15 |
Ulrike RODUST | S&D | Germany | 15 |
Jozo RADOŠ | ALDE | Croatia | 15 |
Demetris PAPADAKIS | S&D | Cyprus | 15 |
Ivan JAKOVČIĆ | ALDE | Croatia | 15 |
Younous OMARJEE | GUE/NGL | France | 15 |
Ricardo SERRÃO SANTOS | S&D | Portugal | 15 |
Renate SOMMER | PPE | Germany | 15 |
Marit PAULSEN | ALDE | Sweden | 15 |
Nathalie GRIESBECK | ALDE | France | 15 |
Jan ZAHRADIL | ECR | Czechia | 14 |
Robert STURDY | ECR | United Kingdom | 12 |
Charles GOERENS | ALDE | Luxembourg | 12 |
Robert ROCHEFORT | ALDE | France | 12 |
Paul MURPHY | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 11 |
Yannick JADOT | Verts/ALE | France | 11 |
Paavo VÄYRYNEN | ALDE | Finland | 11 |
Morten PETERSEN | ALDE | Denmark | 11 |
Judith SARGENTINI | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 10 |
Mark DEMESMAEKER | Verts/ALE | Belgium | 9 |
Thierry CORNILLET | ALDE | France | 9 |
Anne-Marie MINEUR | GUE/NGL | Netherlands | 9 |
Bas EICKHOUT | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 9 |
Norbert NEUSER | S&D | Germany | 8 |
Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ | S&D | Romania | 8 |
Kostas CHRYSOGONOS | GUE/NGL | Greece | 8 |
Sabine LÖSING | GUE/NGL | Germany | 8 |
Fabio Massimo CASTALDO | EFDD | Italy | 8 |
Ignazio CORRAO | EFDD | Italy | 8 |
Linda McAVAN | S&D | United Kingdom | 8 |
Marietje SCHAAKE | ALDE | Netherlands | 8 |
António MARINHO E PINTO | ALDE | Portugal | 8 |
Jörg LEICHTFRIED | S&D | Austria | 7 |
Bernd LANGE | S&D | Germany | 7 |
Iratxe GARCÍA PÉREZ | S&D | Spain | 7 |
Jo LEINEN | S&D | Germany | 7 |
Enrique GUERRERO SALOM | S&D | Spain | 6 |
Pina PICIERNO | S&D | Italy | 6 |
Ramon TREMOSA i BALCELLS | ALDE | Spain | 5 |
Alexander Graf LAMBSDORFF | ALDE | Germany | 5 |
Olli REHN | ALDE | Finland | 5 |
Anna Maria CORAZZA BILDT | PPE | Sweden | 5 |
Bart STAES | Verts/ALE | Belgium | 5 |
Ulrike LUNACEK | Verts/ALE | Austria | 5 |
Elly SCHLEIN | S&D | Italy | 5 |
Jan Philipp ALBRECHT | Verts/ALE | Germany | 5 |
Ivan ŠTEFANEC | PPE | Slovakia | 5 |
Dennis de JONG | GUE/NGL | Netherlands | 5 |
Ernest URTASUN | Verts/ALE | Spain | 5 |
Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ | PPE | Czechia | 5 |
Lynn BOYLAN | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 5 |
Metin KAZAK | ALDE | Bulgaria | 4 |
Michael THEURER | ALDE | Germany | 4 |
Kartika Tamara LIOTARD | GUE/NGL | Netherlands | 4 |
George LYON | ALDE | United Kingdom | 4 |
Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS | ALDE | Lithuania | 4 |
Dita CHARANZOVÁ | ALDE | Czechia | 4 |
Jeroen LENAERS | PPE | Netherlands | 4 |
Luigi MORGANO | S&D | Italy | 4 |
Anneleen VAN BOSSUYT | ECR | Belgium | 4 |
Benedek JÁVOR | Verts/ALE | Hungary | 4 |
Nicola CAPUTO | S&D | Italy | 4 |
Molly SCOTT CATO | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 4 |
Ruža TOMAŠIĆ | ECR | Croatia | 4 |
Morten MESSERSCHMIDT | ECR | Denmark | 4 |
Felix REDA | Verts/ALE | Germany | 4 |
Evgeni KIRILOV | S&D | Bulgaria | 3 |
Phil BENNION | ALDE | United Kingdom | 3 |
Georges BACH | PPE | Luxembourg | 3 |
Brian SIMPSON | S&D | United Kingdom | 3 |
Miapetra KUMPULA-NATRI | S&D | Finland | 3 |
Anneliese DODDS | S&D | United Kingdom | 3 |
Ulla TØRNÆS | ALDE | Denmark | 3 |
Pascal ARIMONT | PPE | Belgium | 3 |
Jens GEIER | S&D | Germany | 3 |
Salvatore Domenico POGLIESE | PPE | Italy | 3 |
Ashley FOX | ECR | United Kingdom | 3 |
Ivo BELET | PPE | Belgium | 3 |
Daniel DALTON | ECR | United Kingdom | 3 |
Richard SULÍK | ECR | Slovakia | 3 |
Tiemo WÖLKEN | S&D | Germany | 3 |
Angélique DELAHAYE | PPE | France | 3 |
Linnéa ENGSTRÖM | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 3 |
Maria ARENA | S&D | Belgium | 3 |
Marc TARABELLA | S&D | Belgium | 3 |
Sir Graham WATSON | ALDE | United Kingdom | 2 |
Niccolò RINALDI | ALDE | Italy | 2 |
Edward MCMILLAN-SCOTT | ALDE | United Kingdom | 2 |
Julie GIRLING | ECR | United Kingdom | 2 |
Anthea McINTYRE | ECR | United Kingdom | 2 |
Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ | PPE | Czechia | 2 |
Igor ŠOLTES | Verts/ALE | Slovenia | 2 |
Henna VIRKKUNEN | PPE | Finland | 2 |
Rina Ronja KARI | GUE/NGL | Denmark | 2 |
Marisa MATIAS | GUE/NGL | Portugal | 2 |
Aldo PATRICIELLO | PPE | Italy | 2 |
Evžen TOŠENOVSKÝ | ECR | Czechia | 2 |
Giovanni LA VIA | PPE | Italy | 2 |
Paul TANG | S&D | Netherlands | 2 |
Esther DE LANGE | PPE | Netherlands | 2 |
Tom VANDENKENDELAERE | PPE | Belgium | 2 |
Peter van DALEN | ECR | Netherlands | 2 |
Diane DODDS | NA | United Kingdom | 2 |
Alessia Maria MOSCA | S&D | Italy | 2 |
Peter LIESE | PPE | Germany | 2 |
Karl-Heinz FLORENZ | PPE | Germany | 2 |
Elisabeth KÖSTINGER | PPE | Austria | 2 |
Malin BJÖRK | GUE/NGL | Sweden | 2 |
Filiz HYUSMENOVA | ALDE | Bulgaria | 2 |
Marielle DE SARNEZ | ALDE | France | 1 |
Jens ROHDE | ALDE | Denmark | 1 |
Fiona HALL | ALDE | United Kingdom | 1 |
Bill NEWTON DUNN | ALDE | United Kingdom | 1 |
Baroness Sarah LUDFORD | ALDE | United Kingdom | 1 |
Rebecca TAYLOR | ALDE | United Kingdom | 1 |
Andrew DUFF | ALDE | United Kingdom | 1 |
Judith A. MERKIES | S&D | Netherlands | 1 |
Karin KADENBACH | S&D | Austria | 1 |
Victor BOŞTINARU | S&D | Romania | 1 |
Chris DAVIES | ALDE | United Kingdom | 1 |
John HOWARTH | S&D | United Kingdom | 1 |
Miriam DALLI | S&D | Malta | 1 |
Marita ULVSKOG | S&D | Sweden | 1 |
Ivo VAJGL | ALDE | Slovenia | 1 |
Anja HAZEKAMP | GUE/NGL | Netherlands | 1 |
Olle LUDVIGSSON | S&D | Sweden | 1 |
Anna HEDH | S&D | Sweden | 1 |
Brando BENIFEI | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Romana TOMC | PPE | Slovenia | 1 |
Evelyn REGNER | S&D | Austria | 1 |
Martina ANDERSON | GUE/NGL | United Kingdom | 1 |
Philippe DE BACKER | ALDE | Belgium | 1 |
Cora van NIEUWENHUIZEN | ALDE | Netherlands | 1 |
Jeppe KOFOD | S&D | Denmark | 1 |
Lara COMI | PPE | Italy | 1 |
Paul RÜBIG | PPE | Austria | 1 |
Andrey KOVATCHEV | PPE | Bulgaria | 1 |
Markus FERBER | PPE | Germany | 1 |
Monika HOHLMEIER | PPE | Germany | 1 |
Clare MOODY | S&D | United Kingdom | 1 |
Monika VANA | Verts/ALE | Austria | 1 |
Patricija ŠULIN | PPE | Slovenia | 1 |
Anders VISTISEN | ECR | Denmark | 1 |
Heidi HAUTALA | Verts/ALE | Finland | 1 |
Simona BONAFÈ | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Daniele VIOTTI | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Massimo PAOLUCCI | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Patrizia TOIA | S&D | Italy | 1 |
Lambert van NISTELROOIJ | PPE | Netherlands | 1 |
Helga STEVENS | ECR | Belgium | 1 |
Sander LOONES | ECR | Belgium | 1 |
Mark DEMESMAEKER | ECR | Belgium | 1 |
Kaja KALLAS | ALDE | Estonia | 1 |
Terry REINTKE | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
By types
Amendments (977)Institutional motions (4)
Plenary speeches (1)
Written questions (5)
By dossiers
Count | Dossier Reference | Title |
59 | 2015/0275(COD) | Waste: resource efficiency. Circular economy package |
48 | 2015/2118(INI) | Implementation of the Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims from a gender perspective |
41 | 2016/2076(INI) | EU action plan against wildlife trafficking |
41 | 2015/2137(INI) | Mid-term review of the EU's biodiversity strategy |
39 | 2013/0443(COD) | Reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants |
37 | 2016/0382(COD) | Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. Recast |
27 | 2015/0276(COD) | Packaging and packaging waste: resource efficiency. Circular economy package |
26 | 2011/0276(COD) | Common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund; general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund |
25 | 2018/2035(INI) | European strategy for plastics in a circular economy |
22 | 2017/2012(INI) | Gender equality and women's empowerment: transforming the lives of girls and women through EU external relations 2016-2020 |
21 | 2011/0308(COD) | Company law: annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings |
21 | 2014/2217(INI) | Progress on equality between women and men in the European Union in 2013 |
19 | 2014/0059(COD) | Supply chain due diligence obligations for Union importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas |
19 | 2014/2160(INI) | Application of Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation |
19 | 2014/2152(INI) | EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015 |
18 | 2014/2239(INI) | Follow up to the European citizens' initiative Right2Water |
18 | 2014/2143(INI) | EU and global development framework after 2015 |
17 | 2011/0275(COD) | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): support to the Investment for growth and jobs goal, 2014-2020 |
17 | 2016/2222(INI) | Palm oil and deforestation of rainforests |
16 | 2018/2599(RSP) | |
15 | 2012/0288(COD) | Fuels and energy from renewable sources: transition to biofuels to deliver greenhouse gas savings |
15 | 2013/0435(COD) | Novel foods |
15 | 2014/2250(INI) | Empowering girls through education in the EU |
13 | 2014/2208(INI) | Resource efficiency: moving towards a circular economy |
12 | 2010/0289(COD) | Emergency autonomous trade preferences for Pakistan |
12 | 2014/2204(INI) | Ebola crisis: long-term lessons and how to strengthen health systems in developing countries to prevent future crises |
12 | 2016/0014(COD) | Approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles |
11 | 2017/2083(INI) | EU-Africa strategy: a boost for development |
11 | 2015/0274(COD) | Landfill of waste: resource efficiency. Circular economy package |
11 | 2015/2340(INI) | Fight against trafficking in human beings in the EU's external relations |
10 | 2017/2819(RSP) | Resolution on an action plan for nature, people and the economy |
10 | 2014/2153(INI) | European energy security strategy |
10 | 2015/2007(INI) | Gender equality and empowering women in the digital age |
9 | 2012/2225(INI) | Trade and investment-driven growth for developing countries |
9 | 2013/0307(COD) | Prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species |
9 | 2011/2196(INI) | Future of regional airports and air services in the EU |
9 | 2018/2775(RSP) | Resolution on use of cannabis for medicinal purposes |
9 | 2014/2238(INI) | Green employment initiative: tapping into the job creation potential of the green economy |
8 | 2012/0000(RSP) | |
8 | 2010/2152(INI) | New trade policy for Europe under the Europe 2020 strategy |
8 | 2012/2031(INI) | Protection of animals during transport |
8 | 2011/0380(COD) | European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020 |
8 | 2014/2228(INI) | Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) |
8 | 2014/0100(COD) | Organic production and labelling of organic products |
8 | 2014/0011(COD) | Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme: establishment and operation of a market stability reserve |
8 | 2016/0148(COD) | Cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws |
7 | 2011/0415(COD) | Implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action (2014-2020) |
7 | 2011/0412(COD) | Financing instrument for democracy and human rights worldwide (2014-2020) |
7 | 2012/2224(INI) | Advancing development through trade |
7 | 2009/0072(CNS) | European Year of Volunteering 2011 |
7 | 2014/2150(INI) | Regulatory fitness and performance programme (REFIT): state of play and outlook |
6 | 2011/0405(COD) | European Neighbourhood Instrument 2014-2020 |
6 | 2009/2201(INI) | Corporate and social responsibility in international trade agreements |
6 | 2011/2194(INI) | Review of the 6th environment action programme and the setting of priorities for the 7th environment action programme |
6 | 2010/2040(INI) | Integrated maritime policy (IMP) - Evaluation of progress made and new challenges |
6 | 2015/2220(INI) | Implementation and review of the EU-Central Asia strategy |
5 | 2011/2068(INI) | Resource-efficient Europe |
5 | 2017/2006(INI) | Role of EU regions and cities in implementing the COP 21 Paris Agreement on Climate Change |
5 | 2015/2227(INI) | Enhancing innovation and economic development in future European farm management |
5 | 2013/0442(COD) | Limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants |
5 | 2015/2038(INI) | Implementation of the 2010 recommendations of Parliament on social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility |
5 | 2015/0000(INI) | |
4 | 2011/0404(COD) | Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) 2014-2020 |
4 | 2011/0117(COD) | Scheme of generalised tariff preferences (GSP) |
4 | 2010/2205(INI) | External dimension of social policy, promoting labour and social standards and the European Corporate Social Responsibility |
4 | 2011/2292(INI) | Small scale and artisanal fisheries and the CFP reform |
4 | 2010/2276(INI) | EU strategy on Roma inclusion |
4 | 2018/0106(COD) | Protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law |
4 | 2014/0032(COD) | Zootechnical and genealogical conditions for the breeding, trade in and entry into the Union of purebred breeding animals, hybrid breeding pigs and germinal products thereof |
4 | 2014/2254(INI) | Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union (2013-2014) |
4 | 2014/2216(INI) | Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter |
3 | 2011/2115(INI) | Trade and investment barriers |
3 | 2010/2107(INI) | Revision of the energy efficiency action plan |
3 | 2013/0137(COD) | Plant reproductive material: production and making available on the market |
2 | 2011/2056(INI) | Effective raw materials strategy for Europe |
2 | 2016/2019(BUD) | 2017 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure, Section I – Parliament |
2 | 2014/2078(DEC) | 2013 discharge: EU general budget, European Parliament |
2 | 2017/0328(COD) | European Medicines Agency (EMA): location of the seat |
2 | 2013/0157(COD) | Provision of port services and financial transparency of ports |
1 | 2010/0323(NLE) | EC/Uzbekistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: bilateral trade in textiles. Protocol |
1 | 2011/2132(INI) | Recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement |
1 | 2013/0309(COD) | Open internet access |
1 | 2009/2232(INI) | Transparency in regional policy and its funding |
1 | 2014/2154(INI) | Work of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly |
1 | 2017/2044(BUD) | 2018 general budget: all sections |
1 | 2015/2012(BUD) | 2016 budget: estimates of revenue and expenditure, Section I - Parliament |
1 | 2015/2161(DEC) | 2014 discharge: EU general budget, European Ombudsman |
1 | 2018/2088(INI) | Comprehensive European industrial policy on artificial intelligence and robotics |
1 | 2014/2119(DEC) | 2013 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) |
1 | 2014/2075(DEC) | 2013 discharge: EU general budget, European Commission and executive agencies |
1 | 2019/2817(RSP) | Resolution on the state of play of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union |
1 | 2019/2993(RSP) | Resolution on the violent crackdown on the recent protests in Iran |
1 | 2019/2730(RSP) | Resolution on the situation in Venezuela |
See historical changes of the Bio
1949/01/14 - BroxbourneCatherine BEARDER on
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
2019-03-21Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
2017-09-29Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
2014-07-27Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
CV/0 |
Attended Hawthorns School, Frinton on Sea, Essex, and St Christopher School, Letchworth, Hertfordshire. Manager, Bicester Citizen's Advice Bureau (1990-1994); Development Officer, National Federation of Women's Institutes (1994-1998); Development Officer, Victim Support, Oxfordshire (1998-2000); Regional Director - South East, Britain in Europe (2001-2009).
CV/1 |
Chair, Banbury Liberal Democrats; Chair, Liberal Democrats Conference Committee; member of the Federal Conference Committee, ELDR delegation and the Lib Dem International Relations Committee. Parliamentary candidate for Banbury (1997) and Henley (2001); European Parliamentary candidate for South East Region (1999 and 2004).
CV/2 |
Councillor: Cherwell County Council (1994-1999); Oxfordshire County Council (2003-2004).
CV/3 |
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
2012-01-21Show (1) Changes
CV |