Subject "5.20.03 European Central Bank (ECB), ESCB"

Dossiers (90)

European Central Bank – annual report 2024
The 10th consecutive increase in reference interest rates decided by the ECB and its consequences
Impact of the interest rate increase decided by the ECB on households and workers
European Central Bank – annual report 2023
Arrangements between the European Parliament and the ECB on structuring their interaction practices in the area of central banking
European Central Bank: appointment of the Chair of the Supervisory Board
European Central Bank: appointment of a member of the Executive Board
European Central Bank - annual report 2022
Arrangements for the payment of contributions to the administrative expenditures of the Single Resolution Board
European Central Bank – annual report 2021
European Central Bank – annual report 2020
European Central Bank: appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board
European Central Bank: appointment of a member of the Executive Board
European Central Bank - annual report 2018
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board
European Central Bank: appointment of a Member of the Executive Board
European Central Bank: appointment of a Member of the Executive Board
Appointment of the President of the European Central Bank - Candidate: Ms Christine LAGARDE
European Central Bank: appointment of a member of the Executive Board
ECB - Annual report 2017
European Central Bank: appointment of the Chair of the Supervisory Board
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Vice-President
Final system of contributions to the administrative expenditures of the Single Resolution Board
Powers and control of the ECB
European Central Bank annual report for 2016
Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank: clearing and payment systems
European Central Bank annual report for 2015
Banking union - 2015 annual report
European Central Bank annual report for 2014
European Central Bank - 2013 annual report
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board
Collection of statistical information by the European Central Bank
European Central Bank (ECB): powers to impose sanctions
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Sabine Lautenschlager as a member of the Executive Board
State of play in the negotiations on the European Banking Union
Enquiry report on the role and operations of the Troika (ECB, Commission and IMF) with regard to the euro area programme countries
European Parliament/European Central Bank (ECB) Interinstitutional Agreement: practical modalities of the exercise of democratic accountability and oversight over the exercise of the tasks conferred on the ECB within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism
European Central Bank. Annual report for 2012
European Central Bank: appointment of the Chair of the Supervisory Board
Single Resolution Mechanism and Single Resolution Fund: uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms
Resolution on 'Towards a Banking Union'
European Central Bank annual report for 2011
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Yves Mersch as member of the Executive Board
Prudential supervision of credit institutions: conferring specific tasks on the European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB annual report for 2010
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Benôit Coeuré as member of the Executive Board
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Jörg Asmussen as member of the Executive Board
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Mario Draghi as President from 1 November 2011
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Peter Praet as member of the Executive Board, 1 June 2011
Latest developments on international currency exchange rates
ECB annual report for 2009
European Central Bank (ECB): appointment of Vice-President
ECB annual report for 2008
European Central Bank (ECB): specific tasks concerning the functioning of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
ECB annual report for 2007
European Central Bank (ECB): collection of statistical information
ECB annual report for 2006
European Central Bank: annual report
European Central Bank ECB: appointment of Mr. Jürgen Stark as member of the Executive Board, 1st June 2006
European Central Bank ECB. 2004 annual report
European Central Bank ECB: appointment of Lorenzo Bini Smaghi as member of the Executive Board, 1st June 2005
European Central Bank ECB. Annual Report 2003
European Central Bank (ECB): appointing a Member of the Executive Board
European Central Bank. Annual Report 2002
European Central Bank ECB: appointment of Mr Trichet as President from 1st November 2003
European Central Bank ECB: appointment of Mrs Tumpel-Gugerell as member of the Executive Board from June 2003
Central Bank, European System of Central Banks ESCB: voting modalities Governing Council, amend. art. 10.2 Statute
European Central Bank ECB: statistics, adjustment of the key for subscription to the capital
European Central Bank ECB. 1st annual report 2001
European Central Bank ECB: appointment of Lucas Papademos as Vice-President
European Central Bank ECB. Report 2000
European Central Bank (ECB): minimum reserves; review procedure
European Monetary Institute EMI , European Central Bank ECB: financial year 1998. Report Court of Auditors
European Central Bank ECB. 1999 report
European Central Bank ECB. 1998 report
European Central Bank ECB: further calls of foreign reserve assets
European Central Bank ECB: limits and conditions for capital increases
European Central Bank ECB, Executive Board appointment: Mrs Hämäläinen as member
European Central Bank (ECB), Executive Board appointment: Mr Domingo Solans as member
European Central Bank ECB, Executive Board appointment: Mr Padoa Schioppa as member
European Central Bank ECB, Executive Board appointment: Mr Issing as member
European Central Bank ECB, Executive Board appointment: Mr Noyer as Vice-President
European Central Bank ECB, Executive Board appointment: Mr Duisenberg as President
European Central Bank, ECB: power to impose sanctions (Article 106 6 EC Treaty)
European Central Bank, ECB: minimum reserves
European Central Bank, ECB: collection of statistical information
European Central Bank ECB, staff: privileges and immunities(exten. regul. 549/69/EEC/Euratom/ECSC)
Tax for the benefit of the EC: extension to the Central Bank ECB staff (amend. Regul. 260/68/EEC/Euratom/ECSC)
European Central Bank ECB, secondary legislation: key for subscription of the capital
European Central Bank ECB and ESCB: consultation by national authorities on draft legislative provisions