Subject "4.40.01 European area for education, training and lifelong learning"

Dossiers (143)

Commission ex-ante analysis on the relevance of a new Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology on Water, Marine and Maritime Sectors and Ecosystems and confirming its launch in 2026
Council Recommendation on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning. Evaluation. Executive summary
Council Recommendation on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning. Evaluation
European quality assurance and recognition system in higher education. Proposal for a Council Recommendation; Attractive and sustainable careers in higher education. Proposal for a Council Recommendation; Blueprint for a European degree. Accompanying document
European Year of Youth 2022. Accompanying document
Evaluation of the Council Recommendation of 19 December 2016 on Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for adults
Education and Training Monitor 2023
Improving the provision of digital skills in education and training. Proposal for a Council Recommendation; Key enabling factors for successful digital education and training. Proposal for a Council Recommendation. Accompanying document
Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships. Evaluation. Executive summary
Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships. Evaluation
Progress towards the achievement of the European Education Area. Education and Training Monitor 2022. Accompanying document
Progress towards the achievement of the European Education Area. Accompanying document
Learning for environmental sustainability. Proposal for a Council recommendation. Accompanying document
Individual learning accounts. Proposal for a Council Recommendation. Executive summary of the impact assessment report. Accompanying document
Individual learning accounts. Proposal for a Council Recommendation. Impact assessment report. Accompanying document
Individual learning accounts. Proposal for a Council Recommendation. Subsidiarity Grid. Accompanying document
European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. Proposal for a Council Recommendation. Accompanying document
EU Youth Strategy (2019-2021). Implementation report. The situation of young people in the European Union. Accompanying document
EU Youth Strategy (2019-2021). Implementation report. Accompanying document
Green paper on ageing - Public consultation. Synopsis report
Blended learning for high quality and inclusive primary and secondary education. Proposal for a Council recommendation. Accompanying document
Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027. Accompanying document
Achieving the European Education Area by 2025. Accompanying document
Digital Education action Plan 2021-2027 - Resetting education and training for the digital age. Accompanying document
European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience. Executive summary of the evaluation. Accompanying document
European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience. Evaluation of the Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning. Accompanying document
Implementation of national Roma integration strategies. 2019 report. Roma inclusion measures reported under the EU Framework for NRIS. Accompanying document
European quality assurance and recognition system in higher education. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
Attractive and sustainable careers in higher education. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
Blueprint for a European degree
Reinforced Quality Framework for Traineeships. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
Labour and skills shortages in the EU: an action plan
European Year of Youth 2022
Evaluation of the Council Recommendation of 19 December 2016 on Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for adults. Report
Closing the cybersecurity talent gap to boost the EU’s competitiveness, growth and resilience ('The Cybersecurity Skills Academy')
Improving the provision of digital skills in education and training. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
Key enabling factors for successful digital education and training. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
Progress towards the achievement of the European Education Area
Pathways to School Success. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
Learning for environmental sustainability. Proposal for a Council recommendation
Individual learning accounts. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
EU Youth Strategy (2019-2021). Implementation report
EEA Agreement: amending Protocol 31 on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms (European Solidarity Corps programme). EU position
Blended learning for high quality and inclusive primary and secondary education. Proposal for a Council recommendation
Fostering solidarity and responsibility between generations. Green paper on ageing
Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027
Achieving the European Education Area by 2025
Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 - Resetting education and training for the digital age
European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
Implementation of national Roma integration strategies. 2019 report
European citizens’ initiative: ‘Focus on Specific Learning Disabilities on EU Level’. Commission Implementing Decision
Closing the EU skills gap: supporting people in the digital and green transitions to ensure inclusive growth and competitiveness in line with the Draghi report
Quality traineeships in the EU
Addressing urgent skills shortages and finding the right talents to boost job creation (European Year of Skills)
Improving and enforcing working conditions of trainees and combating regular employment relationships disguised as traineeships (‘Traineeships Directive’)
Provisions on the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation frameworkfor the European Solidarity Corps Programme
Start of the European Year of skills
Implementation of the current European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027
Resolution on the European Year of Youth 2022 legacy
Resolution on establishing the European Education Area by 2025 – micro-credentials, individual learning accounts and learning for a sustainable environment
European Year of Skills 2023
A new aid mobility scheme for EU students at UK universities
Resolution on plans and actions to accelerate the transition to innovation without the use of animals in research, regulatory testing and education
Implementation of citizenship education actions
European Year of Youth 2022
Resolution on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
Resolution on the future of European education in the context of Covid-19
The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach
Shaping digital education policy
Artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector
Quality traineeships in the EU
Educational systems for preserving the memory of the European totalitarianism past
Continuation of ongoing learning mobility activities under the Erasmus+ programme in the context of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU
Resolution on the implementation of the Bologna process – State of play and follow-up
Education in the digital era: challenges, opportunities and lessons for EU policy design
European solidarity corps programme 2021–2027
European semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual growth survey 2018
Implementation report on the EU youth strategy
Modernisation of education in the EU
New skills agenda for Europe
European Solidarity Corps
Resolution on the European qualifications framework for lifelong learning
Academic further and distance education as part of the European lifelong learning strategy
Follow-up of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020)
Erasmus+ and other tools to foster mobility in VET – a lifelong learning approach
Follow-up on the implementation of the Bologna process
Empowering girls through education in the EU
Implementation of the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2012
Rethinking education
Is Erasmus in danger?
Resolution on the Youth Opportunities Initiative
Declaration on development education and active global citizenship
Integration of migrants, its effects on the labour market and the external dimension of social security coordination
Education, training and Europe 2020
Modernising Europe's higher education systems
Contribution of the European institutions to the consolidation and progress of the Bologna process
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): strategic innovation agenda 2014-2020
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) 2014-2020
Erasmus+ programme for education, training, youth and sport 2014-2020
European Year of Citizens (2013)
Cuts in education budgets - EU 2020
Youth on the move: a framework for improving Europe's education and training systems
Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument: Lifelong Learning Programme, Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, Palestine
EU strategy on Roma inclusion
Innovation Union: transforming Europe for a post-crisis world
Objective 3: a challenge for territorial cooperation - the future agenda for cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation
Key competences for a changing world: implementation of the education and training 2010 work programme
EU/Switzerland Agreement: participation of Switzerland in the ‘Youth in Action' programme and in the action programme in the field of lifelong learning (2007-2013)
Better schools: an agenda for European cooperation
Educating the children of migrants
Delivering lifelong learning for knowledge, creativity and innovation - implementation of the "Education & Training 2010 work programme"
Bologna process and student mobility
Vocational Education and Training, VET: European Credit system ECVET
European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training
European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009
Action programme in the field of lifelong learning; Commission implementing powers
Adult learning: it is never too late to learn
Efficiency and equity in European education and training systems
Role of sport in education
Creation of a European qualifications framework
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning
Education and lifelong learning: production and development of statistics
Lifelong learning: key competences and access for all citizens
European Training Foundation: Director’s term of office
Education as the cornerstone of the Lisbon process
Life long learning: integrated action programme comprising Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig programmes and the Jean Monnet programme
Education and training : grants to bodies active at European level, 2004-2006 action programme
Programmes Socrates and Youth for Europe. Special report 2/2002 Court of Auditors
European area of education and lifelong learning: strategy and priorities
Education and training systems: eLearning programme 2004-2006 for integration of information technologies
Resolution on the report on the future objectives of education and training systems
Lifelong education and training. Memorandum
European Year of Education through Sport EYES 2004
Education, training and new technologies: eLearning initiative and action plan 2001-2004
European year of lifelong learning, 1996 (dec. 2493/95/EC). Report
Education, training and youth: action plan 2000-2006 for a Europe of knowledge
Access to continuing training in the Union. Report
Community action programme Socrates: financial framework 1995-1999
Learning in the information society: action plan for a European education initiative 1996-1998
European Centre for Industrial Relations, CERI
The information society, culture and education
Training, education: establishment of a European Year of Lifelong Learning, 1996